This pamphlet is mentioned to Nick Griffin's discredit. It is not really explained why it should be anything to be ashamed of. The truth has its uses. Nick wrote it back in 1997. Things have not gotten any better since. It is fair to say that it does not get mentioned on the BNP web site. Having all of The Establishment as enemy is bad enough to be going on with. Naturally that includes a lot of Jews as reading this makes clear. You doubt? Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Balder Blog |
mind-bending power of the masters of the media
The media-power in Great Britain and elsewhere
By Nick Griffin
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The Mind-Benders is an analysis of the media power in Great Britain. Written in 1997, it details how (and why) the information we receive via the media is censored and distorted.
If we are to avoid insidious totalitarianism we must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and – in any democratic society under such powerful influences – who are the real manipulators of political power.
A power greater than government?
" ... the freedom of the press belongs to those who own the presses. And it's true."
Jonathan Tobin, Editor of the weekly The Jewish Ledger (West Hartfort, USA), quoted in the Jewish Chronicle (London), Aug. 25, 1995, p. 19
"Today the film makers are the people who control the most powerful medium in the world, and art that can create ideals, change language or topple governments."
John Baxter in the Daily Mail (28th December 1995)
According to the theory of democracy, "the people" rule. They elect politicians by their own choice, and if and when those politicians fail to act according to their wishes they can be dismissed by the vote of the people. The pluralism of different political parties provides the people with "alternatives"; if one loses their confidence, they can support another. Thus is realised the democratic principle of: government of the people, by the people and for the people.
It would be nice if it were all so simple. But in a medium-to-large modern state things are not quite like that. How do "the people" acquire the information and knowledge necessary for them to use their votes other than by blind guesswork? They cannot possibly witness everything that is happening on the national scene, still less at the level of world events. Only a tiny few of them ever see their political leaders close up and are able to watch and assess their performance of their duties. The vast majority are not students of politics. They don't really know what is happening, and even if they did they would need guidance as to how to interpret what they knew.
"The people" are doctors, lawyers, engineers, clerks, shopkeepers, factory workers, farmworkers, small tradesmen, nurses, secretaries, schoolteachers and a thousand or more other things. They know, or ought to know, something about the occupations in which they are engaged. But only the minutest number can be expected to know the business of politics - one of the most complex of subjects, with its vast range of issues and the many points of view that will be brought to bear on each of these issues. To know what the issues are, and to examine and evaluate these points of view, the people need to have these issues presented to them and the points of view expounded in a form that they can understand.
This is where the "mass media" come in: newspapers; television; radio. And for those with a more studious and enquiring bent there are other media: books; magazines; the Internet. The list is growing as information technology advances.
But there is a problem here. "The people" cannot own, control and regulate the media. That can only be done by a small minority - a mere fraction of the population, in fact much fewer than one per cent. And it is this minority which is able to determine which facts the people will be allowed to know about, which events will be reported to them, which points of view they will be able to examine and evaluate, which political parties it is good to vote for and which not, which politicians are decent, upright, honourable and capable citizens and which are disreputable, incompetent, "dangerous" and "extreme".
This invests that minority who control the mass media with enormous power - perhaps even greater power than a prime minister or cabinet. It is this minority which determines the climate of "public opinion" in which politicians have to operate, the "public opinion" to which they have to defer and which they dare not offend if they are to get elected and stay elected.
Even when the mass media consisted mainly of newspapers, and only a small minority read those newspapers, this power was considerable. Today, when it embraces mass-circulation newspapers and television, it is colossal beyond imagination.
And we must not forget another fact about the media. Their political influence extends far beyond newspaper reports and articles, and television programmes, of a direct political nature - connected, that is, with current affairs that bear upon politics. In a much more subtle way, they can influence people's thought patterns by other means: newspaper stories, pages dealing with entertainment and popular culture, movies, TV "soaps", "educational" programmes: all these types of fare help form human values, concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, sense and nonsense and what is "fashionable" and "unfashionable". These human value systems, in turn, shape people's attitude to political issues, influence how they vote and therefore determine who holds political power.
Yet for some strange reason there is very little public discussion in Britain today, as an example, of who actually exercises media control. The people are encouraged to get tremendously excited about the outcome of a general election, even of local government elections, yet these contests probably have far less a bearing on the question of who wields power over us than the much more crucial one of who regulates "public opinion" and therefore determines the agenda both for the contesting of elections and for what is done in government by whoever wins.
Any study of what is happening on the national scene must therefore today include a study of the workings of the mass media: who the people are who own, control and operate those media, and to what purposes their immense power is being put.
The current affairs "discussion"
Discussion programmes on TV and radio dealing with current affairs and topical public issues are presented so as to convey the impression that they are conducted in accordance with the letter and spirit of "democracy", with various viewpoints given a hearing. However, where the discussion threatens to touch upon issues considered "sensitive" to the judaized establishment which controls TV and radio, it is carefully stage-managed so that "dangerous" viewpoints are excluded. This is particularly noticeable where discussion concerns matters of the Jewish State of Israel and its not so very glorious aspects, when relating to doubts concerning the alleged mass-slaughter of Jews during WW II and when some one tries to discuss the power wielded by the Jewish minority.
One TV programme on British TV a short time ago was devoted to the subject of "anti-Semitism", which was presented as being on the increase throughout Europe, including Britain. Various spokesmen, some Jewish and some non-Jewish, appeared on the programme to give their views. After the programme had proceeded a little while, it became quite clear that the only differences between the participants lay in their attitudes as to how "anti-Semitism" should be treated. Some maintained that it should be rigorously suppressed by the introduction of tighter laws against it; others said that this practice would play into the hands of the "anti-Semites" by making them martyrs and that, however much "anti-Semitism" was to be deplored, suppressing it by law was not the way to fight it. One member of the discussion panel launched into a lengthy analysis of the mental state of "anti-Semites", implying them to be suffering from a certain kind of insanity.
What was entirely absent from the discussion was any contribution offering an explanation of the viewpoint of the so-called "anti-Semites". Of course, "anti-Semitism" itself is a misleading term deliberately adopted by our media-controllers so as to suggest that those thus labeled want to ill-treat Jews, even kill them, for no reason than that they are Jews, whereas the vast majority of people described as "anti-Semites" simply oppose what they see as excessive Jewish power. Whether or not they are correct in their assessment of this power is beside the point; if "democracy" is to be more than just an empty phrase, they should be allowed to state their case in public then have that case seriously examined and debated. This, however, is the very last thing our media-controllers want. Therefore, when any programme discussing anti-Semitism (i.e. criticism of Jewish power) is broadcast on TV or radio, "anti-Semites" (i.e. critics of Jewish power) are deliberately excluded, so that the "discussion" is not really a discussion at all, merely an imitation of one.
Who are the manipulators?
But who is behind it all? Who are the people who determine what is watched on television and printed in the newspapers? This is not so easy a study because a great many of the people concerned operate in the shadows. And even in the case of those whose names are known, what is known about their backgrounds and their connections? Very little.
For this reason, very few people in Britain are aware of the huge influence over the mass media exercised by a certain ethnic minority, namely the Jews.
Straightaway, we can expect that mention of this minority will put many readers on the defensive. Is this "anti-Semitism"?, some will ask. That, you see, is the first example of the hypnotic effect of media power. The mass media in Britain today have managed to implant into many people's minds the idea that it is "anti-Semitic" even to acknowledge that members of the Jewish community play a large part in controlling our news and opinion and to question whether this is a good thing for Britain. In the uncomfortable feeling provoked in a number of readers of this text by the very mention of the word "Jews", there is provided the first lesson in media indoctrination and brainwashing!
This text is simply a study of who controls public opinion in Great Britain.
We believe that in this study there should be no "no-go" areas, no forbidden avenues of enquiry. We are concerned here with facts. What deductions people make from those facts is their decision. Our intention is that they should be roused from their former ignorance and apathy and persuaded to join our political struggle to achieve, through peaceable and legal means a more just, non-racist society. A society not dominated by a racist minority believing to be "Gods Chosen People".
It is the contention of this study that members of the Jewish community (whether practising or not) exercise a power and influence in Britain's mass media that are out of all proportion to their numbers in the population. We believe that this is a fact that should not be hidden but should be known - and discussed. No great issue of concern can be properly examined unless all the facts pertaining it are known and are faced - fairly and squarely, with nothing swept under the carpet for fear that some noisy element may object.
Some people may accept the findings of this study as authentic and accurate but then say: "So what?" Isn't it quite common for certain groups to be found in profusion in certain occupations whether for reasons of natural talent and aptitude, accidents of history, or whatever? Are there not a lot of Irish building workers and writers, Scottish doctors and engineers, Welsh singers, Black sportsmen, French and Italian restauranteurs and Indian and Pakistani textile merchants? Given that Jews are to be found in large numbers in the mass media, is this to be regarded as particularly sinister or dangerous? In other words, what's the big deal?"
We hope that we have answered these questions in the foregoing part of this introduction. None of the other occupational fields mentioned have anything like the scope for the wielding of real power - political power, power over who governs us and to what purpose power to shape our society and its values, to determine our destiny and future.
We cannot therefore say of Jews in the media as some might say of other groups in their respective occupations and lines of business: "Oh well, they're good at it - let them get on doing it." What is at stake in respect of control of an institution with such massive power as the media places that institution in a special category of its own, which justifies a very high degree of concern over the matter.
Would we, for instance, feel happy and secure in the knowledge (should such be the case) that a particular interest-group exercised control over our armed forces? We might wonder, in that case, where the loyalty of such a group would lie in the event of a war.
[booklet page 5]
And if we bear in mind that power over the mass media is today as potent in the possibilities it offers as command of a hundred armoured divisions on the battlefield, that mass media power should be a matter of tremendous concern, and we would be foolish to the point of insanity to dismiss as of little importance a situation in which it lays in the hands of people who themselves proclaim to be "Jewish" in the first hand and who themselves openly proclaim loyalty to the Jewish state of Israel in the first hand.
