We all know or should that the BBC, our national broadcaster is in the business of marketing Homosexuality. It might not be an absolute requirement for the front men but it helps. They are also keen on Paedophiles. Protecting them is policy, which is why Jimmy Savile got away with it. Rolf Harris was one of theirs and one of them but he came unstuck. Then there were Ted Heath, Stuart Hall, Peter Jaconelli, Cyril Smith, Greville Janner [ he got away with it because he was a Jew ], Mark Trotter, Barry Bennell, Gary Glitter and Paedophile Jews, hundreds of them, especially rabbis. See Mikva Abuse for a selection. A source of information, a collection is at Pedophilia Archives - Camelot Daily.
Recall that Oscar Wilde, the well known pervert got two years in prison for Sodomy in 1895. He achieved notoriety and loathing. Now the Mainstream Media market his vice blatantly. The Beeb succeeded with inciting queers, calling them "gays" and turning nasty with anyone referring to them as bum bandits etc. But they failed with Paedophiles for the moment. They have had to be content with protecting them from the public and the Law.
Here the Irish Savant tells us that the media are in the business of undermining public morals. They are subverting society. Most of the would be attackers are men and Homosexuals as well. One aspect of this reality is that Subversives are marketing their foul desires. The commentators agree with the Savant and feed in other aspects of the perversion. Yes, the Beeb will start pushing Bestiality & Necrophilia as well when they think they have softened us up enough, just like that other Propaganda machine of the Hard Left, which is The Guardian.
The Beeb is run by anti-English Racists intent on destroying Western Civilization using Ethnic Fouling, marketing Western Guilt & causing Black Hatred. This is part of it.
Savile was exposed in 2012, while Rolf Harris was convicted in 2014. Then in 2017 the BBC and The Guardian colluded in telling us that Paedophilia is not evil. The Wiki wrote up Paedophilia: The Radical Case, a book by Tom O'Carroll, a paedophile activist who was the chairman of the defunct Paedophile Information Exchange. The Reception by Left Wing sources was all too favourable. But then they are all too much part of the Lunatic Fringe, the Useful Idiots helping destroy Western Civilization.
It is fair to say that Andrew Gilligan, a prominent reporter, writing for The Telegraph under the heading Paedophilia is natural and normal for males tells us that it is an evil being marketed by the left.
The Paedophilia Rights Project Is Underway
On several occasions on this blog I've suggested that the next item on the great nation-wrecking agenda would be paedophilia. And it's certain to follow the same incremental methodology used so successfully by the Homosexual lobby. This started by appealing just for homosexual acts that were voluntary, in private and between consenting adults to be decriminalised. Who could object to that? After that came the demand to ban employment discrimination based on sexual-orientation, followed by protection for homos under the hate law rubric which called for heavier sentences should an offence be motivated by the victim's sexual orientation. And so on to the legalising of gay 'marriage' and allowing homosexuals to 'adopt' innocent children.
Quite a transformation, wasn't it?
So here's what we can soon expect - and some of it we're seeing already.
'Scientific papers' and domain 'experts' will tentatively emerge suggesting paedophilia might be 'more complex' than had heretofore been believed. We'll learn of 'research' indicating that some amorous adult/child relationships can be 'nurturing' for both parties. Appeals for 'understanding' will follow, reinforced with a new lexicon of euphemisms such as inter-generational love and minor-attracted persons etc. New (and mysteriously well-funded) organisations such as Parents And Friends of Minor-Attracted Persons will emerge. They'll reassure us that their friend or son is perfectly normal in all other ways, wouldn't hurt a fly but is leading a lonely and marginalised life because of, yes, paedophobia. Society hates him just because he wants to express his love in his own way. You'll hear the word 'love' deployed endlessly, just as it was with the homos
The (((American Psychiatric Association))) will become increasingly active lending a further patina of respectability, just as it did for the homosexual agenda. We'll learn that not all those who sexually abuse children are paedophiles, that not all paedophiles abuse children and that paedophiles are much more numerous that we think. Openness to discussing paedophilia will be promoted as sophisticated, progressive. And tolerant. Love should never be illegal, especially for the lonely isolated and vulnerable.....those seeking a loving partnership. Expect to see 'project couples' dredged up, whereby both the adult and the child recount the joys and benefits to be derived from inter-generational love.
