News 2014 March

This is what I published in March. I confirm my fundamental view - newspapers are political weapons, propaganda machines being used to manipulate us, just like the rest of the Main Stream Media, i.e. Television, wireless, film, magazines and Books. For earlier offerings go to 2014 or contact me at Mike Emery

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Top Stories 2014
31 March 2014

Cameron Threatening Russia
Is Cameron stupid, vicious or both? Sabre rattling makes sense sometimes, IF you have what it takes, if you have an army big enough. Cameron is destroying the British Army by the simple expedient of disbanding it. Now he is setting it up to be broken faster by the Red Army, a much bigger outfit.


Labour Support Down

Labour 33
Tory     32
UKIP    15
So UKIP holds the balance. Now if Cameron hadn't lied to us about a referendum there would be no point in UKIP. But he did, so there is. Recall that Tory is the Irish word for thief.


Cameron Declares His Undying Loyalty To Israel
He helps Jews beat EU sanctions against the bandits running Israel. But he betrays England by reneging on his promise to give us a referendum. He also betrays his Privy Council Oath to uphold the Queen's Realm against foreign princes, powers and potentates. That means the EU among others. He wants votes and will tell any lie to get them. He is allowing Her Majesty's Government to collude with Jews in spying on honest Englishmen.


Nigel Farage Versus Clegg In EU Debate
Nige beat the other one handsomely in the YouGov poll of 1003, scoring 57% versus 36% for Clegg with 7% undecided. This tells us a lot about why politicians hate Democracy. Vote UKIP, if only to annoy the Traitors. See the debate in glorious Technicolor® at
PS Cameron was invited, just like Miliband. They both bottled out. Clegg didn't; he lost instead.


Chinawoman Perpetrated Hate Fraud In America
"Authorities said the owner of a coffee stand who claimed someone spray-painted “Go back to China” outside her business and set part of her shop on fire carried out the crime herself......

Investigators said surveillance video showed Na with a gas can in hand.  She was reportedly also seen reaching up to unplug her surveillance cameras before the crime occurred."
Foreign chancers cause problems with malice aforethought, much like the Jews inflicted on us by Cromwell.


Black Who Murdered Pretty White Woman Wanted Parole


Car Parking Industry Makes £3 Billion, Lots Of It By Fraud
Don't swallow it. Don't pay. Complain in writing. Make them prove they are entitled to charge you.


Rapist Rabbi Is A Paedophile Pervert
Rabbi Abraham Glick is being interviewed by police on charges that he repeatedly raped a boy on the lectern of a synagogue back in the 1980s. He Perverted The Course Of Justice for another of them.


30 March 2014

Tory Minister Into Expense Fraud
"Maria Miller faces being censured for over-claiming for her mortgage expenses on a house she sold for £1 million profit. The Conservative culture secretary is understood to have failed to reduce her claims when mortgage interest rates fell on the loan on her home. It was sold on Valentine's Day this year for £1.47 million - a profit of £1,236,000 on its original price of £234,000."
The profit is a Red Herring. The fraudulent claims are the real issue. Will she be charged under the Fraud Act 2006 or will they Pervert The Course Of Justice?


Intelligence Matters
Someone calling himself Wise alleges that the current flood of Third World aliens will make America into a better place. He is wrong. Intelligence is the reason why we don't live in mud huts. Who has the intelligence? The White Man. He is the one who created Western Civilization. Brain power is how. Fred explains all; make that most. Fred skates over the fact that Wise is a [ part ] Jew who can pass himself off as a white man. Wise is the name; Cunning would be better. Wise is also full of hate, a Racist, an anti-White racist but racist none the less. He is, in all probability paid by Jews, by Zionist crazies driven by Paranoia - see much money Jews have for political purposes on the point. They call it charity for tax reasons. We know that Jews are just as corrupt as the Mafia.


Jews Stink
At all events Gavin McInnes has chosen to inform us that some, but not all Jews smell terrible - about like the average Islamic suicide bomber - before the event. Who am I to argue? But it is worth adding that naughty little Adolf mentions the odour of those people in caftans in his best selling book, Mein Kampf.
PS Mr. McInnes runs a magazine called Vice, which tells us about Liberia. He gives the distinct impression that Israel is a nicer place, even for victims of the Jews.


29 March 2014 On this day in 1991 Teddy Kennedy, The Perpetrator Of The Chappaquiddick Massacre played his part in setting up the Florida Rape

Pope Francis Endorses Holocaust® Story While Ignoring Israeli Ethnic Cleansing
This happens while chief rabbis of Israel incite evil. E.g. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef says  Gentiles exist only to serve Jews.


Bishop Is A Heretic Inciting Sodomy
The Bishop of Buckingham, one Alan Wilson is inciting homosexual clergy of the Church of England to follow what he chooses to call their conscience, to defy the Church of England’s restrictions on same-sex marriage. He is doubtless aware of the 39 Articles Of Faith as well as the Ten Commandments, in particular Thou shalt not commit adultery. He is inciting homosexual infiltrators to sin, in breach of his sworn faith. He is also being paid by the C of E, which means that he is taking money under false pretences, contrary to the Fraud Act 2006. Is Cantab [ a Jew btw ] going to give him a fair trial then burn him at the stake? Probably not, more's the pity.
PS Cameron Helped Them Get Away With It
PPS Adultery includes Incest ], Homosexuality ], Bestiality, Prostitution & Paedophile perversion.


Cameron Claims That He Might Deport A Few Third World Parasites To Buy Votes
Merkel is backing Cameron on this one, which implies that she needs votes too.


Lord Wants More Third World Aliens
As long as they don't live near him. Howell alleges that British diplomacy..... risks leaving the UK ‘outwitted, out-competed, and increasingly insecure’. He got that bit right - for the wrong reasons. Her Majesty's Government is a Zionist Occupation Government [ ZOG ]. The Long March Through The Institutions worked. Howell is part of the problem, not the solution.


The Guardian Markets Anti-White Propaganda
There is no mention of blacks being exported to the Americas by Jews. Documentation is at The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. The Guardian does not mention honest sources because the Guardian is a Racist propaganda machine.


Third World Alien Arrested For Multiple Murders
Eight killed but only three murder charges imply that the evidence is not always conclusive but they are doing him for GBH as well. This one is a Philippino.


