Massacres are something of a growth industry in a wicked world. Some are more important than others though. It is not how many get murdered but who gets murdered and of course who is doing the killing. If a group is at the receiving end and owns the Media their status as victims is going to be very public knowledge; think of The Holocaust® Industry. There might very well be lies, damned lies and statistics not to mention outright fraud and humungous extortion on top. Most massacres are different. They happen without anyone noticing and the perpetrators deny their guilt. When Zionists do precisely these things the public relations are handled by experts. Here is something about some of those events. But first comes Professor Rummel, the student of mass murder. He says governments are the greatest mass murderers.
Rudolf Rummel - The Professor Of Death
Rudolph Joseph Rummel (born October 21, 1932) is professor emeritus of political science at the University of Hawaii. He has spent his career assembling data on collective violence and war with a view toward helping their resolution or elimination. Rummel coined the term democide for murder by government, his research claiming that six times as many people died of democide during the 20th century than in all that century's wars combined. He concludes that democracy is the form of government least likely to kill its citizens and that democracies do not wage war against each other.
Democracy is loosely defined but his point makes sense. Joe, Mao, Adolf and Pot murdered their own. It is not an attractive policy. The good prof wrote Death By Government
The 9/11 Job
Was a brilliant success for the perpetrators. It upset Americans, caused them to invade Afghanistan, kill thousands, displace millions, destroy billions(?) and cost trillions. Who did it? Zionist crazies were in the background and there on the day to film it but Arabs got the blame. Jews aren't called the Puppet Masters for nothing.
VM Blokhin
A Soviet Major-General was probably the world's greatest hands on, mass murderer. He served as the chief executioner of the Stalinist NKVD. He might or might not have been a Jew. Any evidence implicating him has been censored.
Islamic Massacres
Islam is a religion of war; it always been. The fact that Cameron, our wonderful prime minister told us that Islam Is A Religion of Peace merely proves that he is a liar.
Death Tolls Of The Primary Megadeaths Of The Twentieth Century
Megadeaths are five million or better in this listing.
Massacre Solutions
There are solutions? Yes! Do they work? Some do. Obama's will not but it will advance his agenda; making America a slave state.
Cultural Revolution in China 1966 - 1976
Mao achieved about 40 Million Murders but then he had a lot of potential victims at his disposal. The Wikipedia eagerly ignores the truth.
Jonestown Massacre 1978
Was carried out by another communist crazy, one rather like Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, whose Useful Idiots brought us 85 million dead - see The Black Book of Communism for more and better details.
Sandy Hook Massacre [ 14 December 2012 ]
Newtown school shooting aftermath – live updates
• Police say gunman forced his way into school
• Vigils as Newtown mourns deaths of 20 children
• Principal and psychologist among six dead adults
• Gunman and mother also died after Sandy Hook outrage
"Lone Nut" breaks into school and murders the weak, the helpless, the unarmed. Why did he do it? One reason is that he knew that he could; that there was no one there to stop him. He was right about that. The Armed Citizen would have made a difference. He/she/it might well have stopped it before it ever started, just by being there. The Guardian sees it as a reason to disarm people without explaining that it would only leave criminals and governments with guns. This is not about crime. It is about political power.
PS A different view is at It is not quite as paranoid as one might at first think.
Politics Of Death
If governments kill their own people, deliberately, systematically, with malice aforethought they are criminals. They are also far more successful at doing it at home than in battle.
America Has Killed At Least 8 Million
That sounds like good going. At least some were killed to make money. It was not just going to waste.
American Massacre - 337 This Year Alone
This is a dispersed massacre using illegal immigrants imported by a government of traitors. The current [ July 2011] known total is 337. In fact it is a lot higher.
Genocide In Armenia
It happened in 1915. Jews claim that they didn't do it. This proves they are guilty as Hell. See for another view.
Babi Yar
Might or might not have been carried out by the Wehrmacht on Jews. It is the subject of a lot of grossly contradictory propaganda.
Chappaquiddick Massacre
Usually a massacre involves a number of victims but with Ted Kennedy as perpetrator I am happy to make an exception. Actually drinking and driving should be no big deal unless the driver kills. Driving without a licence is illegal too even when there is no intent to fornicate. A senator makes laws. He should live by them but Kennedys are different. Then there is the matter of rape - that came later - see Florida Rape Trial
Charlie Hebdo Massacre
Jews got sorted out by Islamics for gross blasphemy.
Christchurch Massacre [ 15 March 2019 ]
An Australian nationalist killed 50 Islamics.
The Clapham Massacre
Police killed an innocent man and got away with it. Using a carefully chosen coroner was the main technique. Massaging the evidence is merely normal.
Columbine Massacre
Was not an all Jew operation but they had their fingers deep in this and of course the cover up.
Congo Massacres
They happened around 1900 when King Leopold II of Belgium owned the place and ran it ruthlessly for profit. They achieved some three to twenty-two million kills.
Deepcut Massacre
There were four kills. The people that run the system wanted to write them off as suicide. In fact they did. The families were not convinced or amused come to that. Frank Swann did an investigation and proved that they were not suicide. That narrows the field down to murder or horse play. The official answer is to ignore Frank; he just got written out of the series.
Deir Yassin Massacre [ 9 April 1948 ]
Was carried out by Jews in Palestine The Wikipedia claims that they got about 110 Palestinian civilians; that is the Jews' party line and a lie. See But it was useful in the process of Ethnic Cleansing [ Palestinian Exodus ] which the Jews were was carrying on the time. See also, or Deir Yassin Remembered. One of the perpetrators was Yehoshua Zettler who ran the Stern Gang and set up the murder of Count Bernadotte.
Dresden [ 13 February 1945 ]
Was the bombing which caused a fire storm deliberately. Thousands died. It may be more than Hiroshima.
Egyptian Massacre - Egyptian Shoots Up Enemy Training Camps [ 27 May 2017 ]
Egyptian government does something about i.e. taking the war to the enemy.
Eisenhower's Death Camps
Is this article honest? I would like to think it is not but I doubt that the writer is lying.
PS Having spoken to the author I am sure that he is honest. He mentioned other incidents from the period.
Eisenhower's Holocaust
Eisenhower was a Jew who hated Germans - or not as the case may be. He murdered around 1.7 million of them which is suggestive.
Fort Hood Massacre [ 16 November 2009 ]
The massacre of 13 men was bad news but worse is the background of disaffected soldiers and a refusal to see obvious disloyalty.
Fort Marcy Massacre [ 20 July 1993 ]
Vince Foster was murdered by the CIA(?) because he was inconvenient. In politics that is dangerous. Being at it with Clinton's old woman didn't help. His murder/suicide was one of a long string of similar killings, largely shootings connected with Bloody Bill Clinton - American Caligula. The Wikipedia has a much more nonchalant view of his trail of blood. More on this at Ambrose Evans-Pritchard also VINCE FOSTER - The Mirage of Suicide and The Reality of Murder has lots on the FBI cover up.
