You have heard of the Jim Crow Laws used to victimise our wonderful black brethren, haven't you? The Propaganda machines of the Mainstream Media have been marketing them heavily enough; they are Brainwashing us with the help of the Education Industry. It was Jim Crow versus Jim Snow. Another example is the use of the Amritsar Massacre.
Now it has gotten worse. See From Jim Snow To The White Genocide Project. The Republicans are hand in glove with Democrat politicians. We are betrayed.
Here are some from White Genocide. The fact is that Genocide is a crime against International Law regardless of who the perpetrators and the victims are. See the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide for more and better details.
"Genocide involves the attempt to achieve the disappearance of a group by whatever means. It does not have to be violent, it could be a combination of policies that would lead to a certain group dying out."
Malcolm Fraser, Prime Minister of Australia 1975-1983
"There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure state [ apart from Israel - Editor ]
Wesley Clark, U.S. Army General [ a Jew - he tried to start World War III ]
"Not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country."
Nicholas Sarkozy, President of France 2007-2012 l [ a Jew ]
"The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today's races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice."
"The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals."
Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, Austrian politician, philosopher and count of Coudenhove-Kalergi, considered the father of the modern European Union
"We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."
Jose Angel Gutierrez, Chicano activist, attorney and university professor
"Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."
Barbara Lerner Spectre, founding director of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden l [ a Jew ]
"The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race."
"The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists."
"We'll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed."
"Treason to the White race is Loyalty to Humanity."
Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor - Jew, Hard Left, Provisional Organizing Committee to Reconstitute the Marxist–Leninist Communist Party
"The White race is the cancer of human history."
Susan Sontag, writer, filmmaker, teacher & political activist l [ a Jew ]
"Assimilation is genocide."
Mick Dodson, former Commissioner on the Australian Human Rights Commission, Aboriginal leader and member of the Yawuru peoples in the Broome area of the southern Kimberley region of Western Australia
"We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet."
Kamau Kambon, Professor of African-American Studies
"Abolish the White Race as a social group."
Derrick Bell, Harvard Law School Professor
"Diversity is now in some parts of Europe seen as a threat. Diversity comes with challenges. But diversity is humanity's destiny. There is not going to be, even in the remotest places of this planet, a nation that will not see diversity in its future. That's where humanity is heading. And those politicians trying to sell to their electorates a society that is exclusively composed of people from one culture, are trying to portray a future based on a past that never existed, therefore that future will never be."
Frans Timmermans, Dutch politician and diplomat who serves as the First Vice-President of the European Commission
"You're [White people] on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won't be any more white people around."Tim Wise, "anti-racist" activist
Vince Reid Black Racist tells blacks that the white man imported Homosexuality into the West Indies, a stupid malicious lie.
"The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."
Ted Kennedy, U.S. Senator, speaking to the Senate regarding the introduction of the Immigration Act of 1965
Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race What Jews OPENLY SAY!
From Jim Snow To The White Genocide Project, by Nicholas Stix
The judicial lynching of white police officer Kim Potter, in contrast to the complete failure to charge the black cop who killed [ Shouldn't that be murdered? - Editor ] Ashli Babbitt, is just the latest evidence: for over 60 years, the Historic American Nation has been in a one-sided civil war. Now the U.S. is showing unmistakable signs of morphing into an anti-white totalitarian state.Since its founding on Christmas Eve 22 years ago, has documented (with some help from me) the ruling elites’ relentless legal disenfranchisement, economic dispossession, and what amounts to a technical genocide of White Americans. For years, I’ve been calling this Jim Snow America—the reverse of the much-denounced Jim Crow laws designed to contain black criminality—but I think we’ve since moved on to the White Genocide Project.
As regards National Question issues—race and immigration—both parties have for generations been treasonous. As left libertarian New York journalist Sidney Zion (1933-2009) used to say, “It’s the two parties against the people.”
Prior to 1960, elections pitted White Republican voters against White Democrat voters. However, since circa 1964, the Republican Party has become completely dependent on the White vote, while the Democrat Party has been increasingly dependent on the votes of blacks, post-1965 immigrants, and homosexuals. But while the Democrat Party defends its base, the GOP gives its base the shaft.
Today, White American patriots—aka the Historic American Nation—find themselves a nation of prisoners, while black and Hispanic criminals, and their White accomplices (“allies”) rule the roost.
In one of Lawrence Auster’s three brilliant, early-to-middle 1990s booklets, he observed that the 1964 U.S. Civil Rights Act reduced White Americans to second-class citizens, and the Hart-Celler Immigration Act the following year reduced them to third-class citizens. By now, patriotic Whites must be fifth-class citizens, after homosexuals and sexual psychopaths.
Many people act as if “Wokism” and so-called “critical race theory” were only a few years old. But these movements have been developing for over two hundred years.
Modern Communism goes back to the 1840s under Marx and Engels.
Feminism goes back to the 1848 Seneca, NY conference organized by Elizabeth-Cady-Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Mary M’Clintock, Martha Coffin Wright and Jane Hunt. Feminism as we know it was founded by Stalinist Betty Friedman, better known as Betty Friedan (1921-2006), with her 1963 work, The Feminine Mystique.
Black supremacism emerged in 1905 as the “Niagara Movement” (“civil rights”) by W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963), et al., and in 1916 by Marcus Garvey (1887-1940) as “Negro Improvement” and the “Back-to-Africa” movement, better known as “black nationalism” and, for a time, “Afrocentrism.” Currently, it is best known as “Black Lives Matter” and “Critical Race Theory.”
