News is bad news. Good news does not sell so well. But we can still wonder about the kind of people that make it into the news and the kind that do not get a mention. Can this much bad news be the result of malice? Given that I prefer reports from Jewish sources the answer is probably not. Given that the media is largely Jewish owned one can see why news editors can be and are very selective about what they print. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Irving's comments aroused great anger within Britain's Jewish community. [ Why? What is wrong with it? Editor ]
Lord Janner, president of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said Irving's release was "unwarranted" and that Irving's "latest comments were totally to be expected and should be totally ignored." [ He said nothing about Jewish paedophiles though - Editor ]
Ephraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel, said Irving's behaviour since his release in evidence that he should have remained in prison
It is a fair question and deserves an honest answer. The next stage would be cleaning up their act. Compensating Palestinians for years of murders and ethnic cleansing would a good start and go down like a cup of cold sick with God's Chosen People.
Genocide Now - The Final Solution To The
Palestinian Problem
20 December 2007 ]
Recently, a group
of Jews having an
Independence celebration picnic were surrounded by thousands of Israeli
Arabs threatening them with violence, waving Hamas and PLO flags, and
so forth. And Olmert's government did nothing...........
Decades ago, the late Rabbi Meir Kahane warned of such things and
the need to take solid action and was branded a racist and
extremist.... He was as correct then as he is now...........
Israel must unabashedly confront this problem head on..... It must try
its best to reason with its Arab citizens...... Trials for treason must
be forthcoming with expulsion as the
punishment. These are long overdue. Let the guilty choose
from those above states or the Palestinian Arab
territories where to go.
No nation would tolerate a potentially deadly fifth column openly
aiding and abetting avowed enemies sworn to that very nation's
destruction. Putting these folks in jail will just cost the Israeli
taxpayer money and will be yet more temptation for the blackmailers.
don't care how politically incorrect it sounds ... As Kahane wrote
decades ago, They Must Go.
expressed by
the author do not necessarily reflect those of israelinsider [ or the
Nazi Party ].
Jew writes. Inciting racial hatred is a crime in many countries. But
for a Jew it is different. He can always work the Holocaust story.
David Irving says Jews should ask themselves why they are hated [ 28 November 2007 ]
"They [Jews] should ask themselves the question, 'Why have they been so hated for 3000 years that there has been pogrom after pogrom in country after country?', said Irving, speaking at a press conference he convened in England on Friday, a day after he was released from an Austrian prison.
Irving's comments aroused great anger within Britain's Jewish community. [ Why? What is wrong with them? Editor ]
Lord Janner, president of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said Irving's release was "unwarranted" and that Irving's "latest comments were totally to be expected and should be totally ignored." [ He said nothing about Jewish paedophiles though - Editor ]
Ephraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel, said Irving's behaviour since his release in evidence that he should have remained in prison
It is a fair question and deserves an honest answer. The next stage would be cleaning up their act. Compensating Palestinians for years of murders and ethnic cleansing would a good start and go down like a cup of cold sick with God's Chosen People.
Oxford Union Invites Holocaust Denier. Jews Whine [ 26 November 2007 ]
The head of Britain's Equality and Human Rights Commission condemned Oxford University's debating society Sunday for inviting convicted Holocaust denier David Irving to speak at Monday forum..... The move also was opposed by Oxford University's Muslim and Jewish societies.....
If Mr Irving tells students that the Holocaust story is a pack of lies they will be able to challenge him, to point to the evidence. Of course if they fail to convince it would be a major embarrassment to the Holocaust Industry. People might ask for their money back. The World Jewish Congress has extorted at least US$20 billion. Where has it all gone? Not to the Holocaust survivors real or alleged for starters. See a third of Holocaust survivors in Israel live in poverty.
Israeli Prime Minister Raided In Major Fraud Probe [ 11 November 2007 ]
Police raided locations across Israel on Sunday morning, searching for evidence in three criminal investigations against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. More than 100 investigators arrived at over 20 different places around the country, including government offices, public buildings, private businesses and residential homes......
Attorney General Menachem Mazuz last month ordered the third concurrent investigation into Olmert on suspicion he granted improper political favours while serving as industry and trade minister between 2003 and 2005.
The public have got the man bang to rights. See - Israeli Prime Minister Is The Most Corrupt
Israeli Prime Minister Is The Most Corrupt [ 10 November 2007 ]
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was judged the most corrupt member of government by the public for the second year running, in a survey.....
56 percent of participants are convinced Olmert is the most corrupt member of parliament... A close second went to former finance minister Abraham Hirchson, another Kadima man with 55 percent, while Haim Ramon of Kadima and Strategic Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman (Yisrael Beiteinu) shared third place with 33 percent. Defence Minister Ehud Barak (Labor) took fourth place along with Finance Minister Roni Bar-On (Kadima), both considered corrupt by 29 percent of respondents..... Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud) was considered corrupt by 38 percent of those surveyed.
