News 2011 December

This is what I published in December. I confirm my fundamental view - newspapers are political weapons used to manipulate us, just like television, wireless, film, magazines and books. For earlier offerings go to 2011 or contact me at - Mike Emery

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell
Cherie Blair Competition Winners
Blair Is A War Criminal On The Run

31 December 2011 31 December is New Year's Eve On this day in 1999 Vladimir Putin became the acting President of Russia and a very good one. He is rated as the best ruler since Peter the Great

Bush & Blair Convicted Of War Crimes By Malaysian Tribunal
Former US president George Bush and his former counterpart Tony Blair were found guilty of war crimes by theKuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal which held a four day hearing in the Malaysia. The five panel tribunal unanimously decided that Bush and Blair committed genocide and crimes against peace and humanity when they invaded Iraq in 2003 in blatant violation of international law. The judges ruled that war against Iraq by both the former heads of states was a flagrant abuse of law, act of aggression which amounted to a mass murder of the Iraqi people. In their verdict, the judges said that the United States, under the leadership of Bush, forged documents to claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

They further said the findings of the tribunal be made available to members of the Rome Statute and the names of Bush and Blair be entered into a war crimes register. Both Bush and Blair repeatedly said the so-called war against terror was targeted at terrorists. Lawyers and human rights activists present here say the verdict by the tribunal is a landmark decision. And the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Foundation said it would lobby the International Criminal Court to charge former US president George Bush and Former British prime minister Tony Blair for war crimes.
Blair gets away with crime in England because the Crown Prosecution Service does not prosecute anyone who matters. Bush benefits from similar malpractice. The Main Stream Media have done a total news blackout in England. Richard Falk of Foreign Policy Journal is an honest and competent source.


Britain WAS Right To Sink The Argentinean Belgrano
Since that fateful afternoon on May 2, 1982, the sinking of the Argentinean cruiser Belgrano by the British nuclear-powered submarine Conqueror has been regarded as one of the most controversial events of the Falklands War. Many British critics of the action, which resulted in the deaths of 323 Argentinean sailors, see the sinking as a war crime. these critics, who are invariably on the far Left, and include the former Labour MP Sir Tam Dalyell and the former Ministry of Defence civil servant Clive Ponting, argue that the Belgrano represented no threat, and was actually sailing away from the 200-mile Total Exclusion Zone declared by the British around the Falkland Islands........

However, a new book reveals that these critics have been wrong all along, and the Belgrano was indeed a fair target, not least because — it now emerges — it had been ordered to proceed into the Exclusion Zone at the time it was attacked......

However, the British soon realised the Zone would be too small, and on April 23, the Swiss government was asked to convey to the Argentinians a cable that declared ‘any approach on the part of Argentine warships, including submarines, naval auxiliaries or military aircraft, which could amount to a threat to interfere with the mission of the British Forces in the South Atlantic will encounter the appropriate response’.
Invading another country is a war crime unless it has been authorised by the UN - see Casus Belli. It will also be crime to invade Iran but the Jews don't care about that. The fact that the British signal telling the Argies to keep away got forgotten is odd; cock up or conspiracy?


Washington's Ten Most Corrupt Politicians 2011
The “Top Ten” list for 2011, in alphabetical order, includes:
Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL);
Former Senator John Ensign (R-NV);
Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL);
Attorney General Eric Holder;
Rep.Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL);
Barack Obama;
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA);
Rep. Don Young (R-AK);
Rep. Laura Richardson (D-CA); and
Rep. David Rivera (R-FL).
Now, after reviewing the year’s top scandals, we just could not stop at ten corrupt politicians so we’ve added seven additional names in a category we call “Dishonorable Mentions.” And they include in alphabetical order:........
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA); [ Pandering to Jews big time. He wants votes - Editor ]
It looks as though Obama may not have gotten away with it.


Jews Want Compensation From The Victims They Robbed When They Stole Palestine In 1948
[ Israeli ] Gov’t Wants Arabs to Pay for 1948 Pogroms against Jews israel is tackling the alleged “Arab refugees” issue by renewing efforts for compensation for Jewish victims of 1948 Arab pogroms.

The government has decided to tackle head-on the alleged “Arab refugees” issue by renewing efforts for compensation for Jewish victims of Arab pogroms .

Estimates of property losses range from $16 billion to $300 billion in Arab countries where Arab leaders seized their property or took it over after Jews were expelled or forced to flee because of anti-Jewish violence and harassment.

Dr. Avi Bitzur, director-general of the Pensioners' Affairs Ministry, told Voice of Israel government radio it has created a new department to try to collect claims for more than 850,000 Jews from Iran and other Arab countries. Approximately 80 percent of them moved to Israel.

Most of the refugees fled or were expelled after the violent Arab reaction to the re-establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, six months after it was recognized by the United Nations under the Partition Plan that the Arab world rejected.
This goes from unmitigated greed to being insensate. The Jews did their Ethnic Cleansing of thousands when they took over Palestine, driving out they those they did not murder. Then they have the gall to complain about the Arab response. The Germans are fool enough to pander to these swine. Arabs will not be so stupid,


30 December 2011

Republicans Moving Iowa Vote Count To Secret Location To Block Ron Paul Win
Threats to disrupt the Iowa Republican caucuses next week have prompted state GOP officials to move the vote tabulation to an "undisclosed location," POLITICO has learned. The state party has not yet told the campaigns exactly where the returns will be added up, only that it will be off-site from the Iowa GOP's Des Moines headquarters.  Activist groups including the Occupy movement have indicated that they'll attempt to interrupt rallies in the closing days before next Tuesday's caucuses. MORE

Joseph Stalin  said "He who votes decides nothing; he who counts the votes decides everything." How true.
The dead voted for Kennedy way back. They voted for the other one too.


29 December 2011

Iran Threatens Oil Sanctions
Iran threatened on Tuesday to stop the flow of oil through the strait of Hormuz if foreign sanctions were imposed on its crude exports because of its [ alleged ] nuclear ambitions. Western tensions with Iran have increased since a report last month by the UN nuclear watchdog saying Tehran appeared to have been working on designing an atomic bomb and may still be pursuing research to that end. Iran strongly denies this and says it is developing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Iran has defiantly expanded its nuclear activity despite four rounds of UN sanctions meted out since 2006 over its refusal to suspend sensitive uranium enrichment and open up to UN nuclear inspectors and investigators.

Many diplomats and analysts believe only sanctions targeting Iran's lifeblood oil sector may be painful enough to make it change course, but Russia and China – big trade partners of Tehran – have blocked such a move at the UN. Iran's warning came three weeks after EU foreign ministers decided to tighten sanctions over the UN report and laid out plans for a possible embargo of oil from the world's fifth biggest crude exporter.....

About a third of all sea-borne oil was shipped through the strait of Hormuz in 2009, and US warships patrol the area to ensure safe passage. [ To be fair, they can't - Editor ] Most of the crude exported from Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Iraq must slip through the strait, a four-mile wide shipping channel between Oman and Iran.
Grauniad is in propaganda mode. The Jews have been marketing their lies about Iran wanting nukes while beefing up their own nuclear arsenal. The Germans are giving them another Dolphin-class submarine which carries the Popeye Turbo Cruise Missiles with a range of almost a thousand miles, enough to attack anywhere in Europe. Naturally they are nuclear. They can hit any capital in Europe or North America for that matter. The Jews have been telling the Americans to attack Iran, to put the frighteners on all Arabs. The Americans have not been stupid, not quite stupid enough to oblige. Petrol at $50 a gallon would annoy a LOT of voters.


Judge Summing Up In Lawrence Trial
The jury in the Stephen Lawrence murder trial have been told they should acquit both defendants unless they are sure scientific evidence allegedly tying them to the murder scene was not the result of contamination.

In his summing up, the trial judge, Mr Justice Treacy, told the jury it was for the prosecution to prove that blood and fibres it claims were found on defendants' clothing came from their participation in the attack on Lawrence, in April 1993.
Guardian is pretending to be fair so that it cannot be used in an appeal on the grounds of malicious prosecution or whatever.


Narcotics, America And Mexico, Fred Explains All
When I arrived in Mexico going on ten years ago, it was a mildly sleepy upper-Third World country, whatever that means—corrupt but not dangerous, not rich but hardly poor, barely middle-class overall and climbing, the mañana thing seldom noticeable, and women pouring into the professions. I parodied the American conception of Mexico as perilous hell-hole because it wasn't. Not even close.

Then in 2006 Felipe Calderón became president, and declared war on the drug cartels. Mexicans I talk to think he did it under pressure from Washington, but I don't know. Certainly Washington has done everything in its power to encourage it.

The war failed, as anyone with even a vague understanding of the world would have predicted. A war on drugs—foolish phrase—may be said to succeed if the price of drugs rises on the American street. It didn't. It won't...........

Mexico is being wrecked in what amounts to an out-sourced American civil war. Huge numbers of Americans use drugs, most assuredly including people on Capitol Hill. Moralists and the Feds don't want them to use drugs. Putting many millions of white users in Leavenworth would be politically awkward. So: Export the war to Mexico, which never had a drug problem. This solution is acceptable for white users, who continue to have ample supplies at high convenience and low cost. It is acceptable to the anti-drug industry, the cops and prison guards and so on, who get fat salaries, and to the narcos. It is a splendid situation all around, except for poor blacks and Mexico. About neither of which anyone gives a damn........

Meanwhile houses of expats go on the market, with few if any buyers, and the sale of drugs in American goes on, undisturbed.
Notice that the narcotic traders buy politicians, just the same as the Jews buy politicians, just the same as Wall Street buys politicians, just like Big Oil, Big You Name it.  Do we need a revolution?


Jews Are New York's Worst Landlords
NYC's list of worst landlords was recently updated. Do you know any of these slumlords? New York City's list of its worst landlords has recently been updated, and there are some names on the list that you may recognize. I'll list a few of those names below. There 157 bad landlords listed. To see the entire list, click here.
2. Lawrence Price

Actually it is not an all Jew list but they are there dominating the top of the list.


Israel Steps Up Ethnic Cleansing In Jerusalem
This week Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat announced plans to strip IDs from 70,000 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem , and transfer them to the West Bank civil administration. Though not a physical transfer, this stripping of IDs will mark the largest en masse stripping of citizenship rights, since 1967, the Palestinian naksa, or "setback."  Palestinians who were forced into exile as refugees, or were traveling abroad in 1967 were stripped of their Palestinians ID documents.

The Palestinians from East Jerusalem neighborhoods such as Silwan, whose status will be revoked, are already geographically annexed to a "greater Jerusalem" by the security wall.  The route of the wall cuts Silwan from other Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem that are east of the wall, and west of the Ma'ale Adumim settlement.

Haaretz’s Nir Hassan reported on December 23, the stripping of Jerusalem IDs coincides with the opening of a massive new checkpoint in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Shuafat, and the re-emergence of construction on a settler road connecting Jerusalem to Ma'ale Adumim.  Finishing the construction, combined  with the new checkpoint, would all but cut the West Bank in half-- and complete the physical annexation of East Jerusalem.
The details vary. The thrust does not. Ethnic Cleansing is crime. Ethnic Cleansing is policy for Zionist mad dogs.


Jew Lied In Order To Pervert The Course Of Justice, Jew Gets Off Lightly
A Queens lawyer has been suspended for six months for falsely accusing a New Jersey state trooper of using anti-Semitic slurs against him, according to a ruling released yesterday. Attorney Elliott Dear said he made up the outrageous allegations in hopes of getting out of a speeding ticket. Court papers say the unidentified trooper pulled over Dear, an orthodox Jew, for going 84 in a 55-mph zone while driving with his wife in 2007. Six days after getting the ticket, Dear sent a letter to the traffic court saying, “This ticket shall be dismissed immediately” since he wasn’t speeding and “the officer called me a ‘Jew kike’ — and this prejudice obviously was the cause for the ticket,” the papers say. The letter was forwarded to Internal Affairs, which contacted Dear, who repeated that he had been the victim of an ethnic slur.

Unfortunately for Dear — and luckily for the trooper — the traffic stop had been videotaped on the officer’s car camera, and the trooper was wearing a recording device. Police reported Dear’s actions to the New York state lawyers’ disciplinary committee. In a ruling made public yesterday, a panel of state Appellate Division judges denied Dear’s request for only a private rebuke, and suspended him for six months.

Jew lies. Jew gets off lightly. Jews made the decision?
Perverting the course of justice is major crime unless your face fits.


28 December 2011 is the Feast of the Holy Innocents who were murdered by King Herod the Great - see Massacre of the Innocents and decide whether the Wiki is being evasive.

American Establishment Does A Smear Job On Ron Paul
The Iowa  vote is fast approaching, and with a possibility that Ron Paul could come out on top, the media is in full-fledged attack mode. Following pieces in The New Republic, The Weekly Standard, and the LA Times (pop quiz: What do these media outlets have in common?), the New York Times chimes in with “Paul Disowns Extremists’ Views but Doesn’t Disavow the Support,” by Jim Rutenberg and Serge F. Kovaleski. The goal is to link Paul to Don Black, Willis Carto, and, most of all, David Duke. The formula is simple: Start with a couple of old, fairly innocuous  old items from the Ron Paul Survival Report—including a concern about car-jackings by “urban youth” [ code for blacks - Ed. ] that ends by warning that “the animals [ code for blacks ]  are coming”;  and “a lament about ‘The Disappearing White Majority.” It then veers into some writing by Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell that did not appear in Ron Paul’s newsletter but has the virtue of linking Paul’s libertarianism with David Duke:

Mr. Rothbard called for a “Right Wing Populism,” suggesting that the campaign for governor of Louisiana by David Duke, the founder of the National Association for the Advancement of White People, was a model for “paleolibertarianism.”.........

Having laid this “foundation,” Rutenberg and Kovaleski apply the coup de grâce by interviewing Don Black who claims that “the paleoconservatives who think there are race problems in this country” were “a big part of his constituency.”........

A classic guilt by association argument. Don Black  supports Ron Paul and libertarian Murray Rothbard says that some of Ron Paul’s ideas don’t differ much from some of David Duke’s ideas. Therefore, even though Ron Paul may not believe what they believe, the linkage has been made and it is certainly enough to make any self-respecting New York Times reader horrified at the prospect of Ron Paul as president.

Why didn’t we get articles like this in the Times in 2008 when Obama was being linked to Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers? There wasn’t much concern then by the Times or the rest of the MSM that Obama was getting the support of the farthest of the far left.
Ron Paul ran for president in 2008. The Main Stream Media beat him by pretending he didn't exist. They got Obama by pretending that his  Forged Birth Certificate didn't exist. This time is different. They are doing a smear job. pretending that Ron is endorsed by David Duke, Adolf Hitler, whoever. NB Doctor Paul is the only honest man in Congress. It is different with Newt Gingrich. He has sold out. See Gingrich Panders To Jews To Buy Votes In Presidential Election for confirmation.


Black Killed By Another Black In Oxford Street Was A Career Criminal
Teenager stabbed to death at Oxford Street Boxing Day sales was a shoplifter involved in gang feud
Victim was a member of violent street gang ABM and was facing charges of robbery and assault
Seydou Diarrassouba, 18, was knifed in the heart after a fight broke out  in a trainer store as the two groups were on a shoplifting spree on a packed Oxford Street. The victim was a member of the notorious London street gang ABM, which stands for ‘All ’Bout Money’, and the killer was believed to have been involved with the rival 031 Bloods. Territorial clashes between the two South London gangs have claimed several lives since 2007. On YouTube, the victim appears  in a homemade rap video in which he talks about guns and killing (see below). A known gangster, he was facing trial over charges of robbery and assault by beating in relation to an alleged attack in September. On Boxing Day he is believed to have left his home on a council estate in Mitcham, South London, with other members of ABM with the intention of using the sales crush as cover for shoplifting......

Last night details emerged about how Diarrassouba was sucked into the violent world of gang warfare [ Tosh. He walked into it with eyes open - Editor ] Born in Merton, south London, in 1993 to Muslim parents who came to Britain from the Ivory Coast in West Africa, he was the youngest of three.
These comedians were imported to England by the traitors who run the One Party With Three Names,
Conservative Party, Labour Party & the Liberal Party. Now it is paying off for the puppet masters who pull the strings, pay the bribes, blackmail, whatever. Notice that the BBC, Blair, Brown, Cameron and other undesirables are not getting mouthy about the wonders of Multiculturalism.

The Mail is minimizing the truth about the origin of evil. The Grauniad is intent on suppressing it totally. The Grauniad tried to hide the truth of the mass murders carried out by dear old Joe - see Winter in Moscow on the point.


Police Tasered A Black After Another Black Killed In Oxford Street
The moment police brandished a Taser at bystanders as they tried to regain control of Oxford Street crowd in frenzy over stabbing.......

This is the dramatic moment police drew a Taser as they battled to gain control of the frenzied crowd surrounding the scene of a fatal stabbing on London's Oxford Street yesterday.

[ Pig shoots black. Notice that it is blacks pushing through - Editor ]
As hundreds of shoppers look on in horror at paramedics trying to revive the teenager outside a branch of Foot Looker, several distressed onlookers appeared to try to push past the line of police.

And as emotions ran high [ The Mail is making excuses for other criminals - Editor ], officers had to physically restrain a number of youths, including one teen who appeared desperate to push through towards the victim following the Boxing Day attack.........

Witnesses said a group of young men began arguing over a box of trainers before the victim was stabbed in the chest. It is believed the group may have been on Oxford Street on a shoplifting spree and were arguing over who stole what. One said the killer said ‘Wallah’, an Arabic slang term for ‘I swear to God’, before plunging the knife into his victim.
All black crime? It starts to look that way.


675 Honour Killings Is in Pakistan This Year
ISLAMABAD: At least 675 Pakistani women and girls were murdered during the first nine months of the year for allegedly defaming their family’s honour, a leading human rights group said Tuesday.

Despite some progress on better protecting women’s rights, activists say the government needs to do far more to prosecute murderers in cases largely dismissed by police as private, family affairs. “A total of 675 women and girls were killed in the name of honour across Pakistan from January to September,” a senior official in the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan told AFP. They included at least 71 victims under the age of 18.
Brits sorted out Thugee which got thousands of kills. Brits sorted out Suttee. Are they grateful? Not a chance.
Her Majesty's Government imports Third World scum like these like this in order to cause trouble, to destroy England. Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition are even more corrupt.


Palestinian Gets Four Years For Stoning Jews
Judge says Mohammad Taha and accomplices 'ruthlessly, mercilessly' attacked father and daughter who entered village by mistake. Judge Rafi Carmel ruled that Taha and his accomplices ambushed the vehicle before mounting a "ruthless, unscrupulous and merciless attack."
Of course when Jews attack ruthlessly, mercilessly that is different because Jews are God's Chosen People so they are allowed to rob, rape, murder, maim. They are also allowed to get away with using the
Holocaust® story to rob German mugs.


Veolia Takes Severe Blow As It Fails To Win 485 Million Pound Contract After Involvement With Jews And Crime
Human rights campaigners are celebrating after the West London Waste Authority ('WLWA') excluded French multinational Veolia from a £485 million contract covering 1.4 million inhabitants of the London boroughs of Brent, Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon, Hounslow and Richmond-upon-Thames, for treatment of residual domestic waste. The reasons behind the decision by the WLWA to exclude Veolia are commercially confidential but the impact of human rights campaigners should not be under-estimated.

Over the last six months campaigners lobbied Councillors and Council officials to exclude Veolia from the contract and submitted a letter to the WLWA documenting Veolia's direct complicity in grave breaches of international and humanitarian law in Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Campaigners pointed out that:
Veolia helped build and is involved in operating a tram-line which links Jerusalem with illegal Israeli settlements in the Palestinian West Bank.
Veolia takes waste from Israel and illegal Israeli Settlements and dumps this on Palestinian land at the Tovlan landfill.
The letter also gave evidence of Veolia's racist recruitment policies in Israel, as well as the company's operation of buses on Highway 443 which Palestinians are prohibited from using. [
Apartheid busses in Israel? How awful. Jews are not like those dreadful Boers are they? They have consciences, don't they? - Hint: NO! ]
This article come from Jews who have taken the point that murder is not a victimlesss crime, not even for the perpetrator in this case.


27 December 2011 On this day in 2008 the Jews began the Gaza Massacre. They murdered 1400 men, women and children.

The resemblance to the Wehrmacht is not an accident.

Black Kills Black In Oxford Street
Somali teenage victim died following attack inside Foot Locker store
Eleven people arrested in and around store shortly after stabbing
The biggest sales rush in British history was marked by bloodshed yesterday as a teenager was murdered in a suspected row over a pair of trainers....

Witnesses said the teenager was amongst a group of black youths, thought to be rival gangs, fighting over the trainers. The teen, described locally as a Somali from Tooting, South London whose first name is Seydou, managed to stagger outside bleeding heavily before collapsing on the street.........

One said the killer said ‘Wallah’, an Arabic slang term for ‘I swear to God’, before plunging the knife into his victim. The stabbed youth pushed his way through the crowd of shoppers, many of whom did not realize what had happened, before collapsing on the pavement outside.
Plenty of people KNOW the colour of the perpetrator but the media are not saying. The
Mail says the dead one, who could just as easily have been the killer is black. The Guardian pretends it does not know. The Guardian is a propaganda machine.

Perpetratee. He came unstuck.


Germany Agrees To Compensate Jews Who Fled Into Soviet Union - Israel Agrees To Ignore Its Victims In Gaza
This is the first time the German government has recognized the suffering of those who fled for their lives; Hardship Fund payments of 2,556 euros to be made starting January 1.

Germany has agreed to grant one-time compensation to Jews who fled the Nazi onslaught into the Soviet Union during World War II, even if they ended up in regions that Nazis did not conquer, the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany announced Sunday. Payment will go to Jewish victims of Nazism from the former Soviet Union who live in Israel, the United Sates, Germany and other Western countries. This is the first time the German government has recognized the suffering of those who fled for their lives............

More than 1 million Jews were murdered during the Nazi occupation of the former Soviet Union and entire Jewish communities were eradicated. Thousands of Jews who realized that coming under Nazi occupation was a virtual death sentence fled eastward to try to escape.
Thousands of Jews knew? So why did six million Jews walk into gas chambers with making a fuss? The Claims Conference is just as crooked as the World Jewish Congress. Will the money go direct to the alleged victims or will the Jews running the Holocaust® Industry get their chance to steal it? We are not being told.


President Of Israel Is A Rapist. President Is Not Going Try Appealing Again
Katsav's lawyer reportedly decides there are no new legal claims that would justify another hearing to appeal his rape conviction. Former Israeli President Moshe Katsav, who has started serving a seven-year sentence for his rape conviction, has reportedly decided not to request another hearing in his case, after the court rejected his appeal........