The Communist takeover of college schools of education was completed so long ago that already during the 1930s, socialist John Dewey (1859-1952), America’s most influential philosopher and education thinker, felt obliged to write a booklet Experience and Education in 1938, condemning Reds who claimed to speak in his name.
Just three years after the Historic American Nation had saved civilization in the Second World War, the U.S. Supreme Court declared war on that nation, ruling in Shelly v. Kraemer (1948) that covenants forbidding a property owner from selling to members of certain groups were unconstitutional.
In 1954, in Brown v. Board of Education, SCOTUS claimed to use “sociology” to make its ruling, in tossing aside precedent and the U.S. Constitution, in ruling racially segregated schools “unconstitutional.”
These Supreme Court decisions were acts of class war. Eventually, class war would morph into race war.
The first black Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall, looked forward in private to subjugating Whites.
After years of Red creep under President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), Americans rebelled. Three giants led the fight against Communism, with tens of millions of supporters of all social classes:
- Republican Senator Joseph R. McCarthy;
- Robert Welch, the founder, in 1958, of the John Birch Society.
- Actor Ward Bond, the “self-appointed Inspector Javert” of the Hollywood Right, as Hollywood biographer Scott Eyman called him, helped found the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals in 1944.
McCarthy exposed communist traitors throughout the federal government. And as the late M. Stanton Evans recounted in his account of McCarthy’s battle, Blacklisted by History, the U.S. Army was penetrated as deeply as the State Department.
Yet Republicans helped Democrats smear McCarthy as an irresponsible Red-baiting lunatic. They included President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during WWII, a nominal Republican and end-of-ideology technocrat. Ike had dual loyalties: his true commitment was to the U.S. Army. To save the reputation of an institution he justifiably loved, he helped destroy McCarthy by refusing to hand over crucial documents that proved his case.
Though Ward Bond supported Richard Nixon in the 1960 presidential election, he despised both parties. He also hated Jews [Ward Bond: Oaf, Loudmouth, Anti-Semite, by Erik Lundegaard,, May 21, 2014]. Bond was a man of exuberant hatreds and loves. On November 5, 1960, at the age of 57, a massive heart attack killed him. He would prove irreplaceable. MPA faded away and disbanded in 1975.
Candy tycoon Welch, who invented the Sugar Daddy, was brilliant and charismatic. Occasionally, he promoted nutty ideas, one being that Ike was “dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy.” Of course, there was a conspiracy, as McCarthy had shown. But Welch failed to grasp that Ike’s loyalty to the Army was the problem, not any affinity for communism.
Welch and JBS also fought fluoridating public water supplies as “mass medicine,” a fight that continues today in some American communities.
As JBS grew in power and prestige—its co-founders included big businessmen such as Fred C. Koch—William F. Buckley, Jr. decided Welch and JBS had to be destroyed. The founder of the once pro-segregation National Review, with the help of Senator Barry Goldwater and other conservatives, marginalized Welch, who had donated money to help Buckley start NR but was a rival for the role of America’s conservative, intellectual leader. Buckley could not abide that, of course. [Goldwater, the John Birch Society and Me, by William F. Buckley Jr. Commentary, March 2008]. Later, Buckley trimmed his sails and became a neoconservative.
Yet whatever the internecine battles among conservatives, communism was on the average American’s mind. McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee had done a good job. Americans saw Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev bang his shoe at the United Nations and heard him say “we will bury you.” A communist, Lee Harvey Oswald, had assassinated President John F. Kennedy.
No matter. Having brought down McCarthy with the help of the GOP, the Democrat Party concocted a strategy to depict Republicans as conspiracy nuts who would lead the United States into a fascist dictatorship, or worse, nuclear war. Columbia history professor Richard Hofstadter wrote about The Paranoid Style in American Politics, [Harper’s, November 1964].
Hollywood Democrats put out brilliant anti-anti-communist propaganda movies that featured antagonists based on McCarthy, Generals Curtis LeMay and Edwin Walker, and of course, JBS founder Welch. In 1962, The Manchurian Candidate not so subtly depicted a McCarthy character. Dr. Strangelove followed in 1964, with Air Force Generals Jack D. Ripper and Buck Turgidson representing the real-life WWII hero, Curtis LeMay [Dr. Strangelove’s Real-Life Air Force General: Curtis LeMay, History on the Net]. Ripper obsesses about fluoridation, which Welch and JBS opposed.
Unfortunately, during the same period in which anti-Communism had its greatest success, Communism was also re-branding itself, in the guise of the so-called Civil Rights Movement. Most White patriots were unwilling to publicly denounce black activists.
So for the last 50 years, the two main political parties have diverged, with the Democrat becoming the party of blacks and a coalition of the fringes, and the GOP becoming the Generic American Party; i.e, the party of the Historic American Nation—the party of whites. Problem is, party strategerists ignored that truth. They went along with the anti-white “civil rights” movement.
Just after the 2000 election, our Steve Sailer formulated his “Sailer Strategy.” If the GOP would mobilize its white base, it could remain in power for generations. The party ignored Sailer. Indeed, in an autopsy after a second loss to Barack Hussein Obama, GOP Brain Trusters presented a plan to alienate its base even more: “[E]xtensive outreach to women, African-American, Asian, Hispanic and gay voters,” along with a nation-breaking mass Amnesty of low-IQ, low-VQ, Third-World, illegal aliens [RNC Completes ‘Autopsy’ on 2012 Loss, Calls for Inclusion Not Policy Change,” by Shushannah Walshe, ABC News, March 18, 2013]. The plan expressed the party apparatchiks’ delusion that it could somehow pilfer the vote of the Democrats’ fringe coalition. Pursuing it would have meant certain death for the GOP nationally.
