Mass Formation Psychosis is a term used by Robert Malone, a medical doctor and researcher on a public television show. He was heavily criticised for his pains. Does that mean that he was wrong? NO, far from it. The Mainstream Media didn't like what he had to say so they pretended that he is wrong. It is their SOP [ Standard Operating Procedure ]. See e.g. What Is Mass Formation Psychosis? Robert Malone Makes Unfounded Covid-19 Vaccine Claims On Joe Rogan Show.
The whole thing is an aspect of Mob Psychology. You might think that it is something that only applies to the peasant masses, football hooligans and the like. It also affects Oxford's best and brightest. At all events in 1555 AD they captured a brace of Anglican bishops Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley plus Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who were charged, tried, convicted, sentenced and burnt at the stake. The charge was heresy. Those convicted are now referred to as the Oxford Martyrs when they are remembered at all. NB Cranmer compiled the first Book of Common Prayer in 1549 so he wasn't just another place man. It is explained by the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Oxford. Its current crop of Quasi-Intellectuals aren't interested in that issue but they have plenty of damn fool ideas about Climate Change, Global Warming etc. That includes being Racists with supercilious Hard Left attitudes to White Men of the Working Class. It is much the same with the other place; see the Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Cambridge.
Here however the Irish Savant explains Real Mass Formation Psychosis. Yes, there are Left Wing liars out there, Propagandists who claim that naughty little Adolf Hitler deceived the people of Germany. They are trying to exploit our ignorance, our gullibility.
A somewhat different set of lies tell us that Benito Mussolini was a Right Wing crook and that Adolf was a Far Right chancer. In fact Benito was Kicked Out Of The Italian Socialist Party. He had big ideas, too big. Adolf ran the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party. He was a socialist, a national socialist at that. Jews are prone to be international socialists, aiming to set up a New World Order.
Real Mass Formation Psychosis
The concept of Mass Formation Psychosis (MFP) as defined by Doctor Matthias Desmet, Professor of Psychology at the University of Ghent is a useful tool for explaining the, well, psychotic behaviour of the general public during the current scamdemic. [ He is the author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism - Editor ]. Psychosis occurs when one loses contact with reality. Mass formation psychosis occurs when a large part of a society does the same as a result of a deliberate mind-control project. There’s an excellent discussion on the scamdemic MFP here.Germany in the nineteen thirties has achieved canonical status as an MFP case study. The – rhetorical – question is posed along the lines of how could an advanced, rich, powerful and highly-cultured people lose their collective insanity by offering overwhelming support to the madman Hitler and the National Socialists, a question invariably followed by much regretful nodding of heads and professions of bafflement. But I argue that this support was not psychotic but in fact perfectly rational. Look at it this way: Post-war Germany had undergone one agonising crisis after another before Hitler took over. Much of this stemmed from the Versailles Treaty which resulted in Germany being rent asunder, occupied and looted as its politicians offered little resistance. Remember that Germany was not defeated in the war and had not an inch of its territory occupied until it disarmed itself under the terms of the armistice.
As became increasingly clear in the years following the armistice Germany’s demise arose from the Stab-In-The-Back [ The Wiki chooses to call it the Stab In The Back Myth -It lies when issues are political - Editor ] whereby world Jewry mobilised for the Allies following the Balfour Declaration. Manoeuvring America into the war was of course a game changer. This was achieved despite Wilson (“He kept us out of the war”) standing for a second term on a continued non-interventionist platform, a policy jettisoned within four months of taking office. Support for intervention was low within America, especially among the huge German and Irish communities and among left-wing elements. Yet once the order went out the media and political establishment turned public opinion on a dime and Germany’s fate was sealed. It’s beyond the scope of this post to detail how the Zionist fifth column within America pulled this off. But pull it off they did and 150,000 Americans, many of German heritage, died as a result. It’s worth noting that, almost unbelievably, the head of German intelligence during the war was none other than Max Warburg of the notorious Warburg banking dynasty. So as he was perusing top-secret intelligence and advising the Kaiser on military strategy over in America his first cousin Paul Warburg, fresh from inflicting the Federal Reserve on the American people was busily supporting the war effort against Germany. He and Max must have had some fascinating thigh-slapping post-war discussions.
