Cannibalism is a subject which is somewhat fraught. People are prone to believe it is practiced by lesser races without the law. Subversives, the politically correct and Lenin's useful idiots believe precisely the same but pretend not to. They also make a fuss about cheerful references to cannibals and aforementioned primitives. It is alleged to be Racism. It is a thread in the Culture Wars which they are using to achieve Cultural Genocide and the destruction of Western Civilization. Herewith are some sources. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Cannibalism Yea Or Nay
Cecil, the man who knows everything explains. He is a jovial soul.
Cannibalism ex Wiki
Cannibalism (from Caníbalis, the Spanish name for the Carib people, a West Indies tribe well known for their practice of cannibalism), is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh of other human beings. It is also called anthropophagy............Cannibalism has recently been both practiced and fiercely condemned in several wars, especially in Liberia and Congo. Today, the Korowai are one of very few tribes still believed to eat human flesh as a cultural practice. It is also still known to be practiced as a ritual and in war in various Melanesian tribes. Historically, allegations of cannibalism were used by the colonial powers to justify the enslavement of what were seen as primitive peoples; cannibalism has been said to test the bounds of cultural relativism as it challenges anthropologists "to define what is or is not beyond the pale of acceptable human behavior". Today, the trend is to reserve judgement on cannibalism.
Cannibalism was widespread in the past among humans throughout the world, continuing into the 19th century in some isolated South Pacific cultures; and, in a few cases in insular Melanesia, indigenous flesh-markets existed. Fiji was once known as the 'Cannibal Isles'. Neanderthals are believed to have practiced cannibalism, and they may have been cannibalized by modern humans.
Cannibalism has been occasionally practiced as a last resort by people suffering from famine, as it is speculated happened on colonial Roanoke Island USA. Occasionally it has occurred in modern times. A famous example is the crash of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, after which some survivors ate the bodies of deceased passengers. Also, some mentally ill individuals obsess about eating others and cannibalize, such as Jeffrey Dahmer and Albert Fish. There is a resistance to labelling cannibalism formally as a mental disorder.
The theme of cannibalism has been featured in religion, mythology, fairy stories and in works of art; for example, cannibalism has been depicted in The Raft of the Medusa by the French lithographer Théodore Géricault in 1819. It has been satirized in popular culture, as in Monty Python's Lifeboat sketch.
The pretence that it does not happen nowadays is refuted by the Wiki, a biased source which would like to cover up this truth.
Cannibalism - Some Hidden Truths
Someone points to contemporary accounts of happenings. Life back then could be short, brutish and nasty.
Cannibalism And Other Fun Ways To Get Rid Of Rats
Let's hope you never need to know but it sounds possible.
Cannibalism Explained
Pretentious or slightly better? You decide.
Bite Me
An evolutionary case for cannibalism.
By Jesse Bering Posted Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010, at 4:41 PM
Oil painting "Zwei Legenden vom heiligen Nikolaus" by Gerard David, c. 1500.While strolling last month through one of the dimly lit backrooms in a wing of the National Galleries of Scotland, my inner eye still tingling with thousands of Impressionistic afterimages, pudgy Rubensian cherubs, and gothic quadrangles, one irreverent painting leapt out at me in a very contemporary sort of way. It was part of an early-16th-century triptych showing what appeared to be a solemn, middle-aged clergyman in gilded ecclesiastical robes commanding three naked adolescent boys before him in a bathtub.
Now, I must say, my first thought on seeing this salacious image was that the Catholic Church has been a hebephilic haven for far longer than anyone realized. But my uneasiness was put to rest once I leaned in to read the caption, which stated that the Dutch artist Gerard David, a prolific religious iconographer based in Bruges, Belgium, was merely painting a scene of starvation cannibalism. Phew! What a relief it was only an innocent case of anthropophagy (the eating of human flesh by humans) and nothing more sinister than that. The boys had been killed by a butcher, you see, and their carcasses were salting in a makeshift vat awaiting ingestion by famished townspeople. Fortunately, that most notorious child-lover himself, St. Nicholas, just happened to be passing through town when he caught wind of the boy-eating scandal and resurrected the lads in the tub.
