This is an American election, one that is more than normally important. THE
issue is hatred of Donald Trump; THE objective is
getting him out of office. Don is hated by:-
Republican politicians [ most of them ]
Hillary Clinton
Mainstream Media
Education Industry
Illegal Immigrants
Capitalist Swine
Hard Left
and by everybody who is anybody. It is just the voters who wanted him. The
resultant outrage stopped short of murder but only just. If they could have
gotten away with it they would. His bodyguards were there, in force at close
quarters and further out.
Who Declares Winner In American Presidential Election?
WASHINGTON - Many people assume the winner of the U.S. presidential contest is
determined once the media calls the race and the losing candidate delivers a
concession speech. But the truth is that formally declaring a presidential
winner is a months-long process that won’t be completed until January.
That process essentially involves Americans voting for electors, the electors voting for the president, and then Congress declaring the winner.
“There's Election Day, where those electors are elected; there's the date in December where the electors meet and then vote for president; and then there's the date in January where the Congress certifies that election,” says Amy Dacey, executive director of the Sine Institute of Policy and Politics at American University......................
This process is the result of a compromise among the Founding Fathers, who weren’t convinced voters could be trusted to choose a worthy leader.
“This was first created because there wasn't that confidence in
the citizenry to make that decision,” Dacey says. “They didn't
believe the American people should directly choose the president
and vice president, but they didn't want to give Congress the
sole power of selection, either.”
Founding Fathers were educated men, unlike modern
politicians. This meant they had studied Latin and the Romans.
They had views, well informed views about human nature, about
love, hate, greed, lechery etc. They did not trust
Democracy. See comment on that
reality at Democracy in
All of this reality is effective now, on 4 November 2020 as we
wait for the results of
Election 2020; the big fight between
Donald Trump and the Jew running
Kamala Harris. She is the one
who is going to move into the White House when
Joe Biden is taken away to a granny
PS The piece comes from the
Voice Of America so it should be right.
22 December 2020
A picture is worth a thousand words. Yes, Don was robbed by major, system wide
Stop The Steal
Was Don robbed? Is Democracy a figment of the imagination?
Election 2020 Fraud
Is a bit of background.
Ron Unz Writes About Our Disputed Election
Ron writes well on this one, contriving to take it down the middle. Jews are prone to vote left, vote Democrat even if they are rich like Ron.
The Politics Of Hate In Election 2020 [ 10 April 2019 ]
During an Iowa town hall last week, “Beto” O’Rourke, who had pledged to raise the level of national discourse, depicted President Donald Trump’s rhetoric as right out of Nazi Germany. Trump “describes immigrants as ‘rapists’ and ‘criminals'” and as “‘animals’ and ‘an infestation,'” said Beto. “Now, I might expect someone to describe another human being as ‘an infestation’ in the Third Reich. I would not expect it in the United States of America.” The crowd lustily cheered the analogy.By week’s end, Beto’s Third Reich comparison had been matched in nastiness by Bernie Sanders’ description of the president to the cheering activists of Al Sharpton’s National Action Network: “It gives me no pleasure to say this but today we have a president who is a racist, sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe and a religious bigot.” Sanders managed to appeal to almost all elements of the Democrats’ coalition by accusing Trump of hating blacks, women, gays, foreigners and Muslims.
Sanders’ outline of Trump calls to mind Hillary Clinton’s now-famous attack on the white working-class folks who would give Trump his victory:
“(Y)ou could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables … racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it … he has lifted them up.”...............
From his words and actions, Trump clearly senses that this [ Immigration ] may be the existential issue of his presidency: Can he secure the border against what seems to be an unstoppable invasion from the global south?
Nor is this only an American issue. In the capitals of Europe — Budapest, Berlin, Paris, Rome, London, Madrid — the gnawing fear is not of Vladimir Putin leading a mighty Russian army back to the Elbe to recreate Stalin’s empire, but of the African and Muslim hundreds of millions looking hungrily north to the pleasant lands of the former mother countries.
The politics of hate is out there in full flight. The Hard Left preaches tolerance of everything they want, anti-White Racism, Illegal Immigrants, Homosexuality, Black Hatred and hatred of Western Civilization. The Education Industry creates thousands more of Lenin's Useful Idiots every year. Some are driven by Pathological Altruism; others, more cunning have their eyes fixed on the main chance, on promotion, money, influence. They are tools of the Puppet Masters, that is Zionist crazies, the thugs running Israel.
Joe Biden Makes His Run For Democrat President By Claiming He Is Anti-White [
Former Vice President Joe Biden urged Americans to tackle a "white man's culture" dating back centuries that has allowed violence against women to perpetuate.
Some people are greedy for money, others want power. Joe is doing what it takes. Power means being offered bribes. That's how he likes it.
Bernie Leads His Party to Open Borders - Pat Buchanan Explains
Some 100 members of an American Mormon community in northern Mexico, nine of whom — women, children, toddlers — were massacred a week ago on a lonely stretch of highway, just crossed over into Arizona.
Other family members who have lived there for decades will follow.
The atrocity was the work of one of the cartels battling for control of the drug traffic into the United States.
In Mexico’s Sinaloa state in October, an arrest of Ovidio Guzman Lopez, son of “El Chapo,” who sits in a New York prison, brought a military-style cartel attack on the state capital, Culiacan, followed by a surrender to the cartel gunmen by national guard and army troops, and a release of the captive.
“Is Mexico a failed state?” asks The Washington Times. Its editorial describes “Another Blood-Soaked Year in Mexico” where 17,000 people were murdered by July and the 2019 death toll is expected to reach 32,000.
USA Today reports: “Through August of the current fiscal year, the Border Patrol apprehended 457,871 migrants arriving as ‘family units’ … a 406% increase compared to the 90,554 family unit apprehensions during the same period the previous year. Migrant families from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador made up almost 92% of the total.”
With cartel battles escalating into a war that Mexico City has no stomach for fighting, and a record number of migrants from Central America crossing Mexico to flood into the USA, what is the Democratic Party’s policy for halting the rising tide?
Democrats are moving toward an “open door” policy on the U.S. border, an open borders embrace of any and all who wish to come.
America, apparently, does not belong to those who live here and love the country. America belongs to anyone who chooses to come. America belongs to the world.
Consider Bernie Sanders’ immigration proposal, outlined the week of the massacre of Mormon women and children.
On Day One, President Sanders would declare a moratorium on deportations and offer a “swift pathway to citizenship” for all illegal migrants who have been here for five years.
Bernie would break up ICE. Border-jumping would cease to be a crime and become a civil offense like jaywalking. The “Muslim ban” would be abolished.
President Sanders would back sanctuary cities that refuse to work with U.S. law enforcement. Asylum seekers would not have to wait in Mexico as their claims were processed but would be welcomed into the USA.
Family separations would end. Trump’s wall, which Bernie calls “racist,” would be history. The administration’s treatment of illegal immigration “as a criminal and national security matter is inhuman, impractical and must end.”
Migrants who enter illegally would qualify for federal health care and the same social welfare benefits as U.S. citizens. Immigrant officials say Sanders’ proposals would create an irresistible magnet for millions of migrants from all over the world to stampede into the USA.
The Nation magazine calls Sanders’ plan “one of the boldest immigration plans any major politician has put forward in years, and comes amid a campaign season that has seen a major shift to the left among Democratic candidates on immigration.
“With calls for a total moratorium on deportations, abolishing ICE and providing a path to citizenship for undocumented migration, the plan serves as a road map for what a fair and just immigration can be.”
From another standpoint, Sanders’ proposal is a surrender to the reality that a leftist regime lacks the conviction or will to stop an endless stream of people from migrating here.
Americans troubled over what is happening on the Syrian-Turkish border, or Ukrainian-Crimean border, might take a closer look at what will happen at our own border, and to our own country, if Democrats win the presidency and throw open the doors to unrestricted immigration.