What can I add to this? The President got away with it but he was in for rape not thieving. We could do with this kind of survey in England. Blair would get my vote every time.
Swastikas Are A Hate Crime - But A Jew Did Them. Whoops
Let's leave the phoney indignation until later. Let's give God's Chosen People a chance tolie about itexplain.
George Washington University officials said a Jewish student who complained about swastikas showing up on her door put them there herself.........
University police set up a hidden camera. They said the girl admitted responsibility Monday..... the student said, "I wasn't looking to create this sort of insanity. I wasn't looking to become a media darling. I was just looking for acknowledgment from the university that someone drew a swastika on the door." The student now faces disciplinary action from the school and could face criminal charges.
All over the main stream media? Not a chance. This one will slip quietly down the memory hole
PS Jews control the media.
Jews enjoy torturing Palestinians [ 29 October 2007 ]
Zionists enjoy torturing Palestinians, both men and women, and many of them use it to discharge energy, [ It is also healthy exercise - Editor ] according to a recent study by an Israeli psychologist. "At one point or another of their service, the majority of the interviewees enjoyed violence," Nufar Yishai-Karin, a clinical psychologist at the Hebrew University, told The Observer...... Erlik Alhanan, the public face of Israeli refuseniks, has said that the number of occupation soldiers who defy army orders to serve in the occupied territories is on the rise due to illegal army practices.
Is it true? I have no doubt that it is. Was it all over the main stream media? No.
Gaza Is Much like Auschwitz [ 27 October 2007 ]
Israel's regard for Palestinians can be summed up in how it imprisons and terrorizes them,.......
Israel has been displaying its "goodwill" towards the Palestinians. At the notorious Kitziot Prison, a real concentration camp minus gas chambers, crack Israeli soldiers have been ganging up on helpless and fettered Palestinian prisoners, shooting, beating and humiliating them under largely concocted pretexts.....
Here the Jews are starving us to death. Gaza is a large concentration camp. It is very much like Auschwitz. Yes, there are no gas chambers and crematoria. But people are dying for lack of food and lack of medicine.
Al Ahram is more forthright than Haaretz but then it is not in Palestine, the Stolen Land that thieves call Israel.
Jewish Politician Compares Leftist And Nazis [ 6 October 2007 ]
The chairwoman of the Knesset Meretz faction, MK [ Member of Parliament ] Zahava Gal-On, called on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to dismiss Avigdor Lieberman from the cabinet after he compared leftists to Nazi collaborators.
Lieberman,... said... that anyone who breaks the "national consensus" or incites against Israel abroad reminds him of Kapos during World War Two. Kapos were prisoners in Nazi concentration camps who worked as guards and were known for their brutality.
Lieberman is a very nasty bit of work and popular in Israel. But a Jewish journalist is not a fan. Incitement to murder has that effect on some people. He tells us about The Obscene Views of Avigdor Lieberman. He feels that Jörg Haider is much nicer man.
Fables of Ancient Israel Now Being Dissected [ 30 September 2007 ]
Unknown to almost all laymen, a huge number of scholars have quietly come together agreeing on a historical fact.......... They agree that the various tales of “ancient Israel” are largely fictional. Based upon the known facts of geography, history, archaeology and even biblical scholarship, many of them argue there was no such entity as “ancient Israel”—that it never existed. Is it possible that ancient Israel is a hoax?...............
Actually there is no such thing as ancient Jews. Jews, furthermore, are not the same thing as Judahites, who are not the same as Israelites, who must be distinguished from Hebrews—and Israelis are something else altogether. The confusion of these terms works greatly to the advantage of the movement for political Zionism and is understood by all open-minded scholars.
It is all rather like fairy stories; interesting perhaps, influential but a pack of lies.
Germans to fund Holocaust survivors while Jews rob them blind [ 24 September 2007 ]
Israel has asked the German government to fund an annual NIS 150 million in stipends for about 8,000 Holocaust survivors [ that it has been leaving to starve for the last sixty years - Editor ]. Representatives of the prime minister yesterday provided survivor organizations with a summary of their negotiations, including a few new details.
Under the deal, the key new benefit is a stipend for 8,000 concentration camp and ghetto survivors who previously had not been receiving anything. These survivors will now be entitled to a monthly NIS 1,000 stipend and service vouchers worth an annual NIS 2,400. The total value of this package is slated to rise to NIS 1,600 a month by 2010 [ when even more of them will have died off - Editor ].