Last month, Israel's Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously upheld the Tel Aviv District Court's decision to convict former President Moshe Katsav of two counts of rape and other sexual offenses, and to sentence him to seven years in prison.

The Supreme Court justices agreed that Katsav had lied when insisting that his sexual relations with the former Tourism Ministry employee, A., were consensual, thus validating her allegations of rape.
He is an expert liar but then he is a Jew in politics, just like Netanyahu.


26 December 2011 is Boxing Day   

An Open Letter To The German Chancellor About The Euro
Angela Merkel backed attack on the City

Dear Madame Chancellor,
I know Germany, Frau Merkel, from the alleys of Hamburg to the spires of Dresden, from the Rhine to the Oder, from the bleak Baltic coast to the snows of the Bavarian Alps. I say this only to show you that I am neither ignoramus nor enemy. I also had occasion in those years to visit the many thousands of my countrymen who held the line of the Elbe against 50,000 Soviet main battle tanks and thus kept Germany free to recover, modernise and prosper at no defence cost to herself.

And from inside the Cold War I saw our decades of effort to defeat the Soviet empire and set your East Germany free. I was therefore disappointed last Friday to see you take the part of a small and vindictive Frenchman [ a greasy little Jew in fact - Editor ] in what can only be seen as a targeted attack on the land of my fathers. We both know that every country has at least one aspect of its society or economy that is so crucial, so vital that it simply cannot be conceded.......

But the euro will not be saved. It is crumbling now. And since you have now turned against my country, from this side of the Channel, Madame Chancellor, one can only say of the euro: YOU MADE IT, YOU MEND IT.
Frederick Forsyth, a patriotic Englishman tells Merkel where to go.


Vicious Black Tried To Murder An Englishman
A drunk teenage boy who kicked and stamped on a man's head leaving him disabled and in a wheelchair, has been found guilty of attempted murder. Yesterday an application prompted by the Western Morning News saw an order protecting the thug's identity lifted. He can now be named as 16-year-old Tyler Ian Craig Fielding. Fielding was aged just 15 and had also been smoking cannabis when he twice assaulted 51-year-old Victor King........

Fielding, from Manchester, had moved to Cornwall to be with his girlfriend. At the time of the attack he was living at Tolcarne Street, Camborne, and was a student at Camborne College, working weekends in a shop.....

While Fielding, who the court heard had already been before the courts on five occasions for burglary and theft, denied trying to kill Mr King on the evening of May 15 this year at Redruth, he admitted GBH.
A vicious thug with previous to prove it gets some degree of justice. Other newspapers pretend he is from Camborne, not Manchester. None of them say he is black or give a mug shot to prove it. This pretty much proves his origin as well as their dishonesty in hiding the truth.
PS We are told that cannabis is soporific, that it does not cause violence. This example goes counter to that idea.


Islamic In France Jailed For Punching Nurse Who Removed His Wife's Burqa.
A Muslim man has been jailed in France for punching a nurse who tried to remove his wife's burqa during an emergency C-section. Nassim Mimoune, 24, was earlier banned from the delivery room after calling a midwife a "rapist" when she tried to perform an intimate examination on his wife in a Marseille hospital on Monday, La Provence newspaper reported. The pregnant woman, who had been having contractions for two days when she was admitted, begged her husband to allow the examination, but he threatened her with divorce.

Mimoune, a construction worker from Paris, was then taken away to view the childbirth from another room, but flew into a rage when he saw the nurse removing his wife's burqa. He smashed open the locked door of the operating room and punched the woman in the face, telling her to replace his wife's Islamic veil..... Jailing him Wednesday for six months, the investigating judge described him as putting, "his religious dogma above the laws of the Republic and his French citizenship."
Sarkozy imports bad tempered Racist, Third World scum like this. Sarkozy is a Jew, an enemy of France and Christendom.


Vicious Jews Beat Up 16 Year Old Lad
Dawood Yousef Sharaf, 16, was brutally beaten by Israeli soldiers on two separate occasions in the past week in Silwan [ a suburb of Jerusalem - Ed. ]. Here he recounts the dramatic story to Silwanic.

On Thursday, 15 December Dawood was on his way home from school in East Jerusalem. As he passed by the Mercy Cemetery near the Lion Gate of the Old City the police station outside Silwan, Israeli troops began to harass him. Three troops called Dawood over and asked for his ID and if he’d ever been arrested. He was then told to come into the police station, remove his clothes and get ready to be searched.

"I stood against the wall and raised my hands. One soldier forced me to put my legs apart, then started to beat them. The soldier demanded to know why I had spoken in a high voice when being questioned outside, and I told him that I was in a hurry. They then left me wait over 30 minutes before allowing me to leave. As I was about to exit the building, several officers drew their weapons and forced me back in for another inspection. Finally I was able to leave."......

The Children Protection Committee at the Wadi Hilweh Information Centre states that "physical assault of children from Silwan by Israeli forces are taking place both in and outside of the Silwan area at an unprecedented level. Israeli soldiers, settlers and settler guards often target Silwan children when they are outside the neighbourhood on their way to or from school.
Routine brutality? Yes. Jews get away with crime because they are allowed to get away with it. In fact they are encouraged by the misbegotten
Zionist thugs who run Israel.


Vicious Jews Attack 7 Year Old Girl Who Is Also One Of Them
Petition to protest ultra-Orthodox discrimination against 7-year-old Beit Shemesh girl

Na'ama, who lives with her religiously observant family in Beit Shemesh, is afraid to walk the 300 meters between home and school because of the violence she has faced from Haredi men who say her clothes are too revealing.

More than 4,000 people say they will attend a march in Beit Shemesh this week to protest the exclusion of women and girls from the public sphere and the increasing Haredization of the city. The day, time and venue of the event have yet to be announced.

A number of times in recent weeks girls and women in Beit Shemesh have beencursed [ a crime in Israel - Editor ] and spit at, and even had rocks thrown at them, by members of the city's ultra-Orthodox community who claimed their dress was immodest.

A sign put up in the city center under the aegis of the municipality instructs women to use separate sidewalks and "walk quickly, without drawing a crowd and without talking to each other."
Israel is going to be a happy land, a paradise for Jews once they have murdered all of the Palestinians and who cares about them? No it will not. There will be Jews with silly hats arguing about doctrinal drivel, refusing to work, refusing to join the army but there big time when it comes to demanding dole money. The other sort, the ones that work will carry on thieving when they are not having a go at the trouble makers.


25 December 2011 is Christmas Day. It follows the traditions of the older Yule. Christmas Encyclopædia Britannica explains. Yule In Germany  is associated with the Wild Hunt. It is the Winter Solstice but a bit late. It also brought us the Christmas Truce on the Western Front in 1914. The management got nasty about that.

Today's Weather

Is not bad if you just look out of the window and ignore the wind.


Jews Contribute To The Season Of Goodwill, Jews Attack Carol Singers
Settlers attacked a Palestinian choir bus returning from a carol concert in Nablus on Saturday evening, choristers told Ma’an. The singers, from Bethlehem Bible college, said five men attacked them on a quiet road outside of the northern West Bank city. “A rock smashed through the window, and glass shattered everywhere inside,” chorister Saleem Anfous told Ma’an, adding that none of the 25 carol singers was injured.........

Hard line settlers have torched mosques near Ramallah, Jerusalem and Salfit since last Wednesday. The latest string of attacks included a rampage on an army base, sparking condemnation in Israel, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to vow stronger enforcement against lawlessness.
At least the Jews didn't murder anyone this time. Perhaps we should be grateful for the self restraint of
God's Chosen People


Jew Was Official Army Torturer, Jew Is Now Official Police Torturer
One thing you have to say about Israeli torturers, you can’t keep a good one down. I reported here some time ago about one Doron Zahavi aka Captain George, an infamous commander of the IDF intelligence unit 504. Until my report, his real name was secret and no publication has reported it. I was delighted to bring his brutal acts into the public light and attach a real name to the torturer. Zahavi and his boys specialized in “interrogating” (i.e. torturing) foreign security suspects captured by the IDF abroad.

One of them was Mustafa Dirani, who Israel suspected of having held the MIA airman, Ron Arad. Zahavi subjected Dirani to the “royal treatment” which included sodomizing him with a billy club. We know this because Dirani sued the State and is attempting to hold it accountable for what its representative did to him. One of the reasons Dirani exposed methods of torture used by Unit 504 is that the Supreme Court forced the State to allow him to proceed with his claims against it. In the process, Zahavi’s commander, a colonel whose first initial is Het, had a bout of conscience and spilled the beans. Here are some of the Zahavi’s patented methods (in Hebrew):.......

This allowed him to rise to his level of brutality in another capacity: the Israeli police hired him to be the “liaison” with the East Jerusalem Palestinian population. Don’t you dare think of community policing when you think of what this guy does. He yells and screams at Silwan community activists and threatens them unless they offer intelligence or become spies.
Evil thy name is Jew.


Leading Settler Rabbi, Owner of Major Internet Portal, Incited Price Tag Violence, Vigilantism, Genocide, Insurrection Against State
Rabbi Yeshayahu Rotter, the founder of, Israel’s major news and gossip portal, wrote a column in HaKol Hayehudi, a website maintained by the extremist Yitzhar yeshiva run by Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg (co-author of Torat HaMelech, which advocates murdering Palestinian children since they’ll grow up to murder Jews).  In the column published last March, he foreshadows (and incites) some of the most incendiary acts of violence in the entire history of price tag activities: a few days ago settlers directly attacked an IDF West Bank outpost and threw a brick at a senior IDF officer in his vehicle, injuring him.  This follows three mosque arson attacks, repeated death and bomb threats against Peace Now leaders, sexual assaults against peace activists and much more.  It’s reasonable, in fact, to wonder whether the very yeshiva students who read this article last March didn’t take it to heart.  Their current activities could in fact be seen as acts of homage to their saintly teach, Rabbi Rotter.......

Similarly, the good rabbi can be proud because while he carefully distinguishes his incitement to violence from actual violence, his son Meir, a police officer widely known to Sheikh Jarrah protesters for his especially violent ways, published his own incitement to violence against demonstrators in the Rotter forum.  Meir Rotter urged police officers to vandalize cars of protesters, slash tires and perform other acts of violence to teach these disgusting leftists a thing or two about how Israel should be run.  You can no doubt be certain that Rotter Jr. doesn’t just write, but he does.  Do you think Meir has been reprimanded for his extracurricular taunting at Rotter?  Of course not.  Abba can’t be quite as explicit.  He’s a rabbi after all.  But the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.............

The rhetoric below is little better than Der Stürmer [ whose publisher, Julius Streicher was hanged for his pains - Ed. ].  In fact, it’s the Jewish equivalent.  Do we want genocidaires among us Jews?  For that is what Rabbi Rotter is.  He believes he’s saving Jewish lives and avenging Jewish dead.  But that is not what the State of Israel needs right now.  It doesn’t need avenging angels.  In fact, avenging angels in the current political climate are Angels of Death.  And they will kill Jews and Palestinians without distinguishing between them.
Another vicious Zionist crazy. The world has too many of them. Rotter, is a nasty bit of work which may be why the Wikipedia pretends he does not exist but see Police, BSA Raid, Rabbi Rotter's False Claims, Leading Settler Rabbi, Owner Of Major Internet Portal, Incited Price ...


24 December 2011 is Christmas Eve when the Russians invaded Afghanistan in 1979 according to the BBC. Alternatively it was Christmas Day. WikiAnswers - What were the consequences of the Soviet invasion in Afghan settles for 25th. They got no joy of it. Nor did the Americans.

Daily Mail Inciting Jury To Convict Englishmen Alleged To Have Killed Lawrence
Racist remarks made by one of the men accused of murdering Stephen Lawrence were no worse than Jeremy Clarkson's recent calls for public-sector strikers to be executed, it was claimed at the Old Bailey yesterday. Footage of Gary Dobson using racist terms to describe black and Asian people, as well as a clip of him recalling a time when he threatened a black colleague with a knife, were shown to the jury earlier in the trial. The secret recordings were made by police 20 months after Stephen's murder, using a covert camera installed inside Dobson's rented flat in Eltham. In them, Dobson was seen wandering around the flat with a large knife, and complaining that a 'Paki' had won the lottery jackpot......

The prosecution case is based on new forensic evidence discovered in a 2007 cold-case review. [ That is a lie of course. The evidence was there all the time, just like the official incompetence that hid it - Editor ] A mixture of Stephen's blood, hair and fibres from the garments he was wearing on the night he was murdered were found on clothing belonging to Dobson and Norris.

But the defence claim [ not state - read the words, see the bias  Ed. ] their clothes have been subjected to cross-contamination thanks to 'primitive' [ the 'commas' are used to imply that is just the defence story and they are lying in their teeth - Editor ] methods used by police to handle and store items....... The case continues.
The Englishmen alleged to have killed the black are mentioned by surname while Lawrence is called Stephen. Calling him Saint Stephen would have been too blatant. Just let us remind ourselves about the wonders of
Multiculturalism with a look at the next one.


Black Slut With 15 Children Says Someone Must Pay
"Somebody needs to be held accountable, and they need to pay."

To be fair there are only three fathers involved. One/most/all are now in prison which cut off the money supply.


Vicious Racist Thugs Attack John Terry's Home While He Was Playing
John Terry's family were left fearing for their safety after raiders lay siege to their home while the Chelsea captain was away playing in Thursday night's Barclays Premier League game against Tottenham. The gang had broken through the perimeter gate of the property using a scaffolding pole from building work next door and were approaching the house before being chased off the premises by security guards..........

Terry had hired the extra security due to the intensity of the media spotlight on him following being charged by the Crown Prosecution Service with racially abusing Anton Ferdinand during Chelsea's game against QPR at Loftus Road in October.......... It is understood that the attack has not been reported to the police. Terry was playing at White Hart Lane in his first match since the charges were announced. The 31-year-old was booed every time he touched the ball and was also the focus of relentless abusive chants from Spurs fans.
The Mail makes it sound as though people really believe the Racist Propaganda they have been fed all their lives. It is the kind of Propaganda which targets Englishmen or Europeans, never blacks or Third World scum. Whether the  Mail is telling the truth is a question.


Thick Black Arrested For Destroying Sound Equipment In LA
Tyler, The Creator was arrested last night following a show at a nightclub on the famed Sunset Strip. The rapper, 20, who is known for violent and explicit lyrics, was charged with vandalising sound equipment in an LA nightclub.

The star, whose real name is Tyler Gregory Okonma, was performing with his rap group Odd Future at the Roxy Theater night when an electric soundboard was destroyed, causing the venue's security team to call police. 'Suspect Okonma exited the location and was placed under arrest by deputies for felony vandalism, due to the value of the electronic soundboard,' said a spokesman for the West Hollywood Sheriff's station. 'As he was being escorted to a nearby radio car, the crowd exiting the venue became angry and rushed into the street towards the deputies.'
Loud mouthed fool gets sorted. Blacks get irritated but not shot evidently.

Brain of Britain? Got a brain?
PS Propagandists claim that blacks are not less intelligent than Europeans. They lie.


Police Recommend Charging Politician After Evidence Of Perverting The Course Of Justice
Police 'recommend Chris Huhne and ex-wife be charged over speeding penalty claim' after presenting CPS with evidence
Detectives believe they've given CPS enough evidence
Police have recommended that both Energy Secretary Chris Huhne and his ex-wife be charged over claims that he dodged a speeding penalty, it was reported tonight. Detectives believe they have presented the Crown Prosecution Service with enough evidence to charge Mr Huhne with speeding and, more seriously, attempting to pervert the course of justice, according to The Times.

A file sent to the CPS is understood to say that Vicky Pryce should also be charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice after claims that she accepted penalty points on her licence after her husband was caught by a speed camera on the M11, the newspaper said. It is known that prosecutors are very close to reaching a decision on whether to charge the Cabinet minister but are currently trying to obtain evidence from the Sunday Times newspaper.'
Huhne's real offence was jacking in the old woman. That is why she babbled and dropped herself in it as well. It is not clear why the
Times is stalling.


Paedophile Police Pervert Gets Off With Two And A Half Years
A ‘depraved’ former police inspector who led a double life encouraging internet paedophiles to sexually assault children was jailed today for 30 months. Geraint Lloyd Evans, 48, was suspended and later sacked by South Wales Police after he admitted the charge against him....... Evans admitted a single charge of encouraging others to sexually assault a child under 13, back in October. He also admitted possessing 179 images of extreme pornography........

Evans was jailed today along with Leslie Asser, 54, from Ross-on-Wye, and Wayne Barnes, 50, from Neath. Asser received a 30-month jail term and Barnes one of 27 months.

Both had already admitted encouraging others to commit sexual assault on a child under 13. Also present was Keith Bold, 47, formerly from Neath Abbey, who was already serving a 28-month sentence for having more than 6,000 images and 181 movie clips of child abuse on his computer. He received an additional 18-month sentence.
Real power is the power to abuse power. It is why police stick together. This oik fouled up by causing a raid on his house.


Argies Rattling Sabres Again
Flashpoint Falklands: Britain dusts off war plans amid calls to send a nuclear submarine after Argentina joins forces with Brazil and Uruguay to blockade islands. Military chiefs are dusting off their plans for the defence of the  Falklands after South American countries banned ships from the islands docking in their ports. Sources fear Prince William's six-month deployment to the South Atlantic as an air-sea rescue pilot next year could provoke more sabre-rattling. Yesterday Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner claimed Britain was ready to use its military to steal natural resources 'anywhere, anyhow'.

She said: 'They're currently taking our oil reserves and fish stocks from the Falklands but when they need more natural resources they will come and use force to steal them wherever and however they can.'
The Argie woman is telling us about the oil that the Foreign Office claimed did not exist when they were trying to get rid of the place last time. Who needs traitors when the FO is full of pinko poofters.


Pakistani Pirate Who Clamped 50 Motorists With Fake Badge Get Five Years
Ruthless Mohammed Ashraf, of Blackley, blackmailed 50 motorists in Manchester into handing over up to £600 a time through his unlicensed company 'Clamp you!' The cowboy businessman and his gang would hide around corners in a van and target the vehicles of commuters, shoppers and party-goers driving into the city centre. One man was even clamped while still sat in his car waiting to pick up his wife.........

He also operated a speeding ticket scam, in which he transferred penalties to an innocent driver. Through his dodgy firm,, Ashraf convinced people he could legitimately remove points from their licences. But after taking their fee, he transferred all the tickets to an innocent man - a former customer of his car hire service.....

Ashraf was found guilty at Manchester Crown Court of five charges of blackmail, two offences of possessing articles for use in fraud, three counts of perverting the course of justice and an offence under the Private Security Industry Act 2001...... A taxi driver called Mohammed Ali, 50, called Ashraf 'immoral' after he was clamped and charged £150 by the cowboy despite being legally parked....... One of Ashraf’s accomplices Mudasir Saeed, 31, of Heald Green, pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice. She was sentenced to eight months in prison, suspended for two years, and ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work. [ The woman always gets off lightly  - Ed. ]
At least some of his victims were Pakistani.


Archbishop Of Canterbury Orders Paedophile Abuse Investigation
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams
has set up an inquiry in Chichester diocese in southern England, reportedly after allegations that paedophile priests were allowed to continue working despite being accused of sexual abuse. The archbishop's decision to investigate the diocese will throw the spotlight on abuse by clergy in the Church of England, raising an issue which has already rocked the Catholic Church in a number of countries....

In May, a review found serious failings in the senior clergy after two priests were allowed to continue working despite being accused of serious child abuse offences. The Catholic Church has been shaken by revelations of widespread sexual and physical abuse by priests of children in Ireland, the United States, Germany, the Netherlands and other countries. In Ireland, many abusive priests were simply moved to different parishes where they often continued to mistreat children.
The Church of England has been infested by homosexuals. Now comes the payoff for those incited them. The best one can say of Cantab is that he was useless. He would presumably claim that he did not want them. The whole thing is part of the
Culture War being run by enemy infiltrators to destroy England and Christendom. For example the Jew, Lord Carlile of Berriew QC Says Christian Religious Orders Should Be Barred From Education. Carlile does not say it schools run by paedophile Jews.

The Jew  Carlile, a surly looking rogue.
While he does his worst in England the Jew Shatter is doing the same to the Catholic Church in Ireland.


Jerusalem Paedophile Alert
There's an email circulating about a paedophile who has been preying on kids in Har Nof, Jerusalem. A neighbourhood activist asked Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch if police could be called to report the paedophile if he trued to grab a child on Shabbos – which apparently happened last week.

Rabbi Shternbuch said police should be called, even on Shabbos, and that pictures can be taken of the paedophile even on Shabbos, but added that when possible, the call and the photography should be done with a shinui, meaning that a person should, but only if possible without delaying, make a change in how s/he would regularly dial the phone or take the picture. (Halakhicly, a shinui should not be used if it would delay reaching police or if it would reduce the quality or quantity of the pictures taken.)

A parent asked Rabbi Shterbuch about publicizing the existence of the paedophile, and Rabbi Shternbuch said it should be publicized.
If there are paedophiles hide the truth from the police in case he gets caught. Tell your rabbi first so that he can destroy the evidence, pervert the course of just, warn the perpetrator so that he can do a runner sort things out.


Top Jew, Top Rabbi, Top Paedophile
What publicity?

Pictures Of The Accused Paedophile Rabbi Nechemya Weberman

Long list of Jewish Child Molester Rabbis gets no media coverage ...

Paedophile Rabbi Moving to Florida - Topix

Paedophile Rabbis Obedient to the Talmud? - Topix

Chabadnik Who Fled To Israel To Be Extradited
"Tell Your Father To Stop" – Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky On Sex Abuse
Kletzky Murder Trial To Stay In Brooklyn – For Now
Abuse In The Jewish Community
Haredi School Advertises "Private Rooms" Where A Teacher Can Have A Private Meeting With A Grade School Boy
The legal conflict has revealed a deep tension within the Orthodox community that has been reported in the Jewish weekly press since Mr. Hikind brought up sexual abuse

Awareness Centre
The Awareness Centre, Inc. was founded as an international, non-profit tax-exempt, educational organization also known as the Jewish Coalition Against Sexual Abuse/Assault (JCASA), whose mission is to end sexual violence in Jewish communities.
The Wikipedia manages to seem unenthusiastic about Vicki. It says that she fingers the guilty without much in the way of evidence. Of course once they have been charged, tried, convicted and sentenced they should not be able to do so much damage. Given the reality of the legal system and its delays she has a point.


