The Main Stream Media have been marketing the idea of Fake News especially before and after the 2016 presidential election. They have their motives; hatred of Donald Trump being a big one. Diminishing readership does not help; falling sales are bad for morale, employment, bonuses, life styles et cetera. The Wiki enlightens us rather ponderously but does not mention Willi Münzenberg who was Joe Stalin's propaganda master & a very good one. Joe showed his gratitude by having Willi murdered. You might prefer to call misleading stories Disinformation. Take the point that the Internet is a truth machine that has brought us freedom of information. We are no longer limited by the stories marketed by the dozens of newspaper owners & the Establishment. That is why it is hated.
Before taking fake news stories seriously read what
Ron Unz has to tell us about
being misled by the Main Stream Media until the
Internet bypassed the
Media Moguls - or go
to Our American Pravda and learn the truth.
NB You might care to follow the link to
Ron Unz to see the Wikipedia
version of truth. Ron tells that his
American Pravda Is Breaching the Media Barrier. He says
Groups advocating policies opposed by the American
establishment should recognize that the greatest obstacle they face is usually
the mainstream media.
Whence the Establishment discovery of "fake news" as distinct from their
versions. Or have a look at
Fake News Versus No News, by Philip Giraldi.
He names the real guilty.
The Wiki by way of contrast offers us its List of fake news websites. Decide for yourself how much of it to believe.
Anyone can publish; millions do. There is rubbish out there on line. Filtering it out is not too difficult. Here are some other sources - 100+ Websites for Readers Who Are Tired of the Mainstream News & Perspectives from Institutions. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself. I would have included The Occidental Observer and Fred On Everything. Fred does not work for the media any more so he writes what he wants not what they demand. It is much the same for Professor MacDonald at the Observer.
Integrity Initiative is out there, on line telling us its version of reality. It is an offshoot of MI6 that got compromised after Russia Today got leaned on.
Zinc Network is another government operation feeding lies to The Telegraph etc.
Marxist gobbledygook is being marketed. Nonsense is swallowed by pretentious fools; people with a sense of humour have proved it by Hoaxes. Another bit of nonsense, genuine fake news tells us that Bitcoin Production Is Killing The Planet.
Read about the China Hoax to confirm that
we are being lied to by the American government with malice aforethought.
Gilad Atzmon Makes A Statement
On The Current International Zionist Smear CampaignA Statement by Gilad Atzmon
"The criminalization of political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech in the west.” Glenn Greenwald 19.7.2017Together with veteran Pink Floyd star Roger Waters and many other artists and thinkers worldwide, I am being subjected to an international smear campaign, orchestrated and promoted by various Zionist institutions that attempt to silence every form of legitimate dissent of Zionism and Israeli politics.
Local councils, clubs and festivals that promote my music or my thoughts around the world are being subjected to a barrage of emails sent in a clear and malicious attempt to slander me. In these emails I am called an ‘anti-Semite’, ‘bigot’, ‘racist’, ‘Holocaust denier’, and so on............
“Gilad Atzmon is someone who encompasses what it means to be an intellectual.” Kim Petersen, Dissident Voice
Gilad Atzmon is a Jew from Israel, who was in their army. Leaving made sense because he did not follow the Party Line So now he is a victim of Fake News racketeers working for Zionist crazies but he is approved by Prominenten including Professor of Political Science, John J. Mearsheimer, Professor of Sociology, James Petras, Professor of International Law, Francis A. Boyle & Law professor Oren Ben-Dor, who is another Jew.
Her Majesty's Government Is Meddling With Freedom Of Speech
This is bad news. Recall that 'Sir' Edward Heath wasn't 'investigated' until he was in Hell, safely beyond the reach of justice. Then there was 'Lord' Janner is a Paedophile protected by Blair because he [ Janner ] was a Jew.
Our American Pravda
The Soviet Pravda was a lying propaganda machine. We all think we know that. The American main stream media are at least as bad.
