Water is something we tend to take for granted in England. It is only when there is a shortage that we realize that it matters. In other countries it can be different. Australia has a big shortage in the south and on the east coast. Countries in the Middle East depend on supplies from big rivers and are prepared to go to war over them. Israel had Iraq invaded by the American army in order to steal their oil but water is another thing they are prepared to murder for. The greenies are prepared to use genuine problems as an excuse to tell us how to run our lives. They use fraudulent problems too. Here is something on water from The Economist.
Pay dirt
Tells us that around 95% of our water is used in agriculture which means that hose pipe bans and other similar measures are almost entirely irrelevant. This is a message you will not be hearing from the greenies. The big money projects are less effective than small scale operations. Good technology can help farmers through dry years on farms that depend on rain rather than irrigation. This is better than importing food from wet countries.
Drought is not so much about politics as vice versa. If the rivers run dry people get thirsty so things happen. They have to. That is where politics come in.
Israel continues to steal water and soil from Lebanon [ 3 October 2006 ]
Why pay when you can steal it? If they complain you can always murder them. The UN observers have confined themselves to observing. It means they are less likely to be murdered too. The Izzies are keeping al-Ghajar so that they can steal the water for themselves. The main stream media have said nothing. The main stream media are Zionist owned and controlled.
A watershed moment [ 10 November 2006 ]
The only viable political stance for [ Australian ] governments on the water crisis is that of problem solver.
Water pricing is a sensible answer. Paying what it costs makes farmers move to more effective crops. Growing rice in semi-arid areas does not make sense. State politicians are the problem in urban areas. They like restrictions and bullying the users.
Water Trumps Slaughter [ 4 October 2008 ]
Why kill off your enemies when you can stop them breeding in the first place? Cut off their water. Their crops fail and they starve. That is the point of the United Nations' operation called Agenda 21. The doings of the Santa Cruz Board of Supervisors sound minor until they are put in context.
Taking The Salt Out Of Water [ 1 December 2009 ]
A fresh way to take the salt out of seawater
THERE is a lot of water on Earth, but more than 97% of it is salty and over half of the remainder is frozen at the poles or in glaciers. Meanwhile, around a fifth of the world’s population suffers from a shortage of drinking water and that fraction is expected to grow. One answer is desalination—but it is an expensive answer because it requires a lot of energy. Now, though, a pair of Canadian engineers have come up with an ingenious way of using the heat of the sun to drive the process. Such heat, in many places that have a shortage of fresh water, is one thing that is in abundant supply.Ben Sparrow and Joshua Zoshi met at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, while completing their MBAs. Their company, Saltworks Technologies, has set up a test plant beside the sea in Vancouver and will open for business in November.
Existing desalination plants work in one of two ways. Some distil seawater by heating it up to evaporate part of it. They then condense the vapour—a process that requires electricity. The other plants use reverse osmosis. This employs high-pressure pumps to force the water from brine through a membrane that is impermeable to salt. That, too, needs electricity. Even the best reverse-osmosis plants require 3.7 kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy to produce 1,000 litres of drinking water.
Mr Sparrow and Mr Zoshi, by contrast, reckon they can produce that much fresh water with less than 1 kWh of electricity, and no other paid-for source of power is needed. Their process is fuelled by concentration gradients of salinity between different vessels of brine. These different salinities are brought about by evaporation.The process begins by spraying seawater into a shallow, black-bottomed pond, where it absorbs heat from the atmosphere. The resulting evaporation increases the concentration of salt in the water from its natural level of 3.5% to as much as 20%. Low-pressure pumps are then used to pipe this concentrated seawater, along with three other streams of untreated seawater, into the desalting unit. As the diagram explains, what Mr Sparrow and Mr Zoshi create by doing this is a type of electrical circuit. Instead of electrons carrying the current, though, it is carried by electrically charged atoms called ions.
Salt is made of two ions: positively charged sodium and negatively charged chloride. These flow in opposite directions around the circuit. Each of the four streams of water is connected to two neighbours by what are known as ion bridges. These are pathways made of polystyrene that has been treated so it will allow the passage of only one sort of ion—either sodium or chloride. Sodium and chloride ions pass out of the concentrated solution to the neighbouring weak ones by diffusion though these bridges (any chemical will diffuse from a high to a low concentration in this way). The trick is that as they do so, they make the low-concentration streams of water electrically charged. The one that is positive, because it has too much sodium, thus draws chloride ions from the stream that is to be purified. Meanwhile, the negative, chloride-rich stream draws in sodium ions. The result is that the fourth stream is stripped of its ions and emerges pure and fresh.
It is a simple idea that could be built equally well on a grand scale or as rooftop units the size of refrigerators. Of course, a lot of clever engineering is involved to make it work, but the low pressure of the pumps needed (in contradistinction to those employed in reverse osmosis) means the brine can be transported through plastic pipes rather than steel ones. Since brine is corrosive to steel, that is another advantage of Mr Sparrow’s and Mr Zoshi’s technology. Moreover, the only electricity needed is the small amount required to pump the streams of water through the apparatus. All the rest of the energy has come free, via the air, from the sun.