Downer Baling Out Of Cyprus
Alexander Downer, an Australian chancer was talking to the Turks as well as the Greeks. Now the Turks are going to get the oil pipeline from Israeli controlled oil fields [ Gas Pipeline From Israel To Turkey Considered ] so Downer is moving on after screwing East Timor by stealing their oil. He is liable to be posted to London so his face still fits. NB his firm, Woodside is offering to lay the Israel To Turkey Pipeline.


Enemies Of Freedom
They call themselves the 200 ‘leading UK cultural figures’ Some of them are victims of the Main Stream Media. Others know better. They are fools, Useful Idiots, rogues or some combination. The parents of Madeleine McCann are one example. They left their daughter to be abducted by Barbarians, to be sold into slavery. They were never prosecuted. Now they are complaining.


28 March 2014

Obama Compared With A Trained Ape
"Former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld minced no words when he told Fox News, 'a trained ape' would be better at Afghan relations than President Barack Obama."
Actually Don feels that the ape would do better. He should know having brought us the death trap, which is Iraq but he has a point. Who put Obama into power and why? Jews like Penny Pritzker did it knowing that he was a foreigner. He was taken out of the gutter because they thought they could control him. It didn't quite work out that way. They ran McCain against him because he was also foreign born, in Panama.

With thanks to Photoshop, the wonderful people who produced his genuine Forged Birth Certificate.


Third World Homosexual Murdered His New Wife

Third World  undesirables are imported by Tories, by Traitors, by Labour. The Jews have a huge amount of money to bribe politicians, hundreds of millions. They like bribing people who will pander to their agenda of destroying Western Civilization, while using Ethnic Cleansing against Palestinians.


Pakistani Women Stole £200 Thousand From Charity

They know how to put themselves about. Of course they got off lightly because their faces fit.
PS 146 Indian politicians are Criminal MPs albeit not convicted yet, merely charged.


BBC Hides Truth About Brown
The BBC hid the truth about Jimmy Savile too.


France Bans GMO Corn
This is good news for once. Monsanto & other big business crooks are trying to force this stuff onto us, not knowing or caring about the dangers to health. Screwing farmers is not a problem so much as a business opportunity.


Germans Regret Dead Jews While Ignoring Their Own Victims
Dresden lost 6,865 dead in air raids but swallows the Holocaust® Story.


27 March 2014 is the anniversary of the Bataan Death March in 1942; yet another Japanese war crime - 6,000 to 11,000 killed. Do we care? Not really but compare this with the whinging about interning Japs during the war.

Rapist Rabbi On The Run Goes To Ground In Zimbabwe
At least it wasn't little boys this time. Perhaps we should be thankful for small mercies. He was celebrating Purim, a massacre carried out by Jews. Some things don't change.

Munich Refuses To Allow Holocaust® Memorials
These Stolpersteine are like the blue plaques in London, commemorating people who lived there. It looks as though the worthy burgers of Munich have achieved a degree of Moral Courage in a country where saying that the Holocaust® Story is a pack of lies means criminal prosecution.

226 March 2014

Cameron Pretends He Might Cut Tax Later To Buy Votes
That would mean voting him into power first. He lied about giving us a referendum on Europe. Now he is doing it again.

NHS Fraud Is Major - Up To £5 Billion
The NHS pretends it is much less but their head of fraud has left, which means he can tell the truth.

Hogan-Howe Does Not Know Why Police Destroyed Evidence Of Their Corruption - Allegedly
"The head of Scotland Yard admitted [ stated/claimed/alleged - delete to taste ] yesterday that he did not know when, why or on whose authority a major intelligence database on corrupt officers was destroyed.

Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said he had set up a team of detectives to inquire into the “mass shredding” of files from Operation Othona, a covert anti-corruption investigation."
Believe a policeman? Not me, not ever. Hogan-Howe pretends to hate Racism when Englishmen are accused but refuses to investigate when a greasy little Pakistani chancer like Ahmed is named. In fact he will not even admit that he has been told about it. Of course Metropolitan Police Corruption Is Deep Seated, Wide Ranging & Sincere.

Pope Tells Mafia To Stop Evil Or Prepare For Hell - Zionist Mass Murderers Get A Pass


Jews In America Betraying Israel Alleges Congresswoman
Michele Bachmann
seems to be a Christian who can't spell her own name. She is stupid, ignorant, bribed or some combination.


Jews Cut Off Water To Torture Palestinians
Jews are big on human rights for Third World aliens when England is at the receiving end but in Palestine, the Stolen Land that they call Israel they go in for Ethnic Cleansing. They also whine about Holocaust® Story, about being victims.


25 March 2014 On this day in 1807 the Slave Trade Act 1807 became law. His Majesty's Government treated slavers as pirates and attacked foreign ships on that basis. The Royal Navy lost more men fighting slavers than died in two world wars. America outlawed it at the same time. The principal traders were Jews. See The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews for evidence. Today is the Holy Infant Martyr, St. Simon of Trent's feast day when we remember that he was murdered by Jews for his blood in 1475. See Blood Libel.

Sneering Black Thug Alleges That His Victim Started It

Notice the arrogance                  Notice the boot going into an old bus driver.
He will play the Race card; the easy out. Or it will turn out he wasn't breast fed. Flogging is a good answer, deportation would be better. Hanging is quick, cheap, effective, the greatest.

Madoff's Henchwenches Convicted
So were henchmen. Of course the Daily Mail does not mention that Madoff is a Jew as well as the world record thief.

Media Complain About Russia Invading The Crimea While Ignoring Jews Invading Palestine
Gideon Levy, an honest Jew explains the Chutzpah, the Hasbara in the Main Stream Media. Both words were invented by Jews to describe their insolence & arrogance. Hypocrisy is another word.

24 March 2014 is the Holy Infant Martyr, St. Simon of Trent's feast day when we remember that he was murdered by Jews for his blood in 1475 AD. See Blood Libel

Quote of the Day
In fact, the cotton-plantations in many parts of the South [ of America ] were wholly in the hands of the Jews, and as a consequence slavery found its advocates among them.
Jewish Encyclopedia on Agriculture

Three Blacks Arrested After Murdering A 'Friend'

Front National Beating Socialists In France
It sounds good albeit Marine Le Pen has been nobbled by the Zionist crazies. NB it is only now that we are told that Hollande's mob is the worst since the 1950s.

Blacks Jumping Fence Into Europe
492 of them in one day, demanding their rights. See for yourself at This happens at Melilla, a Spanish enclave in North Africa.

Black Murdered Wife & Kidnapped Child

Another Islamic twerp. They were imported into America by Jews.

