Netanyahu is the current [ February 2010 ] prime minister of Israel. One reason is that he stayed out of prison; he beat the fraud raps with the help of the new attorney general, Yehuda Weinstein. Quid pro quo? The Wiki is not giving us the dirt. NB the Wiki has an agenda. See Benjamin Netanyahu ex Wiki or #Netanyahu Corruption Charges Dropped on the point.
War Criminal Of The Year 2023 Is Benjamin Netanyahu
He's known, famous, wanted, just like Adolf HitlerNetanyahu - The Ultimate Evil
What do you call a murderous Jew with 400 nukes? Sir! That is how he gets away with it. He got away with it back in 1997. The police wanted him sorted. The attorney general of the day had other ideas - see Netanyahu avoids prosecution -- 21 April 1997. Netanyahu concurs - see The prosecution will close the case against Netanyahu, Netanyahu Poised for Comeback Despite Possibility of Prosecution, and Israel Won't Charge Netanyahu With Corruption.
Netanyahu Is A Dual US-Israel Citizen
He used four different names in America. He is still a dual citizen, contrary to Israeli law. Big on privatizing without honest bidding. Was CIA or FBI.
Fed Up With Netanyahu
Merkel says Netanyahu lies non-stop. Obama says Netanyahu lies non-stop. Even the Jew, Sarkozy says that Netanyahu lies non-stop it which makes it pretty much unanimous.
Netanyahu In The Frame For Bribery circa 1999
CBS News Correspondent Jesse Schulman Explains What Happens When A Handyman Bills A Former Prime Minister For $100,000 (CBS) Frenzied supporters shouting "Bibi! Bibi!" crowd around and stab the air with V-for victory signs as Benjamin Netanyahu climbs into his car. Netanyahu, glistening with sweat, wearing his trademark wolfish grin, combatively assures his fans of victory.
No, don't hit the "refresh" button on your browser, this is not an outdated page somehow come back to haunt you.
Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is back in Israel's headlines - and under police investigation on suspicion of bribery.
The latest allegations of scandal in high places came to light in the best tradition of investigative reporting - or in the worst tradition of Israeli muckraking, depending on your point of view. Yediot Aharanot, Israel's biggest-selling daily paper, published details of the newest scandal to surround the former prime minister, who was trounced in his re-election bid in May by Ehud Barak.What started this scandal rolling was a bill for almost $100,000 submitted to the prime minister's office by a Jerusalem handyman named Avner Amedi. The bill was for miscellaneous services rendered while Netanyahu was in office, from floor polishing and furniture moving to clearing out a garden shed at the home of Netanyahu's mother.
What set off alarm bells was that this bill was for work Netanyahu had apparently ordered but not paid for over a period of at least three years and perhaps as much as six. By the contractor's undisputed account, he was at the Netanyahu's residence some 200 times.
It's a little odd by any standard to work so much over such a long time and not get paid. All the more so in this case, since Avner Amedi is a small-time operator whose wife runs a West Jerusalem flower shop, not a three-piece-suited construction mogul who can afford to drop $100,000 worth of work as a "contribution."
In Israel, like in the U.S., it's against the law for public officials to receive gifts. Gifts, large or small, can easily be construed as bribes. Even innocent-looking gifts can hide a trade in favors. (This journalist once tried to thank a high-ranking Israeli civil servant for a small personal favor by sending him a bottle of champagne. The civil servant wouldn't even let the deliveryman in the door, insisting politely but firmly the bottle be returned immediately to the store.)...........
Instead, the talk around bars, cafes and water coolers is a re-hash of stories about his wife's famously bad temper, and his own habits of minor-league nest-feathering. Israeli restaurateurs of this reporter's acquaintance claim Netanyahu was legendary in his day for showing up at restaurants, wining and dining with his friends, ending the meal with a big cigar, and when the bill came, just waving his hand saying "It'll be taken care of," and leaving.
Without the protection of high office, it will be interesting to see whether this time it's the bill that gets "taken care of" or Netanyahu himself.
Abuse of power is a habit. He seems to have gotten away with this one. See also Police findings could lead to Netanyahu indictment
Police Move To Charge Netanyahu [ 28 March, 2000 ]
Police move to charge Netanyahu
Israeli police have recommended that criminal charges should be brought against the former prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara. If Israel's attorney-general accepts the recommendation, Mr. Netanyahu could be charged with accepting a bribe, fraud and breach of trust by a public servant. His wife could face charges that include theft.The eight-month police investigation focused on suspicions that Mr. Netanyahu and his wife kept official gifts that should have been handed over to the state after he left office, in July. The gifts reportedly included candlesticks, silverware, candelabra, carpets, pictures, scarves and a gold letter opener that was a gift from US Vice President Al Gore. They are also accused of charging the government for services of a contractor who did private work for them.
The contractor, Avner Amedi, turned state's witness and gave investigators details of nine years of service to Mr. Netanyahu. In a statement, police said Mr. Amedi had not billed the former prime minister for services worth $50,000, accepting instead a promise "that Netanyahu, in his official capacity, would ensure he received proper compensation".
Several other senior Israeli politicians are currently under investigation or involved in scandals.
Prime Minister Ehud Barak: police are currently probing his campaign financing. They say Mr. Barak's party, One Israel, circumvented the spending limits to election donations in his successful campaign against Mr. Netanyahu.
President Ezer Weizman: is under investigation for accepting large sums of money from a French businessman in the 80's
Transport Minister Yitzhak Mordechai: suspected of sexually harassing a female staff in his office
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef - the spiritual head of the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party: under investigation on suspicion of incitement to violence against a political adversary.
Corruption in Israel is deep seated, very sincere, very political.
Netanyahu Corruption Charges Dropped [ 27 September 2000 ]
Israel's attorney general on Wednesday rejected a police recommendation to try former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges, clearing the way for the popular hard-liner to challenge Prime Minister Ehud Barak.
In a 22-page statement distributed to news organizations, Elyakim Rubinstein cited "difficulties with the evidence" that made a conviction of Netanyahu and his wife Sara unlikely. Police suspected the couple of conspiring with a government contractor in a kickback scheme, illegally keeping gifts, and obstructing justice.
"I have decided to close the file against Mr. Netanyahu concerning the suspicions attributed to him because of evidence insufficient for a criminal trial," Rubinstein said............
Rubinstein's report hardly lets Netanyahu off the hook. He said the Netanyahus' relationship with a contractor who allegedly carried out more than $100,000 worth of services for them for free was improper.
©2000 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed © 2000 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Bent then, bent now.
Israel's New Attorney General Kept Politicians Out Of Prison [ 7 February 2010 ]
Justice Minister Ya'akov Ne'eman yesterday announced his recommendation that the cabinet appoint Yehuda Weinstein [ Yehuda Weinstein ] as the next attorney general. Weinstein, 65, is a prominent and well-regarded defence attorney specializing in white-collar crimes, who has represented some very well-known public officials and businesspeople............ In a statement yesterday, Neeman's bureau said Weinstein was "the best candidate for the post at this time, when there is a real need to strengthen the [ What? ] Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman will be the first and most significant case Weinstein will be dealing with if he is confirmed as attorney general. Lieberman is suspected of having received millions of dollars in bribes from businessmen, among them Martin Schlaff and Michael Chernoy, allegedly to promote their business dealings in Israel.
His clients include Dan Cohen, a former judge [ $2.8 million and over a million euros in bribes ], Netanyahu, current Prime Minister [ Netanyahu expense fraud ], Olmert, the previous prime minister [ fraud, still on trial in 2011 ], Weinrot, an attorney [ bribery charges pending ], Eitan Rube, director of the Tax Authority [ bribery ], Deripaska [ murder, wholesale bribery ] He will deal with Lieberman, racist thug and Foreign Minister [ thieving ]. You might get the impression from this that all Jews are bent or, perhaps that some/most/an overwhelming majority/all Jews in big business and politics are rogues without conscience.
PS Weinstein's clients do not include the president of Israel currently on trial for multiple rape.
PPS The Wikipedia gives clients as inter alia Ezer Weizman, Aryeh Deri, Ehud Olmert, Benjamin Netanyahu, Yossi Beilin, Avigdor Ben-Gal and others
Israeli Prime Ministers Were Even Bigger Liars Than The Current Thug [ 16 November 2011 ]
Netanyahu is less of a liar than past Israeli PMs
Merkel, Sarkozy and Obama, do not believe Netanyahu, but it seems that they and their governments are pissed off at him because he's not as good a liar as his predecessors in the Prime Minister's Office.
Does Benjamin Netanyahu lie more than other politicians? That, at least, is the impression one gets from various reports in the press.....The mouth speaks peace while the hand drives the bulldozer [ the one that murdered Rachel Corrie ] - the essence of Israeli policy. Yitzhak Rabin may have had a few slips of the tongue that gave hope to those of us who recoil from yoking God and real estate together. But it was during Rabin's second term that the bypass roads to the settlements were built, making Psagot and the Etzion Bloc part of Jerusalem. It was during his watch that Hebron was punished with a ruinous curfew because a Jew massacred Palestinian worshippers..........
Mrs. Hass [ the German word for hate ] is a Jew, not the daughter of an English Christian gentleman or even educated at Roedean. Perhaps she was feeling annoyed by the evil of Israel when she wrote this one. But she is right about them, the Apartheid, the torture at Khiam Prison, the rapes carried out by the president among others. It goes on.
Zionist Crazy Reverses Truth In Order To Start World War III [ 12 March 2012 ]
The guarantee of world war 3 was accomplished today by President Barack Obama courtesy of terrible advice by Henry Kissinger and others......... Today America put Israel on a war footing not just against her Muslim neighbors but also war planning for a nuclear attack against America, China and Russia should a last resort of the Samson option [ i.e. destroy Europe and America - Editor ] ever need to be implemented by Israel's military.....................Israel is the only country in the middle east with the capability to do that [ With the Nukes as well as the chemical and biological weapons - Editor ]. She would not survive of course but Israel has the nuclear capacity to destroy at least a third of world before her own destruction............
Today President Obama has guaranteed world war 3 as an absolute future. Do not misunderstand, I'm not speaking about possibilities here but as an absolute surety. World war 3 will occur in the very near future if America actually demands this policy.
Netanyahu is not just a paranoid thug with his finger hovering over the nuclear trigger. He is an habitual liar. At all events:-
Obama says he is a liar
Sarkozy says he is a liar &
Merkel says he is a liar.
Perhaps there are Jews in Israel who are fool enough to believe him but not that many. 56% of them think Olmert is the worst. He is currently on trial for thieving. Only 38% think Netanyahu is bent.
Netanyahu Is Not Fit To Lead Israel Says Security Boss - [ 29 April 2012 ]
Netanyahu’s Warmongering Spells High Noon For The Israel Lobby [ 14 September 2012 ]
It's high noon for the Israel Lobby at last. The American establishment is balking at the idea of war with Iran, and calling out the neoconservatives for pushing it; and Netanyahu's tantrum is allowing liberal American Jews to declare [ claim/allege/pretend ] they're not on his side. There seems a likelihood that the "special relationship" with our closest ally will at last be politicized, or at least that war with Iran will come up in the presidential debates-- and Romney forced to say he doesn't want it either, because Americans don't want it.Joe Klein's intervention on NBC this morning, saying he'd never seen an ally try to drag us into war (below), is big. He was surely emboldened by the daring Times lead front page piece saying that Netanyahu is injecting himself into the US election in an effort to foment a US war with Iran while he has the most leverage over Obama.
