The Catholic Church is under attack by its enemies. So is the Church of England. The main thrust of the assault on Holy Mother Church is sexual. That on the C of E is about sham marriages and illegal immigration. It is heavily infiltrated by homosexuals, another major problem. While they are being abused in the Main Stream Media Jews get a pass. Of course the Main Stream Media were infiltrated by the attackers, that is the Jews when they were not merely bought. One of the enemy is the Jew, Alan Shatter a politician who operates in Ireland. Another is the Jew, Carlile a politician in England. Are Jews paedophile perverts as well as war mongers, slave traders, pornographers and thieves? Didn't your friendly newspaper tell you? Have a look at the Failed Messiah on Paedophiles or Failed Messiah on Crime. The Failed Messiah was going to be a rabbi until he saw the ugly reality of Jews in action.
Another aspect of the overall problem is Christian Zionism. They are Christians who have strange views about the Second Coming and the battle of Armageddon. There are people out there, mainly Americans who take this stuff seriously and vote Republican. Zionist crazies are more than happy to manipulate them and the millions of votes that result. This is political manipulation rather than attacks on their moral authority. Another political thrust is Christmas Under Attack.
Christianity As Enemy
The title is clear enough. Is it right? I would say yes. The BBC would say no but then the BBC is part of the problem, part of the enemy.
Church Of England Faces Being Wiped Out Says Report [ 12 July 2011 ]
The Church of England faces being wiped out as a significant national force without an "urgent" campaign to recruit more believers, a report warns. In the last 40 years the number of adult churchgoers has fallen by half while the number of children regularly worshipping in public declined by 80 per cent, the study says. The Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham, the Rt Rev Paul Butler, will present findings to the Church's national assembly, the General Synod, in York on Saturday. Synod members will be urged to vote for a new national drive to recruit more members. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has acknowledged that the Church must devote more energy to increasing the number of regular worshippers over the next five years.
The Church of England is no longer of England or even, really a church. It is not the next five years that matter. It is the last fifty. Inciting Homosexuality is proof that it is not run by Christians. It has been infiltrated by Subversives, followers of Antonio Gramsci, the leading theoretician of the communist party in Italy.
Ireland Snubs Vatican [ 7 November 2011 ]
Cardinal Sean Brady expressed his "profound disappointment" over the move, which comes after diplomatic clashes this year between the Fine Gael-Labour coalition and the Holy See over the Vatican's handling of the clerical child sex abuse scandals in Ireland. "This decision seems to show little regard for the important role played by the Holy See in international relations and of the historic ties between the Irish people and the Holy See over many centuries," the cardinal said on Friday. The Irish foreign minister and deputy prime minister, Eamon Gilmore, said the decision followed a review of overseas missions which gave "particular attention to the economic return from bilateral missions".
This is important news and bad news. Antonio Gramsci, the leading theoretician of the communist party in Italy knew that his main difficulty in destroying civilization was Holy Mother Church. Discrediting it, breaking its moral authority was his strategy. Infiltrating Paedophiles into the priesthood was a powerful move. The Church handled the results badly. Covering up may well have done more harm than the attack itself.
Did Communists Infiltrate the Catholic Church? Hint: Yes. NB that it is a Jew explaining what his brethren did. There are the Crypto Jews In The Catholic Church with splendid opportunities to practice their treachery. So today we have Silvio Berlusconi pumping out pornography on Italian television as he rivals the Borgias to prove Antonio's success there while the Irish lose the their respect for what was their moral compass.
PS The minister who handled the allegations against the Church is Alan Shatter, a Jew. According to the Sinn Féin TD Aengus Ó'Snodaigh Shatter and the Israeli ambassador to Ireland had exposed the Oireachtas committee on Foreign Affairs to "propaganda, twisted logic and half truths" which Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, would have been proud of. Shatter clashed verbally with Professor Ilan Pappé, Professor of History who is an honest Jew at the University of Exeter, accusing Pappé of biased scholarship and historical inaccuracies. This means that Shatter lied.