Indeed. You can just see it, can't you? This time we must be better prepared.http://www.contre-info.com/nouvel-autocollant-efficace-du-rf#wysija
https://me.me/i/what-are-the-children-being-taught-here-none-21505005 or https://twitter.com/Henda_Ayari/status/1013319792562974720/photo/1
What Are The Children Being Taught Here?
The answer comes from https://www.google.com - search for "children at pride march" then "view all". They want to pervert our children, all children.
'Paedophiles Need Help, Not Condemnation - I Should Know' - BBC [ 11 Feb 2017 ]
Paedophilia is a disorder, a deeply distressing sexual orientation
The BBC headline is verbatim and a lie. So is the rest of it.
To stop paedophiles, we need to help them. But no one wants to hear that Deborah Orr Opinion The Guardian [ 28 Feb 2017 ]
Simon Bailey, the head of Operation Hydrant, which investigates historical cases of child sexual abuse, says police are being overwhelmed by the number of cases. He believes that alternative approaches must be found for dealing with “less serious offenders” – including paedophiles who look at images of child abuse online – and argues that “low-risk” offenders should not be imprisoned. He knows, he says, that people will find this pragmatic approach difficult to hear. He’s right about that..............A 2015 BBC report on HMP Whatton in Nottinghamshire – Europe’s largest prison for sex offenders – estimated that its capacity of 841 inmates was dwarfed by the number of sex offenders in the criminal justice system – 11,700.
The charity StopSO UK, which aims to prevent sexual offending through therapy, declares on its website: “Practically no NHS services are available for this group. Most therapists do not want to work with these clients.” The charity says that most of its clients come through self-referral. They find the charity by searching online for assistance themselves.
The woman that wrote this lot is dead; she's no loss.
The young paedophiles who say they don’t abuse children - BBC News [ 11 September 2017 ]
.............. But he has a secret. "Adam" isn't his real name. He didn't want us to use that, though he insists he's never done anything illegal.But he is a paedophile.
That term is widely used today. It's used interchangeably with child sex abuser by the public - you can find it in many news reports describing the actions of molesters.
The BBC chooses to allege that paedophiles are not child sex abusers. I choose to allege that it is my considered opinion that the BBC is lying in its teeth, that it is a corrupt Propaganda machine run by criminals subverting Western Civilization.
9 questions with answers in PEDOPHILIA | Science topic
The answers are rubbish, in fact they are more questions. A book, Sex Fiends, Perverts, and Pedophiles Understanding Sex Crime Policy in America by Chrysanthi Leon is mentioned. She says putting them all in prison is not the right answer but makes no mention hanging, flogging, castration or deportation.
This self-confessed, non-offending paedophile says society needs to accept him says Irish journalist [ 22 September 2015 ]
SELF-CONFESSED paedophile in the US has begged for society’s acceptance and understanding when it comes to helping him, and others like him, battle their urges. In a highly-controversial opinion piece for salon.com, Tennessee native Todd Nickerson claims that he has never acted on his urges and never will.“I’ve been stuck with the most unfortunate of sexual orientations, a preference for a group of people who are legally, morally and psychologically unable to reciprocate my feelings and desires,” he writes..........
Nickerson, who was born without a right hand and was sexually molested as a seven-year-old, claims in the piece (titled ‘I’m a paedophile, not a monster’) that his sexuality has ruined any chance he has of having a normal life.
That's his story; victim not perpetrator but there are plenty out there who will do these things.