Florida Massacre [ 14 February 2018 ]
Nikolaz Cruz, a Jew with dodgy spelling went back to school with an AR-15 and got 17 kills. The government responses were a series of failures, lies and excuses.
G20 Massacre
In fact the police only killed one man but I am happy to call it a massacre. The perpetrator is programmed to get away with it. They are going to whatever it takes. Lying to his family was the first method used. When evidence they could not ignore emerged it started getting heavier. A dodgy medic failed them. The current [ April 2011 ] technique is using a coroner who is(?) on side. After that the funny handshake mob will do the business.
2012 postscript. The killer walked. The jury got it wrong but then with the benefit of a prosecutor trying to throw the case - or not, a judge who used the same Lodge - or not, judicious jury packing or not, justice was successfully perverted. The pay off is that lot of people have taken the point that the system is bent.
Gaza Massacre [ 27 December 2008 - 18 January 2009 ]
Jews murdered over 1300 Palestinians trapped in a little enclave as a way of buying votes. It worked.
Gaza Massacre II [ 14 - 21 November 2012 ]
This 2012 action replay of the Gaza Massacre is going down like a cup of cold sick with the public. The fact that the Main Steam Media are giving the Jews an easy ride on this one is noticeable.
Gaza Massacre III [ 8 July - 26 August 2014 ]
They enjoyed the first two so much that they are doing it all over again and yes, the Main Steam Media are going easy on the Jews perpetrating murder.
Hebron Massacre 25 February, 1994
Al-Khalil ( Hebron )
A city on the southern hills on the West Bank of the Jordan River. The Ibrahimi mosque is placed in this city.
The Massacre
This massacre took place on February 25, 1994 when an American trained physician, Dr. Baruch Goldstein, stormed in on a group of prayers in the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron and opened fire on them. In doing this act, he wished to materialize the dream of the typical Zionist movement of annihilating the Arab existence in Palestine. Goldstein, who was killed during this massacre, was later hailed as a hero for his murder. More than one person committed the massacre and the plan was originally to attack several mosques in the city such as Khaled Ibn El-Waleed Mosque.This Arab write up differs in major points from the Wikipedia story. The Wiki minimizes it in various ways. They finger one killer only. Goldstein, THE murderer was a Jew and came unstuck at the time. If he was the only shooter he had a lot of ammo. Being a medic he shouldn't had any let alone a rifle. Neturei Karta who are anti-Zionist Jews settle for 17 kills while the Wiki goes for 29.
The Holocaust® Industry
When something gets that much big time publicity, it is time to ask who is pushing it and why. Norman Finkelstein who is a Jew on his own account and whose parents really were in concentration camps asks questions. He gets answers too; answers that fail to amuse the racketeers who have made billions out of the business. Survivors, real and alleged don't do so well out of it. Denying that 6 million Jews were murdered is a criminal offence in Germany. You just might ask yourself why that is.
Was the massacres in the Ukraine using starvation as a weapon.
Israeli Massacres
These are mass killings with Jews as the perpetrators rather than victims real or alleged.
Kafr Qassem Massacre [ 29 October 1956 ]
Jews killed 49 Arab peasants, half being women and children. Also see In this way were the 49 inhabitants of Kafr Kassem slaughtered Killed for giggles knowing them to be harmless.
Katyn Massacre [ April - May 1940 ]
Polish officers were murdered by the Russians on Stalin's orders. Bodies were found in 1943. The Russians blamed the Nazis until 1990 then admitted that it was the NKVD. They even produced the order signed by Uncle Joe.
King David Hotel Massacre
This is the Wikipedia's version. Believe as much of it as you think sensible. Beware of the bits about who done what and who warned whom. Begin murdered 91 people.
David Kelly
Massacre normally refers to multiple murders but I am happy to stretch a point for this one and the Chappaquiddick Job among others. Hutton did a cover up and then he did a cover up of the cover up which pretty much confirms that Blair laid him on to hide the truth.
Kingsmill Massacre - IRA Murdered 10 Prods
The Kingsmill massacre took place on 5 January 1976 near the village of Kingsmill in south County Armagh, Northern Ireland. Ten Protestant men were taken from a minibus and shot dead by Irish republicans. This was in revenge for the killing of six Catholic men on 4 January by loyalists.
They murdered ten and laughed. But when 1 PARA got 13 on Bloody Sunday and huge publicity. Truth is somewhere down the line.
Las Vegas Massacre [ 2 October 2017 ]
White man with a divorce problem feels annoyed. He kills 58 Americans but lets the wife get away with it. White Man gets huge publicity because he is not a black or a Jew. He is used as Disinformation by the Main Stream Media to conceal the fact that most murders are carried out by blacks. Most political murders are perpetrated by Islamic crazies full of hate.
The Liberty Job
Jews attacked the USS Liberty knowing that it was an American ship in international waters because it was picking up radio signals saying that Jews were murdering Egyptian troops.
On May 28, 1942 in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia the village of Lidice was destroyed in retaliation for the attack and subsequent death of Reinhard Heydrich, governor of the Protectorate. The Allies claim in Lidice the male inhabitants were shot, the women sent into concentration camps, and the children were given to families or boarding schools.
This one seems less open to doubt. Fingering the perpetrators is where the propaganda comes in.
Lockerbie Job
Is very political. Vengeance was the motive. Convicting a Libyan for it was done to take the heat off Syria(?) because it was needed for Desert Storm, the retaking of Kuwait.
Madrid Massacre 11 March 2004
Islamics got 191 dead & 1800 injured.
Malmedy Massacre
The Malmedy massacre happened at the end of 1944 at the battle of the Ardennes. The Tank-battalion Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler went ahead, the leader was Joachim PeiperWhat happened
on 17th of December 1944 south of Malmedy at Baugnez the group of Peiper met a group of the American invaders. After having fighted short some American were fallen in captivity. In order that the Germans could continue going ahead, they ordered the captived Americans to go to the German back lines. The following German did not know, that the Americans are captured and fired onto them, because they thought, these were still fighting invaders. In the chaos some Americans shot back, others tried to escape, so the chaos even grew. 71 American died in the chaos. According to American data the number of deaths is between some seaths and some hundred deaths.General Eisenhower, who let die at least one million German prisoner of war on the shabbiest way in the camps at the Rhine, used the case of Malmedy for propaganda purposes. In the USA there was a press campaign, in that they told about atrocities. They stated, soldiers of the Waffen-SS killed and robbed captives from nearby. Among others show, that they lied, that Peiper's troop had several captives later, and an American Mayor, Hal McGown told, that Peiper handled him correctly in the captivity.
This does not read as an honest telling or an Englishman's telling.
Manchester Massacre [ 22 May 2017 ]
An Arab imported by Her Majesty's Government murdered 22 people using a suicide bomb.
Marikana Massacre [ 22 August 2012 ]
34 blacks were killed by black police in South Africa after the Jews took over. It is busily being forgotten by the main stream media propagandists.
Massacre of 7 Million Germans
This one disappeared down the Memory Hole; one of ours, not theirs.