But Obama has defied Netanyahu, and he has support from Joe Klein and David Remnick. Obama is making a bet that American Jews don't want a war with Iran (a very safe bet indeed) and that he won't hurt his campaign war chest by failing to do the Israel Lobby's bidding. I believe we will at last see a breakup of the monolith, with the Likud and anti-Likud voices in the US establishment battling it out openly-- Adelson's Republicans versus Soros's Democrats..... like to be alienated from Uncle Sam. Shamir fell after he took on Bush in '91. The lobby surely overreached with the Iran war push. As it overreached with the devouring of the West Bank.
Does this fight portend a US domestic battle over ethnocracy versus democracy in the one state of Israel and Palestine? Yes. And American establishment condemnations of apartheid.
This important article comes from Philip Weiss, a Jew but one of the better sort. He knows of what he writes; the paranoid thug running Israel who is trying to start World War III
Former Israeli intelligence chief Netanyahu and Barak dangerously stoking flames of war - Cleansing In Jerusalem Is An American Value Alleges Israeli Prime Minister [7 October 2014 ]
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed a recent White House rebuke of Israeli construction in East Jerusalem, saying in comments broadcast on Sunday that the criticism [ of his Ethnic Cleansing ] goes “against American values.”
Netanyahu is a liar, a blatant liar, a non-stop liar but, to be fair a cunning liar. He is also a mass murderer who set up Gaza Massacre III. Jews want Ethnic Cleansing in Jerusalem. Netanyahu is giving it to them. They really want Genocide. He is working on that one.
PS Read what Netanyahu's victims have to say at
Israeli Prime Minister May Be Charged With War Crimes [10 January 2015 ]
The International Criminal Court was set up to deal with War Crimes. Its customers have a lot in common. They are not just vicious criminals, not just blatantly guilty; they all come from little countries with little influence. That is why Netanyahu will never be charged, let alone convicted, sentenced or hanged. The whole process is far too political for that. At worst Netanyahu will use the American veto to Pervert The Course Of Justice. Netanyahu is not the only vicious mass murder walking free with government protection. Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron & Obama are just some of the obvious examples.
Netanyahu And The Truth - Two Opposites [ 27 October 2015 ]
Experienced journalists know that the most useful question to ask yourself when confronted with an implausible story is not: “Is this bastard lying to me?” It is: “WHY is this bastard lying to me?” So why did Netanyahu say that? In particular, why now?
Gwynne Dyer explains all. NB Jews don't like him because he tells the truth.
Fed Up With Netanyahu -
It's Unanimous!
Fed Up With Netanyahu
"YOU CAN lie to all of the people some of the time, and to some of the people all of the time, but you cannot lie to all of the people all of the time."
This slightly altered quotation from Abraham Lincoln has yet to be absorbed by Binyamin Netanyahu. He thinks it doesn't apply to him. Actually, that is the core of his entire political career.
This week, he was given a very instructive lesson. After being treated to dozens of cordial encounters between Netanyahu and Nicholas Sarkozy, Israeli TV viewers got a glimpse of reality. It came in the form of an exchange of views between the presidents of the US and of France.
Sarkozy: "I cannot stand him (Netanyahu). He is a liar!"
Obama: "YOU are fed up with him? I have to deal with him every day!"
That came after it was leaked that Angela Merkel, the German prime minister, told her cabinet that "every word that leaves Netanyahu's mouth is a lie."
Which makes it more or less unanimous.
* * *
BEFORE PROCEEDING, I must say something about the media angle of this affair.
The dialogue was broadcast live to a group of senior French media people, because somebody forgot to turn the microphone off. A piece of luck of the kind that journalists dream about.
Yet not one of the journalists in the hall published a word about it. They kept it to themselves and only told it to their colleagues, who told it to their friends, one of whom told it to a blogger, who published it.
Why? Because the senior journalists who were present are friends and confidants of the people in power. That's how they get their scoops. The price is suppressing any news that might hurt or embarrass their sponsors. This means in practice that they become lackeys of the people in power - betraying their elementary democratic duty as servants of the public.
I know this from experience. As an editor of a news magazine, I saw it as my duty (and pleasure) to break these conspiracies of silence. Actually, many of our best scoops were given to us by colleagues from other publications who could not use them themselves for the same reason.
Luckily, with the internet now everywhere, it has become almost impossible to suppress news. Blessed be the online Gods.
* * *
A few weeks after Yitzhak Rabin was elected Prime Minister (for the second time) in 1992, I met Yasser Arafat in Tunis.
He was, of course, curious about the personality of the newly elected Israeli leader. Knowing that I was meeting him from time to time, he asked what I thought of him.
"He is an honest man," I replied, and then added: "as much as a politician can be."
Arafat burst out laughing, and so did everybody in the room, including Mahmoud Abbas and Yasser Abed Rabbo.
Ever since Sir Henry Wotton said, some four centuries ago, that "an ambassador is an honest man sent to lie abroad for the good of his country," it is generally assumed that diplomats and politicians may be lying, and not only abroad. Some do so only when necessary, some do it often, some, like Netanyahu, do it as a rule.
In spite of the general assumption of mendacity, it is not good for a leader to be branded as a habitual liar. When leaders meet personally, in private and face to face, they are supposed to tell each other the truth, even if not necessarily the whole truth. Some personal trust is of great advantage. If a leader loses it, he loses a precious asset.
Winston Churchill said of one of his predecessors, Stanley Baldwin, that (quoting from memory) "the Right Honourable Gentleman sometimes stumbles upon the truth, but he always hurries on as if nothing has happened." One of our ministers said about Ariel Sharon that he sometimes tells the truth by mistake. People asked how you could tell when Richard Nixon was lying: "Easy: his lips are moving".
Rabin was basically an honest man. He hated lying and avoided it as much as he could. Basically he remained a military man and never became a real politician.
* * *
LAST WEDNESDAY was the 16th anniversary of his assassination, according to the Hebrew calendar.
The event was marked in Israeli schools by speeches and special lessons. What these citizens of tomorrow learned was that it is very bad to murder a prime minister. And that, more or less, was that.
Not a word about why he was killed. Certainly nothing about the community the assassin belonged to, or what campaign of hatred and incitement led to the murder.
The Ministry of Education is now firmly in the hands of a Likud minister, and one of the most extreme. But the trend is not confined to the education system.
In Israel it is practically impossible to obtain a picture of Rabin shaking the hand of Arafat. Rabin and King Hussein? As many post cards as you might wish. But Rabin's peace with Jordan was an unimportant matter, like the US peace with Canada. The Oslo agreement, however, was a historic watershed.
Only people branded as "extreme leftists" - one of the worst insults these days - dare to raise the obvious questions about the assassination: Who? Why?
There is tacit agreement that the only person responsible was the actual assassin: Yigal Amir, the son of Yemenite Jews, a former settler and a student of a religious university.
Would he have acted without the blessing of one or more rabbis? Most certainly not.
Amir was led to do what he did by months of intense incitement. An unprecedented campaign of hatred dominated the public sphere. Posters showed Rabin in the uniform of an SS officer. Religious groups publicly condemned him to death in medieval ceremonies. Demonstrators in front of his private home shouted: "With blood and fire / we shall remove Rabin!"
In the most (in)famous demonstration, in the centre of Jerusalem, a coffin marked "Rabin" was paraded around, while Netanyahu looked on from a balcony, in the company of other rightist leaders.
And most tellingly: not a single important right-wing or religious voice was raised against this murderous campaign.
By general tacit agreement, nothing of all this was mentioned this week. Why? Because it would not be nice. It would "split the nation". Honourable citizens do not do this kind of thing.
Rabin himself cannot be acquitted of all blame. After the incredibly courageous act of recognizing the PLO (and thereby the Palestinian people) and shaking hands with Arafat, he did not rush forward to create an irreversible historic fact of peace, but hesitated, dithered, held back and allowed the forces of war and racism to regroup and counter-attack.
When the Kiryat Arba settler Baruch Goldstein carried out his massacre in the "Cave of Machpela", Rabin had a golden opportunity to clear out the nest of fascist settlers in Hebron. He shrank back from taking on the settlers. The settlers did not shrink back from killing him.
* * *
WHAT HAPPENED next? This week a very revealing document was leaked.
It appears that on the day of the assassination, Netanyahu spoke with the American ambassador (and Zionist Jew) Martin Indyk. Netanyahu, remembering his part in the incitement, was obviously in panic. He confided to the ambassador that if elections were to take place immediately, the entire Israeli right-wing would be wiped out.
But Shimon Peres, the new Prime Minister, did not call immediate elections, though several people (including myself) publicly urged him to do so. Netanyahu's assessment was quite correct - the country was outraged, the right-wing was generally blamed for the assassination, and if elections had taken place, the Right would have been marginalized for many many years. The entire history of Israel would have taken a different turn.
Why did Peres refuse to do so? Because he hated Rabin. He did not want to be elected as the "executor of Rabin's testament", but on his own merits. Unfortunately, the public did not have the same high opinion of these "merits".
During the next few months, Peres committed every conceivable (and inconceivable) mistake: he approved the killing of a major Hamas militant which led to a flood of deadly suicide bombings all over the country. He attacked Lebanon, which led to the Kafr Kana massacre, and had to withdraw ignominiously. And then he called premature elections after all. In his election campaign, Rabin was not even mentioned. Thus Peres managed to be (narrowly) defeated by Netanyahu.
I once wrote that Peres suffered his most grievous insult just a few minutes before the assassination. Amir was waiting at the foot of the stairs from the tribune, his pistol ready. Peres came down the steps, and the assassin let him pass, like a fisherman contemptuously throwing a small specimen back into the sea. He was waiting for Rabin.
The rest is history.
URI AVNERY is an Israeli writer and peace activist with Gush Shalom. He is a contributor to CounterPunch's book The Politics of Anti-Semitism.
In article <>, (Student) wrote:
>Weekend Edition November 11-13, 2011
>It's Unanimous!
>Fed Up With Netanyahu
My comment
Netanyahu is the poster boy for modern Zionism.
That is how low Zionism has stooped to the gutter
World Scripture
Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord.
1. Judaism and Christianity. Proverbs 12.22
Do not assert with your mouth what your heart denies.
2. Taoism. Tract of the Quiet Way
No man should talk one way with his lips and think another way in his heart.
3. Judaism. Talmud, Baba Metzia 49
Dishonesty in business or the uttering of lies causes inner sorrow.
4. Sikhism. Adi Granth, Maru Solahe, M.3, p. 1062
O you who believe, wherefore do you say what you do not?
Very hateful is it to God, that you say what you do not.