In any event, my time in Edinburgh offered plenty of food for thought on the subject of human meat. From the art gallery, my partner, Juan, and I galloped over to the Surgeons' Hall Museum, where we wandered through aisles packed floor-to-ceiling with pickled gangrenous feet, hairy severed arms of Industrial Age elderly women, trephined heads and a sundry of sickly genitals. Also on display was an elegant leather notebook, composed of a substance resembling cowhide but, in fact, made of the skin of the famous corpse supplier-cum-murderer William Burke.
All of this got me thinking about the logistics of cannibalism. The slick commercialization of the food industry has changed things dramatically, but there were, at one time, relatively frequent conditions—crop failures, habitat depletion, famine—in which cannibalism would have had lifesaving adaptive utility for our species. One pair of anthropologists, for example, actually crunched the numbers, concluding that the average human adult provides 66 pounds of edible food, including fat, connective tissue, muscle, organs, blood, and skin. Protein-rich blood clots and marrow are said (by the rare connoisseur) to be special treats. And indeed, at least one prominent evolutionary theorist, Lewis Petrinovich from the University of California, Riverside, has argued that cannibalism is a genuine biological adaptation common to all human beings—including those of you dry-heaving as you're reading this.
Anthropophagy routinely emerges, says Petrinovich, under predictable starvation conditions, and such examples of human cannibalism are not as rare as many people believe. "The point is that cannibalism is in the human behavioral repertoire," writes Petrinovich in his 2000 book The Cannibal Within:
… and probably is exhibited for a number of reasons—a common one being severe and chronic nutritional deprivation. A behavior might be exhibited only under extreme circumstances and still be part of our biological inheritance, and the fact that its course follows a systematic pattern argues against the hypothesis that it is psychotic in character.
Petrinovich wends his way through a human history littered with the gnawed-on bones of our cannibalized ancestors, revealing that—contrary to critiques arguing that man-eating is a myth conjured up by Westerners to demonize "primitives"—we really have been gobbling each other up for a very, very long time. We're just one of 1,300 species for which "intraspecific predation" has been observed. Among primates, cannibalism can usually be accounted for by nutritional and environmental stress, or it appears as a reproductive strategy in which mothers, for example, consume their unhealthy infants to make way for more viable offspring.
Pinpointing the specific factors that cause cannibalism is a rather difficult affair in the laboratory, mainly because of those pesky university ethics review boards. Still, an intrepid Japanese researcher shrugged off these considerations and induced cannibalism among a captive population of squirrel monkeys by feeding the pregnant females a low-protein diet. This led to a high rate of abortion and the mothers' devouring their aborted fetuses—a much-needed bolus of protein. Now imagine doing this same study with human beings under similar controlled laboratory conditions. Rather horrific, I should say, but that doesn't mean the findings wouldn't generalize to our own species. And don't get me started on the many ways that mammalian mommas feast on placental afterbirth. Some of our own prefer it with a dash of paprika, others as a spaghetti and "meatballs" dish.
But the fact that cannibalism is motivated in primates, including human beings, by starvation is precisely the point that Petrinovich is arguing. Where he differs from other evolutionary theorists, however, is in his assertion that anthropophagy represents a true adaptation in our species, just as cannibalism does for other animals. It is not simply an anomalous behavior found in a handful of depraved individuals. Such people do exist, to be sure—like this man who was so curious to know what his own flesh tasted like ("autocannibalism") that he … well, I'll let the clinical psychiatrists who examined him tell you in their own words:
After he cut the first toe, he first showed it to his flatmates before he ate it raw while he walked the streets. He chewed as much of the bone as possible and then spat it out. He recalls eating it 'for the experience' and that it was a 'once in a lifetime opportunity to eat human flesh'. He was excited by the shock value of doing so. The second toe was cooked in an oven before eating. In between cutting his toes he continued to work on renovating houses.