Nigel Farage Stays In Good Brussels Hotel Says Daily Mail In Space Filler Mode
Vote UKIP; they can't be any more bent than the rest.

23 March 2014

Fraudulent War Crime Inquiry Was Abused By The Investigators
The Iraqis making major allegations of murder, torture et cetera admitted they were lying. Their fraud was used by Public Interest Lawyers, a bunch of chancers on the make, set up by Phil Shiner, a Socialist. There were trips out to Beirut, flying business class, a five star hotel. Police were on this jolly too. They achieved millions in expenses. Can you guess who gets to pay for it? If you are not sure just look in the mirror. Are these rogues going to be forced to pay back the money they made off with? Not a chance.

Afghanistan Post Mortem
Gwynne Dyer, lately a lecturer at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst says "Mission Not Accomplished" Mr. Dyer is right. What was the mission? He doesn't know either. Blair & Bush lied us into war. Brown & Cameron kept us there. They killed 448 Brits.
PS The real reason may have been building a pipeline for oil - see Afghanistan, Big Oil And Truth. It makes sense if the natives can be pacified. They can't so it doesn't but thousands are dead, millions have been destroyed at a cost of maybe trillions.

Third World Medic Does Female Genital Mutilation
"A doctor and another man are to be charged in Britain’s first prosecutions for alleged female genital mutilation........ Dhanuson Dharmasena, who is accused of carrying out the procedure on an adult woman, and Hasan Mohamed, alleged to have aided and abetted him are charged under the Female Genital Mutilation Act"
But because he is a Third World alien there is no mug shot of him out there on the Internet.

John Pilger Alleges Abo Genocide
Pilger chooses to allege that 'Australia' is destroying Abo lives. I choose to allege that it is my considered opinion that he is lying in his teeth, that political criminals like Gough Whitlam have caused the problems & that they have a Marxist agenda.

22 March 2014 is the anniversary of the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre. South African police got 63 kills. Joe Slovo, a Jew from Lithuania and the South African Communist Party found it very useful for their propaganda, which they used to market Nelson Mandela.

Third World Thug Threatens Murder In Stockholm
The Swedish government has imported tens of thousands of Islamics from the Third World, thereby turning Malmö into the Rape Capital Of Sweden. The gun crime, the knife crime, the you name it crime all follow on from political treason. NB the Daily Mail treads lightly on the fact that the perpetrator is an ethnic undesirable but then the Mail is a Racist rag.

Metropolitan Police Corruption Is Deep Seated, Wide Ranging, Sincere & Profitable
The Met don't usually murder people; too many questions get asked but Perjury is routine. So is perverting the course of justice. The Met police chief, Hogan will not investigate Racism - if a greasy little Pakistani chancer like Ahmed is named. In fact he will not even admit that he has been told about it. More at Operation Othona. Profitable? See the next one.

Policeman Stole Drugs, Selling Them For £1 Million
Free Trading pays off big time. The mark up on the product is very satisfying. The tax position has significant advantages. Security systems need to be proof against government saboteurs.

See the faces, know the crime. Why did they get into the police force? Set a thief to catch a thief.

Pole On Trial For Murdering Black

The Daily Mail is much more forthcoming when they are claiming that Blacks are victims of nasty White Men. It is a Propaganda machine inciting Black Hatred & Western Guilt. Do you remember poor Saint Stephen, the black martyr killed by nasty Racists? Have we been allowed to forget? The objective is to destroy Western Civilization.

Daily Mail Markets Holocaust® Story Again
The Daily Mail is a Propaganda machine just like the Guardian; although they address different constituencies. Both are run by the Puppet Masters so they never tell us why it is illegal for Germans to say that the Holocaust® Story is a pack of lies. Nor do they tell us about the Concentration Camps run by Jews at Saharonim, Ketziot & Holot. To be fair the Jews do not seem to gassing blacks, just sending them back. Of course Jews are grossly Racist. They don't want Blacks any more than Adolf wanted Jews.

21 March 2014

Cameron Changes Bad Tax Law To Buy Votes
You get your chance to vote against them next year with a practice run in May. Then Nick Griffin, will find himself out on his ear.

See The Rider's View Of The Isle Of Man TT
Would you? Should you? The TT has killed 240 men so far.

The Guardian Does A Smear Job On Martin Heidegger
The Guardian, that foul prostitute and dirty parasite of the worst portion of the mill-owners is at it again, doing a knocking job on Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher. Doctor Heidegger was a member of the Nazi party so he is hated by Left Wingers. Of course if you ask lefties for the differences between naughty Adolf and dear old Uncle Joe Stalin they will not be quite so full of themselves. Paul Eisen, a Jew explains all.

Jew Is Part Of Largest Child Pornography Ring In History
They have more than 200 known victims.

PS He is an enemy of Western Civilization, one inciting Third World Immigration

Savile's Nephew Is A Paedophile Too
He got four years way back. BBC policy is protect Paedophiles so they pretended not to know.

Islamic Thief Took Bribes For Council Housing
He charged up to £4,000 a time.

The crooks paying the bribes are from Sierra Leone. Government Housing is a system for pandering to
Third World while screwing Englishmen.

Illegal Pakistani Immigrant Alleges Deportation Would Breach His Human Rights
Crooked lawyers put words into their mouths in order to rape the Legal Aid fund. He paid £15,000 for a bent passport. It should have been good.

20 March 2014 is the anniversary of the 2003 invasion of Iraq - Operation Iraqi Freedom using Blair's lies. They killed thousands, displaced millions, destroyed billions & cost trillions.

In 1995 it was that Aum Shinrikyo carried out its Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway getting 12 kills and 54 serious casualties.

Black Stole £13 Million
is busy thieving when he is not fornicating. Zuma beat 783 fraud raps the old fashioned way; he cheated - see Zuma, South Africa's Next President Is Deeply Evil.
PS He has entirely sensible views about homosexuals.

Black Stabbed White Girlfriend To Death

She believed the Western Guilt story; that we oppressed those wonderful natives living in harmony with nature, that the White Man is evil. She will not make that mistake again.

Pakistani Take Away Was Covered In Mouse Droppings
He got away with a £6,000 fine. He should have gone to prison, been flogged then deported.
PS He has done it all before - He just doesn't care. Nor does the Magistrate; another of them?

