Jimmy Carter was the President of American and a sanctimonious twerp but an honest man in his way. His book tells us about collusion between the South African government and the Israelis. Other Zionist Jews were busy subverting South Africa in order to strengthen Jewish control. But that is another story. For something on that see the Jewish Conquest of South Africa or Jews and Communism the South African experience.
Something from Jews showing their real attitude to human rights is at THE RHETORIC OF RESIGNATION
The Carter story is here:-
From Wayne Madsen on 14 December 2006
December 14, 2006 -- President Jimmy Carter is being demonized by the Israel Lobby in the United States for his new book, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid." The Lobby objects to linking Israel's policies in the West Bank and Gaza to apartheid South Africa's racist policies. However, it may come as a shock to the Israel Lobby that Israel was South Africa's closest ally: militarily, intelligence-wise, nuclear, and financial. President Carter denies he was linking Israel to South Africa. However, this editor will take that liberty.
According to the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, "Hands down, Israel was South Africa's most important missile supplier. Pretoria got most of what it needed from Tel Aviv." The Wisconsin Project also discovered, "In June 1980, the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) reported to the National Security Council that the 2-3 kiloton nuclear test had probably involved Israel and South Africa. U.S. intelligence had tracked frequent visits to South Africa by Israeli nuclear scientists, technicians and defense officials in the years preceding the incident and concluded that "clandestine arrangements between South Africa and Israel for joint nuclear testing operations might have been negotiable." Such speculation was fueled in 1986 when Israeli nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu was interviewed by the London Sunday Times. Vanunu said that it was common knowledge at Dimona that South African metallurgists, technicians, and scientists were there on exchange programs."
Vanunu is still under house arrest in Israel, after serving a long prison sentence for his revelations about Israel's nuclear weapons program (similar revelations were recently echoed by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert).
President Carter only told half the story: Israel was apartheid South Africa's closest ally and it seeks to impose Bantustans on Palestinian territories.The Wisconsin Project's Risk Report also revealed: ". . . strong evidence of missile cooperation surfaced in 1989, when a powerful rocket took off from South Africa's Overberg Test Range and flew nearly 1,500 kilometers. It turned out to be a South African version of Israel's Jericho-II missile. U.S. officials confirmed later that the CIA had evidence of a full-scale partnership between the Israel and South Africa to develop, test and produce long-range missiles and rockets. A U.S. official who tracks missile proliferation tells the Risk Report that South Africa's space launcher, the RSA-4, was built around the same engines that power Israel's Jericho-II missile and its "Shavit" space launcher. In 1990, Washington penalized Armscor for its missile activities by banning trade for two years, but President Bush [George H. W. Bush] declined to punish Israel."
Economic cooperation between Israel and apartheid South Africa was also close, largely a result of the connections between South Africa's diamond mining operations and Jewish diamond brokerage businesses in Tel Aviv, Belgium, and the Netherlands. South Africa built a major railway in Israel and Israel built a large desalination plant in South Africa. South African ministers paid several visits to Israel at a time when the world community shunned South African officials. In 1981, Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon visited South African troops in Namibia fighting against that country's independence forces. President Carter's fellow Nobel Peace Prize winner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, has also likened Israel's policies in Palestine to the apartheid regime's treatment of blacks. The Confederation of South African Trade Unions has called Israel an "apartheid state." In 2004, two South African Jewish political leaders, Ronnie Kasrils and Max Osinky, signed a petition with 200 other prominent South African Jews equating Israel's treatment of Palestinians to South Africa's apartheid.
Three years ago, Haaretz reported that former Italian Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema said Ariel Sharon told a dinner in Jerusalem that South Africa's apartheid model was the best way for Israel to deal with the Palestinians.
The most damning evidence of Israel's support for apartheid was the close ties it maintained with South African "Bantustans," apartheid contrivances designed to keep South African blacks separate from white South Africans. These Bantustans were not recognized by any country except South Africa. However, Israel conferred quasi-diplomatic status to a number of these so-called homelands for blacks.