Then came Donald J. Trump, who explicitly appealed the GOP’s base of white voters by denouncing immigration and trade deals that have shafted Middle America. The 2016 election was in many ways a rerun of 1964, only in 2016 the unthinkable happened: The good guy won. That’s why Democrats and Never-Trump Republicans resolved to stop a repeat in 2020 and gave us The Big Steal. With it, of course, came the January 6 Star Chamber to crush dissent supposedly protected by the First Amendment. Whites had taught they had better shut up.
Until Trump, contemporary Republican leaders, with few exceptions such as Rep. Steve King, had never defended the almost all-white Historic American Nation. Indeed, they led the charge against the brave few who defended it from black criminals. In 1991, for instance, President George H.W. Bush’s Department of Justice staged a show trial of the four white Los Angeles cops acquitted in the beating of career black criminal Rodney King. Since then, it suffices to say that white mayors, governors and presidents, using police chiefs and prosecutors, have given virtually every black criminal in the country a pass to murder and terrorize whites.
If the GOP retakes the majority in either or both chambers, it must pressure or replace Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell with Trump-style populists, impeach riot-supporting Democrats in Congress, and rogue judges and prosecutors. Otherwise, if there is hope, it lies in secession movements and tax strikes.
But one way or the other, the Historic American Nation must fight.
Nicholas Stix [email him] is a New York City-based journalist and researcher, much of whose work focuses on the nexus of race, crime, and education. He spent much of the 1990s teaching college in New York and New Jersey. His work has appeared in Chronicles, The New York Post, Weekly Standard, Daily News, New York Newsday, American Renaissance, Academic Questions, Ideas on Liberty and many other publications. Stix was the project director and principal author of the NPI report, The State of White America-2007. He blogs at Nicholas Stix, Uncensored.
White Man Raped Girl Of 14 In East London [ 3 February 2021 ]
A 14-year-old girl was dragged into bushes and raped while jogging through a busy park in broad daylight.The teenage girl was exercising when she was grabbed by a man wearing blue tracksuit bottoms and a long, black jacket, police said.
She began her run near the basketball courts in Goodmayes Park in Ilford, east London, on Monday at around 2.40pm when a man aged around 17 to 20 years old attacked her.
So the Daily Mail can tell us the colour of criminals - when it wants. It can also censor comments to suppress the truth about the black crime rate. It is another lying Propaganda machine
Black Woman Paid £52,000 More Than A Man By Anti-White Racists [ 17 February 2021 ]
A senior civil servant has accused the Government of seeking to avoid 'reputational damage' by paying a black female colleague £52,000 more than him. Matthew Parr is suing the Home Office for sex and race discrimination after discovering he was earning less than his counterpart for doing the same job. He claims that being a white man meant he was paid a £133,983 salary, plus £7,904 living allowance, while Wendy Williams took home £185,000. Both are one of five HM Inspectors of Constabulary (HMIs) who act as watchdogs for the UK's police forces.Mr Parr, a former rear admiral, was appointed in 2016 during Theresa May's tenure as Home Secretary when Whitehall was driving down the salaries of top officials............
But it heard that mandarins agreed she would be paid the top £185,000 salary as awarding her less than existing HMIs could open the Government up to a discrimination challenge.
To say the obvious, the black is only in England due to the treasonous attitudes of the Establishment. It has a policy of Ethnic Fouling In England in order to cause Genocide. It may be that the black is able to read and write but she got the job due to Racism; that is Public Policy too. NB the Mail is censoring comments & suppressing the truth. It is also one of the Enemy Within.
The Lunatic Fringe Tells Us About Nuns And Colonial Oppression [ 9 March 2021 ]
Somehow, in a post-colonial world, in 2020, we still ended up being told a story entirely from the perspective of the white European characters (in this case, nuns). There was a whole village of indigenous locals that we learned virtually nothing about. Why couldn’t we get to know the family of the baby who was taken ill, so that we could empathies with the resentment they felt towards the interference from a well-meaning Sister? Who spoke up for the local holy man when the nuns called him “godless”? And why wasn’t Kanchi, the orphan girl, portrayed as a more three-dimensional character, so that her sexual exploitation rang true as a universal yet deeply personal theme? Instead, we were asked to view these storylines through a white British lens only. To take a more holistic, decolonised approach would have changed the original story, for sure, but it would also have enriched it beyond imagination.
Rachel Stone
This drivel is commentary on a BBC adaptation of Black Narcissus by Rumer Godden, an Englishwoman who enjoys well earned obscurity. It is in The Guardian, that "foul prostitute and dirty parasite of the worst portion of the mill-owners".This paper of record was established by John Edward Taylor, a Capitalist Swine using cotton trade profits made by exploiting black Slaves in the Deep South. You doubt? Then look at The Guardian Supported Slavery. Has this Stone woman brain enough to walk the streets by herself? Does the Grauniad take this drivel seriously? NB It has nothing to do with The Nigger of the Narcissus, a book by Joseph Conrad and recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature The Beeb will not be touching that with a bargepole any time soon.