I am not sure whether the German government is a bunch of fools or rogues. At all events the German tax payer is being robbed by the biggest bunch of con men the world has known. The World Jewish Congress has taken people for $20 billion and let a third of Holocaust survivors in Israel live in poverty. Bronfman, the boss lives in luxury. So does the thief, Singer who was the front man.
Jews refer to African Americans as baboons and manipulate them as such [ 4 September 2007 ]
How awful! That is racist and must be deeply offensive to the people who brought us all of that wonderful music. But listen for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
So Why Hasn’t Iran Started Wiping Its Own Jews Off the Map? [ 10 August 2007 ]
Iran is the new Nazi Germany and its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the new Hitler. Or so Israeli officials have been declaring for months as they and their American allies try to persuade the doubters in Washington that an attack on Tehran is essential........... “It’s 1938 and Iran is Germany. And Iran is racing to arm itself with atomic bombs.”... “He is preparing another Holocaust for the Jewish state.”.....
why are some 25,000 Jews living peacefully in Iran and more than reluctant to leave despite repeated enticements [ including bribes - Editor ] from Israel and American Jews?.......
claiming an imminent second Holocaust while thousands of Jews live happily in Tehran -- Israel is now backing a move by Jewish donors to guarantee every Iranian Jewish family $60,000 to settle in Israel, in addition to a host of existing financial incentives that are offered to Jewish immigrants, including loans and cheap mortgages.
More important than the welfare of Iranian Jewish families, it seems, is the value of Iranian Jews as a propaganda tool in Israel’s battle to persuade the world that coexistence with the Muslim world is impossible......... the 3,000-year-old Jewish legacy in Iran is not something to be treasured, only another obstacle to war.
Israeli politicians are not just paranoid and vicious; they are murderous. Recall that Jews engineered the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia with an eventual death toll of some 85 million.
Israeli President lets crooked politician get away with it [ 24 July 2007 ]
......... The Likud party politician was convicted of bribing 15 party activists and central committee members..... She was also found guilty of obstruction of justice. Blumenthal was sentenced last March to eight months in jail and ordered to pay a NIS 75,000 fine. Upon hearing of Peres' decision to commute Blumenthal's sentence, her family expressed their satisfaction with the president's decision.
Like goes to like. Bush let Libby get away with it.
PS The last President of Israel got sacked for multiple rapes.
Israel's President turned me into sex slave [ 29 June 2007 ]
President's Residence employee A., the first woman to accuse outgoing president Moshe Katsav of rape almost a year ago, described Thursday her version of the alleged sexual assault perpetrated by the president against her, saying he had turned her into a sex slave. Earlier Thursday, Katsav signed a plea agreement under which the rape charges against him will be dropped and he will serve no active jail time.....
Israel's President is a strong man and virile. What is the point of having power if you don't use it? More and funnier details at Israeli president pleads guilty to sex offences. After all Clinton got away with it too.
Jews behind campaign to boycott Israel [16 June 2007 ]
Many of the key players in the escalating British campaign to boycott Israel are Jewish or Israeli, the Jewish Chronicle revealed in an investigation published Thursday. According to the investigation, the Jewish academics justify their stance as part of the struggle for Palestinian rights and ending Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories..... Steven Rose [ a Jew ] wrote, "It really isn't good enough to attack the messenger as anti-Semitic or a self-hating Jew rather than deal with the message that Israel's conduct is unacceptable."
So there are decent Jews albeit thin on the ground. Haaretz confirms the point in Fighting 'the apartheid state'
Jews in England [ 19 May 2007 ]
The census reported that 270,499 Britons identified themselves as "Jewish." The community is composed of a "collection of multiple subgroups defined in myriad ways," according to the report.
Many British Jews chose to describe their ethnicity as "Jewish," despite the nationality-based approach of the census. A sizable number preferred to describe their background or "upbringing," rather than their religion, as Jewish.
This is good evidence for not trusting Jews. A number of spies on the Manhattan Project were Zionists too.
World Jewish Congress might clean up its act [ 12 June 2007 ]
The World Jewish Congress imbroglio is hopefully now at an end. After three harrowing years of ongoing scandal as layer after layer of corruption was exposed, there is hope that we are now about to enter a new era.... delegates.. elected Ronald Lauder.... Mendel Kaplan who had been a prime element in the cover ups which led to the seemingly unending scandals of the past three years.. With the... expulsion of the disgraced Israel Singer [ for thieving - Editor ], the rejection of the candidacy of Mendel Kaplan, and the resignation of the controversial Secretary General Stephen Herbits,...
The WJC elections were a battle to ensure that there would be genuine reform and governance and prevent those responsible for the scandals from continuing to undermine any such efforts....