Jewish Child Molesting Rabbis Get No Media Coverage
Well of course they do not. They are Jews. The main stream media is heavily infiltrated by Jews even when they do not own it.


Jewish Sexual Abuse
It is out there. It is happening. The publicity is not though. That is because Jews control the Media


Jewish Sexual Abuse
Here are the results of a search. Things do happen. They even get written up from time, not too often though. They might give us a bad impression of God's Chosen People.


23 December 2011

Fury As John Terry Faces Racism Charge - But ISN'T Stripped Of England Captaincy
John Terry will be allowed to continue as England captain, despite being told that he must appear in court next year to answer a criminal charge of using racist language on the field. To the fury of anti-racism campaigners, top officials at the Football Association stayed silent after the footballer was formally summonsed yesterday over an outburst against a black player during a Premier League clash. The multi-millionaire defender – who denies any racial abuse – also continued to enjoy the backing of his club, Chelsea.

A spokesman for campaigning group Hope Not Hate said: ‘It seems incredible that John Terry can continue as England captain while this charge is hanging over him.
Hope not Hate is a name used by
Searchlight, a nasty bunch of criminals, homosexuals, thugs and Jews. Searchlight An Exposé tells us that they were used by the BBC when it libelled two Tory M.P.s Neil Hamilton and Gerald Howarth. The Beeb did it to win the election for Labour by broadcasting the notorious Panorama programme 'Maggie's Militant Tendency' in February 1984. The Daily Mail is feeding us the dirt about Mr Terry but not that of the black. He beat an ABH rap. The Daily Mail is pandering to the enemies of
England. The Racism is real enough. It is a Marxist construct being used to manipulate Useful Idiots who decide who is going to be prosecuted. Of course when Jews are racist murderers, racist rapists, racist etcetera the media go quiet. See the next one.
PS The headline is verbatim.


Racist Jews Carried Out Over 100 Attacks On Palestinians In 2011
Jewish colonists carry out over 100 racist attacks on Palestinians in 2011
Jewish colonists have attacked 96 Holy Muslim and Christian sacred sites in the West Bank and 46 sacred sites in Occupied East Jerusalem since the beginning of the year. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Islamic Affairs, the colonists have left behind racist and threatening messages after vandalizing Palestinian property
link to

PA: Israeli forces demolish main road near Nablus

NABLUS (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces on Tuesday bulldozed a main road serving several villages in southern Nablus, a Palestinian Authority official said. Ghassan Daghlas, the PA official for monitoring settlement activity in the northern West Bank, told Ma'an that over 30 military vehicles entered the Nablus village of Beita before bulldozers demolished a road in-between the villages of Beita, Osarin and Aqraba.
link to 

IOA bulldozers destroy Palestinian land in occupied Jerusalem
Bulldozers of the Israeli controlled municipality of Jerusalem started leveling Palestinian land near the Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem on Tuesday.
link to
There are a lot cases more here, all sourced. The only surprise is that there are more. Nazis are nicer people than Jews.


Illegal Immigrant Hacked Off Neighbour's Head With Meat Cleaver Has Six Years Off His Sentence
An illegal immigrant who raped a nanny and decapitated his neighbour had his life sentence cut by six years today. Algerian Mohamed Boudjenane, 49, assaulted the Filipina woman and shaved off her hair before killing Lakhdar Ouyahia, 43, in the belief the two were having an affair. Boudjenane was captured on CCTV carrying the head of Mr Ouyahia in a plastic bag on a bus to Regents Canal in Maida Vale, West London. The headless corpse was found wrapped in a duvet two days later at the back of a supermarket near Boudjenane's home in Kilburn, North-West London. The Algerian showed police where he had thrown the head in a canal and police divers recovered it from the water. But he claimed he had no memory of hitting Mr Ouyahia with a hammer and hacking off his head with a meat cleaver. Boudjenane was convicted of murder, two counts of rape and false imprisonment by an Old Bailey jury in 2008.
Ignoring the question of why third rate,
Third World scum are let into England, what use are they? What use could the ever be. They might make good labourers. That really is about it. Blacks discovered how to peel the banana. North Africans were good at saving but after that - nothing.


Pakistani Thief Comes Unstuck In Fraudulent Marriage
It's a list that perhaps every sensible man should compile about his partner – a helpful reminder of the date you met, her birthday and her favourite music. Except that these crib sheets were written by a fraudster to help him pass off his sham marriage as the real thing, and included the somewhat giveaway line: ‘What’s your fencies (fiancée’s) name?’  Muhammad Usman, 24, from Pakistan, wrote the detailed memo about Maria Racova, a 22-year-old Slovakian, so he could convince immigration  officials and the registrar that their union was genuine............

Usman was jailed for 18 months and Racova was given to a nine-month prison term suspended for 12 months with 150 hours community service. Farrukh Khan, who devised the scheme, was jailed for two years and three months. Lukas Murgos, a Slovakian who recruited the girls, was jailed for two years and six months. Another Pakistani, Muhammad Mughal, was jailed for 18 months for his part in the scheme. Officers discovered that Khan and  Mughal were both students whose visas had expired..... Syed Gardezi, who had applied to marry another Slovakian woman, was jailed for 21 months, while Slovak Eva Facunova, who acted as an interpreter, was  given a 51-week sentence  suspended for two years and ordered to do 200 hours of  community service.
Her Majesty's Government - imports these swine as a matter of policy. Giving them dole money, giving them anything incites crime starting with illegal immigration. Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition is even more corrupt than the Tories. They want cheap labour and the millions of illegal votes that give them power.

Pakistani perpetrator                                   Slovakian slut.


Israel's Image Tanks As It Slowly Loses Support Of US Media And Europe
The Reut Institute, an Israeli government-linked think tank, had it exactly right when it recently stated that Israel needs "to harness the support of liberal and progressive circles." The problem for the institute, and the Israeli government, though, is that the reverse is happening. Israel's image is tanking, slow as the process is. Israel's tanking image in "liberal and progressive circles" is freaking the likes of Jeffrey Goldberg out, who has been hard at work recently policing the discourse on Israel.

Two items today highlight this important change.

First, an important Salon article written by Jordan Michael Smith, a journalist whose work has appeared in the New York Times and the Washington Post, who rightly explains how the "media consensus on Israel is collapsing":

There is reason to believe, however, that more flexible, productive positions will be expressed in the U.S. media. Slowly but unmistakably, space is opening up among the commentariat for new, critical ideas about Israel and its relationship to the United States.

Smith is right, and he points to the New York Times' Roger Cohen and Thomas Friedman as being on the front lines of this push (as well as this site, among others).
We all know that Israel is a shitty little country run by war criminals but money talks to bent politicians. Perhaps the bribes are not coming through so fast. Cohen and Friedman, the two critics mentions are both Jews It confirms that the Zionist Empire Is Rotting From Within


Gingrich Panders To Jews To Buy Votes In Presidential Election
In the second paragraph of the Palestine Center for Human Rights’ (PCHR’s) Dec. 10th press release, the few who saw it read the following words:

[This day] also marks the end of one of the worst years in the history of the Palestinian people since the Nakba. The civilian population of Palestine has been reduced to demanding the right to life, food, medical treatment, movement, and freedom of expression. Fundamental human rights are systematically denied, to the point where victims are reduced to simply demanding the right to exist.

In the national politics section of the news that same week, Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich reopened a controversy on his campaign trail by declaring the Palestinians an ‘invented’ people who are all “terrorists” anyway. The cheap, intrusive insertion of these lines into Gingrich’s grab for support succeeded at once in placing him in the spotlight where he has tried to open up an old wound.........

Even Canada’s biggest talk radio show sought an "expert’s" comment though listeners hoping for an animated attack or defense of Gingrich’s words may have been caught off guard when the guest responded that Americans are an even more “invented” people than Palestinians. At least Palestinian Arabs lived on the same land for two millennia before being chased away, expelled, or slaughtered by the group of people then in the process of inventing themselves.
Honest criticism of evil comes from Jennifer Loewenstein, who is a Jew on her own account. She is tactful enough not to say that Gingrich is bought and paid for.


Jew Murders Boy, Jew Blames Inbreeding
Yesterday, the lawyer for Levi Aron, the man who confessed to killing and dismembering 8-year-old Hasidic boy Leiby Kletzky this past fall, stirred up controversy when he unveiled his defense strategy, blaming Aron's alleged insanity on a childhood head injury, schizophrenia, and most contentiously, inbreeding. While lawyer Howard Greenberg was chastised by Assemblyman Dov Hikind for "degrading to our entire community,” one rabbi told the Post that inbreeding wasn't uncommon amongst Orthodox Jews...but that still doesn't mean they grow up to be killers: “There are thousands of [married] people in the community who are related and there’s no problem. It’s preposterous to say that because there’s a possibility of his parents being related, [Aron] would be crazy,” said Rabbi Bernard Freilich.
The Israeli army has plenty of inbred Jews; Jews Who Murder Children For Fun


22 December 2011

Racist Prosecutor Charges English Footballer
ENGLAND’S kit sponsors are using a team picture with Steven Gerrard as national captain despite the fact John Terry remains one of their most high-profile clients. Umbro’s website was yesterday displaying the photograph – in which Terry is not even featured – on the day the Chelsea skipper learned he will face prosecution for allegedly making racial remarks to QPR defender Anton Ferdinand..........

Terry will be formally charged at West London Magistrates’ Court on February 1 after the Crown Prosecution Service ruled that there was “sufficient evidence” to bring charges against the Chelsea captain. Proceedings will then be adjourned for trial which could take a matter of weeks or months.......

Terry has always denied calling Ferdinand a “f****** black c***” in the 1-0 defeat at QPR and in a statement insisted he had merely been repeating an accusation he felt had been made by his opponent...... Tottenham’s stewards will wear headcams tonight to identify anyone who behaves in an abusive manner at the game [ unless they are black - Editor ].

Asked if the inevitable abuse Terry will get from the crowd at White Hart Lane will affect the Chelsea skipper, Villas-Boas said: “It won’t be a problem for a player of his experience.” [ Will there be abuse from the crowd? The media will be delighted to tell whether true or false- Editor ] Tottenham’s stewards will wear headcams tonight to identify anyone who behaves in an abusive manner at the game [ unless they are black - Editor ].
The Ruling class hate us. The Ruling class are destroying us. The Ruling class are traitors flooding us with Third World undesirables. It is
Genocide, which includes Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

Anybody who complains will be subjected to wholesale Main Stream Media abuse or criminal prosecution. In fact the law on Double Jeopardy was perverted in order to bring a Malicious prosecution against two Englishmen alleged to have killed a black. They are currently on trial while Emma West was locked in a lunatic asylum because she told the truth. Mr Terry is used to aggravation. Ditto for the black. He beat the ABH rap. There is not a whisper there of what the black did to provoke Mr Terry. Presumably had Ferdinand been called a fucking cunt there would have been no cause for claiming Racism


Black Learner Driver Kills Black During Her First Lesson
A learner driver who crashed and killed a nine-year-old girl while on her first driving lesson has today been jailed for two years. Beatrice Mawamba, 34, panicked and careered down a narrow alleyway into a grassed courtyard while taking a lesson with her husband, Leeds Crown Court heard. She crushednine-year-old Shamirah Grant to death and injured two other girls, one seriously, while driving on a provisional licence and having only done online theory lessons...............

The vehicle was earlier described as 'bunny hopping' before Mawamba lost control and veered dangerously out of control, down the steps of a narrow alleyway and on to the grassed children's play area near Leopold Grove in the Chapeltown area of Leeds. 'The defendant described the car going very fast and her husband telling her to brake but she did not know how to. Her husband also tried to stop the car but couldn't.
There is not a word about Racism in this one but then they are black. It would have been far more satisfactory if they had killed in their own country. There is no mention of the gross incompetence of the woman or her old man. We are not supposed to say that blacks are stupid, that they have low Intelligence. It is true none the less.

Perpetrator                             Perpetratee


21 December 2011 is Midwinter, the shortest day. North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) will tell you about Santa at or even nearer the day,  Where Santa Is NOW!

Obama Has Just Stated The He Can Have ANY American Citizen Murdered
Constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley Jonathan Turley talked about his recent Washington Post piece looking at the issues of surveillance and privacy and U.S. citizens' loss of privacy protections. He responded to telephone calls and electronic communications.
Listen from 15 minutes on. This comes from a big time academic lawyer.
Bush made America into a Fascist State
. Obama made it even worse.


Pakistani Thief Gets Nine Years In £250 Million VAT Fraud Case
HM Revenue & Customs has secured a further conviction in a £250 million VAT fraud case. Nasir Khan (pictured), who has been jailed for nine years, is the fifteenth person to be convicted in relation to the fraud which centred around the fraudulent import and export of mobile phones. Khan’s £15 million of assets have also been restrained as part of the so-called 'missing trader' fraud. Nasir’s conviction follows five prior trials at Southwark Crown Court which have resulted in combined jail sentences of almost 90 years for 14 others involved in the gang.

Khan owned mobile phone accessory business The Accessory People in Chessington. According to HMRC. when the accessory market declined around 2001 the business began fraudulent wholesale trade in mobile phones. This increased turnover from £13 million in 2002 to £219 million in 2003, earning large profits for Khan.
The rest were:-
Nasir Khan, 39, from Putney Wharf, London, was sentenced to nine years
Jo-Anne Halliday, 41, from Royal Way, Stoke-on-Trent
Curtis Laurent, 53, from Cefn Rise, Newport, Gwent
Dennis Hunter, 61, from Woburn Close, Wimbledon
Peter Arthur Ebbrell, from Borrowell Lane, Coventry
Hashib Ansari Apabhai, 51, Gatehouse Lane, Bedworth
Eisa Masihullah Apabhai, 31, Gatehouse Lane, Bedworth
Adam Amani, 50, from Reddington Road, Nuneaton
German Castillo from Castelldefels, Barcelona
Jonathon Baigent, 45, from Shanklin Road, Godshill, Isle of Wight
Denise Westmoreland, 45, from New Road in Trewn, Cornwall
Taher Majid, 39 ,from Ty Draw Road, Cardif
Abdul Koser, 45, from Chelsfield Grove, Manchester
Quentin Reynolds, 49, from Hornsey Lane, Highgate, London
Marcus Hughes, 41 of HMP Wandsworth.
It is not an all Pakistani line up

An ugly thief.


Pakistani Pastor Swindles Taxpayer Out Of £2.6 Million Exploiting Illegal Immigrants
To his congregation, he was an inspirational Christian pastor who had dedicated his life to raising money for the poor, homeless and sick.
Isaac William, 61, his wife Venus, 54, and their three daughters appeared to be the very model of Christian charity, funding housing, hospitals and education in Pakistan. But in reality, the preacher at St Nicholas Church in Tooting, South London was swindling taxpayers out of £2.6million in a tax fraud to pay for a million-pound property empire in Britain and abroad.

The 'crooked' businessman who ran a security guard company, made profits of over £6million exploiting illegal immigrants who were forced to work around the clock on a pittance and live in cramped caravans and huts sleeping on the floor. To avoid paying VAT, income tax and national insurance, William hid the profits into a number of bank accounts including his charity account named 'The Great Commission Evangelical Fellowship'.

But the money was then withdrawn in cash and laundered by his wife and daughters, Sylvia, 34,  who worked for Lloyds Bank, Maria Gunasekara, 33, a business manager for Barclays and their younger sister Sophie, 26, a law graduate. The family used the cash to build an impressive property portfolio which included eight homes in London, Surrey, Hounslow and Walsall and two holiday homes in Pakistan.....

Now William has been jailed for four years after admitting ten counts of cheating the public revenue at Kingston Crown Court.........

In October his wife and daughters were found guilty of money laundering after a six week trial. Last Friday his wife, Venus was sentenced to 16 months in jail. His daughter Maria, was given a 12 month suspended sentence. Sylvia, received a 10 month suspended sentence and Sophia got an eight month suspended term. They were also given 100 hours of unpaid work.
Her Majesty's Government imports Third World scum like this then things go wrong. Her Majesty's Government does it with malice aforethought. They are destroying England. They are Traitors. Of course Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition are even worse. They don't do it for cheap labour; they do it to buy votes from illegal immigrants.

Another ugly thief.


Black Murders Black. Home Office Obstructs Deportation Moves
A murder victim’s family who want to know if the man who shot their son is in Britain legally have been refused the information – to protect the killer’s privacy. Wintworth and Lurline Deslandes are desperate to confirm suspicions that Saturday Hassan is a foreign national so they can ensure he is deported if he is released from jail. But they have been told the killer – who shot their public schoolboy son Darren in the head after being thrown out of the family’s pub – must agree to details of his immigration status being handed over to their MP. Officials said this ‘personal information’ needed to be ‘safeguarded’ and cited the Data Protection Act in their refusal to hand it over.........

Hassan, 31, was thrown out of the Deslandes family’s pub – the Newton Arms in Croydon, South London – on New Year’s Eve 2009 after threatening a customer. Minutes later he returned with a semi-automatic weapon, firing at Darren, 34, and his younger brother Junior, who had evicted him. Darren was shot in the head and died instantly. Junior, 26, was hit three times in the head, neck and shoulder. He was left critically ill but survived.
Why was an Islamic in a pub? For drink or several presumably. He shot quite well whether drunk or sober.

Perpetrator                               Perpetratee


Racist Prosecution Claims Englishmen Killed Black
It is ‘simply too much of a coincidence’ that Stephen Lawrence’s blood was found on clothing belonging to a man who had ‘animosity towards black people’, the Old Bailey heard yesterday. On the night Stephen was stabbed in a racist attack, the accused, Gary Dobson, 36, was with a group of friends likely  to take ‘real offence at the  presence of two black youths on the edge of their estate’, the court was told. During his closing speech on Dobson, prosecutor Mark Ellison QC said evidence heard during the trial showed both he and co-accused David Norris, 35, ‘are guilty of murder’. For the first time the jury of eight men and four women were told they could find each of the defendants guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter, although the prosecution would be seeking convictions for murder.
The second prosecution in the Lawrence case was set up by changing the 800 year old law on Double Jeopardy, the law that was made to prevent malicious prosecution by the regime in power at the time. It now requires new and compelling evidence. There might be compelling evidence. It might be contaminated. None of it is new. None could possibly be new. The evidence, for what it is worth was  there from the beginning. Official incompetence is not an excuse for a retrial. The real issue is not murder. It is Racism, the Racism of Blair that wanted the law changed to harass two Englishmen because they are English. It is the same with other politicians and apparatchiks who hate us, who hate England, who are destroying it by flooding us with millions of Third World immigrants. They are the real Racists which why blacks get a pass for their crimes.
PS Notice that the Englishmen are Dobson and Norris while the black is called Stephen. They would have tried Saint Stephen if they thought it would not be too blatant.
Words are Propaganda Tools.


Armed Citizen Gets A Good Result
The Republic, Phoenix, AZ, 7/19/95   State: AZ   American Rifleman Issue: 11/1/1995   A victim of burglary four times in the past eight months, Wayne Jacobs of Phoenix, Arizona, was alerted to the sound of two men prying open his back door. He yelled at the housebreakers to leave and when that failed to deter them, he grabbed his gun, shut himself in a back bedroom, and continued yelling warnings that he was armed and calling police. The criminals ignored his warnings and entered the home, making their way to Jacobs' room where the homeowner shot and killed one of them. The other fled the house. In a second incident that same evening, Raymond Sheedy, also of Phoenix, armed himself and confronted a man burglarizing his shed. When the thief aggressively grabbed for Sheedy's gun, the homeowner was forced to shoot, killing the attacker.
Dead criminals cost less to deal with. Prisons are more expensive than good public schools. The bonus is that dead villains never do it again.


20 December 2011 Is the anniversary of the founding of the Cheka, the first Soviet secret police, was founded in 1917 by  Felix Dzerzhinsky. Have look at The Christmas Party or Digital Christmas.

Secret U.S., Taliban Talks Reach Turning Point
(Reuters) - After 10 months of secret dialogue with Afghanistan's Taliban insurgents, senior U.S. officials say the talks have reached a critical juncture and they will soon know whether a breakthrough is possible, leading to peace talks whose ultimate goal is to end the Afghan war.

As part of the accelerating, high-stakes diplomacy, Reuters has learned, the United States is considering the transfer of an unspecified number of Taliban prisoners from the Guantánamo Bay military prison into Afghan government custody.

It has asked representatives of the Taliban to match that confidence-building measure with some of their own. Those could include a denunciation of international terrorism and a public willingness to enter formal political talks with the government headed by Afghan President Hamid Karzai.........

"Wars end, and the end of wars have political consequences," the second official said. "You can either try to shape those, or someone does it to you."
The Americans are pulling out. Why negotiate? It is their country. Americans are foreign invaders. It is nothing to do with them. Notice that the Americans are willing to let prisoners out of Gitmo, that is the prison camp Obama promised to shut if he got elected. Who believes anything a politician says?


American Mercenaries Are Trigger Happy Thugs Running Wild In Iraq
‘Gentlemen, We Shot a Judge’ and Other Tales of Blackwater, DynCorp, and Triple Canopy’s Rampage Through Iraq Every time a Blackwater centurion discharged his weapon in Iraq, the company filed a written report with the U.S. State Department. Blackwater shot Iraq to shit. Here are the reports.

Blackwater, the private mercenary firm that became synonymous with Bush-era war profiteering and reckless combat-tourism, announced yesterday that it has changed its name to Academi (after a previous incarnation as Xe Services) in a bid to distance itself from its history of wanton lawlessness. We've obtained a 4,500-page record of that history in the form of State Department incident reports documenting every time a Blackwater guard [ admitted that he ] shot at an Iraqi between 2005 and 2007........ the reports are dominated by Blackwater, which was paid roughly $1 billion between 2004 and 2009 to provide "worldwide protective services" for State Department personnel. (It continues to surreptitiously weave its tentacles into various government contracts; hence the name changes.)

In Iraq, Blackwater's "protective services" consisted in large part of preemptively shooting any car that drove near its convoys. Page after page of the reports feature drivers (and occasionally boat pilots) who were fired upon simply because they drove "aggressively," attempted to pass, or didn't heed warnings to keep their distance. There was no routine mechanism for following up with the drivers to determine if they were injured or were actually hostile. Blackwater (and DynCorp and Triple Canopy) guards roamed Iraqi cities and highways, ignoring traffic rules and shooting at other drivers literally at will, and driving on.

Shot at for Using a Cell Phone
On February 19, 2007, a Blackwater motorcade carrying a dignitary to a local juvenile prison was attempting to make a left turn when a parked white four-door sedan entered oncoming traffic...... The same Blackwater team fired on cars three other times that day.