Yaacov Meridor, a friend of Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, established close financial links with the Bantustan of Transkei and he located offices of his computer company, Degem, in the territory. Degem marketed population surveillance computer software to the South African and Guatemalan security services. Joseph Ben Dak, an Israeli professor, became a member of the Transkei government and Ruth Dayan, the first wife of Israeli Gen. Moshe Dayan stood as a candidate for the 1977 Transkei legislative elections on a "peace" slate of candidates.
Israel and apartheid South Africa: closest of allies.
Israel was also a major financial supporter of the Bantustan of Ciskei. Former Israeli Finance Minister Yori Aridor invested heavily in Ciskei as did 14 other Israeli multi-millionaire businessmen. Israel's Gur, Incoba, and Koor Corporations were major investors in the Ciskei apartheid contrivance. Ciskei President Lennox Sebe made a state visit to Israel in 1983.
In 1985, the Bantustan of Bophuthatswana established an office, a quasi-embassy, in Tel Aviv. That development meant that Israel joined South Africa in conferring semi-diplomatic status to a South African "homeland." Bophuthatswana government officials traveled frequently to Israel. Israeli Labor leader Shimon Peres was received on a state visit to Bophuthatswana by its President, Chief Lucas Mangope. The presence of the Sun City casino complex drew a seamier side of Israeli Bantustan investments: diamond smuggling, money laundering, and prostitution. Criminal elements tied to the late Israeli racist leader Meir Kahane, Russian-Israeli gangster Shabtai Kalmanovitch, and jailed GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff virtually ran the casino business in Bophuthatswana. Kalmanovtich was later imprisoned by Israel for being a Soviet agent.
There were burgeoning cultural links between Israel and the Venda and Lebowa Bantustans. Venda's President Patrick Mphephu, along with a number of his ministers, made a state visit to Israel in 1980. Lesotho's government protested these visits as de facto recognition of their independence by Israel. The KwaZulu Bantustan chief Gatsha Buthelezi was afforded a state visit to Israel in 1985. Buthelezi was promised assistance by the Israeli government and the Histadrut labor union.
The Israeli telephone company Bezek listed Ciskei, Bophuthatswana, and Transkei as "independent" nations in their international directory.
Israel is not only practicing a form of apartheid in Palestine, it was a major supporter of apartheid in South Africa. Jimmy Carter just scratched the surface on Israel and apartheid in his groundbreaking book.
Jimmy Carter And The Dodgy Loan
Carter's Arab financiers
Hellush draws attention to this article from The Washington Times, December 21, 2006, by Rachel Ehrenfeld ...
To understand what feeds former president Jimmy Carter's anti-Israeli frenzy, look at his early links to Arab business.
Between 1976-1977, the Carter family peanut business received a bailout in the form of a $4.6 million, "poorly managed" and highly irregular loan from the National Bank of Georgia (NBG). According to a July 29, 1980 Jack Anderson expose in The Washington Post, the bank's biggest borrower was Mr. Carter, and its chairman at that time was Mr. Carter's confidant, and later his director of the Office of Management and Budget, Bert Lance.
At that time, Mr. Lance's mismanagement of the NBG got him and the bank into trouble. Agha Hasan Abedi, the Pakistani founder of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), known as the bank "which would bribe God," came to Mr. Lance's rescue making him a $100,000-a-year consultant. Abedi then declared: "we would never talk about exploiting his relationship with the president." Next, he introduced Mr. Lance to Saudi billionaire Gaith Pharaon, who fronted for BCCI and the Saudi royal family. In January 1978, Abedi paid off Mr. Lance's $3.5 million debt to the NBG, and Pharaon secretly gained control over the bank.
Mr. Anderson wrote: "Of course, the Saudis remained discretely [ sic ] silent... kept quiet about Carter's irregularities... [and] renegotiated the loan to Carter's advantage." There is no evidence that the former president received direct payment from the Saudis. But "according to... the bank files, [it] renegotiated the repayment terms... savings... $60,000 for the Carter family... The President owned 62% of the business and therefore was the largest beneficiary." Pharaon later contributed generously to the former president's library and center.