Matabele Massacre
Some 30,000 Matabele were murdered by Shona in Rhodesia at the behest of an evil thug, a Marxist mass murder called Mugabe
Nanking Massacre
The Japanese invaded China. The Japanese massacred some 13 million Chinese. There would have been a reason but life goes on. It won't happen again until the next time.
Nice Massacre [ 14 July 2016 ] 84 kills
Another Islamic job
OKC Massacre
Was in Oklahoma, the American heartland and a shock to the nation, one which was used as a propaganda move against the militia movement.
Oradour Massacre
Oradour incident
Oradour-sur-Glane is a place in France northwest from Limoges, where the Waffen-SS allegedly committed war crimes. This incident has been used as propaganda by the Allies and became favorite theme in Hollywood movies and WWII novels.......Having found weapons in the homes Diekmann ordered to shoot the men as collaborators and 642 men were killed. Houses that contained the weapons were burnt. These actions were under the command of Adolf Diekmann, who had no radio, therefore he was alone responsible for these actions. The troop "Das Reich" started a military inquiry and began interrogating, major Diekmann and the soldiers of the 3rd group. While the fighting was in the Normandy, the process paused. Major Diekmann would later die the battle of the Normandy.
This was written by a Nazi sympathiser and should be checked before being taken as serious evidence.
Oslo Massacre [ July 2011 ]
Was a very political massacre carried out by a chap with sound political views and a 9mm Glock. He was a good shot.Oyoun Qarra Massacre, 20 May 1990
A Jew murdered 7 Palestinians. Jews then beat up survivors. The murderer was treated with kid gloves. Sounds normal? To me it does. To Palestinians it is all too familiar.
Palestinian Massacres
Have been very nasty and are still going on, just like the ethnic cleansing, UN Resolutions notwithstanding. The Zionist attacks, murders and thefts keep on while their resistance to any objectors includes propaganda, harassment, murder and war. They have not used their NBC capabilities very much yet but they are there waiting to go.
Peruvian Massacres
Were part of a track record of massacres in South America but they have not inspired any great interest. There are no very informative links on the Internet.
Qana Massacres I and II 18 April 1996 & 30 July 2006 [ Qana Massacre II ]
On 18 April 1996 Qana Massacre. Jewish guns [ 155 mm artillery ] attacked a UN compound and killed dozens. Operation Grapes of Wrath killed 206 in the first ten days. They used anti-personnel rounds with air burst shrapnel. They had two helicopters and a drone to observe the fall of shot then claimed that it was an accident. This event triggered Osama's action against America and thus the 9/11 job or not as the case may be. Qana Massacre Robert Fiske was there on the day. He couldn't see the funny side of it. It was not a one off. Very far from it. Operation Grapes of Wrath is a Jewish version and it was all somebody else's fault - just like the USS Liberty Massacre
Americans can see their tax dollars at work, killing the innocent and making America hated worldwide.
Qana Massacre II
The 2006 Qana Airstrike (also referred to as the 2006 Qana Massacre[1][2] or Second Qana Massacre[3][4]) was an air strike carried out by the Israel Air Force (IAF) on a three-story[5] building in the small community of al-Khuraybah near the South Lebanese village of Qana on July 30, 2006, during the 2006 Lebanon War. 28 civilians were killed, of which 16 were children.[6][7] Israel halted air strikes for 48 hours following the attack, amid increasing calls for a cease-fire in the conflict between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas.[8]Initial media reports stated that more than 50 people, including 37 children, had died,[9][10] although later reports revised this to a lower figure of 28, including 16 children, with 13 people reported missing.[11][12] Residents dug through the rubble with their hands, searching for survivors as bodies were removed. Video broadcast by Arab TV showed the bloodied bodies of women and children who appeared to be wearing nightclothes.[9][13]
The Israel Defence Forces (IDF), although it admitted striking the building, initially denied that the explosion that caused the mass deaths were the result of their attack. This was contested by Qana's residents, who said the building collapsed due to the Israeli bombing.[14] According to the IDF, the bombing was an attempt to stop Katyusha rockets supposedly being fired by Hezbollah into northern Israel from the village over a two-week period[15] and said residents were warned to leave.[16] International observers and journalists said there was no evidence the building served any military purpose.[17] Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora accused Israel of war crimes and asked, "Why, we wonder, did they choose Qana yet again?",[18] in reference to an artillery shelling carried out by Israeli forces that killed over 100 civilians at a UN compound 10 years before.[19] Kofi Annan urged the United Nations Security Council to condemn the attack.[18]
Qibya Massacre [ 14 October 1953 ]
Jews were the perpetrators. The Wiki admits to 42 kills.
Rachel Corrie Massacre
It was a one off but it is important because it proves that the perpetrators are murdering deliberately with government collusion. Israel is a bandit state.
Ruby Ridge Massacre
It began in Idaho on 21 August 1992. The FBI murdered a boy and lost one attacker. Mrs Weaver was murdered later by Len Horiuchi who was never charged and is still walking the streets as a free man. He probably has a government issue alias. They failed to murder Randy Weaver or Kevin Harris so they put them in prison instead.
PS It turns out that I was wrong about Horiuchi. He beat the murder rap. He didn't even get sacked. He retired from the FBI in 2006 and is advocating rifles from H-S Precision Inc. It is rather like the men who made Zyklon B feeding us a recommendation from the governor of Auschwitz. More and better details at The Ruby Ridge Massacre
Sabra and Shatila Massacres 16 - 18 September 1982
These operations are not going down the memory hole so much as being pushed down it. Zionist crazies set them up. Zionist crazies supplied the ammunition [ 7.62 NATO ]. Zionist crazies stopped women and children getting away. Zionist crazies control the media that keeps very quiet about them.
Sharpeville Massacre
Was very useful to the communists. It was a major step toward breaking South Africa.
Tiananmen Square Massacre
Was carried out by the Chinese in Peking in 1989. They got a few thousand kills.
Tunisia Massacre [ 26 June 2015 ]
39 killsIstanbul Massacre [ 28 June 2016 ]
45 kills
USS Liberty Massacre
Jews attacked the Liberty because she was picking up their radio traffic regarding their murder of Egyptian prisoners.
Ukraine Massacres
Stalin decided that he was going to take over and run it as he saw fit. Mass murder of millions was how he saw fit.
Vinnytsia Massacre
Polish and Ukrainian civilians [ some 9528 known ] were murdered by the NKVD in 1943. The Russians blame the Germans. So do left wing subversives. The does not say that the murders were political but has more on the propaganda that followed. It all happened around the time of Katyn
The Waco Massacre
Is a very good example of American government crime and American government cover up.
Waco Massacre II
Is an action replay of the first one. This was not such as success. There were nine murders. The government is only admitting to one kill - as distinct from murder.
Washington Sniper
It was a pair of blacks, Racist blacks, full of hate, murdering white people because they were white. That is why the Main Steam Media did a news black out on it - when they knew who the perpetrators were.
Westminster Massacre [ 22 March 2017 ]
Islamic thug killed 4 random civilians but, sadly no politicians.