Sesame Street Is Marketing Anti-White Racism [ 29 March 2021 ]
First Netflix said it is developing kids programming around racial justice. Now the people behind Sesame Street are following suit, with race-based content aimed at children of all ages, including infants.Sesame Workshop, the studio behind Sesame Street, has released a new set of instructional resources for children and their parents titled “ABC’s of Racial Literacy,” which the company said represents part of its commitment to “racial justice.”
“ABC’s of Racial Literacy” provides activities for kids as well as tutorials for parents to teach children as young as infants about the dangers of racism.
Sesame Workshop announced the program Tuesday, saying that the company has always stood for “diversity, inclusion, equity, and kindness.”
“The work to dismantle racism begins by helping children understand what racism is, and how it hurts people,” Sesame Workshop said in an Instagram post. The program provides resources that are “designed to help families celebrate their own unique identities and answer children’s sometimes-tough questions about race and racism.”
The Tablet, a magazine run by Jews tells us in Fifty Years Of Sesame Street that it is the kids’ show, with its many Jewish connections. One "sometimes-tough question" about Racism is why it is all right for the Jews running Israel; why mass murder, rape et cetera are not condemned. The article is not going to answer that. NB The [ real ] Tablet is a Catholic magazine. The name was copied by Jews, giving us their Tablet.
A Report Shakes Britain’s Race Lobby [ 13 April 2021 ]
The Report That Shook Britain’s Race Lobby A government commission finds the U.K. is no longer ‘deliberately rigged’ against minorities. Cue the outrage and racial attacks on its chairman, Tony Sewell..................In July the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson responded by impaneling the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities. “We decided to step away from the heat and all that vitriol,” says its chairman, Tony Sewell, “and just take a cold look at the data on racism.” In doing so, “we examined ideas that weren’t to be questioned,” namely “the race industry’s articles of faith.” In its March 31 report, the commission concluded that while Britain isn’t yet “a post-racial society,” neither is it any longer a place where “the system” is “deliberately rigged against ethnic minorities.”
As a result, Mr. Sewell, who is black—only one of the 10 other commissioners is white—has come under blistering attack. It ranges from the achingly predictable (a profusion of “Uncle Tom” accusations on Twitter ) to the grotesque. A Cambridge professor of postcolonial studies likened Mr. Sewell to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. A Labour member of Parliament suggested that he belonged in the Ku Klux Klan. Add in put-downs like “house Negro,” “token” and “race traitor,” and you have a picture of the liberal rage ignited by the commission’s refusal to endorse the belief that Britain is irremediably racist.
Mr. Sewell, 62, runs a charity that coaches black schoolchildren in science and math. “It’s a STEM pipeline program,” he says via Zoom from the study of his house in London. “It starts when they’re young and takes them up to university, using summer schools.” Thousands of black 'kids have been given a college opportunity they “didn’t have in the ''first place.” Yet he’s called an “Uncle Tom.”
He characterizes the abuse as “a sort of antiracism that borders on 'racism.” He also detects some desperation, “not only in black lobby groups 'but on the white left”: “they’re frightened of the report.” Since few 'ordinary citizens will read its 258 pages, its opponents have busied 'themselves spreading “distortions” in a bid to capture public opinion. He 'singles out the leftist Guardian newspaper, which published a sweeping 'condemnation by David Olusoga, a historian of slavery, who scorns the report 'as “poisonously patronising” and “historically illiterate.”
Born in London’s Brixton district, where his Jamaican parents settled 'after immigrating in 1957, Mr. Sewell says the country was harsh and racist, '“harder than anything they had ever experienced.” He felt the sting of 'racism in his youth. But Britain has “come a very long way in the last 50 'years.”........
The report also questions the value of some cherished racial shibboleths: Do repeated assertions that the “dominant feature” of British society is institutional racism and white privilege “achieve anything beyond alienating the decent centre ground”? If every problem in society is attributed to racism, Mr. Sewell asks, “how can Britain ever be a country at peace with itself?”...........
Mr. Sewell says that you can’t understand ethnic differences in outcome—particularly in education and crime—without focusing on what he calls “family strain,” the effect of single-parent families. “This is the first time we’ve ever had a race report,” he says, “that looks at the family and links disparities to the family.” Race activists, he explains, “just take all questions about single-parent families off the table.”
The Wall Street Journal is right about Anti-White Racism, the destruction of Families, the consequent problems. and The Moynihan Report. It was subtitled The Negro Family: The Case for National Action. It was about the single parent family; another part of the Long March Through The Institutions being used to destroy Western Civilization.
UN Committee Alleges That UK Report Advances White Supremacy [ 20 April 2021 ]
Downing Street today accused the United Nations of 'misrepresenting' the findings of a landmark UK race report in an extraordinary bust up.An arm of the UN accused the Government's Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities (Cred) of trying to 'rationalise' and 'normalise' white supremacy in its 'reprehensible' report on race relations in Britain by 'repackaging racist tropes and stereotypes into fact'.
Five human rights experts working for the organisation claimed the controversial report presented by Cred on March 31 effectively whitewashed the history of slavery and colonialism, and 'further distorted and falsified historic facts'. The UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent condemned the report's assertion there was no institutional racism in the UK, and said the review led by educationalist Dr Tony Sewell 'may licence further racism, the promotion of negative racial stereotypes, and racial discrimination'.........
Its chairman Dr Sewell, who was born in Brixton to Jamaican parents of the Windrush generation and founded the Generating Genius charity, said the UK had progressed into a 'successful multi-ethnic and multicultural community' and was a 'beacon to the rest of Europe and the world'.