He's now safely medicated, a successful and happy builder, and presumably wearing special orthopedic shoes. But again, whereas cannibalism can certainly be deviant, in other cases it's perfectly normal—even healthy. Our close cousins the Neanderthals, essentially carnivorous predators, were driven to cannibalism at the end of the last glacial maximum in the face of dwindling numbers of large game animals. Osteoarchaeological research at a cave in southeast France yielded a bundle of roasted Neanderthal bones from about six individuals, haphazardly discarded bones that had been deliberately defleshed, disarticulated, and the marrow extracted.
In our own species, those bloodthirsty Aztecs and their prehistoric descendants were notorious for their sacrifice and cannibalism rituals. These were largely symbolic religious events, but some scholars have suggested that the greasy surfeit of Aztec sacrifice victims may have also been a high-energy nutritional supplement for the wealthy elite, who had first dibs on this "man corn." Noncannibalistic people may be the weird ones, cross-culturally speaking. Researchers have documented evidence of ritual anthropophagy throughout non-state societies in Africa (Zandelande, Sierra Leone, the Belgian Congo), South America (Eastern Brazil, Ecuador, Western Columbia, Paraguay), the New Hebrides (Fiji, Papau, New Guinea, Vanuatu, East New Guinea Highlands), and Native America. It's appeared in modern "civilized" societies, too, including famine-stricken China and Soviet-era Russia.
The bottom line, says Petrinovich, is that when you're hungry enough, ravenous really, and when all other food sources—including "inedible" things you'd rather not stomach such as shoes, shoelaces, pets, steering wheels, rawhide saddlebags, or frozen donkey brains—have been exhausted and expectations are sufficiently low, even the most recalcitrant moralist among us would shrug off the cannibalism taboo and savor the sweet meat of man … or woman, boy or girl, for that matter. It's either that or die, and among the two choices, only one is biologically adaptive.
A behavior can be adaptive without being an inherited biological adaptation, of course. But because starvation occurred with such regularity in our ancestral past, and because the starving mind predictably relaxes its cannibalistic proscriptions, and because eating other people restores energy and sustains lives, and because the behavior is universal and proceeds algorithmically (we eat dead strangers first, then dead relatives, then live slaves, then foreigners, and so on down the ladder to kith and kin), there is reason to believe—for Petrinovich, at least—that anthropophagy is an evolved behavior. The taboo against cannibalism is useful in times of health and prosperity; groups wouldn't survive very long if members were eating one another up. Yet starvation has a way of releasing the cannibal within.
In fact, starvation cannibalism may have been so prevalent in the ancestral past that it literally changed our DNA. Modern human populations appear to contain specific genetic adaptations designed to combat cannibalistic viruses. Typically, when a predator species consumes a prey species, there are substantive differences in immune systems between the two, with different varieties of pathogens. But the more similar are the eater and the eaten, the more vulnerable is the former to debilitating food-borne disease. This is what likely happened with the New Guinea Fore people in the case of kuru, a neurodegenerative disease that devastated that population in the early half of the last century. Epidemiologists traced the disease to mortuary cannibalism; women and children were eating the brains of the recently deceased as part of a funerary ritual. (Pork had fallen into short supply, so human brains infused a healthy dose of protein.) The interesting thing is that kuru is a variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and probably resulted, originally, from a single case of cannibalism among the Fore of a CJD-ridden brain, with kuru then evolving on its own course. In a 2003 issue of Current Biology, University of Nottingham geneticist John Brookfield speculated that over the past 500,000 years, human beings developed increasing variation in the gene for the human prion protein. Those who are heterozygous for this gene, points out Brookfield, were protected against CJD through cannibalism. "This sustained heterozygote advantage [was possibly] created by a lifestyle of habitual cannibalism," suggests Brookfield, "implying a new vision of the lifestyles of our ancestors."
