News 2020 August

This is what I published in August. I confirm my fundamental view - newspapers are political weapons, propaganda machines being used to manipulate us, just like the rest of the Main Stream Media, i.e. Television, wireless, film, magazines and Books. For earlier offerings go to 2020 or contact me at Mike Emery

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.... he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city,... he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.... The traitor is the plague."
Cicero quoted      
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
Lord Acton quoted
Think e.g. about Boris Johnson, BlairBrownBushCameronHeathJuncker, Merkel, ObamaStrauss-KahnMay       

Top Stories 2020 
31 August 2020    

Third World Rapists Buried Two Boys Alive In Sweden
Two teenage boys were allegedly tortured and raped before being buried alive in Sweden.

The boys were set upon allegedly by a 21-year-old and an 18-year-old at around 11pm on Saturday evening in Solna, Sweden. The perpetrators offered to sell the boys drugs and when they refused, they were taken against their will into a cemetery, police say. 

There, the victims were subjected to torture-like assault and sustained cuts to their legs among other injuries. The boys were allegedly also raped, according to a report in Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. The two victims, whose exact ages are not known, were forced to take off their clothes before getting into a pit in the ground where they were buried alive, police allege. 

The alarm was sounded by a passer-by at 8.39am on Sunday morning, ten hours after the boys were first abducted. 
The Mail is in propaganda mode, concealing the truth; the perpetrators were Third World criminals imported by Lenin's Useful Idiots. It is also censoring comments to make sure that the truth remains hidden. The Sun is also perverting the truth but does admit that the perpetrators have previous. Opindia however manages to tell the truth - Sweden Two minors raped, buried alive by men from migrant background.


Boris Johnson assists the illegal invasion of Britain by boat migrants from France
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has “lost control” of the growing illegal migration crisis and failed on his promise to send back boat migrants, a report from Migration Watch UK claimed.

During his election campaign, Johnson warned illegal migrants crossing the English Channel that “we will send you back.” Yet in the past few months alone, scores of rubber dingy boats full of illegal immigrants have arrived on the English south coast from France.

According to the anti-British, pro-immigration BBC, an estimated 4,200+ illegal migrants have already arrived, while just 155 boat migrants have been deported.

This scandal has taken place in the full knowledge of the Government and authorities and with their complicity.

Independent reporters have been silenced by police and French authorities have been shadowing these boats until British authorities can pick them up on the other side of the English Channel.
The BNP, British National Party tells the truth; so can the Mainstream Media but they won't. The BNP does not actually say that Boris Johnson is a traitor. I do.


Black Thug Tries To Rape A Woman In Front Of A New York Audience
New York City man who was caught on camera allegedly attempting to rape a 25-year-old woman on an Upper East Side subway platform has been arrested, authorities said. 

Detectives with the 23rd Precinct took Jose Reyes, a Bronx resident, into custody on Sunday at 12:29pm at the intersection of Lexington Avenue and East 105th Street in East Harlem. He has been charged with attempted rape, assault and harassment. 

Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison said during a press conference that police used the NYPD's facial recognition program to identify Reyes.

The program matched an image of Reyes' face to a previous mugshot he acquired earlier this year from a criminal mischief arrest.  

Harrison also said that three tips reported to the NYPD's Crime Stoppers hotline helped locate Reyes.
Yes, he's black. The Mail skates over that detail but does show pictures. Yes, the perpetrator has got previous.
PS A couple of hostile comments blame Donald Trump.


Illegal Immigrants In Saudi Arabia Whine About Their Problems
Saudi Arabia, one of the wealthiest countries on earth, is keeping hundreds if not thousands of African migrants locked in heinous conditions reminiscent of Libya’s slave camps as part of a drive to stop the spread of Covid-19, an investigation by The Sunday Telegraph has found. 

Graphic mobile phone images sent to the newspaper by migrants held inside the detention centres show dozens of emaciated men crippled by the Arabian heat lying shirtless in tightly packed rows in small rooms with barred windows. 

One photo shows what appears to be a corpse swathed in a purple and white blanket in their midst. They say it is the body of a migrant who had died of heatstroke and that others are barely getting enough food and water to survive.
The Arabs don't want them. Nor do they let them spread disease. They know that Third World parasites are criminals, that Illegal Immigrants Import Diseases. They always did. But Saudi Arabia can Deport Illegal Immigrants. So can Johnson if he wants but he doesn't.


30 August 2020     
On this day in 2009 Ehud Olmert, the prime minister of the Stolen Land that Jews call Israel was charged with fraud under aggravating circumstances, fraud, breach of trust, falsifying corporate documents, and tax evasion. The indictment refers to three out of the four corruption-related cases outstanding against him: "Rishon Tours", "Talansky" (also known as the "money envelopes" affair), and the "Investment Center".[1] In July 2012, he was convicted on one count of "breach of trust" and acquitted on two fraud counts.[2] In March 2014, he was convicted of bribery, and he began serving a 19-months sentence on 16 February 2016 in Maasiyahu Prison.[3] Olmert was granted an early release by the Israeli Parole Board in June 2017 and released on 2 July 2017, after spending 16 and a half months in prison.

YouTube Marketing Civil War      
All of the Mainstream Media, or is it just most are marketing Civil War II while politicians are allowing Blacks and Hard Left rioters to rob, loot and kill. Donald Trump is no better than the rest. But YouTube missed out a bit of The March On Washington. It was when the Right Reverend Doctor Martin Luther told an audience that:-
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
The current mob of rioters, thugs, looters etc. aren't interested in character or colour. They are Racists full of hate who just want an excuse to destroy.


GoFundMe Screws Kyle Rittenhouse And Panders To Vicious Black Criminals
A GoFundMe page raising legal defense funds for 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who video suggests shot two men in self defense Tuesday during the Kenosha riots but has been charged with first-degree murder, has been removed from the site within minutes of going live................

In contrast, the GoFundMe page for Black Lives Matter rioters arrested by police in Portland has been allowed to accumulate over $1.3 million in donations.

Other pages asking for bail money for jailed rioters across the country have accumulated hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The GoFundMe page for Jacob Blake, the convicted child sex offender whose shooting by police sparked the violent riots in Kenosha, has accrued a massive nest egg of $1.6 million.

George Floyd’s family GoFundMe page has racked up the staggering sum of $14.7 million, in contrast to the $800,000 raised for 5-year-old murder victim Cannon Hinnant as reported on earlier this month by National File:

Though a slight increase in media coverage has brought more attention to the murder of 5-year-old white boy Cannon Hinnant over the past week, the national response is still exceedingly disproportionate compared to the national mourning and violence that followed the death of convicted felon George Floyd this summer.

A Justice for Cannon Hinnant fundraiser page has been set up on GoFundMe, and at press time has accrued roughly $770,000 in donations.

The spike in donations over the week is due in no small part to the hashtag #SayHisName, which went viral on social media despite a media blackout.

By contrast, the GoFundMe for George Floyd has amassed a staggering $14.7 million in payouts for the Floyd family, and payments continue to pour in. In addition, a mobile hologram that traces Floyd’s name and visage in the sky with garish yellow lighting is slated to tour the United States, replacing historical monuments.

Rittenhouse has been charged with first degree homicide, a charge which does not seem to align with the factual account of the shooting as revealed by overwhelming exculpatory video evidence.
Someone in the American media can tell the truth.


Paedophile Jew Said Shoot Me Nigger - Allegedly
One of the two protesters fatally shot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday night by a 17-year-old vigilante gunman from Illinois was filmed taunting a group of armed individuals moments before he was killed.

‘Shoot me, n*****,’ 36-year-old Kenosha resident Joseph Rosenbaum is heard saying in the video in which he is seen confronting several armed men during the unrest that followed last Sunday's police shooting of 29-year-old black man Jacob Blake.
Has the video been doctored? It does not come through in my download but Rosenbaum really is a Paedophile Jew; lots of them are.


29 August 2020     
This day in 2005 brought us Hurricane Katrina. Then blacks and government meddling turned New Orleans into a Third World Abomination of Desolation. See New Orleans for the reality in glorious Technicolor®

Kenosha Massacre - Media Suddenly Go Quiet        
The Mainstream Media market mass murder; it is their objective. Corrupt, prurient, greed driven liars with an agenda. Or am I being cynical? Rioters in Kenosha used the shooting of a black criminal by police as an excuse for destruction and looting. Then  Kyle Rittenhouse shot some; he got two kills and wounded one. The police moved in to arrest him for self defence. But problems arose - for the media. One alleged victim, Rosenbaum Joseph D was a paedophile. Was he a Jew too? Ask your local rabbi. He will deny it.. The other dead one had love in his heart and a pistol in his hand. What is even worse, they were not black troublemakers. Another earlier headline is Jacob Blake case 17-year-old arrested after 2 killed; Wisconsin AG says violence ‘despicable'. That was before they worked out who the losers were. The Wiki largely confirms Kyle's innocence, his self-defence. 

The media had the same kind of problem with the Washington Sniper. He was a big, big story, murdering people at random. The Washington police, black of course looked for a white man but the perpetrators were two black Racists full of hate who murdered ten white people. So it all went quiet. The Wiki isn't admitting that the perps were black racists. That would give the game away.
PS Michael Yon, ex special forces comments on The Lynching of Kyle Rittenhouse. He is returning to America to report on the growing civil war there.


Kyle Rittenhouse Redux
Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t go to Kenosha to shoot protestors; he went to protect the property and lives of the people who were threatened by a rampaging mob that had already destroyed large parts of the city. That’s why he was there. He went to fill the security vacuum the Democrat governor and mayor created when they failed to perform their sworn obligation to protect the people in their charge. They didn’t do that, they left the city and its merchants exposed to the erratic and violent behavior of looters, vandals and arsonists. Which is why Rittenhouse showed up. He was there to stop the criminal gangs from doing more damage than they’d already done...........

BLM is not a protest movement, it’s not even a civil rights movement. It’s a Trojan Horse funded by sinister globalist troublemakers who believe that violence is an acceptable means for advancing their own narrow political agenda. And let’s not kid ourselves, the real objective is likely the exact opposite of what they claim to seek, that is, the inevitable deployment of Federal troops followed by the establishment of a centrally-controlled Federal Police force no different than the Stasi or Gestapo. That’s the real objective, absolute martial power in the hands of– you guessed it– the Democrat puppet-masters and their deep-state friends...........

Got that? Our esteemed social justice warriors tried to burn cops to death in their own precinct last night and our flunkey media failed to even report the incident.
Who are the criminals? The crooks who let the mob riot and loot.


28 August 2020   

Third World Alien Employee Of BBC Tells The Truth About Black Criminals
BBC media editor Amol Rajan has questioned director general Lord Hall about fears among colleagues that the corporation is becoming 'the broadcasting wing of the Black Lives Matter movement'.