5. Islam. Qur'an 61.2-3The Jewish Week | Connecting the World to Jewish News ...
Sarkozy Calls Bibi 'Liar' ... German Chancellor Angela Merkel has gotten so exasperated with Netanyahu that she recently phoned to chew him ... - Sarkozy Calls Bibi 'Liar' - Proxy - Highlight
Column One: With friends like the... JPost - Opinion - ColumnistsWhy is he “a liar?” Why don’t they pour out their venom on Abbas ... said about Netanyahu in a conversation about German Chancellor Angela Merkel, or if Netanyahu ... - Proxy - Highlight
Merkel chides Netanyahu for failing to make 'a single step to ...A crisis erupted between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. ... Merkel is an outright liar By Dave 25 Feb 2011; 06:39AM print-edition/ news/ merkel-chides-netanyahu-for-failing-to-make-a-single-step-to-advance- peace-1.345539 - Proxy - Highlight
Haaretz Israeli News source - French President Sarkozy overheard telling President Obama that Prime Minister Netanyahu is 'a liar' when microphone"It's a good thing the microphones didn't catch what Merkel told Obama about Sarkozy," said one senior official, who refused to be named. "I don't believe a word he says," German Chancellor Angela Merkel reportedly said recently, in a closed conversation. print-edition/ news/ the-sarkozy-obama-exchange-reflects-the-world-s-growing-frustration-w ith-netanyahu-1.394448 - Proxy - Highlight
Sarkozy: “I cannot stand him (Netanyahu). He is a liar!”Angela Merkel: “Every word that leaves Netanyahu’s mouth is a ... Sarkozy: “I cannot stand him (Netanyahu). He is a liar!” Obama ... Sarkozy: “I cannot stand him (Netanyahu). He is a liar!” Obama - Proxy - Highlight
Sarkozy calls Netanyahu ‘liar’ in remarks to Obama - FT.comSarkozy calls Netanyahu ‘liar’ in remarks to Obama. By Geoff Dyer in Washington ... added: “Luckily, the mikes were not open when [German chancellor Angela] Merkel ... - Proxy - Highlight
Sarkozy: Netanyahu's Foot-dragging Is UnacceptableSTAUNCH SUPPORTER ANGELA MERKEL CONDEMNS ISRAEL'S POLICY. Amid the tension ... Peres has always been full of crap, a propagandist and bonafide liar for ... Last month Merkel accused Netanyahu of distorting the nature of a telephone;sid=2010/4/28/1075/95895 - Proxy - Highlight
Netanyahu is less of a liar than past Israeli PMs - Israel ...Netanyahu is less of a liar than past Israeli PMs Merkel, Sarkozy and Obama, do not ... gymnastics that give Netanyahu's coalition its stability. Angela Merkel ... - Proxy - Highlight
Turkish Prime Minister Compares Netanyahu With Charlie Hebdo Attackers [ 16 January 2015 ]
The Turk is being unfair to the Islamics. Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel is a murderous thug who has killed far more than them. See e.g. Gaza Massacre, Gaza Massacre II, Gaza Massacre III
Jews Murder Twelve In Syria As A Vote Buying Gimmick [ 21 January 2015 ]
An Israeli air strike in southern Syria on Sunday that killed 12 commanders from the Lebanese militia Hizballah and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard follows a long and ignoble tradition in Israeli politics.Prime ministers facing poor ratings have often been tempted to launch a major military offensive in the middle of an election campaign...... It is still unclear whether Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who presumably approved the operation, knew precisely what he was getting into in hitting the convoy of vehicles.....
Until now, Israel has struck against Iran from afar and through agents in operations it could deny. It efforts have concentrated on assassinations, mainly of nuclear scientists, and infecting computers with viruses – all part of efforts to stop Tehran developing its nuclear energy programme, which Israel claims will be quickly transformed into a military programme.
Netanyahu is a murderous psychopath. Albeit Blair has massacred more.
Israeli Prime Minister Charged With Mass Murder [ 7? January 2015 ]
Will Netanyahu end up at the Hague?The Palestinian application to the ICC has set in motion a series of events with potentially dramatic consequences for both Israel and the Palestinians
Al-Araby – 7 January 2015
At the weekend, Fatah posted an image on its Facebook page of Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu next to a hangman’s noose, alongside the words ‘coming soon’ and the scales-of-justice logo of the International Criminal Court in the Hague.
This is certainly how many Palestinians would like to view Netanyahu’s fate over the coming months.
Last week, Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, reluctantly signed on to the Rome Statute, paving the way for ICC membership, after he failed to win a vote at the UN Security Council on a resolution to end the occupation by 2017.
The loyalists of Abbas’ Fatah party are likely to be disappointed, however. There are many obstacles to be cleared before anyone in Israel, let alone the prime minister, reaches the dock in the Hague accused of war crimes.
The first test will be whether Abbas’ nerve holds. It will be 60 days before the application to join the ICC takes effect. In the meantime, Israel and the US – neither of which has ratified the Rome Statute – will exert as much pressure on him as possible to change course.
At Sunday’s cabinet meeting, Netanyahu announced that Israel would withhold the monthly tax revenues it collects on behalf of Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) and which it is obligated to pass on.
Given the PA’s precarious finances, that is a blow that will be quickly felt. Abbas dismissed the move, dressing up his diplomatic desperation as cavalier disregard. “Now there are sanctions – that’s fine. There’s an escalation – that’s fine … but we’re pushing forward,” he said.
Israel is threatening to pile on additional punishments this week. Or as a senior foreign ministry official put it: “Israel is about to switch from defense to attack mode.”
Included is a plan to recruit Israel’s powerful lobbies in Washington to ensure the enforcement of legislation requiring the US Congress to halt some $400 million in annual aid to the PA in the event that the Palestinians actually initiate any actions at the Hague to investigate Israelis for war crimes.
Implicating Abbas
Further, Israel is threatening to use its own undoubtedly formidable intelligence-gathering against Abbas and his PA officials, implicating them in war crimes too.
Israel could try to pursue Palestinian officials, including Abbas, through the US courts, which have in the past shown a willingness to back terror-related claims against Palestinians.
In September a New York jury found against the Jordan-based Arab Bank for channelling charitable money into the occupied territories to help poor families, agreeing that this had helped support “terror”.
At the weekly Israeli cabinet meeting, Netanyahu warned: “Those who need to answer before a criminal court are the heads of the Palestinian Authority, who have forged an alliance with the war criminals of Hamas.” One of his officials similarly noted that they had “quite a bit of ammunition” to use against Abbas.
An Israeli analyst, Barak Ravid, suggested that the goal might be to “create a balance of terror”, reviving the Cold War principle of mutually assured destruction: “Each side would bombard the other with complaints until they can no longer breathe.”
One course of action Netanyahu is reported to be loath to pursue on this occasion is a glut of settlement building. This was Israel’s response back in 2012 when the Palestinians won a vote at the UN upgrading their status.
But the diplomatic fall-out then is said to have taught Israel a lesson, and it will not specifically characterise settlement expansion as part of its retaliation.
Persuading the ICC
The next obstacle will be persuading the ICC to investigate Israel. So far the Palestinians have had little success with the ICC, but previous justifications from the court for inaction are no longer valid.
In early 2012, the ICC dropped an investigation into Palestinian claims of war crimes committed during Israel’s attack on Gaza in 2008-09 on the grounds that Palestine was not a recognised state. That changed with the Palestinians’ change of UN status later the same year.
And in November the ICC’s prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, halted an investigation into an Israeli commando operation against the Mavi Marmara aid ship in 2010 that killed nine humanitarian activists. The case had been made possible only because the ship was registered in Comoros, which had signed the Rome Statute.
Bensouda argued that the deaths of the activists were not of “sufficient gravity” to justify the ICC’s intervention.
But now – with a much wider range of examples to choose from as a member of the ICC, including the attack on Gaza last summer that left more than 500 children dead – the Palestinians should be able to find cases that better qualify.
Nevertheless, such investigations, if they take place, will be laborious and time-consuming, especially as Israel will be actively uncooperative, just as it has been in blocking access to Gaza for UN inquiries into war crimes.
In the meantime, the US will be certain to put pressure behind the scenes on the Hague court to reject cases brought by the Palestinians. It can be expected to threaten the finances of the ICC and arm-twist it in other ways, just as it did Security Council members last week to ensure that a Palestinian resolution to end the occupation failed to win the necessary majority.
The politicised nature of the ICC should not be under-estimated. Its cases so far have targeted only African leaders, and ones that are seen as enemies of the US and the west.
International law experts note that it will be extremely difficult for the ICC to press cases against the leaders of a state widely seen in the US and Europe as a western-style democracy.
That might, for example, encourage uncomfortable comparisons between Israel’s behaviour and that of the US and Britain in the Middle East. If Netanyahu or Tzipi Livni are to stand trial, why not Barack Obama or his predecessor, George W Bush? US leaders are just as culpable for their part in Washington’s extra-judicial executions by drones over Yemen and Pakistan or its rendition and torture programmes.
Immunity from prosecution
Nonetheless, Israel has good reason to be worried.
Whether or not cases are ultimately brought against Israelis, the threat of war crimes charges is likely to act as a restraint, creating an atmosphere of doubt, caution and fear on the ground among the Israeli security forces.
That is not something Israel, driven by a military tradition of creating deterrence by terrifying its Arab neighbours into submission, cannot afford to be complacent about.
As Tel Aviv law professor Aeyal Gross observed, the ICC threat hangs more heavily over Israelis than Palestinians. Palestinian fighters are unlikely to fear an ICC prosecution given that “they are already at risk of assassination by Israel or long prison terms if caught. In contrast, Israelis have enjoyed de facto immunity from prosecution for Israel’s actions.”
Adding to this problem, Israel will have to demonstrate – if it is to be sure of pre-empting an ICC investigation – that it has carried out its own credible investigations and is prepared to prosecute its own soldiers, including commanders, with serious charges.
Until now, even lowly Israeli soldiers have enjoyed almost complete immunity for their actions, and Israel has refused to cooperate with independent investigations.
When Israel announced a handful of criminal inquiries into its attack on Gaza last summer, which left more than 2,000 Palestinians dead, most of them civilians, it was harshly criticised by local human rights NGOs. The two most respected, B’Tselem and Yesh Din, refused to cooperate, arguing that the investigations were a “whitewash”.
Israeli authorities have so far approved 13 investigations into the summer’s events but most relate to minor or isolated incidents, usually committed by junior soldiers. Five of the investigations are into allegations of looting: soldiers stealing money or items from Palestinian homes.
Double-edged sword
That will now need to change, even if only for appearances’ sake.
Similarly, the threats Netanyahu and others Israeli officials have been making against Abbas are a double-edged sword. While Israeli officials have warned that the Palestinian application to join the ICC opens up a “Pandora’s box”, it may be that any damage to Abbas and the PA ultimately rebounds on Israel.
There have long been suggestions that Abbas has been actively conspiring with Israel against Hamas – including rumours that he was closely consulted on Israel’s attack on Gaza in 2008-09. Exposing such collaboration could simply deepen Israel’s troubles.
In any case, weakening the PA – whether by implicating it in war crimes or pulling the plug on its finances – risks its collapse and Israel’s being forced once again to bear the full military and financial costs of the occupation.
That was why the US State Department on Monday expressed its opposition to Israel’s refusal to transfer tax revenues to the Palestinians, saying it threatened “stability” in the region.
The Palestinians joining the Hague court might also serve as a fillip to groups trying to use the principle of universal jurisdiction in their own countries, including several major European ones that have already incorporated such legislation. That would be even more likely were the ICC to appear to be submitting to pressure to avoid prosecuting Israeli officials.
It would leave senior Israelis even more fearful of visiting such states for fear of arrest.
And maybe not least, the Palestinians’ move to the Hague will exhaust yet more US goodwill as it is forced publicly to rescue Israel from the consequences of its own worst military excesses.
- See more at:
Go for it.
