Trayvon Martin was a black thief killed by George Zimmerman, an Hispanic, neighbourhood watch volunteer while Martin tried to rob him. The Main Stream Media are on this one like flies on the proverbial; using it to incite blacks to hate, to riot, to vote for Obama. Their story is that a nice little black lad was murdered by a vicious white man who got away with it because the police are racists too. The story is a series of lies & distortions. The Media get caught lying repeatedly but they carry on lying. They used Martin Luther King in the same way. It is the same Main Stream Media that covered up the fact that Obama was using a Forged Birth Certificate. 2012 is another election year. The manipulation worked then. It may well work now.
Trayvon & George Martin
This postscript sums up the reality of black crime rather well.
Trayvon Verdict
The verdict was true. The media reaction was lies.
Obama Says If He Had A Son He Would Be Like Trayvon
Obama; the War Monger with a Nobel Peace Prize killed more than Trayvon ever managed.
Criminal Intent, Criminal Acts Emerge
Martin has served his purpose. Obama got the votes. Now the truth about his previous emerges slowly.
George Zimmerman told police Trayvon Martin beat his head into pavement
George Zimmerman told police Trayvon Martin beat his head into pavement
Leaked police report details shooter's account, as family spokesman reveals Martin had school suspension for marijuana
Trayvon Martin's mother and father say their son's suspension from school is irrelevant to the police's failure to arrest his killer
The Florida neighbourhood watch volunteer who killed Trayvon Martin told police that the teenager punched him to the ground and began pounding his head into the pavement, it has emerged.Martin was shot dead a month ago by George Zimmerman, who had called 911 to say he had spotted the teenager acting suspiciously in his gated community. Martin, 17, was returning to his father's girlfriend's house from the local convenience store armed only with iced tea and a packet of Skittles.
The Guardian wants us to believe the nasty white man story. The fact that Mr. Zimmerman is not white is a detail.
Fraudulent picture of 12(?) year old
Hooded thug
Flashy thug.
Trayvon Martin: three ways George Zimmerman's story is falling apart
The Guardian's headline is verbatim and tendentious. The claim about lack of injury is wrong/misleading/fraudulent/a lie/an attempted Perversion Of The Course Of Justice
Cops and Race - Fred Explains
Journalism in America, and perhaps everywhere, works according to unacknowledged templates in which the reporter fills in blanks, thus saving him the nuisance of thought, for which he is generally not well suited anyway. In matters of race, it also saves him from being drawn and quartered for Crime Thought. If he follows the template, he is safe. Stupidity, sloth, and cowardice are thus fertilized.A favorite template is: evil racist white cop shoots meritorious black because the cop hates blacks.
This is twaddle. Why is it twaddle? Because every white cop knows that if he shoots a black, he will first be savaged in the local and quite likely the national media. He will then be suspended and probably fired, losing both income and years toward retirement. An ambitious prosecutor will charge him with murder and, in the cities, a black jury will lynch him. A civil suit may follow, led by a lawyer seeking a national reputation. The cop, freshly fired, will not be able to pay his legal bills or his mortgage. Do you really think he is going to do this to himself intentionally?..........
You will yell “Freeze!” or something else suitably dramatic. I will then turn, very fast—which is how it would go down in real life—and point the object in my hand at you. Your job is to decide to shoot me or not.
If I am holding the gun, and you don’t shoot, I will, and for a month or so your kids will say, “Mommy, why doesn’t Daddy come back?” If I am holding the banana and you do shoot, you just killed an unarmed kid, he was such a nice boy, everybody liked him, it was a banana for god’s sake. The joker in this deck is that I will, every time, be able to get a round or two off before you can shoot—if you wait to see what I am holding—because you have to make a decision and I don’t. Do you see how this might make for an unstable evening? ......
Let’s play another game. We will recruit a group of black students from Yale, put them in hoodies and butt-hanger pants, and have them walk by night, talking loudly in Ebonics, through a neighborhood inhabited by the staff of the Washington Post, crossing lawns. You will give me a dollar for every call the cops get about it. Profiling. I’ll spend the summer in the south of France.
