Politics happen in Germany too. They can be exciting. Naughty little Adolf proved that. Before him there was Kaiser Bill who brought us travel, fun, challenges, death, the First World War, you name it. Now they have a different set of politicians whose basic qualification is spending their whole lives pretending to believe the Holocaust® Story. Helping Israeli beef up their nuclear forces proves they are mad, bad or fools being manipulated by the Puppet Masters, by Zionist crazies.
Stormfront Shows The Truth in Berlin
Israeli sub fleet chief- We can hit targets overseas [ 2 March 2006 ]
Nuclear subs with cruise missiles can hit more or less anything in Western Europe and all coastal regions of North America. Add in anywhere a few hundred miles inland in a country that annoys them and you are looking at a strategic weapon. Of course almost anywhere is vulnerable to the 40 foot container with a bomb and a long fuze. They can easily be pre-positioned and might well be in place NOW. It is a two way passage though.
PS They are not fool enough to have women onboard.
Israel Buys Two Dolphin Class Submarines [ 2 March 2006 ]
For $1.17 billion and putting the frighteners on. They were German Kriegsmarine surplus. They already had three boats.
Martin Van Creveld & Israel the mad dog [ 19 May 2006 ]
Let's hand it to Martin Van Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, for speaking the mind of nearly half of all Israelis. "The Palestinians should all be deported," declared Van Creveld in 2003. "The people who strive for this (the Israeli government) are waiting only for the right man and the right time. Two years ago, only 7 or 8 per cent of Israelis were of the opinion that this would be the best solution....... now, according to a Gallup poll, the figure is 44 percent."Such a "Final Solution" to the fact millions of Arabs live in Palestine-and have for centuries-would be a serious violation of the 1949 Geneva Conventions and 1977 Additional Protocols, not that Israel believes in humanitarian law when it comes to Arabs and Muslims.
Moreover, Van Creveld boasted "Israel had the capability of hitting most European capitals with nuclear weapons," a remark especially pertinent now, as the Israelis and Americans claim Iran will do likewise the moment it develops a nuke. "We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force." Iran has never made such a remark (or threat) and yet we are told the country is a threat to world peace. "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother," Van Creveld explained. "Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that this will happen before Israel goes under."..........
Our problem is Israel, not Iran. I fear Israel and its 46 percent of ethnic cleansing and Islam hating fanatics-who are essentially racists, no different than troglodytic members of the KKK or the millions of deluded Germans who believed the racial theories of the Nazi Alfred Rosenberg. I am more worried about our bought and sold Congress-almost all prostituted down to the man and woman-on the AIPAC food chain and the Neocon leash. I fear the rabid Van Creveld and his fellow citizens more than I fear Ahmadinejad and the Iranian mullahs. Rosenberg, at least, suffered the noose as a war criminal at Nuremberg.
Creveld reads like Adolf in his nastier moments. Will the main stream media tell you about him? No! Why not? Ask who owns them.
Jews Buying Nuclear Attack Submarines [ 22 April 2010 ]
New reports say Israel is planning to establish a deep-sea navy and is negotiating with Germany over the purchase warships and submarines. According to a report published by United Press International, Germany will supply Israel with three more Dolphin class attack submarines, several warships, and possibly two MEKO A-100 corvettes. The MEKO variant sought by the Tel Aviv regime costs an estimated $300 million. The warship, with a range of 4,635 miles, can carry one medium-size helicopter and 24 weapons systems — 16 ship-to-shore and eight anti-ship missile launchers adapted to US weapons as well as air-defence missiles and automatic cannon. Citing an unnamed Israeli source, the UPI report said that the Israeli navy would like even more Dolphins. “Our ideal number would be nine — enough to ensure we have the necessary assets at sea to cover all relevant threats and targets,” UPI quoted the source as saying.
What are the relevant targets? The Jews says not but take your pick of European capitals. Add in Washington. Just make sure you are some place else if there is a sudden exodus from your local synagogue.
Germany Sold Murder Machines To Jews With 80% Discount [ 25 July 2010 ]
Germany and Israel have failed to agree on a sale's deal of a German submarine to Israel, a Berlin source said on Friday........... The U.S. journal Defence News reported this week that Chancellor Angela Merkel's government had turned down Israel's request for a discount of up to one-third on the price of a $1.6 billion package including two other warships and torpedoes. Germany funded more than 80 percent of the cost of Israel's first three Dolphin submarines in the 1990s, and is currently accounting for a third of the cost of two more submarines being manufactured in Germany.The full cost of the diesel-powered Dolphin class submarine would be some $700 million. Others already in Israel's fleet were extensively underwritten by Germany, which is dedicated to Israel's security, founded in the aftermath of the Holocaust.