And this is not all. As has been said, there is today a very broad consensus view, transcending parties and classes, that much of the influence of the mass media is malignant and socially destructive in its effects.
We simply take the question further: if so many believe the influence of the media to be malignant and destructive, we should be examining the nature of the media - not the least important question in which examination is: Who controls the media?
In a way, the study serves a purpose that is supposed to be served by the mass media in any democracy: The purpose of free and unfettered enquiry and of absolutely free expression of facts and opinion. Unfortunately, there is neither free enquiry nor free expression of either facts or opinion in the mass media in Britain today - and least of all on the subject of this study. Just when did you last see an article in a major newspaper examining, in proper depth, Jewish influence and control in Britain's news and information industry? Just when did you last see a programme on TV dealing with the same topic? The answer to this question proves our point.
One phrase beloved of those who exercise influence in the media is "investigative journalism". The "investigative journalist" is depicted as the crusading hero whose quest for the truth and whose dedication to the public interest leads him or her to take up the cudgels against all the forces of would-be suppression and censorship - even when, as is sometimes the case, this leads to a particularly loathsome form of intrusion into people's private lives. But one form of investigative journalism which the media are most certainly not anxious to encourage is that which enquires into the identity of their own controllers and the underlying agenda to which they operate. In these pages we hope to remedy this glaring omission.
Naturally, we do not expect the facts which we unearth here to be taken up by the media and examined in the light of day. If there is any comment in the mass media on this study - which we think doubtful - it will that of condemnation, of dismissal out of hand, ith liberal use of the term "anti-Semitism". But it will not extend to any analysis of what we say or any attempt, by presentation of facts, to prove us wrong.
From this, dear reader, we leave you to draw your own conclusions.
Need for perspective
As we have prepared the material for this study it has been brought home to us that media influence and control in the modern world of communications is an immensely complex subject, in which the dangers of over-simplification are always present. The mere presence of members of a certain group working in a section of the media does not itself prove that that group has the ultimate "say" in the section in question. In addition to this, there is the fact that "control" of an institution like the mass media can operate in more than one way. Direct control through ownership is a relatively simple thing to understand, but this understanding does not provide for indirect forms by which the media can be, if not literally "controlled", then at least massively influenced. In this study we will be examining the power of particular lobbies to regulate the content of the press, TV, books and other means of communication by various pressures, such as the picketing of studios and bookshops (in which the implicit threat of violence is always present) and, perhaps more potent still, the method of advertising boycott (in which again the implicit threat of such an action can often suffice to achieve the lobby's objective without the threat necessarily having to be put into practice).
Another factor must be borne in mind when the source of media control is being assessed. The communists in the heyday of their power were known to say: "Give us just a third of the places on any committee and we will guarantee to control that committee." This was simply a statement of the fact that a minority in any body, public or private, which knows exactly what it wants and acts together as a co-ordinated group, bound by a single loyalty and a single objective can quite easily get its way over a larger, but uncoordinated, mass of people with no such bonds, acting individually and in pursuit of no definite or conscious objective. It is not our claim in this booklet that Jews necessarily outnumber non-Jews in all sections of the media (though in certain important ones this is indeed the case) but only that the former's solidarity and oneness of loyalty, interest and purpose gives them an immense advantage over others in any bid for power and influence.
Students of Jewish influence in the mass media will notice a paradox: while that influence is used, in a hundred or more different ways, to weaken the national spirit and consciousness of the British people, Jews themselves, in their attitude to their Jewish state of Israel and to questions of Zionism generally, are to be found amongst the world's most militant nationalists!
There is one final consideration of which we ask you, the reader, to take account. Jewish power in the mass media is a phenomenon acknowledged in political quarters widely different from our own and sometimes even by Jews themselves - as we shall show in one or two examples. In other words, as the saying goes, "Don't just take our word for it!"
In the following text, we have highlighted individuals of Jewish origin by setting their names in bold type. Not all of the names in question will seem obviously Jewish; it has been the habit of Jews over the centuries to change their names, adopting those which best blend with the populations of the countries in which they have settled. Where persons with non-Jewish names are designated as Jewish, the reader can rest assured that extensive research has established them.
Note: Nationalist Library's Editor has bolded
the names of the Jews in this piece for the sake of the reader so that he/she
can pick them out for reference to the current situation of the media in Great
Britain. So the Editor [Victates] takes full responsibility for any mistakes in
the bolding.
There can be little doubt that television is the most powerful force for the
presentation of the news and the formation of attitudes. Go into any workplace,
pub, school, shop, or other institution and the chances are that the
conversation will get around to the previous night's 'soap' or something of
particular note on the evening's news. And what was shown – and not shown – on
the TV screen will in all probability have affected the way in which the viewers
see the world.
By using such techniques, the controllers of the TV stations have enormous power
to shape popular opinion. And a glance through any TV guide will reveal that, by
providing us with an endless diet of pro-multiracial, pro-homosexual,
anti-British trash, the masters of the TV stations are not shy of using that
power. So just who are these people? Just who is responsible for the poison
peddled by 'our' television networks?
The most powerful man at the 'British' Broadcasting Corporation is Alan
Yentob, Director of BBC programmes. According to Broadcast magazine
(14.6.96) this "gives him control over all non-news BBC programmes including
those for satellite channels and those in English for the World Service."
Yentob is a close personal friend of the immensely powerful independent TV
bosses Michael Grade and Michael Green. The three have shared
holidays in the Caribbean and, together with Charles Saatchi, are
referred to by coy insiders as the "St. John's Wood Mafia." The Saatchi
and Yentob families have been closely connected since before they moved to
Britain from Iraq.
Alan Yentob
BBC-boss Alan Yentob
Behind the scenes, Jews are well represented
among the Governors of the BBC, who include former President of the S. G.
Warburg merchant bank Sir David Scholey, Sir Kenneth Bloomfield
and Janet Cohen. Holders of important BBC managerial posts include
Sarah Frank, Chief Executive of BBC Worldwide Americas; Controller of
Publicity and Public Relations, Keith Samuel, and David Aaronovitch,
who is Managing Editor of the BBC's weekly programmes. Anne Sloman is
Deputy Head of BBC News Programmes; Ruth Caleb is the Head of Drama, and
Louis Marks has been Producer of Drama since 1976. Another key figure in
terms of the BBC's relationship with the rest of the world, Commercial Director
at BBC Worldwide TV Tony Kay, is responsible for deals with American
networks such as NBC. International Director of US cable operator TCI, Adam
Singer – son of former BBC Director-General Aubrey Singer – has also
been responsible for a number of big deals between the BBC and TCI's British
subsidiary Flextech.
Head of BBC Comedy Entertainment is Jon Plowman. He is responsible for
'alternative comedian' Ben Elton's Thin Blue Line. Presumably Elton got
the same helping hand onto the show-business ladder as Barry Cryer,
Lloyd Grossman, Ester Rantzen, Dennis Norden and Felicity
Jews in prominent positions in BBC regional TV include Rod Natkiel, Head
of Network TV at BBC Midlands and East, and Roy Saatchi, Head of Local
Programmes at BBC North.
The host of lower level functionaries who implement the wishes of the media
masters in such stations also includes a vastly disproportionate number of Jews,
such as Geoffrey Goodman, who broadcasts on BBC Current Affairs and LBC/IRN,
and BBC TV's legal correspondent Joshua Rosenberg. Naomi Goldman
is not only a Producer on Newsnight but is also a member of the Jewish Socialist
Group. Another militant Zionist in the BBC is writer and broadcaster Lisa
Jardine. With people like these determining the direction, content and tone
of BBC output, it can be seen that its consistently anti-British and
pro-minority stance is no accident.
[booklet page 6]
The Chief Executive of Channel 4 is Michael Grade, who succeeded its
creator Jeremy Isaacs. Grade previously controlled LWT and BBCl
and 2. He has been a director of First Leisure Entertainment since 1991. This
massive company was formerly headed by Grade's uncle, the late Lord Bernard
Delfont and includes 300 cinemas, eight theatres, hotels, restaurants and
record divisions. Grade's father, Lew Grade (real name Winogradsky) was,
before he died, and an enormously influential TV mogul and Director of
The endless diet of filth and perversion which Channel 4 feeds to the public has
earned Michael Grade the sobriquet Britain's "pornographer-in-chief."
In March 1996 he was also widely criticised after his brainchild The Girlie Show
ran an episode which clearly encouraged shoplifting. "Why do we allow this
millionaire to incite theft?" asked veteran columnist Paul Johnson.
Managing Director of Channel Four International Ltd and Director of Acquisitions
at C4 is Colin Leventhal. This busy man's acquisitions for the channel
have included such American propaganda shows as Roseanne and The Cosby Show
which are produced by Caryn Mandabach's Carsey Werner company. Leventhal
has also developed a close relationship with Nickelodeon, the subsidiary of
Viacom Inc. owned by Sumner Redstone.
The next time you have the misfortune to see one of the disgusting pieces of
decadence and perversion which so often pass as 'plays' on Channel 4, you should
direct your complaint to the channel's Head of Drama, David Aukin, or to
the Senior Commissioning Editor for Drama, Peter Ansorge. The latter
spoke out strongly in favour of the sympathetic depiction of incest on the soap
Brookside at peak family viewing time. Ansorge said that he expected to be
attacked for the storyline and condemned the 'right-wing lobbies' which express
widespread public disquiet about the way in which all the British soaps have
been turned into promotional vehicles for sexual deviancy.
If, on the other hand, you are offended by the decidedly 'ethnic' and extreme
'liberal' tone and content of Channel Four News, reflect on the fact that the
News Editor since March 1996 has been Sara Nathan, supported by Elinar
Goodman. While Jon Snow, the extremist liberal Channel Four newscaster is
not Jewish, he has made his sympathies clear by joining Jewish journalists in
addressing a Jewish Chronicle sponsored meeting on ethics in journalism.