Say That Israeli Prime Minister Is A Murderous Psychopath And Get Aggravation [ 4 February 2015 ]
Gerald Scarfe tells the truth about a homicidal Zionist crazy so The Guardian gives a Jew a platform to push his objections. He manages not mention Gaza Massacre I, Gaza Massacre II or even Gaza Massacre III. Then there was the Deir Yassin Massacre, the Qana Massacres I and II & the Sabra and Shatila Massacres. These are just some of the better known atrocities. Of course if naughty Adolf had been the perpetrator they would complaining loud and long. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
PS Some of The Grauniad's commentators seem to have taken the point that the Jew is lying in his teeth.
Israeli Prime Minister Incites American Invasion Of Iran [ 4 March 2015 ]
Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress amounted to a full-blooded assault on President Barack Obama’s policy towards Iran.........The key passages were as follows:
“In the Middle East, Iran now dominates four Arab capitals, Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut and Sanaa. And if Iran's aggression is left unchecked, more will surely follow. So, at a time when many hope that Iran will join the community of nations, Iran is busy gobbling up the nations. We must all stand together to stop Iran's march of conquest, subjugation and terror.”.......
Analysis: Mr. Netanyahu is effectively saying that Mr. Obama’s policy towards Iran increases the risk of another Holocaust. The prime minister’s subliminal message is that anyone who favours a nuclear deal on Mr. Obama’s terms would be willing to ignore history and tolerate the danger of a second Holocaust.
A lot of people, Arabs especially would see a real Holocaust® as a good thing, one leaving the world a better place. Lots of people believe that the first Holocaust® Story is a pack of lies, very profitable lies at that. It is true beyond debate that Netanyahu is a Zionist crazy, mass murderer & War Criminal.
Jews Vote Mass Murderer Back Into Power [ 22 March 2015 ]
Yesterday’s Israeli election proved that Benjamin Netanyahu engineered a miraculously recovery from an imaginary ‘downfall.’........Israel is a true Jewish democracy. It has many problems but it genuinely represents the spirit and aspirations of the Israelis. In the Israeli Knesset in 2015, there is not a single Jewish party that cares for the Palestinians and their plight. There is not a single Jewish member who offers any plan for peace and reconciliation.........
Last week we learned that the vast majority of British Jews support Bibi and his Likud party.
Gilad Atzmon, a Jew tells us about the Racism of Zionist crazies.
Maurice Pinay Explains Netanyahu's Evil
There is plenty to explain:-
Netanyahu: Gaza Death Camp Operating "at Full Strength"
Netanyahu's Messianic Fanaticism Precipitating False-Messiah Catastrophe
Netanyahu: "The Rebbe said to me ..." and to every 'Jewish' child from age 5
The Rabbinic Foundation of Netanyahu's Messianic Lunacy Further Revealed
Netanyahu's 'Justice' Minister: Talmudic Law Should Be Binding In Israeli State
Netanyahu reported to say legal system based on Talmud
Netanyahu's Synagogue-and-State Authoritarian Orthodox Judaic Hierarchy
Netanyahu Mocks the World
Netanyahu Gifts Pope with his Racial Supremacist Father's Race War Book
Netanyahu gives Obama the Book of Esther. Biblical parable for nuclear Iran?
Francis and Netanyahu's Counterfeit Jesus Pilpul
Madman's Hava Megillah Caught on Camera
John Hagee spews Netanyahu's Purim spiel
"Netanyahu is More Powerful than the President." "The Congress has Sold Out to AIPAC"
Rabbi Netanyahu
Netanyahu: 'We should attack Iran with "subversive" U.S. television programming"
Pope Benedict XVI's hasbara mission
Zionist Thug Is Israel's 'Diplomat' At UN [ 25 August 2015 ]
There is an argument for plain speaking but this Zionist Crazy is rather like a bull in a china shop. The prime minister, Netanyahu is proving his contempt for the United Nations. He controls Obama, Congress, the Senate etc. The rest don't matter.
PS Jonathan Cook is not usually so forthright but this is an extreme case.
Prime Minister Of Israel Is An Insane Liar [ 22 October 2015 ]
Netanyahu is a mass murder, who set up at Gaza Massacre I, Gaza Massacre II & Gaza Massacre III. he presides over systematic Ethnic Cleansing in the Stolen Land. He is an habitual liar according to Obama, Merkel & Sarkozy who is also a Jew - see Fed Up With Netanyahu for details. But alleging that Palestinians forced Adolf Hitler to run the Holocaust® Racket is a lie too gross to swallowed by the crooks who run the Holocaust® Industry let alone anyone else. It is about time he was locked up; a lunatic asylum would be suitable. An ordinary prison would also make sense.The Israeli prime minister was roundly condemned today for claiming that a Palestinian religious leader coerced Adolf Hitler into murdering six million Jews during the Second World War.
Binyamin Netanyahu’s comments came during a speech yesterday at the World Zionist Congress. He laid the blame for the Holocaust on Haj Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, who became an early Palestinian leader after Israel was founded in 1948.
Prime Minister Of Israel Is An Insane Liar [ 23 October 2015 ]
Netanyahu is a mass murder, who set up at Gaza Massacre I, Gaza Massacre II & Gaza Massacre III. He presides over systematic Ethnic Cleansing in the Stolen Land. He is an habitual liar according to Obama, Merkel & Sarkozy who is also a Jew - see Fed Up With Netanyahu for details. But alleging that Palestinians forced Adolf Hitler to run the Holocaust® Racket is a lie too gross to swallowed by the crooks who run the Holocaust® Industry let alone anyone else. It is about time he was locked up; a lunatic asylum would be suitable. An ordinary prison would also make sense.
Netanyahu Makes Racist Thug Israeli War Minister [ 20 May 2016 ]
Israel’s departing defence minister Moshe Ya’alon has denounced the "extremist and dangerous elements" which "have taken over Israel and the Likud party" as he left office............He was forced to stand down to make way for Avigdor Lieberman, leader of the hard-right Yisrael Beitenu party, whose decision to join the Likud party-led cabinet has created what Israeli newspapers are calling the most right-wing government in Israel's history. He is now quitting the Knesset, the Israeli parliament..............
Mr Lieberman previously served as the country’s foreign minister, but unlike Mr Ya’alon, who holds the highest possible military rank of lieutenant general and has extensive military leadership experience, Mr Lieberman never rose higher than corporal [ rather like a little chap called Adolf ]
As his flagship policy, Mr Lieberman, who worked as a nightclub bouncer in Moldova before emigrating to Israel, is spearheading a bill to enable the death penalty for convicted terrorists, as part of a deal to have his six-seat party join the coalition.
Lieberman was looking at several years in prison for fraud; presumably he beat the raps one way or another.
Netanyahu, The Prime Minister Of Israel, The Stolen Land Investigated For Taking Bribes - Again [ 9 January 2017 ]
Netanyahu is a Jew, liar, thief, mass murderer & War Criminal; some things don't change.
Israel's Prime Minister Is Deeply Corrupt [ 29 January 2017 ]The previous one, a lifelong thief is doing six years. This one is just as bent.
Racist Jew Will Protect The Jewish State From Arab “Wild Beasts.” [ 10 February 2017 ]
Israeli Prime Minister Being Investigated For Bribery & Fraud [ 26 May 2017 ]
Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit has reportedly approved a full criminal investigation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu into allegations of bribery and fraud. Netanyahu will be investigated by police for two separate cases and will be called in for police questioning in the coming days, Channel 10 reported on Wednesday..............Earlier this month, Zionist Union MK Erel Margalit and Eldad Yaniv, a lawyer and Labor party activist, petitioned the High Court of Justice to demand the Attorney General answer why had not yet opened an investigation despite what they called “overwhelming evidence.”...............
Mandelblit also reportedly instructed employees in the state prosecutor’s office to look into allegations that Netanyahu accepted 1 million euros (about $1.1 million) from accused French fraudster Arnaud Mimran in 2009.......
Earlier this month, in an apparently unrelated case, there were calls for the prime minister to be investigated for his role in a Defense Ministry deal to purchase submarines from a German company partly owned by the Iranian government.
Netanyahu beat the fraud raps last time. His mouthpiece, Yehuda Weinstein got to be the attorney general. Cause and effect?
PS The previous prime minister, Olmert is in prison [ life long thieving ], just like the president [ rape ] & the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yona Metzger [ another thief ].
Israeli Prime Minister Being Investigated For Fraud [ 30 June 2017 ]
Mariah Carey's billionaire ex-fiancé is reportedly due to be interviewed by Israeli police as part of a corruption probe into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.James Packer, the son of late Australian media tycoon Kerry Packer, is said to have given Netanyahu's oldest son Yair free hotel rooms and luxury flights, and he has been wanted for questioning in Israel since March............ Israeli police are investigating whether Netanyahu's acceptance of the gifts could be an illegal conflict of interest.............
In January, Israel's Interior Minister, Aryeh Deri [ a thief who got three years ], told ABC's 730 program he had met with Packer's lawyer who had asked him about arranging citizenship or residency in Israel for the billionaire.
Netanyahu beat the fraud raps last time. His lawyer got to be attorney general. Quid pro quo? He is a non-stop liar. Why would Jim want residency in Israel? It would be useful if he went on the run. That is the whole point of the place, for Jews at all events.
Prime Minister Of Israel Seeks Alliance With European Nationalists Opposing Third World Parasites [ 22 July 2017 ]
Netanyahu Invites Visegrád Eastern Europeans to Summit Next Year in Jerusalem
Back in early 2014, I predicted that liberal Jews around the world would increasingly turn toward their old home culture of Germany for leadership, while nationalist Jews would look toward better ties with Eastern Europe. That’s more or less working out, although more with Israel aligning with rightwing Hungary and Poland than with Russia.
Netanyahu is a vicious rogue, War Criminal and habitual liar but he is not a traitor. He is a Nationalist just like the governments of Eastern Europe and, naturally, unlike Macron, Merkel & Theresa May
PS This article was published by Ron Unz, a Jew prone tell it like it is.
Israeli Prime Minister Is 'Suspected' Of Bribery & Fraud [ 4 August 2017 ]
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is suspected of bribery, fraud and breach of trust in two cases, Israel Police confirmed on Thursday when it requested a gag order on the ongoing talks to recruit a state witness. The gag order was granted and is effective until September 17...........Also on Thursday, Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit said that progress was being made in talks with a former top aide to Netanyahu, Ari Harow, about becoming a state witness...............
According to recent reports by Haaretz, the information he provided allegedly indicated criminal connections between Harow, the prime minister and people in the prime minister’s circles..........
Harow, who is suspected of bribery, fraud, breach of trust, aggravated fraud and money laundering, was also a key figure in a case that the police did not pursue. He headed the American Friends of Likud, which allegedly paid the salary of Odelia Karmon, an adviser to Netanyahu when the prime minister, who heads the Likud party, was opposition leader.
During the investigation of Harow, police confiscated his cell phone, and found recordings documenting the Netanyahu-Mozes conversations that are the basis of the Case 2000 probe...........“Bibi became insanely hysterical, all of a sudden. I don’t know who whispered to him, after all, you can light him up like a flame ... and then he said to me: Odelia, give back the money.” In the recording, Karmon also mentioned Harow: “He plied Netanyahu with many things. Flight tickets or whenever Netanyahu was in a bind. But not in exchange for anything. He was honest and sweet. He was simply helpless.”
