Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch was founded by #Larry Klayman. The  self-styled Wikipedia does not like him or it. It is now run by Tom Fitton . Its main approach is filing Freedom of Information requests and prosecutions. These can be useful.

Judicial Watch ex Wiki      
Judicial Watch
(JW) is an American conservative activist group[1] and self-styled [ sic ] watchdog group[2][3] that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate alleged misconduct by government officials.

Founded in 1994, JW has primarily targeted Democrats, in particular the Clinton administration, the Obama administration, and Hillary Clinton, although it has sued Republicans as well including the administration of George W. Bush. It has also filed lawsuits against government climate scientists; Judicial Watch has described climate science as "fraud science". The group has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, which have been picked up by right-wing news outlets. Most of its lawsuits have been dismissed.


Tom Fitton ex Wiki      
Thomas J. Fitton
is an American conservative activist. He is the President of Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group [1] He has worked for America's Voice and National Empowerment Television, the International Policy Forum, the Leadership Institute, and Accuracy in Media. He has been a talk radio and television host.[2]

Judicial Watch
Fitton has been President of Judicial Watch since August 1998. The group primarily seeks access to government records, filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other public records act lawsuits, engaging in other forms of civil litigation, and pursuing various other actions designed to generate public pressure on government agencies and public officials.[5]

In 2006, Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch's former Chairman, attempted to reclaim control of Judicial Watch by suing Fitton, the organization, and the organization's other officers and directors. Most of Klayman's claims, including all of the claims against Fitton and Judicial Watch's other officers and directors, were dismissed in 2009

In July 2013, Fitton was identified as a key member of Groundswell, a coalition of right-wing activists and journalists attempting to enable radical political change, whose members met in the offices of Judicial Watch.

Larry Klayman ex Wiki          
Larry Elliot Klayman (born July 20, 1951) is an American right-wing[4][5] activist lawyer[6][7] and former U.S. Justice Department prosecutor who has been called a "Clinton nemesis"[8] for his dozens of lawsuits against the Bill Clinton administration in the 1990s.[9] He is the founder of Judicial Watch[10] and self-styled government watchdog group Freedom Watch [ Only self styled? Does the so-called Wiki know better? ] [ See #Larry Klayman, Freedom Watch founder, on Paul Ryan retirement Good riddance ]

In addition to his lawsuits against the Clinton Administration, Klayman has filed a number of lawsuits against political figures and governmental agencies.[12] Klayman's goal in initiating the lawsuits is often to obtain information through the discovery process, rather than winning the lawsuit.[12] Most cases brought by Judicial Watch or Klayman himself fail.[13][14]

Critics have described him as "gadfly,"[15][16] and "a racist, a frivolous litigator and a conspiracy theorist."[17] Klayman is a "birther," and submitted a petition to deport President Barack Obama.[18] His aggressive behavior has led to criticism and sanctions from legal authorities[19] including a ban from appearing in one court.


Larry Klayman, Freedom Watch founder, on Paul Ryan retirement 'Good riddance'


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Updated on 07/07/2018 18:56