This was written by Leibler, who was a lawyer so his naming of the guilty is likely to be entirely provable.
Leumi's gesture to survivors [ 11 June 2007 ]
Bank Leumi's board of directors has decided to transfer NIS 20 million [ 20 million shekels = US$4.8 million ] to Holocaust survivors and heirs of Holocaust victims who deposited money in the bank before World War II, as "a gesture of goodwill."...... many other bodies in Israel that profited from the money of Holocaust victims...... a parliamentary committee... determined that Bank Leumi owed up to NIS 307 million to the heirs of Holocaust victims.....
Jews rob Jews. Jews rob Holocaust victims. Jews use Holocaust victims to rob Germans and Swiss so everyone is happy - at the World Jewish Congress - apart from Israel Singer that kicked out for thieving.
The Holocaust Shakedown - Second Generation Wants In [ 9 May 2007 ]
All this time they kept silent. Growing in the shadow of post-traumatic Holocaust surviving parents, they suffered from violence, over-protection and unrealistic expectations. Some of them succeeded and even became famous, while others collapsed.
All this time the first generation in Israel went short - see a third of Holocaust survivors in Israel live in poverty. Israelis don't care about them. Why should Germans who were not even born at the time? Rabbi Singer of The World Jewish Congress tells anyone who cares to listen that he personally extorted $20 billion from Western governments. How much of it gets to Holocaust victims? Not a lot I suspect. Haaretz tells us that the Holocaust is a political asset and the survivors are pawns.
Police say that Vaisman did not pocket all the millions stolen from Harel [ 5 May 2007 ]
No, he just gambled them away. Will this keep him out of prison? Should it? I would have said not.
NB England has criminals too but ours don't seem to be so numerous or shameless.
President of Colombia approved by AJC [ 3 May 2007 ]
Even though Colombian President Alvaro Uribe is facing scrutiny from Democrats, union leaders and human rights advocates over his government’s record, a prominent Jewish organization was set to honour him this week... “Politics makes strange bedfellows….. one wonders if there was a better way for American Jewish Committee to recognize President Uribe.”
Why do they like him? For services to the narcotics industry?
Kahane was right - They must go [ 30 April 2007 ]
...... Decades ago, the late Rabbi Meir Kahane warned of such things and the need to take solid action and was branded a racist and extremist. He was as correct then as he is now. What nation would put up with the events mentioned above committed by its own citizens ... in this case, the freest Arabs anywhere in the Middle East?.... The time is running out for the Israeli Left's delusions and cowardice to continue. The time to act -- and act decisively -- is now. Israel must unabashedly confront this problem head on...... to that very nation's destruction. Putting these folks in jail will just cost the Israeli taxpayer money and will be yet more temptation for the blackmailers.
I don't care how politically incorrect it sounds ... As Kahane wrote decades ago, They Must Go.
Views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect those of israelinsider [ or the Nazi Party for that matter - Editor ].
Meir Kahane was a Jewish fanatic and terrorist who was written off by some or even most Israelis and Zionists. This comedian has bought the story and even got published in the Zionist main stream media.
The legacy of Boris Yeltsin [ 26 April 2007 ]
Communism wounded Russia, grievously, almost irreparably – and Yeltsinism delivered the death blow. The legacy of Boris Yeltsin, who presided over what Paul Klebnikov described as "one of the most corrupt regimes in history," is, quite literally, the death agony of the Russian nation. As David Satter pointed out in the Wall Street Journal:
"Between 1992 and 1994, the rise in the death rate in Russia was so dramatic that Western demographers did not believe the figures. The toll from murder, suicide, heart attacks and accidents gave Russia the death rate of a country at war; Western and Russian demographers now agree that between 1992 and 2000, the number of "surplus deaths" in Russia–deaths that cannot be explained on the basis of previous trends–was between five and six million persons."
The Yeltsin era was marked by a precipitous fall in living standards, but some prospered.... The one who perhaps profited the most was Boris Berezovsky.
The oligarchs stole 85% of Russian assets and the billions poured in by Western banks. Berezovsky wants more. His greed is unlimited.
Ex-chief rabbi blames Jews for the Holocaust [ 20 April 2007 ]
Members of the [ Jewish ] Reform movement accused the former Sephardic chief rabbi of slander yesterday for allegedly stating that the Holocaust happened because of the activity of Reform Jews in Germany. Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu is said to have made the statement on Friday in an interview with a pirate radio station, and the six Reform movement members have filed a slander complaint to the police.
Lots of money rides on the game. It matters. So does the bottom line. A third of Holocaust survivors in Israel live in poverty. So what? The Holocaust is a political asset and the survivors are pawns.
