
The environment matters. It is the air we breathe, the rain, the earth and it is all rather fragile. The last point is one that environmental activists are keen to push. This pretty well proves it is wrong. H. L. Mencken explained it rather well when he told us that:-

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

Here are some sources. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.

2017 Update There is a current propaganda operation marketing Plastic Pollution as the great problem of our times. They are running it because the Global Warming story is played out. It might be a decent cause but before taking it seriously read Over Nine Out Of Ten Tons Of Plastic Rubbish Comes From Asians, Africans And Indians to know where the filth comes from.

Oil spill in Dalian
It was seriously messy.


Abos in Australia have been unscrupulously exploited by communist subversives starting with Gough Whitlam. Driving them back into the Stone Age rather than letting them assimilate has cost enormous misery and many tax payer millions.


Agenda 21
Agenda 21 sounds harmless. It is meant to sound harmless. It is the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development - Agenda 21.  This isn't so much harmless as down right worthy in some ears. Agenda 21 is short for the 21st Century Agenda. Given the United Nation's track record of incompetence, mismanagement and down right corruption [ see United Nations ] Agenda 21 warrants a close and jaundiced look. If you decide that it an unholy alliance of greenies and capitalist swine on the make you are on the right lines. It looks as though the UN has granted itself powers over national government. National governments have not bothered to tell their citizens that. The media have not either. Follow the link for more.


AIDS in Africa
Blacks in Africa get AIDS. Blacks spread it about deliberately. They can't catch it again.


Is rather a good insecticide but it got banned by greenies. So people die. Do they care? Not really. After all they are only natives in far off lands.


Farming Today
Has become very political. Growing food is irrelevant. Getting the government subsidies is. Since politicians control the amount people are paid they can cut it down to drive farmers out of business and turn England into a mediaeval wilderness. The real pay off is screwing land owners.

Global Warming
Is a big time boondoggle. A LOT of people have swallowed this one but the greenies have changed their story. It was Global Cooling, then warming, climate change. Now they call it Global Climate Disruption so they can claim they are right when things get cold too.  The propaganda never stops.


Gobar Gas - http://www.michaelyon-online.com/gobar-gas.htm
Living off the land, in harmony with Mother Nature, red in tooth and claw sounds good from a distance. Actually this one makes lots of sense in primitive places like Afghanistan. Using dung to make methane gas for cooking is a step forward.


Gorbachev And The NWO
Gorby gets the soft sell from the propaganda machine but he is still a communist and still enemy.


Government Sabotage
Infiltrating the system in order to sabotage it is policy of Marxists & the Lunatic Fringe. Flooding the Somerset Levels helps birds, kills badgers, drives people out of their homes & destroys livings.


Plastic Pollution
Is the [ new in 2018 ] big issue of the day. Yes the seas are filling up with our plastic rubbish. Something must be done NOW. That is the story being marketed by the Lunatic Fringe, Rent A Mob & other loud mouthed ignoramuses. Is it true? That is another issue entirely. The basic answer is NO! Not convinced? Do searches, look for the evidence, pro and con. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself. I did; we are being lied to again.


Population Environment  Propaganda
Europeans are perpetrators, destroying the planet unlike the wonderful Third Worlders living in harmony with nature when they are not flocking, to our shores to get away from aforesaid nature, to claim their human right to live at our expense. That is more or less what greenies think. Of course if they really cared about over population they would look at the teeming billions overseas, shrug, then leave them to it. But Europeans have a weakness. They are too prone to care about the less fortunate. It is a character defect which is ruthlessly exploited by evil. Mr. Henderson puts a view. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
We get abused for the sins of others so it is SNAFU = situation normal, all fouled up.


The Precautionary Principle
It sounds worthy. It isn't.


The Skeptical Environmentalist
Bjorn Lomborg is the skeptical environmentalist and honest. This has annoyed a lot of greenies. They do not like truth.


Sounds like a way of living off the land. In practice it is not but that does not slow urban fans of the simple life down.


Things Are Better than We Think
There are environmental problems but we are being fed scare stories by chancers on the make.






Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated on 10/10/2018 13:50