Jew Says Christian Religious Orders Should Be Barred From Education [ 10 November 2011 ]
The Catholic Church should no longer run a leading school where child sex abuse went unchecked for 60 years, a damning report has recommended. Its author, [ a Jew ] Lord Carlile of Berriew QC, said all faith schools should be run by independent educational trusts, maintaining a ‘faith ethos’ but with lay governors. His independent inquiry found monks at Ealing Abbey in west London assaulted pupils at St Benedict’s, one of the country’s top Catholic schools, from at least the late 1940s until 2007. He detailed 21 separate abuse cases at the school. St Benedict's is under Ealing Abbey's watch, which is run by Benedictine monks...........Lord Carlile strongly criticized the cover-up of sexual abuse and sadistic bullying at the school and the destruction of documents as the abbey repeatedly failed to intervene or investigate........
The report said the crimes of Father David Pearce, jailed for a catalogue of abuse against five boys over a period of 36 years, illustrate how ‘St Benedict's rule of love and forgiveness appears to have overshadowed responsibility for children's welfare’. Pearce, referred to as the ‘devil in a dog collar’, was jailed in October 2009.
The Jew, Carlile puts the boot in. To be fair Holy Mother Church has handled the whole thing very badly. The minimum response should have been keep the perpetrators away from children. Naturally he kept quiet about abuse by rabbis but then being a Jew the truth was always going to be subordinate to the agenda. Destroying the Church's moral authority is another step in destroying civilization.
He looks like an unpleasant rogue.
PS The Jew Shatter is simultaneously attacking the Church in Ireland. See Ireland Snubs Vatican
The Up Hill Battle To Expose Haredi Paedophiles [ 25 November 2011 ]
The Brooklyn DA allows predators to make sweetheart plea deals that keep them out of prison and off sex offender registries. Haredi rabbis demand to be the gatekeepers who decide which, if any, allegations of pedophilia are reported to police. And while child sex abuse scandals at Penn State and in the Catholic Church get extensive media coverage, the rape of haredi children is almost completely absent from America's media of record – especially from the New York Times.
Some Jews tell some of the truth some of the time. Haredi Jews are the religious sort. They are even more Racist than the rest.
PS Ben Hirsch is a co-founder and president of Survivors for Justice, an organization that advocates and educates on issues related to sexual abuse and child safety ( approves of the Failed Messiah
Rabid Rabbis Cover Up For Thieving Jew [ 10 December 2011 ]
Chabad [ Jew ] Insider Speaks Out Against Rabbi, Secrecy, In Massive Miami Ponzi Scheme
"It's like dealing with the Pope, everything is a secret. Why does the Catholic Church cover up child molestation? It's the same story [with Chabad], only on this end, it's all about the money.".....The chabad has been in the news because Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein was not only a dedicated member, but he helped build it with his ill-begotten money. Rothstein's name, which used to be on the building, has been removed, but the stain he has left on the congregation is far from removed, said the man..........
"Chabad has a system of invisible banks, it has internal, in-house money lenders and internal deposits," said the source. "It's all based on trust and who you know. Say I'm going to give $100,000. I give the money and then I get a little piece of paper with writing in Hebrew on it that has instructions. I get to Israel, I give them the piece of paper, and they give you the money. It's the same thing that's been going on in banks for centuries, only there is no oversight, no records, no taxes."
Jews don't care about money laundering laws. They have their own private system. It is much like the Islamic Hawala
Pakistani Pastor Swindles Taxpayer Out Of £2.6 Million Exploiting Illegal Immigrants [ 21 December 2011 ]
To his congregation, he was an inspirational Christian pastor who had dedicated his life to raising money for the poor, homeless and sick.
Isaac William, 61, his wife Venus, 54, and their three daughters appeared to be the very model of Christian charity, funding housing, hospitals and education in Pakistan. But in reality, the preacher at St Nicholas Church in Tooting, South London was swindling taxpayers out of £2.6million in a tax fraud to pay for a million-pound property empire in Britain and abroad.The 'crooked' businessman who ran a security guard company, made profits of over £6million exploiting illegal immigrants who were forced to work around the clock on a pittance and live in cramped caravans and huts sleeping on the floor. To avoid paying VAT, income tax and national insurance, William hid the profits into a number of bank accounts including his charity account named 'The Great Commission Evangelical Fellowship'.