Outgoing director general Tony Hall appeared on The Media Show yesterday to discuss the crises and successes of his time in charge of the outlet, covering topics including the public anger over the censoring of the Proms, diversity, TV licenses and controversies over the use of the n-word. [ That would be Nigger presumably - Editor ]

Turning to the subject of race and equality, Mr Rajan told Lord Hall there were worries over the broadcasting giant's stance on certain issues. 

He said: 'Several Radio 4 listeners and some senior BBC News colleagues have been in touch with me to raise deep concern that in their view the BBC has in effect become the broadcasting wing of the Black Lives Matter movement. 

'One veteran highly respected correspondent here wrote to me: ''Amol, challenging racial prejudice is a noble cause, but should it be the BBC's cause? Shouldn't we just be reporting?''UNQUOTE
This is strange. BBC front men know they are highly paid apparatchiks, part of a Marxist mob; it is why they are over-paid. The Beeb is a Propaganda machine marketing Racism, anti-English, anti-White racism so why is this alien infiltrator complaining? Is it going to turn out that they are not Homosexuals, who protect Paedophiles like Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, & hundreds of Paedophile Jews as a matter of policy?


Slave Labour Thriving In Leicester's Pakistani Sweat Shops
Lockdown eased in Leicester   
‘It’s all them sweat-shops they have!’ The rare voice of what sounded like a white working-class woman on BBC R4 ‘Any Answers,’ after a question about why Leicester was going into another lock-down.

The presenter quickly moved on. The following day the Sunday Times revealed, under a blaring headline: ‘Fashion giant faces ‘slavery investigation,’ that Asian workers in Leicester making clothes for the fashion chain Boohoo, under the sign Jaswal Fashions,  had been working for £3.50 an hour (the UK rule is £9.30) in what the Home Secretary called ‘truly appalling,’ conditions  without any Covid-19 protection. People were forced to work when ill. Being illegal migrants with little English, they couldn’t complain. 

In Leicester there are believed to be about a thousand such ‘sweat-shops,’ operating under the noses of factory inspectors, the police, local MP, Leicester’s Textile Manufacturer’s Association, HMRC, Leicester City Council and non- Asian residents. Councillors can enter fast-food restaurants and pubs but are not allowed to enter garment factories, a rule which puzzled Harriet Harman MP, as Chair of the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, when she led a fact-finding mission, 2016-17, into  ‘sweated labour’ in Leicester, a term most people thought was consigned to the history books. 
The law applies to Englishmen but not Pakistani slave drivers. That would be Racism in action, wouldn't it? NO! It is corruption, Perverting The Course Of Justice & Misconduct In Public Office. It is also Public Policy, what Her Majesty's Government is doing to us, against us. NB It spent over a decade ignoring wholesale Rape in Rotherham and other sad little towns because the perpetrators were Pakistani Perverts. Then when their cover up failed they set up the 2014 Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry to protect the criminals, make lawyers richer and betray English girls again.


27 August 2020   

Black Thugs Attack Bus Driver In Paris
Shocking video has captured the moment a French bus driver was dragged to the ground by his hair before being beaten up near Paris. Footage captured in Seine-Saint-Denis, a poor suburb of the French capital, on Tuesday shows the driver being pulled over twice and kicked in the stomach. It comes after driver Philippe Monguillot was beaten to death by a group of passengers after he confronted them for not wearing masks in the city of Bayonne.
You can see why the French are keen on exporting the swine to England. Why does Boris Johnson help them? Because he is a Traitor, one more of the Enemy Within who are building up the Trojan Horses in Rotherham etc. He is just like BlairBrownCameronHeath, May with their Legitimising Ideology driven by hate.    
PS Notice that the Mail is censoring comments in case people say what they think about blacks.


Huawei Loses 4G Patent Fight In English Supreme Court
Huawei has lost a landmark Supreme Court case over its use of 4G technology in mobile phones that has forced it to shell out tens of millions of pounds for licences. Britain's Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that Huawei and fellow Chinese smartphone maker ZTE must pay licence fees for the use of 4G technology patents.

Unwired Planet, a US company that charges for technology licences, had challenged Huawei’s use of “standard essential patents” it owned that had been acquired from telecoms firm Ericsson. Huawei and ZTE were also challenged by Conversant, another patent holder.............

That finding leaves Huawei liable to paying 5p in every £100 to Unwired Planet on phones it sells. Lawyers for the claimants declined to comment on the size of the total payments, but with Huawei selling 240m handsets last year the liability could run into tens of millions of pounds...........

The defeat comes as Huawei’s smartphone business has been battered by US sanctions that have prevented it using Android software made by Google and could block it from access to key chips.
Huawei lost this one but it is far ahead in 5G research and development. It does the research so it has the patents. Other firms will get to pay. All of this is keeping lotsa lawyers off the dole queue. That is a pity.


26 August 2020   

Mainstream Media Use Black Rioters To Win Votes For Donald Trump
According to Reuters " A white St. Louis couple who brandished guns [ They didn't but let's not get hung up on detail - Editor ] at Black Lives Matter protesters outside their home in June were given a prominent speaking slot at the Republican National Convention on Monday, repeating unfounded claims by President Donald Trump that Democrats will destroy America's suburbs. Speaking amid new protests over the police shooting of a Black man in Wisconsin on Sunday, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who face felony weapons charges for threatening protesters with guns, said U.S. neighborhoods would be overrun by crime and lawlessness if Democrat Joe Biden wins in November. "No matter where you live, your family will not be safe in the radical Democrats' America," Patricia McCloskey said.

. And if Trump persists with that message he will, in my opinion, win in November (short of massive mail-in ballot fraud). Because, no matter how gross and hypocritical their virtue-signaling, the Karens and soccer moms of suburbia will, in the privacy of the voting booth (actually do we even know if voting privacy applies any longer?) hold their noses and pull the lever for Trump. The thought of massive Section 8 projects down the road while their kids are forced to attend public holding pens schools will sway even the most woke. They like diversity. Just not up close and personal. Like these New Yorkers. The thought of Belinda and Vance negotiating their way home past Shaniqua, Jamal and Tyrone is, well, unthinkable. Under Joe and the Ho' and their vibrant District Attorneys and Police Chiefs BLM rioters will head to the 'burbs under the benign gaze of the police while media applaud.

Trump should do a campaign ad from the smouldering ruins of some Democrat-controlled city with the clear message: 'A Biden win will see this heading your way'.

Then arrest and execute Hellery.
The Irish Savant makes sense again, as ever. Disagree if you want but give a coherent reason - if you can think of one.


Don Has Done A Pretty Good Job In Spite Of Massive Obstruction
Says Pat Buchanan in the run up to the presidential election on 3 November 2020. Pat is right of course.


25 August 2020   
There are now just four shopping months to Christmas.

Police Shoot Black Resisting Arrest, Media Incite Rioting
An unarmed [ sic ] black man was shot in the back seven times by a white police officer in front of his children after Wisconsin police were called to a domestic dispute yesterday. Rioting and looting erupted in the wake of the shooting as the County of Kenosha declared a state of emergency, and a curfew has been put into effect by authorities until 7am on Monday.

Jacob Blake, 29, was rushed to hospital following the shooting in Kenosha that prompted neighbors and crowds to gather and confront officers at the scene on Sunday night. Early Monday, family members posted that Blake was in a stable condition at the ICU in Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers issued a statement denouncing 'excessive use of force' by police. As video of the shooting quickly went viral, protesters took to the streets of Kenosha, where police are on high alert. 

Video obtained from TMX.News shows a large crowd numbering hundreds of protesters gathered outside a Kenosha police station chanting 'Black Lives Matter' and other slogans denouncing law enforcement. 

Demonstrators set fire to vehicles and smashed police cruiser windows as they faced off with police, who set off tear gas canisters to try to disperse the crowd.
The chosen video does not show what caused the black to run to his car. Was he getting a gun? Very possibly. Was he going to murder the police arresting him? Very possibly. Why were they arresting him in the first place?  It is another case of Mainstream Media hiding the truth and inciting black rioting. The resulting damage of the George Floyd nausea runs into millions if not billions. The objective is the destruction of Western Civilization by black savages. In Chicago the current death toll this year is 333 blacks out of the total 472. Most of the rest are browns. See Murder In Chicago for evidence. Virtually all of the blacks are killed by their own in turf wars, drug dealing or whatever. The media black out that reality because they are corrupt Propaganda machines helping Black Lives Matter to make problems. A more honest report comes from Fox 6. A knife was never going to be enough against pistols.
PS Is it going to be Civil War II? See White Black Lives Matter thugs armed with semi automatic rifles order Wisconsin Sheriff’s vehicle to stop. Then think for yourself and decide for yourself. This was a video the MSM are not marketing.


Israeli Police Capture Eight More Jews After Gang Rape Of 16 Year Old In The Stolen Land
Police arrested seven more minors from the south of Israel on Sunday who are suspected of involvement in an alleged gang rape of a 16-year-old girl at a hotel in the southern city of Eilat, and intend on asking the court to prolong their detention. Earlier the police arrested a 17-year-old who was the fourth suspect taken into custody, and extended his detention until Tuesday. 

Also on Sunday, police arrested the manager of the hotel where the incident occurred was detained for questioning on suspicion of obstructing the investigation and failing to prevent a crime...................

A guest who arrived at the hotel on August 12, the day on which the alleged rape is understood to have occurred, told Haaretz that he had been disturbed by the conduct of the hotel and its manager. The guest said he arrived at the hotel around midnight. "All of the manager's denials over what happened there are a lie, because when I got to the hotel and to my room, a group of young people had gathered outside my room. I have no idea if they were the ones the police are looking for, but a large group of people had gathered there and were making a lot of noise," the guest said...............

Two 27-year-old men who were arrested this week have been described by police as main suspects with evidence against them that goes beyond security footage from the hotel.

In messages found on one of the adult suspects’ phone, the girl was informed that the alleged rape was filmed. Police are working to locate the videos, if they exist, and prevent their circulation.
Jews like gang rapes. They did it before in Cyprus but got away with it by using the local police to bully her in to signing a false confession. See e.g. victim Says Jews Were Like Wolves
PS Their rabbis are enthusiastic Paedophile Perverts - see Mikva Abuse for documentary proof.


24 August 2020

Black Thug Murdered Five Year Old White Boy Riding His Bike
North Carolina police have charged a neighbor with the murder of a five-year-old boy who was riding a bike in his own yard when he was shot at point blank range on Sunday evening. Darius Sessoms, 25, was taken into custody by Wilson police around 24 hours after he allegedly approached Cannon Hinnant in front of the young boy's father's house at 5:30pm and shot him in the head. Hinnant's seven-year-old and eight-year-old sisters witnessed the killing, their mother told WRAL.. 

