Vlaams Belang

 Vlaams Belang is not so much a Belgian political party as a Flemish outfit. But then of course Belgium is not so much a nation as two tribal areas put together by politicians. It has a virtue. It demonstrates that those telling us about the joys of Multiculturalism are wrong. It does not prove that they are communist Subversives trying to destroy Christendom by promoting a Culture War but it is highly suggestive. The fact of being outlawed demonstrates a hatred of democracy.

Belgium has not had a government for some considerable time [ This is November 2011 ] suggesting that they can get on just fine without one.

Vlaams Belang
Vlaams Belang (English: Flemish Interest, VB) is a Belgian [ allegedly ] far-right political party in the Flemish Region and Brussels that advocates the independence of Flanders and strict limits on immigration, whereby immigrants would be obliged to adopt Flemish culture and language. The party rejects multiculturalism, but accepts a multiethnic society as long as people of non-Flemish backgrounds assimilate into Flemish culture.

Vlaams Belang is the name given to the historical Vlaams Blok, which adopted this new name and changed some controversial parts of its statute after a trial in 2004 condemned the party for racism. It has since sought to change its image from a radical to a more conservative party, and has distanced itself from some of its former programs. Most other parties have continued the cordon sanitaire which was originally agreed on against the former party, effectively blocking the Vlaams Belang from any executive power, and attempts on cutting public subsidies specifically for the party were made through the Belgian draining law.
This is the politics of hate in action. The haters are, of course enemy politicians.


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Updated  on Saturday, 23 June 2018 21:29:39