The federal budget, already running trillion-dollar deficits, and state budgets, too, will see huge increases in the cost of social programs, without the commensurate income tax revenues to pay for them.
Even at present levels, illegal immigration is bringing in millions of people without the work, education or language skills to compete and assimilate rapidly in a first world, Western economy.
These migrants pay virtually no income taxes, yet, would qualify for the same benefits as U.S. citizens. The inevitable result: another run-up in an annual deficit already running $1 trillion in the red.
Politically, so massive a migration of peoples who, once they become citizens, vote 70%-90% Democratic means an end of the GOP as a truly national party.
If we open the borders, how do we stop the drugs from coming in? How do we stop the cartels from following MS-13, which is already here?
Socially, this country is as splintered as it has been since the 1960s.
Will a barrage of migrants add to its diversity, or deepen the ethnic, racial and cultural divides that are turning us into two, three, many Americas?
Pat Buchanan makes a Republican case again and well. Yes, Bernie Sanders is a millionaire, a real millionaire with an income better than $1,000,000 a year. The Wikipedia ignores the point but then it is a Propaganda machine. Fortunately Market Watch does not - see The education of Bernie Sanders, millionaire. Then there is Joe Biden; he is a light fingered rogue. Elizabeth Warren is one part in 1024 Native American, i.e. Red Indian and a rich liar on the make. The Wiki is evasive on her ancestry. Nor does it mention that Pete Buttigieg is a practicing homosexual; one who claims a dispensation granted by God.
Bloomberg Says America Needs More Immigrants As He Runs For President [ 29 November 2019 ]
Billionaire Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is blasting President Donald Trump's restrictive immigration plans, saying the nation needs an 'awful lot more' immigrants to come here.The former New York mayor has long been a promoter for increased immigration, comprehensive immigration reform, and finding ways to attract and keep high-skilled immigrants..................
'We need immigrants to take all the different kinds of jobs that the country needs - improve our culture, our cuisine, our religion, our dialogue and certainly improve our economy,' the billionaire told reporters at a Mexican restaurant in Phoenix.
The comments from Americans tell us that the Jew, Bloomberg is wasting his time. They are not stupid enough to believe his lies. Bloomberg is making his run because Joe Biden has blown it; his fraud is too blatant. NB Bloomberg does not want Immigration in Israel; he wants Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide because he is another Jew, another Zionist crazy. The Mail chose not to mention that detail.
Winning The Election By Vote Rigging - The Democrat's Plan B [ 29 September 2020 ]
Setting up an assassination at the Inauguration failed
Pretending that Donald Trump was helped into the White House by Vladimir Putin failed. It was an obvious try on. They tried it anyway.
Using postal voting to make fraud easier is the current approach - Plan C, D, E????
Rebecca Mansour and James P. Pinkerton 25 Sep 2020........“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” Democratic political operative Rahm Emanuel famously said. The former Chicago mayor’s point was that a crisis gives political players the opportunity to bend, and maybe even break, the normal rules.
Today, the country is facing a Covid-19 crisis, as well as a crisis of rioting in the streets and a spiking crime rate, and now even a vacancy on the Supreme Court. But as far as Democrats are concerned, the real crisis is Donald Trump, and these other crises provide an opportunity to defeat him.
With less than 40 days until Election Day—and with early voting starting even sooner—Democrats and their media allies (or the “Democrat-Media Complex,” as Andrew Breitbart liked to call them) are not wasting these crises in their quest to win back the White House.
We can see a seven-step Democratic strategy emerge to win the election by unleashing chaos in our voting system, violence in our streets, and a legal fight that could lead all the way to highest court in the land, which is currently missing a member.
1. Never let a Covid crisis go to waste! Use the pandemic to push for a nation-wide vote-by-mail scheme.
By now we’re all familiar with the inequities, even idiocies, of the Covid-19 lockdown rules. In many states and cities, it’s forbidden to have normal assembly for social gatherings, businesses, church services, and even hospital visits.
On the other hand, it’s okay to have massive Black Lives Matter protests, Antifa riots, and anything else the left approves of, at least tacitly. Obviously, such unequal treatment is a formula for societal frustration, rage, and, yes, chaos.
And what a friend the Democrats have in crisis and chaos!
In fact, Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris has said that this sort of chaos is likely to continue—and should continue—through the election. “Everyone beware because they’re not going to stop,” Harris said about the (often violent) protests erupting in American cities. “They’re not going to stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not going to stop after Election Day.”
But according to the Democrats, the only certainty in all of this chaos is that Americans—who are safe to take to the streets in mass protests and riots—are not safe to vote in person on November 3. We must vote by mail, they tell us.
Mail-in voting is “essential from a health reason because we want to keep people at home to vote without having them all collect on Election Day,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said last month. “People should not have to choose between their health and their vote.”
If you’re still scratching your head wondering why it’s safe to riot but not to vote, veteran political consultant Dick Morris explained the Democrats’ game plan: “If they feel they’re legitimately losing the election, [they] are going to use the excuse of the Covid virus—nobody can come out and vote in person, they claim … and they’re going to deliberately game the system by sending out millions and millions of mail-in ballots for people that don’t exist or have already voted.”
“And the states will not verify the [mail-in ballot] signatures because they are under the control of Democrats,” Morris added..................
As we explained, chaos and crisis are the Democrats’ friends. And we should never underestimate the left’s penchant for chaos, as the violence currently erupting across America’s cities has shown.
In the meantime, we should ask: Are Republicans prepared to deal with the legal chaos vote-by-mail balloting will unleash?
Our advice to the GOP: Lawyer up!
This one started nasty and will get worse. My advice to Don is use the National Guard. Helicopter gunships might be called for to some extent. The article is long but makes sense of the hate and the fraud [ 18 October 2020 ]
RIGHT OR WRONG? We will see on 3 November when the results come in. The tone of the media will tell the truth, gloating or outrage.
This Coming Left Wing Coup Could Backfire Like 1991 In The Soviet Union [ 20 October 2020 ]
Our country seems headed for a political crisis, with the enemies of Deplorable America making noises suggesting they are planning a post-election “Color Revolution”-type coup against Trump. As a long-time Russia-watcher, I suggest that the failed Soviet coup of 1991, and the collapse that it spurred on, is instructive.The key point that year came when Soviet military and security units refused to move against Boris Yeltsin and his defenders. Could something like that happen here, with Trump playing the Yeltsin role?
What yours truly has dubbed the globalist Blob has been signaling for some time that it has no intention of yielding to Trump come election day. Hillary Clinton, in her guise as the post-American Madam Defarge of the present Cultural Revolution, has even stated publicly that Joe Biden should not concede the election to Trump “under any circumstances.” [Morning Greatness: Hillary Clinton Says Biden Should Not Concede ‘Under Any Circumstances’, by Liz Steele,, August 26, 2020]
Meanwhile, the Democrats, with help from rabid Never Trumpers like Bill Kristol [ Jew ] and David Frum, [ Jew ] have been “war gaming” scenarios for preventing Trump from taking office should he win, developing a plan for what Trump has correctly described as “an insurrection.” [The Billionaire Backers of the ‘Insurrection’, by Julie Kelly,, Sep 14, 2020] The plan is to claim that Trump has stolen, or attempted to steal, the election. “As far as our enemies are concerned,” as I wrote here last month, “they are on the right side of history, and neither election law nor the Constitution or any antiquated notions about fair play will stop them.” [Revolution and Resistance: How can elections continue?, American Remnant, September 4, 2020]............
This isn’t just about an election—it’s a blueprint for completing the Left’s anti-American Cultural Revolution................. Nevertheless, an attempt to use the military to block Trump’s re-election could result in the coup plotters stepping into a trap of their own making.
