Is an extension of Divis Street which is also in Belfast and very Republican. The IRA or Irish Republican Army were active there. The murals indicate an international view of politics and guerrilla operations. They imply cooperation with malign forces such as the Soviet empire, its client states, Marxists like Bernadette Devlin and trouble makers generally. One exception is the Jews. The IRA sympathies lay with their victims in Palestine, the Stolen Land. I am with them on that. They were fans of Nelson Mandela. Perhaps they did not notice that he was being controlled by Joe Slovo, a subversive Jew from Lithuania and others of the South African Communist Party but I doubt it. Slovo was the one who used the BBC to change Mandela from an obscure prisoner doing life into a media star.
Take the point that these murals are very public policy statements by the IRA. Did the BBC, that well known bunch of homosexual Marxists with their commitment to perverting the truth bother to tell you about them? Thought not. The Wikipedia gives more on the background.
Kieran Nugent is Blanket Man Number One
The Falls Road begins with Irish Political Tours
It is the gateway to West Belfast. That means the Catholic area.
Liam MacCarthy is not so much forgotten as never known to Englishmen.
He keeps unpleasant company though.
Che Guevara gets a good press which tells us more about the press than it does about the man.
Then ETA gets a mention. Basque separatism sounds as though it might be reasonable from a distance. As an honorary Basque I know differently.
Would you really want your taxi driver bombed up? It might be a good idea but an M16 is not the weapon of choice for close quarter action.
The real issue in Ireland was work and decent prospects. History was an excuse. Thus I was told by someone who was living in the Divis flats on Internment Night and that tells us all we need to know about her sympathies.
This where the history comes in.
This is alleged to be art. If you think Picasso was more than a heavily hyped gimmick merchant that is up to you. The picture is supposed to tell us about Guernica being bombed by the Luftwaffe when they were limbering up for World War II.
No, it is not Karl Marx. It just looks like him. The sympathies would have been on the same lines.
Here he is again.
When they were in prison they were not killing people but they were useful as a propaganda tool.
Catholic sympathies go out to Palestine, the Stolen Land where oppression is big time and main line policy. So do mine.
Brendan Hughes rings no bells for me but doubtless the IRA knew him and remember him.
This war memorial is well done. Quality work with granite does not come cheap. Of course if you have enough firepower frightening people into giving freebies becomes very possible. It is how Her Majesty's Government tax us too.
Socialism sounds good to some but usually they have not seen it close up.
This is back to history again.
So is this. The RIC were the Royal Irish Constabulary.
A Bill of Rights makes more sense although this is not a good one. Her Majesty's Government deals with the English Bill of Rights quite simply; they ignore it. At least the Irish are doing something about their problems.
This is not a Banksy Goes To Palestine; more a case of after the style of. The boys look rather thuggish
The Divis Flats are in Divis Road at the end of Falls Road. They look rather ordinary but things happened there.
The Army used the top two floors as a look out post and helicopter landing pad. See Divis Flats