It must also be noted that Weimar Germany suffered from a ZOG [ Zionist Occupation Government ] every bit as bad as any in the West today. Although only about 1% of the population Jews had as usual wormed their way into control of the banking, media, judicial and academic sectors. I think it was Heidegger (I could be wrong) who once found himself facing an interview panel made up entirely of Jews when applying for an academic appointment. Then there was the public degeneracy, depravity and social decay fostered by the Frankfurt School and their collaborators which disgusted the general public which was well aware that Jews were also behind the devastating Bolshevik attempts to take over their country. Hitler and his party identified all of these issues and vowed to put them to rights and to regain occupied German territories. He also promised to end the crippling unemployment and get the country back to prosperity.
And he delivered in spades.
Surely the resultant public enthusiasm represented not psychosis but perfect rationality?Now as an example of real Mass Formation Psychosis I offer you the American public’s miraculous turnaround in support of war with Germany in 1917. A public that had no dog in a fight taking place thousands of miles away and which had elected a President on his promise to preserve non-intervention. Yet they were turned on a dime and enthusiastically marched off to be slaughtered by their erstwhile kinfolk in Europe
Now that is MFP. Somehow I don’t see this thesis gaining much public traction as an exemplar, do you?
Robert Malone ex Wiki
Robert Wallace Malone (born 1959) is an American physician and biochemist. His early work focused on mRNA technology,[3] pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Malone has promoted misinformation about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.[1][4][5][6][7] ...................Early life and education
Prior to studying medicine, Robert Malone studied computer science at Santa Barbara City College for two years acting as a teaching assistant in 1981.[2][8] He received his BSc in biochemistry from the University of California, Davis in 1984, his MSc in biology from the University of California, San Diego in 1988, and his MD from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in 1991.[9][10][11] He attended Harvard Medical School for a year-long postdoctoral studies program.[12]In the decade after earning his MD, Malone taught pathology at the University of California, Davis and at the University of Maryland.[7] ...............
COVID-19 research and controversy
On December 30, 2021, Malone claimed on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast that "mass formation psychosis" was developing in American society in its reaction to COVID-19 just as during the rise of Nazi Germany.[43][44] The term mass formation psychosis is not found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is not based on factual medical information, and is described by Steve Reicher, a professor of social psychology at the University of St Andrews, as "more metaphor than science, more ideology than fact."[45] Clips of the podcast episode were removed by YouTube from their platform for violating the site's Community Guidelines.[44] 270 physicians, scientists, academics, nurses and students wrote an open letter to Spotify complaining about the content of the podcast.[46][47] On January 3, 2022, Congressman Troy Nehls entered a full transcript[2][48] of The Joe Rogan Experience interview with Malone into the Congressional Record in order to circumvent what he said was censorship by social media.[2][43]Malone has spoken at anti-vaccine and anti-vaccine-mandate rallies, including a January 2022 rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.[36][49] and a March 2022 rally in Santa Barbara, California.[50]
As of April 2022, Malone has more than 134,000 subscribers on his Substack subscription newsletter.[7] According to media research firm Zignal Labs, Malone has been mentioned more than 300,000 times on social media, cable television, and print or online news outlets.[7]
What Is Mass Formation Psychosis? Robert Malone Makes Unfounded Covid-19 Vaccine Claims On Joe Rogan Show
A massive rock formation? A Massachusetts psychosis? No, a “mass formation psychosis” is the term that Robert Malone, MD, used on The Joe Rogan Experience to describe what’s been happening in the U.S. in recent years. Malone appeared on Joe Rogan’s Spotify podcast shortly after being permanently booted from Twitter last week for “repeated violations” of their Covid-19 misinformation policy. And if you look at some of the outrageous, unscientific things that are said on social media in general, it typically takes a fair amount of “pseudosciencing” to get booted in this manner. So, was there any merit to Malone’s use of this “mass” term on the Rogan show? In a way, perhaps some. But maybe not in the way that Malone had intended.Who is Malone? Well, he’s listed himself as the “Inventor of mRNA vaccines and DNA vaccines” on his LinkedIn account. Of course, you could probably list yourself as “The King of All Dinosaurs” on such a social media profile if you wanted. Others have questioned Malone’s “inventor” claim. But more on that later.