Woolwich Massacre May 2013
A black Islamic imported by Treason chose to murder an English soldier. He then had the gall to appeal against sentence having been caught red handed.
Massacres Since Sandy Hook
The Telegraph aka The Quislinggraph takes a position against nasty, dangerous guns, making it easier for corrupt politicians to oppress us.
Black Police Kill 34 Attackers - Media Shrugs Unlike Sharpeville, Unlike Stephen Lawrence [ 22 August 2012 ]
MARIKANA, South Africa — The police killing of 34 striking platinum miners in the bloodiest security operation since the end of white rule cut to the quick of South Africa’s psyche on Friday, with searching questions asked of its post-apartheid soul.Newspaper headlines screamed “Bloodbath,” “Killing Field” and “Mine Slaughter,” with graphic photographs of heavily armed white and black police officers walking casually past the bloodied corpses of black men lying crumpled in the dust.
The images, along with Reuters television footage of a phalanx of officers opening up with automatic weapons on a small group [ only 3,000 - Editor ] of men in blankets and t-shirts, rekindled uncomfortable memories of South Africa’s racist past........
Police chief Riah Phiyega confirmed 34 dead and 78 injured after officers moved in against 3,000 striking drill operators armed with machetes and sticks and massed on a rocky outcrop at the mine, 100 km (60 miles) northwest of Johannesburg.........
Despite promises of a better life for all South Africa’s 50 million people, the ANC has struggled [ and failed totally ] to provide basic services to millions in poor black townships.
This one got a certain amount of coverage. Now it is being forced down the Memory hole, there to be forgotten for ever more while the BBC, flagship of Marxism in England is still spewing hatred of the Englishmen alleged to have killed Stephen Lawrence several years ago but them Lawrence was black & the BBC is run by Racists who hate England
PS Read this article them look at How To Frame A Patriot. Barry Krusch explains the mechanics of hate.
Armed miners getting too close for comfort.
A 'small' crowd, a mere 3,000 strong, armed with assegais and knobkerries. These were used to good effect at Isandlwana.Lonmin Was Called Lonrho
Lonmin plc, formerly Lonrho plc, is a producer of platinum group metals operating in the Bushveld Complex of South Africa. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. Its registered office is in London, and its operational headquarters are in Johannesburg, South Africa.[3]Lonmin rose to international attention following the Marikana miners' strike in August, 2012, in which over 100 striking Lonmin employees were shot (36 killed, 78 wounded) by South African Police Service officers.
The Chief Executive from 1962 to 1994 was a Tiny Rowland. Rowland was succeeded by Nicholas J Morrell who was at the helm until November 2000 when G Edward Haslem took over. Bradford Mills was appointed in March 2004. The current CEO (appointed c. Sept. 2008) is Ian Farmer.
Name changes indicate an embarrassing past.
The Truth Is Different - Allegedly
This sounds like a BBC smear job. Using facts taken out of context is a standard Propaganda technique.
Marikana Massacre Propaganda
THE video shown at the time showed black police firing at [ presumably ] charging enemy. But that has disappeared. Now the police are alleged to have gone on to shoot wounded as they cleared the area. Will they make use this as propaganda like the Sharpeville Massacre? Not a chance. It was black versus black.
Sharpeville Was Influential
Sharpeville: Legacy of a massacre By Imran Garda
There is something quite unnerving about looking at old archive footage, particularly when you know what is coming. The grainy black-and-white footage from Sharpeville, South Africa seems at first innocuous.Bored-looking policemen appear to casually chit-chat, just as the footage begins to resemble a badly-shot 1940s neo-realist Italian film. Suddenly, the true horror unfolds.
A man, with a limp lifeless body nestled in his forearms, tilts it slightly toward the camera. And then ... more bodies ... more policemen.
On March 21, 1960, the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) launched a campaign for black South Africans to protest against the pass system. Bearers, who had to carry the pass every where they went or face arbitrary imprisonment casually referred to it as the "Dompass" – which roughly translates as "the stupid pass".It was more than stupid, it was draconian, dehumanising and epitomised the essence of Apartheid.
The pass laws regulated and limited travel and employment for black South Africans in their own country.
There had also been a rallying call to campaign against low wages, high rents and poor living conditions in the townships.
Black nationalism
The PAC was a breakaway group from the African National Congress (ANC). It was actually the ANC that had called for the protests against the pass laws, to be held later that month.The PAC, who were South Africa's Malcolm X to the ANC's Martin Luther King Jr, had decided to pre-empt it and converge on a local police station anyway.
They were considered hardliners; "Africa for Africans" they said. Their slogans were for freedom, driven by black nationalism. The ANC's manifesto, "The Freedom Charter", was too soft for the PAC, and spoke too much of a multi-racial utopia that they hoped South Africa would one day become.
Spurred by the injustices of Apartheid, which had been state policy since 1948, and the decades of oppression that predated it before it became enshrined in policy, around 20,000 protesters arrived in the township of Sharpeville, just south of Johannesburg.
Mayhem ensued
The police, claiming to have come under attack by the mob, opened fire and killed 69 people. Over 200 were injured. Hendrik Verwoerd, the then prime minister, also dubbed the architect of Apartheid, had claimed that the protesters had "shot first". No arms were found on any of the protesters, or victims, however.
The repercussions of the police brutality were colossal: A state of emergency was declared triggering thousands of arrests.The United Nations Security Council, previously so often opaque in regards to the plight of South Africa's non-white majority, issued its first resolution against Pretoria.
Foreign investors quickly pulled out of the country.
Verwoerd then proceeded to ban the ANC and PAC.
Writing in 1987, author Millard W. Arnold suggested that the ban and heavy-handed crackdown had "welded together three generations of black people united in their opposition to Apartheid."
The actions of the Apartheid Government politicised a "younger, more militant generation determined to battle the government from the townships rather than taking up the struggle abroad."
ANC "terrorism"
There was also a rethink of the ANC's non-violent approach. Despite being an underground outfit, "Umkhonto we Sizwe" or "The Spear of the Nation", was formed [ by Jews of the South African Communist Party - Editor ] in the aftermath of Sharpeville and became the military wing of the ANC.The struggle had now become the armed struggle.
Acts of sabotage against government targets, which sometimes took civilian lives, were enough for the US State Department and Margaret Thatcher, the then British prime minister, to label the ANC a "terrorist organisation".Whether resistance or terrorism, the taking up of arms by the biggest opposition movement in the country most certainly found its roots in Sharpeville and redrew the battle lines.
The PAC, committed to Pan-Africanism, often served as an ideological fountain where later proponents of the Black Consciousness movement, like Steve Biko, would find inspiration.Black Consciousness filled the vacuum left by the banning of the two parties, and served as a platform for uprising from within the townships themselves, particularly among the youth.
A shocked world
And it was the youth who were spurred to action in Soweto in June 1976. They protested and rioted against the imposition of Afrikaans as their mode of instruction at school. Afrikaans was the mother tongue of the white-Afrikaner minority but sometimes the third or fourth language of the students.Dozens of youth were subsequently gunned down by police, many shot in the back.