Black Food Shop Was Covered With Blood & Droppings
Chukwume Okoruwe [ a fine old English name ] has done it all before. Does he care? NO! They let him off lightly. Will he do it again? Probably. Will anyone with sense shop there? Perhaps blacks will.

IMF Boss Bunged Known Criminal £270 Million
is a woman and French at that. The previous IMF boss, a Jew went to prison for Raping A Black. He didn't stay there, sad to stay. Now he is in the frame for rape in France.

Pakistani Woman Gets Life For Smuggling Heroin Worth £3 Million
Pakistanis can do justice - if the bribes aren't enough.

PS The Daily Mail pretends that she is British. It is a Racist rag.

19 March 2014 On this day in 1982 Argentina invades South Georgia, an outlier of the Falklands, starting the Falkland War.

GCHQ Is An Agent Provocateur
Secret units within the 'Five Eyes" global spying network engage in covert online operations that aim to invade, deceive, and control online communities and individuals through the spread of false information and use of ingenious social-science tactics......

The new information comes via a document from the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG) of Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), entitled 'The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations,' which is top secret and only for dissemination within the Five Eyes intelligence partnership that includes Britain, the US, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.
Lying and cheating are standard techniques. Her Majesty's Government is deeply corrupt; it is the enemy of England. The Long March Through The Institutions succeeded. We are betrayed. NB it takes Russia Today, a foreign source to tell the truth.

Black Bunged Big Bucks To Cheat Football Fans
The Telegraph chooses to allege that paper appears to show that Jack Warner might have been given lotsa money. The Telegraph is dancing round the truth. The Wiki is more forthright, saying that he has been at it for years.

Warner has had dealings with Brown so he [ Warner ] is not fussy about who he meets.

Political Corruption Investigation Found All Black Perpetrators So It Was Shut Down
The Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office ran an undercover sting operation over three years that captured leading Philadelphia Democrats, including four members of the city’s state House delegation, on tape accepting money, The Inquirer has learned. Yet no one was charged with a crime.

In a statement to The Inquirer on Friday, Kane called the investigation poorly conceived, badly managed, and tainted by racism, saying it had targeted African Americans.....

Sources with knowledge of the sting said the investigation made financial pitches to both Republicans and Democrats, but only Democrats accepted the payments.
Racism is a real Get Out Of Jail Free card. In fact it is a never even get charged card. It is just as bad in London of course. Ahmed, a greasy little Racist was allowed to get away with it because he is a Pakistani. Blair gets away with it because his face fits Appointing the Director of Public Prosecutions helps too.

Black Arrested For Murdering An Old White Woman While Out On Probation

Perpetrator Victim

18 March 2014

Immigrants Cost England £3 Thousand A Year Each
Immigrants have cost the taxpayer more than £22 million a day since the mid-1990s, totting up a bill of more than £140 billion, according to a new report [ Fiscal Effects Of Immigration ]. MigrationWatch UK, which campaigns against mass immigration, added that in 2011 the costs were equivalent to £3,000 for each of the eight million foreign-born people living in Britain.

It compiled the figures in response to a study published by University College London (UCL) last year which claimed immigrants made a “substantial” contribution to public finances.

The pressure group’s new report said UCL’s conclusions [ claims/allegations/statements - delete to taste - Editor ]–which were given prominent coverage by the BBC–were “simply wrong”......

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migration Watch UK, said: “Our report finally disposes of the immigration lobby’s oft repeated claims that immigration reduces our tax burden.
Migration Watch UK
does not actually say that UCL is lying but it is pretty obvious that what they mean. Compare this with Illegal Aliens Cost Billions to get an honest view. Then see the next one.


Russia Is Dying - So Is England
What Difference Does Crimea Make In The Face Of Russia’s—And The West’s—Demographic Death Spiral?....

"World Population 2012" projects the population growth, or decline, of every country and continent, between now and 2050. [PDF].... Between 2012 and 2050, Ukraine, war or no war, will lose one-fourth of its population. Eleven to twelve million Ukrainians will vanish from the earth, a figure far higher than the highest estimate of the death toll of the horrific Holodomor of 1932-33.

Russia will lose 22 million people, with her population falling below 121 million. Every month between now and 2050, close to 50,000 Russians will disappear......

The fertility rate in these 10 countries is barely two-thirds of what is needed to maintain an existing population.

Remarkable. The century following the peaceful end of the Cold War and the liberation of the captive nations may witness population losses for Europe that exceed those of two world wars and rival those of the Black Death of the 14th century.

European Man is an endangered species. European Man is dying out. By 2050, Russia, the fourth most populous nation in 1950, will be 15th, behind Egypt, and far behind Congo and Tanzania. The only Western nation in the top 14 will be the USA. But most Americans will then trace their ancestry to Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Patrick J. Buchanan tells it like it is. We are dying out. Population Pyramids show it.


Theft Of Oil Tanker By Jews Foiled
US Navy SEALs captured the Morning Glory, a tanker with maybe $20 million of crude oil.  The Jews got away with it. Having diplomatic passports helped to get them  released into the community. The black who was presumably on the other side of the deal walked as well.


17 March 2014 On this day in 1992 White South Africans vote overwhelmingly to end Apartheid - see,_1992  

Adolf Hitler Becomes An Anti-Racist In Israel - Jews Hate Him For It


Thieving Jews Robbed Oldies
More Jews, more thieves.


Rabid Rabbi Justifies Genocide
Genocide is what Jews are doing in the Stolen Land that they call Israel. To be fair the blacks they herd into Saharonim Concentration Camp are not going to be gassed; they will be packed off back to the Hellholes they created.


Jews Celebrate Purim Massacre Says Daily Mail Propaganda
Jews murdered people, not vice versa. The Wikipedia buries that part of the story in the detail. The Daily Mail hides it totally.


Government Paid £786 Million Extra In Housing Dole
Government Housing sounds well meant. It is being used as a tool to inflict Third World aliens on us; giving them shelter while honest Englishmen are homeless. The Illegal Immigrant Housing deal is far better than we get.


16 March 2014 is the anniversary of the 2003 murder of Rachel Corrie RIP. She was an American peace activist murdered by the Jewish army using a Caterpillar D9 tractor when she was discouraging them from destroying people's homes. The Jew killed her deliberately and with malice aforethought. He got away with it. His superiors colluded in murder. That is what Jews do.

Jews Sabotaging Free Speech On The Internet
"Anti-Semitism on the net is “like a tsunami wave,” Knesset Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Committee chairman MK Yoel Razbozov said during a Sunday hearing on online hate speech.