This presumably makes sense. It is simple to prove by experiment. It could make a lot of difference in hot countries. What is curious is that the men coming through with this one are not chemists, engineers or scientists. Are they chancers on the make? Pass but it is possible.
Cyprus Will Be Independent Of Rain Water In 2011 [ 20 March 2010 ]
CYPRUS hopes to meet all its water needs through desalination by 2011, when two new plants for the process are completed. The total demand for water in Cyprus amounts to 90 million cubic metres annually, which works out at approximately 140 litres [ 30 gallons ] per person per day. “One of the government’s priorities was freeing the water supply from its dependence on rainfall,” said Aegli Pantelaki, from the Agriculture Ministry. By the end of 2011 this aim will have been realized with the four permanent desalination hoped to be operational by then.
This makes lots of sense. Saudi Arabia has probably had to do something of the sort already. The Jews will deal with the issue by robbing Palestinians as part of their programme of Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine.
Killing your enemies puts them out of action. It is effective but tends to leave bad feeling behind. Inspiring hatred can be very counter-productive. But cunning and treachery can have the same effect. Stopping them breeding by making sure there is nothing for them to eat or drink also works. Michael Shaw mentions Agenda 21. Never heard of it? Nor had I but it is inside the United Nations working away to sabotage the world. He mentions Useful Idiots; sounds familiar? Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
To be fair, a smaller population makes a lot of sense but who gets to go? As long as it is not you and yours it is easy to go along with the idea. Adolf did. So do Zionist crazies, as long as they come out on top.
By Michael Shaw
October 2, 2008
The Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors is preparing to issue a water moratorium in South County on well drilling and new construction water hook ups. This action is a direct result of successful litigation that eliminated the Pajaro Valley’s illegal tax imposed on farmers for the water withdrawn from their own wells. The water agency now owes tens of millions in reimbursement that it cannot pay.
Here and elsewhere, under “Sustainable Development” policies, government officials are eager to exercise control over water. In the local rush toward everything “Sustainable” the average citizens have not acquainted themselves with the political-economic system that is labeled “Sustainable Development.”
Sustainable Development is promoted through a “Think Global - Act Local” rhetoric that has been longstanding in this community. Many people are now operating, often as “useful idiots,” in furthering these objectives. Although catchy, Sustainable Development is a scheme for a one world government – a government that does not recognize unalienable rights.
Sustainable Development is a comprehensive program that implements the United Nations Agenda 21 – the global Blueprint for the 21st Century. Summarily, it is a philosophy and ‘Action’ plan that seeks to abolish private property, redefine education in order to create global citizenship and to drastically reduce human population levels.
Water control is critical to the Sustainable Development program as it defines how and where people can live. With control of water there is control of food. Catherine Bertini was executive director of the United Nations World Food Program. She stated at the U.N. 4th World Conference on Women: "Food is Power. We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize."
As an element of Sustainable Development, water policy is designed to facilitate the establishment of Smart Growth, (the concentration of human population into dense living zones reliant on public or mass transportation systems), while simultaneously implementing the Wildlands Project (the program to remove humans and prohibit resource extraction from over 50% of the United States land mass).
Our ancestors developed systems of water transfer and water storage to adapt to annual fluctuations in area rainfall. Today, California Senators call for the acceleration of dam busting operations. Starting long ago, local officials in Santa Cruz have precluded the creation of water storage facilities necessary to capture the enormous annual rainfall in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Why have they created an artificial shortage in order to develop a crisis?
Efforts to destroy a south County neighborhood water company, necessary to link public agencies together, failed in the early part of this decade. In the northern section of the County the globalist water Action agency, “FLOW,” succeeded in blending the Felton water agency into the powerful San Lorenzo Water Agency.
British Fabian Socialism is the guiding force behind Sustainable Development. George Bernard Shaw, an early Fabian Socialist, said the road to world governance would be accomplished by a repeated process of “two steps forward and one step back.” Local water policy reflects that process.
As local officials adjust to the court loss (their “backward step”) they prepare their next and most comprehensive steps in this war over water and against private property. A new two-pronged attack against private interests in water has been unveiled:
• First, a water moratorium is being prepared in the
chambers of the Board of Supervisors.
• Second, long-time water activist Doug Deitch
announced an even more aggressive Sustainable Action plan – the
combining of all water authority in three counties, Santa Cruz, Monterey
and San Benito, into a single water agency with control over all uses of
Beware central coast. Beware America.
© 2008 Michael Shaw -
All Rights Reserved
Michael Shaw is a licensed attorney, and Certified Public Accountant. He has
made a career in real estate having developed a multi state chain of self
storage projects. He is President of
Freedom Advocates.org and
speaks on how Sustainable Development is designed to transform America. He
is also proprietor of Liberty Garden,
a native plant oasis located on the central coast of California. He is a
litigant in cases against Santa Cruz and Alameda Counties in connection with
the application of Sustainable policy.
Web Site: FreedomAdvocates.org
Liberty Garden
E-Mail: Shaw@FreedomAdvocates.org
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