As we've seen, not all cases of cannibalism are due to nutritional needs. Sociopathic individuals such as Jeffrey Dahmer, Armin Meiwes and Issei Sagawa lived in urban environments peppered with fast-food restaurants and overflowing grocery stores, yet still they dined on people. In his book SuperSense, University of Bristol psychologist Bruce Hood argues that such cases reflect essentialism beliefs, the idea that the victims' hidden "essences" or personality attributes are acquired by physical ingestion. It's also interesting that many such cases have a sexual component. As the author of To Serve Man: A Cookbook for People wrote teasingly: "There is no form of carnal knowledge so complete as that of knowing how somebody tastes." I suspect there's some truth to that uncomfortable joke. Essentialism beliefs may account for our species' peculiar—and surprisingly recent—history of medical cannibalism as well. The conquistadors and their New World heirs were known to have used human fat from agile natives to grease their arthritic joints. Long before Armin Meiwes was even a twinkling in his mother's eye, pregnant Ache women of Paraguay were nibbling on boiled penises in the hopes it would bring them sons.
So with all of these scenes swimming in my head, and pragmatist that I am, I'm left wondering why, exactly, it is that the consumption of already dead human bodies is such a taboo, especially for societies in which the soul is commonly seen as flitting off at death like an invisible helium balloon. If you subscribe to such dualistic notions, after all, the body is only some empty shell that the now-liberated spirit no longer needs. All those poor starving children of the world, surrounded by—as some epicures swear—the most succulent meat on the planet. Even resurrectionists should gleefully feed the impoverished with their own flesh, lest they, God forbid, allow such a bounty of edible meat to go to rot. All those wasted commercial goods, burned down to sticky dust in crematories, squirreled away behind ornate vaults, fed extravagantly to bloated subterranean organisms! If you'd rather not eat meat from aged or possibly diseased dead people, and if you're worried about the dignity of the individual, it would be easy enough to breed and then factory-farm brain-dead or free-ranging anencephalic human beings *, treating them humanely, of course, but enforcing food safety standards to control for outbreaks.
A parting tip for the entrepreneur: Rumor has it there's already some prime breeding stock—unfortunately a bit marbled with adipose tissue but with all the lucidity of dairy cows—readily available as founder lines in select communities. Want to buy in? E-mail me for details.
Watch: Robert Wright of and psychologist Paul Bloom of Yale on what motivates cannibals.
Do you believe everything you read?
Cannibalism And Other Fun Ways To Get Rid Of Rats
It was on the Internet so it must be true, mustn't it?
Have you ever found your house and property infested with hordes of rats or other noxious vermin? If so, perhaps these 19th century methods of ridding oneself of rats could help.
Back when most houses were poorly constructed and made primarily out of wood, rats would find a nice chink in the wall in which to chew a hole, through which it would scamper in, in search of shelter, and out, in search of your food.
The rats made a point of either being safe in your walls or under some furniture if you came snooping about, so catching them by hand, or scaring them away would be wasted effort. Average rats 200 years ago were the size of large melons (or so the housewives tell us), so the nimble cats that you keep around the house would be of little use, and if they were slow cats, rat food.
The problem was solved when one particularly astute individual made the connection that if Potash (now known as Lye or Potassium Hydroxide) would make his hands sore when it was handled, it just might do the same to the paws of the rats running amok in his house. So this person did this: He spread a layer of wet Lye around the rat holes in his house. This not only caused the rats to vacate the premises but it had the added benefit of keeping the children from exploring these rat-caverns, as they were so fond of doing back then! The reason that the rats would leave is that when they would walk over the damp Lye, their feet would become sore, so, being a normal red-blooded mammal, they would lick the afflicted parts, and, lo and behold, their mouth would become sore too! This was too much for the poor rats, so they would immediately communicate to their families that it was time to move on to a bigger, better, and more well stocked house. Now the rats have completely vacated, without any bloodshed or missing children. Just don't be startled if all your neighbors start complaining about rats...
