Prostitution and Prejudice

Not all Jews are evil, at least one assumes that. Mr Bristow tells us there are Jews on both sides of the issue. God's Chosen People are still slaving this day in Jerusalem, the Holy City in the Holy Land. But now they can't use poverty as an excuse so easily. Before taking Mr Bristow's word have a look at Zwi Migdal where Gilad Atzmon gives context to the Jeffery Epstein Scandal.

From Prostitution and Prejudice: The Jewish Fight Against White Slavery 1870-1939

Prostitution and Prejudice: The Jewish Fight Against White Slavery 1870-1939
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
This review is from: Prostitution and Prejudice: The Jewish Fight Against White Slavery 1870-1939 (Hardcover)

Bristow's work is an excellent, balanced and well-sourced academic resource that does not shy away from exploring the dark underbelly of Jewish life in the 20th century. Jewish involvement in prostitution (and other elements of organized crime) is a dicey subject historically, as it either tends to be overstated by people with anti-Jewish agendas, or underplayed or ignored by members of the Jewish establishment lest it appear embarrassing or, worse yet, give ammunition to antisemites. However Bristow capably demonstrates that not only was Jewish involvement in prostitution and trafficking not as predominant as antisemites sometimes claimed, but also documents the many Jewish personalities and organizations who devoted themselves to fighting the pimps and madams, particularly those trafficking in Jewish women.

Without polemics, Bristow helps shed light on how the depressed economic conditions of Jewish life often contributed to involvement in organized crime and specifically prostitution (one of the few ways for women to get large amounts of money and/or passage from Eastern Europe), and also shows how Jewish migration patterns became intertwined with trafficking routes.

Lastly, for afficionados of good gangster stories, Bristow also provides quite a few anectdotes which, despite the book's dry tome [ sic ], still prove fascinating stuff. Read about Jewish gangsters from Warsaw to New York to Constantinople, as well as such shadowy groups as the Zwi Migdal Society of Buenos Aires, now immortalized in Nathan Englander's novel Ministry of Special Cases. Zwi Migdal was one of the most colorful "second worlds" within Jewish society, known for creating their own synagogue and cemetery after they were spurned by their socially-conscious cousins.

Whether you're interested in learning more about the seamier side Jewish history or simply a fan of true crime, Bristow's book is worth the read. Don't be too put off by its academic tone or the page length- take a look!
So not all Jews are vicious and dangerous. Certainly there are plenty who are both today. White slaving is flouring in the Holy Land of Israel and run by God's Chosen People - but there are objectors too.


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Updated on 08/09/2019 23:17