Sessoms lived next door to the family, and the killing is not believed to be random. Neighbors claim he had dinner with Hinnant's father Austin on Friday and had been over at the house earlier on Sunday. The motive for the killing is still under investigation, but a GoFundMe established by a family member says that the young boy rode into Sessoms' yard. 

'Sunday, August 9, 2020 a sweet soul named Cannon Hinnant was taken from this world over a senseless act,' it reads. 'A beautiful 5 year old baby boy riding his bicycle was shot by his neighbor point blank in Wilson NC. One minute he is enjoying his life, the next it all ends because he rode into his neighbors yard.' 
He looks like a jolly little lad, a loss to his family and civilization. The black has proved again that they should be returned to the Hell holes they came from or segregated.  Be aware that Boris Johnson is importing thousands more like him with malice aforethought, creating Trojan Horses, causing Ethnic Fouling, causing Genocide, destroying Western Civilization. He is just as treasonous as BlairBrownCameronHeath, Merkel, & May.


Joe Biden Says He Is Not Senile      
Is Joe past it? Yes; it is why are they hiding him from the public. IF he makes it to the White House, he will be off to a care home in a couple of months and Marxism will triumph. Kamala Harris will cause open borders, just like Boris Johnson, Theresa May and all the other traitors.


Jews Torture Palestinians, Jews Have Fun   
Jews like kicking Arabs, flogging Arabs, killing Arabs. So do Psychopaths. Lotsa Jews are also Paedophiles. You doubt it? See documented cases at Mikva Abuse.


23 August 2020     

Tucker Carlson Explains The Democratic Nation Convention      
It is Day 3 of their gathering. They have chosen Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as their front runners but there is more. Marianne Williamson has been watching; she helps Tucker Carlson put the boot in. He does but then he is just quoting them, showing video of what they say. Ask why they say it in the day time when people are at work. That is where it gets interesting, worrying, horrifying, frightening. Vote Democrat or go to Hell says black Texas pastor. They are not beating about the bush. Bill Clinton showed up as their moral voice. The first time Michelle Obama was proud of her country was when her family got to run it. You can see why the Hard Left do not like Tucker or Fox News.
PS Tucker does it again on Day 4. They offer an open goal, Tucker goes for it - There is nothing threatening about Joe Biden and that's the point. But their real policies, their real plans are very different.


Pakistani Thief Stays Out Of Prison After £100 Thousand Dole Fraud
A mother of eight who scrounged almost £100,000 in benefits she claimed for relatives living in Pakistan has been spared jail after she offered to enroll on a taxpayer funded programme to help her realise her crimes were not 'victimless.' Saaba Mahmood, 36, pocketed state benefit handouts on behalf of her aunt and uncle over a five year period - even though she knew they were living in their native Pakistan.

But when she was caught, shameless Mahmood, of Heald Green near Stockport, Greater Manchester said she did not realise she was unable to claim on behalf of relatives who lived abroad.

She also claimed she 'lacked skills in understanding how to live in society as a responsible adult' and added that she did not realise her offences were not 'victimless crimes.'

At Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester, Mahmood admitted four charges of failing to disclose information to make a gain and one offence of fraud but was given 16 months jail suspended for 18 months.
Tell lies, steal money then claim ignorance; it works well, all too well when Her Majesty's Government lets it. Can she speak English? Yes, when she wants but in court she would have claimed that she need an interpreter. She is part of the reality, that most Tax is stolen or wasted.
PS One small pay off is that 3,000 people commenting are getting the point that the government is the real Enemy Of The People.


Four Third World Parasites On Trial For Murdering Black
Four males charged with murder after an NHS worker, who was stabbed in an unprovoked attack outside his home, have denied the murder.

David Gomoh, 24, was allegedly chased and stabbed eight times by a group of four males after he left his house in Newham, east London, to go shopping on April 26 at around 10.25pm.

The marketing graduate, who worked for the NHS in supplies and procurement, was on the phone to his girlfriend at the time.
You might feel disposed to call this an own goal. Albeit the loser was not a dole parasite.


London Police Refuse An Easy Theft Victory Despite Solid Evidence
A fortnight ago, a Guido reporter’s backpack – inside of which was a top-of-the-line Macbook – was stolen from outside the Old Star pub in Westminster. Despite being next to the Ministry of Justice, he was informed no CCTV of the theft existed and that Westminster is apparently a notorious black spot for live CCTV footage. Guido expected to never see his laptop again…

A few days later, however, the Macbook astonishingly appeared on Apple’s ‘Find my iPhone’ tracker at an address on Walworth Road, SE11. The new vital information was submitted to the police via an online form that night, and in-person to Walworth police station the next day. Physically scoping out the area from the map, it seemed to correspond directly with a second-hand technology shop. It doesn’t take a genius to put 2 + 2 together…

Despite this evidence placed into the lap of the Met, an email was received the next morning saying sadly the case had been closed due to no further leads (apart from the exact location of the property just a couple of minutes from the door of one of their stations). It would only have taken a couple of officers to go in and look around, potentially discovering other stolen items; instead they refused to act, Guido’s reporter is now over £2,000 out-of-pocket, and potential criminals have got away. It seems ‘Abolish the Police’ lefties have nothing to worry about…
Are the Metropolitan Police corrupt and idle? Believe it or look at the fact then know they are bent.


22 August 2020   
This day in 2012 brought us the Marikana Massacre, when 34 blacks were killed by black police in South Africa after the Jews took over. It is busily being forgotten by the main stream media propagandists because it cannot be used as anti-White Propaganda.

The West Is Ruled By Traitors
An unnamed migrant living in Germany, originally accused of sexually molesting a young girl,  struck again days after his arrest when he was released in less than two weeks after legal officials declared he would not be a flight risk. The Afghan migrant, who currently holds a temporary residence permit, was picked up after it was believed he had sexually abused an 11-year-old girl. The migrant was then released only to allegedly rape a 13-year-old girl after luring her to a hallway in an apartment block in Dortmund.

After the second brutal sexual assault his teenage victim was able to help identify the man with an accurate depiction of the suspect. Legal officials released the man shortly after his first alleged offence because he was not considered to be a “flight risk”.

“He had previously appeared for a narcotics offense, but not in connection with sexual offenses. He has a permanent place of residence and therefore there was no reason to hold the refugee,” said the prosecutor. Another public prosecutor, Börge Klepping, signaled that the second sexual assault was a “similar incident” to the first.

May The Day Of The Rope not be delayed too long.
The Irish Savant's headline is verbatim and true. Angela Merkel imported over a million Third World savages like this one. Boris Johnson is doing the same to England. They are guilty of Ethnic Fouling leading seamlessly to Genocide. Johnson and Her Majesty's Home Secretary are using Border Force to help Illegal Immigrants cross the Channel in collaboration with the French Navy. They are smugglers and Traitors who have been put in place as part of the Long March Through The Institutions.

The marchers methods were worked out by Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the communists in Italy. It is being used by the Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies who run Israel. It is a triumph of Cultural Marxism, a repudiation of Western Civilization. They have produced a new and evil Legitimising Ideology. Comment comes from Roger Scruton on hostile cultural elites ex Social Technologies.
PS Johnson has filled three of the four Great Offices Of State with aliens, two are Third World infiltrators, one is a Jew. Johnson is a mongrel of some sort; part Turk, part Jew.


21 August 2020  
This day in 1992 was the start of the Ruby Ridge Massacre & Siege. The FBI murdered a boy and lost one attacker. Mrs Weaver was murdered later by  Lon Horiuchi, who was never charged and is still walking the streets as a free man. They failed to murder Randy Weaver or Kevin Harris so they put them in prison instead. H-S Precision used Horiuchi to endorse their murder machines after he murdered Randy Weaver's wife as she stood with her baby in her arms. It is rather like Rudolf Höß, the commandant of Auschwitz praising Zyklon B for its effectiveness.

Deep State Counter Attacks By Arresting Trump's Man For Thieving
Counterattacking? See:-
FBI Lawyer Admits Forging Email To Get Fraudulent Search Warrant In Deep State Attack On Donald Trump
Former Donald Trump campaign strategist Steve Bannon was arrested Thursday and charged with defrauding hundreds of thousands of people as part of a group which promised to use private money to build a section of border wall, a signature issue of the president. The We Build The Wall scheme raised $25 million to fund its own barriers in Texas and New Mexico, some of which have been built.

The group's online appeal for funds included a picture of President Trump and a stamp that said 'Trump Approved.' His son Don Jr. visited one section in Sunland Park, New Mexico, in July 2019.

Bannon, who helped steer Trump's campaign then joined him in the White House in 2017 as chief strategist only to be forced out, is accused of pocketing $1 million in the alleged scheme. He was arrested on a 150-foot yacht off the coast of Westport, Connecticut, NBC News reported. 

The group's founder, Brian Kolfage of Florida, is also accused of fraudulently pocketing funds. He claimed he did not get a cent from the scheme but instead got $100,000 up front and $20,000 a month salary, prosecutors allege. Kolfage, an Iraq war veteran who had both legs amputated and lost his right arm in a rocket attack, was arrested at his home in Florida.
The Mail is hostile, running this as its on line lead story. Then they added in the next one.


Steve Bannon Is  A Nigel Farage Ally So Nigel Is Guilty - Allegedly
Nigel Farage knew Steve Bannon so Nigel is guilty. True or false? It is Guilt by Association. Is the Mail run by liars with an agenda?


Blacks Cause Car Crash Then Stab The Other Driver In London
Horrifying video footage appears to show the moment a man is stabbed in the street following a car crash. Police closed off Gale Street in Dagenham, east London, after they were called to the scene at around 6pm on Monday night. 

Reports say two cars collided that evening and a man in one of the vehicles was then stabbed. Mobile phone footage, which is believed to be related to the incident, shows two men in an altercation as the woman filming says, 'What the f***, he's stabbing him!'  The men then clear the scene, and shortly after a man in a balaclava is seen approaching the crashed white car with what appears to be a knife in his hand.  

He seems to slash the vehicle's tyres as another man then approaches and kicks the car before the clip ends. 
The Mail tells us about the benefits of Multiculturalism and blocks comments to prevent people articulating the truth. And  Boris Johnson is importing more blacks with malice aforethought.


20 August 2020  

Black Criminal With Forged Papers Drowns In The Channel
A Sudanese teenager drowned this morning after the 'toy blow-up boat' he was using to reach Britain was accidentally punctured by a shovel being used as a makeshift oar. 

The unnamed boy, 16, who carried identity documents suggesting he was aged over 18, washed up on a French beach today after his makeshift raft upturned just minutes after he set out for the UK from Calais at 1.09am. He is thought to have died within a few minutes of entering the water, while a friend who was with him survived with minor injuries and hypothermia.