View of The ethics of Pedophilia Etikk i praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics
Pedophilia is bad. But how bad is it? And in what ways, and for what reasons, is it bad? This is a thorny issue, and sadly, one seldom discussed by ethicists. I argue in this article that pedophilia is bad only because, and only to the extent that, it causes harm to children, and that pedophilia itself, as well as pedophilic expressions and practices that do not cause harm to children, are morally all right. I further argue that the aim of our social and legal treatment of pedophilia should be to minimize harm to children, and that current practices are often counterproductive in this respect.
Why Pedophilia Is Evil [ 6 December 6, 2019 ]
The rape of children is a horrific evil because it traumatizes the child for life. In this regard, it may be compared to torture and rape of adults; even after the act is over, it continues to wound. It fills the child with undeserved shame and low self-esteem for life. For some adult survivors, this pain becomes so unbearable that they take their own lives.. It can permanently alter—pervert—the child’s understanding of sex. Some suffer, and that is the right word, from hypersexuality (sometimes called “nymphomania”), and some become completely closed off to all sexual relationships. Horrifyingly, it also makes victims more likely to become abusers when they grow up—perpetuating what has been called a “cycle of abuse.”
Larry Sanger, the co-founder of the Wikipedia takes a position, telling us inter alia that Paedophiles have infested it. See the next one for detail.
List of pedophile and pederast advocacy organizations - Wikipedia
This is a list of current and former pedophile and pederast advocacy groups that support sexual contact between adults and children.
It links e.g. to CHAPTER 3 Paedophile Networks in Australia - Extent and Activities – Parliament of Australia
All Against Pedophilia - https://journals.openedition.org/vibrant/1528
Brazilian authorities move against paedophiles. This come from someone's PhD thesis.What Science Reveals About Pedophilia - The Daily Beast [ 7 December 2011 ]
... As pedophilia cases rivet the nation, psychiatrists uncover new details about the mental illness,Amid the past month’s disturbing revelations about child sexual abuse at Penn State and Syracuse—and the debates over morality and complicity and punishment—it can be easy to forget that pedophilia is a mental illness, and that legally, it only becomes a crime when acted upon. Yet the key to preventing and treating the disorder may lie in its clinical details.
Among psychiatrists, views on pedophilia differ. Some researchers liken it to an addiction, others to sexual orientation; still others put their faith in brain scans. Yet pedophilia is consistent in the criteria that define it: erotic desire directed wholly or partially towards pre-pubescent children, typically under the age of thirteen. And for reasons not definitively established, there are undeniably more male than female pedophiles; by some estimates, men perpetrate as many as 94 percent of sexual offenses against children.
True or false? True probably. Was it written to enlighten us or desensitise us? It might just be filler, bulking out the places between the news and the adverts.
reconstructing paedophilia - Core https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/37322834.pdf Anonymous View
judgement or condemnation (Green, 2002; Levett, 2004; Moser, 2001; Schmidt, 2002). ... responsible for the notion that a researcher cannot and should not attempt to ... shift is also needed toward helping the paedophile understand his history ...
PEDOPHILIA Igor Primoratz - jstor https://www.jstor.org/stable/40441217 Anonymous ViewFor if we are to be in a good position to understand and judge cases of ... an understanding of pedophilia not aggravated by additional wrongdo- ... We need to distinguish ... sexual perversion is quite unhelpful and should be discarded altogether.3 ... standard rationale behind both its moral condemnation and legal pro-.
PedoHelp® Offering understanding & support to prevent chid sexual ... https://pedo.help/ Anonymous ViewA child might tell you that they want to have sexual relations, or they might be scared to ... to children, you should be aware that many people have managed to overcome their ... What do I do if I think that someone I know well is a pedophile?
1 Running head: Pedophilia and narrative humanization ... - PsyArXiv https://psyarxiv.com/9c3s2/download Anonymous ViewKeywords: pedophilia, social attitudes, sexual abuse prevention, narrative ... Owing to the widespread social condemnation and hostility directed towards people ... that more services are required to help those who do not want to sexually ... chose you know”: Making sense of pedophiles' sexual interest in children and the ...