Jews want nuclear submarines so that they can attack anywhere in Europe - or America for that matter. They are vicious hooligans. German politicians are moral cowards who have allowed themselves to be intimidated by the Holocaust® story
Merkel Helps Israel Strengthen Their Nuclear Forces While Jews Whine About Iran's Non-Existent Bomb [ 23 March 2012 ]
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu thanked German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday for the agreement to provide Israel with an additional submarine.......... Defense Minister Ehud Barak said that "the sixth submarine multiplies the force and capability of the IDF and the [ criminal ] State of Israel in the face of the growing challenges. The agreement indicates our cooperation with Germany and the German government's obligation [ What obligation apart from that of servile fools? - Editor ] to the security of Israel.".......According to the deal struck between Israel and Germany, Germany will finance a third of the submarine's costs. Two of Israel's other Dolphins were paid for by Germany, while the third was half-funded by Israel. Two more are under construction.
It is not clear whether Merkel is a fool or a rogue. She could be both. She is robbing German taxpayers blind. These Dolphins have 25.5 inch tubes to fire their nuclear cruise missiles. These are variants of the Popeye standoff missile with a known range of 930 miles. These means they will able to hit any capital in Europe. That includes Berlin. They will also be able to do Washington. Netanyahu is laughing up his sleeve.
Germany Stops Harassing Old Nazi [ 1 August 2015 ]
German politicians pander to War Criminals like Netanyahu.Major War Criminal Defends Right To Live In Peace For Homosexual Jews [ 1 August 2015 ]
Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel set up Gaza Massacre, Gaza Massacre II & Gaza Massacre III but finds it convenient to pretend sympathy for homosexuals while old, alleged Nazis get harassed.
Germany Demands That England Takes Illegal Immigrants [ 24 August 2015 ]
Germany's interior minister said UK needed to honour its responsibilities
Brer Hun is right, as far he goes, which is not far enough. Her Majesty's Government's responsibilities are to its citizens; a responsibility it betrays time after time. Edmund Burke explained the Living Contract; our obligation to hand the country on to our children; to keep it in good heart. This does not mean letting it be overrun by Third World aliens on the make or tolerate the insolence of misbegotten foreigners like Merkel.
German Intelligence Agencies Say Third World Aliens Will Cause Ethnic Conflict And Public Revolution [ 29 October 2015 ]
A German newspaper reported on Sunday that Germany's intelligence and security agencies are concerned about migrants that are coming to Germany with radical Islamic and anti-Semitic views.The Welt am Sonntag had access to a document that was read by high-level officials in the agencies that said “We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples as well as a different societal and legal understanding.”
According to the newspaper, sources warned that “the integration of hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants Germany is no longer possible in light of the number and already existing parallel societies.” In Germany, the term "parallel societies" is often used to refer to Muslim communities that are insulated and do not interact much with mainstream society..........
A senior security official spoke to the Welt am Sonntag and said that “The high influx of people from all parts of the world will lead to instability in our land.” He continued by saying that, “We are producing extremists through immigration. Mainstream civil society is radicalizing because the majority don’t want migration and they are being forced by the political elite.” He ended by predicting that Germans “will turn away from the constitutional state.”
The exclusive information was received by the newspaper from the four major German security agencies: the Federal Intelligence Service [ BND ], the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution [ BfV ], the Federal Police, and the Federal Criminal Police Office [ BKA ].
The warnings from German officials and security agencies seem to be the first with regards to Arab anti-Semitism. Josef Schuster, the head of Germany’s Central Council of Jews, raised the issue in a meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel in October.
Speaking to Die Welt daily, he said that “among the people, who have sought refuge in Germany, many come from countries in which Israel is an enemy and are raised with this [ entirely reasonable ] hostility toward Israel.”
The German intelligence community is going public because the political elite, i.e. Merkel & her henchmen are Traitors causing the problem; they are doing more damage than Adolf Hitler But Americans know about the Right of the People to Alter or to Abolish Bad Government aka the Right of Revolution. Germans need to learn or die as victims of Genocide. Notice that Jews are whining about their problems but saying nothing about how they made themselves hated.
PS You could read about this in The Camp Of The Saints by Jean Raspail, a rather sound sort of chap about Third World immigrants flooding civilization; it was written way back in 1973. Now it is actually happening. Rather like the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; it tells the truth or something very like it. The objectors are the same sort of rogue too.
Third World Savages Ignore German Law Judges have been ordered to let Illegal Immigrants break the law; the order is ultra vires but that doesn't worry Merkel. She is a criminal in her own right. Now "hundreds" of child brides are victims of forced marriage, just the way it would have been in various ghastly Hellholes. One corrupt politician will change the law to accommodate Third World crime. He is a Treasonous rogue.
How Merkel Won The 2017 German Election [ 26 September 2017 ]
Germany is a two party state with coalition of the two big parties, so people have a choice vote for Christian Democrat/Christian Social Union or vice versa; CD/CDU or CDU/CD. Tweedledum or Tweedledee. It is rather like the USSR. People voted for Stalin, the only name of the paper. In Germany it is Merkel or the other one. They would have gotten 100% but for the new party, the Alternative for Germany [ AfD ]. Decent people are supposed to vote for Merkel and mass Third World parasites or the other and ditto. The AfD is opposed to population replacement, to Ethnic Fouling, which leads inexorably to Genocide, an international crime. See the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide on the point. The results are at German Federal Election, 2017.