Channel 4's youth programme production company, Planet 24, has, according to the
Jewish Chronicle "an uncanny knack of fronting its popular Channel 4
programmes with blondish Jewish women." These include Dani Behr, who
has used her leading role on The Word and Surf Potatoes to try to popularise
inter-racial dating, and Gabi Roslin of the Big Breakfast and the Gabi
Roslin Show. Planet 24 also produced BBC2's homosexual magazine series Gaytime
Managing Director and Presenter of Rapido TV is Peter Stuart, who also
finds time to oversee the production of such cultural gems as Eurotrash and The
Girlie Show.
Among the many lesser players involved in the relentless outpouring of filth
from Channel 4 are Michael and Martin Myers, the distributors who run the
First Independent company; Stephanie Calman, who was the scriptwriter for
the sitcom Dressing for Breakfast; the viciously anti-British comedian Mark
Thomas, and Alexi Sayle, who says that since he is Jewish, so are all
his characters.
A number of Channel 4 programmes are produced by Philip Clarke's Diverse
Production company. These include Diverse Reports, The Hello Girls and Dual
Balls, a 'comedy' by Dan Zeff.
The Independent Television Commission is the regulatory body which oversees the
whole of the ITV network. Its Director is Jude Goffee and its senior
sponsorship and advertising officer is Eve Salomon. The Network Director
of ITV is Marcus Plantin, who was instrumental in appointing Claudia
Rosencrantz as ITV's Controller of Entertainment.
Media group MAI owns two ITV franchises (Anglia and Meridian); a 5 per cent
stake in ITN and a 29 per cent stake in Channel Five. A driving force in the
newly formed MAI/United News and Media giant is Lord Hollick, a Labour
peer with close links with Hambros Bank, of which he is a long-standing
Director. Hollick has orchestrated MAI's rapid growth in media interests since
1990. He is a great admirer of Michael Eisner's Disney empire and wants
to be one of the new breed of 'lifestyle suppliers' – an all-encompassing media
brand which gives you your TV, radio, newspapers, house, books, music, holidays,
theme park thrills and films (and, as a consequence, shapes your political
To this end, MAI has established close links with the second largest 'American'
megamedia corporation, Time Warner Inc., whose Chairman is Gerald Levin,
and its subsidiary HBO, whose Vice President is Charles Schreger. One of
the first deals on the agenda is a plan to build a movie theme park on the
outskirts of London. A senior director of MAI's Anglia TV subsidiary is film
executive David Puttnam, best known for his Chariots of Fire, which dwelt
at length on the 'anti-Semitism' encountered by a Cambridge athlete early this
century. Such problems certainly do not seem to have held back Mr. Puttnam,
whose many interests include being a director of the Australian feature producer
Village Roadshow Pictures, which is partly owned by MAI. Anglia's Director of
Programmes is Graham Creelman. MAI's United News section is headed by
Chief Executive Stephen Grabiner.
The pivotal position in ITN's influential news coverage is held by Robert
Elias, Programme Editor of News at Ten, while the power to decide what gets
airtime at LBC rests with its Controller of Programmes, Charles Golding.
Carlton is a major force in the ITN network with assets including Carlton TV and
Central TV; a 20 per cent stake in ITN; Meridian TV and GMTV, and a 50 per cent
stake in London News Network. It has a £1.6 billion turnover, recording pre-tax
profits of almost £250 million in 1995, and has significant assets in the Asian
Carlton's Chairman is Michael Green, who is also Director of Independent
Television News, Central Independent Television and GMTV. It was Green who, with
the Saatchi brothers, masterminded the fierce lobbying campaign which
persuaded the Government to sacrifice the independence of ITV's fourteen
regional stations in 1993. Green, who is related by marriage to Lords Wolfson
and Young, was quoted in the Jewish Chronicle of 17.11.95 as declaring that:
"I am very aware of being Jewish."
Although his current affairs programmes enjoy prying into the lives of others,
Green himself is very publicity-shy; when a girlfriend left him, his reported
warning was: "If you ever write a word about me, I'll break every bone in
your body." During Green's negotiations to buy Technicolor (UK), he was
helped by Jarvis Astaire, who lives with Green's ex-mother-in-law,
Lady Wolfson. Astaire himself is a former associate of Ladbroke pools
magnate Cyril Stein.
Carlton's head of sponsorship is David Prosser, who is the coordinator
of the ITV lobby pressing for the abolition of laws which effectively outlaw
sponsors which are closely related to the editorial content of programmes.
Richard Simons is the company's Head of Features, while the Managing
Director of Carlton Select, the former Selec cable TV channel recently bought up
by Carlton, is Janet Goldsmith. The political agenda of Carlton was
summed up by the company's decision to send its documentary on one of Oskar
Schindler's 'survivors' to 1,000 London secondary schools. The extremely liberal
content of children's and youth programmes at Carlton is the responsibility of
this sector's Controller Michael Forte.
The latest acquisition in Carlton's drive for ever-greater influence is
Westcountry Television, one of the last privately owned ITV franchises. Another
strong bidder for the company was David Asper's CanWest broadcasting
group, so it seems the vendors, which included South West Water and Brittany
Ferries, had a choice of 'any new owner you like, as long as he's one of us.'
Carlton's power in 'independent' television is rivalled only by the Granada
Group, which is worth around £6.2 billion and owns two ITV franchises: Granada
TV and London Weekend Television. It also has a 20 per cent stake in ITN and
Yorkshire Tyne Tees TV (with Lazards merchant bank); a half-share in London News
Network, and an 11 per cent stake in BSkyB, in partnership with which it has set
up Granada Sky Broadcasting (GSkyB), a joint cable and satellite venture which
launched seven new channels on 1st October 1996. BSkyB in turn has stakes in the
'adults-only' Playboy Channel. Among Granada's satellite channels is Granada
Talk TV, which includes an afternoon teen show, F2F, which is presented by
Sacha Baron Cohen.
Granada was founded by Sidney and Cecil Bernstein. Alexander Bernstein
was the long-standing Chairman until he went into semi-retirement in March 1996
while retaining his interest and influence. The newly created Granada Media
Group (GMG) is controlled by three men. The Chairman, Granada's Chief Executive,
Charles Allen, is not thought to be a Jew, but his two colleagues at the top
most definitely are.
Duncan Lewis is the Chief Executive of the Granada Media Group, Chief
Executive of Granada TV and Chief Executive of London Weekend Television. Lewis
was formerly marketing director at BT, where he initiated the nauseating Jewish
grandmother adverts starring actress Maureen Lipman who is a sponsor of
the Marxist front organisation, the Anti-Nazi League. Until April 1996 Lewis was
head of Mercury Communications and, according to the Evening Standard of
22.5.96, he headed a group of finance houses seeking to take over Mercury. He is
backed by Warburg Pincus, the 'American' firm which is already a key investor in
the British cable and television industry (including Channel Five). City sources
say that Granada's keenness to link up with Mercury is based on the conviction
that the communications and entertainment businesses are set for further
The third key figure at Granada is Steve Morrison. He is the chief
Operating Officer of GMG, Deputy Chief Executive of Granada TV, Managing
Director of LWT and head of Granada's sales operation Laser. On his way to the
top, according to the Jewish Chronicle of 1.9.95, Morrison was Director of
Programmes and Managing Director of Granada TV. His replacements in these last
two jobs are Peter Salmon and Andrea Wonfor respectively.
Commercial Director at LWT and GMTV is Kate Stross, and Controller of
regional programmes at LWT is Simon Shaps.
In October 1995 Granada launched British Independent Television Enterprises (BRITE),
which involved the merger of the sales arms of Granada TV, LWT and Yorkshire
Tyne Tees TV. The Managing Director of this sales giant is Nadine Nohr.
One of Granada's leading functionaries is the scriptwriter and producer Kay
Mellor, a self-confessed feminist responsible for the 'acclaimed' ITV series
Band of Gold which dealt with race-mixing and prostitution and was accused of
encouraging kerb-crawling and, ultimately, major race riots in Bradford. Another
Granada regular is Paul Marcus, owner of Marlow Films and producer of
Granada's Prime Suspect.
Controller of Arts at LWT is Melvyn Bragg. Although he describes himself as a
"Christian," Bragg is extremely pro-Jewish and told the Jewish Chronicle of
5.4.96 that he views Israel as his "spiritual home." Since this interview came
after extensive coverage of the brutal Israeli suppression of the Palestinian
intifada, with soldiers dynamiting Arab homes if one member of the family is
caught throwing stones, shooting dead unarmed schoolchildren and burying
teenagers alive with bulldozers, this comment tells us a great deal about the
mentality of this sickening liberal and the chattering classes who regard him as
their arbiter of artistic good taste.
Pearson TV
Pearson TV is another significant part of the ITV network, owning as it does
Thames Television. Pearson TV Chairman Greg Dyke is a Gentile, but he is another
TV mogul who looks to Disney Chairman Michael Eisner as a role model.
Pearson TV is partly-owned by Lazards Bank and has a long-term production
relationship with the third largest 'American' megamedia group, Sumner
Redstone's Viacom Inc.
In any case, the day-to-day running of Pearson Broadcasting is more the preserve
of its Managing Director, Tony Cohen, who has been tipped as a future
successor to Dyke as Chairman. His fellow directors include Sir Paul Fox,
a past controller of BBC1 and Chairman of ITN from 1986 to 1988, who is also a
director of Satellite Information Services. With Scimitar Films Ltd.'s Chairman,
Michael Winner, and Jeremy Isaacs, Fox was part of the 1988
Committee which was formed to fight proposals included in the Obscene
Publications Bill in response to public concern over the ever-declining
standards on display in the mass media. Other directors at Thames include
Harold Mourgue and Sir Claus Moser, who is also a former Vice
Chairman of N. M. Rothschild merchant bank.
Pearson TV has a quarter-share in Channel Five and a 15 per cent stake in UK
Gold, whose Chief Executive is Bruce Steinberg. The global reach of the
Pearson operation extends as far as TV India, in which the company has a joint
share in partnership with its superficial rivals Carlton Communications and the
investment bank Schroders.