Mad Dog Mattis hates Donald Trump after Don refused to take his advice. So do a lot of the military bureaucracy. This is a pity at this stage. Will they be fool enough to back a Marxist coup set up by Hillary Clinton, a foul harridan on the make? The men have had Critical Race Theory inflicted on them. Some of them, a lot of them, even most of them might feel very annoyed about this attack on their loyalties. So they may well be on side. Would they revolt? Quite possibly not but it could be how Civil War II really gets going.
Biden Leads Trump In Four Battleground State Says Poll [ 2020-11-01 ]
Right of wrong? We will see but there is major postal Vote Rigging going on. The Deep State is deeply criminal.
Obama's Preacher Says God Damn America
Grossly Racist black preacher incites hate in Chicago. The audience loved it. The audience wanted hate. Obama was one of his customers.
First Thoughts On The Election By Kevin MacDonald [ 6 November 2020 ]
There’s huge uncertainty about how the election will turn out. What looked like a certain Trump victory when I went to bed on Tuesday night suddenly turned in Biden’s favor in Democrat-run swing states where there appears to have been massive fraud—unprecedented stopping of vote counting on Tuesday night, vote-dumps in the middle of the night in Wisconsin and Michigan in which 100% of the votes went to Biden, preventing poll watchers from actually seeing what was going on in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevada, and I am sure much more. The folks who firmly believe that Putin rigged the 2016 election and studiously ignore how supposedly neutral platforms like Google, Twitter, and Facebook have tilted their coverage in favor of the Democrats, now would have us believe that Democrats would not do anything to cheat. Given the long history of corruption in Chicago politics, it wouldn’t be at all surprising if Chicago Mayor Richard Daley swung the 1960 election to JFK [ Joe Kennedy, his father certainly did, spending millions on bribes - see The Outfit - Editor ].So it seems reasonable to suppose such things could happen in 2020 Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta. And there’s no question that at least some of the people in charge are activists for the Dems. Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Secretary of State in charge of elections, was a board member of the SPLC. Unprincipled pursuit of power is utterly characteristic of the Democrats and their media allies in recent years, and it would not be at all surprising to learn that there was a Plan B already decided on before the election.
Professor MacDonald is at his lucid best. He points to #Monstrous Vote Fraud In Michigan, Wisconsin And Pennsylvania. It's not just there of course. Twitter is helping suppress the truth. He also points to #Chicago And Rigged Elections.
Monstrous Vote Fraud In Michigan, Wisconsin And Pennsylvania
Yes, Democrats Are Trying To Steal The Election In Michigan, Wisconsin, And Pennsylvania In the three Midwest battleground states, vote counting irregularities persist in an election that will be decided on razor-thin margins.As of this writing, it appears that Democratic Party machines in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are trying to steal the election.
As reporters and commentators went to bed early Tuesday morning, all three states were too close to call, but President Trump led former Vice President Joe Biden by comfortable margins—far beyond what had been predicted in the polls. None of the networks called these states because enough mail-in ballots remained uncounted that it could swing either way, but Trump’s position looked good.
Then, something strange happened in the dead of the night. In both Michigan and Wisconsin, vote dumps early Wednesday morning showed 100 percent of the votes going for Biden and zero percent—that’s zero, so not even one vote—for Trump.
In Michigan, Biden somehow got 138,339 votes and Trump got none, zero, in an overnight vote-dump.
When my Federalist colleague Sean Davis noted this, Twitter was quick to censor his tweet, even though all he had done was compare two sets of vote totals on the New York Times website. And he wasn’t the only one who noticed—although on Wednesday it appeared that anyone who noted the Biden vote dump in Michigan was getting censored by Twitter.
There is more of this report. It does not get any better. Deep State fraud is alive and well driven by hate and the Puppet Masters.
Chicago And Rigged Elections The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard
CHICAGO — You can still vote early in Chicago, but "voting often" is pretty much a thing of the past, some experts say.Chicago is famous for its history of people voting from the grave and for helping President John F. Kennedy "steal" the 1960 election. (JFK beat Richard Nixon by 9,000 votes in Illinois by capturing what some considered a suspiciously high 450,000 advantage in Cook County.)
Officials insist voter fraud has largely disappeared in Chicago, but Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, has said voter fraud and "horrendous" things happen in Chicago. The city's election history is even crazier than most people realize, though, with Republican feuds leading to homes being bombed and names being stolen from tombstones just to get extra votes for the "Democratic Machine."
The city's old "reputation is true, or at least partially true," said Dick Simpson, a political science professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
During the 1928 primary election, shootings and bombings were used to frighten and eliminate opponents. That election — which saw two political figures killed and 62 bombings, including one at the home of a senator and Cook County State's Attorney candidate — became known as the "Pineapple Primary," using the slang term "pineapple" for a grenade.
Back then, people thought the Republicans, and particularly Mayor William Thompson, ran "the greatest political machine ever fashioned in Cook County," according to April 12, 1928, Chicago Tribune story.
They hadn't seen anything yet........
After Daley's death in office in 1976, the Machine gradually began to lose power, Crawford said...............
And as for the claim that Chicagoans "vote early and vote often" — at least the first part is true, Allen said.
"Early voting is open now ...," Allen said. "But often? No."
They can so they do. QED.
Judicial Watch Finds 29 States With Vote Registration Over 100 Percent [ 26 October 2020 ]
New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%
1.81.8 Million ‘Extra’ Registered Voters(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that a September 2020 study revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100%: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.............................
Judicial Watch relies on its voter registration studies to warn states that they are failing to comply with the requirements of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, which requires states to make reasonable efforts to clean their voter rolls. Judicial Watch can and has sued to enforce compliance with federal law.
Vote Rigging isn't a bug; it is an undocumented feature.
Burn It Down Soros Planning Nationwide Chaos if Trump Wins Says American Action News [ 26 October 2020 ]
Despite spending nearly $100 million on dark schemes to defeat President Donald Trump, creepy liberal billionaire George Soros has a backup plan to still seize the White House should voters re-elect the president.......Soros’ plan calls for using his extensive networks in the national media to claim the election was stolen, and that nationwide street riots and lawsuits are necessary to “protect the results” and destabilize the country until Trump is blocked from being certified the winner.
Breitbart reports:
More than 80 advocacy groups and grassroots organizations have joined in a broad coalition calling itself “Protect the Results” and proclaiming that “we cannot ignore the threat that Trump poses to our democracy and a peaceful transition of power.”
The coalition is a joint project of Indivisible and Stand Up America, two left-wing groups founded in response to President Trump’s 2016 election and whose goals are “to organize and resist Trump’s dangerous agenda” and “to defeat Trump and his enablers.”
Seeking to “protect” election results by use of its millions of members, the coalition calls to “take coordinated action” and “prepare for a potential post-election crisis.”
Both groups are funded by Soros through one of his deep-pocketed hit squads, Democracy Alliance.
See Protect the Results - Fighting to Protect the Results of the 2020 Election But Only If Don Beats Joe And Harris. In fact Soros has done his planning. He is one of the Puppet Masters watching his tools at work, destroying American and Western Civilization. You just might think that naughty little Adolf was right about God's Chosen People.
A Putative Biden Victory Very Depressing [ 7(?) November 2020 ]
It was always obvious that each side would rejoice over a victory and gloat over others’ unhappiness, especially given the perceived stakes (absolute good vs absolute evil; cult-like behavior on both sides). The gloaters should realize that it’s human nature. What’s obvious is that the people who are rejoicing now—whether major celebrities or garden variety Twitterers—are still spewing hatred and longing for revenge as they have for four solid years. They won’t stop. Their hatred defines them. I certainly don’t envy Trump if he has to leave office with prosecutors and others poised to attack.Biden’s speech on Saturday evening and the celebration, in the context of consensus support of liberal-left media and even foreign leaders despite recounts and court cases looming is an attempt to make it a fete accompli, a done deal that can’t be reversed. Imagine the intensity of hatred if things start to go Trump’s way.