The iconic image of teenager Hector Pieterson, (this time a black and white still, not video, but still as menacing) in the throes of death after being shot generated another blast of furious condemnation from a shocked world.
Soweto was like a chilling sequel to Sharpeville. Sharpeville 1960 laid the foundations for the world to see the true nature of the Apartheid regime. Soweto 1976 embarrassed the world for not doing enough, as the situation in South Africa had now become completely unpalatable.
The Pretoria government would last another 18 years, amid international condemnation, boycotts, divestments and sanctions; in 1994, the formerly jailed ANC leader Nelson Mandela was elected president in South Africa's first democratic elections.
Today, the ruling-ANC is a leviathan of the political arena. It won just under 70 per cent of the vote in the 2009 election. Meanwhile, the PAC will be forgiven for feeling forgotten, marginalised and deemed a movement best-suited for a bygone era.Claiming a paltry 0.27 per cent of the vote in 2009, it can hardly be considered a major political player any more. But its role in those dark and confusing days of grainy footage and sadistic policemen brutalising an entire populous can never be forgotten.
Sharpeville: 2010
Today, the township of Sharpeville is about to get an $8mn face-lift from state funds. Much of it is to make it feel welcoming for the start of the Fifa World Cup. Locals will get to see footballers from Ivory Coast and Switzerland training at facilities in the township and its surrounding areas.
But while the dream of seeing Didier Drogba may come true for some locals - the ghosts of the 1960 nightmare are a far more pressing concern.They seemed to reappear earlier this year when Sharpeville residents torched cars and clashed with police – citing poor living conditions and the government's inability to provide basic services.
The guns were heard again in Sharpeville. There is no Apartheid but there is anger; there are no "Dompasses" anymore, but there is desperation.
A half century on from the event that was so instrumental in shaping its history, tough questions remain for the rainbow nation.
Can Jacob Zuma, the president, and the ANC-led government give the majority of South Africans, unshackled from the racism and brutality of the past, the economic prosperity they desire to match the political freedom they now enjoy?
The video footage of the recent "service delivery" protests in Sharpeville, in Sakhile, in KwaDukuza and in other townships may have less dead bodies. The footage may be clearer, may be in colour and not the old grainy black and white – but it is equally unnerving.
These things happen. They can make a difference.
Oregon Massacre Perpetrated By Black [ 2 October 2015 ]
He got nine kills & seven wounded. The police killed him. You could say that he was a half caste. Blacks were imported into America by Jews - see Blacks And Jews for more and better details.
Black Crazy Murders Nine In Oregon [ 3 October 2015 ]
[ The allegedly ] Half-British gunman who shot dead 9 people at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, named as Chris Harper-Mercer. British relatives described their shock as it emerged that Chris Harper-Mercer had been born in the UK. He grew up in the US, and attended a school for children with special needs in California.Police said the killer, who wrote in several blogs that he idolised the IRA and Nazis, walked into Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday wearing body armour and used three pistols, a rifle and five extra magazines to carry out the massacre. Officers found another seven firearms at the home he shared with his mother.
The Telegraph alleges that this twerp is 'half-British'. I allege that he is Black. The Telegraph also alleges that he was half mad and that we should sympathise with him; that he is, in some way a victim of nasty White Man. The Telegraph is a Propaganda machine with an agenda. That is why it gets called The Quislinggraph. This is another time when the Armed Citizen would have paid off. If he had the truth would have been concealed by the Main Stream Media.
PS His father seems to be English - see Who Is Chris Harper Mercer? The bad blood comes from the relevant mother who is 'Afro-American'. See Murderer's Mother
PPS Blacks were imported into America by Jews. See Blacks And Jews for more and better details.
The following cases benefitted from a Main Stream Media black out.
Virginia Homeowner Shoots At Repeat Burglar, Scaring Him Off [ 3 October 2015 ]
15 Year Old Georgia Resident Kills Home Invader Using A .22 Rifle [ 3 October 2015 ]
The other one got away sadly. The .22 is an underrated round.Michigan Pizza Delivery Driver Shoots & Kills 3 Gang Members [ 3 October 2015 ]
Gang member is code. It means Blacks.
American Air Force Attacks Hospital In Afghanistan & Achieves 33 Murders [ 3 October 2015 ]
Just one of those things. Only foreigners. Doesn't really matter. Check out the football results. But when an alleged 'Brit' kills nine in Oregon that is important - according to the Main Stream Media. See the next one.
Six Islamics Killed In Quebec Mosque [30 January 2017 ]
Awful, isn't it? They are supposed to be the perpetrators, not victims.
Update: The perps were Arabs, the bad tempered sort - see Quebec Massacre Suspects Are Arabs. Of course the Main Stream Media hoped they would be Canadians or, at least White Man. Now they can't feed us the Propaganda, their anti-white Racism lies so their story will disappear down the Memory Hole and Trudeau will shut up about it.
Quebec Massacre Now Has A White Only Suspect [ 2 February 2017 ]
The Moroccan has been given a pass for whatever reason. The Canadian government is run by Socialists & Marxists who want Third World immigration.
Islamics Murder 28 Christians - Egypt Shoots Up Enemy Training Camps [ 27 May 2017 ]
Egyptian forces have struck bases in which militants who waged a deadly attack against Christians have been trained. President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said fighter jets struck militant bases in eastern Libya in retaliation for an attack by suspected Islamic State militants that killed 28 Christians and wounded another 22 south of Cairo.The officials said the warplanes targeted the headquarters of the Shura Council in the city of Darna, where local militias are known to be linked to al Qaida, not the Islamic State group. Mr el-Sissi warned that Egypt will strike at any bases that train militants who wage attacks in the country, wherever they may be.
Up to 10 masked attackers dressed in military uniforms stopped a convoy in Egypt province, 140 miles south of Cairo, as the group was heading towards Saint Samuel the Confessor Monastery in Maghagha to pray.
More Islamics, more troublemakers. The government actually did something effective about it, unlike our lot.
Melbourne Massacre Responsibility Claimed By ISIS [ 6 June 2017 ]
Islamic State is claiming responsibility for the Melbourne hostage attack that left the gunman and another man dead. 'The attack in Melbourne, Australia was carried out by a soldier of the Islamic State in response to the call for targeting the subjects of the coalition states,' the group's Amaq news agency said.IS blamed the attack on Australia's membership in the US-led coalition against the militant group.
How many Arabs have been murdered by Western invaders in Iraq, Syria etcetera? Thousands at the very least. Corrupt politicians like Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron & Obama are War Criminals being manipulated by the Israel Lobby. America is like England, run by a ZOG [ Zionist Occupied Government ]. Those same governments import Third World hostiles by the thousands every day. They are the Enemy Within.
White Man Murdered 26 People In Texas Then Got Killed By An Armed Citizen [ 6 November 2017 ]
The mass shooter who opened fire during Mass inside a Texas church killing at least 26 - including a two-year-old child - has been identified as a 26-year-old former Bible study teacher who was dishonorably discharged from the US Air Force for assaulting his wife and child.Devin Patrick Kelley, a married father, walked into the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, dressed in black, tactical gear with a ballistics belt and an assault rifle, and began shooting, according to local law enforcement sources.