However, he was last week forced to insist that he was not denying the existence of racism in the country amid a fierce backlash from Left-wing activists and MPs including Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer.
Given the ugly reality that Her Majesty's Government eagerly imports Illegal Immigrants, as a matter of Public Policy if they are Third World parasites, you might wonder who is setting the agenda. The UN's "experts" are overpaid; lying is a survival issue for them. The Puppet Masters, that is Jews and Zionist crazies are setting the agenda.
Black Anti-White Racist Abuses Mexican Policeman [ 4 May 2021 ]
A black motorist who was pulled over in Southern California for using a cell phone while driving went on a racist tirade against a Hispanic sheriff's deputy, calling him a 'murderer' and telling him he'll 'always be a Mexican' and he'll 'never be white.'The body cam video of the April 23 incident in San Dimas surfaced on Monday. The clip was first obtained by Fox News.
‘Can you tell me why I’m being harassed today? Because I was going under the speed limit.’ ‘The speed limit is 40 and I was going 38, so why are you harassing me?’ the woman asks the sheriff’s deputy................
‘You can’t be on your cell phone while driving,’ the deputy tells the woman. The woman responds: ‘I was recording you because you scared me.’
Are Blacks all racist? Probably not but they are being used by the Puppet Masters, by Zionist crazies to hate White People, the ones who created America and Western Civilization. Of course the Antifa mob are just as bad or worse; they are white fools, rebels without a cause. NB The Mail is censoring readers' comments again.
Biden Administration Funds Anti-White Racism [ 28 May 2021 ]
Congress has allocated nearly $200 billion in Covid-19 relief funds for K-12 schools over the past year. While this money was intended to help re-open schools and mitigate learning loss, President Biden’s Department of Education is encouraging school districts to spend some of it for a different purpose: providing “free, antiracist therapy for White educators.”The American Rescue Plan (ARP) requires school districts to reserve 20 percent of funds for “evidence-based” interventions that “respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs”—a very sensible charge. But the devil is in the definition, and the administration’s guidance booklet for spending ARP funds suggests that students’ social and emotional needs include the disruption of “whiteness” and the propagation of Critical Race Theory (CRT) ideology. The “Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs” explains that “schools are microcosms of society,” and that therefore “intentional conversations related to race and social emotional learning . . . are the foundation for participating in a democracy and should be anchor tenets in building a school wide system of educational opportunity.”..........
Several of these recommendations are, of course, illegal under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Schools may not define a race as inherently oppressive or provide race-specific therapeutic services premised on race-specific mental illnesses. But the Biden Department of Education is proving that it cares less about safeguarding the spirit of the Civil Rights Act than about advancing the tenets of Critical Race Theory.
This is what we called Brainwashing when the Chinese were at it with American prisoners in Korea.
Ahmaud Arbery Nausea
A rather clear case of malicious prosecution.
Justin Trudeau Is A Malicious Anti-White Tyrant Abusing Emergency Powers [ 4 March 2022 ]
On Valentines’ Day 2022, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke of “consequences” for the unvaccinated. He described vaccine passports as a reward for Canadians who “did the right thing,” and said he had “little patience” and “no sympathy” for those who were “anti-vaxxers.”............Unvaccinated travelers were no longer allowed to board a plane or train. Unvaccinated workers in many job sectors were fired, and Tyranny. Trudeau didn't do it to various left wing thugs or other undesirables. He is inter alia an Anti-White Racist. NB the Mainstream Media have supported him & spread gross lies about truckers.
Durham Students Condemn Anti-White Indoctrination [ 2 May 2022 ]
Students at Durham University have been told to attend 'anti-racism training' after a row over journalist Rod Liddle.The training is aimed at 'ensuring a safer community for people of colour' [ not honest folk - Editor ]. But students have branded it 'anti-white indoctrination', 'divisive' and are refusing to attend as it clashes with exam revision.
It comes It comes after Liddle, the controversial Spectator journalist, was invited to give a talk at South College, sparking protests from students who claimed he was 'racist'.
An email sent on Tuesday to undergraduates at John Snow College said training would be run by Durham's People of Colour Association (DPOCA), a student body, and would be 'mandatory'. But after being contacted by the Daily Mail, the university said it was 'not a University or College initiative' and was 'at the discretion of individuals'.
How many students are condemning? Pass. How many are loud mouthed left wing parasites? We are not being told. Is this more than a storm in a tea cup? Recall that the wonderful people running Oxford captured the Archbishop of Canterbury and a brace of bishops in 1555. They were imprisoned, charged, tried, convicted, sentenced and burnt at the stake. The charge was heresy. See the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Oxford for more and better details. So ideas really do have consequences. These Quasi-Intellectual fools are dangerous. The Lunatic Fringe is being used by the Hard Left.
PS The Mail is censoring comments again but the readers are well on side.
White Policeman Kills Armed Black Criminal - Policeman Gets Aggravation [ 27 May 2022 ]
Chilling body camera footage reveals the moment a white Houston police officer fatally shot a black suspect after a April 27 car chase.The video, released by the Houston Police Department on Tuesday, shows Narcotics Officer Shane Privette getting out of his patrol car as his partner reports that the suspect, 29-year-old Jalen Randle, is running. Privette then yells at Randle to 'Let me see your hands,' but as he utters the last word in the command, a gunshot is heard and Randle immediately falls to the ground, dropping a bag and a sandal as he collapsed.