Describing how the so-far-unidentified victim died trying to reach the coast of Britain, Boulogne deputy prosecutor Philippe Sabatier said it was 'an absolute tragedy.'

'The surviving migrant who accompanied him said that they had attempted the Channel crossing on board a small inflatable dinghy which they had stolen from a beach hut,' said Mr Sabatier.
The Mail is milking this one for sympathy. The readers aren't giving it; that is just from people the Mail has not censored.
PS He is the first one to die this year. It is not dangerous.


Pakistani Thug Plays Race Card
A British Asian man who claimed he was the victim of a 'racist attack,' by a police officer who told him 'chill out or I'll choke you,' during arrest was filmed appearing to punch a man moments earlier. An officer has been removed from frontline duties following the arrest, which was filmed in Halifax, West Yorkshire, on Sunday.  The officer pushed the man up against a car in Halifax, West Yorkshire, before pulling him to the ground on a road while arresting him on suspicion of assault. 

Footage showed the man waving his hand across his throat during the arrest. But the officer appeared to try to hit him during the incident on Sunday, shouting: 'Chill out or I'll choke you out. Chill out, or you're going to sleep. Chill out, chill out.' 

A man named Ahmad Hassan got in touch with MailOnline to claim he was the arrested person and said it felt like a 'racist attack for being a British Asian'.
They learn about corruption and Perjury with their mothers' milk. He hopes the Mail will keep him out of prison. NB The Mail's video cuts off as another Pakistani comes along. He does not fit their story.


19 August 2020  

 Police Flee Baying Mob Celebrating Pakistan Independence Day
A group of heavily-outnumbered police officers fled a mob of hundreds of revellers attending an illegal party celebrating Pakistan Independence Day in locked-down Manchester.

Party goers gathered in Manchester's so-called 'Curry Mile' on Friday night, in breach of the city's reinforced lockdown rules which restrict outdoor gatherings to up to six people with social distancing enforced. Police were eventually able to clear crowds after shutting the road - but not before hoards of revellers surrounded a line of officers from all angles while hurling abuse and chanting 'Pakistan'.

The illegal gathering sparked outrage from police and politicians alike.

Manchester Gorton MP Afzal Khan said he is 'disappointed, frustrated, and angered with the appalling behaviour' and said revellers 'should be ashamed' [ but only for public consumption, not among his own - Editor ]. 

Greater Manchester Police Deputy Chief Constable Ian Pilling slammed the street party as 'beyond comprehension' and said he had 'never seen anything quite as outrageous as this behaviour' in his 30 years of policing. 

Detective Chief Inspector Carol Hobson said 'it is really disappointing to see behaviour of this type' in the middle of a pandemic.
Recall that when we gave Pakistan independence QUOTE only a million UNQUOTE were murdered. The Wikipedia buries this trifle in the detail.  The New Yorker's review tells us that when partition happened 15 million were uprooted and up to two million were murdered. Men who saw Belsen said this was worse. And Pakistanis spread Covid-19 but then Illegal Immigrants Import Diseases.


BBC Banned Johnny Rotten For Talking About Jimmy Savile
I missed this, when it came out in late September 2015.<

John Lydon, aka Johnny Rotten, the lead man from the legendary British Punk Rock band, the Sex Pistols appeared on Piers Morgan’s show with a previously-banned 1978 clip from an interview he did on BBC Radio.

In the old recording, the young Punker said he wanted to make a film about people he wanted to kill. The interviewer asks, “So, who else is on the goner list?” to which, he replies, “It’s endless, believe me…I might kill  Jimmy Savile. I think he’s a hypocrite.”

As he listens with Morgan with a studio audience, he responds to the old recording, “Weren’t I right?” The audience bursts into applause. The recording continues, “I think he’s into all kinds of seediness, that we all know about but are not allowed to talk about. I know some rumors! I bet none of this will be allowed out.”

The 1978 interviewer raises concerns about libel, which is prosecuted as a crime with a much greater degree of ease and frequency in the UK than it is in the US. The young Johnny Rotten responds, “Nothing I’ve said is libel.”..................

Morgan says, “It’s shocking. He got away with it for another 30 years.” Lydon responds, “Not only him, there were a whole bunch of them. And these are the purveyors of good taste, huh? Well, I’m still here. The rest of that are still alive, I say there should be jail time for them. Jail time!” The audience applauds again.
The BBC got away with inciting Homosexuality. They protect Paedophile Perverts like Jimmy Savile & Rolf Harris as a matter of policy. They are marketing paedophilia as a life style choice. See e.g. 'Paedophiles Need Help, Not Condemnation - I Should Know' says  BBC or The young paedophiles who say they don’t abuse children - BBC News. More detail is at Paedophile Propaganda. If they succeed it will be on to bestiality and necrophilia.


18 August 2020  
On this day in August 1587 AD the first child was born in America, at Roanoke in Virginia. She was Virginia Dare

Home Office Apologises For Putting Illegal Immigrants In Home Secretary's Constituency Rather Than Rotherham
Home Office chiefs have apologized for an 'error' after Nigel Farage was filmed visiting a hotel housing migrants in Priti Patel's constituency.  

The Brexit party leader  yesterday claimed a hotel in Ms Patel's constituency had been used to house asylum seekers after they had crossed the English Channel from France.

The former UKIP MEP shared a video on Twitter in which he is seen visiting the £54-a-night Riven Hall Hotel in Witham, Essex - the Conservative MP's constituency.

In the video he claims asylum seekers were being put-up at the three-star-rated hotel, which is fully booked until January next year.

Mr Farage said the allegations were 'embarrassing' for Ms Patel, who he said had 'led the charge' for the Conservatives in criticising the migrant situation and whose Home Office are responsible for providing accommodation to homeless migrants.

While sharing a shortened version of his seven-minute long video, he also accused the MP of 'taking Britons for a ride'. 

Bosses at the Home Office say they have launched a 'full review' into their operation of finding temporary accommodation for asylum seekers who arrive in the UK without a home to go to. 
All single rooms are taken for the rest of the year - see Booking. Would you want to stay there next year and take a chance on having your wife raped by a gang of Third World savages?
Of course if they were serious about wanting to keep parasites out they would create Concentration Camps somewhere like Otterburn. They aren't of course. They want them to come, causing Ethnic Fouling In England leading to Genocide.
PS Did the Home Office apologise for importing these parasites? Did Boris Johnson apologise for his treasonous appointment of Patel?


Black Racist Attacks Korean Woman
A North Korean asylum seeker has claimed she is the victim of a campaign of abuse by her neighbour over their bins after she was told 'you're not from this country' in the latest row. Footage shows the resident arguing with the woman, named as Myungseo, and appearing [ sic ] to throw a bin in her direction before pushing her.

The neighbour can be heard telling Myungseo: 'You're an asylum seeker. You're not from this country.'

The two clips were posted to Facebook by Myungseo, who lives in Croydon, London, and claimed she has been 'assaulted several times' by the neighbour.
We are all supposed to pander to Blacks because they are the victims and we are the Racists. So says the BBC and the rest of the Useful Idiots who know how to run our lives better than we do. They pretend there is no black racism.
PS The Mail censors comments while the BBC & The Guardian pretend it never happened; the are corrupt Propaganda machines.


17 August 2020  

European Court Condemns French For Leaning On Third World Criminals
Judges have condemned France for its ‘degrading and inhumane’ treatment of refugees in a scathing landmark ruling.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) said the French authorities ‘had failed in their duties’ to support those who applied for asylum in the country, leaving them to sleep rough on the streets for months in ‘constant fear of being attacked or robbed’.

Its criticism came after three asylum-seekers accused the French government of failing to uphold its own domestic law which requires the state to provide basic necessities such as food and shelter while refugees await a decision on their asylum application.
Macron and his gang got it right, they will keep on doing it. They will treat the judgement with the contempt it deserves. So would naughty little Adolf. In fact he would have sorted the problem out. Machine gunning one lot of Third World parasites would have stopped the rest. Of course we have our government of Traitors using Border Force to import them, then putting them up in five star hotels like the Bromsgrove Hilton, now renamed the Bromsgrove Hotel. [ Correction - it is only four star  but see the next one ].


Up to 50 hotels across Britain benefit from £4billion ten-year contract to house asylum seekers
Casually tapping on their smartphones and smoking in the sunshine, the young men gathered outside the once grand, but now slightly down-market, hotel appeared carefree and relaxed. Their untroubled, if somewhat bored, demeanour is perhaps no surprise. 

Having successfully reached the UK as asylum seekers, they are now guests of the British taxpayer with free accommodation, three meals a day and a £39.60 weekly spending allowance. 

An investigation by The Mail on Sunday can reveal that at least 20 – and perhaps as many as 50 – hotels across Britain are being used to house migrants who have made the perilous crossing on small boats across the English Channel.  The accommodation, which includes four-star rated hotels, is part of a £4billion ten-year contract between the Home Office and various outsourcing companies. 
If  Boris Johnson & Priti Patel were honest and competent they would use much cheaper accommodation, e.g. Concentration Camps Like Those That Jews Use In Israel. They include Ketziot & Saharonim Concentration Camps. Catterick, known to million of National Servicemen would be a suitable place. Johnson & Patel are  Traitors both.


Nigel Farage Investigates 147 Illegal Immigrants In Luxury Hotel And Boris Johnson's Treason         
Nigel Farage investigated Border Force operations, videoing their importation of Illegal Immigration, of Third World parasites, who have paid around £5,000 each to infiltrate England. These smuggling operations, this crime is being perpetrated on the orders of Priti Patel and Boris Johnson.

Now Nigel has investigated the Bromsgrove Hilton, a four star hotel, which is fully occupied by 147 illegals. They are being fed three times a day and given £35 a week. See if you can guess whose money is being used. NB The MP for Bromsgrove is Sajid Javid, a smarmy looking chancer and until recently the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Does he care about our money being stolen and wasted? Believe it if you want. They are just some of the Enemies Within


16 August 2020  

The Guardian Betrayed Comrade Corbyn And The Last Traces Of British Democracy
It is simply astonishing that the first attempt by the Guardian – the only major British newspaper styling itself as on the liberal-left – to properly examine the contents of a devastating internal Labour party report leaked in April is taking place nearly four months after the 860-page report first came to light.

If you are a Labour party member, the Guardian is the only “serious”, big-circulation paper claiming to represent your values and concerns.

One might therefore have assumed that anything that touches deeply on Labour party affairs – on issues of transparency and probity, on the subversion of the party’s democratic structures, on abuses or fraud by its officials – would be of endless interest to the paper. One might have assumed it would wish both to dedicate significant resources to investigating such matters for itself and to air all sides of the ensuing debate to weigh their respective merits.

