Concentration Camps In Poland

Some concentration camps are much nastier than others, according to publicity agents, propagandists, liars etc. When Jews run them the spot light is turned discreetly somewhere else; it is Disinformation. That is why Auschwitz can be run by a Jew to the tune of a  Deafening Silence. Is there evidence?  Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.

During the Second World War SS-Lager Dachsgrube [ Badger set ], a branch of the German concentration camp of Auschwitz, was established there. This was converted into Central Labour Camp Jaworzno after the war. It was also a location of several POW camps for the Western Allies.

One of the commandants of Auschwitz concentration camp, Rudolf  Höß, was captured, tried, signed a confession, testified at Nuremburg, convicted, sentenced then hanged. His statement was written in English, a language he did not understand. It says some 3 million were killed there.


Central Labour Camp Jaworzno ex Wiki - run by the Jew, Morel
Central Labour Camp Jaworzno (Polish: Centralny Obóz Pracy w Jaworznie, COP Jaworzno) was a concentration camp in Jaworzno, Poland. It operated from 1943 until 1956, first run by Nazi Germany and then by the Soviet Union with the People's Republic of Poland. There were also two subcamps located at Chrusty and Libiąż..........

The camp was soon renamed as a "Central Labor Camp" (COP), and the prisoners mostly worked on the construction of Jaworzno power plant or in nearby factories and mines. All of them were interned in separate subcamps and were guarded by more than 300 soldiers from the Internal Security Corps. One of the commandants (since 1949), was a Polish Jew called Solomon Morel, who had gained a reputation for cruelty in the Zgoda labour camp in Świętochłowice; the others included Stanisław Kwiatkowski, Ivan Mordasov and Teofil Hazelmajer. According to the (incomplete) official figures, about 1,535 people died at COP Jaworzno between 1945 and 1947 (972 of them of a typhus epidemic in the overcrowded camp), out of 6,140 who died during this period in all camps and prisons in Poland. Unofficial figures are much higher: according to modern research by the Polish prison directorate, 6,987 people died at Jaworzno and its filias as a result of murder, torture, inhuman treatment, unsanitary conditions, exhaustive work and hunger, many more than in any other Polish camp (some 4,500 died at the second most-lethal Central Labour Camp Potulice). The victims were mostly German civilians and POWs who had no family on the outisde to help them with food and thus died of starvation in 1945-1946.[6]
Jaorzno was run by a Jew, a vicious thug called Solomon Morel. That is just what the Wiki admits to.


Central Labour Camp Potulice ex Wiki
Central Labour Camp Potulice (Polish: Centralny Obóz Pracy w Potulicach) was a detention centre for Germans and anti-communist Poles established by Polish Communist authorities after the end of World War II in Potulice, in place of the former German Nazi Potulice concentration camp. The camp was in operation since 1945 until 1950.

A total of 30,211 people were imprisoned in the camp during this period. The inmates were mainly "ethnic Germans" but also fighters from the Armia Kraowa (Home Army) and prisoners of war from Czech Republic, Hungary and Rumania. At least 2,915 of the inmates died (other sources mention 4,500 or 5,000 victims), mostly in result of epidemic conditions prevailing in the camp. The dead were buried in a mass graves. In 1950 the camp was transformed into a prison for Polish political and later for criminal prisoners. Today it is a prison with space for 1,446 inmates.
The Wiki is treading lightly on this one. All murders are equal but some are more equal than others. This is why the same camp gets a far fuller write up when it was run by the Nazis - see Potulice concentration camp.


Charges Against The Jew, Morel
Salomon Following the occupation of the Lublin region by the Red Army in the summer of 1944, Morel and a group of Jewish partisans lived at Ogrodowa St. in Lublin. Soon (probably as of 1 August), all of them found work in the militia or Office of Public Security [UB]. Morel was hired as a guard in the infamous prison inside Lublin Castle, where members of the Home Army [AK] were tortured, among others.................

The beginnings of the Zgoda camp
At the beginning of its period of operations, the camp was probably governed by two men: Aleksy Krut and Salomon Morel......... But it is certain that Salomon Morel was sole commandant as of the middle of June 1945......

However, questions regarding the Volksliste and the internment of German nationals do not explain everything, for people were sent to the camp on the basis of rather vague criteria, and one of the reasons for doing so was certainly material gain, in other words a desire to seize an internee’s property..........

The camp was overcrowded almost from the very beginning. Morel himself admitted that in July 1945 there were 1,000-1,200 prisoners more than the number which the camp had been planned to accommodate. As shown in the following table, the number of prisoners was highest in the summer months of 1945. Later, the number of prisoners fell considerably as a result of typhus........ 

The main charge against Salomon Morel is that, as commandant of the Zgoda camp at Świętochłowice, he created for the prisoners in this camp, out of ethnic and political considerations, conditions that jeopardised their lives, and in particular he:-
starved the prisoners by introducing glaringly low food rations;
he deprived the prisoners of elementary health care and hygienic-sanitary conditions, allowing the emergence and spread of pediculosis, dysentery, typhus and typhoid;
he personally applied, and permitted the officials under his authority to apply, various forms of torture to prisoners, involving: -        
beating them all over their bodies, including on the head and hands; kicking and beating them with the aid of various objects: sticks, wooden stool legs, rubber truncheons, tubes sheathed in rubber, metal rods and wooden stools, which in many cases caused extensive injuries and, on many occasions, death; -        
Placing prisoners in cells for several hours with water reaching up to their chests, which, in some cases caused death by drowning; -        
Making prisoners lie on top of each other in layers, resulting in a so-called pyramid consisting of over a dozen men, which caused extensive internal injuries to the men in the lower layers and, consequently, death; -        
Making prisoners lie on the ground and treading upon them, which caused extensive injuries and, in some cases, death; The second charge involves various forms of physical and mental torment of prisoners, including:

forcing them to sing Nazi songs and giving them additional beatings if they did not know the words.      

The charges against Morel have been based primarily on the evidence of over 100 witnesses, including 58 former inmates of the Zgoda camp at Świętochłowice. Further information on the functioning of the Świętochłowice camp can be found in:: Obóz Pracy w Świętochłowicach w 1945. Dokumenty, zeznania, relacje, listy [Labour Camp in Świętochłowice in 1945. Documents, testimonies, reports, letters] selected and edited by and with an introduction by Adam Dziurok, Warsaw 2002, p. 248, series: IPN Documents, vol 7. Obozowe dzieje Świętochłowic Eintrachthűtte - Zgoda [History of the Świętochłowice Eintrachthűtte-Zgoda camp], ed. Adam Dziurok, Katowice-Świętochłowice 2002, pp. 160, series: IPN Conferences, vol. 5 (contains a list of victims – also on the IPN website at
Click on the pictures at the top for the response from the Jews. It is in essence: Fuck off.


It was not a fun place to be. Some 78,000 deaths prove that but they are nothing like as bad as the 1.7 million claimed by the Soviets.