"Any Disciplinary Actions Would Be Seen as Lowering Morale"
In February 2005, a Blackwater team fired hundreds of rounds at two different "aggressive" cars during an operation in Baghdad. Team members subsequently told State Department investigators that 1) one of the cars' occupants fired on them, striking a vehicle in the motorcade, and 2) one of the cars was on a Be on the Lookout (BOLO) list as a suspected insurgent vehicle. Both were lies. Investigators later found that bullet holes in the Blackwater vehicle had been caused by friendly fire and that none of the Blackwater guards involved could recall the make or model of the car that was allegedly on the BOLO list, making it impossible for them to have known such a car was on the list. (The team's leader told one investigator that he always claimed that cars he fired on were on the BOLO list, whether they were or not. Indeed, the vast majority of shooting reports claim that the target vehicles were on the BOLO list.)......... RSO informed the investigators that any disciplinary actions would be deemed as lowering the morale of the entire [personal security detail] entity." No one knows if the occupants of the targeted cars were injured of killed. USA Today has previously reported the incident and lack of disciplinary action.

"Well Gentlemen, We Shot a Judge"
On July 16, 2007, a DynCorp (not Blackwater, but still) convoy traveling near Erbil fired five shots at a red Isuzu because it was driving "at a fast pace" toward the caravan and failed to heed warnings to keep back. According to an after-action report filed by one of the shooters, the driver pulled over, "got out of the car," and "appeared to be OK."
A lot of Englishmen who had reason to know said Americans were trigger happy. This just confirms it. Nothing has changed.


Top Ten Anti-Israel/Anti-Semitic Slurs
"Everything that happens today in the world has to do with the Zionists… American Jews are behind the world economic crisis that has hit Greece also."

-Zorba The Greek composer, Mikis Theodorakis, winner of the International Music Council-UNESCO International Music Prize, also told Greek TV that he was "anti-Israel and anti-Semitic," February 15, 2011 READ SOURCE
IMF was run by a rutting chimpanzee Jew
American Treasury Secretary was a Jew
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank was a Jew - he brought us the housing bubble.

Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank is a Jew
The Simon Wiesenthal mob chooses its targets but still has to lie in its teeth. Wiesenthal is a liar on the make.


Anne Frank May Well Have Been Betrayed By A Lesbian Jew
On Traitors and Victims: The Ans van Dijk Story
On a cold winter morning in January 1948 a Jewish woman, Ans van Dijk, was executed in Fort Bijlmer near Amsterdam after being sentenced to death for collaboration with the German occupiers during World War II. The pivotal questions are why a Jewish woman was executed after the liberation and how she became involved in collaboration with the Germans during the war........

In 1943 Ans van Dijk was arrested by the German Sicherheitsdienst (Security Service—SD) and after she promised to work for the SD she was released. She posed as a member of the resistance who could provide hiding places and fake identity passes, but in reality she would report Jews in hiding to the SD. Van Dijk would not only evade deportation by her co-operation but was endowed with bounty money for everyone she turned in. She was the perfect agent because her Jewish appearance made her look trustworthy in the eyes of the resistance. In the beginning she worked alone but after a while she surrounded herself with Jewish women who helped her.

Meanwhile she picked up her life and started a lesbian relationship with Mies de Regt of Rotterdam, who knew about her work for the SD but kept silent. After the liberation the two women went into hiding in Rotterdam but were tracked down and arrested. Van Dijk was charged with the betrayal of around 700 persons.

How should we consider this number of 700 persons in the bigger picture of Jewish persecution? The most infamous ‘Jewhunter’ C.J. Kaptein, a gentile policeman, credited himself with rounding up 600 Jews when he stood trial after the war; like van Dijk, he was also sentenced to death. The case of Kaptein is widely published as a testimony that the Dutch police were complicit with the persecution of Jews during the war, while the case of Ans van Dijk almost descended into oblivion
History is written by the victors? NO! History is written the Jews which is why history is full of lies. Dijk was operating in the same area as Anne Frank who could well be one of her 700 victims.


Apartheid Rears Its Ugly Head In Israel
I won’t sit at the back of the bus
Ynet special: Tanya Rosenblit recounts clash of civilizations she experienced on Israeli bus; Until yesterday, I was sure that I live in a free country.
I was certain that a person’s dignity and freedom are supreme values in our diverse society. Indeed, there are calls against one group or another, but people, whoever they are, regardless of religion, creed or gender, will be respected, because this is the kind of society I grew up in. These are the values I learned. [ She is also blind, stupid, lying in her teeth, misreported, whatever - Editor ]

However, a short while after I boarded Egged’s Route 451 Jerusalem, I was proven wrong. As it turned out, not everyone adheres to the dictum: Derech Eretz Kadma LaTorah (proper behavior comes before the Torah.) The bus I boarded passed through Egged company, and that whoever boards it must adhere to the community’s demands.  

Policeman asked me to move
I must admit I was a little scared at that point. Nobody bothered to turn to me and ask me to do what seemed so logical to them – for me to move to the back. They made do with pointing at me, calling me names, and expressing outrage over Egged’s failure to safeguard their rights. I must admit I still don’t understand what these rights are.

The driver, who saw he cannot continue, called the police. When the police officer arrived, he traded a few words with the driver, spoke at length with the organizer of the spontaneous protest, and then boarded the bus in order to ask me whether I am willing to respect them and move to the back of the bus. He repeated the question twice. He was also the first to turn to me and speak to me all that time.
Apartheid in Israel! How awful. Notice that there is no mention of Rosa Parks, the black heroine who refused to give her seat to someone but then Rosa Parks was a black being used by Jews like Stanley Levison, a communist subversive in collusion with the Very Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King. They were inciting blacks to hate white Americans. With Jews in Israel it is all different somehow.


Jews In America Say Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer = One Folk, One Land, One Leader
Under pressure from American Jews, the Israeli government has withdrawn TV ads urging Israelis to return to Israel to avoid being contaminated by intermarriage and non-Jewish culture. The ads emphasize a central motivation of Zionism: Jewish racial purity. That is, prominent early Zionists (most notably Vladimir Jabotinsky, the father of the Likud faction that now dominates Israel) were deeply worried that Jews in the Diaspora in the West were succumbing to intermarriage.  Zionism  has always been first and foremost a tribal preservation project. As Jewish racial scientist Elias Auerbach phrased it, “Zionism would return Jews ‘back into the position they enjoyed before the nineteenth century—politically autonomous, culturally whole, and racially pure’” (see here, p. 158).......

Whites who are concerned about the future of their race and about retaining their culture are considered moral reprobates—psychiatric cases not fit to participate in civilized political discourse. But analogous Jewish concerns are absolutely mainstream, both in Israel and the Jewish Diaspora in the West.
Racial purity matters when Jews want it. They are imposing Ethnic Fouling on us. They call it Multiculturalism. When we object they call it Racism. They are the Invisible Enemy


Jews Hate Democracy, Jews Attack Free Speech
(Reuters) - Legislation promoted by right-wing lawmakers in Israel is raising concern that democratic values are under threat in a country that has long billed itself the only democracy in the Middle East. One bill could potentially paralyze dovish Israeli advocacy groups by imposing sharp limits on funding they receive from foreign governments, while others could deal a blow to the independence of the Supreme Court, an institution seen in Israel as a watchdog over civil rights..........

But critics of the legislation say damage to some democratic rights and the nation's image has already been done, pointing at three other laws passed in the past year widely seen as anti-Arab and attempts to quash dissent against government policy.

One of these laws already on the books would penalize Arab citizens for teaching about Israel's birth in 1948 as a "Nakba," or catastrophe, allow courts to revoke citizenship of those charged with "terrorism" and ban calls to boycott Israel or any of its settlements built in occupied territory..........

Backers of the latest legislative initiatives which seek to severely restrict funding for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) say the money received largely from abroad permits foreign interference in Israel's internal affairs.
Jew have already made it a criminal offence to say that the Holocaust® story is a pack of lies but they did not make it an offence to say Holocaust® Industry is very profitable [ perhaps €80 billion and rising ] or even that the Jews running it are a pack of thieves who rob Germans at one end and survivors at the other - even they happen to be genuine.


Jews Attack Mosque As A Reprisal Against Israeli Government Enforcing The Law
(Reuters) - People thought to be Jewish settlers set fire to a Palestinian mosque, damaging its interior, in the West Bank on Thursday after Israeli forces tore down structures in a settler outpost built without government approval. The vandalism appeared to be the latest act of defiance by militant settlers whom Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to rein in after similar attacks on mosques and vandalism at an Israeli military base.

Although Israel continues to expand larger official settlements in occupied territory that Palestinians seek for a state, it has been evacuating smaller, unauthorized outposts, in line with court orders to move against them.
The Israeli government allows some crimes against Palestinians but not all. The smaller outposts are less defensible.


19 December 2011

Government Is Pricing People Off The Roads
Fuel taxes are pricing motorists off the road, claim campaigners as car use plummets [ i.e. drops slightly - Editor ]
Ministers were accused of pricing motorists off the road after figures revealed that car use has dropped to its lowest level for eight years. The Department for Transport breakdown showed that road use fell for the third year in a row for the first time since records began more than 60 years ago.

It also revealed that less than £1 in every £3 collected in motoring taxes goes towards road maintenance. Campaigners said the statistics demonstrated the need for the Government to cut fuel duty and ease the pain on motorists.

Tory MP Robert Halfon, who led the successful campaign to delay a 3p increase in fuel duty planned for January, said: ‘High fuel prices are continuing to force people off the roads, and are crushing businesses and families. We need to go further in cutting petrol tax, and we need to put further pressure on oil companies to reduce prices at the pumps.’......

The Treasury insisted it was doing all it could to help motorists. [ The Treasury lied in its teeth of course - Editor ] A spokesman said: ‘The Government has listened to genuine concerns from motorists and delivered support worth more than £4.5billion over two years.’........

Last year’s figures reveal that fuel taxes raised £27billion, with vehicle excise duty raising £5billion. However, just £5.7billion of that £32billion was spent on local roads, and £3.75billion on national ones.
Petrol taxes are around 80%. Buy one gallon, pay for another four. BP et al are Tax collectors with a side line in petrol.


Communist Subversives Losing Ground In Hungary
As the far-right gathers more support in Hungary, permeating the country's politics, Der Spiegel reports that other aspects of everyday life are being penetrated.

In particular, the appointment of György Dörner and István Csurka as directors of the country's respected New Theatre has some worrying that Hungarian culture is being dictated by the far right. Despite opposition to the pair from senior officials, the mayor of Budapest put the two in charge of the theatre. So are the pair suitable directors? Der Spiegel writes:

"As great a poet as he is, Csurka is an even greater lunatic. He is convinced that the Zionists are planning to establish a second Jewish homeland in Hungary.

It was simply inconceivable that Dörner could succeed with his application in the middle of Europe and in an EU country. An eight-member panel of experts reviewed his application. Six of them, all theater professionals, recommended tossing it into the wastebasket immediately. The two others -- the envoy from the Culture Ministry and a representative of the City of Budapest -- abstained. Nevertheless, the mayor chose Dörner. Why? There are rumors that he received a recommendation from higher up the political ladder and, in fact, that the order to hire Dörner and Csurka came from the very top."

Der Spiegel, a German magazine has decided to pull this article, to censor the truth, to keep the people ignorant, to prevent their hopes of getting something less corrupt being raised. Mr Csurka is on the right lines. Zionist crazies are taking over Hungary and civilization generally. That is why Der Spiegel censored its output. It is why German politicians pretend they believe the Holocaust® story


18 December 2011

How City Fees Are Eating Our Pensions - The Grauniad Gets Self Righteous
Highly paid City traders are depriving pensioners and savers of thousands of pounds [ each that will be - Editor ] through high management fees that are often hidden, according to leaked advice provided by consultants to the Treasury. The charges are spreading and are so steep that savers may find they get less back in retirement than they invested in savings accounts and pensions over their lifetimes.

If the size of the charges were to become widely known, the UK's "fragile savings culture may be permanently damaged", according to the warning presented to the Treasury last month.
The Guardian is being political. It is also right enough about the greed of the City but somehow did not find room to mention the track record of its owners, the Guardian Media Group  with its commitment to ingenious arrangements using offshore tax havens such as the Turks and Caicos Islands,
Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Gibraltar, the list goes on - see List of offshore financial centres. One of the accused is United Kingdom but would you really want to go there for your summer holidays?
PS The Grauniad admits in
Guardian Media Group Executive Remuneration Packages  to paying [ as distinct from earning ] Alan Rusbridger, the editor-in-chief of the Guardian and Observer, took home £455,000 last year, after a year in which the Guardian and the Observer lost £43.8 million before tax, compared with £57.9 million in the year before. That is the reward for failure - if your face fits.


Brainwashing Failed In Austria, Young Think Adolf Was Not All Bad
One in four of those polled believe there are 'too many Turks' in Austria, the predominant immigrant group
18.2 per cent declared 'Jews have now, like before, too much influence over the world economy' [ They are not wrong - Editor ]
Austrians are shocked by a new survey which shows that one in ten young people think Adolf Hitler was not all bad and that he did some 'good things'.

Many are also anti-immigrant and anti-foreigner despite years of multi-cultural teaching [ Translation: years of Propaganda ] in schools. The country's Kurier newspaper called the findings by the Youth Culture Research Institute 'frightening' - particularly as it is coupled with the general mistrust and dislike of non-Austrians........ It was feeding on prejudice like this in the socially depressed atmosphere of the 1920s and 30s that allowed the Nazis to demonise Jews, isolate them and finally exterminate them on a massive scale.
Adolf pulled Germany out of a very nasty depression, beat the communists trying to take over - i.e. the German Revolution, got Germans out of unemployment - see
How Hitler Tackled Unemployment and Revived Germany’s Economy. It is not a bad record. The history books keep quiet about the Spartacus League which became the Communist Party of Germany. It took over parts of Germany for a while.


Rampant Racist Pakistanis With Kalashnikovs Cause Aggravation
As western troops draw down [ move out ] by 2014, Pakistan can help construct a stable future for the war-ravaged country – or spoil a deal it dislikes. But beyond that, it is the internal stability of Pakistan that is more worrying. The country is riven by ethnic, tribal and political fault lines, which, in turn, are being exacerbated by galloping population growth and deepening poverty. Turmoil in a country with at least 120 nuclear warheads and a projected population of 300m people by 2030 could make Afghanistan look like a walk in the park. Talk of a "nuclear Somalia" is overstated, but you get the point.
Guardian tells its Useful Idiots the truth. It does not expect them to wonder why the Grauniad wants Her Majesty's Government to import millions of then. To destroy England is my answer. Nor do they explain why HMG is so keen to oblige. Treason is the answer to that. Donations to party funds bungs smooth the path of greed. Of course Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition wants them even more. Bribing Third World scum to use illegal votes for Labour is crime and party policy. NB an analysis follows:-


Racism in Pakistan
It is there. It is gross. There are Kalashnikovs. There are nukes. Would you want to be there? I would not. But our wonderful government is bringing them to us. Aren't we lucky? [ Hint: NO! ]


17 December 2011

MPs Want Their Second Home Allowance - It Offers Major Fraud Opportunities
MPs call for a return of the second home allowance claiming it offers value for money
MPs also accuse the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority of damaging democracy and called for it to be stripped of responsibilities
MPs claim: 'Transparency is not achieving its purpose of enabling the public to make informed judgments'
MPs brushed aside public anger over their expenses last night – and demanded automatic allowances to fund their second homes. A cross-party committee suggested they should no longer be required to provide receipts to back claims for housing and travel...... The report also called for the new Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to be  neutered – effectively breaking  up the tough expenses regime imposed in the wake of the  2009 scandal. MPs on the committee on members’ expenses even suggested the proposals would provide ‘greater value for money’ for the taxpayer because officials would not have to make time to check their receipts.
Just how corrupt do you have to be to make it into politics? A lot of thieving swine are setting standards of bare faced, arrogant greed.

Monkey man went to prison. The other 600 plus should too.


MPs Want Their Own Union, MPs Want More, MPs Want To Abuse The Expenses
MPs are plotting to set up their own trade union to fight for better pay and expenses – amid claims that a tough new expenses regime has imposed a ‘huge burden’ on them. Labour MP Barry Sheerman revealed the idea in the Commons yesterday as MPs launched an attempt to return to the discredited old expenses regime that heaped shame on Parliament.

Mr Sheerman said MPs had no one to fight their corner against the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa), set up to clean up Parliament in the wake of the 2009 expenses scandal. He said many felt ‘exposed’ and needed the backing of a union or ‘parliamentary association’.

He was backed by millionaire Tory MP Adam Afriyie, who has led the campaign for MPs to be given flat-rate allowances potentially worth tens of thousands of pounds a year to cover expenses.
Pensions are deferred pay. MPs directorships are deferred pay offs.
Blair knows a lot about this. So does his old woman, a greedy cow and ugly as sin.


MPs Salaries Double In 20 Years, TWICE As Fast As Average Earnings
Salaries paid to MPs have increased twice as fast as average earnings, according to the House of Commons library. Figures buried away in yesterday’s report on members’ expenses suggest their salaries have almost doubled in real terms over the past 30 years. A table shows that in 1980 MPs were on the equivalent of  £34,000 in today’s money but are now paid £65,738...........

The figures are likely to harden public opposition to pressure from MPs for a rise – particularly as they also benefit from a very generous pension scheme........

Some members are pressing for their salaries to be increased to £100,000 a year in return for an end to their second homes expenses. MPs can currently claim up to £19,900 a year for renting second homes in London and paying household bills. [ More than a lot of people are paid - Editor ]
Do they go into politics to serve England, to destroy England or rob us?

Euro MPs are different. The corruption is not a bug. It is an undocumented design feature. While their snouts are in the trough they will do what they are told.


Obama Cares More About Israel Than America - As An Election Looms
Obama to Reform Jews: Don’t let anyone challenge my Israel bona fides
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. -- President Obama told a gathering of Reform Jewry not to let anyone challenge his record of support for Israel, which he said was "unprecedented."

"No U.S. administration has done more in support of Israel's security than ours -- none," he said in an address Friday afternoon to more than 5,000 people at the biennial conference of the Union for Reform Judaism. "Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. It is a fact." The crowd at a hotel in the Maryland suburbs outside of Washington gave him a standing ovation.

Obama listed areas of close cooperation, including missile defence and Iran sanctions. Of the sanctions, he said they were the "hardest hitting" ever. He repeated his pledge that he would take "no options" off the table when it comes to forcing Iran to back down from its suspected nuclear weapons program...........

To repeated applause, Obama ran through his domestic policy achievements on health care, and women's and gay rights, among others.
Where do American interests come? Far behind Israel's!


Jews Fighting Jews
When Israel forcibly uprooted 10,000 Jews from Gaza and northern Samaria in 2005, many feared the outbreak of civil war in Israel. It didn't happen at that time, but experts argued that the groundwork had been laid for future armed conflict between the Jews of Judea and Samaria and the left-wing establishment that controls many of the state's main institutions. When a group of young Jewish "settlers" stormed an Israeli army base in the Jordan Valley on Monday, it appeared those fears were becoming reality.

A group of 50 Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria calling themselves the "Hilltop Youth" forced their way into an IDF base and proceeded to burn tires, spread nails on the road and vandalize vehicles. The assault came in response to rumors that the army was preparing to execute orders to demolish a small nearby Jewish community..........

Israeli political and defense officials said the IDF base invasion was by far the most severe price tag incident yet, and insisted that the perpetrators be labeled as "terrorists." Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resisted these calls, but did order the army and police to act "aggressively" in hunting down the perpetrators and in preventing future attacks.
When they are busy cutting each other's throats they will have less time for Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians.


16 December 2011

I was brought up with lies all the time . . . that's how you got along. . . . I have lied my entire life
Monica Lewinsky [ a Jew ] Explains All In
The Quote of the Century

Cameron Targets Hard Core Of 120,000 Troublemaking Families Who Cost Taxpayers £9b Billion A Year While Importing Millions More
Trouble-shooters to target 120,000 families as Cameron pledges £448m to change lives of problem group
David Cameron yesterday launched a multi-million pound assault on the ‘Shameless generation’ which took much of the blame for last summer’s riots.
The Prime Minister announced plans for squads of ‘troubleshooters’ to tackle Britain’s 120,000 problem families and help turn round their lives.
Almost half a billion pounds will be spent alleviating problems caused by the country’s worst-behaving families, who cost taxpayers £9billion a year – or £75,000 each........

Enver Solomon, director of policy at the Children's Society, said: 'Intensive family support co-ordinated by a dedicated skilled worker can make a real difference to chaotic families who have multiple needs. 'But it is important to recognize that there are no quick fixes for families and their children whose problems are often linked with challenging mental health needs, alcohol misuse and poverty.

'Turning around their lives can be a long term process that on the way involves success and failure depending a great deal on accessing good quality specialist support as well as achieving financial security.'
Notice the pictures with not a black face in sight. A lot of effort went into concealing the fact that the London Looters were very largely blacks and others with some English joining in later. Cameron skates over the fact that Education has been dumbed down. They don't even teach spelling now. The dole was started with decent objectives and turned into a monster which generates crime and expensive poverty. Giving these criminal families that £75,000 each would sort their problems out for a time instead of being wasted on social workers.

Notice that Cameron is still importing hundreds of thousands of Third Worlders every year who might never bother to learn English let alone do anything useful. We are being betrayed.


Obama Expanding Gitmo Operations - Torture May Be Part Of It
Military given go-ahead to detain US terrorist suspects without trial
Civil rights groups dismayed as Barack Obama abandons commitment to veto new security law contained in defence bill

Barack Obama has abandoned a commitment to veto a new security law that allows the military to indefinitely detain without trial American terrorism suspects arrested on US soil who could then be shipped to Guantánamo Bay.

Human rights groups accused the president of deserting his principles and disregarding the long-established principle that the military is not used in domestic policing. The legislation has also been strongly criticized by libertarians on the right angered at the stripping of individual rights for the duration of "a war that appears to have no end".
Obama understands law when he wants to. Obama promised that he would shut Gitmo - see Obama restarts Guantánamo trials abandoning key election pledge but then Obama is a crook put into power by subversives. This has to be in breach of the Constitution. Bush turned America into a Fascist State. Obama is merely carrying it on; just like Joe Stalin following on from Lenin


The Anti-Defamation League, A Propaganda Machine For Israel Is Losing Revenue
The Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee reportedly have suffered steep declines in contributions over the past five years. According to the Forward, the two prominent American Jewish groups each lost more than $20 million in annual contributions from 2006 to 2010. During that period, contributions to the ADL fell to $51 million in 2010 from $73 million in 2006. The AJC brought in $38 million in 2010 after having raised $62 million in 2006.