It is only fair to point out that the parent Pearson conglomerate is owned
mainly by the aristocratic Cowdray family. Chairman Lord Blakenham is
seen in the City as having a board dominated by Old Etonians, although Reuben
Mark is not a member of that particular minority group. Since their interest
in broadcasting is in the money rather than the message, Pearson has recently
sold off stakes in BSkyB and Yorkshire Tyne Tees. Financial journalists are
speculating that the company may sell off its TV division altogether, in which
case it wouldn't require a crystal ball to predict the kind of people who would
be favourites to take it over!
The winning syndicate for the licence for this new channel includes several of
the supposed 'rivals' whose Jewish links have already been noted. These include
MAI, Pearson and the US-based Warburg Pincus. Their successful application
promised "presenters whose faces, voices, ages and regional and ethnic
backgrounds reflect the diversity of Britain in 1996." We won't be able to
say we weren't warned! Former BBC1 Scheduler David Berg is now Controller
of Planning and Organisation at C5, while the Controller of news, current
affairs and documentaries is Tim Gardam.
The real power at Channel 5 is its Chief Executive, David Elstein.
According to the Jewish Chronicle of January 3, 1997, Elstein has a "vast
executive and programme-making background with most of Britain's major networks."
Discussing the kind of programmes which the new channel would carry, Elstein
told the Jewish Chronicle that:
"[]There are a lot of very vocal Jewish thinkers and writers around, not
necessarily representing Jewish religious belief[/i]."
"You don't expect an awful lot of Yom Kippur services to turn up in the work
of people like Howard Jacobson and Harold Pinter. But you are aware that they
are coming from a background which is influenced by Jewish life."
Cable and Satellite Channels
In addition to the Jewish presence in the rapidly expanding fields of cable and
satellite TV already noted, James Ackerman works as the Director of
multichannel covertures. As well as his already noted position as head of
Britain's second biggest satellite channel UK Gold, former MTV high-flier
Bruce Steinberg is also Chief Executive of the women's channel UK Living,
with an audience fast approaching three million every week.
Julian Aston is Managing Director of Channel One, which at present
supplies cable TV to around 300,000 homes in London. He is assisted by his
friend Michael Rosenblum, who has been described by the Jewish Chronicle
as "the American video journalism guru."
The General Manager of Flextech TV's The Children's Channel (TCC)
cable/satellite operation is Franklin Getchell. TCC's Chief Executive is
Richard Wolfe and its Senior Series Producer is leading US teenshow
producer Mitchell Kriegman, whose work includes heavily multi-racial
tots' programme Sesame Street. Flextech owns the satellite channel Bravo, whose
General Manager Yonni Cohen moved to Polygram last year, with Broadcast
magazine suggesting that his temporarily vacant post would be filled by Getchell.
The Head of Programming at Bravo is Mark Deitch, formerly BBC1's Editor
of Acquired Output. Flextech TV also owns the Family Channel and manages TLC and
the Discovery Channel.
Of all the new channels aimed at children and young people, the most subversive
and offensive has to be MTV Europe. This is a subsidiary of Sumner Redstone's
Viacom UK, as are VH-1, the Paramount Channel, the Sci-Fi Channel, the
Blockbuster video chain and, as we have already seen, Nickleodeon TV. Paramount
Pictures UK is headed by Danton Rissner, while the Managing Director of
the Sci-Fi Channel is David Woodman. The President and Business Director
of MTV Europe is Peter Einstein, backed up by Senior Vice Presidents
Gil Aronow and Boris Katz. Through his MTV empire, Redstone
and his Chief Operating Officer Mark Rosenthal offer Beavis and Butthead
as teenage role models and pump race-mixing propaganda and anti-white rap music
into 210 million homes in 71 countries. MTV has been accurately described as the
dominant cultural (sic) influence on teenagers around the world.
In September 1995 MTV Europe was fined a total of £60,000 for two programmes
dealing with under-age sex which even the ITC described as "smutty." Einstein
protested that he had not seen any difference in the levels of taste and decency
in the eight years that the channel had been on the air. Indeed!
Another satellite and cable channel aimed at youngsters is The Box-Music TV,
whose Programme Director is Liz Laskowski. The UK satellite Warner
Channel is the work of Jeffrey Schlesinger, President of Warner Bros.
International Television. Raymond Jaffe is the Director of Publicity and
Promotion at Sky TV.
The satellite news services are also firmly in the usual hands. Reuters TV
Executive Editor is David Feingold and its Managing Director is David
Kogan (who also oversees London Radio), while head of its news-gathering
operation at Sky News is Malcolm Switzer. Meanwhile David Feingold
is chief of the London bureau of Cable News International (CNN) – now part of
Gerald Levin's Time Warner Corporation – and as such is answerable only to
the Managing Director of CNN International, Randy Freedman.
UKTV was one of the companies which submitted unsuccessful bids for Channel 5.
In spite of this rebuff its owner, Canadian Jewish media mogul David Asper
is still very keen to increase his control within the British media. His stated
aim is to see the UK move towards Canada and the US in terms of an increase in
commercial TV stations and cable TV penetration. UKTV is at present just a small
part of the Asper family's Can West Global Communications, which also has
interests in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Chile. While his father sits on
the governing board of Jerusalem's Hebrew University, Asper describes himself as
a "cultural rather than religious Jew."
Another big company seeking to extend its grip to this side of the Atlantic is
Polygram Filmed Entertainment. Yoni Cohen was appointed Vice President of
Television and Broadcasting at PFI in July 1996 to oversee the launch of
Polygram's new international TV network.
The single most powerful man in British radio is acting Manager of BBC Network
Radio, Michael (John) Green. His permanent replacement is tipped to be
Jenny Abramsky, the former Editor of The World at One and Today, who is at
present Controller not only of Radio Five Live, but also 24-hour UK news, BBC
World, Ceefax, and Multimedia Services. Head of Drama at BBC Network Radio is
Caroline Raphael. While she was Editor of Drama, Features and Youth
Programmes on Radio 5, several of her programmes were awarded prizes by the
Commission for Racial Equality. According to the Jewish Chronicle, Miss Raphael
admits to having a strong Jewish identity.
The millions of listeners who are now resigned to hearing ludicrous outbursts of
'political correctness' every time they tune in to a BBC radio station should
listen carefully to the names of producers and similar high-level functionaries
listed at the end of such offerings. It cannot be denied that a disproportionate
number are Jews. These include senior BBC producers Daniel Snowman and
Suzanne Levy, who was, for example, responsible for Radio 4's hysterical
'Holocaust' propaganda piece 20/20 – A View of the Century.
Forty-six per cent of Talk Radio UK is controlled by Peter Clark, owner
of Media Ventures International. Clark, who has strong links with the Labour
Party, was until recently acting Head of Talk Radio, whose other shareholders
are Hambros Bank, Luxembourg-based media group CLT and Can West boss David
Asper, who owns 24.5 per cent of the company. Many of this cheap, tacky and
sleazy station's presenters are Jewish, including Nancy Roberts, Garry
Jacobs, Jonny Gould, Janet Gershlick and Vanessa Feltz.
Clark's other interests include a 10 per cent stake in Teletext, ownership of
Circle Communications and a 40 per cent stake in Brian Eastman's drama
production operation Carnival Films.
The strongly pro-Jewish Associated Newspapers group owns large chunks of the
'independent' radio group GWR and Classic FM, where it has installed John
Spearman as Chief Executive. Noteworthy in independent radio are such
luminaries as the Chief Executive of EMAO Radio Tim Schoonmaker, who
controls commercial radio in the North-east, and Roberta Aarons, who is
Head of Production at SSVC, which provides TV and radio services for the MOD.
Lynne Franks is the founder of Radio Viva, the UK's first 'wimmin's'
radio station. She told the Jewish Chronicle: "I enjoy being Jewish in a
cultural sense and love being with other Jewish women." (The reader might
pause to consider what would happen if a native British woman and radio
executive remarked publicly that 'I enjoy being British in a cultural sense
and love being with other white women.'!)
As is the case with TV and films, Jews are in prominent and powerful positions
in the regulatory institutions of independent radio. Tony Stoller is
Chief Executive of the Radio Authority, while Yvonne Kintoff is Managing
Director of the Radio Advertising Clearing Centre.
Who controls our entertainment?
While TV and radio dominate our perception of current affairs, the cinema and
pop music also play a very strong role in changing cultural values. A film in
which a heart-throb actor portrays a character with a traditionally frowned upon
behavioural or character defect – such as drug abuse or homosexuality – will
help to persuade large numbers of viewers that such behaviour is, after all,
acceptable, even fashionable.
Such a message put out in a political debate or by a campaigning group, would be
rejected by all normal people; but conveyed as a subtle message in a host of
films or pop songs, it is accepted at a subliminal level by many viewers.
Cinema, Music & Entertainment
As with the broadcasting media, the 'British' film industry includes a vastly
disproportionate number of Jews, both among the major producers and in its
regulatory bodies. The creator and head of the British Film Commission is
Sidney Samuelson, who is also a trustee of BAFTA (British Film and
Television Arts) and Chairman of its management committee. Knighted by John
Major in June 1995, he is a great admirer of Steven Spielberg and his
mendacious propaganda film Schindler's List. Sir Sidney is also the President of
the Samuelson Group plc, which, according to the Jewish Chronicle of 23.6.95, is
the world's largest film, TV and audio-visual equipment organisation.
As Chief Executive and Director of the British Board of Film Classification,
James Ferman holds the key regulatory position in the British film industry.
As such he has been widely criticised for the board's ultra-liberal judgments.
In 1995, for example, only two of the 364 films considered by the BBFC were cut
to reduce sexual violence. Elected local councillors and members of the public,
who accused Ferman and his board of being irresponsible, were attacked as
culturally illiterate and "provincial."
