Things do go wrong from time to time. The Catholic Church does have its enemies. One was Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the communist in Italy. He understood the importance of the Church. Breaking its moral authority was his major objective. That is the reason for using Infiltrators who have made it to high office, in order to destroy it from within. They use the Main Stream Media too.
It is at least arguable that its handling of Paedophiles has been unsatisfactory. The secrecy regarding Crimen sollicitationis, the crime of soliciting is not reassuring. A confidential order was made to all bishops demanding secrecy in sexual proceedings. See Criminales, which is written up by The Guardian at Child Protection.
It is a matter of fact that the Failed Messiah, [ the pen name of a disgruntled Jew ] tells us about Rapist Rabbis and Robbing Rabbis but Jews control the Main Stream Media so they get a pass.
Scandal!: Private Stories of Public Shame by Colin Wilson & Damon Wilson
tells us about Crimen. It also quotes sources e.g.
Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie,
telling us that in
Montaillou, Village Occitan [ 1975,
ISBN 0-394-72964-1 (English),
ISBN 2-07-032328-5 (French)
] saying that the village priest was a
keen fornicator while Arnaud de Verniolles was a Sodomite from the age of 11.
Further that
Francine du Plessix Gray wrote
At Home with the Marquis de Sade
It is fair to add that
Scandal! goes very easy on
Roman Polanski, a
paedophile Jew who committed statutory rape on a girl of 13. It alleges that she was
a forward hussy who had been fornicating since she was 8. Then there is that
Holocaust® Story, which is an excuse for everything
that Jews do..
Sollicitationis ex Wiki
It repeated, with additions, the contents of an identically named instruction
issued in 1922 by the same office.[2][4] The 1962 document, approved by
Pope John XXIII [ 1958 - 1963 ] and signed by Cardinal
Alfredo Ottaviani, Secretary of the Holy Office, was addressed to "all
Bishops and other
Local Ordinaries, including those of
Eastern Rite". It gave specific instructions on how to carry out the rules
in the
Code of Canon Law:[5]
on dealing with such cases, and directed that the same procedures be used when
dealing with denunciations of
paedophile or
[ bestial ]
behaviour by clerics. Dioceses were to use the instruction for their own
guidance and keep it in their archives for confidential documents;[6]
they were not to publish the instruction nor produce commentaries on it.[7] Crimen sollicitationis remained in effect until 18 May 2001, when it
was replaced by new norms promulgated by the papal
Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela of 30 April of the same year.[8][9]
Normally it would have ceased to have effect with the entry into force of the
1983 Code of Canon Law, which replaced the 1917 Code on which the 1962 document
was based, but it continued in use, with some necessary adaptations, while a
review of it was carried out.[10][11]
Sollicitationis ex Wiki An oath of secrecy was to be taken by all members of the tribunal;
violation incurred a penalty of automatic excommunication. The
ecclesiastical penalty for violation of secrecy by the accused priest was
automatic suspension a divinis, although he was free to discuss with
his defence counsel (Section 13). .
It is reviewed as
The Pornographer and His Wife. It seems that the
Abbé Jacques de
Sade, Sade's uncle had a very full sex life including a live-in mother,
daughter and maid. The
Wiki reviews
The 120 Days of
Sodom, a grossly pornographic novel by Sade, alleging that QUOTE Sade
despised religion and authority and in many of his works he enjoyed mocking them
by portraying priests, bishops, judges and the like as sexual perverts and
criminals. UNQUOTE. This suggests that we should not rely on him to tell the
truth about evil.
Crimen sollicitationis
crime of
solicitation) is the title of a 1962 document ("Instruction") of the
Holy Office codifying procedures to be followed in cases of
priests or bishops of the
Catholic Church accused of having used the sacrament of
Penance to make sexual advances to penitents.[2][3]
Errare human est.
Trial confidentiality
Section 11 of Crimen sollicitationis outlines the required
confidentiality of the investigation into accusations of the crime of
solicitation. The document imposed absolute confidentiality on the trial's
proceedings (explicitly excepting "what may happen to be lawfully published
when this process is concluded and put into effect", the term, "published,"
meaning "publication of the evidence" in
Canon Law, or the conclusion of the "discovery phase" in a civil trial,
before the verdict is rendered), both during its conduct and after any
concluding verdict had been put into effect:.........
sacking was about as strong as it got in the Church.