A major earthquake happened in Haiti. People died. That is what happens with major earthquakes. Dealing with it is where character comes in and in Haiti that pretty much means all black.
We found out about their nature in 1791 onwards, due to the Haiti Slave Revolt. It was bad; it has never gottten better. That is why they are poor. They are Africans acting like African. They will never become civilized.
Our wonderful main stream media have been selling this as a tragedy which is fair enough. Then they do the sob stories and that means censoring the interesting photos. But someone has gathered up enough pictures to paint a reality which makes Haiti 2010 look far uglier than New Orleans 2005. Another and important event is the disaster in Mexico. Mexicans may be dead beat third raters in the popular imagination but when it mattered they did what it took, quickly, efficiently, without whining or waiting for someone else to do something. That does not mean rape, looting or cannibalism either. For something on their competence, their ability to run a country or anything else consider the Haiti Slave Revolt and its aftermath. It is one of the world's most dysfunctional states for a reason, to wit blacks run it. Proof? See e.g. Typical Negro Behaviour in Haiti, Shocking Pictures!
Israeli Organjackers
They had the opportunity. They had the motive. They have the experience of doing it. Why do people think the worst? Because they know the track record of swine like them.
Jews Play Haiti Earthquake For Laughs or Jews Laugh About Earthquake [ 2 February 2010 ]
The owner of this station is going around trying to get this video removed so if you can please mirror it you'd be doing a great favor. I think everyone needs to see this video cause it just goes to show you how much Israel "cares" about what happened in Haiti. I'm keeping a copy of it saved on my computer in case they take it down. I'll put it right back up if they do.
Category: Education
Typical Negro Behaviour in Haiti, Shocking Pictures!
The average gullible white Americans actually believe that blacks are their “equals”.
The truth is that the American mass media is guilty for brainwashing white Americans into believing that there is just a race, “the human race”, but the truth is that we are the human species or scientifically said, “the Homo Sapiens species”. Our species contains races just as all EARTH SPECIES contains races. A race can be renamed: Breed, Variation, Sub-Category, or whatever you want but in the end a race is a subgroup of the species it belongs to. These races can interbreed because they are compatible, they are members of the same species, but that’s where the similarities stop and the differences start. Dogs, cats, horses, cows, even pigs have races (breeds, subgroups, variations). Even flowers, fruits or vegetables have variations (races). Just think about the vast number of variations of apples out there. Some dog breeds (races) are smarter than others, others are stronger, etc.
Maybe you can understand something from the above scientific explanations or maybe you are too brainwashed by your local media to never be recovered or understand the truth about races.
Now the negro (the black man) is definitely NOT EQUAL with the white man in intelligence. IQ tests reveal that they score lower with 20-30 points. IQ is NOT cultural or educational. IQ is genetically [ determined ]. You are born with it and die with it. Simply said, you are born Einstein, you don’t become Einstein by going to school and learning.
Black people also have higher levels of testosterone than white people and because of that, they are more violent.
Observe the following photos and ask yourself this question, “would white people act this way if an earthquake hit them?”Racism? It’s just a childish meaningless word equal to “poopyhead”. It doesn’t mean anything in the face of science. Science is NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT.
Respect for the dead? Not much. Losers are losers.
Things turn nasty.
Looting is cheaper than buying.
It can go wrong in the rush.
Why hurry? When it's all gone, that's it folks.
He must have upset the neighbours.
It looks like Dante's Inferno.
He's having a bit of fun.
Machetes are tools and weapons too.
This little oik should not be allowed out let alone, far less with a Kalashnikov. Look at the ammunition he has wasted. His only saving grace is that is on single not automatic. He probably has not worked out how to do that yet.
12 bore pumps seem to be about and rather useful they are at close range.
Of course a man can get stuck in with a stick. It is simple, effective and good exercise.
So is dragging the body through the streets.
Another 12 bore pump shows up.
A knife can damage too.
Haiti High Street one assumes. It is rather a mess.
Is he having fun? It could be.
Some one has a bit more sense. Gather Ye water while Ye may.
Television sets do not work when there is no electricity so perhaps they are thinking ahead too.
Presumably he ran out of friends.
Tyres, machetes and a mob make a dangerous combination.
Another 12 bore pump.
This is back to basics. Bows and arrows can still be effective.
Yet another 12 bore pump with a shorter magazine.
This time it is robbery.
This is getting serious. The anti-aircraft cannon is fairly irrelevant. The womenfolk are odd; they have the safety catches on. Saving rounds for later makes a lot of sense in this environment.
He really did upset someone.
Dead, all dead.
Shotguns seem to be quite common.
This revolver is a one off.
People help them. Why bother? Pass.
The Daily Mail Tells It Like It Is
The Daily Mail Again
The Presidential Palace needs major work.
Tired or dead? Try the latter.
From The Financial Times, An Organ Of The Communist Party
Another revolver shows up as police issue.
Pig beats thief.
Police in action.
A fold up stock makes a bit of sense. A folded stock is a guarantee that shots will not be aimed. Spray and pray is policy. It didn't work in Vietnam either.
Has he ever used a rifle? It does not look that way. To be fair it seems to working; they are coming out with their hands up.
Haiti Slave Revolt [ 1791 - 1804 ]
The Haitian Revolution (French: Révolution haïtienne [ʁevɔlysjɔ̃ ajisjɛ̃n]) was a successful anti-slavery and anti-colonial insurrection by self-liberated slaves against French colonial rule in Saint-Domingue, now the sovereign nation of Haiti. It began in 1791 and ended in 1804 with the former colony's independence. It was the only slave uprising that led to the founding of a state, which was both free from slavery, and ruled by non-whites and former captives.[3] With the recent increase in Haitian Revolutionary Studies, it is now widely seen as a defining moment in the history of racism in the Atlantic World.[4]Its effects on the institution of slavery were felt throughout the Americas. The ending of French rule and the abolition of slavery in the former colony by the former slaves was followed by their successful defense of the freedoms they won, and, with the collaboration of mulattoes, their independence from rule by white Europeans.[5][6][7] It represents the largest slave uprising since Spartacus's unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic nearly 1,900 years before.[8] It challenged long-held beliefs about black inferiority and about enslaved persons' capacity to achieve and maintain their own freedom. The rebels' organizational capacity and tenacity under pressure became the source of stories that shocked and frightened slave owners.[9]
Black Mob In Haiti Burn Criminals To Death [ 27 April 2023 ]
Residents in the Haitian capital have put gang members on notice and promised they will be lynched if they attempt to seek vengeance for the deaths of 13 alleged accomplices who were stoned and set on fire. The warning came Monday, hours after a mob intercepted cops at an intersection in the Port-Au-Prince neighborhood of Canapé Vert and took the 13 men from police custody.Shocking video footage showed 13 criminal gang members begging for forgiveness while lying in the middle of a street with gasoline-soaked tires placed over and around their bodies before they were torched.
'It is out of the question that armed bandits come to settle in Canapé Vert, if others return, they will meet the same fate,' an unnamed resident said, as quotes by local newspaper Le National. 'We will not accept that these thugs transform our neighborhood like Canaan, Laboule, and Pernier.'.........
The horrific vigilante violence underlined public anger over the increasingly lawless situation in Port-au-Prince where criminal gangs have taken control over an estimated 60% of the city since the July 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse.
The Mail is hiding the truth from us. It seems clear that the police are joining in, helping to kill the "suspects" This kind of justice is quick, cheap, effective, a total solution to the problem of repeat offenders. The Mail is censoring comments as well because it is an all black thing but the readers approve.