Politics in Guinea are deeply corrupt; that is when they are not murderous. They are always tribal. That is how it is in Africa When gold is involved outsiders are interested, very interested. Then the natives are not left to get on with their own devices. The same applies to diamonds, oil, copper, anything with value. There is lots of value in Africa. Getting it means doing what it takes. It is not always pretty. If it's just bribery the sensible view is: So what? But American twerps are getting their knickers in a twist over it.
If local people, as distinct from the rulers benefit from schools, wells et cetera there would be a whole lot less to complain about. The benefits would probably be worth far more than the price. But Marxists manipulate Lenin's Useful Idiots. We all lose. That is the reality of Marxism.
Guinea Has Oil So Human Rights Do Not Matter [ 21 February 2014 ]
The President banned The Catholic Church, substituted witchcraft, declared himself God, transferred all government money to his private account in Switzerland. So what? So Condoleezza Rice is his friend. Human rights? They are only foreigners, don't know any better, it is a long way away, it is not in the Main Stream Media. But Oil is important, really important. Politics In Guinea gives some background.
PS The American embassy is close to Black Beach Prison so they can hear the screams of the torture victims.
Ukraine Rioting Gets Saturation Coverage - Venezuela Gets Ignored - So Does Guinea [ 21 February 2014 ]
Not quite total indifference. Guido Fawkes is telling it like it is. The rest don't care - as long as oil keeps coming. Venezuela has lots of it.