Russia says Give us Berezovsky [ 19 April 2007 ]
The Russian ambassador to the UK warned that bilateral relations would inevitably suffer if prompt action was not taken against the Britain-based multi-millionaire, who told the Guardian that he was fomenting a revolution to topple Mr Putin by force. At the Home Office, sources confirmed yesterday that immigration officials were investigating whether Mr Berezovsky's comments had broken UK laws [ Hint: they have - Editor ] and regulations and altered his refugee status.
Berezovsky claims that he did not murder Paul Klebnikov for writing a book about his very murky past. Believe him if you want.
Israeli government ordered to stop poisoning Bedouin land [ 16 April 2007 ]
The High Court of Justice on Sunday ruled that the Israel Lands Administration is not allowed to spray chemicals on land farmed by Bedouin, a practice carried out in a bid to prevent the Bedouin from controlling those areas.
Justices Salim Joubran, Edna Arbel and Miriam Naor ruled that the spraying is not a proportionate means of achieving the stated goal because the chemicals endanger the lives and health of people and animals.
The court also required the state to pay NIS 20,000 in legal expenses to the Adala legal centre for Arab rights in Israel, which filed the petition three years ago on behalf of the residents of the Negev villages of Al-Arakib and Wadi al-Bakar.
The American used Agent Orange as a weapon of war. Men are suffering from it yet. Jews whine about Zyklon B but use poison for ethnic cleaning. Is this moral relativism, hypocrisy or just plain evil.
Senator Fulbright, 1967 - The trouble is that Jews think they control the Senate [ 12 April 2007 ]
The real trouble is that they are right but that is not the point that we are supposed to take from this Haaretz article. With two Jews from a Jewish pressure group [ AIPAC ] on trial for espionage and America at war for Israel you might think that the case is made.
Rabbi hospitalized after shoplifting charge in America[ 1 April 2007 ]
Brazil's best-known rabbi, who was charged with shoplifting in Florida last week, was hospitalized on Friday for what doctors called a mood disorder after using drugs that may cause confusion and amnesia.... The Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital in Sao Paulo said Sobel was admitted.
Playing the health card worked well for Ernie Saunders, a Jewish thief. It got him out of prison. It worked for Ronson, a Jewish thief. It kept him out. Using this approach means guilty as Hell. Using a Jewish hospital makes it that much easier.
Israel deliberately employed SS mass murderer [ 30 March 2007 ]
In the late 1940s, Walther (Walter) Rauff, an SS officer who was responsible for the murder of at least 100,000 people and was wanted by the Allies as a war criminal, was employed by the Israeli secret service. Instead of bringing him to justice it paid him for his services and helped him escape to South America. Documents of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that have been released over the past several years show that the Americans were aware that Rauff's case was not exceptional.
War makes for strange bed fellows. Mossad are unprincipled rogues who murdered their new boss because they didn't like him - see Victor Ostrovsky
Jewish MP should be charged after bar brawl [ 28 March 2007 ]
The police investigators of the alleged attacks and threats by MK Yoram [ Rocky? ] Marciano at a Herzliya night club last month have completed their probe and are to recommend he be charged based on what they say is solid evidence against him.
At least it wasn't rape or thieving. Are there any of them that aren't it?
Police question Israeli Finance Minister for 8 hours [ 28 March 2007 ]
Finance Minister Abraham Hirchson was questioned yesterday for the second time by police for allegedly stealing funds from the National Worker's Organization. Hirchson is suspected of stealing, receiving bribes, fraud, breach of confidence, and falsifying documents, during the period in which he served as chairman of the organization.
Wide ranging fraud sounds about right. They are all at it.
The World Jewish Council and MAJOR Robbery [ 25 March 2007 ]
......Singer... habitually depicted himself as the person who with his own two hands extracted $20 billion from the governments of the West in return for lost Jewish property. He boasted of his ability to put one over on presidents and prime ministers, and with the same degree of pride enumerated heads of state as his personal friends. In retrospect, it has emerged that during the same period, Singer himself behaved as though he himself were a head of state, living ostentatiously at the expense of the donors to the WJC.
The WJC took us for $20 billion. That was one big shake down. How much of it gets to Holocaust victims? Not a lot.
Israeli police recommend charging MP with fraud and breach of trust [ 23 March 2007 ]
The police have recommended former agriculture minister and Likud MK Yisrael Katz be tried for fraud and breach of trust over alleged political appointments at the ministry.
The police also recommended indicting Katz's aide Michael Ayalon for fraud, breach of trust, falsification of corporate records, forgery and misuse of power.
The investigation began two years ago after the state comptroller reported political appointments in the ministry and its units. The report found Ayalon was illegitimately involved in hiring.
To lose one minister is unfortunate. To lose several is incompetence, at best.