Not a bit of it. For months, the leaked report and its implications have barely registered in the Guardian’s pages. When they have, the coverage has been superficial and largely one-sided – the side that is deeply hostile to its former leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

That very much fits a pattern of coverage of the Corbyn years by the paper, as I have tried to document. It echoes the paper’s treatment of an earlier scandal, back in early 2017, when an undercover Al-Jazeera reporter filmed pro-Israel Labour activists working with the Israeli embassy to damage Corbyn from within. A series of shocking reports by Al-Jazeera merited minimal coverage from the Guardian at the time they were aired and then immediately sank without trace, as though they were of no relevance to later developments – most especially, of course, the claims by these same groups of a supposed “anti-Semitism crisis” in Labour.
Jonathan Cook writes. He was a senior reporter with The Guardian so he understands it but now he does not like it. Read him at Jonathan Cook Tells The Truth About Jews And Evil and decide whether he is telling it like it is. NB The Labour Party is now run by Keir Starmer, a tool of the Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies; he is married to one.


15 August 2020  
In 1945 it was VJ Day when we celebrated the defeat of the Japanese. The Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki worked. Would we have been able to drop a third? The question does not get asked publicly. In the event it wasn't needed.
In 1911 it was the 1911 Liverpool general transport strike. The 18th Hussars opened fire killing two: John Sutcliffe, a 19-year-old Catholic carter, was shot twice in the head, and Michael Prendergast, a 30-year-old Catholic docker, was shot twice in the chest. The verdict was justifiable homicide. It was the Home Secretary Winston Churchill who sent in troops and positioned the cruiser HMS Antrim in the Mersey.

WWF, World Wildlife Fund Finances Death And Torture
Down the road from the crocodile ponds inside Nepal’s renowned Chitwan National Park, in a small clearing shaded by sala trees, sits a jail. Hira Chaudhary went there one summer night with boiled green maize and chicken for her husband, Shikharam, a farmer who had been locked up for two days.

Shikharam was in too much pain to swallow. He crawled toward Hira, his thin body covered in bruises, and told her through sobs that forest rangers were torturing him. “They beat him mercilessly and put saltwater in his nose and mouth,” Hira later told police.

The rangers believed that Shikharam helped his son bury a rhinoceros horn in his backyard. They couldn’t find the horn, but they threw Shikharam in their jail anyway, court documents filed by the prosecution show.

Nine days later, he was dead.

An autopsy showed seven broken ribs and “blue marks and bruises” all over his body. Seven eyewitnesses corroborated his wife’s account of nonstop beatings. Three park officials, including the chief warden, were arrested and charged with murder.

This was a sensitive moment for one of the globe’s most prominent charities. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) had long helped fund and equip Chitwan’s forest rangers, who patrol the area in jeeps, boats, and on elephant backs alongside soldiers from the park’s in-house army battalion. Now WWF’s partners in the war against poaching stood accused of torturing a man to death.

WWF’s staff on the ground in Nepal leaped into action — not to demand justice, but to lobby for the charges to disappear. When the Nepalese government dropped the case months later, the charity declared it a victory in the fight against poaching. Then WWF Nepal continued to work closely with the rangers and fund the park as if nothing had happened.
The WWF is another charity gone bad, just like the RSPCA and the far more evil Criminal Charities such as Save The Children, which  run major people smuggling operations across the Mediterranean. Buzzfeed News feeds us the dirt. In fact there is a lot more of it. See WWF's Secret War
PS On 9 June Ian Hislop announced the Paul Foot Award winner for 2020. It was not this particular, splendid example of investigative reporting of deep seated evil but on 14 August 2020 the Daily Mail ran an article, entitled Ex-soldier founds Zimbabwe's female-only anti-poaching tribe. Cause and effect? Were they bribed paid?

It is all part of an ugly reality, Western tourists fetch in big money. Having animals to show is worth millions, lots of them; it might be billions. Read the reports about airlines going broke because customers are staying home due to the Coronavirus pandemic and make the connection. WWF declared it a victory after a prisoner was tortured to death.

Every movement starts as a cause then becomes a business and then a racket.


All Comment Is Superfluous

[ The Irish Savant says ] All comment is superfluous when you see reporting like this. [ But I am commenting anyway - Editor ] For those of you who might not know, a black psychopath shot and killed a White five year old who was riding his bike near his home.

The Mainstream Media are corrupt Propaganda machines run by Racists, anti-White racists; they incite White Guilt and Black Hate. The sources are for real.


FBI Lawyer Admits Forging Email To Get Fraudulent Search Warrant In Deep State Attack On Donald Trump
Kevin Clinesmith, a former Federal Bureau of Investigations lawyer, will plead guilty to a felony count for falsifying an email that was used to obtain a wiretap on Trump campaign aide Carter Page, according to court documents.

Clinesmith, 38, was an Assistant General Counsel in the National Security and Cyber Law Branch of the FBI’s General Counsel, and was assigned to provide legal support for the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign for alleged collusion, known as Crossfire Hurricane.

Part of his job was to help FBI agents working on the investigation prepare Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications to present to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to obtain wiretaps warrants................

Clinesmith then, from his office at the Hoover Building, forwarded the liaison’s email to the SSA, but with alterations to falsely indicate that the liaison had told him that Page was not a source for the CIA. Clinesmith added the words “and not a source” into the liaison’s email to him before forwarding it to the SSA, a material change of a document used for a federal investigation.
We were told that the FISA warrants were mala fide, in bad faith. Now we know.


14 August 2020    

Democrat Party Politicians Move To The Far Left
The Antifa/BLM riots: Is there a strategic agenda?
More entertainment last night as the deprived and sorrowful wretches of Portland and Chicongo assuaged their George Floyd grief by way of some informal shopping. And burning.  Many observers fear that such anarchy represents the end for America as we know it. And it might well do. But let's make something clear at the outset: Comparisons with South Africa are wildly overblown. White America will not be overrun by marauding mobs of blacks and their White useful idiots. SA Whites were outnumbered by nearly 10:1 while Whites in America are still a majority, albeit a small and declining one. Furthermore SA had the full 'international community' lined up against it, with their fellow Whites among the most bitter foes. In SA millions of marauding blacks could have made life impossible for beleaguered Whites, most of whom had become weakened by easy living anyway.

There is no chance - zero - that White America could fall this way. For a start black mobs are incapable of disciplined methodical action.............

America's Whites have been steadily losing the slow-burn existential fight that's been ongoing for more than half of a century. Rather than fight back in the face of the black/brown sludge percolating into their neighborhoods they sell up and move to a Whitesville further out. Again and again. But an armed and angry mob heading their way represents an immediate and entirely different degree of threat. Guns will be out and as Tom Chittum showed in Civil War II a trained, motivated, disciplined and well-armed team of half-a-dozen Whites could paralyse and disperse a mob made up of hundreds of armed ghetto rats heading for their suburb.

Now we all know that Antifa/BLM are being financed and encouraged by corporate America. Law enforcement has been turned on its head as rioters attack and rob with impunity while LEOs risk their careers and worse should they intervene. The MSM is almost at one in supporting this agenda. Clearly some deeper and more strategic agenda underlies these developments. Or so it seems to me. But what's the objective?  We can agree that such developments tie in nicely with the Long March Through The Institutions with their calamitous impact on community cohesion. But that March has been doing just fine without the recent explosion of lawlessness.

Do they hope the disarray will unseat Trump in November? That's another popular theory but I don't buy it at all. It must be dawning on even the most dim-witted and woke (but I repeat myself) Whites that their skin will be their uniform. If not now, definitely when TSHTF. The atavistic Afrikaner horror of the swart gevaar (black peril) must have its equivalent buried deep in the limbic system of American Whites. Even, or maybe especially, among the SJW virtue-signallers. If we're to believe the opinion polls (I feel you need a laugh) the lawlessness is working against Trump. But surely when the time comes to pull that lever the thought of handing their physical well-being over to Dementia Joe - to be replaced by White-hating Kamala Harris within months  -  will be enough for even the most lily-livered White hypocrite to make the right decision.
The  Irish Savant feels that the Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies have overplayed their hand. He is likely to be right. Kamala Harris is too black, too blatantly full of hate to get away with it.


Kamala Harris is the smart pick for VP
So says Dominic Green, a Jew writing in the Telegraph. You are fully entitled to believe him; you are a fool if you do. Not for nothing is it called The Quislinggraph. NB Green has infiltrated the Spectator as well other superficially right wing media outfits. He is one of the  Puppet Masters.


13 August 2020    
On this day in 1961 the Berlin Wall was started, to keep the victims beneficiaries of Socialism in, not the rest of us out. This was after 3.5 million of them had escaped. The wall started leaking in 1989.

Illegal Immigrants Crossing English Channel Prepared To Commit Suicide - Allegedly
Migrants attempting to cross the Channel have threatened to drown themselves if they are stopped by the Royal Navy. Families preparing to make the crossing to Britain from Calais claim the stretch of water will become 'a sea of bodies' if the British government intervenes and sends them back to France

[ Alleged ]] Christian convert Kamal Sadeghi getting set to make the perilous journey with his wife and 11-month-old daughter after fleeing his home in Iran. He told The Times: 'I am too tired to carry on. If they try to stop us I will drown myself.'

Mr Sadeghi, 39, his wife, Niki Karimi, 33, and their daughter, Sava, who turns one on Sunday, have spent ten days living in a tent in woodland in Calais having fled Iran after his wife's family objected to their marriage. He told The Times: 'We need just a normal life. We need to get on a boat. If they try to stop us I will kill myself. I would jump in the water'..........

This comes as French officials have blamed the UK's 'hypocrisy' and 'black economy' for increasing the number of migrants crossing the Channel in small boats.    
Agendas are operating, liars are lying, politicians are treacherous, business as usual. The Mail wants sympathy for these criminals; it emphasizes mothers and babies but over nine out of ten are men of fighting age. Yes, Capitalist Swine want cheap labour. Yes, the Labour Party wants dole parasites as voters. Yes, the French want to get rid of them. That makes sense of course.

You might think that the French would be grateful after we dug them out from under in two world wars. In fact we are now well into World War III. The enemy are using Ethnic Fouling morphing into Genocide, a major crime under International Law, defined in the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The main perpetrators are Jews, in particular Zionist crazies attacking Western Civilization, as well as the people of Palestine, the Stolen Land. Ask whether naughty, little  Adolf was wrong about them and get accused of Anti-Semitism.
PS Take the point that three out of the four Great Offices Of State are occupied by aliens. If you do not assume that Boris Johnson is "British" rather than a mongrel it is all four.


