America's Five Most Dangerous Cities
Detroit only makes number two. The winner is Flint, Michigan.
St. Louis
New Haven
Memphis, Tennessee
Holds some kind of record, as the poorest, nastiest, whatever.
Is rather like Detroit but not quite so far down the line to total ruin.
Why create your own problems? Pass, but these will only affect the little people so who cares? Not the politicians.
Is in America. Detroit is where politics turned black, then nasty. The mayor is a convicted criminal. Then there is Devils Night when the locals display their true nature while the Main Steam Media shows its, by censoring the truth of evil.
Los Angeles
Is big, important, dynamic, lively, interesting and doomed.
Minnesota Flooded With Third World Immigrants
This is not to say the rest of America is different, far from it but here is evidence of evil in our midst.
Is in Tennessee, big in the music industry and down south somewhere. Jim Goad gives his impressions. He does not want to live there. He convinced me that I don't either.
New Orleans
Orleans had a major storm, flooding, major looting etcetera. They still have not gotten over it but then it is full of blacks.
New York
New York is famous, interesting, exciting, stimulating, rich, important, influential and even fatal, for blacks in particular. Notice that it does not even make the top Ten Most Dangerous Cities - see
The Main Stream Media went big on the Washington Sniper until they realised that he was a black full of Hate who decided that he would murder White Men or even White Women precisely because they were white. Then the media blacked out the story. Washington is run by blacks. It starts then. Then it is downhill all the way.
American Cities Drown in Debt
Der Spiegel explains all.
Eight Out Of Ten Blacks Semi-Literate [ 15 May 2014 ]
But they do cost $29,000 a year to keep at school in Washington, once the home of the Washington Sniper [ black of course ]. Even Detroit does better.
America Self-Destructs As China Becomes The Only Superpower [ 17 July 2021 ]
Technological advance in China is rapid, broad in scope and, one might suppose (apparently) incorrectly, of interest to Americans. It is also easily discovered. Subscriptions are not all that expensive to Asia Times, NikkeiAsia, the South China Morning Post, and Aviation Week. The web is awash in tech sites covering everything from operating systems for smartphones to quantum computing. Reading of Chinese efforts, one gets a sense of motion, agility, vitality remarkable in a nation that in 1976, when Mao died, was the poorest nation on earth. America maintains a lead in many things, but seems to be almost asleep and resting on scientific virtuosity that is now lacking.I hope the snippets below will give a sense of this. In many of the fields involved, such as quantum computing and fusion research, I am not remotely competent to judge their merit, but when they appear in internationally respected journals of physics, they are clearly taken seriously by those who are competent.
- China to Build World’s First Modular Mini-Reactor
“Linglong One is a pressurized water reactor with a capacity of 125 MW – the first small commercial onshore modular reactor or SMR to be constructed in the world. After being launched, the SMR will be able to generate enough power to meet the energy demands of approximately 526,000 households annually.”- China maintains ‘artificial sun’ at 120 million Celsius for over 100 seconds, setting new world record
Another step in the quest for fusion power. Other countries, including America, are working on this, but there was a time when the US would have been the clear leader. Times change..............
Why can the Chinese do all of these things at once? Because they have money and many smart engineers. Why do they have money? Because they make stuff and sell it. America doesn’t have money because it spends it all on aircraft carriers, and doesn’t make stuff because it sent its factories to…China. Why doesn’t America have more and better engineers? Because it has a far smaller base of STEM-capable young and because it is dumbing down its schools and universities for the gratification of unproductive minorities. Whose fault is all of this? Why…China’s. Who could doubt it?
- California unveils new woke math program, encouraging teachers to punish good students by holding them back
”Such an effort would involve faculty holding well-performing students back, even while pushing their less intellectual peers forward (as if they were all indeed equal in abilities). Potentially stranding a group of gifted individuals in a situation where they are held back by a single child who simply can’t get a problem right and needs endless special instruction is hardly something to be proud of….”Stupidity beyond a certain point becomes entertaining.........................
......... China buys some $350 billion in semiconductors annually. A lot of this goes for unsexy things like memory. If YMTC ( Yangtze Memory Technologies, in Wuhan ) can produce flash memory in volume, foreign firms, to include American, are going to lose the Chinese market, oops. Then, the Chinese being Chinese, they will flood the world market with cheap, but good, memory. This is not Fred’s maundering. You can find plenty of industry execs on the web worrying about exactly this. Peril lies in forcing a large country full of high-end engineers to compete with you. The industry knows this. Washington seems not to. Yet.
If Fred Reed, a half blind [ Think Viet Nam, Agent Orange, Gunshot wounds. ] old journalist with a computer in Mexico can tell the truth why can't the world's Mainstream Media do the same?