The attack only stopped when Kelley, of New Braunfels, a suburb of San Antonio, was confronted by local hero Stephen Willeford, 55, who shot him through a gap in his body armor as the gunman tried to leave the church. Kelley was reportedly killed by that same brave neighbor following a high speed car chase.
There seems to be a nastiness in America of late. Notice that Kelley was sorted out by an Armed Citizen. Notice too that the Main Stream Media keep very quiet about Baltimore Being On Track To Shatter 2015 Murder Record with 142 [ largely black ] murders to date and similar stories about the Negro Crime Rate but they are eager to incite Black Hate.
PS All 96 St. Louis Murder Suspects For 2017 Are Black.
Texas Massacre Was Due To Administrative Foul Up [ 8 November 2017 ]
The reason the Sutherland Springs killer was able to get his guns turns out to be a fairly typical bureaucratic cock-up:A day after a gunman massacred parishioners in a small Texas church, the Air Force admitted on Monday that it had failed to enter the man's domestic violence court-martial into a federal database that could have blocked him from buying the rifle he used to kill 26 people.
So we need to pass even more duplicative or contradictory laws against this and that in order to increase the likelihood that the government paperwork shufflers will comply with the one that might have made a difference.
So 26 People In Texas should still be alive. NB the perpetrator was a White Man sorted out by an Armed Citizen.
Arming Teachers Would Put Black and Latino Kids in Danger [ 2 March 2018 ]
But putting guns into the hands of schoolteachers would be extraordinarily [ sic ] dangerous for black and Latino students, who are already often forced to try to learn in hostile environments where they’re treated as threats.
Donald Trump suggested arming teachers after the recent Florida Massacre. It would make it easier for teachers to kill pupils when they are being attacked. This is very bad it seems because the 'victims' would be black or brown, not white. Are we really stupid enough to believe what the Main Stream Media tell us?
Massacre In Germany Was Not A Terrorist Attack Allege Police [ 8 April 2018 ]
He achieved three dead and circa 30 wounded. The Polizei claim that he was a "German citizen", which does not mean that he was a German rather than a Third World parasite full of hate. Merkel imported them in an act of treason. Honest people get to live the consequences of her evil. The media have worked the Lone Wolf Story too often. Using different lies is the next answer.
Toronto Massacre Achieves Ten Dead [ 24 April 2018 ]
Someone drove a van along the pavement in order to kill and maim. He succeeded. Who is he? The police know The media know but they are doing a news blackout. They are in the business of keeping us ignorant because they are liars with an agenda. He will turn out eventually to be another Third World imported by the political elite, causing Ethnic Fouling leading into Genocide, a crime against International Law, in particular the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
Mass Murderer In Strasbourg Is Another Islamic [ 12 December 2018 ]
Watch in the coming days for the handwringing establishment media stories about how the local mosque in Strasbourg fears a “backlash,” and that Muslims are the real victims of jihad terror attacks.“The assassin of Strasbourg is Cherif Chekatt, 29 years old and registered by the Police,”............
The attacker is a 29-year-old man who was booked by the police for common crimes. Apparently, the gendarmes went to his house last Tuesday morning to arrest him, but he was not there. His name is Cherif Chekatt. Born on February 4, 1989, the son of Abdelkrim and Rouag Raoudja.
The gendarmes searched his house in the morning, having found four grenades there.
According to police sources, there has been a new shooting in the area where law enforcement officials are looking for the perpetrator of the shooting in the Christmas market in Strasbourg, which has caused two deaths and eleven wounded.
Yes, it is all going to our fault. We didn't give Islamics enough dole money or big enough mosques or something. We all know that Islam Is A Religion of Peace because David Cameron says so. NB Cameron is an unscrupulous liar & Traitor. He wants Immigration, legal or not. So does May. She lied to us about Brexit as well.
PS The perpetrator's Facebook page is at Cherif Chekatt. Notice that all of his friends are Third World aliens too.
White Man Murders Twelve In Virginia Beach [ 1 June May 2019 ]
Twelve people have died after a disgruntled long-time city worker stormed offices at Virginia Beach municipal center unleashing a hail of gunfire before cops fatally shot him. The shooter, named as DeWayne Craddock, 40, by The Wall Street Journal, reportedly bought multiple firearms in recent weeks.He is said to have engaged in a 'long term gun battle' with the first four officers on the scene after carrying out his massacre before being fatally shot by police on Friday afternoon. The gunman is said to have shot one victim in his vehicle outside the building before continuing his rampage and killing people across all three floors of the offices. Four others were injured including a police officer.
He is said to have used a 45 caliber handgun complete with a surpressor [ sic ] and multiple extended magazines.
He is a straight shooter, one with more dead than wounded, and a criminal, another time when the Armed Citizen would have paid off. The Mail is going big on this one because it is a Propaganda machine hostile to the White Man. Be aware that there have been 190 murders in Chicago so far this year. 153 of the dead are black. Most were murdered by other blacks. It is turf war fought by the wonderful people of the Narcotics Industry. Virginia Beach is where blacks play The Knockout Game, punching white people at random for the fun of it. See e.g. Black College Beach Week
White Man Fires On Synagogue Full Of Jews [ 13 June May 2019 ]
White genocide—the extermination of the white race through the flooding of European lands with Third Worlders—is the primary cause of the rise of white terrorism, according to the manifesto of the Poway, California, Synagogue shooter.John Earnest, a 19-year-old student at California State University San Marcos, who was arrested after carrying out a shooting at the synagogue—which, fortunately for the congregants, appeared to have gone wrong because of a weapon malfunction—released an manifesto on the internet prior to his attack.
In this manifesto, Earnest explained the reasons for his attack, blaming Jews for white genocide, and claiming that the Jewish-controlled media and establishment was making it impossible for ordinary white people to live normal lives, and hence there would be an ever-increasing number of terrorist attacks like his.
In the manifesto, titled “An open letter,” Earnest directed comments at the controlled media, telling them to “Make sure to call me a ‘white supremacist’ and ‘anti-Semite’ or whatever bullshit you spew to spook the normal fags. It doesn’t even matter. You’ve been calling every White person alive those names for decades—they’ve lost all their meaning.
Mr Earnest only got one kill. See Poway Synagogue Shooting. Having a stoppage did not help, ditto for small, ten round magazines.
Texan Walmart Shooter Kills Hispanic Invaders - Says Corporations, Corrupt Politicians “Have Destroyed America’s Future” [ 4 August 2019 ]
The Texas Walmart shooter—who killed at least 20 Hispanics in a racially-targeted attack yesterday—said in his online manifesto that America’s future has been destroyed by a combination of mass Hispanic immigration, corporation-driven environmental abuse, and corrupt Democrat and Republican politicians.Patrick Crusius—who has been identified as white by the media—issued his manifesto on the 8Chan website just a short while before carrying out the attack.