Razbozov called for countries to enact legislation restricting online hate, and warned that if Jews will not act to combat the spread of anti-Semitism online, they will eventually “find themselves in mortal danger.”........

The Anti-Defamation League [ ADL ] testified regarding its ongoing relationship with Internet hosting company GoDaddy to take down anti-Semitic websites, citing some 30 sites it said were taken down by the American company...... “Facebook is coming around, they just need time,” Ronald Eissens of the International Network Against Cyberhate added."
Jews are victims again? Believe it if you want. Then ask about the Deir Yassin Massacre in 1948, Gaza Massacre I, Gaza Massacre II, Hebron Massacre 25 February, 1994........... it goes on.

Black Murderer Denied Bail

Murderer Victim
This another argument in favour of the Armed Citizen.


Black Thug Murdered White Lad

Another Trayvon. This one is obviously guilty no matter who is handling the propaganda so they will not be using him to garner votes for Obama.

15 March 2014

The Times Alleges That Field Marshall Slim Was A Paedophile
Bill Slim
was first rate man. Compare him with Murdoch, the chancer running a criminal Propaganda machine to see the difference. Murdoch keeps very quiet about the Zionist crazies who Rape Their Own Children In Bathhouses. Ditto for his hirelings who are on trial this day in England.


The Times Ignores Widespread Paedophile Perversion By Rapist Rabbis
Here are search results from The Times site:
Paedophile 1960 hits
Jew 609 hits
Paedophile & Jew 86 hits
This last group are mainly Jews making accusations against Catholics. To see lots more about perverted Jews go to Failed Messiah Tells Us About Paedophile Jews.


Paedophile Pervert Is A Jew, Is A Rabbi
Aren't they all?


Black Racists Celebrate Murder Of Englishman

Actually the woman could be an English fool. Black swine like this are imported by Her Majesty's Government, by Treason & enthusiastic collusion of Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition.


Vybz Kartel & Three Other Blacks Are Murderers

The jury wiped that smile off his face. Bribing them didn't work for some reason.

Monsanto Pays 'Independent' Scientists To Tell It Their Way
Do we need Genetic modification? That is the right question. NO! Is the right answer. GM Watch is against it. Monsanto is for it. Monsanto wants power. Monsanto wants even more billions. Monsanto is greedy. Monsanto is irresponsible. Monsanto is owned by Jews. Monsanto Family Were Jews & Slave Traders.


14 March 2014 On this day in 1964 Jack Ruby [ Jacob Rubinstein ] was convicted of murdering Lee Harvey Oswald. He got away with it because he was a Jew.

FBI Will Not Prosecute Nuclear Spy Because He Is A Jew
The ADL complains that Jonathan Pollard, a spy is still in prison even though he is a Jew. The fact that Jews get away with Treason because of their tribe is duly ignored.

Facts Are Sacred But Some Are More Sacred Than Others
The Guardian claims that the evil of 'zero hours' contract is on the rise. The Office of National Statistics says they are lying.
PS The Guardian uses these contracts because it run by Capitalist Swine.


Black Shadow Minister Is Stupid, Ignorant Or Lying
“Most of our thirteen years in office we didn’t have a debt, er, a deficit, because we hadn’t had the financial crash.”
Believe a politician? You might just as well believe a policeman.

A supercilious rogue, don't you think?


Black Drunk Driver Charged With Two Murders
He got 23 casualties as well as killing a Dutch man.

This is a mug shot from the last time he was charged.


Black Racist Murdered 42 People By Crashing Passenger Airliner

Mass Murderer Is A Hero Say Blacks

He murdered white people because he objected to getting all of those parking tickets. Another time when the Armed Citizen would have paid off.
PS His brother is a murderer too.


13 March 2014 On this day in 1996 a thug called Hamilton carried out the Dunblane Massacre killing seventeen children & teachers then himself. Blair used it as an excuse to disarm honest men while the thugs that guard him stay armed to the teeth.

Germans Say Do Not Invade Russia - Politicians Horrified
Der Tagesspiegel, a German Left Wing newspaper ran a poll, asking readers about the Ukraine situation. 4% wanted war; slow learners. Some eight out of ten thought that Russia is defending its legitimate interests. This is not the answer that The Establishment wants so the poll disappeared down the Memory hole.

Vladimir Putin Speaks For Peace
"Americans have not experienced political leadership or an independent media for such a long time that they will be amazed at the straightforward answers from the Russian President and by media asking real questions, some of which show the influence of Washington’s propaganda...... Putin’s calm leadership, the absence of provocative statements and threats, and his insistence on legality and will of the people stand in stark contrast to the West’s threats and support for violent overthrow of a democratically elected government. It is astonishing that the only leadership the world has comes from Russia, China, and three or four countries in South America."

You can see that Colonel Putin is respectable; he wears a tie unlike that scruffy little War Criminal, Blair
PS This article comes from Paul Craig Roberts, a distinguished economist who was in American politics.

Mother Of Baby Killer Gets Ten Years

Murderer Perjurer Sister
The woman [ that's the one in the middle ] looks worse than the son.

Black Man Murdered White Slut
The whore told him that she had AIDS, a mistake she will not make again.

12 March 2014

Criminal MPs
Indian members of Parliament are a bunch of crooks. This is not say they are any more corrupt than our lot. It is just that their police are more honest than ours. E.g. the Metropolitan police commissioner, a patter merchant called Hogan does not hesitate to ignore crime reports when the perpetrator is a Racist Pakistani called Ahmed. He would probably claim that it is not perverting the course of justice when he does it. One of these comedians is facing 46 charges including murder. One party has 80% of its men in the frame. The total is 146.

The Times Is An Anti-English Racist Propaganda Machine
The allegation that many Third World aliens are better qualified than Englishmen is Racist Propaganda marketed by Political Criminals, the Puppet Masters who are using Ethnic Fouling to destroy England. In this context many means more than two. The fact that a lot of Brits are badly educated is the result of government policy. Of course there is no mention of the major Immigrant contribution to the Crime industry but see Illegal Aliens Cost Billions.
PS Murdoch's mob are currently on trial for illegal phone hacking, bribery et cetera.
PPS The police who took the bribes are not on trial.

Police Thug Beat Up Woman On The Ground
Another vicious psychopath got off lightly. He should have been charged with ABH if not more. He has a track record of proven evil. Then there is the matter of what he was allowed to get away with. Now the police can reemploy him as a driving instructor or whatever.