But the money was then withdrawn in cash and laundered by his wife and daughters, Sylvia, 34, who worked for Lloyds Bank, Maria Gunasekara, 33, a business manager for Barclays and their younger sister Sophie, 26, a law graduate. The family used the cash to build an impressive property portfolio which included eight homes in London, Surrey, Hounslow and Walsall and two holiday homes in Pakistan.....
Now William has been jailed for four years after admitting ten counts of cheating the public revenue at Kingston Crown Court.........
In October his wife and daughters were found guilty of money laundering after a six week trial. Last Friday his wife, Venus was sentenced to 16 months in jail. His daughter Maria, was given a 12 month suspended sentence. Sylvia, received a 10 month suspended sentence and Sophia got an eight month suspended term. They were also given 100 hours of unpaid work.
Her Majesty's Government imports Third World scum like this then things go wrong. Her Majesty's Government does it with malice aforethought. They are destroying England. They are Traitors. Of course Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition are even worse. They don't do it for cheap labour; they do it to buy votes from illegal immigrants.
Another ugly thief.
Archbishop Of Canterbury Orders Paedophile Abuse Investigation [ 24 December 2011 ]
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has set up an inquiry in Chichester diocese in southern England, reportedly after allegations that paedophile priests were allowed to continue working despite being accused of sexual abuse. The archbishop's decision to investigate the diocese will throw the spotlight on abuse by clergy in the Church of England, raising an issue which has already rocked the Catholic Church in a number of countries....In May, a review found serious failings in the senior clergy after two priests were allowed to continue working despite being accused of serious child abuse offences. The Catholic Church has been shaken by revelations of widespread sexual and physical abuse by priests of children in Ireland, the United States, Germany, the Netherlands and other countries. In Ireland, many abusive priests were simply moved to different parishes where they often continued to mistreat children.
The Church of England has been infested by homosexuals. Now comes the payoff for those incited them. The best one can say of Cantab is that he was useless. He would presumably claim that he did not want them. The whole thing is part of the Culture War being run by enemy infiltrators to destroy England and Christendom. For example the Jew, Lord Carlile of Berriew QC Says ---Christian Religious Orders Should Be Barred From Education. Carlile does not say it about schools run by paedophile Jews.
The Jew Carlile, a surly looking rogue. While he does his worst in England the Jew Shatter is doing the same to the Catholic Church in Ireland.
Lawyer Challenges Catholic Church To Prove Its Guilt - Paedophile Jews Get A Pass [ 18 January 2012 ]
A leading 'abuse case' lawyer is challenging the Catholic Church to open its secret archives of documents for independent examination in order to discover the truth about child abuse by its priests.Richard Scorer, a Partner and specialist in child abuse cases at Manchester law firm Pannone, says, "Every Catholic diocese has a secret archive which is kept locked and has in it secret documents. In the words of the Code of Canon Law, these documents are to be 'protected most securely' and contain, 'matters of morals' and 'criminal cases'. Only the bishop is allowed to possess the key and the archive is only to be opened in a case of 'true necessity'. It is my feeling and that of many of my legal peers that this moment of necessity is here."
Pannone's solicitors take sexual, physical and child abuse cases on a no win, no fee basis. I have written to Richard Scorer, their head abuse man inviting him to deal with the following case. [ Israel is outside the jurisdiction so no go. ] This attack on the Catholic Church is not without merit; the Church has erred. It is however intended as the death blow in the attack mounted by Antonio Gramsci, the leading theoretician of the communists in Italy and his adherents, some of whom are Lenin's Useful Idiots. Others are criminal Subversives
The Uphill Battle To Expose Orthodox Jews As Paedophiles [ 20 January 2012 ]
The Brooklyn DA allows predators to make sweetheart plea deals that keep them out of prison and off sex offender registries. Haredi rabbis demand to be the gatekeepers who decide which, if any, allegations of paedophilia are reported to police. And while child sex abuse scandals at Penn State and in the Catholic Church get extensive media coverage, the rape of haredi children is almost completely absent from America's media of record – especially from the New York Times.
The New York Times is run liars with an agenda. Ditto for pretty much all of the media.
