McAlpine And Scallywag
Alistair McAlpine was accused of being a
Paedophile in North Wales. There was a fuss. See inter alia
Top Tory Paedophile Was A Rapist. McAlpine was not amused. He claimed
publicly that he had never been near Wrexham, far less had any involvement. The
BBC bottled out. The wonderful people of
are not convinced.
Lord McAlpine claims he did not sue Scallywag because they went bankrupt.
He told the Telegraph "In the 1990s Scallywag, a gossip magazine printed in
London, published the claims, but went bankrupt after being sued by Sir John
Major, who was the Conservative prime minister at the time. “They [the
allegations] were dealt with — Scallywag went bankrupt, they stopped,” Lord
McAlpine said"
Prime Minister John Major sued Scallywag in 1993 claiming robustly he was
not having an affair. Major lied of course he was having and affair with
Edwina Curry. Was this actually a conspiracy to close down Scallywag?
Were Scallywags reporters deliberately mislead to keep them away from the
truth about John Major's illicit affair with Edwina Curry. The woman Clare
Latimer wrongly named as the adulteress thinks so she accused John
Major of using her as a decoy to draw attention away from his adultery
with Edwina Curry.
Later when the affair with Edwina Curry became public knowledge Scallywag's
Lawyers David Price considered Legal Action against John Major.

So a serving Prime Minister sued Scallywag but Lord McAlpine did not why?
Further to this the fact the Scallywag went bankrupt need not have stopped
Lord McAlpine it is not uncommon to sue the journalists and in this case
the journalists were also the founders and editors 1) Angus James
Wilson and 2) Simon Regan. The fictional entity Scallywag died in 1995 but
the founders, editors and journalists lived. Still McAlpine did not sue?
Scallywag's articles were republished everywhere on the Internet still
McAlpine did not sue?
David Ike republished the allegations 1999 in the Biggest Secret, pages
301, 383 and 392, making references to his involvement in the North Wales
Home, Still Lord Alpine did not sue?

Jimmy McAlpine (deceased) the cousin Lord McAlpine claims was the real
child abuser.
Scallywag was founded by Angus James Wilson and Simon Regan and was
published between 1991 and 1995
Following the Bankruptcy of Scallywag its founders formed a successor
called Spiked Magazine and this magazine continued the story about
Paedophiles in the Conservative Government.
What happened to the Journalists and Researchers who worked with
Scallywag and its successor Spiked.!
The Co-founders of Scallywag Simon Regan and his half brother Angus James
Wilson are both deceased.
Angus died in strange circumstances in Cyprus in 1996 and Simon
Regan died in 2000 disappointed he could not have done more to expose the
paedophile ring.
Simon Stander stayed in Cyprus following the strange road accident which
killed Angus James Wilson. His was last known to be teaching in a
University in Costa Rica
Journalist Peter Sawyer went on to write the Book 'GOTCHA' with the
Knight brothers and a former member of the Flying squad. He became a
producer on a number of documentaries and wrote freelance for both the
tabloids and the broadsheets.
Andrea Davison went on to expose arms to Iraq and was an intelligence
adviser to the Trade and Industry Select Committee on Arms to Iraq and gave
evidence in secret to Lord Justice Scott's Inquiry into Arms to Iraq.
Illness caused by her work in Iraq meant she had to retire from front line
work and so she carried on working in the background until she was set-up
by Cameron's Conservative Government and wrongly convicted in July 2012.
Andrea now lives in Argentina as a refugee and is believed to be writing a
book with a famous American Author.
Open letter from Ishtars Gate to Lord McAlpine which sums it up:-
Dear Lord McAlpine,
Your lawyer was on the radio yesterday, threatening that all those on
Twitter who so much as mentioned your name in connection with paedophilia
would be sued for libel. So I thought I'd do a little digging ... and I have
to say, within a matter of hours, I'd found what I was looking for. So I
wonder how much more a dedicated team of lawyers would find? And now I've
found this damning piece of evidence, I understand why your lawyer is
recommending that you settle out of court for an apology and an agreed sum
of money, rather than have the spotlight shone on your life and your past.
Well, sir, you've already managed to extort £185,000 out of the BBC in that
way .... but there's no way you'll be getting any more from tweeters, or
anyone else. In fact, by the time you've finished reading this post, if you
have any sense, you'll be packing your bags and disappearing off the scene
again fast.
So here's the case for the defence:
Read More
Real people are above the law when all is said and done.