Gypsies Filling Prisons
Five percent of prisoners choose to allege that they are Gypsies. We are not told how many claim that they are black but it is more like 50%. It is an issue that could be dealt with quickly, cheaply and efficiently by hanging.
PS Illegal Immigrants Import Diseases
PPS Illegal Aliens Cost Billions

Blacks Perpetrated Vicious Robbery & Rape

See the faces, see the evil. They should be hanged soonest.

Blacks Murdered White Man

Only one has been convicted of murder yet.

11 March 2014 is the anniversary of the 2004 Madrid Massacre. Ten bombs killed 192 people outright and injured another 1,400 odd. ETA was the immediate suspect but al Qaeda did it. Foreigners are wonderful caring human beings, sometimes. See inter alia The Grauniad

Lockerbie Bomb Was From Iran NOT Libya
The bomb was vengeance for the Iranian airliner shot down by the USS Vincennes, an American warship. They knew this but when Saddam invaded Kuwait Iran had to be kept on side for Desert Storm. Blaming Libya was the answer. It meant Perverting The Course Of Justice. What's new about that? If you read Private Eye you knew all this years ago.

Bent Judge Resigned After Living With Vicious Illegal Immigrant
She was black, Nigerian & vicious. Now she is in prison pending export. He has not admitted fornicating with her.

Policewoman Is A Thief
She is a different kind of policewoman; one who got caught. She now has 33 convictions for thieving and a fair chance of going to prison.

Police Have Claimed £85 Million For Accidents While 10 Thousand Jobs Were Axed
Telling lies makes lots of money. Telling lies puts innocent people in prison. It's all good fun for psychopaths. See e.g. Vicious Police Criminal Gets £400 Thousand Bung After Brutal Attack On Pensioner.

Metropolitan Police Corruption Is Gross Says Guardian
Actually it is not bad; it is worse. They got away with murder all too often. They are arrogant bullies, who like it that way. When they fornicate with policewomen on duty, they do not even bother to dispose of the French letters; they are left for the cleaners. What they miss when they go out is not the companionship or being able to drink and drive, it is the pleasure of committing Perjury and walking free.
PS The Guardian's answer is to go easy on blacks. They are fools who don't live anywhere near them. Evidence? See the next few.

Black Drug Dealers With Guns Linked To Triple Murder

One has been deported four times already.

American Border Guards Told To Run Away From Nasty, Rough Illegal Immigrants
They have been attacked maybe a thousand times a year. Crime pays when the criminals run the government.

Black Thief Took Fools For £300 Thousand

Tory MP On Trial For Sodomite Rape Etcetera
The Jew, Bercow is a prosecution witness. Believe him? Not me.

Apartheid Israel Is Like Apartheid South Africa
Desmond Tutu saw Apartheid in South Africa. He didn't like it. He also knew it was Jews of the South African Communist Party using it as a Propaganda. Little Des has seen Jews humiliating Palestinians. He has seen how Jews enjoy it. Little Des doesn't like that either. Little Des is an honest man unlike Nelson Mandela , a front man used by Jews.

10 March 2014

Metropolitan Police Chief Attacks Whistleblowers
Hogan is all there when it comes to claiming that he hates Racism - if Englishmen are accused. It is very different when Pakistanis like Ahmed are named. He doesn't like open justice either. Secrecy makes it easier to Pervert The Course Of Justice

NSA Is A Criminal Organisation Says Julian Assange
Julian is right of course. We must act he says but not how.

Islamic Twerp Goes To Syria And Get Robbed By Other Islamics
Are you all broke up?

Jew Wants More Third World Immigrants In America But NOT Israel
The Jew in question, Penny Pritzker is the one who picked Obama out of the gutter and put him in the White House. She is one of the Puppet Masters. So her views matter. You doubt? See Chuck Schumer says Jews got Obama started in politics.
PS Do immigrants make a difference? You betcha. See the next few.

Black Paedophile Molested 8 Year Old Girl

He's done it before.

Black Paedophile Charged With Molesting 9 Year Old

See the face, know the crime.

Black Paedophile Charged With Raping 11 Year Met On Facebook

He has done it all before.

Black Paedophile Raped 11 Year Old, Impregnated Her & Murdered Her Baby

Black Paedophile Gets 60 Years For Molesting 12 Year Old

Black Triple Rapist Captured In Tulsa

Black Rapist Is A Policeman

How did he get to be a policeman? Well it was in Detroit.

9 March 2014 On this day in Tokyo got bombed by the USAF. There were more casualties [ 100,000 ] than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They used more than 300 Superforts. does not approve. I do. They started it. We finished it.

Bank Bosses Screw Taxpayers With £37 Million In Bonuses
"The top 21 executives at Britain’s nationalised banks were handed £37 million in bonuses yesterday, provoking fury from pay campaigners and trade unions.

The bosses of Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group each received awards valued at up to £3 million, while the chief of RBS’s “bad bank” was awarded as much as £5 million. RBS, which is 81 per cent-owned by the taxpayer, reported an £8.2 billion loss"
That is better than £1 million each. It is robbery, fraud, larceny, a stitch up, call it what you will.


American Government Sabre Rattling In Black Sea

USS Truxtun moving through the Bosphorus.


Rand Paul Makes Libertarian Noises
Rand Paul, the White Renegade of the Year talks the talk. He doesn't walk the walk. Telling us that Obama is enemy makes sense. He said the right things then went the other way. Is he a fool, rogue, a Moral Coward, a Traitor, blackmailed or bribed? Something is wrong. He has let us down. His father did too by promising much then walking away.


99% Of People Would Make Daughters Abort If The Sperm Donor Was Black Alleges Black Racist 


Black Murdered Man Raped The Wife

His lawyer is claiming that the black is a lunatic. He has lotsa previous.


Blacks Murdered White Student

See the faces, see the guilt. They were on the run when they did it.


Black Murders Two Jews - A Bad Mistake

He has been here before but killing Jews means that he is not going to get away with the I wasn't breast fed routine again. Of course the Main Stream Media are keeping quiet about the fact that his victims were Jews.


 8 March 2014

US Government Refusing Visas To Israeli Criminals
They are blocking Israeli government officials. Pretty well all of them were complicit in Gaza Massacre I Gaza Massacre II & other war crimes. This will turn out to be a non-issue. The Jews are too powerful to tolerate any insolence from American officials.