Israelis seek asylum in Canada [ 22 March 2007 ]
Canada is granting residency to growing numbers of Israeli asylum seekers, including ethnic Russians, ultra-orthodox Jews and political dissidents who say they are victims of political or religious persecution in Israel.
More than 500 Israelis applied for refugee status in Canada last year, up from 253 in 2000. The acceptance rate rose from 5 per cent to 31 per cent in 2005 and 18 per cent last year, when IRB accepted 45 claims -- an implicit recognition that these individuals suffered persecution in a state that could not [ would not is the truth - Editor ] protect their rights.
The recent
spike in numbers has put Israel
in the top 10
countries ranked by the number refugee applications in Canada, along
with Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Nigeria and Sri Lanka.
UNQUOTE ex Globe
and Mail
This is going down like a cup of cold sick with
Zionists. They could always try cleaning up their act but they
probably don't see that as an option. I thought they were just
murdering Arabs and Christians. Now I know better.
Israel recalls 'naked ambassador' [ 13 March 2007 ]
Israel has recalled its ambassador to El Salvador after he was found drunk and naked apart from bondage gear. Reports say he was able to identify himself to police only after a rubber ball had been removed from his mouth. She confirmed that lurid reports of the incident in the Israeli press were accurate.
The English language Jewish press did a total news black out on this one. Believe that the media are there to tell us the truth if you want.
Conrad Black Wanted His Day in Court [ 12 March 2007 ]
For years he has longed for his day in court and this week he will get it. The former 'Telegraph' proprietor is accused of using a listed company as his own personal piggy bank....... he faces 14 counts of fraud, racketeering and obstruction of justice, accused of looting more than $80m (£41m) from Hollinger International, the stock market-listed part of a media business that was once the third-largest in the English-speaking world.
He has been very noisy which means he is liable to go down noisily. He threatened to sue Private Eye. They aren't worried.
PS The accused are an all Jew line up. So is the defence lawyer.
Israel tells UN panel human rights do not apply to Palestinians [ 10 March 2007 ]
Israel argues that the U.N. committee's remit, to ensure compliance with a 1965 international treaty against racial discrimination which the Jewish state has ratified, does not apply to the Palestinian territories it has occupied since 1967. The committee rejects that position.
Israel's ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Itzhak Levanon, told the committee last month it was crucial to understand the pressing security threats faced by his country.
Human rights apply to Jews big time. They are still whining about The Holocaust and making millions to boot. Palestinians are Untermenschen as Adolf would have said while Jews are the Master Race. That is why they are entitled to Lebensraum.
German bishops compare Israel to the Nazis [ 8 March 2007 ]
A group of German bishops sparked controversy yesterday when they compared Israel's treatment of the Palestinians with the Nazis' maltreatment of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.
Several of the bishops were upset by the Jerusalem Wall, the 30ft high concrete barrier illegally built by Israel to separate Palestinian suburbs from the rest of the city.
"This is something that is done to animals, not people," he [ Cardinal Meisner ] said referring to the wall and heavily fortified checkpoints where Palestinians are subjected to intrusive questioning and demands for Israel-approved documentation.
German bishops know something about the reality of Nazis and now the reality of the Zionist occupation government.
PS The Jerusalem Post's spin was for domestic consumption. Play the man not the substance. Truth is a weapon and they don't like it.
The Real Slave Bringers [ 8 March 2007 ]
We shipped all of those blacks off to a new life in the New World. Isn't it awful? Well yes and no. A large most of the real slave traders were Gomez, Levy, Franks, Lopez, Roosevelt... in fine they were Jews. When sources are given they become checkable. Louis Farrakhan confirms it all at
PS The propagandists abusing us are Jews too.
PPS Louis Farrakhan gets a dreadful press because he tells the truth about Jews.
Israeli President Gets Away With Rapes [ 7 March 2007 ]
The Knesset [ Parliament ] let him get away with it. Only seven out of twenty five voted for impeachment.
The big mouth of Israeli Fascism - An Israeli explains [ 7 March 2007 ]
She [ Esterina Tartman ] could have been a popular member of the Knesset....... She appeared on the public stage at the end of the last Knesset,....... From the very first moment, she aroused strong feelings of rejection, disgust and even loathing.
The Esterina Affair has even eclipsed another major new disclosure: that Ehud Olmert, in his former capacity as Minister of Industry and Trade, distributed jobs and other benefits to some 115 members of the powerful Likud Central Committee, of which he was then a member, in order to ensure his place on the party's list for the next elections. And indeed, how could such routine corruption compete with the juicy affair of the "Tartarina" (as she was dubbed by one Knesset member.)
