Israel’s no-show reflects longstanding frustration with the council’s [ allegedly ] perceived anti-Israel bias, diplomats say. More than half the resolutions passed by the council since it started work in 2006 have focused on Israel over the treatment of Palestinians in Israeli-occupied or Israeli-controlled areas. Israel is also the only country that is a standing item on the council’s agenda........

Diplomats identify Avigdor Lieberman, the foreign minister of Israel’s departing government, as the main architect of that decision.
Lieberman resigned after being charged with thieving. The president got seven years for Rape. The prime minister beat most of the theft raps. They are all guilty of War Crimes such as Gaza Massacre I & Gaza Massacre II. The Israel Prison Service has its very own Konzentrationslager setup [ the Nazi term for Concentration Camp ] at Saharonim & Ketziot where they hold blacks prior to sending them back to the Hellholes they created. Jews decided that Chutzpah wasn't going to be enough to get away with murder this time.