Understanding The Ukraine Situation 
'I think,' said Sidonia, 'that there is no error so vulgar as to believe that revolutions are occasioned by economical causes.’
Coningsby by the Jew, Benjamin Disraeli (1844)
The Puppet Masters are still using American mugs.


Blonde Teacher Lady Charged With Felony Rape Of 16 Year Old Victim

Before you shed a tear for her victim think about a typical black rapist e.g.

or a typical white victim of the Third World aliens who have turned Malmö into the rape capital of Scandinavia.

PS Rape in Sweden is fun - for the perpetrators.


One Out Of Ten Norwegian Women Have Been Raped By Islamic Intruders 


Jews In England Allege Anti-Semitism To Protect Kosher Slaughter
Kosher Slaughter is done to animals, to half a million every week [ see MP Backs Vet ] when they are conscious, not stunned. It is cruel, it is obviously cruel, Her Majesty's Government knows it is cruel. But they don't care; pandering to Jews matters more. Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition is even more unprincipled; they outlawed fox hunting, alleging it was cruel but ignore blatant cruelty in slaughter. houses.


7 March 2014

Russians Blockade Ukrainian Naval Ships - Allegedly
There is a picture so it must be true? Not quite.


Racist Media Generating More Anti-White Propaganda Using Lawrence Case

This photo has been cut to hide the nature of the attackers, which is to say black. Notice that the filth are standing back, the letting the negroes get away with exercising their right to  Hatred, to be
Racist. The Main Stream Media are Propaganda machines. The party line is that The Establishment was Perverting The Course Of Justice for the benefit of patriotic Englishmen; the precise reverse of the truth. Of course there was a bent copper involved. Is there any other sort? The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry used MacPherson, a judge who was a senior man in the SAS and the chief of his clan. He is none the less a moral coward who allowed himself to be intimidated by race hustlers or a fool. Alternatively he is both.


Lord Chief Justice Wants Corrupt Bankers In Prison
It sounds good to me. Why isn't the rest of The Establishment cheering him on? For that matter why didn't they go for it? Could it be because they are all in it together, a gang of corrupt criminals robbing the Tax Payer? Because they are making billions out of us while betraying us? It could be. It is.
PS Is Downing Street just as bent as the rest? See the next two.


Downing Street Hides Truth About Pornographer MP
They alleged that it didn't happen. They lied. They are politicians. They are corrupt. QED.


Paedophile Is Illegal Immigrant Claiming Asylum To Avoid Deportation 


Rabbi Arrested For Child Pornography Carries On Teaching Children


6 March 2014

Quote of the Day
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
Said by Abraham Lincoln otherwise called Honest Abe, the hero of the anti-slave Propagandists

Russia Has Thirty Bombers Nuked Up And Ready To Go - Allegedly


Black Gets Out After Murdering White Policeman

Conway was a Black Panther so this political. Justice comes nowhere.


Pope Francis Got Maimonides Award
So who was Maimonides? A leading Jew full of hate, full of evil. Even the Wikipedia admits that he had his detractors - just like little Adolf. Did  Maimonides support inter-faith relations? Not exactly. Maimonides was in favour of Sodomy, of Paedophiles, said that Gentiles are not human, was an anti-black Racist, that God ordered Jews to murder Christians.


5 March 2014

Illegal Immigrants Have Sheds With Beds
There are 319 in Harrow alone. There are thousands nationally. What will Cameron do about it? He will let them carry on. Pandering to Sikhs, to anyone with a vote, legal or not is policy. Cameron Sneers At Brits While Snivelling To Third World Aliens.

He gets to wear the silly hat, not a proper turban.


Cameron's Apparatchik Arrested For Child Pornography

It ain't the first time. His face fits with Tories. Real people decided that weren't having him as their MP.


Tory Party Warns MPs How To Get Away With Crime, Fraud Et Cetera Accusations
One way is don't do it in the first place but this is about real life, not theory. Not getting caught is the practical answer. NB Tory is the Irish word for thief.


EU Demand Another £2.5 BILLION To Fund Corruption, Their Waste, Their Expenses
Auditors refuse to sign off Brussels accounts - again. It is normal, routine, SOP [ standard operating procedure ]


Pakistani Kills Two Toddlers In Death By Dangerous Driving

But she will vote for  Cameron if it keeps her out of prison. Of course an Englishman would be sacrificed without a second thought.


Third World Thug Murdered Westernized Wife
He wasn't just a vicious thug, he was a vicious chancer who married her to get out of the Hellhole he helped create.


Pakistani Paedophile Gets Ten Years In Florida 


4 March 2014 is Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday, the last day of  Carnival which begins on the Twelfth Day of Christmas, ending on the day before Ash Wednesday which is the beginning of Lent.

Troops Exchange Fire In The Ukraine - Allegedly
There is a LOT of tracer going to the left. Blokes are wandering round in the foreground. Genuine? Where? Pass but it could be start of something bad.


Statutory Rapist Was Betrayed By Her Husband

He had a secret child. She had a fling. She doesn't look at all shy.


Pakistanis Flee English Government Apparatchiks

They are threatening not to come back to England. Are you all broke up?


Black Murder Suspect Sought


Black Murdered Four Women From An Escort Site


Two Jews Got Married Says Daily Mail Propaganda Piece
The Daily Mail keeps very quiet about the Ultra-Orthodox Jews who are Paedophiles, attacking their own children; that is when they are not stealing, lying cheating. See e.g. what the Failed Messiah has to say about what were his own until he decided that he would not keep his mouth shut about evil.


East European Rapist Did It Again One Month After Getting To England 
He got ten years for it in Lithuania. The Lord Chief Justice gave him life. Flogging and hanging would have been better but the law has been perverted by Socialists and their Useful Idiots.


3 March 2014

Russians Protect Their Black Sea Fleet
"Russia has confirmed it moved troops already based in Ukraine’s Crimea region to protect its naval fleet, saying the movements comply with Russian-Ukrainian agreements......."
That is not what you read in your standard Western Main Stream Media, the Propaganda machines. It comes from Veterans Today, patriotic Americans who served in Iraq et cetera.
PS The Russian Navy Is In The Mediterranean Protecting Syria Against American War Criminals


1 PARA Men Should Not Be Prosecuted After Bloody Sunday Says IRA Killer
 Blair gave IRA immunity but set up the Saville Inquiry to screw men of the Parachute Regiment. He is a greasy little crook on the make as well as a Traitor & War Criminal On The Run


How The BBC Fixes Political Bias
Choose the committee, choose the result is the short of it. Barry Krusch explains HOW the dice is loaded, HOW results are fixed in How To Frame A Patriot.