Privette reacted to the shooting instantaneously, saying: 'Oh s***,' as he runs over to examine Randle, who is by then lying face-down on the street. Another officer, identified by the Houston Police Department as Officer Mansker, then handcuffs Randle who appears unresponsive and limp on the ground............
A handgun was later found zipped inside of the bag Randle was carrying, however, it was not visible at the time Privette shot.
The black had three warrants outstanding when he made a run for it. So the pistol was illegal. Was the policeman too quick off the mark? Maybe.The Mail is like the rest of the Mainstream Media, using incidents of this sort to incite Black Hatred & White Guilt. The Long March Through The Institutions is gathering pace as we read this kind of Propaganda. 173 blacks have been murdered in Chicago this year but nobody cares about them because they were killed by other blacks. NB that was 173 out of the 224 total, i.e. 3 out of 4.
Michelle Malkin Says Anti-White Bullies Are Indoctrinating Children With Race Hatred [ 17 July 2022 ]
Michelle Malkin (HOST): Our focus today, critical race theory and the left's war on whites. Is there any clearer sign of how privileged a society is then the disproportionate amount of time that that society spends guilting citizens over how privileged they are?In America 2021, our children are being indoctrinated from kindergarten through college to hate the historic American nation, its founders, and the majority race in this country. They're being taught by anti-white, anti-American bullies that we are all just nothing more than the miserable sum of our politicized racial and ethnic identities. Instead of celebrating the privilege of American citizenship, minorities are steeped in grievance, victimhood, and contempt while woke white liberals are hurling themselves under the bus to prove their so-called virtue.
The Mainstream Media and Education Industry are enemy Propaganda machines taken over by the Puppet Masters.
The Wickedness of Whiteness [ 28 September 2022 ]
Leftist Minority Worshiper Preaches the Innate Evil of Whites
What’s the connection between cakes and leftism? Until last week, I would have found it impossible to give a good answer to that question. Then I picked up a new book by the British mathematician Ian Stewart (born 1945) and read the following:TL:DR = Too long : Don't read
That might seem a funny but trivial story. In fact, it’s more than that: it captures the way millions of adult leftists think about “social justice” and “equality.” In particular, it captures the way Blacks and other non-Whites think. Nothing Whites can do will ever be enough to satisfy their demands or appease their anti-White hatred, resentment and envy. Whites will always be racist and White nations will always be unjust to non-Whites. Here’s an example of that kind of thinking from the Guardian:
Amy Mae Baxter was still a publishing trainee in 2019 when she founded Bad Form, an online magazine for writers of colour. … This March was a “huge month” for Bad Form, thanks to a flurry of black-authored titles commissioned in response to the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests finally hitting the shelves. Her worry, however, is that they’re all now competing with each other, meaning some might not sell as well as they otherwise could have. (“The book that tore publishing apart: ‘Harm has been done, and now everyone’s afraid,’” The Guardian,, 18th June 2022)
How do you satisfy a leftist like Amy Mae Baxter? You can’t: the only solution is to get people like that out of your society. Even better is not to let them into your society at all. In other words, prevention is better than cure. The Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán believes in prevention, not cure, and refuses to open the borders of his White Christian nation to Blacks and Muslims. That’s why he is demonized by leftists around the world for his “racism” and “xenophobia”.................
The stench of White history
But there is no hint of any of that in the endless propaganda pumped out by the Left about White enslavement of Blacks (they ignore the Muslim enslavement of Blacks and much else). Kris Manjapra, a Black professor of history at Tufts University, has asked “When will Britain face up to its crimes against humanity?” in the Guardian................Instead, he uses rhetoric about the “stench of British historical amnesia and of institutionalised racism” to promote the second big lie of leftism, namely, the innate moral superiority of non-Whites over Whites. The implication of his rhetoric is that the innately evil Whites of Europe enslaved the innately virtuous Blacks of Africa. But he also says something very interesting at the beginning of his anti-White polemic:
On 3 August 1835, somewhere in the City of London, two of Europe’s most famous bankers came to an agreement with the chancellor of the exchequer. Two years earlier, the British government had passed the Slavery Abolition Act, which outlawed slavery in most parts of the empire. Now it was taking out one of the largest loans in history, to finance the slave compensation package required by the 1833 act. Nathan Mayer Rothschild and his brother-in-law Moses Montefiore agreed to loan the British government £15m, with the government adding an additional £5m later. The total sum represented 40% of the government’s yearly income in those days, equivalent to some £300bn today. (When will Britain face up to its crimes against humanity?, The Guardian, 29th March 2018)
Manjapra then complains that all of this huge loan, which wasn’t paid off by ordinary White tax-payers until 2015, was used to compensate the White beneficiaries of slavery rather than its Black victims. He leaves two very interesting historical questions hanging in the air. First, how were Rothschild and Montefiore, members of the tiny and oppressed Jewish minority, in possession of such a vast sum of money? Second, in what other ways were Jewish plutocrats using their wealth and influence over gentile politicians? Manjapra couldn’t explore those questions, of course, or he would have been denounced as an anti-Semite. But a lot of that vastly disproportionate Jewish wealth came from slavery, which Jews have practiced and been enriched by for many centuries. As Andrew Joyce has described at the Occidental Observer, Jewish slave-dealers worked in Europe from Roman times before turning to the profits to be made in Africa. Among much else, they “bought and sold Christian slaves and kidnapped and castrated Christian youths for the Muslim markets in Spain.”.