Burkas? We prefer bikinis.
PS Mark Steyn explains it all so much better than me and he shows what a third rate lot the Main Stream Media are.
German Politicians Do Not Agree To Inflict Third World Parasites On Their Own Countrymen [ 21 November 2017 ]
Exploratory talks to form Germany’s next coalition government collapsed shortly before midnight on Sunday when the pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP) walked out of marathon negotiations.
“The four discussion partners have no common vision for modernisation of the country or common basis of trust,” the FDP leader, Christian Lindner, announced after the four parties involved missed several self-prescribed deadlines to resolve differences on migration and energy policy. “It is better not to govern than to govern badly.”.................
A repeat of the grand coalition between the two largest parties would also see the [ allegedly ] far-right Alternative for Germany, the third largest party in the Bundestag, become the official opposition...............
Migration emerged as a contentious political issue in Germany following the refugee crisis, when 1.2 million migrants entered the country in 2015-16. The backlash against Merkel’s decision to keep open Germany’s borders has resulted in a [ allegedly ] far-right party entering the German parliament for the first time in more than 50 years.
The Guardian wants Western Civilization overrun by Third World parasites because it is run by Marxists, champagne socialists who want cheap servants. They do not admit that they want wages driven down to screw the honest Working Man but is where their approach leads.
Germans Attack Nonwhite Invaders after “Refugees” Carry out yet another Murder
Thousands of police have been deployed in the streets of the east German city of Chemnitz after huge crowds of angry Germans gathered to protest against—and attack—nonwhite invaders pretending to be refugees after yet another murder by Syrians and Iraqis in the city.According to a statement issued by the police in Saxony, the crowds gathered after “there were several calls in social media to be in the inner city area” following the attack on the whites by the nonwhite gang.
The police statement said that people started gathering in the city center at 3 pm, and within an hour and half, the crowd had swelled by another “estimated 800 people” who gathered “in the area of the Karl Marx Monument.”..........
“The group of people did not respond to calls by the police and showed no willingness to cooperate. The persons ran over the Bridge Street and into the Theater Street. From there, they moved into the city center.”
The participants shouted slogans such as “We are the people” and “This is our city.”
By 5 pm, the crowd had become a riot: nonwhites fled for their lives as young Germans attacked them in open view, and police who tried to intervene also came under attack. Some of these incidents were captured and shared on social media:
So Germans don't like vicious Third World savages. Germans act while Merkel imports thousands more with Malice Aforethought. The Left Wing media have not censored the truth but they did feed in their bias, their corruption, their Resentment. See Merkel condemns xenophobic riots after killing of German man. See the next one.
German Government Wants More Unskilled Third World Third Rate Immigrants [ 20 December 2018 ]
It helps Capitalist Swine drive wages down for the working man as well as causing Ethnic Fouling and thence Genocide. This will be Merkel's last fling, her last chance to help destroy Germany. She is doing more damage than naughty little Adolf.
Drunken Afghan Infiltrator Drags German Girl Under A Bus [ 24 January 2019 ]
Another Rape attempt failed. Merkel imported a million like him because she is a Traitor. The Mail is censoring comments. It is nervous about the truth.
Four Illegal Immigrants Get Off Lightly After Rape And GBH In Germany [ 17 March 2021 ]
Four asylum seekers have been jailed in Germany for sexually assaulting a schoolgirl.All four defendants were found guilty of rape for the attack on the 14-year-old, which took place on Halloween in 2019. One defendant was also found guilty of grievous bodily harm. The Ulm Regional Court sentenced the two men and two boys on Monday for raping the 14-year-old girl after plying her with alcohol and persuading her to return with them to their shelter.
A 28-year-old was given two years and three months in prison without parole for rape, while a 26-year-old received the same sentence for aiding and abetting rape, grievous bodily harm and giving illicit drugs to a minor.
Two 17-year-old received youth sentences of two years and three months each, also without parole. One was found guilty of rape and grievous bodily harm and the other was found guilty of three counts of rape.
Merkel imports Illegal Immigrants as a matter of Public Policy. Then she pays them to stay, to have fun. Germans vote for the woman. Adolf was so much nicer than her.
PS The Mail is censoring comments because it hates the truth.
German Government Wants To Import More Third World Savages From Afghanistan [ 30 August 2021 ]
BERLIN, Aug 23 (Reuters) - Germany is looking into ways to evacuate people from Afghanistan beyond the window of opportunity to fly them out of Kabul airport, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Monday."As long as the situation on the ground allows, we want to keep the air bridges active and evacuate people from Kabul airport," the spokesman told a regular government news conference in Berlin.
"However, we are already thinking beyond this period and are already trying to find solutions for the time after(wards)," he said, adding that Germany was talking with the Taliban about enabling as many people as possible to leave Afghanistan.
Merkel is mad, bad and dangerous to know.
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Updated on 21/09/2021 20:20