There are still a lot of legal battles before Trump or his supporters give up. But realize that if it is certified and given that the Senate could flip depending on the results in Georgia, all the consequences of a Biden presidency noted in my “Why It’s Important for Trump to Win” might happen. The Democrat Party has become the party of corporatocracy, billionaires, and their its allies in the media who lavishly funded his campaign and did all they could to promote Biden and suppress negative stories on Biden or focus on issues that favored Trump. It will mean that the power of information monopolies in the information age—multi-billion-dollar monopolies like Google and Twitter—will go unchecked so they will be able to continue slanting searches (e.g., Google searches for Biden don’t turn up anything from Breitbart) and censoring unwelcome information (everything from Twitter to the NYTimes on Biden’s obvious corruption) in our so-called democracy. Of course, if there’s one thing Trump should have done it’s rein in the media monopolies. It’s been discussed quite a bit but Trump did nothing more than complain about it and say he was monitoring the situation. Too late now.
Democrat victories in Georgia would mean Dem control of the Senate and all that that implies in terms of statehood for Puerto Rico and DC (likely permanent Democrat majority), packing the Supreme Court with justices that would be happy to impose criminal penalties for “hate speech” and restrict gun ownership.
Today’s gloaters are endorsing continued importing of cheap labor on behalf of the billionaire class and Dem strategists, undercutting those on the lowest steps of the economic ladder. 70 million unhappy Trump voters who firmly and reasonably believe that the election was stolen (such allegations are all over mainstream conservative media) are going to be a serious force in the years ahead if not in the very near future.
Despite Biden’s high-flown rhetoric about all coming together and healing the divisions, things will be worse than ever. They should be careful what they wish for.
But still. I have to say that today I am very depressed.
Kevin MacDonald is disappointed by an alleged victory but tells why in a reasonable way. It's not over until the fat lady sings. If it does go the right way there will be homicidal fury, rioting and something approaching Civil War II. But see the next one.
Win or Lose, It Was a Good Election says Gregory Hood [ He was 'exposed' by the #SPLC ]
Many white advocates are unhappy about last night’s election results. They didn’t get the decisive Trump win they wanted and it’s suspicious that the president was leading in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and other states when the authorities decided they couldn’t finish counting votes until tomorrow. Texas and Florida didn’t have that problem. Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden very early while it delayed calling an obvious Donald Trump victory in Florida.We may never get an entirely convincing vote count for this election, but let us assume that Joe Biden wins, and wins fairly. Even in this “worst case” scenario, white advocates should be happy.
First, there was no “blue wave.” The polls were wrong, and media outlets look foolish. President Donald Trump did not lose Florida or Texas. I never thought President Trump would lose Florida, and I expected it would be closer than the polls predicted. Still, I thought Joe Biden would be the obvious victor by now and I was wrong...........
It’s almost as if polls were meant to direct public opinion, not measure it. And the results further discredit journalists, who are incapable of reporting fairly on Donald Trump — or on us.
Second, Big Tech openly supported the Democrats. Twitter is censoring the president’s tweets in the name of “election integrity” and conservatives are furious. President Trump may retaliate, and Republican senators who would rather leave corporate America alone may be forced to act. This could be the vital step towards reclaiming free speech on major tech platforms. If Twitter bans President Trump outright, he may join a new platform, which would give it — and us — a huge boost..........
Third, President Trump won’t leave the White House in disgrace. He wasn’t repudiated by the nation. He would have suffered a narrow, controversial defeat. If many Republicans think the results weren’t fair, he’ll be a martyr. Even Republicans who will be glad to be rid of him (such as Mitt Romney) will face a backlash if they speak against him........
Fourth, “Trumpism,” essentially anti-elite national populism, isn’t going away. It is hard to imagine a return to the days of George W. Bush or Paul Ryan. “Trumpism” wasn’t discredited. In fact, many Republicans will become even more dedicated to this movement if they think the election was “stolen” by Big Tech, Democrat officials in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and biased journalists. Senators Tom Cotton (who easily won re-election last night) and Josh Hawley will emerge as frontrunners for the Republican nomination in 2024. That’s assuming America’s most influential populist, Tucker Carlson, doesn’t run.
Fifth, Donald Trump personally isn’t going away. He may even do what he was reportedly planning if he lost in 2016 and start “Trump TV,” a new platform for America-First nationalists. I’m an Identitarian, not a civic nationalist, but such a platform would help sway more people in our direction. I don’t believe in the “safety valve” theory, according to which moderate conservatism bars the gate to racial identity; I think most people drift gradually from one position to another.............
Sixth, the Biden/Harris Administration will be weak. Many Democrats who voted to get rid of President Trump aren’t enthusiastic about their new party leaders. The Republicans will probably hold the Senate. Democrats will not be able to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the filibuster, force through major legislation, or admit new states. They may not even be able to pass an amnesty for illegal aliens. An uncharismatic, aging Joe Biden will preside over a country facing a pandemic, riots, recession, and China............
Seventh, this was the worst possible outcome for “progressives” and democratic socialists. If Joe Biden had lost, they could rage against corporate Democrats and try to take over the party. Instead, they must meekly accept Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi. Joe Biden won a narrow, disputed contest, not a decisive victory and progressives will be yoked to this clod. There will be no hated enemy to unite liberals and progressives. Conflicts will flare up among Democrats while Republicans unite. The Right can seize the mantle of anti-establishment populism.
Eighth, we could see more action at the state level. While secession from the Union is unlikely, secession from existing states is possible. President Trump performed well in Virginia but once again, the occupied territory that is Northern Virginia determined the Old Dominion’s fate. Conservative counties in southwest Virginia and parts of western Maryland could and should secede from Virginia and join West Virginia to protect their interests. It could even be a new state (I suggest it be called “Shenandoah.”)......
This would prevent Democrats from tipping the Electoral College by admitting Washington DC and Puerto Rico as states. A compromise could make the greater Washington DC metro area (including Fairfax County in Virginia) a state, and Virginia would turn red again.
Ninth, the reason President Trump is in this position is because he didn’t do enough for white working-class voters. President Trump gained support with nearly every group except white men. Analysts, especially white advocates and nationalists, must hammer this crucial point again and again in the coming days........
President Trump offered a Platinum Plan to blacks, an American Dream Plan to Hispanics, and empty rhetoric to whites. An ambitious Republican who can speak to such voters and actually offer them something (someone like Tucker Carlson) could win them back.
This would not mean handouts for whites. It would mean fighting anti-white discrimination (“affirmative action”) and critical race theory in government, border security, and more economic populism. This would attract white voters without being “racist.” Don’t forget: Yesterday, voters in California kept the ban on affirmative action.
White working-class voters are now the most important voting group in America. They will have decided two presidential elections in a row. They will decide more. White nationalism, meaning a literal white ethnostate carved out of the United States, is unlikely for now, but white advocacy, meaning a movement that advances our interests as a race, is moral and necessary. Every other group pushes its interests, and whites must too, despite “woke” billionaires, academics, journalists, and antifa.
Tenth, you could argue that this election has stripped the system of legitimacy. Neither Republicans nor Democrats are satisfied. White advocates want change what lies outside what is politically possible now. Therefore, anything that undercuts system legitimacy is good for us. It opens new opportunities, and we should welcome a crisis of confidence, especially because our opponents in journalism, academia, and corporate America are clearly propping the system up.
President Trump may still win this election. If he does, many of the benefits of a Democratic victory would disappear. However, the most important benefit would not. Our opponents are forcing white Americans either to defend their own interests or submit. Our opponents have a vast system of media, financial, cultural, and political control, and it is clearer than ever that they use this system against us. What President Trump represents — defiance of the ruling class — has always been more important than what he does.............
If President Trump wins, Republicans will have to reign in Big Tech and challenge Democratic political machines just to keep the game straight. Republicans will not be able to break away from him. National populism will be here to stay.