Netanyahu got away with it last time, then his mouthpiece became the attorney general. See e.g. Israel's New Attorney General Kept Politicians Out Of Prison
Netanyahu Vows to Expel Africans from Tel Aviv 'We Will Return it to the Israelis' [ 4 September 2017 ]
The headline is verbatim and very sincere. It is based on the hope that Netanyahu will beat the fraud raps again. His attorney first time round got to be the attorney general. A quid pro quo?
Netanyahu Says It Is Time To Deport All Africans From Israel [ 21 November 2017 ]
The time has come to “increase the pace of deporting Africans” from Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced, confirming that all 40,000 blacks who invaded that country pretending to be refugees will be forcibly deported from the Jewish ethnostate.As reported in the Jerusalem Post, Netanyahu was addressing the weekly Israeli cabinet meeting on Sunday November 19, as it unanimously passed the law closing down the Holot Concentration Camp in southern Israel and drawing up plans to deport all the Africans illegally resident in that country. Netanyahu said he has a “three-pronged policy” to get rid of the Africans, with the current focus being to” encourage most of them to self-deport to a third country,” which the Jerusalem Post claims is Rwanda, but other reports have identified as Uganda.
Netanyahu said that the state had already carried out the first two prongs of its strategy: stopping the flow of new infiltrators by building a wall and through legislation, as well as getting more than 20,000 to “leave” through the voluntary deportation program.
The third stage—that of forcible deportations—he said, “can be carried out thanks to an international agreement which I obtained which allows us to deport the 40,000 remaining infiltrators against their will.”
While Zionist crazies deport black infiltrators European governments import thousands of them with the Main Stream Media in concealing the truth. Politicians pretend they can't stop them but incite them using bribes, free housing etc. NB the very same Zionist thugs, the Israeli Government Is Importing Illegal Immigrants Into Western Europe.
Israeli Prime Minister Promises War Unless His Victims Surrender [ 12 December 2017 ]
Benjamin Netanyahu has told rioting Palestinians to get used to the reality that Jerusalem is Israel's capital after meeting with Emmanuel Macron in Paris.The Israeli Prime Minister said the sooner Palestinians can accept that reality, 'the sooner there will be peace'. It comes after Donald Trump said America will officially recognise the city as Israel's capital.
Netanyahu's highly provocative statement came amid another day of protests and violence in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza which saw a 25-year-old Israeli security guard stabbed in the chest by a 24-year-old Palestinian.
Netanyahu is a murderous thug with the enthusiastic support of every Zionist crazy. He perpetrated the Gaza Massacres and he is a Racist full of hate who is going to deport every Illegal Immigrant in Israel; pretty much like Adolf Hitler and the infiltrators he wanted sorting out. That is one promise that Netanyahu will keep.
Israeli Prime Minister Claims That Jews Protect Us From Terrorists [ 12 December 2017 ]
The full transcript of Prime Minsiter [ sic ] Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to the UN General Assembly:
Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, we're in the midst of a great revolution. A revolution in Israel's standing among the nations [ one comparable to Nazi Germany - Editor ]...................Those countries now also recognize Israel's exceptional capabilities in fighting terrorism. In recent years, Israel has provided intelligence that has prevented dozens of major terrorist attacks around the world. We have saved countless lives. Now, you may not know this, but your governments do, and they're working closely together with Israel to keep your countries safe and your citizens safe............ As the prophet Isaiah said, (says in Hebrew first) "I've made you a Light Unto The Nations, bringing salvation to the ends of the earth."
Today, 27 hundred years after Isaiah spoke those prophetic words, Israel is becoming a rising power among the nations, and at long last, its light is shining across the continents, bringing hope and salvation to the ends of the earth.
Netanyahu is a non-stop liar. You doubt it? See e.g. Fed Up With Netanyahu; it comes from URI AVNERY, another Jew. He is also a Terrorist carrying out Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine, the Stolen Land. It is Puppet Masters like him who manipulate our politicians in order to flood England and Western Civilization with hostile Third World parasites.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Faces Fraud & Bribery Raps [ 15 February 2018 ]
Israeli police said Tuesday they had recommended Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu face charges for bribery, fraud and breach of public trust following long-standing investigations into two cases of alleged corruption.Police issued a statement saying they had "sufficient evidence" to issue the recommendations, which now go to the attorney general for a decision on whether to pursue an indictment against the prime minister. The deliberations on whether and how to move forward are expected to take weeks or even months.
Soon after the news broke on Tuesday night, Netanyahu addressed the nation in a live televised address proclaiming his innocence, saying the police recommendations against him would "end with nothing".
"Over the years, I have been the subject of at least 15 enquiries and investigations," Netanyahu said...........
"I will continue to lead Israel responsibly and faithfully," he added.
Netanyahu is a pathological liar & War Criminal. The previous prime minister is a lifelong thief. The previous president is a rapist.
Police Recommend Prosecuting Israeli Prime Minister [ 23 February 2018 ]
Israeli police revealed on Tuesday they had arrested the controlling shareholder and CEO of the country’s biggest telecoms company, as well as two former officials with close ties to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a corruption case.The arrests in the investigation dubbed “Case 4000” came just days after police recommended Netanyahu himself be indicted for bribery and fraud in other cases, known as “1000” and “2000”.
Shaul Elovitch, a family friend of Netanyahu’s who controls telecoms firm Bezeq through his Eurocom holding company, was arrested along with his wife, his son and Bezeq’s CEO Stella Handler.
Netanyahu is effective, he is a mass murderer. So was Adolf Hitler but Adolf was a much nicer little chap. NB the previous prime minister of the Stolen Land is a life long thief who got six years for his pains.
Netanyahu Henchman Will Grass Him If Mossad Doesn't Get Him First [ 6 March 2018 ]
Another criminal in Israel has decided to talk. That way he will get out of prison sooner.
PS Netanyahu is a pathological liar & War Criminal
PPS The previous prime minister, Olmert is a lifelong thief.
PPPS The previous president is a Rapist.
Keeping Trump and Netanyahu Out of Jail - Israel Plans Sneak Attack on Syria with Trump, Russia Betrayed [ 14 March 2018 ]
Trump just fired Secretary of State Tillerson in order to push this forward. Tillerson has been warned to stay silent or be murdered.In the run-up to the planned attack, two Russian planes were downed, one in Syria, one in Russia, part of a plan to influence the Russian elections. Trump has been told Russia won’t respond because of the upcoming election.
The plan is to take place in the next 36 hours, beginning with a massive missile attack on Damascus and US and Israeli air strikes to decapitate Syria and kill President Assad. The propaganda war against Syria, hyped to the max over the last few days, is the “set up.”
OK, Netanyahu wants to stay out of prison. This can be a problem for the guilty. The Deep State wants Donald Trump in prison too but it found nothing after months of investigations, lies, corruption and Perjury. Now Don's enemies are on the run. This story has a virtue; it is making a definite claim. If this alleged attack does not take place before Friday 16th we will know the whole story is nonsense. You might think that Veterans Today is written by patriots for men who served. My money would go on them being wrong.Israeli Prime Minister's Lies Refuted By International Atomic Energy Agency
Benjamin Netanyahu is an habitual liar & War Monger trying to use American forces to attack Iran. This would start World War III, close the Arabian Gulf, cut off a third of the world's oil supplies, annoy China et cetera. It would be a good reason to nuke Zionist crazies.
PS Netanyahu lies non-stop according to Merkel, Obama & the Jew, Sarkozy. They should know.Israeli Prime Minister Threatens Iran Again [ 8 May 2018 ]
Netanyahu is an evil rogue, a pathological liar trying to stay out of prison for thieving. This is a distraction. Zionist crazies like him and the Israel Lobby want America to attack Iran for them. Even Obama wasn't that stupid.
Israeli Prime Minister's Wife On Trial For Thieving [ 9 October 2018 ]
The previous PM is a life long thief. He got seven(?) years. Netanyahu has managed to stay out of prison so far.
PS The previous chief rabbi of Israel is also a thief but only got four years.
PPS The previous president is different, a rapist. He got six(?) years.
Israeli Prime Minister Does Not Murder Enough Palestinians [ 18 November 2018 ]
Israel has moves towards early elections after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ultra-nationalist coalition partners accused him of being soft on terrorism..........Bennett had demanded the post of defense minister, after the incumbent, Avigdor Lieberman, resigned earlier this week in protest over Netanyahu's Gaza policies...........
The political crisis began with a botched Israeli undercover raid in Gaza on Sunday. [ Jews Murder Seven Palestinians ] The raid led to two days of intense cross-border fighting. Gaza's Hamas rulers fired hundreds of rockets at southern Israel, while Israeli warplanes targeted scores of targets in Gaza.
Benjamin Netanyahu is a compulsive liar & thug but he has stayed out of prison - unlike his predecessor. Lieberman is not that different; being a primitive racist bully shows that but he has also succeeded in keeping out of jail. Can they really be that vicious? See what a main stream Israeli newspaper has to say - The big mouth of Israeli Fascism - An Israeli explains. Of course they are Racists intent on Genocide in Palestine, the Stolen Land.
Israeli Police Recommend Charging Netanyahu In The Third Corruption Case [ 3 December 2018 ]
The previous prime minister, Olmert is a lifelong thief who got six years. The previous president is different; Katsav got seven years for rape. The Chief Rabbi Of Israel Got Off With Four Years For Thieving. Of course all politicians in Israel are war criminals, complicit in Gaza Massacre I, Gaza Massacre II & back by popular demand Gaza Massacre III.
Israel's Prime Minister Threatens Iran [ 16 January 2019 ]
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the IDF will continue to attack Iranians in Syria. Earlier, an Israeli commander said it conducted attacks in the country on nearly a daily basis and supplied arms to Syrian rebels.“I'm telling you, get out of there fast. We won’t stop attacking,” the prime minister said on Tuesday morning during a ceremony, in which he appointed Aviv Kochavi as the new chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
Netanyahu also rejected statements by an Iranian official, who said Iran only sent military advisers to Syria and not regular fighting troops.
“They always lie. They are lying with that and they are lying when they say their attempt to launch a satellite into space failed,” he said.
The Israeli leader was referring to the remarks made on Monday by Iranian General Hassan Firoozabadi, who said its “military advisers” will say in Syria as long as required to defeat terrorists, and an announcement on Tuesday by Iranian Communications Minister Mohammad-Javad Azari Jahromi, who said Tehran’s attempt to place a satellite into orbit had failed.
Netanyahu is a murderous thug and, somewhat incidentally a pathological liar. Zionist crazies have been pressurising the Americans to invade Iran for years now. The Pentagon is not stupid enough to go along with it. The Iranians can block the Arabian Gulf, cutting off up to a third of the world's Oil. The Chinese would not be amused and they have Nukes. Getting petrol prices up to $50 a gallon would upset millions of Americans.
Netanyahu And Corruption Again
Israeli police have recommended that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be indicted over allegations of bribery, fraud and breach of trust, though it’s not the first time the embattled PM has faced scrutiny. Netanyahu was quick to distance himself from the allegations, dismissing his own police force’s claims on Tuesday as being “like Swiss cheese,” saying that the truth would eventually surface and he’d be exonerated. RT takes a look back the scandals surrounding the under-fire PM, and other allegations leveled against his wife and son.Case 1000
Netanyahu and his wife Sara are alleged to have accepted gifts, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, from wealthy businessmen - Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan and Australian billionaire James Packer. The Netanyahu’s supposed loot is said to have included cigars, jewelry and champagne.Cops allege that supplies of the illicit goods were systematic and involved the use of code words and couriers. “With the election of Mr. Netanyahu as prime minister in 2009, the scope and frequency of the transfer of goods increased significantly,” police said in a statement.