The Minister of Police is a former Shin Bet chief, and therefore sees the police as a force fighting enemies, rather than protecting citizens. He has shown his talent by appointing a new police chief, who has in the past been stigmatized in court as unfit to wear a police uniform. The new Minister of Justice, who has just been appointed, declares publicly that his main aim is to cripple the Supreme Court, the last bastion of democracy in Israel,.... And the appointment of Avigdor Liberman, the primitive racist bully, as minister in charge of dealing with the Iranian problem is like introducing a deranged elephant into a porcelain shop.
And this government remains in power only because practically everybody believes that another one would be even worse.
An Israeli Member of Parliament can't see the funny side of it but he does know where the skeletons are. Corrupt hardly begins to describe it. God's Chosen People show what awful taste God had. - if that is they really are his chosen. Who tells us that he chose them. They do; nobody else.
Is Israel falling apart? [ 7 March 2007 ]
Professor Wahrman, a Jew explains. He knows about the corruption too. He doesn't like it either. He fingers two very dangerous rogues. Lieberman and Gaydamack. It is more than coincidence that that they are Jews from Russia.
Israeli Politician is a Crook [ 1 March 2007 ]
Another crook that is. She is/was in line to be the tourism minister. Fraudulent academic qualifications and dodgy insurance claims don't put her in the same league as the President [ rape ], Prime Minister [ major fraud ], previous Prime Minister [ murder, massacres, thieving ] but they point in the same direction. God's Chosen People is what they call themselves. It sounds like another lie to me. See Tartman is unworthy of being tourism minister, and her participation in public life is dangerous.
Scandal-weary Israeli Public Enraged by Tainted Top Cop Pick [ 28 February 2007 ]
Most Israelis saw the departure of Moshe Karadi — as well as the head of the Tax Authority in a separate scandal — as a positive step in the painful process of cleansing the country’s corrupt governing circles. It was the replacement of the commissioner by another tainted figure that reignited the ever-growing flame of public indignation.
One crook out. Another in. With the President, the Prime Minister, the Justice Minister etc in the frame you might wonder if any Jewish politician is straight. The new man is good on bribes and brutality.
PS It does look as though some of God' Chosen People can be embarrassed by evil.
Israeli Judge Says Israel is a Criminal State [ 21 February 2007 ]
Israel could be on its way to resembling Sicily, retired judge Vardi Zeiler told Haaretz in an interview following Sunday's publication of a damning report on police and prosecution malfeasance by the inquiry committee he headed.
"Sicily is an entire region where there's this phenomenon of crime taking over government," he said. "You're asking me whether crime has penetrated the government in Israel? I don't know. But I do know that if the phenomenon I saw at this one narrow point has spread throughout the Israel Police - it's Sicily."
It is worse than he tells us. The President, Prime Minister and Justice Minister are in the frame. Those are just a few of the known crooks.
Israel's President faces rape rap hearing [ 14 February 2007 ]
Attorney General Menachem Mazuz will apparently hold a hearing for President Moshe Katsav in about two months, between April 10 and April 15.
The Knesset House Committee will open impeachment proceedings against Katsav this morning.......
One bent president can be sorted. Bush would make it a good double and with far better reason. Blair would be a real plus too.
Khodorkovsky is in line for another fifteen years [ 13 February 2007 ]
He was a big time thief. Now he is shaping up as a lifer. Vladimir Putin let him off lightly after the first try on.
Israeli Justice Minister not going to Prison[ 1 February 2007 ]
Ramon was convicted for indecent behaviour at the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court on Wednesday afternoon, for having kissed a young female soldier against her will. The former justice minister has vowed to appeal.
Ramon is a cunning liar but then he is a Jew in politics. He must still have friends. The President is sorted [ rape and thieving ]. The Prime Minister isn't yet [ thieving ], nor the head tax man [ thieving ].
President of Israel to be charged with rape and fraud [ 23 January 2007 ]
Attorney General Menachem Mazuz decided Tuesday that President Moshe Katsav should face charges for rape, sexual harassment, obstruction of justice, fraud and breach of trust. The sexual assault charges relate to the claims of four women who worked for Katsav during his terms as president and before that as a cabinet minister.
This leaves the prime minister [ fraud ], the previous prime minister [ fraud ], the tax office [ fraud ], chief rabbi [ light fingers ],.... There are honest Jews but not that many at the top. Also Katsav also faces charges of sexual harassment and fraud
Israel has new army chief [ 23 January 2007 ]
Some one had to take the blame for losing war against Lebanon. They didn't care about the genocidal aspect. The new man looks suitably thuggish.