Out of cold calculation, I think President Trump losing a narrow, contested contest may be best for us. Repudiation would have been a disaster, but that didn’t happen. He and his movement may become stronger after a defeat of this kind, much as Andrew Jackson became stronger after John Quincy Adams won a pyrrhic victory with the “Corrupt Bargain of 1824.”
Emotionally, I want President Trump to win because his opponents are our opponents. His victory would make me personally happy, but then he would have to handle a collapsing economy, a rising pandemic, and a ferocious Left.
If he wins, the Left will overreact. Conservatives will never shake off populism. Political polarization will sharpen – and will strengthen white identity. Progressives will push critical race theory and Black Lives Matter harder than ever. Therefore, we must stand with Donald Trump. Whether he knows it or not and despite all his many shortcomings, he represents white America. White advocates can’t scorn our mass base. We must stand with our people if we want to help them and eventually lead them.
Is Gregory Hood just trying to cheer us up or making sense? Try the latter. He is worth reading in full
Emails Reveal Identity of Longtime White Nationalist Propagandist as Onetime Conservative Insider Southern Poverty Law Center
The Southern Poverty Law Center, a deeply unpleasant bunch of Jews on the make has exposed Gregory Hood; he is really Kevin DeAnna, an actual Conservative. Isn't it awful? Uh, well no, perhaps not after all.The very same Waking Up from the American Dream. It has a foreword written by Kevin MacDonald, an eminent academic of the Right. It is favourably reviewed by readers on Amazon.
The 'Trojan Horse of the Hard-Left Poised to take the Reins [ 5 November 2020 ]
Nearly 60 percent of Americans believe Kamala Harris is The 'Trojan horse of the hard-Left' and that Joe Biden will NOT serve a full four-year term......Not so very long ago — just last year in fact — a politician from Nevada called Lucy Flores accused Joe Biden of ‘inappropriate touching’ on the campaign trail. She alleged that, in 2014, Biden had sniffed her hair and planted a sloppy kiss on the back of her head in a manner that was both ‘awkward and disturbing’.
Days later, one of Biden’s leading rivals for the Democratic nomination spoke out in support of Flores — and a number of other women who’d publicly accused her opponent of touching them inappropriately — saying: ‘I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.’
That rival was Kamala Harris, a Left-leaning Senator and former lawyer from California whose combative style has seen her variously described as a ‘tough, scrappy fighter who’s always counted out before she wins’............
In an ensuing TV debate, Harris stayed true to this form, coming dangerously close to calling Biden a racist by pointing out that he’d opposed efforts to combat segregation during the 1970s, an allegation he described as ‘a mischaracterization of my position across the board’. Yet fast-forward 18 months and this mucky little tiff has been all but forgotten.
In fact, Harris is today preparing to be sworn in as Joe Biden’s Vice President.............
To Republicans, that represents a truly terrifying prospect. Indeed, while Biden is widely regarded as a centrist, 56-year-old Harris has chosen to side with progressives on a host of hot-button topics, including abortion, gun control and tax reform. Meanwhile, recent months have seen her cutting taxes for the less affluent, decriminalizing sex work, and legalizing marijuana. In the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests, she also endorsed reforming the police.
All of which explains why the Trump campaign has repeatedly denounced her as a ‘Trojan Horse for the radical Left’s extreme agenda’.........
On a personal front, Harris also gained a husband — one Doug Emhoff, a Jewish corporate lawyer with two children from a previous marriage, who is set to become America’s first ‘second gentleman’..
An honest headline for once. If only 60% realise that Joe is senile, a figure-head being used to put Harris into power it is disappointing. Propaganda machines make fools of us. Joe might last a month in the White House before he is sent off to a granny farm. Mr Adams does not quite say that she sleeps with the Enemy Within, with a Jew. It is true none the less.
Biden Will Have A Very Weak Position If He Does Get The White House [ 7 November 2020 ]
At this writing, two days after the election, Joe Biden appears to be six electoral votes away from winning the presidency.The Trump campaign has requested a recount in Wisconsin. Republicans are suing in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Nevada to demand the right to observe vote counts and challenge absentee ballots and COVID-related mail-in ballots.
Recounts rarely change the outcome of an election and never do so when the margin is significant. So that’s a doomed Hail Mary pass. Trump’s fading hopes remain, as I have written previously, with the obscure 12th Amendment to the United States Constitution. If legal challenges prevent another state from certifying its results to the Electoral College by the Dec. 14 deadline, the incoming House of Representatives votes by state delegation for the new president. Most states are Republican, so Trump would win.
If Trump can reverse the trend of Biden being a single state away from legitimately declaring victory, possibly by disqualifying Democratic votes, he may remain in the White House. But Trump’s legal challenges in Nevada, though technically still alive, face long odds.
So, the wind is at Biden’s back, even if it feels more like a mild breeze. Which makes it a good time to consider what a Biden presidency could/will look like.
Few presidents in American history have entered the White House as politically impotent as Joe Biden. No Democrat since and including Andrew Jackson has ever been elected without Democratic control of both houses of Congress. Biden’s inverse coattails made history: Democrats lost four seats in the House. They expected to pick up 15.
The most recent Republican to face congressional opposition on day one was Ronald Reagan in 1981. The GOP controlled the House; Democrats had the Senate.
Biden’s advisers have to be obsessing over the words of former House Speaker John Boehner in 2010: “We’re going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.” “It” was then-President Barack Obama’s agenda. Then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell added at the time: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” McConnell is even more of an obstructionist today. And now he’s the majority leader.
Even if Joe Biden were predisposed to a bold agenda, which progressives have a good reason to doubt, McConnell will block it. Unlike Obama, who had a Democratic supermajority in the Senate, Biden will have a valid excuse to accomplish nothing.
And that’s assuming that he is able to function in the first place. All the Democratic denials in the world can’t hide the possible president-elect’s worsening dementia. At a recent campaign event, Biden introduced his granddaughter as if she were his dead son: “This is my son Beau Biden, who a lot of you helped elect to the Senate in Delaware.” Wrong gender, wrong generation, wrong sentience. He tried to correct himself. “This is my granddaughter, Natalie.”Actually, Natalie is a different granddaughter. His son Beau died five years ago. Beau never even ran for the Senate. This is dementia, not “stuttering.” It’s sad. It’s also scary. As commander in chief, Biden could single-handedly launch a nuclear attack.
Biden’s defenders point to evidence that Reagan suffered from Alzheimer’s, but there was zero evidence of the disease when he took office in 1981. Woodrow Wilson suffered cognitive decline after a stroke, but that was toward the end of his second term. Biden will be the first president to begin his first term with clear signs of dementia.
Ted Rall is right. How long would Joe be in the White House IF he gets there? My guess is a month then he will written off as a senile old hack so that Kamala Harris can take over and destroy America.
Black Rioters Start Outside White House While Winner Is Unknown [ 4 November 2020 ]
Clashes are erupting between Trump supporters and protesters outside the White House on Tuesday night as police struggle to keep crowds under control.Video footage from Black Lives Matter Plaza shows tensions overflowing into physical altercations as thousands gather to demonstrate despite a heavy presence from Metropolitan police.
According to reports, Black Lives Matter demonstrators were angered when a counter-protester allegedly began to shout 'All lives matter, white lives matter'..............
Elsewhere, the LAPD and NYPD were both preparing for potential unrest as the National Guard was activated in 16 states, according to Deadline. The LAPD declares an unlawful assembly near the Staples Center at around 8pm due to a 'large and unruly' crowd and several arrests were made after fireworks were set off in Minneapolis.
They are looking for trouble; they will find it or make it. This will go on for months. Congress will declare the official winner in January by which time Civil War II may well be in full swing.