Meanwhile, former Channel Four boss Jeremy Isaacs has been very
influential as a Governor of the British Film Institute since 1979. Keeping an
eye out for rising stars and potential dissidents in the next generation of
production staff is the Chairman of the National Film and TV School, David
Also in a position to give a helping hand to deserving would-be movie moguls is
Baron Joel Barnett, the former Labour Cabinet minister who has been the
Chairman of British Screen Finance Ltd since 1980, as well as having served as
Vice Chairman of the BBC Board of Governors from 1986 to 1993.
The Chief Executive of Crysalis Visual Entertainment is Michael Pilsworth.
CVE's portfolio of 'independent' film producers includes Red Rooster Film & TV
and Watchmaker Productions. Chrysalis is close to overtaking Thames TV as the
top UK independent producer.
In addition to his other powerful positions noted earlier, David Puttnam
is a Chrysalis director. He is also Chairman of the Enigma film company, which
has close ties with Gerald Levin's Time Warner conglomerate and BSkyB.
Puttnam is a close friend of Edgar Bronfman Jr. – owner of the massive
MCA entertainment group and Universal Studios – and spent three years as
Chairman and Chief Executive at Columbia Pictures. In addition to all this,
Puttnam is Chairman of International Television Enterprises Ltd. He produced the
Labour Party's 1992 election broadcast and is a regular at Labour fund-raising
events, as well as being at the forefront of Labour's thinking on the
information superhighway.
The President and Chief Executive of the £5.5 billion Polygram global
entertainment group is Alain Levy, former head of CBS France, who boasts
of "getting away from provincial values." Judging by the fare, we can
safely assume that decency and integrity are among the values he and people like
him regard as "provincial."
In January 1995, Polygram paid £100 million for Lord Grade's old company
ITC Entertainment. The expanded Polygram Films entertainment subsidiary is
headed by Michael Kuhn under whose guidance it produced the highly
successful, pro-homosexual Four Weddings and a Funeral, and multiracial
propaganda such as Priscilla – Queen of the Desert.
Polygram International Music is also expanding, with its boss David Hockman
recently snapping up leading rap label Def Jam.
Chairman of the Rank Organisation, with major worldwide interests in leisure and
entertainment and UK assets including the Odeon cinema chain, Mecca Leisure, the
Hard Rock Cafe chain and Pinewood Studios, is Sir Leslie Fletcher.
Managing Director of Rank Amusements Ltd. is J. Cohen.
Rank has close ties with MCA, with which it jointly owns Universal Studios. MCA
is in turn part of Edgar J. Bronfman Jr's Seagram empire. Bronfman,
President of the World Jewish Congress, is one of the world's most powerful
Zionists and backs a number of shadowy, but influential, organisations which are
constantly on the lookout for possible threats to Jewish identity and cohesion.
Yet the material churned out by his companies for consumption by the ordinary
youngsters of Europe and North America is consistently and deliberately designed
to undermine our national and ethnic identities. It is this double-standard
which thoughtful students of Zionist influence find particularly worrying.
The London-based MCA Records is managed by Steve Wolfe while MCA Music
Entertainment International has Senior Executives such as Meir Malinsky.
The same phenomenon may be seen at RCA Records, whose artists include the
much-hyped 'supergroup' Take That. RCA's Managing Director is Hugh Goldsmith;
the company's Head of Artistic Development is David Joseph and the
International Director is Nancy Farbman.
While Sony would no doubt be regarded by most people as a Japanese company, the
truth is that the decisions – which acts it signs or doesn't sign, who is to be
hyped to the top of the charts and what messages they should put across to the
owners of their Japanese-made electrical goods – are made by Jews. Paul
Burger is the Chairman and Chief Executive of Sony Entertainment (UK), which
includes the Sony record label. Burger, whose major artists include Michael
Jackson, is also Chairman of 'The Brit Awards' which is produced by Michael
Gerrie. Senior Vice Presidents and Executives at Sony UK include Jonathan
Sternberg, Gerhard Blum and Sara Silver.
Thorn-EMI is another member of the interlocked global media corporations with
heavy Jewish involvement. Its Directors include Sir Graham Day and H.
Einsmann. The Senior Vice President of EMI Music Worldwide is Charles
Diamont and the Managing Director is Michelle Burger. Vice President
of EMl's International Media Division is Jeremy Silver.
The London-based music subsidiary of the Time-Warner Corporation, this operation
too has a Jewish Managing Director – R. Godfrey-Kess.
Many smaller companies with less well-known names also play an important part in
determining the flavour of popular music and film entertainment. The Managing
Directors of the One World Entertainment music company, of Vision Music
Entertainment and of record distributor Entertainment UK are, respectively,
Alan Bellman, Dan Reedman and Richard Cowan.
Robert Earl is founder of President Entertainments and owner of the
movie-theme restaurant Planet Hollywood. For five years, Earl was President of
Hard Rock Cafe International, and he also helped produce the semi-pornographic
film Dirty Weekend with his close friend film producer Michael Winner and
authoress Helen Zahavi.
Marshall's Communications Group is chaired by Mike Isaacson, who is also
Executive Producer of its subsidiary company, Film Crest. Mentorn Films is run
by Tom Gutteridge, Blue Heaven Productions is headed by Neil Zeiger,
and the very English-sounding Stonehenge Productions is in fact controlled by
Peter Kosminsky, who has close ties with MAI Productions.
Media Productions was launched in 1993 as the first film and television
financing and sales outfit to be created under the Business Expansion Scheme,
and quickly achieved success with its low-budget hit, Leon the Pig Farmer – Leon
being an orthodox Jew. Its Directors are Stephen Margolis and David
Altschuler, who is also Director of feature film production company Cavalier
Features, and co-founder of National Leasing and Finance, a company which
arranges finance for deals involving past film titles.
The power to decide which films are bought or put back into circulation has a
very significant behind-the-scenes influence on the kind of films which get made
in the first place. The UK's largest privately-owned media buying concern, TMB,
is headed by Chairman and Chief Executive Alan Rich, and has four Jewish
The Ministry of Sound 'rave' nightclub empire is run by James Palumbo.
His Managing Director is Mark Rodol. In the months before the 1997
general election, James Palumbo helped to organise the Labour Party
campaign to young people. He also gave the unlimited free use of a
chauffeur-driven silver Rover to Labour's media staff at Millbank Tower. It was
promptly commandeered by Peter Mandelson, the party's chief election
planner and Tony Blair's eminence grise, although the disco-dancing bachelor's
'aide', Benjamin Wegg-Prosser, maintained that "Peter is not the only
person who uses it."
Who controls advertising?
The power of the purse is nowhere more apparent than in the field of
advertising, whose magnates not only decide what images are used to promote
particular products and ideas, but also have a great deal of influence over
where vast corporate advertising budgets are spent. Their ability to determine
which channels, magazines and newspapers are used – or not used – for major
advertising campaigns gives such individuals an immense amount of influence over
the producers and editors of supposedly independent media operations.
Companies placing advertisements also have a great deal of 'clout' over the
media. There have been a number of instances when the big High Street retail
chains – another area dominated by Jews, but outside the scope of this survey –
has been used to persuade Gentile newspaper owners and editors to toe the line.
As far back as the 1930s, for example, the threat of a Jewish advertising
boycott forced Lord Rothermere to stop printing articles supporting Sir Oswald
Mosley in his Daily Mail. More recently, similar threats have been brought to
bear against a medical magazine for carrying articles critical of Israeli
treatment of Palestinians, and against the Sunday Times, which was persuaded to
break its contract with historian David Irving to translate its Goebbels Diaries
In Japan the popular magazine Marco Polo was forced to close down by an
international advertising boycott organised by Zionists, after carrying an
article pointing out many of the glaring flaws in the 'Six Million Gassed Jews'
propaganda story.
The world's largest advertising and marketing group, WPP, is based in London and
headed by its multi-millionaire Chief Executive Martin Sorell, formerly
Advertising Director with 1980s advertising giant Saatchi and Saatchi.
Maurice Saatchi now runs the Megalomedia Group, whose non-advertising
interests include a 10 per cent stake in The Multimedia Corporation, the
producer of CD Roms such as 3d Atlas, cybercafes and computer software. Other
shareholders include the boss's wife, novelist Josephine Hart, his
brother Charles Saatchi and Lord (Jacob) Rothschild's RIT Capital
Partners. Megalomedia owns the digital film and television studio FrameStore,
which produces film titles and special effects. Says Chairman Saatchi: "We
believe that digitalisation and computer technology will continue to play an
increasingly fundamental role in media. We are now well placed to capitalise on
the commercial potential offered by such a dynamic sector."
A bizarre feature in the Evening Standard early in January 1995 describes
Tony Kaye as "one of Britain's, and America's, leading directors of
television adverts and a man whose eye-catchingly unorthodox style has made him
a legend in his business." The story arose from a classified advertisement
which Kaye had placed in the Cars for Sale section of the paper two days before
Christmas. The full text of the advert read: "JEWISH CAR FOR SALE. Four
telephones and one fax machine. £1.3 Million. Ring Tony Kaye on
0101-310-720-3613." He also placed the advert in the Sunday Times, but
within a few days was shocked to be on the receiving end of a "deluge" of
abusive and threatening telephone calls from Jews who thought it was
anti-Semitic. "There were some horrible messages on my answering machine,"
including death threats, he told the Standard. As a matter of fact he did have a
nearly new Lincoln executive-series limousine for sale at the price mentioned,
and it did come complete with four 'phone lines and a fax, and its American
registration plate did read "Jewish" because, as Mr. Kaye was at pains to point
out, he is Jewish "and very proud of it."
Tony Kaye got his first big break working with Saatchi & Saatchi and went
on to win thirteen 'Pencils' (the ad world's equivalent of Oscars) in six years.
His television adverts included British Rail's chess-playing rabbi and the
penguin, the children dancing around Lionel Bart for Abbey National and
the sado-masochistic and nightmarish images used in Dunlop commercials.
Highlights of his career in California included making a documentary attacking
America's anti-abortion campaigners.
Who controls what we read?