Case 2000
Netanyahu is accused of conspiring with Arnon Mozes, the owner of Israel’s largest daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth. The PM allegedly tried to strike a deal with Mozes so that the paper, known to be critical of him, would run stories more in his favor, while at the same time bringing forth legislation designed to stifle Yedioth’s competitors.Despite the existence of taped recordings between the pair, Netanyahu claims he was only testing Mozes and never planned to strike any deal.
Case 3000
Also known as the ‘submarine affair’, case 3000 involves alleged corruption in the multi-billion dollar sale of ships and submarines to Israel by German shipbuilder ThyssenKrupp. Though Netanyahu was not directly implicated, police have accused businessman Michael Ganor of bribing government officials in order to become the deal’s broker.Netanyahu personal lawyer, David Shimron, acted as Ganor’s representative during the sale negotiations. Furthermore, former Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon has accused the PM of attempting to facilitate the deal by urging the cancellation of previously issued ministry tenders.
Case 4000
Shlomo Filber, director general of Israel's Communications Ministry, appointed by Netanyahu, is accused of corruption by illicitly allowing national telephone company Bezeq to buy shares in satellite cable provider - YES.‘Crime minister’ Netanyahu seems unmoved by 6 weeks of protests
Filber , also a former aide to the PM, allegedly provided Bezeq with confidential documents and other information that served its interests. Furthermore a special report by the state comptroller revealed that Netanyahu did not reveal his close friendship with Shaul Elovitch, the controlling shareholder in Bezeq.
Keep it in the familyIt’s not just the PM who is accused of corruption though. Netanyahu’s wife, Sara, has been accused of misusing public funds at the couple's official residences. In 2017, she stood trial for using government money to pay for private housekeeping needs. Furthermore, his 26-year-old son, Yair, is being sued by a left-wing Israeli think tank. Yair also found himself in hot water last month after recordings of him bragging about “awesome deals” his father allegedly made for his pal’s gas mogul dad.
After publication of the recordings, thousands took to the streets of the capital Tel Aviv to protest corruption.
Netanyahu has been here before. They know he's bent but he called an election later in 2019 on the grounds that he is going to get the votes. What does this tell us about Jews in general and Zionist crazies in particular? All bent is the obvious answer.
Israeli Prime Minister Conspires With Racist Jews Who Hate 'Blood Sucking Christian Vampires' [ 24 February 2019 ]
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made a formal electoral pact for the upcoming April election with the Otzma Yehudit (literally, “Jewish Power”) party which has as its policy the expulsion of all non-Jews from Israel, and whose leaders have said that “Christians are ‘blood sucking vampires’ who should be expelled from Israel.”News of the alliance was carried in the media aimed directly at Jews, such as the Times of Israel, but has been completely suppressed in the Jewish lobby controlled media in Europe and America—because there, the Jewish lobby always pushes “non-racialism” as its official policy for non-Jews.
According to the Times of Israel , Netanyahu has reached a deal with the Jewish Home Party to grant that “national-religious party” a pair of ministerial posts after April’s elections in exchange for it merging with the Otzma Yehudit party, whose name in Hebrew literally translates as “Jewish Power.”...........
The Jewish Home party is also, by the standards that the Jewish lobby imposes on European nations, “extreme far right,” and most recently put up election posters in Israel warning Jews about the danger of marrying non-Jews......................
Michael Ben Ari [ one of theirs - Ed. ] was the first openly-declared follower of Rabbi Meir Kahane to have been elected to the Israel Parliament, and won fame for tearing up a copy of the New Testament and saying that this “despicable book galvanised the murder of millions of Jews during the Inquisition and during auto da fe* instances............
Needless to say, the Israeli Security Agency has declared that there are “no grounds” to outlaw Lehava or to prosecute Gopstein. No-one would of course presume to dictate to Jews how they should set up their ethnostate, or indeed even want to deny them the right to preserve that state as a Jews-only nation.
However, the Israel-supporting Jewish lobby in all European nations continually demand that Europeans be “multi-cultural” and are at the forefront of promoting racial integration for all non-Jews. This policy of ethnonationalism for Jews, and enforced multi-racialism for non-Jews, is the single greatest cause of anti-Semitism in the world today—and it is caused by hypocritical Jewish behavior, and nothing else.
If Jews pretend they are decent human beings problems do not arise. When they act naturally they get hated.
Israeli Prime Minister Mourns Dead Islamics In New Zealand But Jews Have Murdered 9 Thousand Muslims In Gaza [ 18 March 2019 ]
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has officially condemned the mass shooting of Muslims in New Zealand—ignoring the fact that the Jewish army has shot at least 9,000 Muslims in Gaza over the last year, many of them medical personnel and children.
Netanyahu is a pathological liar and War Criminal albeit he has succeeded in staying out of prison so far. The police have recommended charging him as a thief.
Israel PM's Wife Is A Thief [ 16 June May 2019 ]
The wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was convicted by an Israeli court on Sunday of fraudulently using state funds for meals, under a plea bargain which saw her admit to lesser charges. While the ruling cut short a high-profile trial, the Netanyahu family's legal woes are far from over: the veteran premier himself faces possible indictment for bribery, fraud and breach of trust in the coming months.........She was also fined 10,000 shekels (£2,200) and ordered to reimburse the state a further 45,000 shekels (£9,925).
The Israeli President Is A Liar And Rapist
The Israeli Prime Minister Is A Murderer And A Thief
The Chief Rabbi Of Israel Is a Thief
The Israeli Justice Minister Is A Terrorist And Perjurer
Are they all bent? Pretty much.
Iran Is Building Nukes Alleges Israeli Prime Minister In Order To Start World War III [ 9 September 2019 ]
Iran has been developing nuclear weapons at a secret site which it then destroyed in order to hide evidence, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed.Netanyahu revealed the [ alleged ] existence of the site, which he said is located at Abadeh in central Iran, during a dramatic press conference on Monday. Pointing to satellite images of the compound, in the central Iranian town of Abadeh, he said Israel uncovered its existence in nuclear archives captured from Iran.
It began watching the site, which Netanyahu said was used to conduct experiments relating to Iran's nuclear weapons programme. Some time between late June and late July this year, Iran learned that Israel was watching the site and destroyed it in order to cover its tracks, Netanyahu said.
Netanyahu is a pathological liar according to Sarkozy, Merkel and Obama. They have dealings with the swine so you just might think they know. BTW the Jews have already got enough nukes to destroy Europe. Merkel supplied three more nuclear capable submarines, which carry Popeye Turbo Cruise Missiles with nuclear warheads and a range of 900 miles. Each boat can carry 4 missiles loaded, ready to go with another six in reserve. You doubt it? See e.g. Israeli Nuclear Attack Capability & Jews' Nuclear First Strike Capability.
Netanyahu Charged With Multiple Frauds [ 22 November 2019 ]
Prime Minister [ of Israel ] Benjamin Netanyahu was indicted on corruption charges, raising more uncertainty over who will ultimately lead a country mired in political chaos after two inconclusive elections this year. Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced the decision in a statement on Thursday. The charges included bribery, breach of trust, and fraud. A defiant Netanyahu on Thursday said the allegations were tantamount to an "attempted coup", and the investigators "weren't after the truth, they were after me". He denied all wrongdoing.Israeli law does not require Netanyahu to step down from the post of prime minister if indicted. The entire process of an indictment and trial could take two years.
Netanyahu is a non-stop liar. The previous prime minister, Olmert is a life-long thief; a liar too naturally. He got off with six [ 6 ] years. The president at the time was different because he was a Rapist as well as another liar. See Israeli President Is A Liar And Rapist. Katsav got seven [ 7 ] years.Avichai Mandelblit ex Wiki
Although Mandelblit had a close working relationship with Netanyahu dating back to Mandelblit's time as IDF's Military Advocate General, Mandelblit pursued criminal probes into Netanyahu relating to allegations of corruption by the prime minister and his associates.[12][13] In July 2016, Mandelblit opened an initial review of Netanyahu's conduct in an unspecified case, and was criticized some on the left who viewed Mandelblit as protecting the prime minister.[13] In January 2017, Mandelblit approved law enforcement questioning of Netanyahu in connection with "Case 1000" (an inquiry into allegedly illegal gifts).[13] After the separate "Case 2000" (Yediot Aharonot-Israel Hayom affair) against Netanyahu emerged, Mandelblit moved slowly on the case.[13] In September 2017, Mandelblit indicted the prime minister's wife, Sara Netanyahu;[13] as part of a plea agreement, Sara Netanyahu was ordered to pay the equivalent of US$15,000.[6]In February 2018, police recommended that Prime Minister Netanyahu be indicted for bribery in cases 1000 and 2000.[13] Later that year, another case, the Bezeq-Walla! affair ("Case 4000") emerged, and the prime minister fell under suspicion after his former allies Shlomo Filber and Nir Hefetz, turned state's evidence and became witnesses against Netanyahu.[13][15] In December 2018, after State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan recommended that Netanyahu be indicted,[16] Mandelblit announced that he would "work quickly" to decide whether to indict Netanyahu.[17] Mandelblit said he would not act "at the expense of quality decisions and professionalism" and "would not be influenced by anything other than the evidence and the law".[17]
In February 2019, Mandelbilt announced that "after thoroughly examining the evidence" he had accepted police recommendations to indict Netanyahu on three of the charges presented, and that an indictment would be formally issued following a hearing.[18] Contested pre-indictment hearings concluded in October 2019.[19]
On November 21, 2019, Mandelblit indicted Netanyahu on charges of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust (in connection with Case 4000) and fraud and breach of public trust (in connection with Case 1000 and Case 2000).[20] At the same time, Mandelblit indicted Yediot Ahronot owner Arnon Nuni Mozes on a bribery charge and Bezeq-Walla! owner Shaul Elovitch and his wife Iris on charges of bribery and obstruction of justice.[21] Netanyahu thus became the first sitting Israeli prime minister to be indicted.[21] Mandelblit planned to ask the Knesset to waive Netanyahu's immunity from prosecution.[21] The indictment increased pressure on Netanyahu to resign from office.[2]
Will Israeli Prime Minister Start A War With Iran To Keep Himself Out Of Prison? [ 9 January 2020 ]
Haaretz, a respectable newspaper published by Jews in Israel published this on Boxing Day before Don murdered an Iranian general to provoke aggravation. Was it censored in America and England? Believe it. The Mainstream Media are Propaganda machines run by Zionist crazies.
Israeli Prime Minister Charged With Thieving [ 30 January 2020 ]
Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit on Tuesday filed the indictment against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust with the Jerusalem District Court............The move marks the first time in Israel’s history that a serving prime minister will face criminal charges [ apart from the last one, Olmert got seven(?) years - Editor ], casting a heavy shadow over Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, his legacy and his ongoing attempts to remain in power..............
According to the text of the indictment, released by the Justice Ministry in November, Netanyahu is charged with fraud and breach of trust in Cases 1000 and 2000, and bribery, fraud and breach of trust in Case 4000.
Perhaps Olmert was not "in office" when he was charged but he is a life long thief who came unstuck. Now it is Netanyahu's turn.