Marxists Make False Claims
As Pope Leo XIII told us in Rerum Novarum, his Papal letter of 1891, the Socialists worked on the poor man's envy of the rich. They then proceeded to mass murder.
European Commission Setting Up Attack On Free Speech
Next steps against fake news: Commission sets up High-Level Expert Group and launches public consultationBrussels, 13 November 2017............
Online platforms and other internet services have provided new ways for people to connect, debate and to gather information. However, the spread of news intentionally misleading readers has become an increasing problem for the functioning of our democracies, affecting peoples' understanding of reality.
On 17 and 18 November 2016, the Commission hosted its second Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights, on the topic of "Media Pluralism and Democracy". A Eurobarometer survey published on 17 November 2016 showed that European citizens are worried about the independence of the media, and levels of trust in media are low.
Distrust of Main Stream Media is not a problem; it is a solution. That is why politicians hate it.
European Commission Attacking Free Speech
Juncker is an arrogant rogue who hates the truth.
Fake News ex Wiki
Fake news is a type of hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation, be it via the traditional news media or via social media, with the intent to mislead in order to gain financially or politically.[1] It often employs eye-catching headlines or entirely fabricated news-stories in order to increase readership and online sharing.[1] Profit is made in a similar fashion to click bait and relies on ad-revenue generated regardless of the veracity of the published stories.[1] Easy access to ad-revenue, increased political polarization and the ubiquity of social media, primarily the Facebook newsfeed have been implicated in the spread of fake news.[2][1] Anonymously hosted websites lacking known publishers have also been implicated, because they make it difficult to prosecute sources of fake news for libel or slander.[3]
Fake news has been defined as news which is "completely made up and designed to deceive readers to maximize traffic and profit".[4] News satire uses exaggeration and introduces non-factual elements, but is intended to amuse or make a point, not deceive. Propaganda can also be fake news.[4]The controversy over fake news has been described as both a moral panic and mass hysteria from commentators on both sides of the American political aisle, including Glenn Greenwald, Ed Morrissey, and Jack Shafer.[5] [6] [7][8][9][10][11][excessive citations]
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) published a summary in diagram form to assist people to recognise fake news.[12] Its main points are:
- Consider the source (to understand its mission and purpose)
- Read beyond the headline (to understand the whole story)
- Check the authors (to see if they are real and credible)
- Assess the supporting sources (to ensure they support the claims)
- Check the date of publication (to see if the story is relevant and up to date)
- Ask if it is a joke (to determine if it is meant to be satire)
- Review your own biases (to see if they are affecting your judgement)
- Ask experts (to get confirmation from independent people with knowledge).
Historical examples
Ancient and medieval
Significant fake news stories can be traced back to the forged 8th century Donation of Constantine,[13] and Octavian's 1st century campaign of misinformation against Mark Antony.[14]..................Twenty-first century
In the 21st century, the use and impact of fake news became widespread, as well as the usage of the term. Besides being used to refer to made-up stories designed to deceive readers to maximize traffic and profit, the term was also used to refer to satirical news, whose purpose is not to mislead but rather to inform viewers and share humorous commentary about real news and the mainstream media.[32][33] American examples of satire (as opposed to fake news) include the television show Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report and The Onion newspaper.[34][35] [36]Russia used "dezinformatsiya" (дезинформация) or disinformation in 2014 to create a counter narrative after Russian-backed Ukrainian rebels shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 using a Russia-supplied missile. False news stories often originated with Russia's state-sponsored television news, RT.[37] In 2016, NATO claimed it had seen a significant rise in Russian propaganda and fake news stories since the invasion of Crimea in 2014.[38] Fake news stories originated from the Russian government officials were also circulated internationally by Reuters news agency and published in the most popular news websites in the United States.
