Banksy Rides Again

Guerrilla artist extraordinaire. Banksy does social commentary too. He is not alone in this. Charles Dickens wrote about the very ugly reality of London in his day. But there is still plenty of ugliness to be found. Banksy has a go at all sorts. He even had a trip to Palestine, the Stolen Land that Zionist crazies call Israel. The results are at


Banksy Goes To Palestine

#Banksy Goes To Palestine. You want more? Oh well, try The Ultimate Banksy Gallery.


Banksy Is A Public School Man
One with a publicity agent but no mother - according to his mother that is. She should know, shouldn't she?


Banksy Tells Us About Parliament  [ 5 October 2019 ]


We do care, don't we?
banksy (4)


Tidying up
banksy (39)


A father(?) paints
banksy (25)


Armed police are dangerousbanksy (2)


The ugly new reality of our times
banksy (66)


Rural poverty and graffiti are an ugly mixture
banksy (65)


A father(?) paints again
banksy (18)



Aircraft and tanks are the weapons of tyrants. Rifles and pistols are for the rest of us.

Surrealism is art too.

Could this be reverse surrealism?


The Fall of Man involved an Apple.

Feed the World! Give him honest work to do.

Give them sneakers. I think Banksy has allowed himself to be a bit Americanized.

You're nicked. Crucifixion later.

Your knickers aren't supposed to show.

Banksy does not approve of Her Majesty.

Banksy does not admire Old Mother Tesco either. I'll drink to that.

Roller Rat hints at his technique.

Banksy understands the art industry as well as art.

There is always hope. Banksy might even have girls of his own.

He hasn't seen many gun shot wounds.

Surveillance is what apparatchiks do to their enemies. We are the enemy.

The blue pointed hat mob are dangerous too.

Surely Banksy is not making snide points about our ethnic brethren and sistren.

Cars do get in everywhere. It is people who are the problem.

Surveillance was huge in 1984, Orwell's book. Now it is for real.

The girl is on the right lines. It is called Revolutionary Consciousness, isn't it?

This chopper shows it its lineage. The Russian Hind looked impressive.

The media has its priorities too.

A rat has to make a living too.


The great man has been to Centre Point.


American exports fun and death.


Big Brother is watching you




Surely Banksy does not hate our duly elected representatives and their well deserved freebies.


Cleaning up.


GITMO has done things for America's reputation.


Can you help? Would you help? Should you help?


This is an installation in the jargon of the art racket.


A rat with poison.




Smiling coppers; armed coppers.


We do water the plant that makes the television grow.


Nature and man do their things.


An awkward moment.


We all care about the environment, don't we?


Guards  have their moments.


How did he do it?


Unknown hooded.


Banksy makes his point. I am not quite sure what it is though.


Banksy's Tunnel Is A Free Graffiti Zone


He did this as a thank you for a band whose name he took by accident.


More at his web site - Banksy


Banksy Goes To Palestine       
Banksy is the secret artist. He does his graffiti and disappears. Then he turned up in Palestine commenting on the evil that is being done to the owners of the land. They didn't quite take his point. Now they know better. The Times explains so does The New Yorker [ well worth a read incidentally ]. It gets difficult when you are a guerrilla with a web site and write ups in the main stream media but we must all pretend that we don't know him, especially if we do.
NB There are more at Banksy Rides Again You might also like Julian Beever, another Englishman or
John Pugh an American.  

Banksy does some explaining too. When he was doing his work he was interrupted by an Israeli thug and then a Palestinian. The following exchanges ensued:-

Soldier: What the fuck are you doing?

Me: You'll have to wait 'til it's finished

Soldier (to colleagues): Safety's [ sic ] off

Old man: You paint the wall, you make it look beautiful.

Me: Thanks

Old man: We don't want it to be beautiful, we hate this wall, go home.

His web site is at Banksy
Everything in his shop is free - Is he trying to destroy capitalism?


Berlin Wall? West Wall!
See the source.
Commentary at

Rise above it and float across

Rock Boy

Paradise Lost?

Hashish as a way out?

Ladder to Heaven?

Cut Here


Latuff Explains The Intifada With Pictures - It Isn't Pretty


A new Israeli flag showing their commitment to children.

Stop and search

Horses for courses?


The BBC gives us some more – ex

A dove wears armour. Better bullet proof than dead.


Catapaults versus rifles. They have nothing else but courage and despair.

Tow away zone.
Tow away

A view from slightly further back.
Hole in the wall

A cherub not Jesus.

Not a Banksy but he is on the same lines.
Banksy not


This is not Palestine but I couldn't resist it.


Banksy Thanks The NHS In Southampton   [ 7 May 2020 ]
A new creation by mysterious street artist Bansky has appeared at Southampton general hospital, paying tribute to NHS staff during the coronavirus pandemic.

Titled 'Game Changer,' the latest offered from the world renowned artist is almost a fully monochrome painting, depicting a young boy playing with toys.

As ever with the world of Banksy, a thought-provoking twist is added.
This is a nice picture, much more detailed than Banksy's usual cartoons. And yes, there is a message in it.



Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
Email me at Mike Emery. All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep it private, use my PGP KeyHome Page

Updated on 22/01/2022 18:50




Banksy Rides Again

Guerrilla artist extraordinaire. Banksy does social commentary too. He is not alone in this. Charles Dickens wrote about the very ugly reality of London in his day. But there is still plenty of ugliness to be found. Banksy has a go at all sorts. He even had a trip to Palestine, the Stolen Land that Zionist crazies call Israel. The results are at


Banksy Rides Again


Banksy Rides Again



#Banksy Goes To Palestine. You want more? Oh well, try The Ultimate Banksy Gallery.