The Great Terror

The Wikipedia calls it the Great Purge and succeeds in sounding quite nonchalant about it. The Great Terror was mass murder, mass imprisonment of people, killing people by working millions of them to death in the GULAG, the Concentration Camps run by Stalin. One major perpetrator was Nikolai Yezhov, who was Russian but married to a Jew. The Bolsheviks were largely Jews or vicious aliens. E.g. Stalin was a Georgian, Trotsky was a Jew.

Great Purge x Wiki
The Great Purge was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union which occurred from 1936 to 1940.[1] It involved a large-scale purge of the Communist Party and government officials, repression of peasants and the Red Army leadership, and widespread police surveillance, suspicion of "saboteurs", imprisonment, and arbitrary executions.[2] In Russian historiography, the period of the most intense purge, 1937–1938, is called Yezhovshchina (Russian: Ежовщина; literally, Time of Yezhov), after Nikolai Yezhov, the head of the Soviet secret policeNKVD.

In the Western world, Robert Conquest's 1968 book The Great Terror popularized that phrase. Conquest's title was in turn inspired by the period of terror (French: la Terreur) during the French Revolution.
The Wiki is going easy on them but then the Wiki is political.