Tobias Langdon writes at length; he plays dirty by using the truth. Yes, Jews like the Rothschilds & the Montefiores made monstrous amounts running the Slave trade. But we get blamed by the Zionist crazies controlling the Mainstream Media. NB Amy Mae Baxter is a [ light ] black, a tool being used by God's Chosen People. NB Louis Farrakhan tells us about Jews running the slave industry. See his book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.
White Cannibal Murdered By Black Racist [ 10 November 2022 ]
When Ed Buck, a white, gay Democrat donor, was accused of “racism” in his relations with young black men (they kept dying of drug overdoses at his house), I wrote that the weird thing about Buck’s denial of racism is that he’s a racial fetishist, like Jeffrey Dahmer, a gay serial killer and cannibal, victimized mostly young men of color..............Of course, the point of Jeffrey Dahmer’s choice of victims was that he liked young men of color, and had a racial fetish for them, and if he hadn’t been a cannibalistic, necrophiliac killer, that would have been fine, because homosexuality, once considered perverse, is now an uncriticizable, sacred, protected category.
Who is accusing whom of what? It is all rather messy; agendas are very much in play. But as the Wikipedia does not quite say, Jeffrey Dahmer was a homosexual murderer but he wasn't going to get the chance to do it again; he was doing LWOP [ Life imprisonment without parole ]. His murderer can't be put in prison because he already is. Doubtless he will be in for LWOP too.A real Liberal attitude is shown by:-
A liberal New York studio audience cheered when they heard from SNL’s Norm MacDonald, below, that mass murderer Dahmer had himself been murdered in prison. (Wisconsin, where Dahmer killed 17 people, doesn’t have the death penalty.)
Hypocrisy? Believe it.
Four Out Of Ten Young People Frightened To Dispute Anti-White Propaganda [ 20 November 2022 ]
Nearly half of Britain’s young people are too frightened of being ostracised to challenge beliefs in ‘white privilege’, a poll shows.It reveals that 59 per cent of school leavers have been taught ‘Critical Race Theory’ – the premise by American academics that racism shapes Western life and white people enjoy advantages because of their colour.
But 40 per cent of the 18-20-year-olds taught about ‘white privilege’ and similar concepts said they were afraid of being outed for their beliefs if they disagreed. Some even said they worried about being expelled, according to research by the think tank the Policy Exchange.
Critics of the notion of ‘white privilege’ suggest it ignores the achievements of people from diverse backgrounds such as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who is Hindu and whose parents are of Indian descent............
It also revealed that 42 per cent of respondents aged 18 to 24 believe that schools should: ‘Teach students that Britain was founded on racism and remains structurally racist today’.
Last night Toby Young of the Free Speech Union said: ‘Schools should not be teaching these politically contentious theories as if they were indisputably true. ‘It leaves children feeling ashamed of their country and fearful that if they say something positive about Britain they will be accused of racism and targeted for cancellation.
‘We passed a law in 1996 making it illegal to politically indoctrinate children [ Education Act 1996 Section 406 ]. They can be taught about political issues, but only if they’re given a balanced presentation of opposing views. ‘Unfortunately, that law is more honoured in the breach than the observance.’
The Lunatic Fringe is running wild, helped by rogues in the Education Industry. See e.g. the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Oxford. A first class critique comes from Gilad Atzmon, an honest Jew; it is at Critical Race Theory
Trouble Making Anti-White Black Used By Mainstream Media [ 3 December 2022 ]
Ngozi Fulani’s history with the royal family began 25 years ago when she met the King, then Prince Charles, at an event for the Prince’s Trust.She was running the Emashi dance ensemble, an African arts and culture organisation in Hackney, east London.
Photos from the royal visit in December 1997 show Charles and Fulani laughing while playing bongo drums. “I remember it very clearly, it was such a lovely experience,” Fulani, 61, who is a widow and grandmother, told The Times. “He sat down next to me and asked me to show him some rhythms on the drum, which I did. I had my daughter with me, she was 18 months at the time. He was very courteous and it was a lovely experience.”
The next time that Fulani and the royals would be connected the circumstances would be much different.
When the Duchess of Sussex told Oprah Winfrey last year that a member of the royal household had commented on the potential colour of her son Archie’s skin before he was born, Fulani accused the royals of domestic violence against Meghan.
The Sistah Space mob is part of a growth industry, the Charity Industry; its sales were £14.7K in 2019 and £363.51K in 2021. This public relations attack will doubtless be good for the bottom line. Little Miss Fulani is a trouble maker determined to take offence where none was intended. Her real name is Marlene Headley. Now she is being used by the MSM to fill space in their product and to incite hatred contrary to the Public Order Act 1986, in particular Part III Racial Hatred, which deals Acts intended or likely to stir up racial hatred for example the Use of words or behaviour or display of written material or Publishing or distributing written material. Of course the Race Relations Racket is a weapon created by TPTB to use against us, the people of England and indeed Britain as they inflict Third World parasites on us. It is Genocide, a crime against International Law.
Black Racist Shot Neighbour After A Ball Rolled Over [ 26 April 2023 ]
A North Carolina man who was critically injured when a neighbor angry about a ball rolling into his yard allegedly opened fire said the suspect yelled “I don’t even like white people” during the shooting spree.Jamie White has been released from a hospital and recounted the harrowing incident, in which a bullet pierced his lung and liver as he desperately sought to protect his 6-year-old daughter, Kinsley, from the gunfire..............