When Mr. Lance introduced Mr. Carter to Abedi, the latter gave $500,000 to help the former president establish his center at Emory University. Later, Abedi contributed more than $10 million to Mr. Carter's different projects. Even after BCCI was indicted — and convicted -— for drug money laundering, Mr. Carter accepted $1.5 million from Abedi, his "good friend."
A quick survey of the major contributors to the Carter Center reveals hundreds of millions of dollars from Saudi and Gulf contributors. But it was BCCI that helped Mr. Carter established his center.
BCCI's origins were primarily ideological. Abedi wanted the bank to reflect the supra-national Muslim credo and "the best bridge to help the world of Islam, and the best way to fight the evil influence of the Zionists."
Shortly after assuming office, in March 1977, Mr. Carter made his first public statement regarding a Palestinian "homeland." Since then, he has devoted much of his time to denouncing Israel's self-defense against Palestinian terrorism, which he claims is not only "abominable oppression and persecution" of the Palestinians, but also damages U.S. interests in the region.
By the time BCCI was shut down in July1991, it operated in 73 countries with a deficit of $12 billion, which it had managed to hide with wealthy Arab shareholders and Western luminaries. Among them Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahayan of Abu Dhabi, who gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Yasser Arafat and Palestinian terrorist groups, and who branded the United States: "our enemy number one"; Former head of Saudi foreign intelligence service, and King Faisal's brother-in-law, Kamal Adham — who with another Saudi, the banker of the royal family, Khaled bin Mahfouz, staged BCCI's attempt to illegally purchase the Washington-based First American bank, in the early 1980s.
True to its agenda, BCCI assisted in spreading and strengthening the Islamic message; they enabled Pakistan's nuclear ambitions, and helped the Palestinian leadership to amass a $10 billion-plus fortune, used to further terrorist activities and to buy more influence in the West.
BCCI founders also supported the Islamic fundamentalist opposition to the Shah of Iran, and saw it as an opportunity to undermine Western influence in the Gulf. They assisted the revolution financially, reinforcing their position within the leadership of the Iranian revolution. Ironically, the success of that revolution cost Mr. Carter his presidency.
BCCI's money also facilitated the Saudi agenda to force Israel to recognize Palestinians "rights," convincing Egyptian president Anwar Sadat to sign the Camp David Accords in September 1978. Since then, Mr. Carter repeatedly provided legitimacy to Arafat's corrupt regime, and now, like the Saudis, he even sides with homicidal Hamas as the "legitimate" representative of the Palestinian people.
In a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times, Mr. Carter again laid responsibility for U.S. bias against the destitute, depressed and (consequently) violent Palestinians on American policy makers' helplessness, over the last 30 years, against the menacing tactics of the powerful American-Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC).
However, it seems that AIPAC's real fault was its failure to outdo the Saudi's purchases of the former president's loyalty. "There has not been any nation in the world that has been more cooperative than Saudi Arabia," the New York Times quoted Mr. Carter June 1977, thus making the Saudis a major factor in U. S. foreign policy.
Evidently, the millions in Arab petrodollars feeding Mr. Carter's global endeavors, often in conflict with U.S. government policies, also ensure his loyalty.
Rachel Ehrenfeld is the director of the American Center for Democracy.
The source is a Jew whining about not being liked. It is also unchecked and archived at /data/politics Jews are cunning liars, the sort that will use the truth when it serves their purpose.
PS The Washington Times article exists. The WT is owned and controlled by Jews.
The Honorable Jimmy Carter
The Carter Center
One Copenhill
453 Freedom Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30307
Dear President Carter,
As members of the Board of Councilors each one of us has been proud to be associated with the Carter Center in its noble struggle to repair the world. However, in light of the publication of your latest book Palestine; Peace Not Apartheid and your subsequent comments made in promoting the book, we can no longer in good conscience continue to serve the Center as members of the Board of Councilors.