Fred has been in the ghettoes. Fred has seen the ugly reality, the squalor, the hate. Fred knows weapons for real. Fred rode with the police. Fred tells the truth. The Main Stream Media lie to us with malice aforethought.
Shooting of Trayvon Martin ex Wiki
Martin was walking back to a home in a gated community where he was staying when Zimmerman began following him, while contacting the Sanford Police Department to report Martin's behavior as suspicious.[9][10] Soon afterward, there was a confrontation that ended with Zimmerman fatally shooting Martin.[11][12]
When police arrived on the scene, Zimmerman claimed he shot Martin in self-defense because Martin had attacked him.[1][13] According to police, Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and had a wound on the back of his head.[14] Responding officers handcuffed Zimmerman, took him into custody, and transported him to the Sanford Police Department where he was questioned by investigators. Zimmerman was eventually released without being charged because police said they did not find evidence to contradict his assertion of self-defense.[15] The lead homicide investigator reportedly said he did not believe it was self-defense[16] and he wanted to charge Zimmerman with manslaughter, but the state attorney's office said there was insufficient evidence for a conviction.[17][18][19]
The circumstances around Martin's death, including Florida's Stand Your Ground law, received national and international attention. Allegations of racial motivations and police misconduct triggered public demands for Zimmerman's arrest.[20][21]
Trust the Wiki? Sometimes yes. When it gets political, NO! Always check with other sources.
The Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman Affair: Previewed by Hollywood -
Well, I’m waiting. I’m waiting for something to wake up White people all over the world, especially in America. I’ve thought before there was enough out there to do the job, but people’s survival instincts have yet to kick in. And now we have the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman affair.I really thought this anti-White media propaganda campaign was a no-brainer, but my brother surprised me by piping up about how terrible it was that a White guy had shot this innocent black boy in cold blood. In other words, my brother had swallowed the media line hook, line and sinker.
What is so discouraging about this is that I’ve kept him informed over the years about racial realism and the real state of crime in America. Further, I’ve situated it in the context of a “culture of critique” explanation showing how ethnic warfare on Whites is being carried out in education, the government, courts, and most explicitly in the mass media.
This time I gently tried to tell him that Zimmerman was (half) Hispanic and the facts were far from all in. My brother wrote back, “Are you sticking up for the shooter?”
I replied, “I’m not sticking up for the shooter at all. In fact, I haven’t even thought about him or the dead guy. America is a violent country, along with many other parts of the world, and killing is the norm. Among the various killings in America on a given day, this one seems garden variety, just two dudes getting in a fight.”
I’ve learned over the years not to lecture on these topics, but in this instance I indulged myself. My letter continued:
But what have you heard about Chicago last weekend? Here’s what went on [I was writing on March 28th; I’ve also added links]:
At least 10 people were killed, including a 6-year-old girl, in shootings over the weekend in Chicago. The slain were among at least 49 people wounded in shootings from 5 p.m. Friday to 6 a.m. Monday, according to information compiled by the Chicago Tribune.
Or what about in San Francisco:
A 35-year-old Vietnam citizen now faces murder charges in the deaths of five people whose bodies were found Friday in what police initially thought was a murder-suicide.
Those are pretty spectacular but the national press is not yet breaking a sweat over them. Don’t expect a Hollywood movie about this stuff either.
[BTW, I can now add yet another instance of the “Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome” in America, this one in Oakland on April 2nd. “A gunman opened fire Monday at a Christian university in California, killing at least seven people, wounding three more and setting off an intense, chaotic manhunt that ended with his capture at a nearby shopping center, authorities said.”
So how did the liberal media headline this? The Washington Post said: “7 dead, 3 injured in shooting attack at Calif. Christian university; suspect detained.” Those oh-so-objective folks at NPR wrote: 7 Dead In Shooting At Christian University In Oakland. Yes, the school is Christian, but it is also well-known for being Korean. Wouldn’t that be the more informative adjective for the headlines?]