The suspect, Robert Louis Singletary, 24, turned himself into authorities in Tampa, Florida, on Thursday after two days on the lam.
He allegedly fired at Kinsley and her parents, White and Ashley Hilderbrand, after he became enraged that some kids let their basketball roll onto his property.
Blacks were imported by Jews as cheap labour. They are anything but.
Anti-White Racist Media Hide Black Crimes But Abuse A White Man Who Killed A Black Thief [ 26 April 2023 ]
BLM's AMERICA: Tulsa Terror Rampage is Ignored by Fake News Media Because Perpetrator is Black and Victims are White Apr 21, 2023All across America, there has been widespread manufactured outrage over a shooting in Kansas City, Missouri last week where an elderly man shot a black teenager who was at his doorstep.
The story goes that the teenager was wrestling at the door knob of the elderly man’s home at the dead of night because of an honest mistake….an incredibly dubious rationale at best. But rationality is out the window in America under the occupation of diversity and multiculturalism................
Meanwhile, there was anti-white terror in the streets of Tulsa, Oklahoma earlier this week. But there has been nary a peep about it outside of local news reports because the perpetrator is black and the victims are white.
The black murdered two white people then fouled up a suicide attempt - stupid & vicious. The Mainstream Media are different - cunning and vicious.
Black Racist Murdered Two White Men In Atlanta - Mass Media Hide The Truth [ 29 April 2023 ]
News of a "mass shooting" in Atlanta no doubt stirred hopes in the minds of gun control advocates that it would be a nationally promotable story about a white male "racist". But there was no such luck—the shooter was a black female. But she was a racist.Police arrested Raïssa Kengne on Monday afternoon after she allegedly opened fire inside of her condominium building in Midtown Atlanta, and then walked to a nearby office building where she opened fire once more, killing two and injuring one. All of her victims were white men....
Kengne was arrested at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. An article from Fox 5 Atlanta states that the shooter mentioned to her cab driver that she was an immigrant from Cameroon.
Another black incited to hate by the media.
Black Racists Want Anti-White Racism Made Legal In California [ 13 May 2023 ]
The California Reparations Task Force has demanded the state legalize racial discrimination in favor of black people.Final recommendations from the panel, established by Gavin Newsom in 2020, were accepted last weekend and will be forwarded to the California Legislature before heading to the governor's desk to be signed into law.
Earlier this week, Newsom refused to back the committee's recommended $1.2 million to be given to those who meet the criteria. He said on Tuesday he felt there were better ways of addressing systemic inequality than cash handouts. The entire package would cost around $800 billion.
Buried deep in the committee's report are a series of quiet recommendations, including the proposed repeal of Proposition 209.
Prop 209 is a 1996 voter-approved law that banned 'preferential treatment' for minority groups applying to state colleges and government jobs, leaving the liberal state as one that did not recognize affirmative action.
Are these people serious? Do they even understand what $1.2 million means?
Black Mob Spontaneously Attack Localities And Girls In Italy [ 13 May 2023 ]
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – It is the first significant incident of the kind that critics of unrestricted and, above all, unconditional mass migration have feared for decades. On the southern shores of Lake Garda, around 1,500 North Africans formed a mob that undertook a violent “war campaign” through several localities.There were attacks, multiple cases of severe property damage, and numerous cases of sexual assault. The perpetrators waved African flags and shouted slogans of “reconquest.”.......
The call for the roundup is said to have been made on June 2 via Tiktok. The towns affected were Peschiera del Garda, Castelnuovo and Desenzano.
The African mob moved through the streets of the villages, destroying shop windows and attacking tourists and bystanders.
This is the payoff that malicious rogues wanted. It is all part of the Long March Through The Institutions initiated by Antonio Gramsci, the leader of the Italian communists.
Biden Is An Anti-White Racist [ 14 May 2023 ]
On Day 99, the Biden-Harris White House couldn’t stop saying the quiet part out loud.
White House Showcases Staff “Non-White”-Ness (Their Words).In observance of Biden’s first 100 days in office, the White House released a fact sheet on the ethnicity and sexuality of 1,500 agency appointees, billed as “new data about the historic number and diversity of presidential appointees hired by Day 100.” The document included a long paragraph about the skin color and [ some selected ] sexual proclivities of Cabinet secretaries.
As if the point of the exercise could possibly be made more explicit, the release finally said the quiet part out loud: We’ve been exemplary in hiring people who are not a certain skin color.
Yes, Biden is a thief, just like the rest of his family.
Gobby Black Racist Gets Away With Abusing White People [ 27 May 2023 ]
An outspoken junior doctor booted out of his union after claiming we live in a 'white supremacist patriarchy' has been quietly accepted back.Dr Kayode Oki [ probably Nigerian ] was suspended from the British Medical Association's ruling council last month, hours after sparking fury with a string of outrageous tweets — including one that said white women 'scare me'.
The self-professed 'troublemaker' also attacked members of his own profession for their 'willingness to prop up white supremacist rhetorics'.
The union, which has brought the NHS to a standstill with a series of strikes, removed Dr Oki from his position 'with immediate effect' and revealed he was under investigation following a complaint.
Officials did not confirm what prompted their decision, saying the details were confidential.
Doctors Can Damage Your Health or kill you, especially when they are Third World imports from e.g. Nigeria. See more and better details at Bad Medicine II: The Escalating Problem of Third World Doctors. Well over half of the wrong 'uns are alien imports. Of course the Mail is censoring comments because he is black.