Banksy is the secret artist. He does his graffiti
and disappears. Then he turned up in Palestine commenting on the evil
that is being done to the owners of the land. They didn't quite take
his point. Now they know better.
Times explains, so does
New Yorker [ well worth a read incidentally ]. It gets
when you are a guerrilla with a web site and write ups in the main
stream media but we must all pretend that we don't know him,
especially if we do.
NB There are more at
Rides Again You might also like
Julian Beever,
another Englishman or
John Pugh an
Banksy does some explaining too. When he was doing his work he was interrupted by an Israeli thug and then a Palestinian. The following exchanges ensued:-
Soldier: What the fuck are you doing?
Me: You'll have to wait 'til it's finished
Soldier (to colleagues): Safety's [ sic ] off
Old man: You paint the wall, you make it look beautiful.
Me: Thanks
Old man: We don't want it to be beautiful, we hate this wall, go home.
His web site is at Banksy
Everything in his shop is free - Is he trying to destroy capitalism?
Berlin Wall? West Wall!
See the source.
Commentary at
Rise above it and float across
Rock Boy
Paradise Lost?
Hashish as a way out?
Ladder to Heaven?
Cut Here
Latuff Explains The Intifada With Pictures - It Isn't Pretty
A new Israeli flag showing their commitment to children.
Pull down that wall Mr Gorbachev
Stop and search
Horses for courses?
The BBC gives us some more – ex
A dove wears armour. Better bullet proof than dead.
Check that donkey's ID even if it belongs to Jesus.
Catapaults versus rifles. They have nothing else but courage and despair.
Tow away zone.
A view from slightly further back.
A cherub not Jesus.
Not a Banksy but he is on the same lines.
Palestinian refugee - It is not a Banksy but.......
Bethlehem Christmas
This is not Palestine but I couldn't resist it.
Errors & omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
me at Mike Emery. All
financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep
it private, use my PGP Key. Home
Updated on 22/01/2022 18:51