Two Church Of England Vicars Conducted Hundreds Of Sham Marriages Betraying England To Illegal Immigrants [ 26 January 2012 ]
Two vicars ‘conducted hundreds of sham marriages to help illegal immigrants stay in Britain’
Once couples were married there was a 'strikingly high proportion' who made applications to the Home Office for right to remain in the UK
Case involves a 'massive and systematic immigration fraud', jurors are told
Two Church of England vicars conducted 'hundreds' of sham marriages to help illegal immigrants stay in Britain, a court heard today. The Reverend Elwon John, 44, and Reverend Brian Shipsides, 55, performed the sham wedding ceremonies at All Saints Church in Forest Gate, east London, jurors were told. Once wed there were a 'strikingly high proportion' who then made applications to the Home Office for the right to remain in the country. In some cases, EU nationals were even flown into Britain just so the marriages could take place before being flown straight out again, Inner London crown court heard. According to the prosecution, 31-year-old 'fixer' Amdudalat Ladipo - herself an illegal immigrant - arranged the weddings between mainly Nigerian and EU nationals.
One intention is dole fraud. That is from the Nigerians. One curate is fairly evidently an enemy alien on his own account. Thieving will have been the motive. The Englishman will give it the higher morals line. Believe their stories if you want. Will the hundreds who have gone through the books be tracked down? It should be easy enough if the will is there.
Enemy alien English crook Nigerian crook
Cardinal To Be Sacked For Failing To Sort Paedophile Priests [ 7 May 2012 ]
The Vatican is expected to replace Ireland’s leading church figure. Cardinal Sean Brady, and will appoint a coadjutor or deputy bishop by the end of this year who will eventually be his replacement. The Irish Times has reported that the Vatican move will happen because of massive public pressure on Brady over his actions concerning the notorious pedophile priest Fr. Brendan Smyth.........The Vatican is expected to act after a BBC documentary alleged that Brady was far more involved in a cover up of Smyth than he admitted at the time in 1987. Brady, then a young priest, served on a panel investigating Smyth. No action was taken against Smyth and he went on to abuse many more kids.
The Vatican at first defended Brady and said he had their full confidence. However, Irish leader Enda Kenny, Deputy leader Eamon Gilmore, and Northern Irish leader Martin McGuinness, have all called on Brady to resign.......
If Brady is forced to step down, it will be the 2nd major figure that Fr. Brendan Smyth has been instrumental in forcing out of office.
We are told, in essence that Cardinal Brady is on the skids but not why he got the job in the first place. Antonio Gramsci, the chief theoretician of the communist party in Italy knows why. The Catholic Church was his main his main obstacle, therefore it became his target. Destroying its moral authority by infiltrating Paedophile perverts is the chosen technique. It is called Entryism by Marxists. It is their favoured method of subversion, one they use with Religion, Politics, Law, Business, the Media and Education. The last two are especially important. The media set the agenda for most of us and the universities in particular pervert the potential rulers. Bella Dodd explained all in her book, School of Darkness. Then Manning Johnson, an ex-communist Explained Subverting Holy Mother Church. Once people have been turned against the Church, politicians make their moves. One major enemy is Alan Shatter, a Jew with huge power in Irish politics. See more on him at Ethnic Fouling In Ireland. Then the law suits begin followed by the financial attacks - see Catholic Church In Ireland Under Financial Attack With $1.84 Billion Demand
Church Of England Bishop Is A Homosexual Heretic [ 4 September 2016 ]
If Cantab were serious about the Faith this fellow would be given a fair trial, defrocked and burned at the stake. He isn't.
Vatican Police 'Break Up Homosexual Orgy [ 5 July 2017 ]
The Daily Mail is happy to discredit the Catholic Church but keeps very quiet about Paedophile Jews. But aren't Jews morally superior to us? Look at the evidence then you will know better. See e.g. Dispatches - Child Sex Abuse In Britain's Haredi Community Exposed or Haredi Rabbi Arrested, Another Investigated, In British Haredi Sex Abuse Scandals. There are 2,446 solidly documented reports about paedophile Jews at Mikva Abuse
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Updated on 23/06/2018 21:29