On Rogan’s podcast, Malone began talking about his background and then Covid-19 vaccines before segueing to Nazi Germany. Because who doesn’t talk about Nazi Germany when talking about Covid-19 these days, right? Some politicians and TV personalities have been putting the two topics together like cereal and water or forks and power outlets.
Malone began this part of the conversation by asking Rogan, “What the heck happened to Germany in the 20s and 30s? Very intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad. And how did that happen?”
Since this wasn’t an episode of the TV show Jeopardy, Malone quickly answered his own question with, “The answer is mass formation psychosis.”
Malone continued with “When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things don’t make sense, we can’t understand it, and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.”
Hmm, by “can be led anywhere,” did Malone mean like believing conspiracy theories such as those claiming that Covid-19 vaccines can make keys stick to your forehead or have other side effects that aren’t being revealed?
Malone then described how “leaders” can exploit this situation: “And one of the aspects of that phenomenon is that the people that they identify as their leaders, the ones typically that come in and say you have this pain and I can solve it for you. I and I alone.” Malone further explained, “Then they will follow that person. It doesn’t matter whether they lied to them or whatever. The data is irrelevant.”
Let’s see. A leader lying to followers and making data irrelevant? Has that ever happened in the U.S.? Gee, have political leaders ever actually lied?
Where’s that look of shock emoji?
Speaking of the U.S., Malone next connected all of this with America, asserting that “We had all those conditions. If you remember back before 2019 everyone was complaining, the world doesn’t make sense and we are all isolated from each other.”
So, Malone seemed to be painting a not-so-happy picture of the U.S. circa 2019. Indeed, on March 22, 2019, Christopher Ingraham wrote for The Washington Post an article entitled, “Americans are getting more miserable, and there’s data to prove it,” citing data from the World Happiness Report and the General Social Survey.
But back to 2021 and Malone’s interview. “Then this thing happened, and everyone focused on it,” stated Malone without specifying what exactly “this thing” or “it” was. “That is how mass formation psychosis happens and that is what has happened here.”
OK, chances are you don’t use “mass formation psychosis” in your everyday life. You probably haven’t told your significant other, “your cooking is a product of mass formation psychosis” or your boss “you are the product of mass formation psychosis. By the way, can I have a promotion?” It’s not clear whether “mass formation psychosis” has been an established scientific term or is a new/recent amalgamation of two existing terms. A search on PubMed for “mass formation psychosis” returns “Quoted phrase not found” and thus no real scientific studies on the topic.
Let’s, in the words of M.C. Hammer, break it down. “Mass formation” has been used in place of terms like “mob psychology” and represents how large groups of people can influence an individual’s behavior. And “psychosis” is defined by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines psychosis as “conditions that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality.” So, it may not be the best situation when your financial advisor tells you, “I am having some psychosis right now but will decide on where to invest your money in a moment.”
Taken together, “mass formation psychosis” may represent a situation where mob influence can leave an individual with rather disturbed thoughts and perceptions and unable to fully distinguish what’s real from what’s not. It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to say that those conditions may have existed among at least some people in the U.S. before 2019.
Have conditions in the U.S. been ripe for the spread of conspiracy theories? (Photo by: Michael
Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
The question though is what was Malone’s “thing” and what “happened” in the U.S. around or after 2019? What was “it” exactly? And who were the “leaders” that according to Malone may have been exploiting the situation? Was he referring to particular political leaders and TV personalities trying to push Covid-19 conspiracy theories? And did any of this have to do with the song WAP?Actually, on the podcast, Malone seemed to suggest that “it” was the pandemic and that the “leaders” have been the ones advocating for use of the Covid-19 vaccines. Huh? What does a vaccine that’s been protecting people from Covid-19 have to do with all this? And haven’t political leaders rather than public health experts and scientists been the ones calling the shots, so to speak, since before 2019?