FBI Director Is Part Of Deep State Corruption And Attacks On Donald Trump     
So says Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch. He benefits from a hostile Wikipedia biography. Christopher Wray, the director and the accused is fully at liberty to sue for Libel. He hasn't. This falls short of proving that he is guilty but not by much. NB The FBI was heavily involved in the Waco Massacre; they achieved 76 murders. Evidence was destroyed when they did the cover up investigation. Then there was the Ruby Ridge Massacre. They only murdered two people that time. One was Randy's wife, shot while holding her baby in her arms.
PS Wray used Don's intelligence briefing to spy on him. See New Declassified Doc Shows FBI Director Wray Hid Exculpatory Evidence


Black's Friends Put The Frighteners On Under Age Rape Victims
Three associates of R. Kelly allegedly tried to “intimidate, threaten or corruptly influence” women who have accused the disgraced singer of abuse, including setting fire to a parked car outside one accuser’s house and discussing paying another half a million dollars for her silence, New York federal prosecutors said Wednesday. Richard Arline Jr., 31, Donnell Russell, 45, and Michael Williams, 37, were charged in separate schemes, according to criminal complaints unsealed Wednesday by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York. All three men have been arrested.

“These crimes shock the conscience. The men charged today allegedly have shown that there is no line they will not cross to help Kelly avoid the consequences of his alleged crimes—even if it means re-victimizing his accusers,” Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent-in-Charge Peter C. Fitzhugh said in a statement. “To the victims of these and other crimes: we stand with you. We will meet your bravery with our resolve to keep you safe to tell your story.”...........

He is also facing a 13-count indictment from federal prosecutors in Chicago, where he is accused of sexually abusing underage girls and conspiring with two former employees to rig his 2008 child-pornography trial in Cook County. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges. 
R. Kelly is currently on trial as a black, paedophile rapist. Now his peculiar friends are on their way to join him in prison.


12 August 2020    

Blacks Riot In Chicago After Police Shot Attacker
More than 100 people were arrested Monday following a night of looting and unrest that left 13 officers injured and caused damage in the city's upscale Magnificent Mile shopping district and other parts of the city, authorities said. CBS Chicago reports Police Superintendent David Brown said it was "an incident of pure criminality" that was prompted by the shooting of a person by police the previous day in the city's Englewood neighborhood.

At one point early Monday, shots were fired at police and officers returned fire, but no injuries were reported. Brown said a heavy police presence is expected in the downtown area until further notice.

"This was straight up, felony criminal conduct," said Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. "This was an assault on our city."
The looting was well organised. Blacks have had lotsa practice at that. NB Chicago has achieved 449 homicides this year. Only 316 were black. Do Black Lives Matter? Not unless they can blame white men or police. Englewood has achieved 30 kills but a modest 24 are black. There are no white men in that number. The Chicago Sun Times' graphic shows all.
PS Chicago is run by the Democrats & the mayor is black as the ace of spades but we still blame Don.


Joe Biden Selects Black Marxist As Running Mate
Presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden has selected Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) to be his running mate, making her the first black woman on a major White House ticket, the former vice president announced on social media Tuesday afternoon.

“I have the great honor to announce that I’ve picked @KamalaHarris — a fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country’s finest public servants — as my running mate,” Biden wrote on Twitter. 

The White House candidate continued: “Back when Kamala was Attorney General, she worked closely with Beau. I watched as they took on the big banks, lifted up working people, and protected women and kids from abuse. I was proud then, and I’m proud now to have her as my partner in this campaign.”
This is significant because Joe Biden is old, senile & going downhill. If he does get into the White House, the woman taking over will be an Enemy Of The People. The Wikipedia treads lightly on her background but mentions her enthusiasm for Illegal Immigration, an approach to forcing wages down for the honest Working Man. The Epoch Times is less restrained - see Kamala Harris’s Socialist Ties.


The Guardian Wants Illegal Immigration So Do Other Marxists
Britain’s television news broadcasters have been criticised by opposition MPs and campaigners over their coverage of migrants crossing the Channel, with claims that some of their reports dehumanise those taking the risk to make the journey.

Footage of Sky News and BBC Breakfast teams approaching and filming small boats trying to navigate the busy waters of the Dover strait was widely [ sic ] condemned on social media. The Labour MP Zarah Sultana said: “We should ensure people don’t drown crossing the Channel, not film them as if it were some grotesque reality TV show.”

The SNP’s Mhairi Black said it was “just horrific”, while Stephen Farry, the deputy leader of Northern Ireland’s Alliance party, said it was not ethical journalism. “It is voyeurism and capitalising on misery. Media should be seeking to hold [the Home Office] to account, and the dark forces fuelling this anti-people agenda.”

On Tuesday a Sky News team broadcast live from the sea as they approached a group of 10 people nearing the UK shoreline on a small dinghy. With a reporter leaning over the side of the boat to ask where they were from, one individual could be heard shouting “please no camera” while others answered “Iran”.

“We’re very close to the white cliffs of Dover, our boat driver is just calling the coastguard now, so we’ll stay with this boat and make sure it’s safe as it comes into shore,” said the reporter, Ali Fortescue. She emphasised the “very, very dangerous journey” across the Channel and the fact charities were urging the government to spare migrants the need to make it.
Various Quasi-Intellectuals are pursuing their latest Legitimising Ideology, the idea that Blacks are victims of the nasty White Man. They are being used, manipulated by the Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies.

But that is different, it won't do, not for God's Chosen People. They have Concentration Camps In Israel to deal with blacks.


Essex Police Protect Predatory Paedophile Grass
The force’s Professional Standards Department (PSD) was asked to investigate after a victim of the ring made a lengthy complaint to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) over the way his case had been handled.

The year-long review of Essex Police’s behaviour concluded just in time for the final episode of Archant’s true crime podcast – Unfinished: Shoebury’s Lost Boys – which has been examining failures in successive police investigations into the so-called “Shoebury Sex Ring”..................

Essex PSD upheld nine of the man’s 15 complaints and three officers now face management action.

PSD’s findings included:

-There were “inexcusable” delays in the man’s case – with more than a year elapsing between him coming forward and police completing his interview.

-The man’s allegations against a retired police officer, who he was able to identify, were never logged as a crime and lines of enquiry about him were never investigated.

-This was despite the fact that a year earlier, unbeknownst to the complainant, another male had made similar allegations to another organisation about the same retired officer.

 -The man’s allegations against other abusers were also not properly investigated.

In 1989, Southend children’s charities discovered dozens of local children had been groomed and abused. Charity workers have come forward in recent years to say there were suspicious failures in the police investigation.........

Last year, Essex newspaper the Yellow Advertiser revealed King had been a registered police informant.
Are they all bent?  , the reporter was short listed for the Paul Foot Award. More and better details at 'The Teflon Paedo' How Essex Police informant Dennis King spent 60 years sexually abusing children, but evaded true justice or any other sort - Yellow Advertiser


11 August 2020    

Black Shirts Then, Black Shirts Now
The Black Lives Matter paramilitary-style march in Brixton has had a lot of coverage, including videos of protestors yelling at police and calling them “terrorists”. Only three arrests were made despite the widespread “threatening, abusive or insulting” behaviour being clear public order offences…

That tiny arrest number is even more surprising when taking into account photos of dozens of men wearing matching para-military outfits with face coverings and branded stab vests reading “FF Force” (Forever Family).

In 1936, a new public order act was introduced to counter the rise of Oswald Mosley’s fascist Black Shirts, banning political uniforms:

Prohibition of uniforms in connection with political objects. .

(1) Subject as hereinafter provided, any person who in any public place or at any public meeting wears uniform signifying his association with any political organisation or with the promotion of any political object shall be guilty of an offence

We have seen the police being defied by violent criminal gangs on the streets, now they are being defied by an organised militia, it does not take much imagination to see them becoming armed with weapons, improvised or otherwise. Britain does not tolerate private armies for political forces for very good reasons – a Ministry of Justice source told Guido he could see no reason why the “FF Force” uniforms didn’t contravene the Act. Under the Public Order Act the decision to arrest or not arrest is devolved to the officer in charge of policing the operation, in this case Deputy Assistant Commissioner Laurence Taylor. Why was the law not enforced in this case – was DAC Taylor leant on from above for political reasons?
His Majesty's Government passed the Public Order Act 1936, a law against Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists. Does it apply to Blacks? Yes but it seems that Her Majesty's Home Secretary approves. She is a Third World alien whose de facto policy is to use Border Force to help Illegal Immigrants cross the Channel. Is this smuggling and is it Treason or both? The answer is obviously Yes but it is unstated, un-admitted Public Policy. The Attorney General has discretion; he, she or it can let them get away with or not, just he, she or it sees fit. The current one, Suella Braverman, a Third World alien is pandering to blacks. 
Black shirts are good?

Black shirts are bad?


Home Office Pretends It Might Lock Up Illegal Immigrants
Officials at the Home Office are drawing up secret plans to use prisons to house the record numbers of migrants crossing the Channel to Britain from France, according to a Government whistleblower.

A Detainee Operations Manager last night claimed to The Mail on Sunday that at least five prisons could be ‘restructured’ to provide short-term accommodation for the tide of migrants being intercepted as they make the treacherous 21-mile journey across one the world’s busiest shipping routes.

As the crisis escalates, officials are understood to have stepped up the use of hotels across the UK to house those arriving – with at least 20 sites now being used.

At least 151 migrants made it to the UK on Saturday, the Home Office has confirmed. Border Force vessels were active in the Channel for most of the day, working with French authorities as well as the coastguard and RNLI.
Why did this unnamed clerk tell this tale? Because Nigel Farage revealed the ugly truth; that  Boris Johnson and Priti Patel, the Home Secretary are importing Illegal Immigrants as a matter of Public Policy.


Great Offices Of State
Three out of the four are occupied by aliens, two of whom are Third World infiltrators. This is to assume that Boris Johnson is British. Priti Patel is sworn of the Privy Council; she has accepted a formal obligation of loyalty to Queen and Country.


Black Prosecutor Lets Black Hate Hoaxer Walk Away
Jussie Smollett, a black homosexual liar is just one satisfied customer. Kim Foxx, black naturally has more than 25,000 more happy clients. Dropping prosecutions saves time and money. It also gets crime up NB Chicago has more murders than England. Of course most of them are black too.


10 August 2020    

White Marxists Hijack 'Black-Led' Racist Groups To Force Black Supremacy On Britain
Marxist race-hate group Black Lives Matter (BLM) has announced that it has raised £1Million from online crowd funding to be spent on attacking the British nation and destroying our culture. Yesterday, the hate group had raised the sum and announced that it would be revealing its plans for its Black supremacist takeover of Britain.

While donors to crowd funding remain anonymous to the public, the sum is widely considered to have been generously funded by White Liberals with a guilt complex ‘for being White’. This disturbing trend has been on display time and time again since BLM gained traction after a police brutality case in the USA. Career criminal George Floyd died in the custody of police in the USA. The suspect happened to be Black.