First Thoughts On The Election By Kevin MacDonald [ 6 November 2020 ]
There’s huge uncertainty about how the election will turn out. What looked like a certain Trump victory when I went to bed on Tuesday night suddenly turned in Biden’s favor in Democrat-run swing states where there appears to have been massive fraud—unprecedented stopping of vote counting on Tuesday night, vote-dumps in the middle of the night in Wisconsin and Michigan in which 100% of the votes went to Biden, preventing poll watchers from actually seeing what was going on in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevada, and I am sure much more. The folks who firmly believe that Putin rigged the 2016 election and studiously ignore how supposedly neutral platforms like Google, Twitter, and Facebook have tilted their coverage in favor of the Democrats, now would have us believe that Democrats would not do anything to cheat. Given the long history of corruption in Chicago politics, it wouldn’t be at all surprising if Chicago Mayor Richard Daley swung the 1960 election to JFK [ Joe Kennedy, his father certainly did, spending millions on bribes - see The Outfit - Editor ].So it seems reasonable to suppose such things could happen in 2020 Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta. And there’s no question that at least some of the people in charge are activists for the Dems. Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Secretary of State in charge of elections, was a board member of the SPLC. Unprincipled pursuit of power is utterly characteristic of the Democrats and their media allies in recent years, and it would not be at all surprising to learn that there was a Plan B already decided on before the election.
Professor MacDonald is at his lucid best. He points to Monstrous Vote Fraud In Michigan, Wisconsin And Pennsylvania. It's not just there of course. Twitter is helping suppress the truth.
Evidence Mounts of a Stolen Election [ 7 November 2020 ]
United States Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney explains a special software developed by the National Security Agency [ NSA ] that can be used to alter vote counts in elections. He explains the software and its use in this 7 minute video: this article, the Off-Guardian explains the use of the software to alter the outcome of the vote in Wisconsin and Michigan:
In this article the Fake News Site, CNN, attempts to explain away the obviously altered vote:
Voting by mail greatly facilitates the use of the vote-altering software and the use of ballot dumps. One reason for the mask mandate and Covid fear was to justify mass voting by mail.
The media speaks with one voice. The print, TV, NPR, social media, and the anti-Trump Internet sites exercise censorship and control the explanations.
We are experiencing a well designed and successful coup against American democracy and accountable government.
No, this is not a conspiracy theory. It is a revolution against red state America.
Doctor Roberts' case is persuasive. Professor MacDonald's pretty much conclusive - see #First Thoughts On The Election By Kevin MacDonald. Recall that John F. Kennedy, of the Democratic Party made it to the White House due to active fraud by The Outfit and multimegabuck bribery by his father. Some things don't change.
PS The Wikipedia tells us that Biden's daughter stayed out of prison.
Biden Claims Victory - Media Rejoice [ 8 November 2020 ]
Joe Biden has been seen for the first time since the election was called for him on Saturday morning, standing proudly with his wife Jill in their Delaware home with a sign reading: 'President Biden lives here'. The election was called for Biden at 11.25 a.m. Saturday morning by television networks and the Associated Press as he passed a 30,000 lead in Philadelphia - as Donald Trump played golf.CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, the AP and USA Today all made the call and Fox News followed suit 10 minutes later. Biden will address the nation at 8pm tonight.
The Mail's readers seem pleased too. Mark Steyn's Commentary on the in-depth corruption used against Don is worth listening to. Vote Rigging has a long history in America. It was how Kennedy got into the White House using The Chicago Outfit, bribery and intimidation. Mark also mentions Tammany Hall run by Boss Tweed.
Will Georgia Halt The Radicals' Revolution? [ 11 November 2020 ]
“In victory, magnanimity… in defeat, defiance.”That counsel about human conflict comes from Winston Churchill.
And President Donald Trump, given all he has endured for five years from those piously pleading now for a “time of healing,” cannot be faulted for his defiant resolve to unearth any and all high crimes or misdemeanors committed in the counting of ballots in the election of Tuesday last. Trump owes his people this, and he owes the establishment nothing.
Yet, in making this his priority, Trump should be mindful of several realities. From what we have seen so far, the prospect that the decision in the battleground states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona or Georgia will be overturned does not appear high. Indeed, it seems a certainty that not enough electoral votes could be flipped from Biden to Trump to overturn Joe Biden’s electoral vote victory............
Minutes after Biden declared victory last week, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, exulted, “Now we take Georgia, and then we change the world.”
Is Election 2020 all over bar the shouting? Far from it. Yes, the Jew Schumer is gloating. He's going to change the world given the chance. Controlling Georgia matters. Counting straight? You gotta be joking; this is real high stakes poker. It is a New World Order takeover bid. NB Its head office is Tel Aviv.
Election Post Script - Four More Years Of Jew Power In America [ 15 November 2020 ]
“What’s going to happen now?”................. I replied. Immigration, largely unchallenged and unscathed (excepting the incidental impact of COVID-19 on population movement) from four years of Trumpism, will now continue to accelerate unabated. Zionism will continue to enjoy the expansion of American institutional and military support, this time with the blood interest of [ the Jew ] Jared Kushner replaced with the Jewish spouses of all three of Biden’s children. And the momentary Obama-era delusion of a post-racial America will continue to dissolve in the reality of the increasing awareness and importance of race throughout the West, not solely as a result of mass migration but also of the increasing ubiquity of the ideologies of racial grievance and revenge. There will, of course, be a dramatic change for the worse in tone and spirit, and some smaller legislative victories like the banning of federal anti-racism training will likely soon be reversed. The defeat of Donald Trump is also hugely demoralizing to many decent American people, and emboldening to their bitterest enemies. This is to be sorely regretted. But it is in the shared qualities of Trump and Biden, rather than the election and sham ballots, that the real nature of our political systems and their future can be perceived. And it is in these shared qualities that our true problems lie......................Biden is the product of funding from forty-four billionaires, including six hedge fund speculators, seven real estate barons, and five in the tech sector. Of the top 22 donors, at least 18 are Jews (Jim Simons, Len Blavatnik, Stewart Resnick, Eli Broad, Neil Bluhm, David Bonderman, Herb Simon, Daniel Och, Liz Lefkovsky, Steve Mandel, Bruce Karsh, Howard Marks, S. Daniel Abraham, Marc Lasry, Jonathan Tisch, Daniel Lubetsky, Laurie Tisch, and Robert Toll). The Jewish consortium behind Biden is almost identical in its financial composition to that behind Trump.
Donald Trump's daughter married a Jew. Kamala Harris married a Jew. Joe Biden's three children all married Jews. Vote American, vote Jew; it is a stacked deck, just the way they like it. If you think they are all bent you are getting the idea.
Trump Lawyer Says We Will Overturn Fraudulent Election Results In Multiple States [ 16 November 2020 ]
Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, a Trump campaign lawyer, suggested in a Sunday interview that there is still more evidence coming out in President Donald Trump’s claims of voter fraud and irregularities.“We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states,” Powell said, saying that she has enough evidence of election fraud to launch a widespread criminal investigation. “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up,” she added, saying that elections software switched “millions of votes” from Trump to Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
Powell notably provided legal counsel to Gen. Michael Flynn in 2019. She was named to Trump’s legal team in the past several days.
Powell said a whistleblower came forward and said the elections software was designed to “rig elections,” saying that “he saw it happen in other countries,” referring to voting systems Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, or perhaps other software and machines.
Was there Vote Rigging this time? Yes, of course there was. It is SOP [ Standard Operating Procedure ]. American voting machines are designed that way for a reason; to screw Donald Trump or anyone else they don't like. If you doubt it go to Voting USA. A firm called Smartmatic stands accused. Is it any different in England? Yes, in detail but not in practice.
American Cybersecurity Official Alleges That The Election Was Not Corrupt [ 21 November 2020 ]
So Donald Trump sacked him. Putting him in prison on charges of Subversion would have made more sense. Doing it years ago, along with the rest of the Deep State would have made even more. If you doubt the in-depth fraud go to 9 Key Challenges To Election 2020 Results or to An Alternative Media Selection; it is The Unz Review, one not beholden to the Mainstream Media or Big Brother.