Israel sinks deeper into cesspit of defamation, denigration and denial [ 22 January 2007 ]
..... Such systematic intolerance is evident again in the Mediterranean world as the Zionist empire goes through its own death throes. The virtuous, sympathetic illusions that have traditionally sustained Israel in the Western mind are no longer defensible. Despite the servility of North America’s press and governments, the truth of Israeli atrocities is gaining a wider and wider audience.
Logically, the idea of a Jewish supremacist country must be abandoned in favour of a democratic Palestinian state.......... The Lobby is resorting to increasingly brazen acts of terrorism and slander to vilify anyone who advocates political reform.... This modern “war on heresy” applies to Jews and non-Jews alike. Intellectual bankruptcy and panic have overtaken The Lobby, and the Zionist empire is not long for this world. It is not worth saving.
Fair comment I think.
Israel Get a Raw Deal says Finkelstein [ 17 January 2007 ]
The way the conflict in Israel is being reported is biased and narrow-sighted
That is verbatim. Believe it if you want. Zionists are perpetual victims even when they are the perpetrators and using their hard luck stories to extort money from anyone willing to listen.
Israeli Prime Minister likely to face two criminal probes [ 11 January 2007 ]
The Justice Ministry is expected to announce the opening of a criminal investigation against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert next week. The probe will focus on the state's sale of a controlling interest in Bank Leumi.
The ministry declined to confirm this, or a separate media report that it has decided to investigate Olmert over three different affairs: the Leumi sale, various benefits conferred on attorney Uri Messer, and political appointments at the Industry Ministry's Small Business Authority during his tenure there as minister.
Big time fraud is a typical Jewish crime just like white slaving. The President has beaten the rape raps for the moment. They can be swept under the carpet later when we have all forgotten about them.
Jews only roads mean real Apartheid in Israel [ 9 January 2007 ]
Jewish self-righteousness is taken for granted among ourselves to such an extent that we fail to see what's right in front of our eyes. It's simply inconceivable that the ultimate victims, the Jews, can carry out evil deeds....
By now they have requisitioned further lands for the purpose of constructing "Jewish only" roads. Wonderful roads, wide roads, well-paved roads, brightly lit at night--all that on stolen land. When a Palestinian drives on such a road, his vehicle is confiscated and he is sent on his way.......
Major-General Naveh, renowned for his superior patriotism, has issued a new order...... it prohibits the conveyance of Palestinians without a permit. The order determines that Israelis are not allowed to transport Palestinians in an Israeli vehicle (one registered in Israel regardless of what kind of number plate it carries) unless they have received explicit permission to do so. The permit relates to both the driver and the Palestinian passenger.....
...Apartheid is defined therein as an international crime that among other things includes using different legal instruments to rule over different racial groups, thus depriving people of their human rights. Isn't freedom of travel one of these rights?
They learnt from Adolf when it came to ethnic cleansing and they learnt from the Afrikaner when it came to Apartheid. What happened in South Africa was very nasty according to Jewish propagandists. When they do the same it is very different. This essay come from Shulamit Aloni, the former Education Minister of Israel. She has been awarded both the Israel Prize and the Emil Grunzweig Human Rights Award by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel
PS There are decent Jews.
Israeli Tax Men to be Arrested for Corruption [ 5 January 2007 ]
Attorney General Menachem Mazuz and Civil Service Commissioner Shmuel Hollander will consider suspending the prime minister's bureau chief, Shula Zaken, and Tax Authority director Jacky Matza, as well as several other tax officials. A decision will be made after the suspects are released from detention or other restrictions imposed by the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court.
Mazuz has also got to deal with the rape charges against Katsav, the President of Israel. God's Chosen People are doing what comes naturally and thieving is very much part of it.
Israel's Tax Authority, fraud and the Prime Minister [ 5 January 2007 ]
The Tax Authority Affair has joined the wealth of other affairs, investigations and files that have been pursuing Olmert.............. If the attorney general decides to order a criminal investigation against Olmert, in one affair or more, the prime minister will become a suspect, under questioning....
God's Chosen People are doing what comes naturally.
Israel and Corruption [ 5 January 2007 ]
There is no government ministry, public authority, or even private business that does not have a bit of all those things. But when you put them all together, and see the entire picture that the police presented in the most recent weekly scandal at the Israel Tax Authority (ITA), the only real conclusion is both frightening and earth-shaking: We are a corrupt country, rotten to the core.....
will be forced to admit that the whole process is rotten, that
numerous shady political honchos are involved in a variety of matters
of personal corruption, sexual harassment, and who knows what else.
And now the tax authority - not even one of the most important
law-enforcement bodies, and a foundation of proper government in
Israel is immune to corruption.
The president is in
the frame for rape. Sharon is a mass murderer and a thief. It goes
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Updated on 23/06/2018 21:29