The Close Ties Between Pedophilia & Progressivism - Sam Garza ... https://medium.com/@telephone2145/the-close-ties-between-pedophilia-progressivism-28d394f25306 Anonymous View2 Jun 2018 ... Some would argue this is a good thing and that we should not push western ... BBC — Pedophiles need help, not condemnation, I should know.
Pedophilia | Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/conditions/pedophilia Anonymous ViewPedophilia is an ongoing sexual attraction to pre-pubertal children. ... should specify whether the individual is exclusively attracted to children or not, the gender that ... People who have this condition rarely seek help voluntarily—counseling and ... when needed, testosterone-lowering medication to dampen sexual appetite.
Is it illegal to be a paedophile? - Stop It Now https://www.stopitnow.org.uk/concerned-about-your-own-thoughts-or-behaviour/help-with-inappropriate-thoughts-or-behaviour/get-the-facts/is-it-illegal-to-be-a-paedophile/ Anonymous View
If I haven't offended, do I need to be treated? Is it illegal to be a ... Having a sexual preference for children (paedophilia) is not in itself illegal. It is acting on the ... Inside Florida's Paedophile Colony - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYYO2zn50s4 Anonymous View9 Jun 2014 ... Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 ...
What Can Be Done About Pedophilia? - The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/08/what-can-be-done-about-pedophilia/279024/ Anonymous View
26 Aug 2013 ... (We have known each other for about 7 years through our common academic interests.) ... It is extremely important not to confuse pedophilia—meaning the ... pedophiles help them develop the skills they need to live a healthy, .
Number of child sexual abuse claims overwhelming police, says lead officer Child protection ex The Guardian
The Guardian manages to sound calmly indifferent. There is no indignation.
Paedophile Pervert Teaching At Oxford Gets Off With Seven Months [ 20 March 2020 ]
An Oxford university professor who wrote an essay on the Ethics of Child Pornography while working at the prestigious campus, has today been jailed for accessing indecent images of children. Philosophy lecturer Peter King had previously been cautioned by police for looking up search terms like 'schoolgirl' on his computer, a court heard, but he had claimed he was only doing it as research for his academic paper.The 63-year-old had written an essay titled No Plaything: Ethical Issues Concerning Child-pornography, which was accepted into a prestigious [ sic ] academic journal in 2007, prosecutors said.
A summary of the piece he published 12 years ago reads: 'I look at the question of harm to the children involved, the consumers, and society in general, at the question of blame, and at the possibility of a morally acceptable form of child-pornography.' He had been a lecturer working for Pembroke College, Oxford which suspended King after he admitted making indecent images of children, a judge was told. The college said that it had only been made aware of the charges against King the day before his court appearance where he entered a guilty plea in February.
A spokesman for the Crown Prosecution Service said: 'Almost 3,000 indecent images of children and more than 300 prohibited images were found on his computer.......... Analysis of his computer and hard drives showed regular access to indecent sites and his search history included "schoolgirl".'
Judge Maria Lamb, sitting at Oxford Crown Court, told King his offending was so serious that the only appropriate punishment would be an immediate custodial term. The judge jailed King for seven months and made him subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order...........
'The law is in place to protect young children and we are dedicated to bringing perpetrators of this crime to justice.'
The Judge went easy on him. King is a Subversive, a Moral Cretin, a dangerous fool, or one of Lenin's Useful Idiots. Recall that in 1555 AD England's leading intellectuals at Oxford burnt the Archbishop of Canterbury at the stake for some reason; even throwing in a pair of bishops for emphasis. Now the current crop of arrogant fools, deceived by the rogues marketing Marx are inciting Moral Relativism as well as Paedophilia and Male Homosexuality as Legitimising Ideologies with the enthusiastic help of the BBC, the wonderful organisation that protects Jimmy Savile and his peculiar Paedophile friends. When they have succeeded in the acceptance of Paedophilia as well as homosexuality they will start marketing Bestiality.