Also, IRS records show that the ADL has cut more than 100 employees between 2008 and 2010, from 528 to 427, the Forward reported. In the same period, National Director Abraham Foxman’s salary has risen from $563,024 to $624,470.
Abe Foxman is looking after Abe Foxman. After that it is every man for himself and the Devil take the hindmost. He is a strident critic of anyone who does not worship Israel with all it entails, the murders, Ethnic Cleansing etc. The implication is that Jews in America are not buying into the Racist drivel or that they are going short as well.


15 December 2011

"What is Belgium famous for?  Child abuse and chocolate.  And they only invented chocolate to get to the children!"
From the movie "In Bruges":
Could they be thinking of Marc Dutroux?

Islamic Mass Murderer Imported Into Belgium By Corrupt Government
A haul of guns and a cannabis shed: Inside the home of crazed Belgian killer who launched grenade attack on Christmas market
Killer named as Nordine Amrani, from a Moroccan background and on parole
Due to answer a summons about ‘sexually molesting’ a young woman
Had previous convictions for drug dealing and keeping an arsenal of weapons
Amrani, who on Tuesday murdered
four people and wounded 125 others, also used his home in the city of Liege as a cannabis factory, with police finding more than 2,800 plants during the raid......

On Tuesday morning, Amrani is thought to have tried to rape the woman cleaner in his flat, where police had found an arsenal of weapons including a rocket launcher, AK47 and Kalashnikov. Police said he killed her 'with a bullet to her head' and then dumped her body in a lock-up shed where he was growing cannabis plants.....

Commenting on Amrani’s background, Ms Amrani said: ‘He did not feel at all Moroccan. He did not speak a word of Arabic, and was not Muslim. What he said is that he felt like a Belgian. ‘He was crazy about weapons, but as a collector.
The Mail writes as though he was a Belgian. There is not a word about Racism or the hatred fomented by Islam. With a track record of rape, drug dealing and gun crime you might think they would say something about Third World and Immigration but no. The Mail is the least treasonous of the Main Stream Media scum that are being used as a Propaganda machine to destroy England & Christendom. The Guardian claims that there is no known motive, totally suppressing the fact that he was an enemy alien.


Guardian Wins The Dishonest Reporting Award For 2011
A Year of Dishonest Reporting — Why The Guardian Won

HonestReporting readers were asked to choose this year’s Dishonest Reporting Award, and they spoke out — with a vengeance we haven’t seen for nominations in previous years. Read about the winners in ten other categories on the Dishonest Reporting Awards main page...........

The Guardian’s skewed news and commentary have a wide reach. In May alone, its web site drew in 50 million unique readers. This paper systematically dislikes Israel. [ The agenda becomes clear - Editor ] The sheer volume of The Guardian’s deliberately vicious output in 2011 necessitated a top 10 list of reasons it deserves the 2011 Dishonest Reporting Award.

Top 10 Reasons The Guardian Won the Dishonest Reporting Award.......

2. PaliLeaks
PLO documents on a decade of peace talks (The Palestine Papers, a.k.a. PaliLeaks) were leaked to The Guardian and Al-Jazeera. But the revelations — that Israel was actually serious about peace [ The lie direct I fancy - Editor ] — sorely disappointed the editors...........

5. Goldstone Recants
He did somewhat - after and only after severe pressure was put on him by Jews in South Africa, Jews he had thought were friend - Editor....

10. London Riots
As London boiled over in August riots, one report in The Guardian didn’t bother to mention the race, religion, or ethnicity of anyone — except for a reference to a group of Hasidic Jews jeering the police. [ This may well be true. The Grauniad was covering up for the blacks who were the overwhelming majority of the criminals. - Editor ]
Take the point first and foremost that it is Jews complaining about being victims of lies. Secondly remember what Martin Luther told us in Jews And Their Lies. That was then. This is now. Nothing has changed. The fact is that some newspapers tell some of the truth some of the time. The Guardian used Chris McGreal who tells it like it is from time to time. He exposed evil done in Israel. Next is a down to earth appreciation of Jews and their honesty.


Jews Are Big Fat Liars

We were lied to incessantly, in fact I am awed at the routineness and comfort in their ability to lie, it is remarkable really.
– Former US Marine Ken O’Keefe and Freedom Flotilla participant on the Israeli penchant for lying.

Jews are insane liars. They lie so much one has to think their whole lives revolve around acts of dishonesty towards their fellow man (including other Jews occasionally).

Look at the simple fact that so many of them change their names to something that sounds less Jewish. What other race or nationality does that? Truth of the matter is no one used to trust Jews (for good reason) and they had to do that to keep up the scams on non-Jews around them. Hell, even other Jews often don’t trust each other...........

“I was brought up with lies all the time… that’s how you got along… I have lied my entire life…”

Monica Lewinsky

One could even legitimately say that Jewry itself is one giant lie. The majority of Jews (about 90%) are called Ashkenazi and are descendants of the Khazar race from southern Russia in the early Middle Ages. They are not descended from the people of the Bible, or what people think are the Israelites.

Jews understand this Khazar business undermines their claims of being “Chosen” and that God promised them ”ownership” of Palestine and so actively work to suppress anything to do with Khazaria. Again, they lie their ass off on even this ancient history.........

It’s time you come to the logical conclusion that lousy Jews are BIG FAT LIARS.
Mr INCOGMAN has his style. It is rather down market but he is very much on the right lines. At least most of what he says is right.


14 December 2011

Muslims Intimidate Their Way Across Europe
A mob of some 20 Islamists stormed a debate in Amsterdam that was featuring two Muslim liberals, the Canadian writer and Muslim feminist Irshad Manji and the Dutch-Moroccan Green Left MP Tofik Dibi. Muslim extremists belonging to the group Sharia4Belgium, which seeks to establish Islamic Sharia law across Europe, yelled "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is Greater") and threatened to break Manji's neck. Waving an Islamist jihadist flag, they then demanded that Manji and Dibi be executed for apostasy......

The December 8 debate on how liberal Muslims can prevent Islam from being hijacked by Muslim extremists was held at the De Baile venue in downtown Amsterdam, and was sponsored by the Brussels-based European Foundation for Democracy. The event resumed after police arrested several of the Islamists. The incident highlights the increasing frequency with which Muslims are using intimidation tactics -- including harassment and even murder -- in an effort to silence free speech in Europe and to impose Islam on the continent......

The report also says that although teachers can discuss the transatlantic slave trade without incidents, they face harsh criticism from Muslim pupils when they teach about the history of slavery within Africa or the Middle East.
This report mentions several other attacks carried out by the
Third World trouble makers imported by traitors. Of course Islamics Were Big In Slaving and are still at it. We are not supposed to say that Jews Were Big In The Atlantic Slave Trade. We are not even supposed to know it. It is true none the less as the good people of with tell you - see Blacks And Jews on the point.


Islamic Lied In Order To Pervert The Course Of Justice
A British Muslim Miss Universe contender caught driving a sports car without insurance tried to dupe police by pretending to be her sister, a court heard. Brunette Shanna Bukhari, who earlier this year had hopes of becoming the first Muslim to represent Britain at the beauty contest, was pulled over while driving her family's red MG sports car in February. The 25-year-old gave her sister's name to police, who rumbled her when an eagle-eyed officer saw her picture in a local newspaper.

The model was brought before the courts and pleaded guilty to willful police obstruction, driving without insurance and driving without a licence - as she was only permitted to use an automatic car........ The court heard how a police marker had been placed on the vehicle due to an unrelated investigation. The car was seized and Bukhari was given seven days to produce her documents.  Instead she repeatedly lied about her identity, claiming to be her 32-year-old sister Salma and giving various versions of her name.
She was charged with lesser offences so they went soft on her. Nor did they lock her in a lunatic asylum because she is not English.


English Political Prisoner Released From Lunatic Asylum
THE woman charged in connection with the 'My Tram Experience' racist rant on a Croydon tram has been released on bail.

Emma West appeared before Judge Warwick McKinnon in a closed hearing at Croydon Crown Court this morning (Tuesday). The 34-year-old, of Grenville Road in New Addington, has been charged with a racially aggravated public order offence.

She was arrested after a video showing a woman abusing passengers on a tram between New Addington and Wimbledon was posted on YouTube.

West is due back at court on January 3 for formal committal proceedings.
Tell the truth and go to prison. Tell the truth and have your children stolen from you. They alleged that they did it for her own safety. Believe them if you want.

The police allow Islamics to threaten to murder us and our wonderful government allows police to pervert the course of justice. It is policy.


Armed Citizen Succeeds In California
Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, CA, 01/08/04   State: CA   American Rifleman Issue: 5/1/2004   Ivory Grayson responded to a knock at his front door early one morning. The young man on his doorstep asked for Grayson's grandson. The 65-year-old homeowner replied that his grandson was not there. During the conversation at his front door, Grayson noticed a second man trying to hide from view. When the two men returned and knocked on his door again, Grayson retrieved a handgun before answering. Both men were armed, and they forced their way into the home. Grayson took cover behind a living room chair and "a gun battle ensued," reported Sacramento police spokesman Sgt. Justin Risley. Grayson exchanged gunfire with one of the armed intruders and killed the gunman. He then exchanged fire with the second man at the front of the house, until the intruder fled.
One kill, one nervous is a whole lot better than one robbery.


Jew Running Holocaust® Memorial Facing Child Pornography Charges
Former B'nai B'rith director faces child pornography charges The former regional director of B’nai B'rith in Quebec has been charged with possessing child pornography...... Police were notified after a computer repair shop found several questionable video files on Surkis's PC. Surkis brought his computer in to the shop for repairs after it became infected with a virus. He left his post as director of B'nai B'rith Quebec two years ago.

Surkis was the dean of education at John Abbott College for 22 years. He is also a prominent member of Montreal's Jewish community and was an executive director of the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre. He was released on bail with several conditions, including that he not be in the company of minors, he avoid areas where minors gather, and not use his computer to access the internet.
Was this all over world? Did the Main Stream Media go into over drive? They are keen on fingering
Catholic priests but Jews get a pass. That is why Jews infiltrate the media even if they do not own it outright.


Jew Running Holocaust® Racket Gets Away With Distributing Child Porn
The former director of B'nai B'rith Quebec says he's ashamed he had pornographic videos on his computer, but Bill Surkis maintains he's not a sex offender. Surkis, 71, has admitted to downloading nearly nine hours of videos of men engaged in sexual activity with girls, but said it was because he was curious......... The Crown and the defence are recommending Surkis be sentenced to 45 days in jail to be served on weekends, the minimum sentence allowed by law.......

Explicit files were discovered on Surkis's computer when he took it in for repairs in 2008. The technician contacted Montreal police who uncovered 21 videos and dozens of photos, including images of girls aged six to 13.......

In May, Surkis agreed to a plea bargain. In return for pleading guilty to charges of possessing and accessing child pornography, Crown prosecutor Cynthia Gyenizse dropped a charge of distributing child pornography.
Catch a Jew with blood dripping off his hands and he will claim he is not guilty. He will have a story to go with it. They always do. See Jew Gets Minimum Sentence For Child Porn


13 December 2011

EU Taken Over By Germans
As a clear damp dawn rose over Brussels on Friday morning, the tired and tetchy leaders of Europe emerged, bleary-eyed from nine hours of night-time sparring over how to rescue the single currency and indeed the entire European project................

"For the first time in the history of the EU, the Germans are now in charge. But they are also more isolated than before," said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank. "The British are certainly more marginal than before. Their influence has never been lower in my lifetime."......

In the cold new Europe taking shape, the Germans are more powerful than everyone else, but not all-powerful.
The EU goes on, a corrupt tyranny run by a fat bag of lard. The Guardian is annoyed that England is not being screwed so much. The Grauniad is run by capitalist swine marketing communism. The basic qualification for politicians in Germany is that they pander to Jews, acting as though they believe the Holocaust® story.


Migrant Boom Over Last 14 Years Was Driven By Political Treason
Labour's open-door policies – and not the promise of prosperity – were the main reason why immigration soared over the past 14 years, an academic inquiry found yesterday. The report said ‘the increase in net immigration to the UK was not driven primarily by the economic performance of the UK or other countries’. Instead, it pointed to immigration policies. Changes introduced after Labour took power in 1997 included liberal approaches towards economic migrants claiming to be asylum seekers, the acceptance of migrants considered to have worthwhile skills, and the opening of the British jobs market to workers from Poland and Eastern Europe........

Free appeals for those refused visas to visit family members in Britain cost taxpayers £1million a week, according to a report by MigrationWatch yesterday.
Labour Party policy was to flood England with Third World free loaders. We don't need academics to tell us that. Nor do we need them to tell us about the results - see the next one.


Pakistani Thug Murdered Two Other Pakistanis Over Parking A Van
An argument over parking led to a ‘completely good and blameless’ businessman and his nephew being machine-gunned to death by a drug dealer. After his car was blocked in by a van, Ayub Khan went to fetch a MAC-10 pistol capable of firing 1,000 rounds a minute. Khan, then only 20, gunned down hotelier Amarjit Singh Tiwana and his nephew Rajinder Singh Tiwana at point-blank range. He then turned the weapon on Amarjit’s daughter Harjinder but did not fire – possibly because the gun had jammed. Khan fled the country after the attack but was extradited from Bangladesh in 2010..............

Khan, who has previous convictions for robbery and possession of crack cocaine with intent to supply, looked ‘furious’ as he drove away. About ten minutes later three Asian men returned and started to damage the van which had blocked the road. One pulled out a gun from a bag and opened fire, killing both Amarjit and Rajinder.
Import Pakistanis, import crime. That is the policy of Her Majesty's Government and even more so for Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition. It's all those corrupt votes that are the pay off. We need Armed Citizens.

It is all there, written on his face. Hanging and flogging are the answers for his sort.


Third World Undesirable Murders Five, Injures Over 100 In Belgium
Five killed 'including 18-month-old girl' and 123 hurt as career criminal hurls grenades into Christmas shoppers in Belgian city of Liege
Killer named as Nordine Amrani,  convicted sex attacker and drug dealer
Attacker used a pistol, a rifle and hand grenades Five people died and 123 were injured when a rogue gunman lobbed grenades and shot into crowds of shoppers at a Christmas market in Liege, Belgium........ The attacker, 32-year-old Nordine Amrani, who was a convicted sex attacker and drug dealer, also died........ Reports said Amrani used an FN FAL automatic rifle, a Belgian made rifle capable of firing 700 rounds a minute, a pistol and grenades in the attack.........

Amrani was on his way for police questioning when he attacked a crowd near a bus stop at Place Saint Lambert, a central shopping square which is the site of the city's Christmas market and its main courthouse. It was not clear whether he committed suicide or died accidentally...........

Amrani was sentenced to just under five years in prison in September 2008 for keeping 10 complete firearms, and an astonishing 9500 gun parts in his flat, along with 2800 cannabis plants nearby...... The source said Amrani, who came from a North African immigrant background, also had convictions for drug dealing, handling stolen goods and sex abuse.
Importing vicious rogues like him is Genocide driven by the Culture War which is run by the BBC and other Subversives in the Main Stream Media. They are Lenin's Useful Idiots dancing to the tune called by Antonio Gramsci, the leading theoretician of the communists in Italy. If an Armed Citizen had been there it could have been different.
PS The Guardian conceals the truth about the perp being a foreigner. The Guardian is run by communist subversives.


Head Taxman Forced To Resign After Pandering To The Rich
Britain's top taxman is set to retire after a catalogue of disasters while he was head of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. HMRC confirmed last night its under-fire Permanent Secretary of Tax David Hartnett is to retire next summer. Mr Hartnett’s reign has been dogged by gaffes as well as controversy over his department’s dealings with big companies.

He raised eyebrows by signing off a deal which let Goldman Sachs off a £10million tax bill.  MPs on the powerful Public Administration Committee accused him of being ‘cavalier’ with taxpayers’ money last month. The 60-year-old, who has been described as Britain’s most ‘wined and dined’ civil servant, was also quizzed over the 107 breakfasts, lunches and dinners he enjoyed over three years with big firms......

MPs repeatedly accused him of lying over a settlement with U.S. bank Goldman Sachs, which cost the taxpayer as much as £8million. Mr Hartnett was also heavily criticized over a deal he signed with Vodafone. After a lengthy legal battle, the mobile phone giant handed over £1.25 billion to settle an investigation into its 2000 takeover of German rival Mannesmann. However, documents leaked from the non-ministerial department suggest the tax authorities had wanted to collect £6 billion from Vodafone. HMRC dismisses this figure as an ‘urban myth’.
This allegedly urban myth has been documented ad nauseum in Private Eye, the lead read in English journalism. Has Hartnett sued for libel? No, because the truth is a weapon he can't answer. The Eye sorted BOURN, the comedian who abused the expenses big time while he was supposed to be  monitoring government waste.


12 December 2011

- Regarding Cameron's EU Veto:-
Terry Smith, CEO of City broking firm Tullets, says…
“The UK is as isolated as somebody who refused to join the Titanic just before it sailed “ - Thanks Guido.

UK Censorship Operations
UK police say their censorship efforts have "safeguarded or protected" 414 children in the past year, but fail to say what this means, or how the danger to those children related to the pornography. Were these children being used to make pornography? Stopping that would indeed be protecting them, but the police had achieved this, they could have stated it in a clear and concrete way. The vagueness of the statement suggests that they are stretching things. My researcher was unable to find any details.

The UK government is not greatly concerned with children's welfare in general, as shown by its other actions. For instance, closing homes for orphans. In 2010 there were around 6900 children in state-managed homes in the UK. I'm not sure how many of them would be forced onto the street by this closure. The UK government also plans to cut benefits for 100,000 disabled children. So did the state really protect these 414 children, and did that really relate to pornography? Or is it only trying to make censorship look necessary?
The Main Stream Media tell us to worry about Paedophiles. A few centuries ago it was witches. The police are doing a marketing operation to keep the money coming in. They claim that they have arrested 1,614 suspects in the last five years. The number of convictions is much smaller, otherwise they would be telling us. They also keep very quiet about Paedophile Jews and
Greville Janner, Baron Janner of Braunstone. Annoying Jews would ruin their sales pitch. That is why they do not tell us that Homosexuals Are The Principal Child Molesters. Mentioning the scale of systematic abuse carried out by Pakistani Perverts would run counter to Her Majesty's Government policy. Ditto for Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition. They helped keep Mark Trotter out of prison.


BBC Fraud Again - Frozen Planet Footage Was Filmed In Berlin Zoo
The BBC's landmark wildlife documentary was four years in the making and took intrepid cameramen to the ends of the Earth to film. But now it's been revealed the method used to capture key scenes might send a chill down the spine of Frozen Planet viewers. Instead of being filmed in a sub-zero natural habitat, the BBC has admitted a polar bear and her cubs that were the centre piece of the show were caught on camera in a zoo.
The BBC lies. The BBC cheats. This one is not political or part of their
Culture War against us. They are lying in the entertainment output. But it is another marker, showing their corruption.


Labour Panders To NHS Buyers
Oh this just keeps getting better and better. Labour sources get in touch to point out that Kevin Lee has recently, and very quietly, been appointed Andy Burnham’s Political Adviser. That’s right, a man with business interests in health is crafting lines for Labour like “NHS not for sale”. Almost vintage Labour irony… As one insider dryly observed: “Burnham gives well paid job without interview to mate who he owes £20,000″. Does that smell odd to anyone else? So Andy…

  • Where was the job advertised?

  • How many people were interviewed for it?

  • Why was the job given to Mr Lee?

  • What assurances were sought regarding Mr Lee’s private interests in the NHS?

  • Why has Mr Lee not declared that he owes you £21,000 in the Register of Members’ Staff Interests?

  • When are you going to pay your adviser back the £21,000 you owe him?

The Labour Party was the mob that did a major cover up for Mark Trotter, a paedophile with AIDS. This is not to say that the Tories are any less corrupt.


Witch Executed In Saudi Arabia
Saudi woman executed for practicing sorcery
Chief of religious police is said to have claimed the woman, in her 60s, tricked people into believing she could treat illnesses
Saudi authorities have executed a woman convicted of practicing magic and sorcery. The Saudi interior ministry said in a statement that the execution had taken place on Monday, but gave no details of the woman's crime.

The London-based al-Hayat daily, however, quoted Abdullah al-Mohsen, the chief of the religious police who arrested the woman, as saying she had tricked people into thinking she could treat illnesses, charging them $800 a session. The paper said a female investigator followed up the case, and the woman was arrested in April 2009 and later convicted in a Saudi court.......
Beheading prevents repeat offences. Stoning works too.


Paedophile Jews Abusing Children
Orthodox [ Jew ] Child Sex Abuse Details Revealed: Report
Brooklyn prosecutors say authorities have arrested 85 people in the Orthodox Jewish community on child sex abuse charges in the past three years, the New York Post reported Sunday, confirming earlier reports in the Forward.

Prosecutors in the office of Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes told the Post that 38 of the sex cases had been closed so far, with 14 convictions. The suspects got jail time ranging from a month to up to 20 years for crimes that included sex abuse, attempted kidnapping, and sodomy, the paper said. Twenty-four suspects were freed after the cases against them fell apart, the report said.

The rest of the cases are still pending under a controversial program called Kol Tzedek, or Voice of Justice, which aims to coax victims in the insular community to come forward about abuse...........

Among the cases reported by the Forward was that of Boro Park Rabbi Baruch Lebovits, who was sentenced last year to up to 32 years in prison after being convicted of sex abuse.

Victims’ rights advocates hailed it as a turning point in the battle against sexual abuse in the insular Orthodox community. But Lebovits is now free on bail and his conviction is now unraveling amid allegations of perjury, conspiracy and extortion.

Just last week, Hynes’ spokesman Jerry Schmetterer refused to return calls from the Forward asking for more information about the cases.
Trying to lie their way out of it is SOP [ Standard Operating Procedure ] for Jews.


Jew Suspended After Trying To Pervert The Course Of Justice
Orthodox Lawyer Suspended After Lying About Anti-Semitism Injecting anti-Semitism into a traffic stop didn't work too well for Mel Gibson, and one Queens lawyer who pulled a "reverse Gibson" on a New Jersey state trooper has been suspended from practicing law. Elliot Dear, an orthodox Jew, was pulled over for driving 84 mph in a 55 zone in 2007. The Post reports that several days later, Dear sent the traffic court a letter claiming that the trooper called him a "Jew kike," and said "this prejudice obviously was the cause for the ticket." But Dear didn't expect the conversation to be recorded.