[Though they were proud to have been associated with an organization engaged in a noble struggle to repair the world, that noble struggle is no longer, given Jimmy Carter's criticism of Israel, sufficiently important enough to keep these protesters on board. In other words, their belief in what is good and noble in this world begins and ends with what is good for Israel. I imagine that had a plane been in the air on its way from the Carter Center to deliver food to a starving people, the signers of this letter would have had it turn about in midair upon hearing of Mr. Carter's true criticisms of Israel. After all, better to let those innocents starve than to continue to do good work in the name of a Gentile who dares criticize Israel. If the Carter Center had previously thought these people to have been dedicated members who just happened to be Jews, perhaps the center now understands that these people were in fact dedicated Zionists who just happened to be members. The center should react to their departure with a party to celebrate the organization's cleansing.]
In its work in conflict resolution the Carter Center has always played the useful and constructive role of honest broker and mediator between warring parties. In your book, which portrays the conflict between Israel and her neighbors as a purely one-sided affair with Israel holding all of the responsibility for resolving the conflict, you have clearly abandoned your historic role of broker in favor of becoming an advocate for one side.
[What thug, hauled before a court for his brutish crimes, wouldn't prefer to engage a "broker" instead of a judge or jury? I would venture to say that nothing that has taken place in the Middle East in the last sixty years is too complex to be judged. By framing their every conflict or confrontation -- even their history -- as something to be brokered, Zionists seeks to subject historical truths and current diplomacy to their bartering ways, and keep foreign concepts such as equality and justice out of the debate. Notice that even in their carefully worded letter, they describe their fictional "honest broker" as a "role" to be "played," revealing organized Zionism's predisposition to reject the notion of ever subjecting itself to the uninhibited judgement of others.]
The facts in dealing with the conflict are these: There are two national narratives contesting one piece of land. The Israelis, through deed and public comment, have consistently spoken of a desire to live in peace and make territorial compromise to achieve this status. The Palestinian side has consistently resorted to acts of terror as a national expression and elected parties endorsing the use of terror, the rejection of territorial compromise and of Israel’s right to exist. Palestinian leaders have had chances since 1947 to have their own state, including during your own presidency when they snubbed your efforts.
["Two national narratives contesting one piece of land." This ingenious application of language identifies its authors as scoundrels who would have readers believe that the conflict is about perspectives rather than facts. Chutzpah put to type, from my seat. Imagine yourself, after having been kicked in the nuts by a crazed assailant, being informed that you possess not the rights of a victim, but the right only to a narrative -- a right also awarded to your assailant. Whose values are those? Certainly not America's, and obviously not the Palestinians. Prior to sixty years ago, the Palestinians possessed an actual homeland; it was the Zionists who possessed nothing but a narrative. Today, the Zionists possess a homeland, the Palestinians have next to nothing, and this change of circumstances is the result not of a narrative, but of treachery, deception, and hatred on the part of the Israelis!]
Your book has confused opinion with fact, subjectivity with objectivity and force for change with partisan advocacy. Furthermore the comments you have made the past few weeks insinuating that there is a monolith of Jewish power in America are most disturbing and must be addressed by us. In our great country where freedom of expression is basic bedrock you have suddenly proclaimed that Americans cannot express their opinion on matters in the Middle East for fear of retribution from the “Jewish Lobby” In condemning the Jews of America you also condemn Christians and others for their support of Israel. Is any interest group to be penalized for participating in the free and open political process that is America? Your book and recent comments suggest you seem to think so.
[Once again we have Zionists howling and protesting over the suggestion that Israel's lobbyists and supporters wield too much power over what is thought and said in America, and once again they avoid issuing the challenge that is most effective at disproving a false accusation: the demand for evidence. Where is the challenge to Jimmy Carter, this man they allegedly have respected for so long, to provide the evidence of this Jewish influence? The answer is, of course, that that challenge is secured by the same lock and key that suppresses every other question that possesses the potential to unravel the sacred "narratives" of Zionists. The last thing the signatories of this letter want is for Carter to wheel out into public view the cartloads of evidence that support his bold statements. No, stay the Zionist course: attack Carter politically and personally -- no holds barred. After all, what loyalty or respect is owed him?]