Yet, during the interview with Rogan, Malone made numerous claims about scientists like Anthony Fauci, MD, the longtime Director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Malone’s voice supposedly being suppressed, and the Covid-19 vaccines potentially having side effects that haven’t been revealed to the public. Although Rogan let Malone talk rather freely throughout the interview, how much hard evidence did Malone actually provide to support his claims?
For example, Malone claimed, “Our government is out of control on this and they are lawless. They completely disregard bioethics, they completely disregard the federal common rule, they have broken all the rules that I know of that I've been trained on for years and years, these mandates of an experimental vaccine are explicitly illegal.” In the words of Neo in The Matrix, whoa. “Completely disregard bioethics” is a pretty strong statement. Malone asserted that Covid-19 vaccination requirements “are explicitly inconsistent with the Nuremberg code, they're explicitly inconsistent with the Belmont report,” yet, did not elaborate specifically how or why. He also used the word “experimental” when describing the vaccine rather than making it clear that these Covid-19 vaccines did first receive emergency use authorization (EUA) then approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
This certainly wasn’t the first time that Malone has made such claims. In his article for The Atlantic entitled “The Vaccine Scientist Spreading Vaccine Misinformation,” Tom Bartlett wrote that Malone has “sowed doubt about the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines on pretty much any podcast or YouTube channel that will have him” and mentioned Malone’s appearances on shows hosted by Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, and Glenn Beck. According to Bartlett’s article, “you might very well walk away with the skewed sense, after hearing Malone speak or reading his posts, that there is a far-reaching Covid-19 cover-up and that the real threat is the vaccine rather than the virus.”
Bartlett’s article and others have questioned Malone’s continuing claims that he was the “Inventor of mRNA vaccines and DNA vaccines.” Making such claims on LinkedIn is not quite the same as saying that you are a “passionate thought leader who is driven to activate synergies and change” or something like that. You’ve got to provide real proof that you indeed were the “inventor.” Meanwhile, here is what Eric Topol, MD, founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, tweeted about Malone back in July:
As you can see, on this Twitter thread above, Topol mentioned “Fact checks on @RWMalone’s pseudoscience and his lack of credibility.”
Most real scientists recognize the fact that major scientific breakthroughs rarely have a single inventor. Suggesting in any way that you were the sole inventor (or even the inventor) of mRNA and DNA vaccines would be a bit like suggesting that you were “the inventor” of dating apps. Real science doesn’t work the way that it’s been portrayed by Tony Stark in the Iron Man and Avengers movies. One person rarely is the only one to come up with an idea and then disappear into a fully-equipped, self-funded lab by himself or herself to then later emerge with the solution.
Instead, many people have been working on mRNA technology for many, many years. The currently available mRNA vaccines are the results of contributions from multiple people in different locations over time. In fact, who knows how many unsung students, post-docs, lab staff, and other scientists may have been involved yet will never get the credit that they deserve.
After all, many of these other unsung folks haven’t had the over 200,000 Twitter followers that Malone has. Or make that had. According to Claire Goforth described for The Daily Dot, Twitter has “permanently suspended” Malone’s account (@RWMaloneMD) due to repeated violations of their Covid-19 misinformation policy. Ron Filipkowski, an attorney in Florida, described Malone as “absolutely the worst spread of vaccine disinformation on social media” in the following tweet:
OK, there wasn’t an official competition as to who was the “worst spreader of vaccine disinformation on social media.” There wasn’t an “America’s Next Top Vaccine Disinformation Spreader” show and a single winner. Over the past decade, there’s been plenty of competition for such a title. And many of the spreaders have been anonymous social media accounts posting misinformation like graffiti on a bathroom stall.
Even with Malone no longer on Twitter, a number of social media accounts have continued to push the “mass formation psychosis” term. For example, there were tweets such as the following:
DOCTOR Malone is written up by the as aRobert Wallace Malone (born 1959) is an American physician and biochemist. His early work focused on mRNA technology,[3] pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Malone has promoted misinformation about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.[1][4][5][6][7]
Someone is doing a smear job on Doc Malone.