Donald Trump mentioning 'fake news' at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2017. Video from Voice of AmericaIn the United States in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, fake news was particularly prevalent, although a working paper by researchers at Stanford University and New York University concluded that fake news had "little to no effect" on its outcome, noting that only 8% of voters read a fake news story, and that recall of the stories was low.[40][41] Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel became a target for fake news in the run-up to the 2017 German federal election.[42]
In the early weeks of his presidency, U.S. President Donald Trump frequently used the term "fake news" to refer to traditional news media, including singling out the news agency CNN.[43] Linguist George Lakoff says it creates confusion about the words' meaning.[44]
After Republican Colorado State Senator Ray Scott used the term as a reference to a column in the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, the newspaper's publisher threatened a defamation lawsuit.[45][46]
The impact of fake news is global and part of a worldwide phenomenon.[47] The capacity of fake news to mislead would always lead to impaired judgements about truth and consequently ill-informed judgements about what actions and policies are appropriate. Fake news is spread through social media and also often through the use of fake news websites, which, in order to gain credibility, specialize in inventing attention-grabbing news, often impersonating well-known news sources.[48][49][50] Fake news has been used in email phishing attacks for many years, with sensationalist fabrications providing incentive for users to click links and have their computers infected with malware.Involvement of social media
In the 21st century, the capacity to mislead was enhanced by the widespread use of social media. For example, one 21st century that enabled fake news' proliferation was the Facebook newsfeed.[52][53] In late 2016 fake news gained notoriety following the uptick in news content by this means,[54][2] and its prevalence on the micro-blogging site Twitter.[54]In the United States, a large portion of Americans use Facebook or Twitter to receive news.[55] This, in combination with increased political polarization and filter bubbles, led to a tendency for readers to mainly read headlines. Fake news was implicated in influencing the 2016 American presidential election.[56][57] Fake news saw higher sharing on Facebook than legitimate news stories,[58][59][60] which analysts explained was because fake news often panders to expectations or is otherwise more exciting than legitimate news.[59][18] Facebook itself initially denied this characterization.[61][53] A Pew Research poll conducted in December 2016 found that 64% of U.S. adults believed completely made-up news had caused "a great deal of confusion" about the basic facts of current events, while 24% claimed it had caused "some confusion" and 11% said it had caused "not much or no confusion".[62] Additionally, 23% of those polled admitted they had personally shared fake news, whether knowingly or not.
Research from Northwestern University concluded that 30% of all fake news traffic, as opposed to only 8% of real news traffic, could be linked back to Facebook.[63] Fake news consumers, they concluded, do not exist in a filter bubble; many of them also consume real news from established news sources.[63] The fake news audience is only 10 percent of the real news audience, and most fake news consumers spent a relatively similar amount of time on fake news compared with real news consumers—with the exception of Drudge Report readers, who spent more than 11 times longer reading the website than other users.[63]
After the 2016 American election and the run-up to the German election, Facebook began labeling and warning of inaccurate news[64][65][66] and partnered with independent fact-checkers to label inaccurate news, warning readers before sharing it.[64][65][67]
In China, fake news items have occasionally spread from such sites to more well-established news-sites resulting in scandals including "Pizzagate".[68] In the wake of western events, China's Ren Xianling of the Cyberspace Administration of China suggested a "reward and punish" system be implemented to avoid fake news.[69]
100+ Websites for Readers Who Are Tired of the Mainstream News & Perspectives from Institutions
Listed below is a chance to recover your senses and to stop being complicit in the way the world is organized presently. The Elites are controlling us by confusion and therefore making us dependent on their Institutions. It's time to break free and have a Macrocosmic understanding of actual narratives that exist. The only way to understand yourself, your existence, and reality. “A government which will turn its tanks upon its people, for any reason, is a government with a taste of blood and a thirst for power and must either be smartly rebuked, or blindly obeyed in deadly fear.”Posted by MacroCosmic Thinking
Fake News Is The Scourge Of Our times Claims Politician
A government bill aiming to regulate media operations is underway which would help also tackle the spreading of fake news, government spokesman Nicos Christodoulides said on Monday.During a conference on the issue, Christodoulides said that the dissemination of fake information greatly affects politics, journalism and social life.
He said that the government bill, which is expected to be tabled to the plenum to vote early 2018, would also help tackle the spread of fake news.