The trooper was in fact wearing a recording device, and the police vehicle also caught the stop on tape by a dashboard camera, so the Internal Affairs Bureau was able to determine that Dear was lying. A panel of judges suspended Dear from practicing for six months, and hopefully ordered him to watch What Women Want twenty nine times, one viewing for each mile-an-hour he drove over the limit.
The Jew took the easy way. The Jew lied. That is what Jews do. No doubt he would try to sell the Holocaust® story if he were paid enough or even do it as a freebie.
PS He got off lightly but Jews stick together. It makes it easier to get away with crime.


Jews Are Racists, Jews Want Blacks Out Of Israel
Israel right-wing activists rally in Tel Aviv, demand expulsion of African migrants
National Union MK Ben Ari calls Netanyahu's recent announcement of intention to expedite plans for the construction of a detention center for illegal immigrants insufficient.

Dozens of right-wing protesters, led by National Union MK Dr. Michael Ben Ari, rallied in Tel Aviv's south on Sunday, calling for the expulsion of African migrants and asylum seekers. The protesters, who were also joined by several of the area's residents, amassed near Levinsky Park in southern Tel Aviv, an area heavily populated by African migrants.

The demonstrators chanted "The people demand the expulsion of the infiltrators," "We have come to expunge the darkness," and "Tel Aviv is for Jews, Sudan is for Sudanese." Ben Ari criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu for allowing African migrants to remain in the county after they had already entered in recent years. He called Netanyahu's cabinet "the blackest government ever for Tel Aviv."
Jews can't be Racist, can they? Jews are God's Chosen People, a Light Unto Nations. They are morally superior to us, aren't they? Victims of naughty Adolf. How can this be? Don't they care about their black bretheren? They certainly do when it comes to importing them into England. Then they are human, the blacks that is.


11 December 2011

Police Inspector Murdered His Wife And Child
A former police inspector killed his wife and six-year-old daughter and seriously injured his two other children in a frenzied attack before killing himself after being sacked last week for misusing his force computer systems. Detectives investigating Thursday's killings at the semi-detached home believe Tobias Day's attack on his family was precipitated by his dismissal by Leicestershire police........

"It is absolutely tragic what has happened. It's been a real shock to the country and to Melton."
A policeman murders; that is a tragedy. Englishmen kill a black and the law is perverted in order to hound them. One rule for the criminals destroying England with a flood of Third World free loaders and another for us.


Obama Is Homosexual - Allegedly
President Obama and his chief of staff [ the Jew, ] Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city.  

The bath house, Man's Country, caters to older white men and it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses.” WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bath house that it provides one-year “lifetime” memberships to paying customers and that the club’s computerized files and pre-computer paper files, include membership information for both Obama and Emanuel. The data is as anonymized as possible for confidentiality purposes. However, sources close to “Man’s Country” believe the U.S. Secret Service has purged the computer and filing cabinet files of the membership data on Obama and Emanuel.
So now we know.
Obama is queer or not as the case maybe. If Wayne Madsen gets sued for Libel then maybe not. If they go quiet as they have since May 2010 then it is likely that the black is guilty as Hell. Meeting Emmanuel might explain why Obama, a very undistinguished politician got plucked from nowhere to become the president of America and why the Main Stream Media did a big cover up when he was using a Forged Birth Certificate NB Man's Country is looking for strippers - see Man's Country Chicago - Job Offers. So if you want to work somewhere warm and friendly this could be the answer.


Black Tried To Murder Again
THE mum of a teenager who was killed by her ex-boyfriend has spoken about her fun-loving daughter on what would have been her 30th birthday. More than a decade has passed since Cassandra McDermott, 19, was found dead at the family home in Granville Gardens, Streatham. She was savagely beaten and left to drown in her own vomit by former boyfriend and professional footballer Mario Celaire. A jury cleared Celaire in 2002 after he claimed to have left her “alive and well” minutes before her death. But in 2007 he attacked another ex-girlfriend, Kara Hoyte, then 19, with a hammer, inflicting life-threatening injuries. Although partially paralyzed by the attack, Kara was able to tell police that Celaire, of Sydenham Road, Sydenham, had confessed to Cassandra’s killing. In 2009 he was jailed for life at the Old Bailey after admitting Cassandra’s manslaughter and the attempted murder of Kara.
Hanging stops this kind of nonsense. It works in Jamaica.


Rich Jews Stole $2 Thousand A Month By Dole Fraud
Wealthy couple who live in $1.2m home and drive a Jag have been claiming $2,000-a-month welfare for last eight years A wealthy chiropractor who has been in practice for more than 20 years and his wife were living in a $1.2million waterfront home while claiming almost $2,000-a-month welfare benefits and even food stamps, according to documents.

A civil lawsuit has been filed against David Silverstein and Lyudmila Shimonova, from Seattle, who are accused of making false claims  which included more than $1,200 in public housing vouchers, plus state and government disability cheques and even food stamps. Prosecutors are demanding they pay back more than $135,000 in federal housing assistance since 2003 and are seeking tens of thousands of dollars in fines.......

'Defendants have separately and, it appears, in conjunction with one another made false representations to various state and federal agencies in order to obtain federally funded benefits,' assistant U.S. attorneys Harold Malkin and Kayla Stahman wrote.
The Mail is tactful enough not tell us that Silverstein is a Jew. Fraudulent misrepresentation regarding money is crime. But they seem to got a pass on that one. Being Jews means getting away with crime.
PS The Jewish Federation Of Greater Seattle reported that they took a bung from Silverstein. The report is now off line - try Annual Report FY 2010 - Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Concealing the evidence is the name of the game with Jews. That is just normal practice.


29 Problems With The Holocaust® Story
Listed below are some of the "problems " I have with the Holocaust. Should these be cleared up it would go a long way toward my accepting it - they are in no particular order.

1) Why did Elie Wiesel and countless other Jews survive the Holocaust if it was the intention of the Third Reich to eliminate every Jew they got there hands on? Elie was a prisoner for several years; other Jews survived even longer. Most of these "survivors" were ordinary people who did not have any unique expertise that the Germans could have exploited for their war effort. There was no logical reason for them to be kept alive. The very existence of more than a million survivors even today, some sixty years later, contradicts one of the basic components of the holocaust i.e. that the Germans had a policy to eliminate every Jew they got their hands on.

2) Why is their no mention of the Holocaust in Churchill's six volume History of the Second World War or the wartime memoirs of either De Gaulle or Eisenhower or any of the other lesser luminaries who wrote about the Second World War. Keep in mind all these were written years after the war ended and thus after the holocaust had been allegedly proven by the Nuremberg Trials? With regard to the Holocaust, the silence of these " cognoscenti " is deafening!
This turned up in a blog run by the Wall Street Journal. The other questions 27 are there. No doubt the wonderful people who run the
World Jewish Congress have splendid answers to every one of them.


Jew Caught Using Drugs
Ryan Braun, the first Jewish player in more than five decades to win one of baseball's Most Valuable Player awards, has reportedly tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug......

"There are highly unusual circumstances surrounding this case which will support Ryan's complete innocence and demonstrate there was absolutely no intentional violation of the program," said a Braun spokesman in a statement published by ESPN. "While Ryan has impeccable character and no previous history, unfortunately, because of the process we have to maintain confidentiality and are not able to discuss it any further, but we are confident he will ultimately be exonerated."
Jew uses drugs is a minor story. The reaction is typical. He claims that he is not guilty while the
Main Stream Media keep quiet, apart from his own lot that is.


10 December 2011

Cameron Puts Britain First - A First For Cameron
Eurocrats predict a 'great divorce' amid doubt on the UK's future in the EU
But PM says Britain will stay in EU as long as 'membership in our interest'
David Cameron stood defiantly behind his historic veto of a new EU power grab last night as France plotted to push Britain towards the EU exit door. In the most momentous decision of his premiership, Mr Cameron resolutely defended British interests by rejecting demands for treaty change across the EU as part of a rescue plan for the single currency. Angry Eurocrats said the extraordinary and unexpected move – the first time a British prime minister has said ‘no’ to a new European treaty – marked a ‘great divorce’ and threw Britain’s future in the EU into serious doubt.......

Under renewed pressure from his own party to call a referendum on a looser relationship with the EU as other member states form a powerful new bloc, Mr Cameron insisted Britain would not leave the union as long as it remained in our interests to stay in. David Cameron was forced to use the veto to stop Brussels crippling the City of London.
The EU as a free trade area makes sense. It is what we voted for after that fat homosexual traitor, Heath called a referendum. The rest is a dictatorship being imposed by treachery and communist subversives. It would have been interesting to see Sarkozy, the short arsed little Jew attack Dave. We would have seen who is man enough to do what it takes with another ghastly little crook on the make. NB that Dave used his veto and the rest just ignored it and carried on with Merkel's agenda.
PS Silvio Berlusconi was right about Merkel. I wouldn't either.

Perhaps Sarkozy is not so fussy.


Blatant BBC Bias Again Over EU Triumph
The BBC was accused of reporting Britain’s veto of the Eurozone rescue plan as a national catastrophe rather than a tough decision David Cameron was forced to make. Conservative MPs said the broadcaster’s ‘biased’ coverage began on Radio 4’s flagship Today programme and continued throughout the day on radio and television. Presenters used solemn tones to inform listeners about Britain becoming isolated following David Cameron’s refusal to sign a new treaty.

In some cases, it was several minutes into news bulletins before the BBC got round to reporting Mr Cameron’s explanation of why he had resisted pressure to hand over more powers to Brussels.......

Last year, BBC Director General Mark Thompson accepted the corporation had previously been guilty of a ‘massive’ left-wing bias.
The BBC Charter and Agreement  requires that:-
The BBC must do all it can to ensure that controversial subjects are treated with due accuracy and impartiality in all relevant output. It is an obligation that they treat with contemptuous indifference then proved it with their torrent of hate directed at Nick Griffin on Question Time


The Sun Has A Cheerful View Of Merkel And Sarkozy's Power Play
Up Eurs
Euro crisis: Britain stands alone after PM David Cameron’s historic veto DAVID Cameron has blasted the bully-boys of Europe with a sensational Winston Churchill-style "Up Yours".
It was thus when the Royal Navy sank the Belgrano.


Illegal Immigrants Must Be Imported And Given Nearly £40,000 Says Judge
A family of asylum seekers deported from the UK must be allowed back and paid nearly £40,000 in compensation, the High Court has ruled, even though they may then be ordered out again. The five Sri Lankans, who are now living in Germany, were deported in 2006, but a judge ruled they were unlawfully detained in the process and gave them leave to return, if they so wished. He also ruled that the Home Office pay the husband, his mentally-ill wife and their son and two daughters a total of some £37,000 in compensation for the violation of their rights.

Mr Justice Cranston, sitting in London, awarded the basic and aggravated damages after a QC for the family described their treatment as 'a moral outrage'......

Nevertheless, lawyers for the family said today the ruling was 'a tremendous relief' to the family, and that they would be returning to the UK - 'which is something they have been longing for nearly six years'.
The Mail does not tell us who was paying for their QC and their solicitor. The tax payer is the answer again. Claims of moral outrage indicate fools who has swallowed the Racist propaganda sprayed out at universities or rogues who will tell whatever story they are paid to tell. Asylum seekers must stop in the first 'safe' country they get to. We have no obligation to tolerate free loading wasters like these.


Vicious Blacks Robbed Queen Mother's Former Aide
'Do what we say unless you want to get stabbed': What machete-wielding thugs told Queen Mother's former aide who was 'stripped naked and robbed' A former aide to the Queen Mother today told how he feared he would die when he was kidnapped by a hooded gang who battered him, tied him up and held a knife to his face.

Niall Hall, 49, told a court of the terrifying ordeal that saw his head and face slammed against the pavement during a violent struggle before he was bundled into the back of his own car and taken to a lock up near his home in Battersea, south west London. Kingston Crown Court heard how Mr Hall was 'targeted' by the gang of thugs who thought he looked like a 'rich man' and stole his £1,000 Tag Heuer watch and forced him to hand over his bank card PIN numbers on February 1....

He said: 'I suddenly became aware of three people around me. They were all men and were large, Afro Caribbean men.
Nor a word about racism there. The fact they are black gets mentioned, just barely. The Guardian pretends it did not happen. No doubt they got bail while an English woman is in prison with out trial, robbed of her children, treated as a lunatic due to blatant official hatred. See
English Dissident Put In Lunatic Asylum By Government. It is what the KGB used to do - Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union gives more and better details.


Armed Citizen Does What It Takes
A pair of armed robbers entered B&N Towing in Lexington, Kentucky at around 2 p.m. As one feigned interest in selling the owner an alternator, the other circled around the owner, then produced a gun and demanded money. In response, the owner drew a handgun and shot the armed criminal. Despite being wounded, the robber began struggling with the owner over the gun, forcing the owner to shoot the robber two more times, which finally caused the attacker to flee.

The owner suffered minor injuries in the altercation, but is expected to be fine. (WKYT, Lexington, Ky. 12/05/11)
Why call the police when you can sort it out yourself? It faster, cheaper, safer, more effective.


Rabid Rabbis Cover Up For Thieving Jew
Chabad [ Jew ] Insider Speaks Out Against Rabbi, Secrecy, In Massive Miami Ponzi Scheme
"It's like dealing with the Pope, everything is a secret. Why does the Catholic Church cover up child molestation? It's the same story [with Chabad], only on this end, it's all about the money.".....

The chabad has been in the news because Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein was not only a dedicated member, but he helped build it with his ill-begotten money. Rothstein's name, which used to be on the building, has been removed, but the stain he has left on the congregation is far from removed, said the man..........

"Chabad has a system of invisible banks, it has internal, in-house money lenders and internal deposits," said the source. "It's all based on trust and who you know. Say I'm going to give $100,000. I give the money and then I get a little piece of paper with writing in Hebrew on it that has instructions. I get to Israel, I give them the piece of paper, and they give you the money. It's the same thing that's been going on in banks for centuries, only there is no oversight, no records, no taxes."
Jews don't care about money laundering laws. They have their own private system. It is much like the Islamic Hawala


9 December 2011 This  day in 1987 was the beginning of the First Intifada while in 1950 on 9 December the Jew, Harry Gold was sentenced to 30 years for treason.

EU Treaty Excludes Us
Eurozone countries go it alone with new treaty that excludes Britain
Britain is facing isolation in Europe after David Cameron vetoed a revision of the Lisbon treaty, prompting a majority of EU members to agree to draw up their own deal outside the architecture of the union.

In one of the most significant developments in Britain's 38-year membership of the EU, the British prime minister said early on Friday morning he could not allow a "treaty within a treaty" that would undermine the UK's position in the single market.
Merkel and Sarkozy are doing a takeover bid. We fought two wars over this. Then corrupt politicians like Heath betrayed us. Now Cameron is showing a bit of backbone. This will be because MPs will not swallow his pandering to foreign enemies. Treason at Maastricht - Destruction of the Nation State  is a little book which explains Heath's treachery and the DPP's refusal to prosecute two other perpetrators.
PS Notice that the Grauniad's admission that this is a de facto new treaty, one passed without referenda and therefore quite possibly illegal.


Black Criminal Stays Out Of Prison Because She Is Black While An Englishwoman Is In Prison On False Pretences
Bigamist fake bride spared jail despite walking down aisle for the THIRD time as part of immigration scam. A bigamous woman on benefits about to marry for a third time as part of an immigration scam walked free from court yesterday. Bindaya Dalal, 26, had never divorced her previous spouses when she was getting ready to walk up the aisle with her third husband in six years.

But the UK Border Agency became suspicious after she booked a register office and arrested her before she could tie the knot again. Dalal, a British national walked free from court yesterday with a community order to carry out 120 hours unpaid work. The court heard she had agreed to the third marriage to pay off debts – but never received any of the £6,000 arrangement fee. Ola Kukete, 37, a London Underground worker who organised the marriage scam and pocketed £2,000, was jailed for 18 months.......... The court heard Dalal had previous convictions for robbery in 2002, attempted robbery, cannabis possession and obtaining property by deception..... Recorder Michael Tillett QC sentenced  Kukete of Dagenham, who had no previous convictions, to 18 months for the conspiracy.
A dole bludging black thief with previous to prove it stays out of prison while an English Dissident Is Put In A Lunatic Asylum By Government allegedly for her own safety. This is happening while vicious criminals who tried to murder a baby are out on bail.


Jew Buys Republican Presidential Candidate
Gingrich and Adelson Forge Firm Alliance
GOP Frontrunner Boasts Israel Support and Netanyahu Ties

In the battle for the Republican pro-Israel vote, Newt Gingrich lacks Mitt Romney’s broad base of prominent Jewish donors. But he has something potentially more powerful: the support of one of Benjamin Netanyahu’s most significant American backers, and a relationship with the Israeli prime minister himself that stretches back decades.

Billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, one of the wealthiest men in the world and a major donor to Jewish and conservative causes, is widely known as a Netanyahu stalwart. Less well known are his equally close ties to Gingrich, to whom he has been a major giver in recent years.
Sheldon Adelson is not an American; he is a Jew working in America as a backer of the Zionist criminals running Israel. This matter because he is a very rich Jew who can afford to buy politicians wholesale. Other Jews are different. They bought Obama. Owning every horse in the race means getting a guaranteed win.


Republican Presidential Candidate Panders To Treasonous Jews
Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich said on Thursday that if he is elected President, he would consider freeing Jonathan Pollard. In an interview with CNN, Gingrich said, “I’m prepared to say my bias is towards clemency and I would like to review it. He’s been in [prison] a very long time, but we’re pretty tough about people spying in the United States, and I also have a study under way to compare his sentence with comparable people, who have been sentenced to very long sentences for comparable deeds.”.....

In the same interview, Gingrich also promised that as President, he would help Israel plan an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Gingrich is bought and paid for, determined to give value to the Jews that bribed him, at least until the votes have been counted. He is ignoring his oath of office with its unconditional loyalty to America.


Israel Is Run By Neo-Fascists Says Activist Jew
When Israel's so-called Libel Law was passed in 1965, Uri Avnery, editor of the weekly Haolam Hazeh, declared war from the pages of his decidedly left-leaning magazine.

"It's either go to the Knesset or go to jail," he wrote. As in any other war, he added, "this editorial staff has operated as a journalistic commando squad for 15 years, with commando techniques, in the spirit of commandos. Now, we are being compelled to act as political commandos. We will make our way into the electoral system as commandos. We will operate as commandos in the Knesset." Avnery, who was born in Germany in 1923, decided to run for a Knesset seat in the hope he could win diplomatic immunity for both himself and his magazine against libel suits.
There are honest Jews. It is not quite a contradiction in terms. Uri Avnery is one such.


Islamic Bans Women From Touching Bananas & Cucumbers
CAIRO: An Islamic cleric residing in Europe said that women should not be close to bananas or cucumbers, in order to avoid any “sexual thoughts.” The unnamed sheikh, who was featured in an article on el-Senousa news, was quoted saying that if women wish to eat these food items, a third party, preferably a male related to them such as their a father or husband, should cut the items into small pieces and serve.

He said that these fruits and vegetables “resemble the male penis” and hence could arouse women or “make them think of sex.” cannot independently verify the accuracy of the news item at time of writing..... The sheikh was asked how to “control” women when they are out shopping for groceries and if holding these items at the market would be bad for them. The cleric answered saying this matter is between them and God.
Is the man mad? Is someone having a laugh? Has April Fool's Day come early?


8 December 2011 On this day in 1941 Japs declare war on America and the Empire the day after starting it- Japanese declaration of war on the United States and Britain America, England and Oz(?) reciprocate

Pakistani Admits Moral Responsibility For Murdering Another Of Them
A medical student accused of luring a ‘besotted’ TV executive into a honey trap that ended in his murder admitted a ‘moral responsibility’ for his death yesterday. Mundill Mahil, 20, allegedly ordered two ‘gangsters’ to kill Gagandip Singh, 21, in revenge after he tried to rape her. The ‘intelligent and attractive young woman’ convinced Mr Singh to come to her house, where he was beaten unconscious, then bundled into the boot of a car and burned alive, a court has heard.
Let them in. Let them cause trouble then pretend  to be surprised. That is how it works with a government of traitors such as Her Majesty's Government or Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition for that matter.


Euro Doomed
Some central banks in Europe have started weighing contingency plans to prepare for the possibility that countries leave the euro zone or the currency union breaks apart entirely, according to people familiar with the matter......

Outside the 17-country euro zone, numerous European central banks are eyeing defensive measures to protect against the possible fallout if the euro zone were to unravel, other people said. Several, including Switzerland, are considering possible replacements for the euro as the external reference point, or peg, they use to try to keep their currencies' values stable.
Sensible people said the euro could not work. That was before it started. They were told that they were fools. Now we know they were right.


Britain To Upgrade Falkland Defences
STANLEY, Falkland Islands, Nov. 16 (UPI) -- British-ruled Falkland Islands' defenses will receive a multimillion-dollar uplift following the award of contracts from London to a company refurbishing several outposts of the U.K. military in the South Atlantic and the Mediterranean.

Every British military move in Falklands has drawn ire from Argentina, which has ratcheted up an international campaign to dispute Britain's sovereignty over the islands. Argentina and Britain went to war over the islands in 1982 after an Argentine force, backed by the country's dictators at the time, invaded the territories.

Argentina's takeover bid was foiled by Britain, but the resulting conflict caused about 1,000 deaths among civilians and military personnel. Despite a formal Argentine surrender after retreat from the Falklands, Buenos Aires revived claims over the Falklands, now vigorously orchestrated by Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner..........

The Falklands are currently used by British forces for combat training before deployment in the Middle East and Afghanistan [ The climate is ideal of course - Editor ].
Peron decided to take over the Falklands as a publicity stunt, to stop the peasants criticizing his foul ups. They still want them. Sabre rattling is likely to be as far as it goes. Their first invasion was a war crime - see
Casus Belli for the legal justifications. Oil is an important reason. The Grauniad is full of treasonous intent - see  The Falklands can no longer remain as Britain's expensive nuisance
PS The Argentinean Army is rubbish. Navy ditto. Their air force is better.


Falkland Islands Marine Protection Zone Annoys Argies
British plans for the largest marine protection zone in the world close to the Falkland Islands have been drafted, in a move likely to trigger a backlash from Argentina.
Done deliberately? A wind up? Last time Foreign Office policy was to let them have it. That is how they caused the Argentinean invasion.