Netanyahu Exploits the Holocaust to Brutalize the Palestinians [ 10 February 2020 ]
Benjamin Netanyahu did not invent the idea of leveraging the Holocaust for political gain. Yet, like so much else in current Israeli politics, he is taking even that low to new depths.According to Haaretz, Israel’s prime minister intends to exploit the Fifth World Holocaust Forum – convening this week in Jerusalem to mark 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz – to call on world leaders to publicly back Israel’s self-serving position that the International Criminal Court in The Hague has no jurisdiction in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Netanyahu began this exercise barely 48 hours after ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced last month, after five years of preliminary examination, that she is ready to open an investigation into potential war crimes in the West Bank and Gaza, pending an ICC judicial decision on jurisdiction.
Wasting no time, Netanyahu responded that "new edicts are being issued against the Jewish people - anti-Semitic edicts by the International Criminal Court."
This cynical reframing is staggering, both intellectually and morally.
Haaretz, an Israeli Mainstream Media operation tells the truth from time to time. That is why it was attacked by Mossad. Netanyahu is a Psychopathic liar charged with thieving and fraud. NB The headline is verbatim.
Israel's Prime Minister Will Use Holocaust® Racket To Help Zionist Criminals [ 14 February 2020 ]
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to take advantage of a gathering of dozens of world leaders in Jerusalem for a Holocaust memorial Thursday to urge them to support Israel’s efforts to prevent the International Criminal Court from investigating its alleged war crimes against Palestinians.Sources familiar with Netanyahu’s preparations for his meetings with foreign leaders told Haaretz that while the prime minister has publicly said that the main issue he will raise with them is the regional threat posed by Iran, he will also bring up the recent announcement by the ICC’s chief prosecutor that there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation against Israel for possible war crimes committed in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.
Netanyahu is also trying to stay out of prison pending his trial for thieving, fraud etc. The International Criminal Court will not be interested but too many politicians pander to Jews. Donald Trump is just one. Then there are Boris Johnson, Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron, Juncker, Merkel, Obama & May.
Israel's Prime Minister Offers To Stay In Power If He Stays Out Of Prison [ 23 March 2020 ]
Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he is ready to step down next year as part of a proposed power-sharing agreement with his chief rival Benny Gantz.The move is intended to steer the country through the coronavirus crisis and end a year-long political deadlock. Mr Netanyahu made his proposal during a television interview, calling for the formation of a three-year 'emergency' unity government with the rival Blue and White Party.
Netanyahu is not a convicted thief, not yet. The previous PM is, convicted that is. Olmert only got six years, which is not bad for a life long career of crime. NB The one before that was Sharon the Jew the well known mass murderer. The Mail is censoring comments but the readers are well aware that Netanyahu is a crook.
Israeli Prime Minister Due In Court For Bribery, Fraud And Breach Of Trust [ 23 May 2020 ]
On Monday evening, Benny Gantz signed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s public acquittal. That is the bottom line of the coalition agreement between Kahol Lavan and Likud. In agreeing to serve as Netanyahu’s appointed successor, Gantz made it clear to the public that he doesn’t care about the prime minister’s bribery indictment. He has no reservations, ethical or otherwise, about a political partnership with a man who has been charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust and who seeks to destroy Israeli democracy. This is a man whom Gantz himself held up before the March 2 election as the Israeli version of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.For Gantz, the image is reversed: Netanyahu’s indictments aren’t a problem; they’re an opportunity. They give him a chance to qualify for the top post in 18 months or possibly sooner, in the event that Netanyahu resigns or falls ill. Gantz didn’t enter politics to promote principles and values. Instead, he saw it as a track for promotion: from IDF private all the way to chief of staff, and now, as a civilian, to defense minister and prime minister.
Netanyahu is utterly corrupt as well as being a mass murderer and Psychopath but he has not been charged with those aspects.
Prime Minister Of Israel In Court Charged With Thieving & Fraud [ 25 May 2020 ]
But then Netanyahu is a thief. Sadly they didn't charge him with mass murder as well. NB Their previous prime minister is also a thief; he got off with six years.
Israeli Prime Minister Will Annex West Bank If He Stays Out Of Prison [ 2 June 2020 ]
Benjamin Netanyahu is a thief currently on trial for breach of trust, bribery and fraud but not murder. The previous PM, Ehud Olmert is also a thief; he got six years. Why shouldn't they steal the West Bank? It is only owned by Arabs. Before them there was Sharon the Jew, the thug who set up the Sabra and Shatila Massacres. You might see a pattern emerging. NB An earlier prime minister Menachem Begin, a terrorist got a Nobel Peace Prize with murder warrants outstanding.
Israel Prime Minister Is A Thief Says Olmert, Another Thief [ 15 November 2020 ]
Ex-PM Olmert, who was jailed for graft, says ‘thief’ Netanyahu to face same fate In series of interviews, disgraced former leader calls successor ‘a mafia boss surrounded by his henchmen,’ says Likud leader’s ‘crazy’ family needs ‘therapy’Former prime minister Ehud Olmert, who spent 16 months in prison after being convicted of corruption offenses, said Monday that he believed his successor Benjamin Netanyahu would meet a similar fate at the end of his own graft trial, which began Sunday. Olmert, who served as premier in 2006-2009 and was convicted of bribery and other crimes in several cases, lambasted Netanyahu repeatedly in a series of media interviews Sunday and Monday.
“Netanyahu is a criminal, a scoundrel, a thief. I definitely see him being sent to prison and staying there for quite a few years,” he told Army Radio on Monday.
Is Olmert stupid enough to believe that therapy is the answer? I seriously doubt it. Is Netanyahu guilty as Hell? I seriously doubt that he is not. It does seem, for some odd reason that judges in Palestine, the Stolen Land are capable of delivering honest verdicts. E.g. they put their wonderful president in prison for seven years. See Rape Special on the point. Olmert does not mention the mass murders in Gaza they both committed.
Israeli Prime Minister Claims He Is Not A Thief [ 9 February 2021 ]
The previous one, Olmert also pretended that he was not robbing people; he got six years. They are both liars but Netanyahu has not been charged with murder despite being guilty as Hell. The Mail is censoring comments again.
Israeli Prime Minister Complains About Being Investigated For Major War Crimes [ 7 March 2021 ]
The International Criminal Court has opened up the possibility of a war crimes probe into Israeli military actions in Palestinian territories.On Friday the court ruled that its jurisdiction does extend to ground occupied by Israel in the 1967 middle-east war [ Six Day War ]. The decision has been welcomed by the Palestinians but condemned by Israel and the United States.
In a tweet, the Palestinian Authority described the ruling as "a victory for right, justice, freedom and moral values in the world". But Israel's prime minister accused the court of ``legal persecution and a "perversion of justice".
"When the ICC (International Criminal Court) investigates Israel for fake war crimes, this is pure anti-Semitism," said Benjamin Netanyahu. "The court established to prevent atrocities like the Nazi Holocaust against the Jewish people is now targeting the one state of the Jewish people."...........
Last year, the Trump administration imposed sanctions against ICC officials. They included revoking the chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda's entry visa to the US over the court's attempts to prosecute American troops for actions in Afghanistan.
Bensouda said in 2019 that there was a "reasonable basis" to open a war crimes probe into Israeli military actions in the Gaza Strip as well as Israeli settlement activity in the occupied West Bank..........
The court could also potentially investigate crimes committed by Palestinian militants.
Bensouda has said her probe would look into the actions of Hamas, which fired rockets indiscriminately into Israel.
The article does not mention that Netanyahu is a pathological liar, currently on trial as a thief. It is true none the less. Is he unusual? No. See e.g. 200 Jews 200 War Criminals; they are all military. There are plenty of politicians too. The Guardian approves of this investigation, belated as it is. See Why Israel fears the ICC war crimes investigation. It gives the Jews more sympathy than they deserve.
Israeli Prime Minister Still Trying To Stay Out Of Prison [ 25 March 2021 ]
An Arab Islamist could decide Israel's next prime minister after a tight vote in Tuesday's hard-fought parliamentary elections.With almost 90 per cent of votes counted, there is a razor-thin margin between a right-wing coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a diverse array of parties bent on ousting him.
To prevail, each side may need the support of Ra'am, an Arab Islamist party that appears to have clinched just five seats in the 120-member Knesset, according to near-final results.
The party, also known as the United Arab List, has not committed to supporting either side, meaning it could play a key role in deciding whether Netanyahu remains in office.
It's an odd predicament for Netanyahu, who rose to power by rejecting compromise with the Palestinians and has used racist rhetoric in past campaigns to cast the country's Arab minority as a fifth column of terrorist sympathizers. This time, however, in Israel's fourth elections in two years, Netanyahu sought Arab support in what many saw as a two-pronged strategy aimed at picking up votes and splitting the Joint List, an alliance of Arab parties that won a record 15 seats in elections last year.
Netanyahu is a murderous rogue on trial for thieving but, sadly not for mass murder or War Mongering. There are not enough Jews in power who will give him immunity from prosecution.
Israel's Prime Minister Is Perverting The Law In A Bid To Stay Out Of Prison [ 29 April 2021 ]
An Israeli cabinet meeting exploded into a shouting match today after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attempted to install a loyalist as justice minister despite the attorney general’s determination that such a move was illegal. The latest: The Israeli supreme court issued an injunction to block Netanyahu's move on Tuesday night. The court will convene on Wednesday for a hearing on the matter.The big picture: Israel has held four consecutive inconclusive elections over two years amid a prolonged political crisis caused largely by Netanyahu's trial and his attempts to block it.
- Netanyahu is on trial for bribery, fraud and breach of trust, and his mandate to form Israel's next government will expire in six days. As his position grows more vulnerable, his critics are accusing him of attempting to subvert Israeli democracy.
The backstory: Under the previous coalition agreement, the justice minister must be a member of the Blue and White Party, led by Benny Gantz. That agreement remains valid until a new government is formed.
Netanyahu is a Psychopathic liar, mass murderer and thief, currently on trial. He wants a puppet as justice minister to give him a pardon, essentially an admission of his blatant guilt. NB The previous PM, a life long thief got seven years when his luck ran out. A surprising aspect of this matter is that some Jews in Israel act honestly. Politicians do get justice from time to time, going to prison unlike Boris Johnson, Blair, Brown, Cameron, Heath, Juncker, Merkel, Priti Patel, May etc. ad nauseam, an unsavoury bunch of crooked chancers & Traitors
Netanyahu Tells Biden He Is Going To Do More Killing [ 20 May 2021 ]
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was 'determined' to continue the operation in Gaza until his objectives had been met, shrugging off U.S. President Joe Biden's demand to de-escalate hostilities. After a visit to military headquarters, he said he appreciated American support but would push ahead until calm had been restored.His response came hours after Biden told him in a phone call to scale back attacks that have killed hundreds of Palestinians.
Murder is fun for Psychopaths like Netanyahu. Did He tell Biden that he is a senile old fool? Probably not, not in so many words but it is what he thinks. Gaza Massacre IV will carry on as long as the Jews want. It is keeping Netanyahu out of prison.
Benjamin Netanyahu On The Skids? [ 1 June 2021 ]
Israeli nationalist hardliner Naftali Bennett has said he will join a coalition government that could end the rule of the country's longest-serving leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu................Each of the past four elections was seen as a referendum on Netanyahu - who has become a polarising figure as he stands trial on corruption charges - with each ending in deadlock.