Returning to my letter to my brother:
In addition to those murders, you’ve probably got dozens of other more typical ones. Another day in the life of America (or Brazil or Nigeria or Mexico, etc.)
So why did the mass media suddenly latch on to this case? And why have they been pushing it so hard? And why are they basically lying about so many details? Why did Obama’s handlers have him say what he did? When have you heard him talk about Asian victims or child victims, let alone plain old White victims?
I guess because I’ve taught this stuff for 14 years now, I tend to take it seriously. And what I’ve found is that you can’t understand what’s going on unless you understand Jewish power in the media. The Tribe is leading all this and they damn well are doing it for a reason. Consider that not only will we read about it hundreds of times in the big newspapers, we’ll hear Bill Maher going on about it, Jon Stewart (Leibowitz) going on about it, right on down to the liberal reporters from towns near you and me.
The Tribe will of course weave this into Hollywood fare to make for a consistent message: “Whites” victimize innocent minorities all the time, past, present and future. For instance, don’t you just love how Hollywood has Don Johnson’s character in Machete shooting an innocent, pregnant Mexican woman? You know, just sport for the average White guy.
Of course the reality has been entirely the opposite for decades.Here’s a statistic that has always impressed me. In any given year, the FBI counts about 30,000 black on White rapes. Yes, THIRTY thousand. That’s not far from a hundred a day. Black men raping White women. A fact. [See The Color of Crime: Race, Crime and Justice in America, which concludes: “Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving blacks and Whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against Whites. Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to Whites than the reverse.”]
Now here are two still shots from the 1996 film A Time to Kill, by Jewish director Joel Schumacher. Note carefully all the props:
So what do you think happened in this scene? Here’s a 30-second clip:
httpv://, the filthy Southern rednecks beat and rape this 10-year-old girl. Then they lynch her.
This sort of thing happens non-stop, from Hollywood to the New York Times to late night TV shows. . . . a consistent drum beat, spun just the way they want it, even if it’s all a lie.
But in mass society, the mass media message wins every time. They didn’t spend a trillion dollars to monopolize the world’s mass media for no reason.
Here’s another example. A few years ago, a Black nurse was high on drugs and hit a homeless White man while she was driving. The poor guy who got stuck in the window was very much alive, yet the woman drove on home and parked in her garage. She continued getting high and having sex with her boyfriend over the next few days, occasionally checking on the honkey in the window.
Finally, he died, and she and her boyfriend dumped the body.
Hollywood picked up on this story (Jewish director, of course). Who did they cast in the role for the nurse? Mena Suvari:
Anyway, no sense going on. I expect the mass media, government, legal and education systems, etc. to continue this propaganda because they have a goal and are working toward it relentlessly.
I just wonder, though, when a sense of self-preservation will kick in among more Whites, Whites who are actually the victims most of the time . . . and are getting duped by the institutions I just mentioned.
It will be interesting to see how this Trayvon Martin case plays out.
The Trayvon Martin shooting case may be the worst example of media duplicity in history—at least for media that is not explicitly fictional. We know that NBC, MSNBC and the New York Times altered the 911 call by Zimmerman to make it sound like Zimmerman was focusing on Martin’s race. ABC took 5 days to release an enlargement of a photo showing a very large gash on Zimmerman’s head “after releasing the same video without enhancement and a headline that declared: ‘Trayvon Martin Video Shows No Blood or Bruises on George Zimmerman.’” CNN backpedaled after assuring its audience that Zimmerman had uttered a racial slur (in fact, he said ‘cold’, not ‘coon’). And then there’s the New York Times writer taken to task by Bill O’Reilly for claiming that Zimmerman killed Martin “in cold blood.”
And while the media continues to spin its lies, John Derbyshire just got fired from National Review for writing common sense on race. Self-policing by the “conservative” media.
How far will this obvious media slandering of Whites go toward waking up more Whites to their perilous situation? I’ve covered this question in my “What will it take?” essays (see also here). Kevin MacDonald appears optimistic, writing “I suspect that people like Hannity realize that their mainly White audience is fed up with the ‘Whites victimizing Blacks mantra’—a good example of appealing to implicit Whiteness.”