Politician don't like what they call 'fake news' because it upsets their agendas.
Bitcoin Production Is Killing The Planet Alleges Accountancy Firm [ 17 December 2017 ]
PwC, the name used by PricewaterhouseCoopers is QUOTE one of the Big Four auditors, along with Deloitte, EY and KPMG. Vault Accounting 50 has ranked PwC as the most prestigious accounting firm in the world for seven consecutive years, as well as the top firm to work for in North America for three consecutive years. UNQUOTE. It chooses to claim that the amount of electricity being used by Bitcoin is huge. It is utterly wrong and NO it is not April Fool's Day. Another large accounting firm did not notice that Enron was a multigigabuck fraud. That is why they are now only the Big Four. NB The Telegraph is gormless enough to make this their online lead story.
Journalist With Der Spiegel Invented His Stories For Years [ 20 December 2018 ]
Whoops. It is a great way to get exclusive interviews. Spiegel is usually one of Europe's better offerings but errare humanum est. Claas Relotius is now persona non grata. PS Mark Steyn puts the boot in much better. See Fake Newsman Of The Year. He then goes to work on Matthew Engel of The Guardian, a pretentious prat. His analysis is confirmed in NOTES FROM THE OLIVE GARDEN.
Morning Star Lies In Its Teeth [ 8 May 2020 ]
The front page headline of today’s Morning Star is a bold lie. Following the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop pact the Morning Star wasn’t anti-fascist. It was, as it is today, dismissive of the capitalist Western democracies, opposing rearmament and undermining the war effort until 1941. We should never allow the communists to forget…Whereas democratic socialists like Aneurin Bevan unequivocally backed the war, Communist Party members were resolving their own stances in the wake of the Stalin-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact in August. On instructions from the Communist International’s Moscow headquarters to regard the war as one between imperialist powers for imperialist objectives. The Comintern put the Soviet national interest of the “first socialist state” ahead of the policy needs of individual communist parties and nations elsewhere. Palme Dutt, the Party’s leading theoretician, headed the majority of the traitorous central committee who took the Comintern’s line, of not supporting Britain in an “imperialist war”. The Morning Star’s editorial line reflected the central committee’s diktat, declaring in December 1939 that the war against Hitler was not “a people’s war.”
It was not until the Nazis attacked the Soviets in 1941 that the paper’s editorial line changed. The true history of the Morning Star newspaper is not one of forever fighting fascism.
Communists were and are enemies of Western Civilization. They still run the Morning Star, which was the Daily Worker.
The Fourth Annual Fake News Awards [31 January 2021 ]
Spoiler alert - the first example goes to our very own Minister of Health, Matt Hancock. It's about Fake News from the DINOsaurus PRESS
Fake News Being Used After America Destroyed Nord Stream [ 9 March 2023 ]
Right at the same moment the New York Times publishes a shoddy 'officials say' story about alleged intelligence about the Nord Stream terror attack the Germany weekly Die Zeit, which has strong U.S. secret services ties, comes up with an equally unbelievable tale of a 'Ukrainian owned' sailing boat playing the major role in the attack:................Nord Stream investigation: Traces lead to Ukraine
Investigators have identified the boat from which the attacks on Nord Stream were carried out. Apparently, it was rented by a company owned by Ukrainians.No, it is not the USS Kearsarge, the U.S. amphibious assault ship which 'trained' 'mine removals' near Bornholm island next to the pipelines just days [ weeks in fact - Editor ] before they blew up, which the 'investigators' identified...........
No. You do not dive down to 80+ meter for an industrial size job, involving the placement of hundreds of pounds of explosives in eight individual charges on very sturdy pipelines, from a sparsely manned boat. Such deep dives require special gases, special breathing equipment, special training, a decompression chamber for emergencies and lots of well trained people to maintain all that stuff.
The American government is using Disinformation, lies, what RS Surtees, a fox hunting man would have called Red Herrings.
Errors & omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
me at Mike Emery. All
financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep
it private, use my PGP Key. Home
Updated on 01/05/2023 22:08