Netanyahu is desperate to stay in power while he is on trial. He has used his office as a stage to rally support and lash out against police, prosecutors and the media.
Benjamin Netanyahu, the current prime minister of Palestine, the Stolen Land that he calls Israel is a Psychopathic liar & mass murderer on trial for thieving. He may well have laid on Gaza Massacre IV as a publicity stunt to garner public support. It has been done before; it worked with Gaza Massacre I. NB Olmert, the previous PM is also a thief, one who got six years. The previous president is different. He got seven years for Rape.
PS The Mail is censoring comments, hiding the truth but the readers have the measure of the swine.
Benjamin Netanyahu Is A Murderous Thug Says Shin Bet Boss [ 8 June 2021 ]
Israel's security chief has warned of bloodshed if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu incites violence from his supporters as he leaves office. Netanyahu hit back at his own security agency boss over his calls for calm and warnings of bloodshed.Head of Shin Bet Nadav Argaman issued a rare public warning that the current atmosphere could incite violence. He criticised anyone 'that endorses violent and illegal activities which could even lead to harm to individuals.'
It comes as Netanyahu earlier this week began the fight of his political life after rival parties signed a coalition deal that could end his 12 years in power. Speaking on Sunday, the Israeli leader spoke of a double standard in which statements by figures on the right are viewed incitement, while those of the left are seen as legitimate.
Without mentioning Argaman by name, he said: 'Incitement is a call for violence.
'For a long time, there have been such horrible calls, including clear calls to murder me and my family that have been met with silence in the public discourse and in the press.'
Yes, Netanyahu is a mass murderer as well as being a thief & Psychopathic liar. It will be good to see him in prison when the judges convict him. It is what they did to the previous PM. The Mail is censoring comments again. Only two made it through.
Netanyahu Sacked As Prime Minister So Now He Can Go To Prison [ 14 June 2021 ]
Naftali Bennett has become Israel's new Prime Minister after the country's parliament voted in his coalition government, ending Benjamin Netanyahu's record 12 years in power. Israel's parliament narrowly voted 60-59 in favour of the new government on Sunday and shortly afterwards, Bennett was sworn in as prime minister. Bennett, a former ally of Netanyahu turned bitter rival, will now preside over a diverse and fragile coalition comprised of eight parties with deep ideological differences.Netanyahu sat silently during the vote. After it was approved, he stood up to leave the chamber, before turning around and shaking Bennett's hand...........
Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption, remains the head of the largest party in parliament and is expected to vigorously oppose the new government. If just one faction bolts, it could lose its majority and would be at risk of collapse, giving him an opening to return to power...................
He added: 'If it's our destiny to be in the opposition, we'll do so with our heads high until we take down this bad government and return to lead the country our way [ by mass murder, by War Mongering, by torture, Apartheid, oppression, whatever - Editor ].'
Let us not forget that the previous prime minister went to prison for thieving. The president was different. He got six years for rape. Jews can act honestly when they are judges - unlike our lot.
Israeli Prime Minister Trying To Stay Out Of Prison [ 18 January 2022 ]
Former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is negotiating a plea deal in his corruption case, a person involved in the talks said.The deal, which could be signed as early as this week, could usher Netanyahu off the Israeli political stage for years, paving the way for a leadership race in his Likud party and shaking up Israel's political map. Any deal would also absolve Netanyahu of an embarrassing and protracted trial that has gripped the nation and risks tarnishing(?) his legacy.
Netanyahu is a deeply nasty bit of work, guilty as Hell. His legacy is one of mass murder and fraud. He was PM from 31 March 2009 – 13 June 2021, achieving Gaza Massacre II, Gaza Massacre III, Gaza Massacre IV & numerous other incursions into Gaza. He treats Palestinians worse than Hitler. To be fair the Jews running the Israeli legal system play straight. They put Olmert, the previous PM away for six(?) years [ life long thief ] & p Katsav, the previous President got seven years [ rape, obstruction of justice etc. This is unlike England where politicians get knighthoods for War Mongering and so on.
Israeli Prime Minister Update [ 17 October 2022 ]
Netanyahu is still trying to get away thieving. He might succeed. The police have been investigating since 2016; he was charged with bribery, fraud, & breach of trust. Now he is trying to negotiate his way out of prison. An odd feature of Israel is that politicians are not above the law.
Israel Prime Minister Is NOT In Prison Yet [ 22 December 2022 ]
Israel's longest serving leader Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he had formed a new Israeli government on Wednesday, returning to power as the head of the most right-wing coalition in Israel's history.Following his November 1 election win, Netanyahu secured a mandate to form a government backed by ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties and an extreme-right bloc......................
Netanyahu, who is fighting corruption allegations in court, has already served as premier longer than anyone in Israeli history, including a 1996 to 1999 stint and a record 12-year tenure from 2009 to 2021...............
Among his most controversial moves was promising an expanded national security ministry to the head of the Jewish Power party, Itamar Ben-Gvir, who has a long history of using incendiary rhetoric against Arabs..............
Aryeh Deri, leader of the Shas ultra-Orthodox party, is a key player in the new parliament who has been promised the interior and health portfolios. But according to Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara, Deri cannot serve in the cabinet due to past convictions for tax offences.................
Netanyahu is on trial for fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes in three separate cases.
Zionist crazies chose to put a thief into power in Occupied Palestine, the Stolen Land they call Israel. Is it their most corrupt government ever? Quite possibly. Aryeh Deri influenced negotiations because he is out of prison; an unrepentant thief. The prosecutors wanted him done for "committing fraud, breach of trust, obstructing court proceedings, money laundering, and tax offenses." He got off lightly.While Itamar Ben-Gvir is a grossly Racist thug. The army refused to let him join and have a rifle because he would have murdered too many Arabs. What he really wants is Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide. He is far more driven by hate than Adolf Hitler ever was.
The Israeli attorney general, Gali Baharav-Miara said
'The politicisation of law enforcement will deal a serious blow to the most fundamental principles of the rule of law, that is to say equality, the absence of arbitrariness and impartiality,'
So perhaps she is an honest Jew. She looks quite nice.
Netanyahu Lies Deliberately, Systematically, With Malice Afore Thought [ 24
But then Netanyahu is a Jew.
Netanyahu's Facebook Page Suspended Over Hate Speech [ 22 March 2023 ]
Following outrage over a message on his official Facebook page telling voters “Arabs want to annihilate us all,” Facebook has suspended the chatbot feature of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s page. According to reports, the message was suspended over its violations of Facebook’s hate speech codes...............Reports surfaced on Wednesday that upon accessing Netanyahu’s official page, viewers were being greeted with an automated popup message, generated by a chatbot, with a message to voters imploring them to “make sure” their friends and family vote Likud...............
The Facebook message came on the heels of several anti-Arab comments made by Netanyahu and his campaign in an effort to draw right-wing supporters to the polls..............
On Friday, Netanyahu made comments insinuating that his government could launch an offensive on the besieged Gaza Strip “at any moment.”
“An operation in Gaza could happen at any moment, including four days before the elections. The date of the elections does not factor [into a decision to go to war],” the Times of Israel quoted Netanyahu as saying.
Yes, Netanyahu is a Racist, one trying to stay out of prison for thieving. One invasion of Gaza was useful because it brought in votes from Jews. Mass murder has its uses.
Netanyahu Is Finished [ 12 October 2023 ]
Decades ago I spent three years writing The Samson Option (1991), an exposé of the unstated policy of American presidents going back to Dwight Eisenhower to look the other way as Israel began the process of building an atomic bomb. The right or wrong for Israel, in the aftermath of the Holocaust, was not the point of the book. My point was that what America was doing was known throughout the Third World, as it was then called, and our duplicity made our worries about the spread of nuclear weapons another example of American hypocrisy. Since then others have undertaken far more comprehensive studies, as some of the most highly classified Israeli and US documents have become public.I chose not to go to Israel to do my research in fear of running afoul of Israeli national security law. But I found Israelis living abroad who had worked on the secret project and were willing to talk to me once I indicated I had information from American intelligence files. Those who worked on such highly classified materials have remained loyal to Israel, and a few of them became lifelong friends of mine. They have also remained in close touch with former colleagues who stayed in Israel.
This is an account of the past week’s horrific events in Israel, as seen by a veteran of Israel’s national security apparatus with inside knowledge of recent happenings.
A Jew with a track record truth of telling almost certainly tells it like it is.
The Unspoken Elephant in the Room of Netanyahu’s Intent in Gaza [ 16 November 2023 ]
The point about the Gaza crisis is that should everyone agree to stick their head in the sand and ignore the ‘elephant in the room’, it’s easy enough so to do. The meaning to a severe crisis is only properly understood when someone notices ‘the elephant’, and says look out; there’s an elephant stamping here. That’s where we are today. Slowly, the West is beginning to take notice. The rest of world however, is transfixed by it, and is being transformed by it.What is the ‘elephant’ (or elephants) in the room? Blinken’s recent regional diplomacy was ‘a bust’. None of the regional leaders that Blinken met would talk further about Gaza beyond demanding stridently, ‘no Palestinian population displacement into Egypt’ a ‘stop to this madness’ – the carpet bombing of Gazans – and the demand for an immediate ceasefire.
And Biden’s calls for a ‘pause’ – softly, at first, and the more strident now – is being bluntly ignored by the Israeli government. The spectre of President Carter’s impotence during the Iran hostage crisis hangs ever more soberly in the backdrop.
The truth is that the White House cannot force Israel to do its will – the Israeli lobby holds more clout in Congress than any White House team. Thus, ‘no exit’ from the Israeli crisis is readily to be seen. Biden ‘made his bed’ with the Netanyahu cabinet and must live with consequences.
To be fair about Biden they are keeping him out of prison. But then to be fair about Netanyahu, he is trying to stay out of prison.
The Battle of Civilization - According To Benjamin Netanyahu [ 2 November 2023 ]
Until recently, many believed that the promise of progress in the 21st century would enable us to move beyond the barbaric horrors of the past toward a brilliant future—that we could go about our comfortable lives and that evil will simply pass us.It will not. The horrors that Hamas perpetrated on Oct. 7 remind us that we won’t realize the promise of a better future unless we, the civilized world, are willing to fight the barbarians. The barbarians are willing to fight us, and their goal is clear: Shatter that promising future, destroy all that we cherish, and usher in a world of fear and darkness................
Rest assured, Israel will fight. Since Oct. 7, Israel has been at war. Israel didn’t start this war. Israel didn’t want this war. But Israel will win this war.
Hamas launched this war by perpetrating the worst savagery our people have seen since the Holocaust. Hamas murdered children in front of their parents and parents in front of their children. They burned people alive, raped women, beheaded men. They tortured Holocaust survivors and kidnapped babies. They committed the most horrific crimes imaginable.
Iran has formed an axis of terror by arming, training and financing Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen and other terror proxies throughout the Middle East and beyond. In fighting Hamas and the Iranian axis of terror, Israel is fighting the enemies of civilization itself.
Be clearly aware that Benjamin Netanyahu is an unprincipled liar, thief and Jew. One of his reasons for prosecuting this war is that it keeps him out of prison pro tempore. The main reason however is to perpetrate Genocide, a crime against International Law. Everything he says about the Palestinians is an inversion of the truth. His predecessor in office was Olmert, a life long thief who got seven years for his pains.
Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on Tuesday, 09 January 2024 11:45:50