While there was no evidence in the disturbing footage to support the accusation of a racially-motivated killing, Leftist activists and their Marxist media called it so and instigated widespread civil violence. The fact that the BLM race-hate group has been hijacked by Whites and has been noted by Black activists.

Last week, African doctor Stella Immanuel was confronted by a White BLM terrorist who, on the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington DC, hurled abuse at her shouting:

“I’m more Black than you on the inside.”

Two weeks ago, notorious Nazi-collaborator turned Globalist billionaire George Soros – after previously denying that he was behind the Marxist race-group – announced that his Open Society Foundations would be donating $150 Million to “Black-led” groups to sustain them and build their “structures.”

Racist corporation Nike, worth $29.6Billion, announced it would donate $40 Million to Black Supremacist organisations including BLM.

White Leftists and Marxists are building and sustaining BLM and Black supremacy groups.

These Marxists have declared fall-out war on our culture, our nation and, yes, our race!
George Soros is a rich Jew full of hate; a Zionist crazy using his billions to Subvert, to enslave Western Civilization. NB The British National Party was hibernating; now it is waking & run by Adam Walker.


Donald Trump Being Attacked Openly Because He Cannot Be Blackmailed     
Was Obama aka Bathhouse Barry bent as a nine bob note? Was he even American? Hint  - No. McCain was vicious, incompetent, like beating his wife up, collaborated with the enemy etc. Was GHW Bush a Paedophile? The media didn't say so. That pretty much proves his guilt or does it? They could all be Blackmailed; it's cheaper than Bribery. That is why Mossad used Epstein & Maxwell. The American Establishment is utterly corrupt; its HQ is in Tel Aviv. NB the prime minister of Israel is a Psychopathic liar on trial for thieving but not murder.


9 August 2020    
On this day in 1945 Nagasaki was nuked by Bockscar, a B29 Superfortress using Fat Man, a plutonium device. It was an air burst at 1,540 feet. It saved hundreds of thousands of lives including that of one friend. Tickets to Japan were one way then. Pearl Harbour began it. Nagasaki ended it. See Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Macarthur did the cover up by keeping journalists out of the place and censorship - see  The Hiroshima Cover-Up

Labour MP Stays Out Of Prison After Having Paedophile Porn
Ex-Labour shadow minister Eric Joyce has avoided jail for having a 51-second child-porn film involving a baby on his laptop. The 59-year-old had on the device a 51-second film depicting what appeared to be seven different children, aged between 12 months old and seven years old. He has been sentenced to eight months in prison, suspended for two years, and ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid work for making an indecent image of a child.

The former shadow minister for Northern Ireland was a Labour MP from 2000 to 2012, before becoming an independent and stepping down in 2015. He spent 21 years in the army, and rose through the ranks to become a major. He stepped back from Labour following a fight in the Commons Strangers bar where he head-butted two Conservatives and punched a Labour whip in the face........ Joyce was previously married to childhood sweetheart Christina, who died. His second wife Rosemary was the headmistress of Tonbridge Grammar School. 

Joyce, of Worlingworth, Suffolk, pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing at Ipswich Crown Court to the indecent image offence, which took place between August 2013 and November 2018. Judge Mr Justice Edis, sentencing the former shadow minister on Friday, said: 'You have pleaded guilty to an offence which involves the possession of a category A film of a little less than a minute's duration. 'That film showed the penetrative sexual abuse of very young children.

'That these acts of abuse happened is because there are people like you who want to watch these films. 'If there was no market, those children wouldn't be subjected to these very serious offences.'
Joyce is a disgrace to the Black Watch. They have the decency to stick with sheep. He's also a drunken thug. The judge is a real softie or another Freemason. The Mail is censoring comments because it is nervous about the truth.


8 August 2020      

Patriot Arrested For Filming Smugglers In Dover
A man has been arrested for 'breach of the peace' after filming migrants boarding a coach in Dover. Social media user Active Patriot was recording the group as they waited in a car park in the Kent town. Immigration officers told him to put down the camera but he continued, adding: 'It's about showing the world what is going on'.

One officer said: 'Leave them alone, they're not doing anything to you.' The man was then arrested for breaching the peace and trespassing. But questions have been raised as to why he was detained during the incident yesterday when he did not appear to have broken the law.

It came as a record number of migrants flooded UK beaches, with 235 in 17 vessels making the perilous [ sic ] crossing from France.
The Border Force is there to keep Illegal Immigrants out. At all events you might think so. It should be true but it is a criminal organisation acting on the orders of the Home Secretary, a Third World alien called Patel. This force may have some police powers. They do NOT include Unlawful Arrest or False imprisonment. You DO have the right to photograph criminals, even if they are police or other government apparatchiks. See Police And Cameras to know. Active Patriot was arrested in order to stop him creating evidence of crime, of a Perversion Of The Course Of Justice. The apparatchik who interfered with Active Patriot knew that he is part of a criminal gang. NB The Mail is blocking comments in case people tell the truth about the Patel's treason, about Trahison des Clercs.


7 August 2020    
Is the anniversary of the 2011 Brixton Riot. There were also the 1981 Brixton riot 1985 Brixton riot [ 28 September 1985 ] & 1995 Brixton riot [ 13 December 1995 ]. The 1981 event was the start of a series which proved that blacks are trouble. Her Majesty's Government carried on importing them with the enthusiastic connivance of Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition. See Brixton riots ex Wiki. Now in 2020 they are importing them by the boat load.

Patriot Arrested For Filming Smugglers In Dover
A man has been arrested for 'breach of the peace' after filming migrants boarding a coach in Dover. Social media user Active Patriot was recording the group as they waited in a car park in the Kent town. Immigration officers told him to put down the camera but he continued, adding: 'It's about showing the world what is going on'.

One officer said: 'Leave them alone, they're not doing anything to you.' The man was then arrested for breaching the peace and trespassing. But questions have been raised as to why he was detained during the incident yesterday when he did not appear to have broken the law.

It came as a record number of migrants flooded UK beaches, with 235 in 17 vessels making the perilous crossing from France.
The Border Force is there to keep Illegal Immigrants out. At all events you might think so. It should be true but it is a criminal organisation acting on the orders of the Home Secretary, a Third World alien called Patel. This force may have some police powers. They do NOT include Unlawful Arrest or False imprisonment. You DO have the right to photograph criminals, even if they are police or other government apparatchiks. See Police And Cameras on this. Active Patriot was arrested in order to stop him creating evidence of crime, to Pervert The Course Of Justice. The apparatchik who interfered with Active Patriot knew that he is part of a criminal gang. NB The Mail in case people tell the truth about the Patel's treason, about Trahison des Clercs.


Black Mounting Yet Another Attack On Donald Trump
New York prosecutors were able to obtain Donald Trump's financial records from Deutsche Bank last year, it has been revealed, as the state's attorney general plans a mysterious major announcement on Thursday.  

The office of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, a Democrat, sent a subpoena last year to Deutsche Bank as part of its investigation into Trump´s business dealings, the New York Times reported Wednesday, citing four people familiar with the inquiry.

The bank complied with the subpoena, turning over records including financial statements Trump gave the bank when he was borrowing money, two of those people told the Times.

New York Attorney General Letitia James, also a Democrat, also subpoenaed the bank for records related to Trump last year following Michael Cohen's testimony............

On Wednesday night, James' office said she will deliver a 'major national announcement' on Thursday at 11.30am. [ She didn't - Editor ]
It is just another Malicious Prosecution driven by hate.


6 August 2020    
This day in August 1945 Hiroshima was nuked by Little Boy, an atom bomb using uranium and dropped by Enola Gay. It was an air burst at 2,000 feet. Pearl Harbour began it. Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended it. See Nuclear for more and better details. It saved us many thousands of men. Tom survived because of it. Or read Thank God For The Atom Bomb 
PS Fun facts: A Catholic Air Force chaplain, Father George Zabelka blessed the men who dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. - see Blessing the Bombs The Hiroshima Bombers' Chaplain Faces Christ, by George Zabelka then he went the other way. Hiroshima was still a mess in the time of Korea.

Scotland Yard Police Commander Suspended After Bottling Out Of A Drug Test
A Scotland Yard commander who led the force’s drug strategy and heads misconduct hearings has been suspended over allegations of drug misuse. Commander Julian Bennett was secretly suspended last month following claims involving controlled drugs.

The officer currently leads the Metropolitan Police on criminal justice – which includes managing prosecutions and pandemic planning.

It is understood he was taken off duty after refusing to have a drug test after a tip-off about alleged substance abuse. Mr Bennett was previously responsible for his force’s drug policy when he was commander for territorial policing. In 2018 he wrote the Metropolitan Police’s drug strategy from 2017 to 2021 – which was titled ‘Dealing with the impact of drugs on communities’. The strategy set out the force’s plans to raise ‘awareness of the dangers of drug misuse’...............

Nicknamed ‘Sacker’ due to the number of officers kicked out of the force following his rulings, Mr Bennett has presided over hundreds of hearings since 2010, including some of the force’s most controversial investigations.
He looks too boring to have fun and frolics but he was grassed by his own. Vengeance is a dish best eaten cold. But he kept a police thug called Harwood out of prison after the G20 Massacre in 2009. The Mail is blocking comments, protecting us from the truth.


Cathedral Choir Sacked For Being English
Before the letter arrived informing neurosurgeon’s daughter Anna Jellinek that she was no longer a welcome member of the cathedral choir where she has sung for more than two years, the teenager thought this year could not get any worse.

With her private school closed since March because of coronavirus — and GCSEs, prom and end-of-year celebrations cancelled — one of the things keeping the 16-year-old going was the prospect of soon reuniting with her fellow choristers at Sheffield Cathedral.

The problem? The 30-strong choir has been deemed elitist and not diverse enough to reflect Sheffield’s ‘mixed urban community’.

Cathedral officials have decided that what it needs is not white, middle-class youngsters, like Anna, but a new group of singers.
The management is not admitting that they want Blacks in the choir but that is how it looks to its victims. Christianity has turned against Western Civilization.


Nice White Parents Cause Black Children To Fail - Allegedly
Have you listened to the New York Slimes podcast "Nice White Parents"? Here's the blurb: "We know that American public schools do not guarantee each child an equal education — two decades of school reform initiatives have not changed that. But when we look at how our schools are failing, we usually focus on who they’re failing: Black and brown kids. We ask: Why aren’t they performing better? Why aren’t they achieving more?... Those are not the right questions. If you want to understand what’s wrong with our public education system, you have to look at what is arguably the most powerful force in our schools: White parents."

I'll bet you're amazed at that conclusion. Especially given the name of the 'journalist' - Chana Joffe-Walt. Yes, of course she is  [ a Jew, One of God's Chosen People ]. 

