Abraham Burg is not a Zionist

Abe was a Zionist Jew and big man in the racket. Chairman of the Jewish Agency, Speaker of the Knesset, a candidate for the Labour leadership show that.

Now he has gone the other way. Perhaps he realized that murdering Arabs was never going to make friends in the big, wide world. Who knows? He can undoubtedly tell us where the skeletons are. He helped create them. He was Bronfman's Number 2 in shaking down Swiss banks - see Bankers and Robbers. He was a thief as well as a politician.

His change of heart has not gone down well among the hooligans that run Palestine, the Stolen Land that they call Israel. His book is called Defeating Hitler but it is not in English. Here are  links to his interview with Haaretz and some very disgruntled Zionist sources. The Wikipedia wrote him up and suppressed the truth about him going the other way - see  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avraham_Burg. The Wiki is a propaganda machine.

Complete Abraham Burg Interview - Leaving the Zionist Ghetto
The Israel of "Defeating Hitler" is a very harsh place. Brutal and imperialist, confrontational and insular. A shallow place, thuggish, lacking spiritual inspiration....

Do we have to amend the Law of Return?
"We have to open the discussion. The Law of Return is an apologetic law. It is the mirror image of Hitler. I don't want Hitler to define my identity."...

... Israel is a frightened society. To look for the source of the obsession with force and to uproot it, you have to deal with the fears. And the meta-fear, the primal fear is the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust."
Haaretz did this interview but it was not found on searching their site. One of those things? It was at


Real History and the Shakedown of the Swiss Banks
"It began in 1995, as two important gentlemen, Edgar Bronfman, chairman of the World Jewish Congress, and Abraham Burg, a rising star of Israeli politics,"
Avraham was on the inside. He knows where the dirt is and he has walked away and babbled. No wonder the crooks are annoyed.


Avrum Burg's act of infamy
QUOTE ex Isi Leibler
Avrum Burg's crude attacks are merely a rehash of the standard, cliché-ridden tracts churned out by those seeking to delegitimize the Jewish state.
Leibler is a Jew and lawyer who operated in Melbourne.


An Unsealed Room: Trouble In the French Mafia: Avrum Burg in Le Monde
For the past month, my in-laws have been able to talk about little else other than the scandal which is rocking their Jerusalem synagogue... The crux of the matter is this: Lucien Lazare, who is the father-in-law of leftwing Knesset member from Labor Avrum Burg, translated an extremely controversial opinion piece into French for publication in Le Monde.... When I say controversial...I mean really controversial. Its title: Zionism is dead. Here's a taste:
Did they integrate in France? No. Are they French or Jews? Where do their loyalties lie?


On the eve of destruction
He caused a furore - so does Avraham Burg regret his harsh, apocalyptic remarks on the failures of Zionism? Not one bit: 'I am directing all my energy to the central effort of saving Israel from the occupation, of saving Zionism from itself.'
Some one approves of him. He did the interviewing too.


Avrum Burg's act of infamy
In virtually every era of Jewish history, renegade Jews have emerged as effective disseminators of hatred against their kinsmen. During the Middle Ages, a number of Jewish converts to Christianity became the most effective promoters of anti-Semitism, adept at distorting Jewish texts in order to demonize Jews, whom they portrayed as Satan's emissaries [ they did know what they were talking about - Editor ] . But their impact rarely extended beyond the region in which they lived, or the limited circulation of manuscripts or tracts which they produced.

In the current global environment of instant communication via the media and Internet, contemporary Jewish demonizers of the Jewish people or its surrogate, Israel, can achieve instantaneous global exposure [ which is why Jews buy or control the media - Editor ].
Leibler was a lawyer - he is big on sound, weak on content.


Avrum Burg Comes Through
I knew it would happen sooner or later...Avrum Burg, a past Secretary General of the Jewish Agency and Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, has given up on Israel and Political Zionism...

Mostly because he realizes that the problem with Israel is not the Arabs but Israel itself. The Jewish people have are suffering from a collective Holocaust trauma.
A Jewish academic approves.


Make the World a Better Place
Avrum Burg and Yasser Abed Rabbo, the architects of the Geneva Accords, spoke to Seattle audiences yesterday about their vision of a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Burg is a Labor party member of the Israeli Knesset and Rabbo is former Information Minister in the Palestinian Authority.
Some one else approves.


Avrum Burg a former Zionist
During the many years I served in the Jewish Agency, on behalf of the OU and Mizrachi, I had many negative encounters with Avrum Burg. Some hint of it is documented in my book.
Walking around with a mini-yarmulke, he was the most anti-orthodox outspoken individual one could encounter. As Chairman of the Agency, he had great power, and in my opinion was utterly obnoxious. It often seemed that he said and did things to spite those who had reason to expect understanding from him.
Only his respect for his sainted father Dr Yosef Burg, one of the heroes of the creation of the State, and after his death respect for his mother kept him within a certain reasonable boundary. Because of his father, he could claim to be orthodox, though his children went to non-orthodox schools.
Once he left the Agency, and his political career crumble (member of the Knesset) ,he removed himself from the mainstream.
Now, Burg in an interview in Haaretz, said he is no longer a Zionist, and is in favor of abrogating the Law of Return. Burg also called on Israelis to obtain a foreign passport.
He brings great shame on his family, and is a discredit to the religious Zionist upbringing that his blessed father instilled in him. (Yosef was the head of the NRP-National Religious Party).
Another Zionist does not like little Avrum but gives no real grounds.


Avrum Burg’s act of infamy - ex Jerusalem Post
In virtually every era of Jewish history, renegade Jews have emerged as effective disseminators of hatred against their kinsmen.
This hostile article turned up in three Jewish main stream papers. Leibler was a Jewish lawyer.


Former Knesset Speaker Says 'Law of Return' Mirrors Hitler
....... most American Jews' idea of Israel is a "fantasy built on a delusion." They have little idea what it's really like; it represents Jewish dreams of power and persecution. When I went to Israel last summer, I was struck by two large sad impressions: the militarism, and the fact that Jews had as little to do with Arabs as possible. The bottom line for me came when a friend said, "They don't want us here; so we must accept that we will have one war after another..." Despair.
Another Jew thinks he is on the right lines.


The Man

Here is the one the fuss is about. He doesn't look worried. He is trying to sell his book and a bit of controversy will no harm.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated on Saturday, 23 June 2018 21:28:54