Although the printed word is no longer as powerful as it once was, and
although the broadcasting media are now the most important factor in shaping
general popular attitudes, the owners, editors and journalists of national
newspapers still have immense power. In particular, it is the national
newspapers which decide the issues on which elections will, and will not, be
fought. Press coverage is still the key factor which makes or breaks
politicians, and which sets the parameters of 'acceptable' political thought.
The national newspapers have long been termed the "Fourth Estate," but even this
phrase under-estimates their power. It is in truth no exaggeration to say that
whoever controls the press controls the political direction of the nation.
The Jewish presence in the press is not as all-pervading as it is in the
broadcast media. But such is the cowardice of the vast majority of the
intellectual prostitutes known as journalists, that it seems that Organised
Jewry is able to impose its line on the British press by rather more remote
control than in the case of television. Having said which, the number of Jews in
key positions in the tangled web of newspaper ownership and production is still
out of all proportion to their numbers in the British population as a whole.
The same can be said of publishing generally, with the additional factor that
many publishing houses are owned by Jewish-owned companies based in the USA.
The Press
Associated Newspapers
As well as owning the Daily Mail and London
Evening Standard, Associated Newspapers has a one-fifth stake in the TV news
company ITN, owns 20 per cent of the ITV company Westcountry TV, 14 per cent of
Selec TV and nearly half of Teletext.
One of Associated Newspapers' major players is Stewart Steven – real name
Stefan Gustaf Cohen. Having come to Britain in 1941 as a six-year-old
refugee, Steven was appointed Assistant Editor of the Daily Mail in 1972, going
on to edit the Mail on Sunday in 1981, before becoming Editor of the Evening
Standard. He is a Director of Associated Newspapers Holdings Ltd, Mail
Newspapers plc., and The Mail on Sunday. Steven boasts of his influence on the
British Government that "every member of the Government knows me by my
Christian (sic) name."
The Managing Director and Managing Editor of the Daily Mail are Guy Zitter
and Lawrence Sear, while the Editor of the Mail on Sunday is Jonathan
Holborrow. A study of a randomly chosen day's issue of the Mail suggests
that Jews make up nearly a third of its journalists (excluding writers for the
politically irrelevant sports pages, who are invariably Gentiles) – including
Middle East specialist Paul Harris, Geoffrey Levy, Richard Kay,
Jonathan Margolis, Sam Harris, Sarah Ebner and Gaby
Anne Applebaum is Associate Editor of the London Evening Standard, as
well as writing regularly for the Daily Mail and Sunday Telegraph. When Evening
Standard columnist Matthew Norman criticised Tory Home Secretary Michael
Howard for agreeing to legislation "that would have deprived his father
of sanctuary in Britain," he did so in such extreme terms that Gerald
Jacobs was moved to write a piece in the Jewish Chronicle criticising Jewish
hypersensitivity and the "psychological condition" which "sees any public
criticism of Jews by Jews as fuel for Gentile scorn and anti-Semitism. That way
real madness lies."
Another Evening Standard reporter, Mark Honigsbaum, penned a remarkably
indiscreet article for the paper's 'London Life' feature on 21 January, 1992.
Headlined "The TV Clique," its sub-heading told readers that:
"David was at school with Michael who plays snooker with Charles who knows
Alan who is a friend of Michael. Together these five men form a powerful group
who have a massive influence on what you will be watching on television today."
The five referred to are David Elstein, Michael Grade, Charles
Saatchi, Alan Yentob and Michael Green.
[booklet page 14]
Another Associated bigwig is Clive Wolman, founder and Editor-in-Chief of
the weekly magazine London Financial News and formerly Editor of the Mail on
Sunday City edition. Wolman cut his journalistic teeth editing the Oxford
University magazine Isis, before spending two years in Israel working on the
Jerusalem Post. Among the backers of Wolman's venture are his long-standing
friend Anthony Julius – the Princess of Wales's lawyer and author of a
vicious attack on the great poet T. S. Eliot, whom he regards as 'anti-Semitic'-
and Lawrence Lever, financial columnist at the Mail on Sunday. At a
Jewish Chronicle-sponsored meeting in March 1996, Lever spoke of the personal
unease with which he sometimes approached reporting on Jewish businessmen who
had acted illegally or unethically.
The new magazine – aimed at stockbrokers, fund managers, corporate financiers and
traders – is distributed on the internet by the on-line business information
company, MAID, whose Chief Executive is Dan Wagner. A £500,000 launch
campaign was conducted by publishing director Gary Stern – a Young Jewish
Care leader – who also invested his own capital in the venture.
NGI's assets include the lion's share of BSkyB, Twentieth
Century Fox and major British newspapers such as The Sun, News of the World, The
Times, the Sunday Times and the Times Literary and Educational Supplements. Its
Chief Executive, Rupert Murdoch, is usually regarded as a Gentile,
although he has been described as a 'mamzer Jew.' His father, Keith, although
only a low-paid reporter, made a fortuitous marriage to the daughter of a
wealthy Jewish family, Elisabeth Joy Greene. The family fortune enabled
Murdoch Senior to buy himself a knighthood, a radio station and two Adelaide
newspapers, as well as to educate his son at the fashionable Geelong private
school and then to send him to Oxford.
While at Oxford, the young Murdoch concluded that "there is no ideological
difference between communism and capitalism, except that the latter should be
more controlled and centralised. The two are complimentary." When his father
died he returned to Australia to take over the two newspapers and became known
to locals as "Red Rupert." So strong was his reputation that when, in 1965, he
paid over a quarter of a million pounds for a Sunday newspaper in Perth, it was
suggested that the Soviet Union was channelling funds into his business
operation. Over the next three years, however, as Murdoch plonked down millions
to buy newspapers and radio and TV stations all over Australia, it became clear
that that he had more generous backers than the habitually parsimonious Soviets.
By 1968 Murdoch's media empire was worth £46 million. His buying spree continued
throughout the 1970s, as he set up in Britain and then the United States. With
his move into satellite TV and film studios, the last few years have seen
Murdoch establish his influence on a truly global scale, with assets of £14.3
This remorseless rise owes something to Murdoch's undoubted knack of identifying
and pandering to the lowest tastes of the public, but far more important has
been the backing of four multi-national mega-money moguls. Murdoch first started
to move in these circles when his father asked Lord Beaverbrook to train
young Rupert in the newspaper business. Beaverbrook introduced Murdoch to
Harry Oppenheimer, head of the massive Anglo-American Corporation and the
deBeers diamond and gold cartel, and Edgar Bronfman. Impressed by the
young Murdoch and his commitment to Marxist capitalism, they told him to call
on them if he ever needed help.
Within a few years Murdoch was acting as the front-man for media buy-ups
financed by Oppenheimer and Bronfman, as well as being helped by
the con-man Armand Hammer and the Rothschild empire. This almost
limitless financial backing is the real force behind Murdoch's mercurial rise to
control, among his other media interests, a yearly newspaper circulation of 3.5
billion copies.
Nor is Murdoch shy of using this enormous power to further his, and his backers'
own political agenda. As far back as 1972, after Australian Labour Party leader
Whitlam had agreed to pursue a 100 per-cent pro-Israeli policy and to protect
Murdoch's media monopoly, the power of that monopoly was used to run a
block-busting campaign which steamrollered Whitlam into power. When Whitlam
promptly reneged on the deal, making overtures to the Arabs and refusing to
grant mining leases to Oppenheimer, Murdoch's media turned on him as part of the
successful campaign to have Whitlam removed from office and replaced by the
fervently pro-Zionist Bob Hawke.
More recently, American media mogul Ted Turner was forced to apologise to the
Anti-Defamation League after likening his rival to the "late Fuehrer," alleging
that, like Hitler, Murdoch uses the media outlets over which he has control to
further his political agenda. Included on that agenda are attacks on Murdoch's
enemies, among which he includes the Germans, the Irish, the Arabs and
anti-Zionists, "the supreme traitors."
In addition to his shadowy backers, a number of the key positions around the
'Dirty Digger' are held by Jews. These include Peter Chernin, who heads
Murdoch's film studio and oversees his TV production, and David Elstein,
Head of Programming at BSkyB until his recent promotion to the still more
powerful post of Chief Executive of C5. Chief Executive of BSkyB is Sam
Chisholm, while Raymond Jaffe is the Director of Publicity and
Promotion at Sky TV.
The Managing Director of The Sun and the News of the World scandal sheets is
A. A. Fischer, while their Managing Editors are William Newman and
Stuart Kuttner respectively. Since becoming Editor of the News of the World,
Wendy Henry has presided over a further degeneration of her paper, which
has to be acknowledged as a remarkable achievement. Her boss Kuttner has spoken
at meetings of the Board of Deputies of British Jews on the question of
sensitivity in the portrayal of Jews and Israel in the media. The City Editor of
The Times is Melvyn Marckus.
In October 1996 seventy Israeli tax inspectors raided the Jerusalem offices of
Murdoch's News Datacom computer software subsidiary. The operation took place
after the issue of a warrant alleging "tax transgressions, tax evasion and
helping others to evade taxes between the years 1989 and 1996 of an amount of
about $150 million." Also raided were a factory in Haifa and New Datacom's
lawyers, the eminent firm of Herzog, Fox and Neeman, whose founder was the
former Israeli president, Chaim Herzog. Murdoch's company protested its
innocence and blamed "defamatory" comments in the Israeli media on "a
continuing campaign against the company by former employees who have been sued
in the UK... for defrauding (us) of millions of dollars." Whatever the truth
of this affair, it provides a tantalising glimpse of the behind-the-scenes
connections of the Murdoch empire.
Telegraph Group
The Chairman of The Telegraph plc is Conrad Black. Although supposedly a
Canadian Gentile, Black is a member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg
Group and a Director of Jerusalem Post Publications Ltd. Furthermore, not only
was his first wife Jewish, but so is his second, Barbara Amiel. She makes
no attempt to hide her extreme pro-Zionist views, using the columns of the Daily
Telegraph to berate other sections of the media and politicians for what she
believes is hostility to Israel. A particularly outstanding example of Mrs.
