Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night In Lewes is a special case. They celebrate the burning of 17 Protestant martyrs at the stake while the rest of us remember Guy Fawkes and even hope for an action replay. His view of Parliament was absolutely sound. His big day was to have been the Opening of Parliament in 1605. He is sorely needed in this foul year of Our Lord. See V for Vendetta for reviews of an excellent film on the theme. The Wikipedia does a good overview of its turbulent history at Lewes Bonfire.
PS Some more photos are at #Bonfire Night In Lewes. Aggravation come from The Lunatic Fringe aka Lenin's Useful Idiots - see #Lunatic Fringe Whine About Lewes, Alleging Racism On Bonfire Night

"People shouldn't be afraid of their government, government should be afraid of their people."

Remember, remember, the 5th of November
The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.

Get the film from

Bonfire Night In Lewes
Processions held to mark Bonfire night included the famous event in Lewes, East Sussex commemorating the memory of the 17 Protestant martyrs who were burnt at the stake in the town during the Marian persecutions of 1555–57
There is a decent write up at

Seventeen crosses for seventeen martyrs burnt at the stake.

Pirates are part of the fun. Ditto for smugglers.

There is no mercy in that face.

Keep your powder dry; keep your gun too in an age of corrupt politics. We need the Armed Citizen now more than ever.


Piratesses join in.


It looks like fun.

Here is an extra.


Cameron Burnt But Only In Effigy in 2015
The worthy burgers of Lewes go in for political commentary but then Bonfire Night is very political.

He's no Papist

She's no pirate


Cameron? Could it be to do with obscene exploits of the Bullers?

Well, yes Blatter is a thief




Keep your powder dry; keep your gun too in an age of corrupt politics. We need the Armed Citizen now more than ever.







Bonfire Night 2017 In Lewes

They take their fun seriously in Lewes.





Cameron Burnt But Only In Effigy In 2015
The worthy burgers of Lewes go in for political commentary but then Bonfire Night is very political.




Bonfire Night 2017 Preview
It is all going to happen tonight, after dusk but here the Daily Mail shows it before it comes to pass.
Scandal-hit Harvey Weinstein went up in flames as thousands of Bonfire Night revellers trudged through the streets with torches ready to set alight effigies of Theresa May and Kim Jong-Un.

The 36ft wooden Weinstein was built by the Edenbridge Bonfire Society in Kent after organisers chose him as this year's celebrity villain to be set alight.

The effigy showed the sex scandal producer, 65, in an open-fronted robe clutching an Oscar, with his crotch covered by a star and a movie clapperboard. 
Has Weinstein got much to show us? We are all keeping quiet about the fact that he was one of the Jewish Mafia that runs Hollywood. That would be a Truth Too Far.
Revellers in fancy dress took to the streets in Lewes, East Sussex carrying torches for its annual Bonfire Night celebrations
Revellers in fancy dress took to the streets in Lewes, East Sussex carrying torches for its annual Bonfire Night celebrations.

Organisers of the annual event in Lewes had to tone down their usual 'Zulu' outfits after a Zulu dance leader taking part branded them 'incredibly offensive' [ The man is a Brainwashed twerp for his pains - Editor ]








Harvey Weinstein looking ugly as ever.





Lunatic Fringe Whine About Lewes, Alleging Racism On Bonfire Night  [ 31 October 2017 ]
Racism is a Marxist construct, one heavily marketed by the Main Stream Media and Education Industry. We are being propagandised with allegations of White Guilt as an excuse for Ethnic Fouling by Third World parasites. Bonfire Night is innocent fun. Self-righteous Left Wing prigs, preachers and bores are meddling. They should be invited to fornicate elsewhere.

The same trouble making agitators incite Black Hate, very successfully. This is why Negroes play the Knockout Game. The  Media lie about it, by omission, maliciously and consistently. What will they tell us about last night's fun and games in Detroit? Not a lot. It is what blacks call Devil's Night; the police call it arson or just crime.


Bonfire Night 2017 Preview  [ 5 November 2017 ]
The Daily Mail tells us the news before it happens. It has the Second Sight. Good, innit?