Under the heading “ITS TIME Anonymous 08/03/19 (Sat)” Crusius posted his manifesto with the following comment: “F**k this is going to be so sh*t but I can’t wait any longer. Do your part and spread this brothers! Of course, only spread it if the attack is successful. I know that the media is going to try to frame my incorrectly, but y’all will know the truth! I’m probably going to die today. Keep up the good fight.”
Mr Crusius wrote his manifesto in plain English and clear English. It is worth a look.
White Man Murders Twenty Mexicans In Texas [ 4 August 2019 ]
At least 20 people have been killed and 26 others wounded in the deadliest mass shooting in the US this year, after a white gunman opened fire inside an El Paso Walmart on Saturday minutes after posting an 'anti-immigrant' manifesto online...........He would later go on to tell investigators he wanted to shoot as many Mexicans as possible, according to ABC News.
Western governments allow Illegal Immigration when they do not actually encourage it. It is Public Policy, it is Ethnic Fouling used to cause Genocide, a crime under International Law. Then there are occasional reactions. The Mainstream Media use these massacres as propaganda tools but ignore murders by black criminals. This year blacks have achieved 235 murders in Chicago alone. See the Sun Times Graphic for evidence. They did this where 98% Of Murderers Use Pistols - They Are 100% Illegal.
Pakistani Murderer Says 'I Ain't No Terrorist' Before Killing Two Brits [ 1 December 2019 ]
The London Bridge attacker Usman Khan hit out in chilling footage taken after anti-terror police raided his home when he was a teenager, claiming: 'I ain't no terrorist'. The 2008 clip sees the killer, believed to be 15 at the time, interviewed by the BBC outside his house in Stoke-On-Trent.He says: 'I've been born and bred in England, in Stoke-On-Trent, in Cobridge, and all the community knows me and they will know, if you ask them, they will know like these labels what they're putting on us, like terrorist, this, that, they will know I ain't no terrorist.'
Another Pakistani Pervert, another liar, another Enemy Of The People imported with malice aforethought by Her Majesty's Government. And again the Mail is censoring comments, blocking the truth.
PS One of the Pakistani's victims was Jack Merritt, a well meaning loser, even one might say a Useful Idiot.
Boris Johnson Vows To 'Hunt Down' Those Behind London Bridge Terror Attack [ 1 December 2019 ]
Boris Johnson tonight vowed that anyone involved in the latest terror attack to strike London Bridge would be 'hunted down and brought to justice'.The Conservatives and Labour tonight suspended their general election campaigning in the capital out of respect for those affected. The Prime Minister spoke out after a knifeman was shot dead by armed police in the beating heart of the capital after wounding five people this afternoon.
Speaking in Number 10 after he interrupted his election campaign and rushed to Downing Street, he said: 'I can assure you and assure everyone that anyone involved in this crime and these attacks will be hunted down and brought to justice.'
Does Johnson mean a word he says? NO! Will he sort out the Traitors who imported the swine? NO! Will he charge Theresa May and all the rest of them, Enemies Of The People? NO! He is just as much one of the Enemy Within. The Mail's headline is verbatim and a lie.
ISIS Claims Responsibility For London Bridge Attack [ 1 December 2019 ]
ISIS may well be lying but then the British Army has likely killed more aliens in Afghanistan. Who sent them there and why? Political Criminals.
The Tulsa Massacre Allegations [ 4 June 2021 ]
History doesn’t change to fit our wishes. We wish whites hadn’t imported blacks as slaves and had not changed immigration policy in 1965. However, in a multiracial society, history often isn’t about facts. It’s a weapon. A story about the past justifies current policy. When history doesn’t provide a suitably horrific example, invent one.The 1921 “Tulsa Race Massacre” is for now the most important story in the country. It is so important that President Joe Biden issued a Proclamation about it on Memorial Day itself, a sign of what post-white America will be “memorializing” in the future. Yesterday, he visited Tulsa to talk about the “massacre.”
I must respectfully disagree with Mr Hood on one point. So would Louis Farrakhan, the very forthright leader of the Nation of Islam. Black slaves were imported by Jews, not white men. The evidence is in his book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Take the point that Joe Biden does not have a policy; he is just a puppet saying what he is told. For some reason the Wall Street Journal is going along with the story.
PS The number of dead blacks is allegedly as high as 300. Compare this with Chicago where 792 people were murdered in the last twelve months. 623 were blacks, largely murdered by their own in robberies, drug wars etc. You doubt it? See Do Black Lives Matter? They don't seem to think so.
Nazi Executioner Who Shot Dead 250 Jews In A Day At Babi Yar Is Named [ 16 October 2021 ]
A Nazi executioner who shot 250 Jews in a single day is among 160 named and shamed, 80 years after a massacre that's been dubbed the 'Holocaust of bullets'.Babi Yar, a ravine on the edge of the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, became infamous after 33,771 Jews were shot there during just two days in September 1941.
But the Nazi atrocity has gone largely unpunished, with only 10 of the estimated 700 people that took part ever being convicted of a crime. Now, 80 years later, the Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial Center has identified an initial 160 people it considers guilty of the killings. Along with their names, new information about the killers – including biographies and testimony – has been made public.
One participant, Viktor Trill, who was a sergeant in the SS paramilitary group, described how he leapt down into the pits to kill any who survived the initial shooting. He said that he shot between '150 and 250 Jews', and chillingly added that they were 'resigned to their fate like lambs'.
Another slow news day for the Mail or is it in Propaganda mode? At all events the readers seem to feel that Jews were losers who didn't deserve it. Others know better. Millions of them live in Palestine, the Stolen Land that Jews call Israel & in Gaza. The Mail does not mention the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. How many people did Jews murder in their Genocidal attacks? Hundreds of thousands if not millions. Back in 2007 Jews With Light Fingers Had Taken German Mugs For €63.2 Billion, tax free of course; it is more now. The Right Reverend Rabbi Israel Singer was fond of boasting that he, personally extorted $20 BILLION from the goyim. He also did plenty of thieving on his own account.
Vicious Murderer Uses Truck To Drive Into A Crowd In Wisconsin [ 22 November 2021 ]
Shocked witnesses recounted the terrifying moment a red SUV sped down the street hurling bodies in the air and narrowly missing a young girl before killing multiple people during a Christmas parade outside Milwaukee on Sunday. People at the scene described the disturbing scene in Waukesha, Wisconsin as the vehicle barreled down the road along the parade route running over people as the crowd quickly turned frantic............Moments later, the car collided with the crowd, leaving five people dead and injuring 40, including several children who were rushed to six different hospitals in the area.........
'We have a person of interest that we are looking into at this time,' Waukesha Police Chief Dan Thompson told reporters. Thompson said that the SUV rammed into the crowd at 4:39pm local time - 39 minutes after the parade started.
Did the attacker do this because of the Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict? Or was he just trying to spoil Christmas for them? The Mainstream Media are acting shy about the prisoner's mug shot. This pretty much proves he is a Third World undesirable. A low grade source claims that he is a White Supremacist. Look for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself
Wisconsin Massacre 'Suspect' IS Black [ 23 November 2021 ]
QUOTE3On November 5, Brooks was charged with felony bail jumping, recklessly endangering safety, battery, disorderly conduct and resisting an officer, three days earlier on November 2. He was ordered to not have any contact with a female victim.