"But that method doesn't work for me!" you say, angrily clutching the last remains of your undoubtedly delicious birthday cake, left on the table unattended for mere moments. The problem sir, isn't the rats, it is the 15 children you have managed to father over the last 8 years. They get hungry you know.
Assuming that you don't have a horde of ravenous children scavenging through your house for foodstuffs, and you still have a problem with disappearing food and magical pitfalls that seem to appear in your floorboards overnight, the problem is almost always rats (or ghosts, but that is another node). If you live in a time or place that doesn't have access to large amounts of lye (it does come from wood ashes though, I should have you know) then perhaps this method is for you:
You procure a long board, some bacon grease, some stiff paper, string, some water, a large rock, and a nice, large bucket or barrel (be sure to plug the bunghole). Once these items are gathered, you make a ramp with the long board from the rat hole to the top of the bucket. The rock is placed in the bucket, then water is added until there is only the smallest place on the top of the rock left above the water. The bucket is capped with the stiff paper and the string is used to secure it, as is done on a percussion drum. The bacon grease that you have is smeared from the rat hole, up the board and all over the stiff paper. The last step to this ingenious trap is cutting an X in the stiff paper with a knife.
Now your work is practically done, all you have to do now is wait overnight (no you can't watch, rats get self conscious when they are being watched and spend all day in their den putting on rouge and fixing their hair instead of getting caught in your traps). What happens is the sensitive noses of the rats pick up the scent of the bacon grease coming from the entry of their lair, so they venture out, up the grease-laden board right onto the apparently stiff paper covered barrel, then they, if you remember, fall through the X you cut so skillfully right into the water. They find the rock and stay there. Then the process is repeated for all the other rats, because if one rat has left to find food and he doesn't come back, that must mean that he found a bag of groceries or a tub of butter, so all the other rats follow the trail to the bacon-grease-covered-barrel and fall in. Since there is only room for one on top of the stone, the other rats are forced to either swim in circles until they drown, or they are forced to fight to the death to be king of the proverbial hill. When you wake in the morning, you will come across a barrel full of a dozen or so rat corpses, and one battle-scarred and weary rat, which will be quite a bit easier to easy to dispatch than a dozen would have been. Hell, all you need to do is remove his precious stone, though that would be pretty cruel, after all, it is his rock, fair and square. If you have a sense of humor you can name the rock Golgotha.
"But I'm a sadistic bastard, and I want to hear about cannibalism!" you exclaim with eagerness. Well sir, that is where the last method comes in... please don't hurt me!
The procedure for this way of getting rid of rats is a bit more time consuming. You must collect at least a dozen healthy rats, from your property, preferably, and keep them all in a nice large cage without food and water. Self preservation is a rather important factor in the actions made by lowly creatures like humans, err, rats, and because of this, they will attack, kill, and consume the bodies of their kind when they get hungry and thirsty enough. If you are that kind of person, you might enjoy watching one, particularly large (and now well-fed) rat terrorize his emaciated brethren, feasting upon their mangled bodies, bathing in their blood. It is an orgy of death and torturous cruelty, and you like watching it? To each his own I guess.
Once the large rat has finished off the last of the weaker rats, he will have acquired an insatiable desire for rat flesh, and will no longer prey upon your stores of grain, birthday cakes or bacon grease; He wants rat-meat. So what you do is let this rat loose in your house. Almost immediately you will hear sounds of a mass exodus of rodents as far away from that God-forsaken rat-demon as is possible. Legends of this fiend will be passed down to the future generations of the survivors, and not even the bravest rat will return to the domain of the scourge of Rat-Dom until long after his death.
Good luck with those rat problems!