Wreck Of The Day

EDRO III Out Of Freetown
She is EDRO III registered in Freetown. Engine failure during heavy seas is the likely cause. High winds did not help. There is still a man aboard. An ancient rust bucket flying a  flag of convenience means corner cutting, bodging, lack of maintenance. The rest follows.
Name: Edro III
IMO: 6613316
Flag: Sierra Leone
Former name(s):-
Kosmas (Until 2008 Jul 23)
Ljosafoss (Until 2003 Oct 02)
Hvitanes (Until 2001 Sep 18)
Saga 1 (Until 1987 Jan 03)
Saga I (not Yet Confirmed)
Frengenfjord (Until 1985 Jul 14)
Sunnmore (Until 1985 Jan 17)
Baltique (Until 1975 Oct 28)
PS The Cyprus Mail Got Up To Date Eventually. Their version is different in detail. So is Ship Runs Aground In Paphos


Racist Jews Do Not Want Blacks In Israel
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will present to the government on Sunday a plan to address the influx of illegal migrants from Africa. The plan will be allocated approximately NIS 630 million and will be funded by cutting 2 percent from every government office's budget.

According to the proposal, NIS 280 million will be invested in completing the fence on the Egyptian border and adding another segment near Eilat. In recent years, NIS 1.5 billion were invested in the fence, and 70 kilometers of it have already been built. Officials at the prime minister's office said the entire fence – which will stretch for 240 kilometers – will be completed in less than a year.

The plan will also include enlarging the Saharonim detention center in Ketziot, which currently has the capacity to hold 2,000 detainees. After the construction is complete, it will be able to hold 5,000 detainees. The prime minister's office said that the detention center "will allow holding illegal infiltrators for long periods of time in accordance with the law."
Jews can do it in Israel but they cause a flood of them into England. Controlling corrupt politicians is their modus operandi.


7 December 2011 In 1941 Japs Attacked Pearl Harbour In 1965, the Pope Paul VI and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Athenagoras revoked their mutual excommunications of 1054 AD see - East–West Schism

Bank Analyst Says Buy Gold And Guns
Three months ago, Zero Hedge presented the first of many narratives that started the thread of explaining the "unmitigated disaster" that would ensue should the Euro break up, which in the words of authors Stephane Deo and Larry Hatheway, would leads to such mutually assured destruction outcomes as complete bank failure and/or civil war or far worse. Because if there is one thing the banks have learned in the aftermath of Hank Paulson, is that scaremongering when bonuses are at stake is the only to get taxpayer money to fund exorbitant lifestyles.........

 And here comes UBS to remind everyone that anything but a "fix" to a system that was broken from the very beginning, would be a catastrophe, captured probably the best in Hatheway's recommendations of assets to be bought as a hedge to a Euro collapse: "I suppose there might be some assets worthy of consideration—precious metals, for example. But other metals would make wise investments, too. Among them tinned goods and small calibre weapons."
The UBS man knows lots about bonuses but not much about guns. 7.62 NATO for the rifle, .45 ACP or 9mm Luger for the pistol and 12 bore for the shotgun are about as good as it gets. He makes more sense regarding the doom though.
PS Count how many bankers have lost their multimegabuck pay deals. The answer is less than one.


Police Corruption In Florida Is Gross
SPECIAL REPORT: How Florida's problem officers remain on the job
Part 2: Despite ‘moral character violations' — allegations of violence, drugs, theft and forcible sex — Florida officers keep their badges Thousands of Florida officers remain on the job despite arrests or evidence implicating them in crimes that could have landed them in prison, a Herald-Tribune investigation has found.

Even those officers with multiple offenses have been given chance after chance through a disciplinary system that has been reshaped in their favor by the state's politically influential police unions. As a result, officers around Florida carry personnel files that are anything but heroic.

Corrections officer Kurt Stout, already dogged by allegations he groped and had sex with prisoners, was arrested on allegations he raped two teenage girls. Nick Viaggio capped a string of violent outbursts at the Ocala Police Department by attacking his girlfriend in a crowded nightclub until bouncers dragged him away. Palm Beach County deputy Craig Knowles-Hiller, under investigation for sleeping with a 14-year old, had to explain why the girl's DNA was found on one of his sex toys.......

Serious incidents of officer misconduct erode public trust in a profession granted an uncommon degree of power and authority in a free society. Just this year, Florida officers have garnered unwelcome notoriety for offenses including extortion, drug trafficking and attempted murder.
A policeman should be competent enough to commit murder and to lie his way out of it. More at Herald Tribune Creative

Frederick Currie, a multiple perpetrator - ex It is written on his face.


Armed Citizen Gets A Good Result
he Times Daily, Florence, AL, 12/27/96   State: AL   American Rifleman Issue: 4/1/1997   Canadian Football League player Roosevelt Patterson was visiting relatives in Mobile, Alabama, for the Christmas holidays when he was approached by three men, two of them armed, outside of a barbecue restaurant. Asked for cash, Patterson refused and instead, pulled a gun and killed one of the armed crooks. The remaining two were arrested by police.
One less criminal to try it on. More at
Armed Citizen.


Israeli President Whines About His Problems As He Goes Down For Rape
Moshe Katsav convicted of raping a former female employee and of sexually harassing two other women
Former Israeli president Moshe Katsav today started a seven-year jail term for rape and defiantly accused the state of Israel of 'executing' an innocent man. Katsav, 66, was convicted last December of raping a former female employee when he was a Cabinet minister and of sexually harassing two other women when he was president from 2000 to 2007. The former president, who has repeatedly professed his innocence, remained free while he launched an appeal, but the Supreme Court upheld the conviction last month and ordered him to prison......

Prison officials say he will be placed in a special section of Maasiyahu reserved for observant Jews and share a cell with Shlomo Benizri, a former Cabinet minister convicted of accepting bribes.
The Daily Mail is going easy on him. See Rape Special for the squalid details. The judges said that the Israeli  President Was A Bully As Well As A Liar And Rapist. Benizri, the politician he will be sharing a cell with is a racist slaver who off with four years.
PS The previous president took $300,000 in bribes but did not get done. He looked like a good bloke. See
Ezer Weizman for more.


Sixteen Thousand More Alleged Holocaust® Victims Emerge
Germany agrees to pay pensions to 66,000 Holocaust victims from around the world Germany has agreed to pay pensions to about 16,000 additional Holocaust victims from around the world after a year of tough negotiations.

The survivors who will benefit are mostly those who were once starving children in Nazi ghettos or forced to live in hiding for fear of death. The agreement was made between the New York-based Claims Conference and the German government. Greg Schneider, the conference's executive vice president said it was 'not about money - it's about Germany's acknowledgement of these people's suffering'........

In all, the Claims Conference - formally called the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany - estimates that the changes will result in an additional £416 million in payments to survivors.
The Claims Conference is a light fingered bunch of rogues who pay themselves very handsomely. The executive vice-president Gideon Taylor, was awarded $437,811 (£240,000) in salary and pension (2004 numbers). Add in five star hotels, first class flights etcetera to know that he was doing much better than any of the survivors, real or alleged. Three hundred euros a month is not going to make anyone rich.


6 December 2011

Islamic Racists Stay Out Of Prison - Justice Miscarries Big Time
Girl gang who kicked woman in the head while yelling 'kill the white slag' freed after judge hears 'they weren't used to drinking because they're Muslims'
Yobs ripped lump of hair from Rhea Page's head during High Street attack
Three sisters and cousin escape with six-month suspended sentences
Maximum term for assault occasioning actual bodily harm is five years' jail
Judge: 'Those who knock someone to the floor and kick them in the head can expect to go inside, but I'm going to suspend the sentence'
A gang of Muslim girls who repeatedly kicked a young woman in the head walked free from court after a judge heard they were 'not used to being drunk' because of their religion. The group screamed 'kill the white slag' while kicks raining in on 22-year-old Rhea Page as she lay motionless on the ground, the court heard. The attackers - three sisters and their cousin - were told by a judge that normally they would have been sent to jail. However, he handed the girls - all Somalian [ sic - try Somali ] Muslims - suspended sentences after hearing that they were not used to alcohol because their religion does not allow it........

The women, who are all Somalian Muslims, were not charged with racial aggravation.
The fact that they were not charged with racism is corrupt malpractice by the police of the Crown Prosecution Service.
PS The Guardian pretended it did not happen. Ditto for The Independent, no surprises there, the Mirror, the Sun, the Telegraph, the Times and of course the BBC aka Stalin's Organ. The honourable exception was the Daily Mail but then it is owned by Englishmen.


Nonce Watch Exposes Horrific Abusers - Not Pakistani Though
Police were last night trying to stop Facebook vigilantes causing civil unrest after a one-month-old baby boy was raped and battered so badly that his heart stopped........

You don't have to believe that the police are deeply corrupt to realize that there is something badly wrong. They are perfectly prepared to harass English people if the criminals who run the country want them to. That is why the law was perverted to prosecute two Englishmen who are alleged to have killed a black while foreign criminals walk away laughing. It is why an English Dissident Was Put In A Lunatic Asylum By Her Majesty's Government.


BNP Members Arrested For Exposing Labour Nonces
Two British National Party members were recently [ 30 April ] arrested in Liverpool for distributing this leaflet door-to-door in their election drive. A Labour candidate complained to the police and the cops couldn't wait to arrest them. Just what are Labour scared of? [ The truth perhaps. - Editor ]
These will just be those convicted. Greville Janner, Baron Janner of Braunstone is not included although he was accused on oath in a Crown Court. The Wikipedia is keeping quiet about that aswell. The whole Labour Party covered up for Mark Trotter, the paedophile with AIDS.
PS The BNP were beaten up by the police, vicious thugs carrying out government policy. See the dirt at Labour 25


American Army Violating Geneva Convention In Afghanistan
The US Army is today in flagrant violation of the Geneva Conventions in Afghanistan........ Our forces take casualties every day.  US Army “Dustoff” helicopters evacuate wounded troopers seven days per week.  The Dustoff crews courageously fly over enemy territory to rescue our wounded.  Our Dustoff helicopters fly straight over enemy heads........

Dustoff helicopters behave as combatants by flying over routes not agreed up between all the parties to the conflict.  Dustoff further violates the Conventions by flying over the enemy and over enemy terrain, and thus behave as combatants.  Dustoff will never obey a summons to land to be inspected by the Taliban, and thus are behaving as combatants.........

The Marines, Air Force, British, and US Army Special Operations Forces do not sport the Red Crosses. The US Army is forcing Dustoff crews to violate the Geneva Conventions.  American troops are trained not to violate the Geneva Conventions.  Our troops are trained to disobey orders that violate the law.
Michael Yon makes a case. Mr Yon is right. The law is what it is, not what various higher ups choose to claim it is.  I would ask why men are there in the first place. They are not serving American interests. The Brits are not serving ours either.


Jews Trying To Start World War III
The same Neocon hawks who lied us into Iraq are using the ultimate argument-stopper to push war with Iran
We’ve been through this before. As one of the most disastrous wars in our history is coming to an inglorious end, the same neoconservative hawks who dreamed it up are agitating for a new war that would make Iraq look like the invasion of Grenada — and using the ultimate trump card in American politics to silence debate over it.

When hawks begin beating the drums for war in the Middle East, Israel is usually a big reason why. That was true in the run-up to the war in Iraq, and it is doubly true with the current  hysteria over Iran. Despite disingenuous claims to the contrary, the only reason the U.S. is even talking about war with Iran is Israel. As the invaluable M.J. Rosenberg, who knows the working of the Israel lobby as only a former card-carrying member can, notes, “It is impossible to find a single politician or journalist advocating war with Iran who is not a Neocon or an AIPAC cutout. (They’re often both.)”
Notice that the war mongers never served, never had the slightest intention of serving and want to use other nations' armies to do their evil for them.


Israel Sold American Weapons To Iran
Soon after taking office in 1981, the Reagan Administration secretly and abruptly changed United States policy and allowed Israel to sell several billion dollars' worth of American-made arms, spare parts and ammunition to the Iranian Government, according to former senior Reagan Administration officials and Israeli officials.......

The United States specifically authorized Israel to make the sales to Iran for a period that by different accounts ranged from 6 to 18 months. But the United States watched them continue after that, even as the Reagan Administration aggressively promoted a public campaign, known as Operation Staunch, to stop worldwide transfers of military goods to Iran..... The Administration rescinded that agreement in the spring of 1982, senior American and Israeli officials recalled, after Mr. Haig and his aides concluded that the Israeli Defense Minister, Ariel Sharon, was selling American-made military materiel without Washington's permission.
That was in 1981. Now Israel is trying to make America invade Iran for them. Making a profit was the motive in then. Starting World War III is the name of the game this time. Zionist crazies are the world's major problem. It gets easier to believe that Adolf was right about them.


Jews Still Hated In Belgium
BRUSSELS (EJP)---Like every Friday, as part of the day school activities, 13-year-old Oceane Sluijzer goes to the sport training center in Neder-Over-Hembeek, a Brussels suburb, where she plays football. There she meets other girls from the same nearby secondary public school. Many of them are from Moroccan origin and Oceane feels sometimes difficult to be integrated and to be treated well........

Then, after the discussion heated up, one of the Muslim girl, the group leader, shouted at her: “Dirty Jew, shut up and return to your country,” words that she repeated.... She then received two slaps in the face before being badly beaten by one of the girl for several minutes. It was only thanks to her Indian girlfriend that she could get out of the situation. "If she would not have been present, my daughter would maybe have been killed," explained her father, 44-year-old Dan Sluijzer........ Sluijzer thinks that Israel "doesn’t protect Jews in the world enough." and "that’s why Arabs attack Jews."
Arabs attack Jews because Jews are robbing, lying, cheating, murdering, torturing. Of that is when they are not interfering with children. See the next one.


Jew Is A Rabbi, Jew Is A Paedophile
Portrait Of A Sex Offender
Rabbi Baruch Lanner, the former NCSY/OU leader and yeshiva day school teacher is a convicted sex offender who physically, sexually and emotionally abused both boys and girls over a career that lasted three decades. Here is a newly discovered description of Baruch Lanner written long before he was caught that saya Lanner is a "best friend" to the students he often sexually abused.
Another Jew, another paedophile. Here is the rap sheet.


Jew Charged With Murdering 8 Year Old Boy
A Monster Among The Frum
The faithful of Borough Park have a saying: “We are all of one face.” The life of Levi Aron, the outcast awaiting trial for the murder of 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky, suggests otherwise.
New York Magazine has a long article on the Leiby Kletzky killing.
It goes on and on.


Israeli Paedophile Ring Update
Parents and a local rabbi say police bungled arrests and that resulted in setting at least one of the pedophiles, said to be the group's ringleader, free. In a letter to the community, Rabbi Aaron Leibowitz says more than 100 neighborhood children were molested, almost all of them haredi [ Jew ], and he announces a public meeting to be held with police and social services..............

The pedophile's name – which I have known for several months – has not been published in Israel and the charges against him were dropped allegedly because parents and community members and untrained therapists they hired before contacting police corrupted evidence..... Rabbis, untrained therapists and parents need to understand that it takes a lot of specific training to do a proper forensic child sex abuse investigation, and trying to do one without that training almost always destroys evidence and corrupts evidence – which can easily result in the alleged pedophile walking free.
When Catholic priests are alleged paedophiles it is all over the Main Stream Media. When Jews try it on they get the media cover up.


5 December 2011

Blair Must Be Arrested Says John Pilger
Blair must be arrested -John Pilger
Having helped destroy other nations far away, our former prime minister — “peace envoy” to the Middle East — is now free to profit from the useful contacts he made while working as a “servant of the people”.

Tony Blair must be prosecuted, not indulged like Peter Mandelson. Both have produced self-serving memoirs for which they have been paid fortunes; Blair’s, which has earned [ Given not earned, a bribe? - Editor ] him a £4.6m advance, will appear next month.

Now consider the Proceeds of Crime Act [ the one Blair set up Editor ], Blair conspired in and executed an unprovoked war of aggression against a defenceless country, of a kind the Nuremberg judges in 1946 described as the “paramount war crime”. This has caused, according to scholarly studies, the deaths of more than a million people, a figure that exceeds the Fordham University estimate of deaths in the Rwandan genocide.
I don't usually agree with John Pilger or the New Statesman for that matter. It was founded by communist subversives. This time they are right. Blair is living proof that crime pays - if your face fits. Blair proves that Cameron, the Director of Public Prosecutions and the whole of The Establishment are colluding in crime. If nothing else they are Accessories to crime. See Section 8 of the Accessories and Abettors Act 1861


Merkel Takes Over Where Adolf Left Off - Deutschland Über Alles
Germany’s economic might makes Angela Merkel über alles
There can be no doubt now as to who won the peace. Angela Merkel is definitely no Adolf Hitler [ Stick to that story; I like it - Ed. ], but the past few months have shown her overtake the dictator as the most powerful German leader of all. Consider this: in the summer of 1942, when the Nazi military push was at its zenith, the German writ ran from the gates of Moscow and Leningrad to the Spanish border and much of North Africa............

Here we are, 70 years after the fall of France and the start of that brief reign, German economic strength in Europe and beyond is overwhelming. Britain and America are enfeebled by huge budget and balance of payments deficits....... Instead of calling in yet more business leaders for further advisory sessions, David Cameron should take lessons from the victorious Angela [ or Adolf? - Ed. ].
Sieg heil [ Hail victory ] as Brer Hun used to say. Merkel makes like Adolf. Sarkozy wants to be like Napoleon Bonaparte

To be fair Silvio Berlusconi had her sussed out but I am not going to repeat his entirely honest remarks about but I wouldn't either. Here she is showing us why Silvio Berlusconi was not going to.

She could be modelling for the Stalin Tank.


Jews Marketing Israel Among Blacks In America
Israel's backers step up efforts to win African-American support
Brooklyn, New York (CNN) –
The aroma of allspice wafted through the air as calypso melodies and gospel voices brought more than four dozen people to their feet, a typical community gathering in the heavily West Indian neighborhood of East Flatbush, Brooklyn. But no one could remember a meeting like this happening before. Inside a former Seventh-day Adventist church, there were the beginnings of what some hope is a budding relationship between American blacks and Jews, with a major assist from some Christian Zionists.

The late October meeting was billed as “A Gathering of Solidarity with the State of Israel,” sponsored by Christians United for Israel, the biggest Christian Zionist group in the country. What is Christian Zionism? [ That is the CNN position. My view is at Christian Crazies ]...........

“Because of that, you heard from Farrakhan, Sharpton and Jesse Jackson – they became the poster children for the African-American community as it related to black-Jewish relationships,” Stevens said. “If there is no outreach, this is all our community knows.” Black leaders like Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and Jackson have been sharply critical of Israel, decrying its treatment of Palestinians..............

“A lot of African-Americans see the Palestinians as the underdog," he continued. "And in seeing someone as an underdog and yourself as an underdog in this country, they expect you to be sympathetic to the cause.”
A cleverly written bit of propaganda. There is no mention of the Jews Who Sold Blacks or their stranglehold on the Atlantic slave trade. More and better details at Blacks And Jews.


Billionaire Jew Compares Taxing The Rich With Nazi Invasions
Last summer, mega-investor and Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman  — who has a net worth of about $4.7 billion, according to Forbes — said Democratic efforts to close a pernicious tax provision known as the carried interest loophole was akin to Nazi invasions during World War II. “It’s a war,” Schwarzman said. “It’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.”

This particular loophole lets private equity executives and hedge fund managers, who are some of the wealthiest people on the planet, pay exceedingly low tax rates. As billionaire investor Warren Buffet explained, “Some of us are investment managers who earn billions from our daily labors but are allowed to classify our income as ‘carried interest,’ thereby getting a bargain 15 percent tax rate.”
Schwarzman is, of course a Jew on the make, one of the Sharks who made a killing out of 'care' - How City predators destroyed firm caring for 31,000 old people. He may cost the English tax payer £600 million. This another case of utterly unlimited greed.


Jew Who Ran IMF Like A Rutting Chimpanzee Was Caught Loitering
Dominique Strauss-Kahn was stopped by police who were trying to 'clean up' a Paris park notorious for transvestite prostitutes, France's Interior Minister said yesterday. Claude Gueant said the former International Monetary Fund chief was spoken to by officers patrolling the Bois du Boulogne. The incident was recorded in a police log five years ago, before being publicly announced by Mr Gueant in the Journal du Dimanche newspaper....

'But there was no action taken over this matter. He wasn't framed by the police.
We knew that Kahn is an animal with unbridled lust. So was Kennedy but that was duly glossed over by the Main Stream Media.


4 December 2011 On this day in 1992 George H. W. Bush announced the American invasion of Somalia - Operation Restore Hope. Do we need governments putting people in mad houses or should it be the politicians locked up?

English Dissident Put In Lunatic Asylum By Government
LONDON — A 34-year-old mother has drawn death threats after a video of her profanity-laced racist rant against passengers aboard a crowded train was posted on the Internet.  Emma West, a former dental receptionist, was charged with racially aggravated harassment after a video shot by a train passenger was uploaded to YouTube on Sunday and quickly went viral. West, of New Addington, London, was remanded into custody this week "for her own protection" after the court was told "there is a serious risk of her being injured in revenge attack by the public," reported.

West, who was also referred for psychiatric evaluation, is due to appear in court again on Tuesday........... "What she said on that tram was harsh, coarse and very unladylike, no doubt about that, but what abuse had she been subjected to before the camera phone was switched on?" Andy McBride, national coordinator for Britain First, was quoted as saying.
Putting dissidents in mad houses was a technique used by the KGB, acting on the orders of Lavrentiy Beria the infamous rapist. More and better details in the Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union. Was she wrong about Islamics? See the next ones.


Man And Woman Arrested For Baby Battering In Gravesend May Be Pakistanis
One-month-old baby with every rib broken fighting for its life after man and woman are arrested for rape and battery
Boy suffers heart attack after horrific assault
Could be one Britain's worst ever child abuse cases
Police were last night trying to stop Facebook vigilantes causing civil unrest after a one-month-old baby boy was raped and battered so badly that his heart stopped.
 Messages on the social networking site revealed plans for a vigil near the home of the infant, who is thought to have suffered one of Britain’s worst cases of child abuse. The baby’s horrific injuries were said to have included a broken arm, a broken collarbone, punctured lungs and severe bruising. It was said all of his ribs were fractured. There was reportedly also a sexual injury and internal wounds, suggesting rape.
They come from Gravesend. That is one clue. They were given bail for something like attempted murder. That is another clue. The police are concealing their identities. Another. The police are concealing the truth about their race. This does not prove they are vicious foreigners who ought to be strung up forthwith but it is very suggestive. Of course they had been English they would have been named, abused, locked up in lunatic asylums just like our English Tram Lady.


Blacks Murderer English Lad
First picture of teenager stabbed to death on the streets by a gang of youths A teenager has been viciously stabbed to death as he tried to flee a gang of [ black ] youths. Police launched a murder investigation after the 18-year-old was found bleeding from stab wounds in Gill Avenue, Newham, east London last night........