Church Of England Panders To Homosexuals And Paedophiles [ 29 March 2020 ]
The Church of England’s first LGBTI chaplaincy service has been launched in a bid to make Christianity a “safe space for everyone [ except children - Editor ]”. The chaplaincy service, based in the Diocese of Oxford, features eight voluntary chaplains offering support to members of the LGBTI community in the form of a cup of coffee, a walk, or just someone to confide in so as to “ serve people who have not been well-served by the church”.The scheme, backed by the Bishop of Oxford, was launched two months ago and also offers special monthly services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender congregants at Christchurch Cathedral...................
The chaplaincy service - which volunteers claim provides a “lifeline” for some congregants - marks the first scheme of its kind and its pioneers hope that it will be rolled out across the Church of England’s 41 other dioceses. It also comes at a time when divisions within the Anglican church about how it deals with LGBT issues have come to a head.
Many LGBT Christians say they have been made to feel unwelcome and ostracised within the Church of England, which has embarked on a study of human sexuality, called ‘Living in Love and Faith’, due to be completed later this year................
“I think every church hopes that it’s great but sometimes that hope is not the reality of LGBTI people and so we want the church to be a safe place for everyone.
The Bishop of Oxford has decided to ignore one of the Ten Commandments, the one that tells us Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery; it includes Homosexuality as well as Paedophilia. Recall that in 1555 AD England's leading intellectuals at Oxford tried the Archbishop of Canterbury as a heretic then burnt him at the stake. Now Oxford's intellectuals are still Useful Idiots, indeed dangerous idiots, part of The Paedophile Rights Project. They are Moral Cretins having swallowed a mish mash of Marxist gobbledegook.Recall that Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. So said The Lord but if a modern priest does it call the police.
Paedophile Flaunting His Perversion Was The Toast Of Paris [ 11 April 2020 ]
Gabriel Matzneff never tried to hide what he was. And why should he? In France’s highbrow intellectual circles, sexual deviancy has always tended to be something that ‘right-thinking’ liberals celebrate.The writer and philosopher, now 83, was therefore elevated to fame in 1974 when he published a highbrow defence of child sex called Les Moins De Seize Ans [The Under Sixteens] which argued that ‘sleeping with a girl or a boy is a … baptismal challenge, a sacred adventure’.
His book was widely admired in literary Paris, where it was then fashionable to regard paedophiles as a sort of oppressed minority, seeking to rebel against traditional middle-class values. Matzneff became a regular on TV, as a studio guest on a famous arts programme and was granted a column in newspaper Le Monde.
The Wikipedia tells us that Matzneff was feted by the quasi-intellectuals, by Postmodernists because he was a Paedophile, not in spite of it. He got the Mottard and Amic awards, whatever they might be from the Académie française in 1987 and 2009 respectively, the Prix Renaudot in 2013 and the Prix Cazes in 2015. Some thoroughly nasty French swine pander to Roman Polanski, a paedophile Jew and kept him out of prison. Recall too that Harvey Weinstein's face fitted in Hollywood because he was a Jew until, suddenly it didn't. We have not forgotten Jeffery Epstein; so very useful to Mossad, setting people up to be Blackmailed then it went sour for some reason. Jeff knew too much about too many people who mattered so he had to go. Are you all broke up about these comedians? I am not. BTW, the Mail is censoring comments. It's nervous about the truth.
'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males'
"Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males,” said the presentation. “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children … Normal males are aroused by children.”Some yellowing tract from the Seventies or early Eighties, era of abusive celebrities and the infamous PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange? No. Anonymous commenters on some underground website? No again.
The statement that paedophilia is “natural and normal” was made not three decades ago but last July. It was made not in private but as one of the central claims of an academic presentation delivered, at the invitation of the organisers, to many of the key experts in the field at a conference held by the University of Cambridge.
Other presentations included “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis,” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia.”
Hebephilia is the sexual preference for children in early puberty, typically 11 to 14-year-olds.