In the past you would inject yourself into this world to moderate between the two sides in the pursuit of peace and as a result you earned our admiration and support. Now you repeatedly make false claims. You wrote that UN Security Council Resolution 242 says that "Israel must withdraw from territories" (p. 38), but you know the word “must” in fact is not in the resolution. You said that since Mahmoud Abbas has been in office there have been no peace discussions. That is wrong. You wrote that Yassir Arafat told you in 1990 that, "The PLO has never advocated the annihilation of Israel” (p. 62). Given that their Charter, which explicitly calls for Israel's destruction, was not revised until the late 1990s, how could you even write such a claim as if it were credible?
[As is demonstrated, the disdain they show for facts of one sort has not soured them to facts of all kinds. In the paragraph above they've seized upon a word incorrectly inserted into a referenced UN Resolution, while they themselves suspiciously fail to mention that the resolution in question makes the Israeli withdrawal from the territories a "requirement."]
You denied on Denver radio on December 12 that Palestinian Prime Minister Haniyah said he would never accept or negotiate with Israel. However the BBC monitoring service reported just the opposite. In fact Haniyah said: "We will never recognize the usurper Zionist government and will continue our jihadist movement until Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem) and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are liberated. When presented with this fact you said, "No he didn't say that, no he did not do that, I did not hear that." These are not points of opinion, these are points of fact.
[How pathetic it must be, when attacking a man who has unambiguously entered his thoughts into print, to have to issue across America an all-points bulletin on him as he exhaustively hawks his book in the hopes of seizing upon a tidbit open to interpretation or dispute. Of course, you can't issue an all-points alarm without a network of dedicated Israel-firsters spread throughout the nation.]
And finally, it is a disturbing statement to write: "that it is imperative, that the general Arab community and all significant Palestinian groups make it clear that they will end the suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism when international laws and the ultimate goals of the Roadmap for Peace are accepted by Israel." In this sentence you clearly suggest that you are condoning violence against Israelis until they do certain things (p.213). Your use of the word “Apartheid,” regardless of your disclaimers, has already energized white supremacist groups who thrive on asserting Jewish control of government and foreign policy, an insinuation you made in your OPED to the LA Times on December 8, 2006: "For the last 30 years, I have witnessed and experienced the severe restraints on any free and balanced discussion of the facts.” According to Web site monitoring by the Anti-Defamation League, U.S. white supremacists have enthusiastically embraced your suggestion that the Israel lobby stifles debate in this country, saying it confirms Jewish control of government and foreign policy as well as and the inherently "evil" nature of Jews. If you doubt the support you are giving and receiving, please refer to:
[Jimmy Carter made an obvious error by believing that his attempt to insert into the Palestinian political process a pathway to a peace agreement would be seen in the spirit in which it was offered. He should've realized that by attempting to exert direction over any aspect of the Palestinian political process he would be trespassing on territory already claimed by Israel and its supporters worldwide. He apparently forgot that in the two narrative illusion to which this dispute has been reduced, Israel alone does the talking.]
From there you can get to the postings of four different White Supremacist organizations that both support and make use of the contents of your book and what you have said in public.
As a result it seems that you have turned to a world of advocacy, including even malicious advocacy. We can no longer endorse your strident and uncompromising position. This is not the Carter Center or the Jimmy Carter we came to respect and support. Therefore it is with sadness and regret that we hereby tender our resignation from the Board of Councilors of the Carter Center effective immediately.
Alan Abrams
Steve Berman
Michael Coles
Jon Golden
Doug Hertz
Barbara Babbit Kaufman
Liane Levetan
Jeff Levy Leon Novak
Ambassador William B. Schwartz Jr.
William B. Schwartz III
Steve Selig
Cathey Steinberg
Gail Solomon
Errors & omissions,
broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever;
if you find any I am open to comment.
Email me at Mike
All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep it
private, use my PGP key.
Updated on Sunday, 04 November 2018 18:25:32