I hope he’s right, but we all know it’s a long road between implicit Whiteness and explicit Whiteness. The day implicit Whiteness becomes explicit is the day I’ll dance a radiant Irish jig. Somehow, however, I don’t think the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman Affair is enough to trigger it. I guess Whites need far more pain first.
Al Sharpton Setting Up Trayvon Riots
As we remember the last riot in Los Angeles, the seeds of the next one are being sown.Al Sharpton was in Los Angeles on Thursday, attending a church rally marking the two-month anniversary of Trayvon Martin's death. Why Los Angeles should be chosen as the venue for such an event may at first seem a mystery, but whatever one may think of him, Sharpton can be counted among the true masters at manipulating the media. And here in Los Angeles this week, much of the media has been consumed with observing the 20th anniversary of what is often referred to as the Rodney King riots. The not-so-subtle message Sharpton was here to convey is this: Listen to me, do as I say, or face the consequences.............
Unless some previously undisclosed evidence emerges against George Zimmerman, he will not be convicted of any crime, and in any event I’m confident he will never be convicted of murder. When he is acquitted, or when a mistrial is declared with a hung jury, what will happen? When that day comes, the prudent citizen will avoid the intersection of Florence and Normandie.
Al Sharpton is a black troublemaker using a bad case to incite blacks. Trayvon is far more use dead than alive.
Black: Suspect Says I Beat Up White Man Because I Am Mad About Trayvon Martin Case
Alton L. Hayes III, charged with a hate crime, told police he was so upset about the Trayvon Martin case in Florida that he beat up a white man early Tuesday. Hayes and a 15-year-old Chicago boy walked up behind the 19-year-old man victim and pinned his arms to his side, police said. Hayes, 18, then picked up a large tree branch, pointed it at the man and said, “Empty your pockets, white boy.” The two allegedly rifled through the victim’s pockets, then threw him to the ground and punched him “numerous times” in the head and back before running away, police said. Hayes and the boy are black; the victim is white. - (Black-on-white) - (Newsroom) - (Drudge link)
White man on life support after hammer attack by two black teens near Sanford, FL
A fifty year old white old man is on life support after a near fatal beating. Police have arrested two black teens. The attack occurred near the community where the Trayvon Martin self-defense shooting took place. The two suspects face charges of attempted first-degree murder, burglary with assault or battery and armed burglary. They are accused of beating the man in the head with a hammer. The suspects are 18 and 19. The attack took place in Midway, FL, about six miles from where George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense Think this story will receive 1/1,000th of 1% of the news coverage that Trayvon Martin received? - (Newsroom) - (Black-on-white) Two blacks arrested in brutal hammer beating in Seminole
How Black Leaders Exploit Their People for Political and Financial Gain
"The killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman is showing how liberals – especially blacks – care more about getting the political upper hand than affecting long-term change in black communities. Blacks are used as props to raise political capital. The shooting deaths of two British students — James Cooper and James Kouzaris — murdered last April in Florida by a black youth received no attention by black leaders or President Obama. Three letters were sent to the President that never received a reply. “It would perhaps appear,” friends of the victims said, “that Mr. Obama sees no political value in facilitating such a request or that the lives of two British tourists are not worthy of ten minutes of his time.”...
Obama Says Trayvon Is Like The Son He Never Had
Judicial Watch President: Verdict Reflects Failed 'Political Prosecution'
- Professor: Verdict 'Not Going to Change Anything'
- Trayvon Family Attorney: Defense 'Offensive'
- Armstrong Williams: 'Act Like Americans' if Zimmerman Acquitted
- Dershowitz: Zimmerman Prosecutors 'Should Be Disbarred'
- Racial Hypocrisy Highlighted in Zimmerman Case
- Limbaugh: Zimmerman Case Reduced to 'Show Trial'
- Judicial Watch's Fitton: Case Handled With 'Racial Extremism'
- Defense Attorney: 'Zimmerman Is an Anti-Racist'