Black's paranoia is an article which appeared in the Daily Telegraph of 3.10.96
under the hysterical heading: "This hatred of Israel is close to fascism."
Most absurdly of all, she referred bitterly to "some Guardian and Independent
commentators who, to put it bluntly, come close to a genteel fascism akin to the
Thirties." Presumably she wasn't thinking of the Independent's main
columnists Neal Ascherson or David Aaronovitch. Kindly souls of a
more rational disposition can only hope that she doesn't ever see a copy of this
The Telegraph plc is in turn 82 per cent owned by the Hollinger Group, on whose
board sits international power-broker Henry Kissinger. Hollinger also own
the Spectator and no fewer than 230 major magazines and newspapers in the United
Managing Director of Telegraph Newspapers is Stephen Grabiner, while
Directors of the Telegraph include Rupert Hambro who Group Managing
Director of J. O. Hambro Investment Management and a Director of Harry
Oppenheimer's AngloAmerican Corporation, Sir Martin Jacomb and Sir
Evelyn de Rothschild.
The Sunday Telegraph is edited by Dominic Lawson. The Young Telegraph,
the children's supplement, is edited by Damian Kelleher with Kitty
Melrose as deputy.
The left-wing Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror were, of course, the mouth-pieces
of the utterly corrupt 'refugee' from Czechoslovakia, Bob Maxwell (real name,
Jan Hoch). Having looted his employees' pension fund in a failed effort to
stave off the collapse of his house-of-cards financial empire, Maxwell finally
met a well-deserved and watery end off the side of his vulgar personal yacht.
This eminent fraudster and Zionist activist was honoured with a burial ceremony
in Israel attended by leading Israeli government officials. The Mirror Group,
which is also a major shareholder in the Independent, was sold off after his
death, and is now in the hands of a shadowy business conglomerate.
A long-term key-player in the Observer Trust was the financial journalist,
publisher and investment wheeler-dealer Sir Stephen (Harry) Waley-Cohen,
who was involved with the upper echelons of this heavyweight left-of-centre
Sunday newspaper, between 1976 and 1981. Nowadays, however, Sir Stephen is only
Chairman of the Jewish Chronicle Trust, and the Observer is in the more discreet
hands of the Guardian Group. This holding company has directoral links with
Hambros merchant bank, whose own Directors include Lord Hollick, whose
United News and Media Group owns 30 regional newspapers in South East England
alone, as well as periodicals such as Exchange & Mart. Hollick is reported as
considering selling off his UPN South East operation in order to concentrate on
his regional newspapers in Yorkshire and the North West.
The Observer certainly presents no alternative to the prevailing bias of the
rest of the media. Its "expert"' on the British National Party, for example, is
Nick Cohen, who describes as "admirable" the work of the mendacious and
rabidly anti-Nationalist magazine Searchlight, which specialises in encouraging
violent mobs to attack the peaceful and legal meetings of its political
opponents. Searchlight's sloppy research has cost the BBC huge libel action
payouts a few years ago, and is edited by Gerry Gable.
1996 saw the launch of the UK's first all-financial Sunday paper, the Sunday
Business. This was backed by American-based newswire owner Michael Bloomberg,
with Tony Rubython as Editor.
At the opposite end of the social scale of special interest groups is the Big
Issue, founded on the initiative of Bodyshop owner Anita Roddick.
Speaking to the Jewish Chronicle at the start of 1996, the Big Issue's Director
Lucie Russell, confided that at least ten of its staff are Jews:
"Jews are attracted to this sort of work – they like to be active in changing
the world."
Many of the glossy magazines which adorn our newsstands do not reveal the
identities of their staff, and detailed research into which holding companies
and publishers own which publications is beyond the scope of this study. Even a
cursory glance, however, reveals a vastly disproportionate number of Jews
Opinion-makers on The Spectator include [b]Milton Shulman and Mark Steyn.
Samantha Weinberg is Features Editor at Harpers & Queen. Vogue Editor
Alexandra Shulman also writes a column in the Daily Telegraph, which she has
used to promote clothes designers such as Tommy Hilfilger. Also busy at
Vogue are Picture Editor Isabella Kullman, Account Manager Rachel
Raelevy, Assistant to the Publishing Director Emma Halpin, and
Chairman Daniel Salem. Contributors include Rhoda Koenig and
Nigella Lawson. Deirdre Vine is Editor of Woman's Journal, Sarah
Bravo is Managing Editor of Ideal Home. Just 17 and More – both widely
criticised for publishing explicit and liberal sex advice for their young
readers – have on their respective staff lists Jews like Piers Wenger and
Deborah Selner, and Tony Cross and Trish Halpin. Deborah
Selner is Promotion Arts Editor on both magazines.
Felix Dennis – one of the three defendants in the infamous 1971 Oz
obscenity trial – now publishes many magazines, including the world's most
successful CD-ROM magazine, Blender.
The 'up-market' men's G.Q. has among its Contributing Editors James Bloom,
Peter Koenig, David Cohen, Chris Peachment and
Christopher Silvester, while Jo Levin is Fashion Director. A glance
at virtually any newsstand magazine will reveal a similar situation, with
significant Jewish input on publications ranging from Empire movie magazine to
New Woman, Cosmopolitan to Vanity Fair.
Non-native journalists who have dispensed their wisdom to us lowly Gentiles over
the years include Bernard Levin, John Pilger, Max Hastings,
John Akass, Marjorie Proops, Anna Raeburn and Claire
Rayner. The world-syndicated agony columnists Ann Landers and
Abigail van Buren ("Dear Abby") were in fact two Jewish sisters, Esther
and Pauline Friedman.
A detailed examination of the question of who controls the book publishing
houses is another area beyond the scope of this short study, but a brief
overview reveals much the same situation as with the rest of the mass media. In
addition to its interests noted above, the Pearson Group owns the Financial
Times Group and, in partnership with N. M. Rothschild merchant bank, the
internationalist prophet of the global economy The Economist magazine. Pearson
also owns the major publishing companies Penguin and Longman. The Editor of the
Financial Times, Michael Lambert, addressed a Jewish Care business group
meeting in November 1995. His Assistant Editor is Samuel Brittan.
The Chief Executive and Chairman of the Longman Group is Paula Kahn.
Simon & Schuster is only part of the publishing division of Sumner Redstone's
Viacom empire, which also owns US publishers Prentice Hall and Pocket Books.
Random House, the largest publisher in the USA and a major player in the UK
industry, is owned by Samuel and Donald Newhouse. Their Advance
Publications holding company is worth an estimated $8 billion, and includes 26
daily newspapers, 87 cable TV stations and some two dozen major magazines,
including up-market titles such as Vogue, Vanity Fair and Madamoiselle.
Hamlyns was founded by 1940s refugee Paul Hamlyn, who sold the company
before setting up Octopus, which he in turn sold to Reed for £535 million and
22.1 million Reed shares. His close friend Bob Gavron is another
publishing millionaire, having sold his St. Ives printing company in 1993. He
then bought The Folio, the up-market book club which specialises in reprinting
classics, and provided the money to set up the feminist Virago press. Gavron is
one of the small band of Jewish millionaires who financed Tony Blair's
redesigning of the Labour Party. Apart from his own half-million pound donation,
Gavron was also appointed as a member of the party's key fund-raising committee
for the general election. Paul Hamlyn alone has kicked in £600,000.
The Managing Director of Andre Deutsch is T. G. Rosenthal, who is also
prominent at The Bookseller. It is worth noting the familiar pattern of Jewish
predominance in influential institutions at the top of the industry. Louis
Baum is Editor of The Bookseller, and British Journalism Review is edited by
Geoffrey Goodman with Jewish Care's 1990 Woman of Distinction Jenny
Abramsky on its Editorial Board. Longman hotshot Paula Kahn is the
President of the Publishers' Asssociation, who is also Chief Executive of the
English Teaching Advisory Committee.
Since the vast majority of the films shown on
British cinema and TV screens are imported from America, it is impossible to
comment on the power of the mass media to mould and direct public opinion in
Britain without looking at the ownership of the US movie industry, centred in
In his acclaimed book, An Empire of Their Own, How the Jews Invented Hollywood,
Neal Gabler pointed to the Jewish origins of Hollywood, under movie
pioneers such as Louis B. Mayer and Irving Thalberg.
"Of 85 names engaged in production," a 1936 survey noted, "53 are Jews. And the Jewish advantage holds in prestige as well as numbers."
Little has changed since then; in a recent
Premiere magazine 'Special Power Issue – ranking the 100 most powerful people in
the 'Industry' – the top twelve were Jewish. No black or British industry
executives were even ranked. Every so often, a Gentile journalist or actor
comments on this, and is invariably forced to make a grovelling apology within a
matter of hours.
Marlon Brando, for example, hit the headlines in April 1996 when he
denounced the Jewish-run movie establishment for exploiting racial stereotypes,
telling the Larry King [Lawrence Harvey Zeiger]
Show that:
"We have seen the nigger, we have seen the greaseball, we have seen the chink, the slit-eyed dangerous Jap... but we never saw the kike because they know perfectly well that's where you draw the wagons around... Hollywood is run by Jews, owned by Jews and they should have greater sensitivity."
The largest media conglomerate is the Walt Disney Company, whose Chairman and
CEO is Michael Eisner. The Disney empire, headed by a man described by
one media analyst as "a control freak," includes several television production
companies (Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television and Buena Vista
Television), its own cable network and two video production companies.
As for feature films, the Walt Disney Picture Group, headed by Joe Roth,
includes Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures and Caravan Pictures. Disney
also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers.