BBC Fat Cats Still Robbing Us Blind


Blacks Rob Same Bank Six Years Later

The police killed two more, which is a benefit. It save the cost of keeping them in prison.


2 March 2014

Black Imported By Treason Murdered Old Englishman

Her Majesty's Government imports Third World thugs like this as a matter of policy & of Treason, with the enthusiastic collusion of Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition.
PS This little bastard [ almost certainly has 31 previous. He should have been flogged then hanged long ago.


Black Murdered His Wife Who Was White
Perpetrator                     Victim
She won't be making that mistake again.


Black Thugs Injure An Old Lady


Black Robber With Kalashnikov Comes Unstuck

He was on holiday from prison. Are the Traitors who imported him going to get rid of him? Not a chance. They want the likes of him? They want our votes too.


Top Ten Anti-Semites In America
The Zionist crazies of the Anti-Defamation League defame the Americans they hate:-
#1. Louis Farrakhan, who proved that Jews ran the slave trade
#2. Students for Justice in Palestine - Justice makes them hate Jews?
#3. Thomas Friedman
#4. Ali Abunimah
#5. Ron Paul - Ron Paul is the only honest man in Congress
#6. Pat Buchanan - an honest writer
#7. David Duke
#8. John Mearsheimer - see The Israel Lobby
#9. Willis Carto
#10. Gordon Duff
I didn't make their list either.

jew control america gets 17 million hits. Can everybody be wrong about God's Chosen People?


Times Alleges British Army Sex Crimes While Ignoring Rapist Rabbis & Paedophile Perverts
The Times is keeping quiet about rapist rabbis & paedophile perverts - if they are Jews. God's Chosen People are too important, too powerful for us to be told the truth about them. See e.g.:-
Rapist Rabbi Walks Free
Notorious Rapist Rabbi Loses Second Appeal - he got 30 years
Paedophile Pervert Wants Out Of Prison
891 More Paedophiles In An All Jew Lineup


Jews Destroying Houses - Ethnic Cleansing In Jerusalem
Business as normal.


Jews Destroy More Houses In Israel, The Stolen Land
Nazis are nicer.


Jews Still At It
Mad, bad and dangerous to know.


1 March 2014

Cameron Sneers At Brits While Snivelling To Third World Aliens
Did he apologize to Sikhs because one SAS officer advised the local army how NOT to kill, or was it to buy votes in Birmingham? Try the latter. Of course in England he Pretends He Is Against Third World Immigration, pushing Multiculturalism with a different audience.  In the anniversary commemorations for the Great War the British government are planning to downplay the role of White soldiers from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa [ the ANZACs ]. Cameron is corrupted by a lust for power. That is if he wasn't bent before running for office. Blair did these phony apologies too. Do they work? Third World chancers know corruption when they see it. They use it then vote ethnic.

He gets to wear the silly hat, not a proper turban.


Russian Navy In Mediterranean Protecting Syria Against War Criminals

Admiral Kuznetsov carries 28 MiG29s. They could spoil your day. Zionist crazies want their American puppets to invade Syria for them. Iran is their preferred target but the Pentagon had the good sense to refuse.


MiG29K [ NATO Name = Fulcrum ]


Jews Fear Nationalist Gains In Europe
The European Jewish Congress fears far-right gains in upcoming European elections and believes a grouping presenting itself as simply populist and euroskeptical is just as dangerous as out-and-out extremists, the EJC's president said. "
They have not just been complaining; they have been spying, infiltrating, attacking, subverting, breaking. Consider:-
Marine le Pen panders to Jews.
Geert Wilders panders to Jews.
panders to Jews
Conservative Friends of Israel pander to Jews
Labour Friends of Israel panders to Jews
Nick Griffin broke the British National Party for them.
The Jews are playing with a stacked deck. That is how they like it. Meanwhile nationalist Jews, Racist Jews are practicing Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine, the Stolen Land they call Israel.


Terrorist Jews Operated In England
The Guardian is keen on telling us about those awful Fascists. The bit about Jews is down the bottom hidden. The sources at include five files on post-war Jewish terrorism activities in the UK, including assassination targets (KV 3/437 441)


28 February 2014 This day in 1993 was the first of Waco Massacre I when the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [ BATF ] attacked a Christian community in Texas, killing six people. They lost four of theirs dead in the process which may well have been own goals. It was the only saving grace of the affair. The FBI took over and besieged them for months. David Koresh was the leader of this group. He beat an attempted murder rap but the FBI got him later. The author of this piece seems to feel that it was right to carry out a massacre of women and children. Others are less nonchalant. See The Waco Massacre It happened on Clinton's watch.

I was brought up with lies all the time . . . that's how you got along. . . . I have lied my entire life
Monica Lewinsky [ a Jew ] Explains All In
The Quote of the Century

Judge The 2010 Gold G-String Award In New Orleans
This is a rare opportunity to exercise your skill and judgment. Have you got what it takes? NB It may not qualify for the Job Seekers' Allowance. See Stormy Daniels, a past winner and think for yourself.


Jewish Pimp Pleading Guilty In Spitzer Case
An Israeli man [ the Jew, Mark Brener ] accused of running an escort service that brought down New York governor Eliot Spitzer in March was set to plead guilty on Thursday afternoon to money laundering, prostitution and conspiracy, according to his lawyer......... "It does appear that there's a continuing investigation," noted criminal defence attorney Gerald Shargel told WCBS-TV. "The manner in which the investigation is being conducted strongly suggests that Gov. Spitzer is a target."
You have to admit that he dealt in quality, albeit there is no kindness in her face. You might also wonder why Spitzer got fingered while the rest of her clients walked away. Spitzer did annoy Bush as well as other rich criminals. See Eliot Spitzer Was Screwed for more on this one.

This is not one of the 18 known pictures of her at Kristen the definitive gallery so she'll just have to do until one comes along.

Today's Girl
Is for light relief.


Her Majesty's Prime Minister Picks His Nose In Parliament
The man is a plebeian oaf and a spendthrift swine to boot. The poor Queen has to deal with the man. Does he wash his hands first? See it in glorious Technicolor® if you have the stomach for it. Then watch him clean his fingers on his tie.


More at 2014

Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
Email me at Mike Emery. All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to keep it private, use my PGP KeyHome Page

Updated on 07/01/2013 22:07