There have been no arrests. John MacDonald, detective chief inspector of the Homicide and Serious Crime Command, said: 'We believe that the victim may have been chased from Butchers Road at the junction of Hooper Road down into Boreham Avenue, E16. The people chasing him comprised of a group of black males.'
He might have been Irish in fact. Black criminals murdered him. The fact of black evil is mentioned just barely. Where are the shock, horror headlines? Not in the Guardian just for starters. But then it is run by Racists who hate England. They black out the truth about blacks. That is policy.

English victim of racist blacks.


Islamics Murder More In Honour Killing Spree With More Than Two Thousand Attacks
Alarming rise of Muslim 'honour attacks' in the UK as police reveal thousands were carried out last year
Culprits hailed 'heroes' in the community for carrying out the attacks
Nearly 3,000 so-called honour attacks were recorded by police in Britain last year, new research has revealed.

According to figures obtained by the Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation (Ikwro), at least 2,823 incidents of 'honour-based' violence took place, with the highest number recorded in London.

Police in Northumbria saw a 305 per cent increase from 17 incidents in 2009 to 69 in 2010, while Cambridgeshire saw a 154 per cent jump from 11 to 28. A quarter of police forces in the UK were unable or unwilling to provide data, Ikwro said.
These are only the known attacks carried out by Pakistanis in the main. Most of them fall short of murder. If they want to murder each other they can always go back to the Hell holes they created then get on with it.


Pakistani Thief Tried Fraudulent Marriage To Steal Dole Money
Caught by crib sheet: Sham marriage groom jailed after police find list he used to memorise bride's details
A Pakistani man has been jailed after police raided his sham marriage and found a ‘crib sheet’ he used to memorise his bride-to-be's details. Fraudster Ijaz Khalid, 28, was all set to wed Czech Michaela Sivakova, 22, when officials swooped in on their wedding after a tip-off from a s [ sic ]

Police arrested the pair, along with the bride’s parents Ruzena Sivokava, 41, and 47-year-old Michal Sivak at Calderdale Register Office in Halifax before the ceremony was completed. Bradford Crown Court heard that Khalid had been in the UK since 2007 but his visa had expired at the time of the fake marriage in June. Kitty Taylor, prosecuting, revealed that Khalid's desperate attempts to stay in the UK saw him apply for a marriage certificate with another Czech woman in April -even though he told police he had been in a relationship with his bride-to-be Sivakova for months.
The border police say they will not tolerate illegal immigration but the Her Majesty's Government make sure that millions get in and get away with it. Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition is even more corrupt.

Pakistani thief                                          Cheapskate [ £200 ] Czech slut


Labour Politician Attacked Innocent Civilian
John Charles Taylor Interviewed under police caution after this incident. For assault, and criminal damage to the phone. Explanation to this video. I was walking past Councillor John Taylor, when I asked him to stop his wife from knocking on my door and giving me abuse. He told me to Fuck off, and I just wanted him to repeat what he had shouted at me. He then went into a mad rage, grabbed hold of my wrist and broke the phone Keeping up the high standards of Tameside Council. Deputy Leader Councillor John Charles Taylor Tameside CouncilOffices Wellington Road Tameside 0L6 6DL
Politicians are arrogant, vicious liars. It seems to be the basic qualification. This is not the Black Thief of the same name, an alleged Tory.

Monkey man.


3 December 2011

Englishwoman Put In Prison For Telling The Truth
You're not British because you're black': Woman charged with racially aggravated harassment after vile rant aboard tram
Emma West remanded in custody 'for her own safety'
Former dental receptionist remanded over 'revenge attack' fears
A 34-year-old former dental receptionist has been remanded in custody on a racial harassment charge after video showing her allegedly abusing passengers aboard a tram while balancing a toddler on her knee appeared on the internet. Emma West of New Addington, London, appeared before magistrates this morning charged with racially aggravated harassment following an appeal by the British Transport Police........
They allege that they put her in prison for her own safety then stole her children. Protective custody was called Schutzhaft by the Nazis when they were putting Jews in Concentration Camps, for their own good of course. Of course the Police are not perverting the course of justice out of official malice, are they? Soliciting To Murder is the crime being committed by the Islamics. The police are Accessories to Incitement. See S
ection 8 of the Accessories and Abettors Act 1861

It is not crime when Islamics try it on. Nor is thieving when MPs are at it.


Police Uphold Law Impartially??
The police in England swear an oath; that will uphold the law without fear or favour. Thus start careers of lies. Here are some of their grosser public demonstrations of pandering to criminals and corrupt politicians.
Allowing Islamics to threaten us with murder is the official policy of Her Majesty's Government and, of course Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition.

Notice that the police are hiding their faces and their numbers in order to get away with their crime, perverting the course of justice by being Accessories to Incitement. See Section 8 of the Accessories and Abettors Act 1861


While £1 Million Homes Go To Asylum Seekers, Soldier Gets Tiny Sixth Floor Flat
Home fit for a hero? While £1m homes go to asylum seekers, a soldier who lost three limbs serving his country is put in a tiny flat ... on the SIXTH floor
He lost three limbs in a bomb blast while serving in Afghanistan.
Now Private Alex Stringer is fighting another battle back home – against a housing allocation that  has left him trapped in a tiny sixth floor flat. As some families living solely on benefits are housed in multi-million-pound properties, the 20-year-old struggles in a flat so small he says he is unable to use his wheelchair indoors........... He said the council had installed a wet room but his injuries made sitting on a chair under the shower uncomfortable. The tiny apartment appears entirely unsuited to the soldier’s needs.

In contrast, a family of refugees from Afghanistan lived in a £1.2million, seven-bedroom London mansion paid for by an astonishing £3,000 a week in housing benefits.......... They have been told by Thurrock Council there is a five-year waiting list for a more suitable home.......

His plight will be considered by many to be a clear breach of the Military Covenant – enshrined in law in July – under which the Army can expect to be provided with adequate housing.
Cameron is a slimy rogue on the make. He talks the talk about the Military Covenant. He does not come through with decent treatment for the men who serve Queen and Country.


Paedophile Pakistanis Murdered An English Girl
Groomed for sex at 12, stabbed to death at 17: Shocking life of white teenage mother murdered after Asian lover rejected her child
Laura Wilson, 17, identified as 'at risk' of sexual exploitation in 2005
A teenage student stabbed to death and dumped in a canal was groomed for sexual exploitation by adults from the age of 12, it has been revealed. Laura Wilson, 17, had been tracked by social services since 2005 after she was identified as being 'at risk' of sexual exploitation by British Pakistani men.......... Laura Wilson had a brief fling with near neighbour Ishaq Hussain, 22, and gave birth to their daughter in June last year. The white teenager was the victim of a cycle of sexual abuse and little was done to help her, Laura's family have claimed. [ What did they do? Not a lot presumably. Editor ]. Rather than removing her from the situation, social services only carried out 'preventative' work to stop her falling into the clutches of abusers. The student was murdered in October last year after bringing 'shame' on two Asian families......

Earlier this year an investigation by the same newspaper triggered an assessment of street grooming. The Times uncovered a pattern of child-sex offending involving Pakistani men and girls aged 12 to 16.
When Pakistanis are at it, passing an English girl round the family, treating her as the scum of the earth the Main Stream Media goes quiet. The Feminists? They must have been doing their nails or washing their hair. Rape is a Feminist issue unless Third World scum are the perpetrators. One such is
Margot Wallström who is keeping quiet very about her success in making Malmö into the Rape Capital of Sweden. Meanwhile Her Majesty's Government carries on importing them.

Pakistani paedophile.
PS Do not forget that the Congo Is The World Rape Capital


Netanyahu Tells Israelis Not To Marry Jews In America
Israeli Government Tells Israelis Not to Marry American Jews
The Israeli government has launched an aggressive advertising campaign in the U.S. to discourage its expats from marrying American Jews—who some see as not really Jews at all.

Jewish children reared in America grow up hearing one thing on repeat. It’s like a dull tuning fork in the ear, or an image that sticks in the brain. Marry a Jew. Over and over. As if each time is the first.......... Unfortunately for American Jews, and all those niggling parents, it turns out that Israel might not be on our team in this marriage game. A middling and now infamous Israeli government department has forged a peculiar U.S.-based advertising campaign. In a series of videos and billboards, it is discouraging Israeli expats from marrying American Jews and imploring them to move back to Israel..........

The ham-handed effort isn’t targeting American Jews, but it is offending them. Outrage has been concentrated in the blogosphere. “I don't think I have ever seen a demonstration of Israeli contempt for American Jews as obvious as these ads,” writes Jeffery Goldberg in The Atlantic. Gal Beckerman, a child of Israeli expats who lives in Brooklyn, writes in The Forward that the ads are most disturbing because they are full of fear...... There are more of us here than in Israel. Questions of Jewishness may not permeate our everyday activities, but maybe that’s Israeliness and not Jewishness at all.

Besides, if there are no Jews here in America, who would be left to plant all those trees?
More to the point, if there are no Jews left in America who would control Obama, Congress, the Senate, the White House? If the Zionists lose their grip on America Israel will go. It would make the world a sweeter place.


Netanyahu Lectures Arabs On Democracy
Netanyahu Slams ‘Anti-liberal’ Arab Spring

As protests raged again across the Middle East, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, offered his assessment of the Arab Spring last week. It was, he said, an “Islamic, anti-western, anti-liberal, anti-Israeli, undemocratic wave”, adding that Israel’s Arab neighbours were “moving not forwards, but backwards”. It takes some chutzpah – or, at least, epic self-delusion – for Israel’s prime minister to be lecturing the Arab world on liberalism and democracy at this moment.

In recent weeks, a spate of anti-democratic measures have won support from Netanyahu’s rightwing government, justified by a new security doctrine: see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil of Israel. If the legislative proposals pass, the Israeli courts, Israel’s human rights groups and media, and the international community will be transformed into the proverbial three monkeys.
Netanyahu is a seriously nasty bit of work. That is why he made prime minister in that shitty little country called Israel.


Israeli Prime Ministers Were Even Bigger Liars Than Netanyahu
Netanyahu is less of a liar than past Israeli PMs
Merkel, Sarkozy and Obama, do not believe Netanyahu, but it seems that they and their governments are pissed off at him because he's not as good a liar as his predecessors in the Prime Minister's Office.
Does Benjamin Netanyahu lie more than other politicians? That, at least, is the impression one gets from various reports in the press.....

The mouth speaks peace while the hand drives the bulldozer [ the one that murdered Rachel Corrie ] - the essence of Israeli policy. Yitzhak Rabin may have had a few slips of the tongue that gave hope to those of us who recoil from yoking God and real estate together.
Mrs Hass is not the daughter of an English Christian gentleman or even educated at Roedean. Perhaps she was feeling annoyed by the evil of Israel when she wrote this one. But she is right about them, the Apartheid, the torture at KHIAM PRISON, the rapes carried out by the president among others. It goes on.


Netanyahu Beat Multiple Fraud Raps
The High Court of Justice ruled Tuesday that Attorney General Menachem Mazuz must release former State Prosecutor Edna Arbel's position paper recommending that Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be indicted for fraud and breach of trust over violations allegedly committed in the early 1990s. Mazuz is due to release an abstract of the position paper within 90 days, following the court's acceptance of the petition filed by Haaretz in the case. Arbel had recommended in 2000 that Netanyahu be indicted for fraud and breach of trust and that he and his wife Sara be indicted for attempting to obtain something by fraud. Netanyahu and his wife Sara were suspected of attempting to fraudulently obtain large sums of money from the Prime Minister's Office to pay contractor Avner Amedi for work he had done for the Netanyahus before and during Benjamin Netanyahu's term as prime minister, which began in 1996.

Netanyahu was also suspected of removing some 700 gifts worth hundreds of thousands of shekels from the prime minister's residence with the goal of taking all or some of them for private use.
Netanyahu is a wrong one. He always was.


2 December 2011 On this day in 1942 the Beveridge's Report identified five "Giant Evils" then created the monster which the dole system perpetuating poverty at enormous expense.

Royal Navy Is A Laughing Stock As Government Takes Its Aircraft Away
Britain will be without any fully-working aircraft carriers until 2030, MPs warn
Britain will be left without a fully-functional aircraft carrier until 2030, a hard-hitting report by MPs has found. It also warned that the controversial decision to approve two new carriers has had ‘damaging consequences’ for both military capability and value for money. The Public Accounts Committee has found that Britain was due to have two carriers available from 2016 and 2018 at a cost of £3.65billion. But changes announced in the Strategic Defence and Security review means that there will be just one carrier which will not be operational until 2020 and cost £6billion. Even this, will not have ‘full capability’ until 2030.
It is difficult to know whether Her Majesty's Government is grossly incompetent, corrupt or treasonous. It is probably all three. Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition are worse and hate the armed services to boot. Having admirals colluding with defence firms to squander money on irrelevant toys makes things worse. See the ugly truth in Lions, Donkeys and Dinosaurs.


My Life As A White Supremacist
An FBI mole speaks for the first time about life in the seedy world of right-wing terror........ It is rare for an informant to unmask himself, especially one who has found his way into the violent world of heavily armed bigots....... Matthews’s story, which Newsweek verified through hundreds of FBI documents and several dozen interviews, including conversations with current and former FBI officials, offers a rare glimpse into the murky world of domestic intelligence, and the bureau’s struggles to combat right-wing extremism.

No one can forget how Timothy McVeigh set off a bomb in front of a federal building in Oklahoma City in April 19, 1995, killing 168 people including 19 children under the age of 6. FBI efforts to avert another outrage have taken on increased importance in recent years, as fears of Islamic terrorism, a sour economy, expanded federal powers under the Patriot Act, and the nation’s first black president have swelled the ranks of extremist groups. Since President Obama’s election, the number of right-wing extremist groups—a term that covers a broad array of dissidents ranging from white supremacists to antigovernment militias—has mushroomed from 149 to 824, according to the  Southern Poverty Law Center, the Alabama-based civil-rights group.
The headline is verbatim and a lie. The whole piece is propaganda. Happily people who have commented are not swallowing the story. Remember that the FBI is the bunch of heavily armed bigots who brought us the Ruby Ridge Massacre. They did the investigation. They covered up their crimes. Then they went on to do the Waco Massacre an even bloodier affair. The murdered some ninety innocent civilians. The
 Southern Poverty Law Center is another bunch of crooks, Jews on the make, abusing legal process to attack Americans and America.


Paedophile Jew Abused His Grandson As Well - Allegedly
The allegations towards accused Penn State paedophile Jerry Sandusky continue with his grandson now coming forward with claims of sexual abuse. A complaint was filed against the former assistant coach by the wife of one of  his adopted sons, Matt Sandusky with Pennsylvania's Children's and Youth Services, his lawyer told ABC News. “The allegations are ridiculous and unfounded. Jerry has absolutely denied any inappropriate contact with his grand kids.” Sandusky's attorney Joseph Amendola said.......... Sandusky has been charged with abusing eight boys of 15 years. He is currently out on Bail awaiting trial.
Fox does not mention the fact that Sandusky is a Jew but then the Main Stream Media are in the business of perverting the truth, not revealing it. All the news fit to print? All the news print to fit! Of course if he had been a Catholic it would have been all over the front pages.
PS He tried putting the frighteners on - see


1 December 2011

Germany Selling Nuclear Attack Submarine To Israel At A Discount
'Germany approves subsidized sale of military submarine to Israel' German official, speaking on condition of anonymity, says his country set aside $180 million to fund about a third of another Dolphin-type submarine.

Dolphin-class submarines are capable of carrying nuclear-tipped missiles, but there is no evidence that Israel has armed them with such weapons [ That is a lie of course - Editor ]. Israel already has three Dolphin submarines from Germany — one half-funded and two entirely funded by Berlin, a staunch Israeli ally.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said Wednesday a 2005 agreement between the two nations included an option for another subsidized submarine which was now activated at Israel's request.
Are German politicians mad or moral cowards who pander to Israel at any price? The basic qualification for their politicians must be to spend their whole lives acting as though they believe the Holocaust® story. The other is pretending not to notice that the criminals who run Israel are worse than the Nazis. They have already given them three Dolphin-class submarines & the ability to knock out every capital city in Europe and Washington to boot.

The Dolphin carries Popeye Turbo Cruise Missiles having nuclear warheads with a range of 900 miles. Each boat can carry 4 missiles loaded, ready to go with another six in reserve. More on this at Israeli Nuclear Attack Capability & Jews' Nuclear First Strike Capability.


People Smugglers Drown 12 Humans As Sacrifices To Calm Stormy Sea
People traffickers 'flung 12 human sacrifices from Italy-bound boat in voodoo ritual to calm stormy seas'
Five people have been arrested on suspicion of murder after more than a dozen illegal immigrants were thrown from a boat in a 'voodoo ritual to calm stormy seas,' an Italian prosecutor revealed today. Survivors gave police an horrific account of how human 'sacrifices' were picked from a ship crammed with 400 people after the engine failed. The captain, a Nigerian, allegedly picked the victims on ethnic origin or nationality.

Witnesses described a number of women performing a macabre 'magic dance' before the victims were flung overboard to 'calm the seas and placate the devil'.......

When the boat reached Lampedusa, 25 illegal immigrants were found dead in the hold. They had suffocated due to the poisonous fumes from the engine and the cramped squalid conditions on board.....

Voodoo is practiced across much of west Africa and in particular Nigeria and Ghana.
Italians do not throw them back; they are given passes so that they can inflict themselves on other countries. Aren't we lucky? [ Hint: No! ] How many can speak English let alone read it? Not many but they will be given dole, accommodation, legal aid, human rights, medical treatment for a range of exotic diseases we could do without. It will cost billions but Her Majesty's Government encourages them. Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition want them for the illegal votes they bring.


Michael Jackson Killer Gets Four Years
Conrad Murray sentenced to 4 years in prison for death of Michael Jackson
Judge calls Murray's actions 'money for medicine' in issuing maximum sentence on involuntary manslaughter conviction

Dr Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's personal physician, was sentenced to four years in jail and denied probation on Tuesday for his conviction on a charge of involuntary manslaughter in the pop star's death. "Thriller" singer Jackson died of a drug overdose in June 2009, principally from the use of the surgical anaesthetic propofol as a sleep aid. That drug had been obtained and administered to Jackson by Murray at the singer's rented home.

Dr Murray had agreed to care for Jackson ahead of the singer's planned comeback concerts in London, and had negotiated a salary of $150,000 per month to care for the singer. Murray sat in his chair, dressed in a gray suit and purple paisley tie, and did not express any emotion.
Greed is the name of the game coupled with idleness, incompetence or both. His tie was good reason to steer clear of him. Ditto for the face.

Smarmy or what?


Rabbis Colluded With Brooklyn DA To Allow Jews To Violate NY State Mandatory Reporting Law Or Not?
Have Agudath Israel of America And Brooklyn's DA Colluded To Allow Haredim To Violate NY State Mandatory Reporting Law?
In a closed meeting meant only for pulpit rabbis and first reported on, Agudah security evicted anyone not pre-approved to attend. Then Agudath Israel of America's General Counsel told the handpicked audience how to deal with claims of child sex abuse in a way that skirts mandatory reporting law. And he claimed the Brooklyn DA, Charles Hynes, personally approved this end around.  

Exclusive: The Fix Is In
A Step-By-Step Guide Explaining How Agudath Israel of America And Brooklyn’s DA Sweep Haredi Child Sex Abuse Cases Under The Rug The Rug
The closed-door meeting held during Agudath Israel of America's annual conference was by invitation only..........

This is about Perverting the course of justice. Of course it just might be that various Jews made it all up, that they are lying. I seriously doubt it. Failed Messiah was heavily involved in being a Jew. He knows the look, the feel, the smell, the system. It happened. Of course when Catholic priests are accused it is all over the Main Stream Media. That is why the Jews control it. But the Jews are only abusing their own. Christian children are prone to be murdered for their blood like Saint Simon of Trent.


Jew Sacked After Paedophile Allegations
The University of Syracuse fired long time assistant men's basketball coach Bernie Fine after another allegation of child sex abuse is made, and a tape of Fine's wife saying she's worried that her husband is sexually abusing boys in her home, is made public.

The University of Syracuse conducted a four-month investigation of Fine six years ago and cleared him of sexually abusing the first of what is now three alleged victims who have come forward to accuse Fine of abusing them. That alleged victim recorded the telephone conversation with Fine's wife in 2002. The university claims it did not know about the recording when it cleared Fine of abuse six years ago.

The university has retained an outside law firm to review its internal investigation process, the university's investigation that found Fine innocent, and its handling of sex abuse allegations. What we really have here, I think, is another example of why child sex abuse allegations must be brought to law enforcement immediately, and law enforcement must be allowed to do forensic child sex abuse investigations without interference from university officials, priests or rabbis. University presidents, Catholic priests and haredi rabbis are not qualified to assess these allegations and their conflicts of interest combined with their lack of knowledge more often than not allows paedophiles to walk free and endangers children.
Another Jew, three more victims. Are all Jews paedophiles? Perhaps not. Are all paedophiles Jews? Perhaps not. Are all the Main Stream Media accusing Catholic Church of widespread perversion run by Jews or Zionists? Most are.


Judge The 2010 Gold G-String Award In New Orleans
This is a rare opportunity to exercise your skill and judgment. Have you got what it takes? NB It may not qualify for the Job Seekers' Allowance. See Stormy Daniels, a past winner and think for yourself.


Jewish Pimp Pleading Guilty In Spitzer Case
An Israeli man accused of running an escort service that brought down New York governor Eliot Spitzer in March was set to plead guilty on Thursday afternoon to money laundering, prostitution and conspiracy, according to his lawyer......... "It does appear that there's a continuing investigation," noted criminal defence attorney Gerald Shargel told WCBS-TV. "The manner in which the investigation is being conducted strongly suggests that Gov. Spitzer is a target."
You have to admit that he dealt in quality albeit there is no kindness in her face. You might also wonder why Spitzer got fingered while the rest of her clients walked away. Spitzer did annoy Bush as well as other rich criminals. See Eliot Spitzer Was Screwed for more on this

This is not one of the 18 known pictures of her at Kristen the definitive gallery so she'll have to do until one comes along.


Her Majesty's Prime Minister Picks His Nose In Parliament
The man is a plebeian oaf and a spendthrift swine to boot. The poor Queen has to deal with the man. Does he wash his hands first? See it in glorious Technicolor® if you have the stomach for it. Then watch him clean his fingers on his tie.


More at  2012

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Updated on 07/01/2012 14:03