America is busily destroying itself; rather a pity but a lot of the victims are in America; millions more are in Europe. Albeit they are currently, in 2023 onwards damaging Europe using Sanctions; they were said to be an attack on Russia after it invade the Ukraine. It backfired.
Jung-Freud explains all. You are fully entitled to agree or not. He is open to comment.
America went from Promoting Self-Determination to Promoting Self-Extermination to the World, by Jung-Freud
America Went from Promoting Self-Determination to Promoting Self-Extermination to the World
Why? — Because Power in the US went from Anglo-American Rule to Jewish-American Rule .........................Are goyim capable of having their own gods?
Christianity. Originated from Jews.
Communism. Originated from Jews.
Holocaustianity. Originated from Jews.
Wherever goyim turn, it’s about relying on Jews for prophetic power.
Still, direct Jewish control is worse than self-control with Jewish-derived ideas. After all, despite its origin, the goyim fashioned Christianity in their own way. Same with communism. Even though key Marxists were Jewish, it became bigger than Jewish Power. But then, both Christianity and Marxism were conceived to be universalist despite their ethno-Jewish origins. In that, they were different from Judaism......................
Even though white goyim have long relied on Jewish-originated ideas, there is a huge difference between appropriating foreign ways & ideas and succumbing to direct foreign domination. After all, white goyim found ways to use Christianity against Jewish Power. And many peoples used communism as a tool of national independence against foreign imperialism. Jews are no strangers to adopting foreign ideas and ways. Jews have adopted lots of goy ideas from various non-Jewish Semitic tribes, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Northern Europeans, and etc. But Jews used those ideas in their own way for their self-aggrandizement. Jews made the foreign ‘Jewish’.Because Christianity and Communism were designed to be universalist at the core, goyim could use them in their own way, not least against Jews. Christians could look upon Jews as Christ-Killers. Communists could denounce Jews as capitalists or Zionists. But, advantage for goyim is impossible with Holocaustianity as its core theme is Jewish sanctity and goy complicity in the murder of Jews-as-the-divine-race. It’s no wonder Jews push Holocaustianity as the top god around the world. No wonder the Holocaust Movie has become a genre. Given how movies shape people’s sense of history and morality, many people are now introduced to the histories of various European nations through Holocaust narratives: The French collaborated with the Nazis, Hungarians joined with the Nazis, Poles didn’t do enough to save Jews, etc.
The Supreme Court is the top legal force. The nine Supremes have a sworn obligation to uphold the law and, especially the Constitution, all of it, not just the bits they like. They contrive to forget or just plain ignore the words of the Second Amendment; the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
They are traitors all.