Say Abos Are Cannibals And Get Aggravation [ 17 June 2010 ]
EX-RICHMOND player Mal Brown has admitted to being a "d...head" [ Dick head perhaps? - Editor ] for joking that Aboriginal footballers were cannibals in what he described as a light-hearted address at a football lunch. His comments have been condemned by the AFL and Brown apologised today for his gaffe when he spoke with Fairfax Radio. AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou says the league was shocked and appalled by the remarks made by Brown at an EJ Whitten lunch yesterday. [ Believe that if you want. - Editor ]
Notice that Mr Brown is alleged to have admitted that..... rather than said that... See Words are Propaganda Tools on the point. Journalists all know this. The crooked ones use it. Notice that they do not claim that he is wrong. That would leave them open to a libel action. Abos refer to Chinamen as sweet meat for a reason. It is a pity that he was silly enough to apologise.
Congo Crowd Cooks Man - Crowd Eats Man After Militant Massacres [ 15 November 2014 ]
(Reuters) - A crowd stoned to death a young man in northeast Congo on Friday before burning and eating his corpse, witnesses said, in apparent revenge for a series of attacks by Ugandan rebels.The incident in the town of Beni followed a number of overnight raids in the area blamed on the Islamist group ADF-NAUL, who are thought to have massacred more than 100 people this month, using hatchets and machetes to kill their victims.
Witnesses said the man, who has not been identified, aroused suspicion on a bus when passengers discovered he could not speak the local Swahili language and that he was carrying a machete.
Cannibalism is alive and well. Man meat should be healthy meat. Australian Abos call Chinamen Sweet Meat for a reason. Of course if they have Ebola they can always emigrate to Europe.
PS Fred Explains Cannibalism And Cultural Relativism or maybe just the Lunatic Fringe. It's two for the price of one.
Police Kill Black Cannibal As He Was Eating A Woman [ 19 September 2017 ]
A cannibal caught eating a woman he beheaded has died after a police shot him in South Africa. Aphiwe Mapekula, 23, collapsed in a hail of bullets with arm, leg and stomach injuries when police officers tried to arrest him at his home.He is said to have ignored several warning shots as he continued to eat Thembisa Masumpa's raw flesh. Officers finally opened fire on him when he attacked them with a knife, police said. Mapekula is said to have slit 35-year-old Thembisa's throat and hacked off her head in Mount Frere, South Africa. His horrified mum called cops after witnessing the gruesome slaughter.
But officers said he was tucking in to Thembisa's raw flesh by the time they turned up. He then attacked them with a knife before being shot, said police Captain Edith Mjoko.
South Africans need to eat; there are plenty of them. Two ideas come together for, what is laughingly called the Noble Savage.
Third World Cannibal Convicted Of Immigration Fraud In America [ 5 July 2018 ]
Yet another Liberian cannibal civil warlord who was rewarded with permanent residence in the US, has been found guilty of immigration fraud and perjury, the US Department of Justice has reported.According to a statement issued by the DOJ, Jucontee Thomas Woewiyu, 72, of Collingdale, Pennsylvania, was found guilty by a federal jury of immigration fraud and perjury charges. Woewiyu lied on his application for U.S. citizenship by denying that he advocated the overthrow of any government by force or violence and by denying that he ever persecuted any person because of membership in a social group or their political opinion...........
On numerous occasions over the years, Woewiyu publicly confirmed his prominent position in the NPFL and advocated the overthrow of the Doe government by force or violence.
“During the defendant’s tenure, the NPFL conducted a particularly heinous and brutal military campaign, characterized by torture, rape, forced sexual slavery, conscription of child soldiers, and murder,” the DOJ statement continued.
Liberia really is about as bad as it gets but then it is run by blacks. Men from a magazine called Vice explain all. They even got out alive, a major achievement.
Cannibalism Is Alive And Well In Africa [ 5 December 2021 ]
Coming to a town near you….
Watch the video, see the truth. Was it actually in Africa? Pass but it is highly likely.