Truly liberalism is a mental disease. And it's destroying all of us.
Yes, Jews are Racists using White Guilt to manipulate Lenin's Useful Idiots. They are succeeding brilliantly using their Long March Through The Institutions.


Vicious Thug Admits Attempting Murder - Daily Mail Hides Truth - He Is A Black Lunatic
A violent thug who randomly targeted a mother-of-three as she pushed her pram through London and stabbed her seven times in the face and neck, just days after being released from prison, has admitted to attempted murder. Mark Brazant, 44, ambushed married mother Josephine Conlon, 36, narrowly missing her jugular vein as he slashed at her face and neck in Streatham on December 30. Brazant had been released from HMP Thameside on Christmas Eve after serving time for three offences of battery and one of common assault - all against lone women. Despite his history of violence against vulnerable females he was free to prowl the streets after his supervisors failed to meet him at the prison gates.
The Mail tells the truth sometimes; this is not one of them. He was a black, single father because his girl friend scarpered, leaving him to bring up their bastard - see Single fathers reveal what it's like to be a lone parent.


5 August 2020
This day in August 2011 was the start of the Planet of the Apes riots in London when Multiculturalism showed what it can do to for us. One Marxist Jew advized the perpetrators how to get away with crime - Riot advice from son of top Jewish socialists ex Jewish Chronicle.

Twitter Expecting $250 Million Fine For Lying To Users About Their Data
Twitter has revealed it is expecting a $250 million (£192 million) fine from the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for misleading users over the use of their data. The social media giant used phone numbers and emails for targeted advertising between 2013 and 2019, the FTC alleges. Twitter had already admitted to email addresses and phone numbers being used for advertising purposes last year but said it was done inadvertently. Twitter generally requests users' phone numbers and emails for security purposes, including two-factor authentication. 

The company is already recovering from a high-profile security breach last month, which it said could have an 'adverse impact' on business and reputation. 
The Mail's readers are pretty relaxed about this one. It isn't their money. It's just their data being sold to Capitalist Swine.


Clive Ponting RIP 
Clive was the senior civil servant who exposed the lies told by Her Majesty's Government about the Sinking of the Belgrano during the Falklands War. He fed Tam Dalyell MP the right questions to ask. In fact HMG did not need to lie; it was an act of war. Belgrano's captain said after that he was not returning to port, Mainstream Media liars notwithstanding. The effect was very good; the Argentinian navy bottled out, staying in port for the duration. Maggie was very annoyed with Clive so he was charged under Section 2 of the Official Secrets Act 1911, a disgraceful bit of law. She used a thug called McCowan J as the judge to guarantee a conviction but he overplayed his hand. The Jury refused to do what he wanted. It was Jury Nullification at its best; thank God for it. It slowed his promotion down.


4 August 2020    
On this day in 1914 Germany invaded Belgium; in response, the United Kingdom declared war on Germany. It was all going to be over by Christmas. Which one? 1918 in the event.

George Floyd Arrest Video Goes Public   
Some of the footage is here. Floyd was being arrested for using a forged $20. That is reasonable. He decided to resist arrest, which is where it got difficult. Why did a policeman threaten Floyd with a pistol? It was an over-reaction. There is a weak case to answer for Manslaughter but not murder. The two rookie cops just happened to be there. Lest we forget, Floyd was a career criminal, who used murder threats during an armed robbery.

His death was just an excuse for the subsequent rioting. Don let us down; he could and should have gotten a grip, using the Army. Helicopter gunships would have been overkill in the early stages.


King Of Spain Goes On The Run After $100 Million Went Walkies
He should be able to find a hidey hole with that much loot. The Mail's readers seem quite hostile to Royalty.


3 August 2020    
Is the anniversary of the August 2014 Sinjar, Massacre. It was Genocide of Yazidis carried out by ISIL

Brexit Party Survey Results
Over the course of the last week, tens of thousands of you have spent time giving us your feedback and views on the mainstream media. As ever, we’re delighted by the response and want to say again how important your thoughts are in shaping the future direction of the party.
Today, we’re giving you the highlights from those results, which paint a very clear picture of your views on how the mainstream media are choosing to operate.
One percent [ 1% ] of people believe that the Mainstream Media  give a fair and balanced hearing to our views. There are some real optimists out there. Ditto for the 2% of us who thought that mainstream media coverage of the Black Lives Matter protests and activities was honest, with only 7% believing the same about the coverage of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Also nearly 93% of us thought that the BBC should be defunded. Sadly, there were no questions about hanging and flogging them.


Black Lives Matter Running Protection Racket In Louisville
Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters issued “social justice” and “black liberation” demands regarding “diversity” to a restaurant owner in Louisville, KY, including a directive for “donations” to organizations run by non-whites.

Listed demands from a BLM affiliate in Louisville include racial quotas for staff and ownership of business suppliers, donations to organizations run by non-whites, and adjustment to dress codes. The posters used the acronym “BIPOC” (“black or indigenous persons of color”) as a euphemism for non-white persons:

23% of Staff is BIPOC in Front of House

23% of inventory is from BIPOC retailer(s)

Regular donations to BIPOC organization

Dress code policy does not discriminate against BIPOC patrons of employees..............

The letter includes neo-Marxist assertions, decrying “gentrification” as a “process [that] has been happening to black, indigenous, and persons of color at the hands of white, heterosexual patriarchy since the inception of this nation we call home. Black olx [sic] can’t ‘have their own space’ when wealthy white folks see an opportunity to make more money.”..................

An “activist” affiliated with Black Lives Matter denied that his organization’s demands amounted to a threat.
Demanding money with menaces probably qualifies as crime in Kentucky.


2 August 2020    

Brixton Blacks Put The Frighteners On
Former MEP Nigel Farage blasted today's Afrikan Emancipation Day march through London, describing the event as 'divisive' as protesters dressed in paramilitary-style clothing took part in the event.  Hundreds of demonstrators brought Brixton to a halt as they marched through London & to mark Afrikan Emancipation Day. 

The coalition of action groups - led by Stop The Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide and the Afrikan Emancipation Day reparations march committee  - took the drastic action to 'make themselves heard' in a bid for reparations from the UK government.

Among the groups of people marching were one group, dressed in black and equipped with what appeared to be anti-stab vests. One protester was wearing a balaclava, while another, angrily confronted police officers telling them to f*** off.  The Metropolitan Police said three people have been arrested during this afternoon's demonstration.  

Responding to the event, Mr Farage said: 'Terrifying scenes in Brixton today. A paramilitary-style force marching in the streets. This is what the BLM movement wanted from the start and it will divide our society like never before.' 

However, co-leader of the Green Party Jonathan Bartley responded to Mr Farage's intervention. He tweeted: 'You are just trying to create division. But these people in Brixton today know that love and justice will conquer the fear and hate that you peddle. Hope is what people need right now and they are showing the pathway toward it.' 
Jonathan Bartley has a decent background but he was perverted by the London School of Economics. He is the kind of self-righteous liar whose opinions should be treated with contempt or suspicion. Are these blacks grateful for being allowed into Civilization?
NB The  Mail is blocking comments, not merely censoring them. It hates the truth. More at Hundreds of protesters aiming to 'lock down' Brixton march down London streets
The Guardian chooses to pretend it never happened, in the same way that  they suppressed the truth about Joe Stalin using the Red Army to round up peasants to be deported or murdered. More and better details are at Winter in Moscow.


Zimbabwe Offers $3.5 Billion To White Farmers That Mugabe Robbed
Zimbabwe on Wednesday signed a US$3.5 billion compensation agreement with white farmers whose land was seized over 20 years ago under the country's controversial reforms.

Then president Robert Mugabe forcibly took more than 4,000 farms from the country's 4,500 white large-scale commercial farmers.

The compensation is for built structures including farmhouses and irrigation systems on the farms which were [ allegedly ] redistributed to landless blacks.
Mugabe is a Marxist mass murderer as well as a thief. That is why the BBC likes him. Of course this $3.5 billion is money they have not got and likely never will. How much will get stolen en route to the farmers? A sensible approach would be to give them their farms back. Then blacks would not starve. Better yet, don't rob people in the first place. Then the BBC would whine about blacks being victims.


1 August 2020    

Nigel Farage Investigates 147 Illegal Immigrants In Luxury Hotel And Boris Johnson's Treason         
Nigel Farage investigated Border Force operations, videoing their importation of Illegal Immigration, of Third World parasites, who have paid around £5,000 each to infiltrate England. These smuggling operations, this crime is being perpetrated on the orders of Priti Patel and Boris Johnson.

Now Nigel has investigated the Bromsgrove Hilton, a four star hotel, which is fully occupied by 147 illegals. They are being fed three times a day and given £35 a week. See if you can guess whose money is being used. NB The MP for Bromsgrove is Sajid Javid, a smarmy looking chancer and until recently the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Does he care about our money being stolen and wasted? Believe it if you want. They are just some of the Enemies Within


31 July 2020    


More at 2020 or News This Month      

Top Stories 2020
What lies ahead? Pass but there could be some good things.

I was brought up with lies all the time . . . that's how you got along. . . . I have lied my entire life
Monica Lewinsky [ a Jew ] Explains All In
The Quote of the Century

Judge The 2010 Gold G-String Award In New Orleans
This is a rare opportunity to exercise your skill and judgment. Have you got what it takes? NB It may not qualify for the Job Seekers' Allowance. See Stormy Daniels, a past winner and think for yourself.


Jewish Pimp Pleading Guilty In Spitzer Case
An Israeli man [ the Jew, Mark  Brener ] accused of running an escort service that brought down New York governor Eliot Spitzer in March was set to plead guilty on Thursday afternoon to money laundering, prostitution and conspiracy, according to his lawyer......... "It does appear that there's a continuing investigation," noted criminal defence attorney Gerald Shargel told WCBS-TV. "The manner in which the investigation is being conducted strongly suggests that Gov. Spritzer is a target."
You have to admit that the pimp had a quality product, albeit there is no kindness in her face. You might also wonder why Mr Spitzer got aggravation. He was fingered while the rest of her clients walked away. Spitzer did annoy Bush as well as other rich criminals. See Eliot Spitzer Was Screwed  for more on this one.
This is not one of the 18 known pictures of her at Kristen the definitive gallery so she'll just have to do until one comes along.


Today's Girl Is for light relief.


Her Majesty's Prime Minister Picks His Nose In Parliament
Brown is a plebeian oaf and a spendthrift swine to boot. The poor Queen has to deal with the fellow. Does he wash his hands first? See it in glorious Technicolor® if you have the stomach for it. Then watch him clean his fingers on his tie.


More at 2020 or News This Month

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Updated on  Thursday, 28 January 2021 09:48:01 +0200