Don's Lawyer Says He Won The Election But Was Robbed [ 22 November 2020 ]
Trump lawyer Sidney Powell responded to Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s segment about her unproven claims regarding voting systems that were used in this month’s elections by saying that Carlson needed to conduct his own investigation.Powell’s comments came in response to a segment that Carlson aired earlier in the evening during which he highlighted the Trump campaign’s allegations of voter fraud and urged Powell to come on his show so she could provide evidence to back up the allegations. Carlson said that his show repeatedly asked Powell to come on, and that she became angry when she was asked to provide evidence and told the program to stop contacting her.
“Apparently Mr. Carlson missed the news conference today,” Powell said, despite Carlson airing a portion of her comments during his show. “I would continue to encourage him and all journalists to review all the materials we have provided so far and conduct their own investigations.”
“Evidence continues to pour in, but a 5 minute television hit is not my focus now,” Powell continued. “Collecting evidence and preparing the case are my top priorities.”
Carlson said that he offered her the entire hour-long show to air her case and present her evidence to the American people.
This is strange. Obviously there was extensive fraud. Putting the evidence before the people is a great way to prove it but she is refusing. Tucker Carlson is taking her seriously. He wants the truth. Is she bluffing? Is she making it easier for corrupt judges to cheat, to Pervert The Course Of Justice? We should all hope she [ It is a she ] is right.
A Third Of Democrats Think Election Was Stolen - They Know Media Are Lying [ 23 November 2020 ]
The mainstream media’s influence is wearing off on everyday Americans. They’re no longer just buying whatever the ‘anointed’ ones are selling. Americans are realizing that many of these anchors and reporters are not geniuses, but instead messengers.And the message is getting lost in translation.
Although virtually every mainstream media outlet has denied any evidence of fraud in this year’s election, 75% of Republicans believe it was likely stolen from Trump and 30% of Democrats believe it was likely stolen from Trump.
That’s right.
About 1/3 of Democrats believe the election was likely stolen from Trump...............
Even though there are many who think the election was stolen from Trump, a chunk of those folks still think he should concede, anyway.
Have Americans thought through how long Joe Biden will be in the White House if he gets there? Not many it seems. My guess is that he might last a month before Kamala Harris sends him off to a granny farm and starts destroying the country.
2020 Election Fraud Was Largely Black [ 15 December 2020 ]
Did the Democrats rig the 2020 presidential election? Any objective person should at least have some nagging suspicions of possible malfeasance, especially when one listens to the testimonies of the many poll watchers placed in battleground locations: the coincidental events that necessitated conveniently long counting pauses and brazen efforts to restrict their ability to “watch.” An article in the Spectator, written by a professional pollster, makes a strong case for some healthy skepticism of Biden’s win. The more important question, of course, is who did it? And even more curious, how?In one of his usual gaffe-laden speeches on the campaign trail, Joe Biden may have given the most Freudian of his many slips of the tongue in his career when he said: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”....................
One of the reasons many people find it hard to believe that you can have so many people involved in this scheme is that it would be difficult to issue instructions to all those people without some record of communications being leaked. But they are looking at this the wrong way: you don’t have to issue any instructions to the vast majority of the people you hire in your ballot harvesting schemes etc. You just need to make sure that you have enough people who believe that Trump is the Second Coming of Hitler — and that this time he has come for the blacks, the Asians, Arabs, Latinos and yes, to also finish off the Jews. They only need to be told to do “whatever it takes” [‘Whatever it takes’: how black women fought to mobilize America’s voters. The Guardian, November 12, 2020]..................
Taking advantage of a Texas law that allows disabled people to vote by mail, this group somehow registered a large number of able-bodied people as disabled, in some cases without their consent, so that they could have more mail-in ballots for their fraudulent scheme to work. Thus, whereas the FBI might assume that it’s difficult to rig through mail-in ballots in a county with a relatively small number of disabled people, this group saw a loophole and innovatively found a way of expanding that segment of ballots.............
When I first saw the Texas fraud story, I was not expecting any racial pattern; I unconsciously assumed that it was at best a mixed-race operation. Until I saw the mug shots of the arrested fraudsters (the state is 74% white and only 12% black).
Yes, it was another all black operation. It is somewhat similar in Chicago where murder thrives. The perpetrators are mainly blacks killing each other - see Murder In Chicago - Use the FILTER to find the current score 547 black out of the 738 total.
The Election Fix Is In [ 24 December 2020 ]
Have you noticed the triumphalism with which the chattering classes have hailed the alleged failure of Trump’s legal team to produce the evidence for election fraud. They celebrate every court case as further vindication of the election’s authenticity. “Time for the kraken to get crackin’” gloated one headline. But in fact the kraken has already done its stuff by providing a tsunami of evidence proving fraud on an unprecedented scale. It’s all there: Sworn affidavits (which means those testifying can be jailed for perjury if they’re shown to have lied) and direct video evidence of truckloads of ‘ballots for Biden’ being secretly delivered after polls had been closed for bogus reasons. And don’t get me started on the Dominion software.But, as I have suggested in earlier posts, the evidence is useless unless it gets acted upon. And this in turn depends on uncorrupted and uncompromised institutions for justice. Unfortunately for America that horse has bolted. The whole judicial system is rotten and compromised, right up to the SCOTUS which has thrown out the Texas suit without even hearing the evidence. Meanwhile the media are in lockstep ignoring the momentous findings or, where forced to comment, denigrate them without compunction. So where can Trump turn? The Republican Party is infested with RINOs [ Republicans in Name Only ] who’d celebrate the inauguration of Joe and the Ho’ and let things get back to normal. Law enforcement agencies from the DoJ down are corrupt to the core and packed with Trump’s enemies. His recent cleaning out seems to me to be too little and too late.
Maybe I’m wrong and I do retain a glimmer of hope (why would Trump’s recent appointments take the job if they believed he’d serve only one term?) but short of something like Martial Law I can’t see how justice will be done. So what I’m saying I suppose is that irrespective of the evidence – make that the overwhelming evidence – the fix is in.
PS The Irish Savant does not mention that Obama, the black foreigner born in Kenya got into the White House, despite the Constitution using extensive fraud and a Forged Birth Certificate. There was collusion between Deep State, the Mainstream Media etc. They got away with it that time as well.
Democrats Boast About Stealing The Election From Don [ 12 February 2021 ]
LAST week Time magazine published quite the most extraordinary article of the year to date.Extraordinary in that it not just puts paid to all that liberal intelligentsia, chattering-class scoffing at the notion of US election theft, but that it openly documents the shadow campaign master plan to do just that – and boasts about it.
‘To the President, something felt amiss. “It was all very, very strange,” Trump said on Dec. 2. “Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint the winner, even while many key states were still being counted.” In a way, Trump was right.’
This admission comes at the start of the piece, entitled The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election, written by Time’s National Political Correspondent, Molly Ball, that describes a ‘conspiracy’ by a ‘well-funded cabal of powerful people’ who came together and plotted to stop Trump winning and, the irony is not to be lost, then praises it. This was not, you see, an assault on the election, it was – you’ve got it – to protect America from ‘Trump’s assault on democracy.’
You’d be forgiven for believing you were reading about America’s War of Independence or some noble cause so confident is Ball that she and those she owns to be conspirators are on the side of virtue.
This, despite her detailed description of how these people ‘ranging across industries and ideologies’, worked ‘together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information’. And yes, make no mistake, she calls it a conspiracy, as undoubtedly it was. ‘The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day’.
No one seems to have denied her account of the alliance of the progressive Left, big labour, big business and the Washington establishment to counter Donald Trump and ‘suppress unwanted elements of US political conversation before and after election day’.
In her own words, Ball refers to this orchestration as a ‘conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and co-ordinated the resistance from CEOs’.