Despite one of his offenses being felony bail jumping, the judge set a $1,000 bond, which he paid on November 11.
The judge that let him out on the cheap is a dangerous fool.
Blacks have been incited to hate. This fool is just a foot soldier of the Culture Wars being waged against us by George Soros and his co-ethnics.
Manchester Mass Murderer May Have Been NATO Trained [ 19 December 2021 ]
A British-Libyan [ sic ] man who carried out a deadly bombing at the Manchester Arena in 2017 “probably” fought with opposition forces during Libya's 2011 civil war, an inquiry into the attack heard on Thursday.Giving evidence to the inquiry, Abdalraouf Abdallah, a British-Libyan former fighter from Manchester, said Salman Abedi may have fought in the conflict, having "helped in other ways". Abedi was 22 when he killed 22 other people and himself in an attack on crowds leaving an Ariana Grande concert at the music venue on 22 May 2017.............
Abdallah said other young British-Libyans from Manchester had also travelled to the country to fight, and that Ramadan Abedi was part of the same group.
Asked whether Ramadan Abedi had fought, he said: "I know that he was helping. That’s all I know."
Abedi, the Manchester Bomber Was Rescued By The Royal Navy from A Libyan Warzone. Was the little swine grateful? Clearly not. Was he imported by a government of traitors? Yes! Is Her Majesty's Government committed to destroying civilization using Ethnic Fouling In England to cause Genocide? Yes! Are Her Allegedly Most Loyal Opposition even more treacherous? Yes, they need the votes of Third World parasites to keep power.
Spree Shooter In Sacramento Kills Six [ 4 April 2022 ]
Six people were killed and ten injured in a mass shooting in California's capital city early Sunday morning as a gunman with an automatic rifle opened fired on a group of revelers fighting outside a bar.Sacramento police said shots rang out near 10th and J Streets, about two blocks from the capitol building, around 2am, prompting officers to rush to the scene.
When police arrived to the area, known for its strip of nightclubs and bars, they found a large group gathered and six dead in the street. Ten other victims were transported to area hospitals by ambulance and private vehicles. Their conditions remain unknown.
Police Chief Kathy Lester, noting the investigation is still 'very preliminary,' said it is unclear if the victims were deliberately targeted, The Sacramento Bee reported.
Lester, calling the shooting 'a really tragic, unfortunate situation,' said the 'complex is now secure' but the gunman remains at large. She has asked for the public's help in identifying the suspect or suspects responsible for the tragedy.
Sacramento is a nasty rough place, isn't it? It sounds that way. It may be that the shooter had a dog in the fight that was going on. At all events he is not a bad shot. Get kills rather than just wounding means that he was using the sights, aiming not just shooting at random. The Armed Citizen has his uses. NB the police are not saying whether the perpetrators were black but it is the way to bet.
Buffalo Massacre Update [ 17 May 2022 ]
On Saturday, May 14th, 2022, Payton Gendron, an 18-year-old white man concerned with “the Great Replacement” of whites by non-whites, went to a place frequented by non-whites and started shooting. At this time, ten people are dead, most of them black. You can read his Manifesto here. .................I have read Gendron’s manifesto, and nothing about it seems obviously fake. I am convinced that he is exactly what he claims to be: a race-conscious white man who thought that he could stop the Great Replacement by killing mostly elderly black women at a supermarket. The people who immediately started claiming that this operation is somehow a “false flag” or that Gendron is a “glowie” need to present evidence.
The person responsible for this attack is Payton Gendron. Not white people. Not White Nationalists. Not his gun. Not /pol/. Not memes. Not the ideas of “white genocide” or “the Great Replacement.” Not the First Amendment or the Second Amendment to the US Constitution................
This kind of violence is worse than a crime. It is a mistake. It does nothing to advance our cause and much to set us back.
Given that reason, science, and history are all on our side, and the greatest apparatus of coercion and Brainwashing in human history is on the enemy’s side, doesn’t it make sense to attack the enemy at his weakest point rather than at his strongest? This is why the North American New Right pursues White Nationalism through intellectual and cultural means: we critique the hegemony of anti-white ideas and seek to establish a counter-hegemony of pro-white ideas.
Only a fool picks a battle he cannot win, and we cannot win with violence. Fortunately, we don’t have to. The Left lost the Cold War but won the peace through the establishment of intellectual and cultural hegemony. We can beat them the same way.
Greg Johnson is right; it was worse than a crime; it was a mistake. It is being used as weapon to incite even more Black Hate and White Guilt. Gendron's manifesto is being hidden by the Mainstream Media because it names our Invisible Enemy, the Jew, the Puppet Master manipulating the media and the Education Industry.
Jew Helped Commit Tantura Massacre In 1948 [ 12 June 2022 ]
There’s a Mass Palestinian Grave at a Popular Israeli Beach, Veterans Confess
“I was a murderer. I didn’t take prisoners,” admitted an Israeli combat soldier present for the June 1948 massacre in the Palestinian town of Tantura. “I had a machine gun with 250 bullets. I can’t say how many [I killed].”.............“They silenced it,” the former combat soldier Moshe Diamant says, trying to be spare with his words. “It mustn’t be told, it could cause a whole scandal. I don’t want to talk about it, but it happened. What can you do? It happened.”
Twenty-two years have passed since the furor erupted over the account of what occurred during the conquest by Israeli troops of the village of Tantura, north of Caesarea on the Mediterranean coast, in the War of Independence. The controversy sprang up in the wake of a master’s thesis written by an Israeli graduate student named Theodore Katz, that contained testimony about atrocities perpetrated by the Alexandroni Brigade against Arab prisoners of war.
The thesis led to the publication of an article in the newspaper Maariv headlined “The Massacre at Tantura.” Ultimately, a libel suit filed against Katz by veterans of the brigade induced him to retract his account of a massacre.
The confession of the Alexandroni Brigade troops casts a new light on the dismal attempt to silence Teddy Katz.
I take Adam Raz to be an honest Jew; they do exist He writes for Ha'aretz, which was a gold mine for seekers after truth. Then it got leaned on big time by Mossad or whoever. The Wikipedia tells the same story at Tantura Massacre. Of course when naughty little Adolf had a go at Jews they started whining about it. They still do. The Holocaust® Industry was a very useful independent profit centre. See e.g. Jews With Light Fingers Took German Mugs For €63.2 Billion [ tax free of course ]. NB The Jews claim that they go in for the Purity of Arms.
Gun-Control Overhaul Demanded in Rallies Across the U.S. ex Wall Street Journal [ 12 June 2022 ]
The WSJ headline is verbatim. The people shown rallying are almost all white. They don't actually say they want blacks disarmed but they do because Gun Crime Is Black Crime. They may very well favour Abortion, the murder of unborn children, of the innocent. Consistent, sensible? Perhaps not.
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