When the Disney Company was run by the Gentile Disney family prior to its
takeover by Eisner in 1984, it epitomised wholesome family entertainment. While
it still holds the rights to various classic children's favourites, under Eisner
– whose personal fortune is estimated at $405 million – the company has expanded
into the production of graphic sex and gratuitous violence. And Disney's recent
productions aimed at children have developed an extremely unhealthy 'politically
correct' message. The much-hyped Pocahontas, for example, distorts historical
fact out of all recognition in an unmistakable bid to inculcate an anti-white
guilt complex in its young audiences. It is even rumoured that Eisner et al are
planning to make a new production with a 'Holocaust' theme!
On the back of its film production, Disney has built a worldwide entertainment
empire, owning Disneyland, Disney World, Epcot Center, Tokyo Disneyland and Euro
Disney. The company sells well over a billion dollars worth of consumer products
every year, principally books, toys and clothing. Some of the profits from this
enormous operation funded Eisner's 1995 takeover of Capital Cities/ABC Inc., to
create a media conglomerate with annual sales of $16.5 billion. Capital
Cities/ABC not only controls 235 TV stations in the United States, but also has
extensive interests in European TV companies.
Probably even more influential than Disney is the international media leviathan
Times Warner, Inc. Chairman of the Board and CEO is Gerald Levin. Warner
Music is by far the world's largest record company, with fifty labels, the
biggest of which is Warner Brothers Records, headed by Danny Goldberg.
Warner Music's Interscope Records was an early promoter of 'gangster rap,' a
genre with lyrics which explicitly encourage Blacks to commit acts of violence
against Whites and treat women with callous contempt. These deeply unpleasant
messages are often reinforced by video images courtesy of Stuart Hersch,
President of the company's video production operation, Warnervision.
In addition to music and huge interests in US cable TV, Time Warner is heavily
involved in the production of feature films through Warner Brothers Studio. Its
publishing division, dominated by Editor-in-Chief Norman Pearlstine, is
the largest magazine publisher in the world.
Time Warner and Disney were among the most generous backers of Bill Clinton's
1996 re-election campaign, a victory which, according to the Jewish Chronicle of
1st November, 1996, took "Jewish influence in Washington" to "historic
Time Warner's Gerald Levin gained an enormous amount of extra power with
his takeover of Turner Broadcasting System in 1996. Founded by self-made media
tycoon Ted Turner, TBS included the highly influential TV news network CNN, an
operation which for a few years provided a potential alternative to the
otherwise completely Jewish-controlled American news network. Although Turner is
a Gentile, his career – and the reaction of the rival media bosses to it –
provide an important insight into the monopolistic attitude of the people who
have developed a stranglehold on the electronic news and entertainment industry.
Having made a fortune in advertising and cable TV, in 1985 Turner made a bid to
buy CBS – an acquisition which would have given him control of an enormous slice
of the influential news broadcasting industry. Although Turner had employed a
number of Jews in key executive positions in CNN and had never taken a public
position contrary to Jewish interests, he is a man with a large ego and a strong
personality, and was regarded by CBS Chairman William Paley and his
fellow executives as uncontrollable: a loose cannon who might at some stage in
the future give them problems. Furthermore, newsman Daniel Schorr, who
had worked for Turner, publicly charged that his former boss held a personal
dislike for Jews.
To block Turner's bid, CBS executives invited billionaire theatre, hotel,
insurance and cigarette magnate Laurence Tisch to launch a 'friendly'
takeover of the company. This went ahead, with Tisch becoming the Chairman and
CEO of CBS, removing any threat of non-Jewish influence there.
Turner now appears to have adopted the 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em' line.
His sale of CNN to Time Warner means that the only rival to the network news
operations is now also in the hands of the usual people.
Viacom, Inc, headed and 76 per cent owned by Sumner Redstone (born Murray
Rothstein) is the third largest megamedia corporation in the US, with revenues
of over $10 billion a year. As well as owning a major network of TV and radio
stations, Viacom produces and distributes TV programmes, while feature films are
handled by its subsidiary Paramount Pictures, headed by Sherry Lansing.
Viacom is also involved in satellite broadcasting, theme parks and video games,
and its 4,000-store Blockbuster video rental chain has branches throughout
Another major Hollywood power is MCA-Universal Pictures. For a while this was
owned by the Japanese electronics firm Matsushita. Even though MCA's former
owner Lew Wasserman and his sidekick Sidney Sheinberg were kept on
as the top executives, there was clearly concern in certain circles at the risk
involved in not having such a studio under complete control. This unsatisfactory
situation was, however, resolved early in 1996 when Canadian-based alcohol giant
Seagram bought a controlling interest in MCA.
The Seagram empire was founded by Samuel Bronfman, who made his fortune
shipping liquor to bootleggers during the Prohibition. The Chief Executive today
is his grandson, president of the World Jewish Congress, Edgar Bronfman Jr.
Seagram has long been a financial and organisational mainstay of the massively
powerful Zionist lobby in North America, and its boss is well-known for his
belief in the financial and opinion-forming power of 'multi-media' and related
elements of the information superhighway. He is a close friend of Hollywood
deal-broker Michael Ovitz. According to the Daily Telegraph of 6th
January, 1997, Ovitz is often described as "Hollywood's most powerful man."
On his recent resignation as president of Walt Disney, he received a severance
package of $69.5 million.
Sony – Columbia
Another Japanese company which put some noses out of joint by buying a chunk of
Hollywood was Sony, which took over Victor Kaufman's Columbia Pictures in
1989 for $3.4 billion and $1.2 billion in assumed debt. It is clear that the
Japanese were only interested in the profits from successful movies and were
quite happy to leave the everyday running to the 'experts', but this did not
stop a concerted media campaign against the perils of allowing the American
entertainment industry to fall into the hands of outsiders! Headlines about
"Pearl Harbor – the Sequel" were followed by the filming of Rising Sun, a
thriller dealing with the relentless ambition of Japan and its threat to the US.
Directed by Philip Kaufman – who managed to work into the script a scene
of a Japanese playboy using a naked American girl as a dining table. This is the
kind of crude incitement to racial hatred usually reserved for the wicked
Under attack from outside, Sony were also stung by the reckless and inexplicably
incompetent management of Peter Guber, who had been recommended to run
the show by Walter Yetkinoff, the Chairman of CBS Records. After a series
of shattering flops, Sony were rumoured to be thinking of selling up. Discussing
the fiasco, David Puttnam, who ran Columbia during the mid-eighties, gave
an interesting insight into the mentality of their rivals: "The Japanese are
probably congenitally incapable of managing a movie studio. That's not to insult
them, it's simply a result of the very ordered way their minds work. I think the
Germans are likely to also prove incapable of managing a movie studio."
Puttnam went on to suggest that since all Sony needed was access to Columbia's
back catalogue and future best-sellers, the situation could be resolved by a
clever lawyer who could 'unbundle' the company: "The unbundling will involve
Sony hanging on to the core rights they require, with future production and
investment taken over by someone else, someone probably more competent or more
In the meantime, things now seem to be pretty much in order, with Alan Levine
heading the Sony Pictures Division, and the financial management of the Sony
Corporation of America having been placed in the hands first of Michael
Schulhof, and then of Sony's US Executive Vice President, Jeff Sagansky.
Lucy Fisher recently took over as acting Chairman of Columbia TriStar
itself, following the removal of Mark Canton after a further series of
box-office flops.
Most of the smaller film production companies
are also controlled by Jews. For example, New World Entertainment, described as
"the premier independent TV program producer in the United States," is
owned by Ronald Perelman and chaired by Brandon Tartikoff
(formerly the Head of Entertainment Programming at NBC).
Dreamworks SKG was formed in 1994 by recording industry mogul David Geffen
(who lists his interests as "AIDS, Israel and other causes"), former Disney
Pictures Chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg and film director Steven
Spielberg. With the connections and wealth of these three, Dreamworks looks
set to become a major force in the entertainment world.
A similar picture of massively disproportionate Jewish influence pertains
throughout the US television, radio and newspaper industries, but these fall
outside the scope of this study. An exception to this has to be the career of
Aaron Spelling, since so many of his television programmes are shown on
British TV – indeed all around the world. The Guinness Book of Records credits
Spelling with having produced more hours of programming than anyone else on
earth. The recipe for this remarkable success was described in the Sunday
Telegraph Magazine of 29th September 1996 as "lush tales of sex, greed and
venality, and thickened with handpicked casts of raffish swindlers and
silicone-boosted ubervixens." Spelling is responsible for such cultural
masterpieces as Charlie's Angels, Fantasy Island, Beverly Hills 90210 and
In answer to criticism that such programmes are lightweight pap, Spelling draws
attention to productions such as And The Band Played On, which dealt with AIDS
and explains the rationale behind his 'softly-softly' approach to social issues:
"Put out a documentary about teenage drug use and kids don't watch it. But if you introduce the same subject in one of our programmes they will be talking about it the next day at school. We can make these topics relevant and approachable, and that is one of the things we are simply never given credit for."
This is certainly true, but – with many of the
subjects – what is deserved is not credit.
Spelling is known both as a compulsive liar and a recluse. His only party at his
$45 million home in California was thrown in honour of the Prince of Wales as a
personal favour for Spelling's old friend Lew Wasserman, head of the
giant MCA entertainment combine.
Jewish Involvement in Anti Free Speech Legislation and promotion of Immigration - By Country | |||
![]() |
Britain |
![]() |
Holland |
![]() |
Ireland |
![]() |
France |
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USA | The Racist and Supremacist Roots of the Ideology behind the European Union - Coudenhove Kalergi | |
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Canada | Danish mainstream holocaust researcher refutes claim of 6 million Jews killed during The Holocaust |
Pak Alert Press March 16, 2009 -
Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media - suppressed - proof of
its truth?
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DENMARK So far we have not produced similar documentation for Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia, but we can recommend the following articles at : --> |
Danish Politics, Media, Jews & Immigration |
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Online Censorship by Israel - What do BLOGGER, YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, and WIKIPEDIA have in common? |
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Jødekartoteket - Om ADLs kriminelle historie og praksis (Balder Blog 30 marts 2009) | |
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Latino-jødisk Koalition i USA – Jøderne allierer sig med de nye indvandrere + Ezra Levant | |
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