She claims that such efforts weren’t aimed at ‘rigging the election’ – which is nice to know – then damns herself with her next few words of excuse that ‘they were fortifying it’.
Her ‘virtuous’ interpretation of the conspiracy as part of a heroic grassroots movement intent on salvaging democracy and saving the country from Trump and Covid rings more than a little hollow. It betrays someone who has no real respect for the electorate at all, but a scary elitist certainty in a world view that can tolerate no contradiction.
Of the conspirators, she confesses that ‘their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding.
‘They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time.
‘They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smear.’
So it was okay that these groups engaged in a unified legal front to ‘change voting systems and laws’ at state level and that conservative efforts to fight them were euphemistically termed ‘voter-suppression lawsuits’?
Ball’s insouciance is scary. So is this record of the full scale of the forces and the illegality that went into ensuring Trump wouldn’t get a second term. We may have suspected this level of anti-democratic corruption, but seeing it so uncompromisingly set out is shocking. Where is the movie about this?
You can read the full article here and I can recommend two detailed commentaries on it. The first is by Jeff Carlson, a regular contributor to The Epoch Times, and the other is by James Freeman in the Wall Street Journal. who asks was it good for the country, as Ms Ball would have it, or was it just good for Biden? It certainly begs the question of who’s really running America now.
Yes, Election 2020 was stolen. Are they guilty as Hell? Yes. Did I doubt it? No. Do they deny everything? Of course. But the story is too good to keep secret. They don't even need to because the Deep State, the Judiciary, the Mainstream Media, the rogues running Big Tech and the Establishment generally are too powerful, too corrupt, too organised. And overall we have the Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies running things. They know that Bribery works but Blackmail is cheaper. That is why Jeffery Epstein was so useful. Is also why he had to be go. Dead men tell no tales. Will Ghislaine Maxwell babble when she gets to court? Can she be allowed the chance?
PS The TIME journo, Molly Ball who wrote the offending article is a Jew, a Puppet Mistress, an Enemy Of The People.
AFL-CIO, Chamber of Commerce, National Faith Leaders Call for Votes to Be Counted
And prove collusion thereby.
The Shame of the Cities:
The Famous Muckraking Expose of Corruption in America's Cities: St. Louis, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and New York Paperback
Renowned muckraker and investigative reporter Lincoln Steffens recounts a series of historic corruption scandals in cities of the United States. The various backhanders and embezzlements occurring in the urban councils of the USA in the late 19th century are recalled here. Though the country was in a period of great development and advancement, this rise to industrial prowess was accompanied by an egregious culture of dishonesty. The development of 'old boy networks', whereby a group of insiders would conspire to siphon public funds and favour one another in matters of politics or business, became a serious problem. Steffens was a leading opponent of such nepotism, and did his utmost to root it out. In this book are images he gained of dishonest accounting; these, among other documentary evidence, led to certain corrupt officials losing their position and facing charges.
The History of the Standard Oil Company
Ida Tarbell was a famous journalist and author who wrote a bunch of scathing works about the robber barons and monopolies at the turn of the century, helping steer public opinion towards the kind of progressive policies and anti-trust laws passed by President Theodore Roosevelt in the early 1900s.
This reprint is badly done with missing page numbers, graphs etc. See the 1 star [ * ] comments.
The History of Tammany Hall, by Gustavus Myers is on line or here at The History of Tammany Hall
Election Day Plus Three
Mark Steyn comments so very well.
17 States Join Texas Law Suit - It Is Still Doomed - MSM Bias Gets Blatant [ 26 January 2021 ]
For all of the (many) lawsuits that President Donald Trump and his supporters have filed challenging the 2020 election results, the new winner for hubris and cynicism may be the action that the state of Texas filed directly in the Supreme Court late Monday night, asking the justices to throw out the results in four (but only four) battleground states: Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. So far, 17 states have filed motions backing the Texas attorney general, and Trump has asked the Supreme Court to let him join the lawsuit, as well.............Texas is relying on an obscure source of the Supreme Court’s power — its ability to hear disputes between states immediately without having them go through lower courts, known as “original jurisdiction.” But the claim at the heart of the suit has nothing to do with interstate relations — like a border dispute or litigation over water rights. Nor does it have anything to do with fraud. Rather, Texas is arguing that coronavirus-related changes to election rules in each state violate the federal Constitution, never mind that most states (including Texas) made such changes this cycle.
A Trump hater demonstrates his ability to misrepresent the truth, to lie in his teeth. Why did 17 other States join Texas? Because there is a case to answer.
Major Election Fraud In Detroit Is Proven [ 7 February 2021 ]
On Friday The Gateway Pundit released exclusive video from the TCF Center [ in Detroit ] showing late-night deliveries of tens of thousands of votes to the TCF Center HOURS AFTER the deadline to turn in absentee ballots. The absentee ballots were counted before election day. The only absentee ballots they had left to count came in from the Zuckerberg boxes that were checked hourly.We have much more on this incident to report on in the coming days.
The evidence is out there; that is not a question. The reality is that the Establishment will eagerly ignore it. The FBI is, just like the rest of the Deep State utterly corrupt. People have not forgotten that they perpetrated the Waco Massacre and stage managed the cover up.
Democrats Boast About Stealing The Election From Don [ 12 February 2021 ]
LAST week Time magazine published quite the most extraordinary article of the year to date.Extraordinary in that it not just puts paid to all that liberal intelligentsia, chattering-class scoffing at the notion of US election theft, but that it openly documents the shadow campaign master plan to do just that – and boasts about it.
‘To the President, something felt amiss. “It was all very, very strange,” Trump said on Dec. 2. “Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint the winner, even while many key states were still being counted.” In a way, Trump was right.’
This admission comes at the start of the piece, entitled The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election, written by Time’s National Political Correspondent, Molly Ball, that describes a ‘conspiracy’ by a ‘well-funded cabal of powerful people’ who came together and plotted to stop Trump winning and, the irony is not to be lost, then praises it. This was not, you see, an assault on the election, it was – you’ve got it – to protect America from ‘Trump’s assault on democracy.’
You’d be forgiven for believing you were reading about America’s War of Independence or some noble cause so confident is Ball that she and those she owns to be conspirators are on the side of virtue.
This, despite her detailed description of how these people ‘ranging across industries and ideologies’, worked ‘together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information’. And yes, make no mistake, she calls it a conspiracy, as undoubtedly it was. ‘The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day’.
No one seems to have denied her account of the alliance of the progressive Left, big labour, big business and the Washington establishment to counter Donald Trump and ‘suppress unwanted elements of US political conversation before and after election day’.
In her own words, Ball refers to this orchestration as a ‘conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and co-ordinated the resistance from CEOs’.
She claims that such efforts weren’t aimed at ‘rigging the election’ – which is nice to know – then damns herself with her next few words of excuse that ‘they were fortifying it’...........
You can read the full article here and I can recommend two detailed commentaries on it. The first is by Jeff Carlson, a regular contributor to The Epoch Times, and the other is by James Freeman in the Wall Street Journal. who asks was it good for the country, as Ms Ball would have it, or was it just good for Biden? It certainly begs the question of who’s really running America now.
Yes, Election 2020 was stolen. Are they guilty as Hell? Yes. Did I doubt it? No. Do they deny everything? Of course. But the story is too good to keep secret. They don't even need to because the Deep State, the Judiciary, the Mainstream Media, the rogues running Big Tech and the Establishment generally are too powerful, too corrupt, too organised. And overall we have the Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies running things. They know that Bribery works but Blackmail is cheaper. That is why Jeffery Epstein was so useful. Is also why he had to be go. Dead men tell no tales. Will Ghislaine Maxwell babble when she gets to court? Can she be allowed the chance?
PS The TIME journo, Molly Ball who wrote the offending article is a Jew, a Puppet Mistress, an Enemy Of The People.